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Last active April 21, 2023 06:04
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- anaconda
- pytorch
- nvidia
- conda-forge
- python=3.8
- pip
- pytorch=1.13.1
- torchvision
- torchaudio
- pytorch-cuda=11.7
- cudatoolkit-dev=11.7
- numpy
- jupyterlab
- pip:
- protobuf==3.20
- matplotlib
- psutil
- tqdm
- pandas
- scipy
- spacy
- ipykernel
- tensorboard
- onnxruntime-gpu>=1.7
- torch-tb-profiler
- msrest
- debugpy
- transformers==4.28.1
- accelerate==0.18.0
- datasets==2.10.1
- evaluate==0.4.0
- nltk
- rouge_score
- cma
- gpustat
- scikit-learn
- wandb
- pytorch-warmup
- triton==1.0.0
- ninja==1.11.1
- deepspeed==0.9.1
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