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  • Save RH2/0603c47b257103cb1cff76f9b2bf9cd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RH2/0603c47b257103cb1cff76f9b2bf9cd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//best version yet...
function processElement(element, ALL_IDS) {
let stylesheet = '';
let svgString = '';
// Check if the element has children (e.g., <g> elements)
if (element.children.length > 0) {
// If it's a group, process each child
let groupContent = '';
Array.from(element.children).forEach((child) => {
const { svgString: childSvgString, stylesheet: childStylesheet } = processElement(child, ALL_IDS);
groupContent += childSvgString;
stylesheet += childStylesheet;
// Reconstruct the group element with its processed children
const groupTag = element.outerHTML.match(/^<g[^>]*>/)[0];
svgString += groupTag + '\n' + groupContent + '</g>\n';
} else {
// Extract the 'stroke-dasharray' value if it exists
const style = element.getAttribute('style');
const dasharrayMatch = style ? style.match(/stroke-dasharray\s*:\s*([^;]+);?/) : null;
if (dasharrayMatch) {
const dasharray = dasharrayMatch[1];
// Calculate the total length (sum of dashes and gaps)
const dashValues = dasharray.split(/[\s,]+/).map(Number);
let totalLength = dashValues.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0).toFixed(0); // Rounds to the nearest integer
// Generate a unique ID based on the element's totalLength to avoid duplication
const uniqueId = `flowline-${totalLength}`;
// If the uniqueId is not already in ALL_IDS
if (!ALL_IDS.includes(uniqueId)) {
// Generate CSS rule
stylesheet += `
#${uniqueId} {
animation: dash-${uniqueId} 1s linear infinite;
@keyframes dash-${uniqueId} {
from {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
to {
stroke-dashoffset: ${totalLength};
// Assign the unique ID to the element
element.setAttribute('id', uniqueId);
// Convert the element back to a string and append to svgString
svgString += element.outerHTML.replace('xmlns="" ', "") + '\n';
return { svgString, stylesheet };
function generateSvgAndStylesheet(elements) {
let stylesheet = '';
let svgString = '';
const ALL_IDS = []; // Use a local array to keep track of unique IDs
elements.forEach((element) => {
const { svgString: elementSvgString, stylesheet: elementStylesheet } = processElement(element, ALL_IDS);
svgString += elementSvgString;
stylesheet += elementStylesheet;
return { svgString, stylesheet };
// Select all <path>, <rect>, and <g> elements
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('svg > path, svg > rect, svg > g');
// Generate the SVG string and stylesheet string
const { svgString, stylesheet } = generateSvgAndStylesheet(elements);
// Output the SVG string and stylesheet string
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