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Forked from yakatz/example_usage.pp
Created November 8, 2022 21:55
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Manage System Git Config with Puppet
class myweb::sites::wiki_example_com {
wiki_base = '/var/www/sites/'
include ::profile::gitconfig
profile::gitconfig::safe_directory {"${wiki_base}/code/mediawiki-1.35-LTS":}
vcsrepo { "${wiki_base}/code/mediawiki-1.35-LTS/":
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
source => '',
revision => 'master',
# == Class: profile::gitconfig
# Control System-Wide Git Configuration
# === Authors
# Yehuda Katz <>
class profile::gitconfig {
$gitconfig_file = lookup('profile::gitconfig::file', {default_value => '/etc/gitconfig'})
$gitconfig_dir = lookup('profile::gitconfig::dir', {default_value => '/etc/gitconfig.d'})
Concat::Fragment <| tag == gitconfig |> -> Vcsrepo <| |>
file { $gitconfig_file:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
file { $gitconfig_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
ini_setting { 'Include Puppet-Managed Git Config':
ensure => present,
path => $gitconfig_file,
section => 'include',
setting => 'path',
value => "${gitconfig_dir}/puppet",
concat { 'gitconfig':
path => "${gitconfig_dir}/puppet",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
warn => true,
# For ordering, space comes before /: The space is important
concat::fragment { 'gitconfig-safedir- header':
target => 'gitconfig',
content => "[safe]\n",
order => '10',
# == Class: profile::gitconfig::safe_directory
# Add `` to system config
# === Authors
# Yehuda Katz <>
define profile::gitconfig::safe_directory (
Stdlib::Absolutepath $path = $title
) {
if $path =~ /^.+\/$/ {
fail(" can not have a trailing slash: ${path}")
concat::fragment { "gitconfig-safedir-${title}":
target => 'gitconfig',
content => " directory = ${path}\n",
order => '10',
tag => ['gitconfig'],
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