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Created August 30, 2024 23:10
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Jetformbuilder: Contact form, Jetbooking and Jetappointment, hide labels or titles when fields are empty
Copy the following PHP code and create a PHP snippet using your snippet plugins.
Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
Hide labels or titles when fields are empty ( Send email action - content )
Add this shortcode name to Send email post action ( content )
[display_if_not_empty field="%your field name%" label="Your label name:"]
Repeat this process until all the fields
and the respective labels have been entered in each shortcode name. You may include as many as you want.
// Shortcode to display field and label only if the field is not empty
function jfb_display_if_not_empty($atts, $content = null) {
// Define default attributes and merge with user-defined attributes
$defaults = array(
'field' => '', // The field value to check
'label' => '', // The label text to display
$atts = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts);
// Initialize output variable
$output = '';
// Check if the field value is set and not empty
$field_value = trim($atts['field']);
// If the field is not empty, append the label and field value to the output with controlled spacing
if ($field_value !== '') {
$output .= '<div style="margin-bottom: 5px;">' . esc_html($atts['label']) . ' ' . esc_html($field_value) . '</div>';
// Return the output without additional spaces or gaps
return $output;
// Register the shortcode with WordPress
add_shortcode('display_if_not_empty', 'jfb_display_if_not_empty');
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