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Created April 2, 2020 10:11
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Path of Exile | AutoHotKey script to use all flask at the same time
;Lines starting with a ; are comments and are not part of the actual script.
;If you want to deactivate a flask press(e.g. because it is your hp flask) simply add a ; to the start of the line
;this line makes the script only work when Path of Exile is the active window
#IfWinActive Path of Exile
#SingleInstance force
AttackTimeout := 3000 ; Key pass-through after last attack
HoldAttackClick := false
LastAttackClick := 0
; KB or mouse button used for main skills, used to enable pass-through when chatting etc etc
; If you want another just copy the two functions below
HoldAttackClick := true
LastAttackClick := A_TickCount
~RButton up::
; pass-thru and release the right mouse button
HoldAttackClick := false
;The key (or mouse button) you press to activate the script. For a list of supported "keys" and combinations,
; see and
if (((A_TickCount - LastAttackClick) < AttackTimeout) || HoldAttackClick)
;Initialize random delays between 57 and 114 ms (arbitrary values, may be changed)
random, delay2, 59, 136
random, delay3, 50, 141
random, delay4, 56, 149
random, delay5, 53, 139
;send, 1 ;simulates the keypress of the 1 button. If you use another button, change it!
;sleep, %delay2%
send, 2 ;simulates the keypress of the 2 button. If you use another button, change it!
sleep, %delay3%
send, 3 ;simulates the keypress of the 3 button. If you use another button, change it!
sleep, %delay4%
send, 4 ;simulates the keypress of the 4 button. If you use another button, change it!
sleep, %delay5%
send, 5 ;simulates the keypress of the 5 button. If you use another button, change it!
send, XButton1
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