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Created August 1, 2023 13:46
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use backdrop::BackdropStrategy;
use stable_deref_trait::StableDeref;
use std::sync::Arc;
use streaming_iterator::StreamingIterator;
/// A struct that wraps any `impl StreamingIterator<item = T>`
/// together with its data source (where it borrows the references to T from).
/// The data source will be dropped once iteration is finished.
/// To make this safe, the data source will need to be in a stable location in memory.
/// In other words: Wrapped in a container that implements `StableDeref`.
/// Most frequently, this means behind a `Rc` or `Arc`.
pub struct OwningStreamingIter<T, Source, Iter, StableSourceContainer>
T: 'static,
Iter: StreamingIterator<Item = T>,
StableSourceContainer: StableDeref<Target = Source>,
// Actually has lifetime of '_source'
// declared first so it is dropped first
iter: Iter,
_source: StableSourceContainer,
impl<T, Source, Iter> OwningStreamingIter<T, Source, Iter, Arc<Source>>
T: 'static,
Source: 'static,
Iter: StreamingIterator<Item = T>,
/// Creates a new OwningStreamingIter
/// # SAFETY
/// Do not store the parameter given to the `iter_creation_fn` callback elsewhere!
/// The reference will live as long as this OwnedStreamingIter object,
/// (And this is what makes it OK to return a StreamingIterator for anything referencing any part of it)
/// but it is not truly static!
/// (Pretty much the only way to do this wrong, is to deliberately write some of its contents a datatype with interior mutability (RefCell, Mutex). But I am not aware of any way to write out the function signature to convince Rust that the &'a Source lives longer than Iter without resorting to &'static. And therefore this function has to be unsafe.)
pub unsafe fn new<'a>(
source: Arc<Source>,
iter_creation_fn: impl Fn(&'static Source) -> Iter,
) -> Self {
let iter = {
// SAFETY: Pretend like 'source' is static for a little while.
// This is correct, as from the viewpoint of 'iter' it will behave identically:
// - As long as 'source' is around, any references into it will remain valid as its memory location is fixed (courtesy of StableDeref).
// - 'source' will be around for longer than 'iter': it is dropped later because of struct field ordering.
let static_source_ref: &'static Source =
unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<&'_ Source, &'static Source>(&*source) };
OwningStreamingIter {
_source: source,
impl<T, Source, Iter, Strat> OwningStreamingIter<T, Source, Iter, backdrop_arc::Arc<Source, Strat>>
T: 'static,
Source: 'static,
Iter: StreamingIterator<Item = T>,
Strat: BackdropStrategy<Box<Source>>,
pub unsafe fn new_backdrop<'a>(
source: backdrop_arc::Arc<Source, Strat>,
iter_creation_fn: impl Fn(&'static Source) -> Iter,
) -> Self {
let iter = {
// SAFETY: Pretend like 'source' is static for a little while.
// This is correct, as from the viewpoint of 'iter' it will behave identically:
// - As long as 'source' is around, any references into it will remain valid as its memory location is fixed (courtesy of StableDeref).
// - 'source' will be around for longer than 'iter': it is dropped later because of struct field ordering.
let static_source_ref: &'static Source =
unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<&'_ Source, &'static Source>(&*source) };
OwningStreamingIter {
_source: source,
pub struct OnceRef<'a, T> {
first: bool,
item: Option<&'a T>,
impl<'a, T> StreamingIterator for OnceRef<'a, T> {
type Item = T;
fn advance(&mut self) {
if self.first {
self.first = false;
} else {
self.item = None;
fn get(&self) -> Option<&Self::Item> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let len = self.first as usize;
(len, Some(len))
impl<'a, T> streaming_iterator::DoubleEndedStreamingIterator for OnceRef<'a, T> {
fn advance_back(&mut self) {
/// Creates an iterator that returns exactly one item from a reference.
/// ```
/// # use streaming_iterator::StreamingIterator;
/// let mut streaming_iter = streaming_iterator::once(1);
/// assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// ```
pub fn once_ref<'a, T>(item: &'a T) -> OnceRef<'a, T> {
OnceRef {
first: true,
item: Some(item),
impl<'a, Source, StableSourceContainer>
OwningStreamingIter<Source, Source, OnceRef<'a, Source>, StableSourceContainer>
Source: 'a,
StableSourceContainer: StableDeref<Target = Source>,
pub fn new2(source: StableSourceContainer) -> Self {
let iter = {
let long_source_ref: &'a Source =
unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<&'_ Source, &'a Source>(&*source) };
let iter = once_ref(long_source_ref);
Self {
_source: source,
// impl<T, Source, Iter, StableSourceContainer> Drop
// for OwningStreamingIter<T, Source, Iter, StableSourceContainer>
// where
// Iter: StreamingIterator<Item = T>,
// StableSourceContainer: StableDeref<Target = Source>,
// {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// println!(
// "Dropping OwningIterator {:?}",
// &self._source as *const StableSourceContainer
// );
// }
// }
impl<T, Source, Iter, StableSourceContainer> StreamingIterator
for OwningStreamingIter<T, Source, Iter, StableSourceContainer>
Iter: StreamingIterator<Item = T>,
StableSourceContainer: StableDeref<Target = Source>,
type Item = T;
fn get(&self) -> Option<&Self::Item> {
fn advance(&mut self) {
// println!(
// "Advancing OwningIterator {:?}",
// &self._source as *const StableSourceContainer
// );
/// Helper struct to help the compiler figure out
/// that a Box<dyn StreamingIterator> can be used as a StreamingIterator
/// Useful for constructing recursive (streaming) iterators.
pub struct BoxedSI<'storage, K>(Box<dyn StreamingIterator<Item = K> + 'storage + Send>);
impl<'storage, K> BoxedSI<'storage, K> {
pub fn new(iterator: impl StreamingIterator<Item = K> + 'storage + Send) -> Self {
pub fn from_box(boxed_iter: Box<dyn StreamingIterator<Item = K> + 'storage + Send>) -> Self {
impl<'storage, K> StreamingIterator for BoxedSI<'storage, K> {
type Item = K;
fn get(&self) -> Option<&Self::Item> {
fn advance(&mut self) {
/// When calling `.map` or `.flat_map` etc. on an OwningStreamingIter,
/// Rust will often tell you that the return type captures a reference ('2) from the passed input reference ('1)
/// and that this is a problem since there is no way to know whether '1 will outlive '2.
/// ```ignore
/// error: lifetime may not live long enough
/// --> src/
/// |
/// 93 ||node| match node {
/// | ----- return type of closure is std::slice::Iter<'2, T>
/// | |
/// | has type `&'1 Node<T>`
/// ...
/// 99 | convert_ref(children.iter())
/// | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ returning this value requires that `'1` must outlive `'2`
/// ```
/// However, the whole point of using OwnedStreamingIter is to make sure that '1 *does* outlive '2!
/// Unfortunately, there is no `'this` lifetime or the likes in current Rust to indicate that the reference will be around
/// exactly as long as the `OwnedStreamingIter` object itself.
/// This function can be used to tell the compiler that the reference that is passed to the function indeed will live long enough.
/// However, using it is unsafe, as misuse leads to dangling references.
/// # Safety
/// ## 1 Only use this function to extend the lifetime of the *passed-in* reference.
/// Using it to extend the lifetime of any other reference (like a reference *returned* from a mapping operation)
/// can very easily lead to accidental dangling references being created in safe Rust code later on.
/// (Such as in a later iterator-transforming operation).
/// ## 2 Only use the extended reference to construct the outcome of the mapping function from
/// Specifically, do not store (any subpart of) the extended reference inside any datastructure outside of the closure.
/// This goes for both `mut` variables and for types with interior mutability (RefCell, Mutex, etc.)
/// as they might outlive the lifetime of the OwningStreamingIter object and the compiler will not catch this!
/// The easiest way to uphold this is by just keeping the transformation function pure.
/// Upholding this guarantee is not that difficult, but keep in mind that logging then-and-there is fine, but logging lazily needs to be done very carefully.
pub unsafe fn extend_lifetime<'long, T>(short_ref: &T) -> &'long T {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(short_ref) }
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
pub fn iter_vec() {
let vec: Arc<Vec<usize>> = (1..1000).collect::<Vec<_>>().into();
let owning_iterator = unsafe {
OwningStreamingIter::new(vec.clone(), |vec| {
let result: Vec<_> = owning_iterator.cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&result, &*vec);
pub fn iter_vec2() {
let vec: Arc<Vec<usize>> = (1..1000).collect::<Vec<_>>().into();
let owning_iterator = {
OwningStreamingIter::new2(vec.clone()).flat_map(|vec| {
// SAFETY: Used on the passed-in reference, and closure is pure
let vec = unsafe { extend_lifetime(vec) };
let result: Vec<_> = owning_iterator.cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&result, &*vec);
// Breaks the unsafe contract
// MIRI catches this :-)
// #[test]
pub fn disallow_copying_data_outside_of_initialization_function() {
use std::sync::Mutex;
let data: Mutex<Option<&Vec<usize>>> = None.into();
let vec: Arc<Vec<usize>> = (1..1000).collect::<Vec<_>>().into();
let owning_iterator =
// SAFETY BROKEN: Deliberately breaking the safety contract here
// by writing to 'data' inside the callback
unsafe {
OwningStreamingIter::new(vec.clone(), |vec| {
*data.lock().unwrap() = Some(vec);
let result: Vec<_> = owning_iterator.cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&result, &*vec);
assert_eq!(None, *data.lock().unwrap());
// Breaks the unsafe contract
// MIRI catches this :-)
pub fn disallow_copying_data_outside_of_initialization_function2() {
// use std::sync::Mutex;
// let data: Mutex<Option<&Vec<usize>>> = None.into();
let vec: Arc<Vec<usize>> = (1..1000).collect::<Vec<_>>().into();
let owning_iterator = {
OwningStreamingIter::new2(vec.clone()).flat_map(|vec| {
// SAFETY: Used on the passed-in reference, and closure is pure
let vec = unsafe { extend_lifetime(vec) };
let result: Vec<_> = owning_iterator.cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&result, &*vec);
// assert_eq!(None, *data.lock().unwrap());
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