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Created December 2, 2023 22:22
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Advent Of Code 2023
Advent of Code 2023, Day Two, Task 1
Run: python < input.txt
from collections import namedtuple
import sys
GameRecord = namedtuple('GameRecord', 'index rounds')
def parse_round(blob):
'''e.g. 7 green, 14 red, 5 blue'''
return {
color: int(count)
for count, color in map(str.split, blob.split(','))
def parse_all_rounds(blob):
'''e.g. 7 green, 14 red, 5 blue; 8 red, 4 green'''
return map(parse_round, blob.strip().split(';'))
def parse(line):
'''e.g. Game 1: 7 green, 14 red, 5 blue; 8 red, 4 green'''
game_blob, rounds_blob = line.strip().split(':')
return GameRecord(
def possible(round, **limits):
'''A round is possible if it doesn't exceed the limits'''
for color, count in round.items():
if limits[color] < count:
return False
return True
def valid(game, **limits):
'''A game is valid if all its rounds are possible'''
return all(
possible(round, **limits)
for round in game.rounds
def solution(red=0, green=0, blue=0):
def f(game):
if valid(game, red=red, green=green, blue=blue):
return game.index
return 0
return f
print(sum(map(solution(red=12, green=13, blue=14), map(parse, sys.stdin))))
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