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Last active November 6, 2023 09:25
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B000KV61FC,5,"Jack, our 3 year old LabraDoodle (I refer to him as a ""LabraDingo"" sometimes because he's so nutsy) really enjoyed this Jug -- our second one lasted 7 months of heavy use before the rubberized rope broke. (Another reviewer suggested inserting a tennis ball into the now-ropeless jug in order to salvage it; I'll try that, but am not enamored with the idea of mixing a tennis ball with edible things). It seems to be his favorite toy -- a good balance of enticement, challenge and reward.<br /><br />PRO:<br />Keeps our dog engaged.<br />Good price ($10 currently)<br /><br />CON:<br />It can be loud rolling around and crashing into things.<br />Hard plastic should be washed before use; unknown chemical safety.<br />Limited durability, but fine for the price.<br /><br />Net: I'm ordering our third!"
B000NMJWZO,4,"I was diagnosed with Gluten Intolerance recently, and was at a loss as to what I could eat - and enjoy! Upon discovering Pamela's Baking Mix I was pleasantly surprised that I could make Gluten Free pancakes, pound cake, pumpkin bread (etc) that my family enjoyed eating too! I'm very happy to have found this product as there aren't many mixes out there that are so versatile and relatively inexpensive. Pamela's Mix also lasts a while too, so you aren't having to buy yet another mix every time you turn around. I highly recommend this product."
B000GAT6NG,5,I am sold on this item. From a cooking point I knew it was good for you after reading about it in forums... However was hesitant when it came to putting it on your skin for moisturizer etc.. After trying I must say it works great. I thought it would be greasy but really its not. Plus the smell is great. The other day my sisters dog was spelling my head for ever. I thought it was so funny. Anyways this product is great and it has a nice subtle taste to it as well. Works great for anything including greasing a pan for eggs to making Thai dishes. You name it.. you can use this product.
B000KV61FC,3,"I bought this for my 4 month old Frenchie and he just seems absolutely disinterested in it lol. The way the bottle is shaped along with the rope it's almost ""by accident"" that the treats come out. He plays with it for about 5 minutes but then goes back to his IQ TREAT BALL that I also bought on Amazon. I feel like you have to basically flip this bottle upside down and mess with the rope for it to come out and I don't see Jackson being able to do that. If the bottle is laying flat as in the picture, how does the treat come up the neck and out the hole? He does grab the rope and run around with the bottle but I can tell this is not his most favorite toy."
B006MONQMC,3,"I drink a lot of water, and it can range from the bottled variety to basic tap water, depending on where I am at the time. I also like freshly-squeezed lemonade, which is about as basic a water additive as can be found. Iced tea is also a good basic water changer, as is iced coffee. Am not super picky about the amount of sweetener that is added, as long as it's with some form or real sugar, and not some chemical additive; for some reason they don't seem to agree with me. But lemonade, iced tea and iced coffee all take time to prepare.<br /><br />This <a href="""">Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink</a> in the Fruit Punch flavor presents an interesting and convenient way to alter the flavor of plain tap water for those who like it that way. It's convenient enough: refrigerate it, and then just add one squeeze for each eight ounces of water, as it says on the container. The container also notes that each squeeze adds more flavor and nutrition, and that one container makes 24 servings. It's hard to get more convenient than that.<br /><br />Looking at the container, it proclaims that there are zero calories, zero sugar and zero carbs. It also says:<br /><br />""Vitamin Squeeze(tm) adds Vitamins, Nutrition, and Delicious ALL NATURAL flavor to your drinking water.""<br /><br />And although there are various vitamin additives, there are some small problems, the first being that this bright red drink that resembles <a href="""">Hawaiian Punch</a> in the Fruit Juicy Red flavor, it really doesn't taste that good, but that's a subjective opinion. And though sometimes one can learn to adapt to a new taste, this product has an aftertaste that lingers, and it's a distinctive taste that seems to dwell in the mouth, the kind that reminds one of an artificial sweetener. And according to the label, that's precisely why that aftertaste is there.<br /><br />The ingredients are listed on the product label and the information page here: water, citric acid, vitamin C, natural flavor, sucralose, natural caffeine, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, magnesium lactate, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, calcium lactate, potassium phosphate, vitamin A, palmitate, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12. It's not apparent at first, as no brand name jumps out, but there's an ingredient that is probably responsible for the aftertaste: sucralose.<br /><br />Some may not know this, but sucralose is an FDA-approved artificial sweetener which goes by the trade name of Splenda, and most sources agree that it's around 600 times sweeter than sugar, so manufacturers need to use only a small amount. Sucralose shouldn't be confused with sucrose, which is basically table sugar. While is derived from sugar, sucrose is not a component in this sweetener. Sucralose is made by adding chlorine to sucrose, yet the sucrose itself goes away during the complex manufacturing process.<br /><br />On its positive side, sucralose is found in thousands of food and beverage products. It's used because it is a no-calorie sweetener, and does not promote dental cavities. It's also safe for consumption by diabetics, as it doesn't affect insulin levels, and for some can be a good thing. Did some checking and the safety of sucralose appears to be well documented in more than 100 scientific studies conducted over a 20-year period. Sucralose has been reviewed by the FDA, as well as by international health authorities such as the World Health Organization. It is said to be safe for use by all consumers.<br /><br />But iced tea without sweeteners has no calories, and the same goes for iced coffee. And above all, plain water, be it from a bottle or from the tap is exempt as well. I'm no health fanatic, and as a cyclist do often indulge in <a href="""">Gatorade</a> sports drinks, which are said to have a small amount of sucralose, depending on the flavor. As a personal taste, and this is highly subjective, this one didn't work for me, but I'm not ruling this product family out, as the <a href="""">Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Tropical Citrus</a> may be an improvement in taste.<br /><br />6/21/2012"
B004EAGP74,3,This product is supposed to be very good for you. But you need to make sure that you like coconut flavor...because it will add a little coconut flavor to your food. It is a little annoying that you have to melt the oil everytime you want to use it. But if you want the health benefits it is worth it. I haven't used it long enough to recognize any changes or benefits in my health.
B000KV61FC,3,"We got this for our 45lb dog and it occupied him for 30 minutes the first time we gave it to him. He had a little trouble getting a treat out. A miracle! However he is a smart dog and quickly learned how it worked. A scoop of food that used to last him 20+ minutes now only lasted him 10 minutes. Unfortunately after a couple of weeks, the plastic lid that screws onto the jug cracked and it is now useless. This is probably best for pet owners with carpeting since my dog would pick it up and drop it constantly to get the treats out which would be very noisy."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have used coconut oil for some time now, and I found that I go through it so fast that the 1 lb. jars were not a good deal for me any longer. This is a great size for my family and the price was very good. I hope that amazon continues to carry this product."
B000KV61FC,5,"""Sam"" loves this toy the best. He is a heavy chewer and this item really lasts. However, you should note that the rope probably won't last for heavy chewers. I purchased small rubber balls at Pets Mart (2 or 3) and put them in the jug. (opens at the bottom). These actually work better than the rope for heavy chewers. Thanks for a great product!"
B006MONQMC,3,"Vitamins in a caffeinated energy drink - probably not what you really want to give smaller kids. My wife and I decided we didn't like the taste very much and although our oldest daughter liked it a lot, my 45 year old palate found it underwhelming.<br /><br />For those who remember what it is, it tasted very much like Hawaiian Punch.<br /><br />It's sweetened with sucralose (aka Splenda) which is much better than aspertame (aka Nutrasweet) in terms of taste and potential side effects."
B004EAGP74,5,I order this product for the first time just to try it. Now this is the only type of oil I used for cooking. Plus the seller was really fast sending the products to me.
B006MONQMC,5,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch flavor is delicious. It's in an easy to hold, flexible 12-Ounce container with a flip top. The Fruit Punch flavor is fortified with Vitamin C; 120% of the recommended daily total and taurine which is an essential nutrient said to be necessary for retinal health and found in animal protein. If you're a vegetarian like I am this might be for you! I take it with me to work and add it to my after noon glass of water for a quick pick me up.<br />On the plus side: The color is a vibrant red, there is no nasty after taste. The flavor can be as rich and full as you like, there are no calories, no jittery feeling and no crash. It includes electrolytes which sometimes need replenished due to aggressive work outs or fluid depleting illness. Also the container is double that of the MiO water enhancers.<br />On the down side, it leaves an odd residue on the inside of plastic bottles, so if you are one that likes to reuse them, you won't want to keep the bottle for long. Also because it does that, I'm less inclined to use this product in my stainless steel drinking bottles. If you use it at home, the residue washes off easily with the slightest hand scrubbing. But I noticed it was still present after the dish washing cycle finished. I will say it may have been my dish machine soap not being top grade. If you are all about portability, it's a bulkier package than the MiO.<br /><br />I would highly recommend this product due to the convenience of having vitamins on the go, as well as on color and flavor."
B000KV61FC,4,"I purchased this product hoping that the ""bullet proof like material"" would last longer than the other toys I'd purchased for my 8 month old lab. He's a chewer, and within an hour had the rubber-rope gnawed in two. But someone posted a photo of the modification they made post-rope that saved the day: inserting a tennis ball into the bottle. AMAZING IDEA! Whom ever came up with that should write the company and suggest the modification. He can't get through the bottle, and the ball blocks the hole enough to where he really has to try to get the treat out. It is loud, but this is the first toy to survive my lab. If it's lab proof, I'm sure it can survive anything!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"Repeat customer. I've yet to try another brand of coconut oil but I love this Nutiva so far. Vitamin Shoppe is a great vendor, prompt communication, prompt everything. $.99 ship is great!"
B004EAGP74,3,"I prefer the Spectrum coconut oils. Because they are flavorless, they have more potential uses."
B000NMJWZO,5,We have always Pamela Products in the past and have always been happy. The product arrived on schedule and like it was described. We'll be ordering again..
B000NMJWZO,5,"I am new to being gluten free and because of this mix, I can make my own bread, I make waffles all the time, have made bananna bread and pumpkin bread (recipe on the back) with it and am most satisfied. In fact, after dropping gluten very cold turkey, I don't miss anything because I can make so much with this."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Well, it seems theoretically impossible that this induced an asthma attack. So perhaps THAT was a coincidence. I may of course be allergic to an ingredient or preservative in this. I inhaled, my throat constricted...attempted two sips...and couldn't breath. I don't have many food allergies either. Perhaps it was just the strength of this brew. Do check out the ingredient list if you're alkergy prone (the single packet sent by Vine didn't include ingredients). I like lemon. I like ginger(find it wonderful for settling an upset stomach), I love hot teas (usually very asthma friendly). But this...was very, very strong. Tastewise, it not bad just strong. I would suggest diluting it a bit. It looks kind of like apple cider when mixed, rather like little bits of a fibersupplement when not, lol. But ive never felt so wheezy with a tea or ginger or lemon! I'm giving it 2 stars because I cant honestly say I like it, even though I like things in in its category. I felt the taste would be much improved by dilution, though. Also, only two stars Bc I'm suspicious about the respiratory issue that prevented me from trying it further. Ok ok, that couldbe coincidence..... so three stars."
B006MONQMC,4,"This has been my regular workout drink after any cardio workout. I take a sip of this drink every 10 mins and keeps my body going without any dehydration and tiredness.<br /><br />How to use:<br /> Note that this is a concentrate, Squeeze 2-3 'squeezes' into a bottle/glass of water and enjoy. Best with a couple of cubes of ice<br /><br />Compared to Gatorade :<br /> * Gatorade contains BVO (brominated vegitable oils) which is banned in many countries for causing cancer<br /> * Plus Gatorade does not have the vitamins & minerals like this one does.<br /> * Easier to store and mix with readily available water<br /><br />Taste: think of it a mix of orange and raspberry juices, I loved it, my wife hates it.<br /><br />What is not good:<br /> Opening the inner sealing is very difficult, I found myself driving in car on a hot texas summer day and when I wanted to use it, after struggling to pull the seal with my hands, I ended up using a utility knife to pierce through the seal<br /><br /> Artifical sweetener - sucralose is relatively safe, but it is best if avoided"
B004EAGP74,5,"I have tried many different brands of coconut oil, and my kids like this the best, I found even better price on, use LOV684 to get $5 off your first order. they also have free shipping on orders over $40..."
B006MONQMC,4,"First, let me start by saying that I am not a fan of water. I hate plain water -- and anything that will help me to be able to drink more is a good thing in my estimation. I have tried several different ""squirt"" additives (such as <a href="""">MIO Mango Peach, 1.62 Ounce (Pack of 4)</a>) and found them to be OK but I like this better. At first it seemed that there was a bit of a medicinal taste to the water, but either I got used to it or it faded fast, because now I don't notice it anymore. It's important to shake the bottle well, however, before squeezing it into your drink. I usually fill a tumbler with ice and water (about 16 ounces) and then squeeze the bottle and, voila, my drink is ready. I sometimes stir the additive into the water, but it doesn't really seem to be necessary to do that.<br /><br />Any time you add an artificial flavoring to a product, opinions on whether it is good or bad are going to be entirely a personal reaction. The flavor I received was fruit punch, and I must confess it's not my favorite (I'd prefer cherry), but it goes down easy when I'm really thirsty. I don't consume a lot of fruit either, so I'm glad this product offers 120% of my vitamin C daily requirement per squeeze (serving). It also contains caffeine, taurine, 40% of the RDA for some of the B vitamins and a trace amount of some minerals. NO fat, NO carbohydrates, and NO calories!<br /><br />This is a good sized-bottle so it's not something you can carry everywhere, and it has to be refrigerated after opening. It offers 24 servings (at 15 mL = 1/2 ounce) per bottle so it's about 25¢ a serving. Anyway, I like it and would really like to try another flavor. Anything to increase my water intake!"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I was interested in this product because I've enjoyed the health benefits of lemon and ginger in other beverages. The first thing I noted was that when you mix the product with hot water, according to the package directions, the powder does not completely dissolve. Secondly, the product was overly sweet for me. The sample I received to review was the actual packet so I don't know what information is given on the box the packets come in. However, the packet gives no information on the ingredients other than lemon and ginger. The listing states that honey is used as a sweetener. There's no other apparent information as to any other possible ingredients, though. Disappointedly, this product didn't even make it to first base for me."
B0041NYV8E,1,I wasn't sure what to expect with the Ginger & Lemon drink but it was worse than I thought it would be. It tastes pretty bad. My and husband and I both tasted it and neither of us could finish it. It doesn't have a good flavor at all. My husband said it tasted like cold medicine. And it does. The nicest I could say is that it slightly tastes like a cough drop which is a little better than tasting like cold medicine.
B000NMJWZO,5,This is a fantastic product that tastes great. We just love the pancakes. I made the scones and took them to a supper where I had many compliments. You can make many different baked items with this so it has a lot of uses.
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best gluten free pancake mix on the market. I find the texture is better if you add in either chopped nuts or fruit. I haven't used the mix for anything other than pancakes, but I've seen recipes posted online on various sights using this mix as one of the ingredients."
B006MONQMC,3,"I use Mio water enhancer and that interested me in trying Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink. I am trying to drink less soda and thought this might be a fun addition to my day. It is certainly a better value than Mio.<br /><br />First, it was a pain to open. It took two of us to peel of the seal under the cap. I was afraid we were going to spill red juice everywhere. We finally got it open and added it to the water. Sure enough, it tastes just like fruit punch. There is a slight nasty aftertaste. My palate is not sophisticated enough to tell what it is. I do drink other diet drinks and found the aftertaste much more pronounced with this one. As usual, ""energy"" means caffeine and taurine so you'd want to pay attention to that.<br /><br />Overall this might be something I use again."
B006MONQMC,3,"This is an energy drink concentrate in a squeeze bottle. Unlike what you might expect the squeezes are not measured, so you can squeeze as much concentrate as you want with each squeeze. The flavor is very mediocre. It was more like cool-aid than a punch flavor with any actual fruit in it. It purports to be good for you (it has vitamins added) but I seriously doubt there is any usable nutrition in this product. It does have caffeine and taurine, so in high enough doses it can be used as a stimulant. While it was drinkable I didn't detect any real thirst quenching capability. In short, it just seems like another product trying to jump on the caffeinated sports drink bandwagon."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I love this product. I used for my food, my skin and my lip, all worked very well. Great value!"
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought this for my one year old sheltie for Christmas and he LOVES it. I put the Premier buddy berrys inside and they work quite well, as he can smell them through the holes in the toy. He's learned to stand it up and knock it over to get the treats to come out. It's his new favorite toy and he drags it around everywhere. It keeps him occupied for quite a while."
B000GAT6NG,4,Nutiva Coconut Oil was bought to see if it would help improve mental function. We haven't used it long enough to tell. The taste is good spread on bread in place of margarine and mixed in with vegetables. It needs no refrigeration and works well to fry eggs or grill sandwiches. It is supposed to be good for the skin also. Despite a slightly higher cost over butter or margarine it is worth it if our minds improve. Time will tell...
B006MONQMC,4,"This is much more convenient than buying and storing the bottled vitamin drinks, and more eco-friendly. And unlike the little packets of powder, you don't even need a spoon to stir it into your glass of water. I got the fruit punch which tastes much like kool-aid, but would like to try another, more adult flavor. Wonder if they'll bring out a tea flavored variety?<br /><br />It apparently doesn't need refrigeration after opening, but tastes better quite cold. You could even keep a bottle on your desk."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I just got my Nutiva Coconut Oil yesterday and it has FAR exceeded my expectations. I got the oil to use in a recipe for a pie crust. Since yesterday I have tried it on my hair, skin, and on toasted cinnamon bread. I was surprised at how great it smelled, but I was blown away by how yummy it TASTES! I really wish that I would have bought a bigger jar! This will be something that I continue to use for a long time! Thanks Nutiva and Amazon!<br /><br />UPDATE: I have used my 15 oz. jar in 2 months and I am now ordering the 54 oz. jar... I am blown away at how delicious this stuff is. I eat it on toasted bread ALL the time. I also use it on baked sweet potatos, baked butternut squash, and to cook pancakes on the stove. My skin and hair are considerably softer! I want to tell everyone I know about this stuff."
B004EAGP74,5,"I really like to use coconut oil for baking. It produces a much lighter end product than shortening does, and it's much better for you. Also, surprisingly, there's no heavy coconut taste. For health purposes, I also stir a teaspoonful into my coffee in the morning. Nutiva Coconut Extra-Virgin Oil works just fine. My only gripe: unlike with olive oils, as far as I know, there's no such thing as EXTRA virgin coconut oil. It's the same thing as virgin coconut oil. I suppose they label it that way for marketing purposes, but I never like to promote a myth. In any case, Nutiva works in every way that I expect it to, and buying the 54 ounce jar of Nutiva is the most economical way that I have found to buy it."
B006MONQMC,3,"This water flavorizer does what it intends. It flavors water to a sweet, fruit punch like flavor. It also packs a variety of vitamins (C & B vitamins). One thing that is less clear is how it gets it's sweetness, and a perusal of the ingredients list shows the sucralose artificial sweetener (Splenda). If you are wary of these artificial sweeteners, then stay away, otherwise, approach!"
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the best overall baking mix out there. I have tried them all.
B0041NYV8E,4,"I received this product free as part of's vine program to generate reviews for new products. Since I have problems with digestion, I am always looking for products that can be good for digestion and this is Ginger which is good for it. OK so what can I tell you, this taste good, I like it. It taste like a ginger tea, it is not bitter but it has a kick so I am surmising it is real ginger. Having said that, I cannot confirm it because they only sent me one packet and thee no info on it, and not a package; So I cannot review whats in it as to how natural it is or not. I don't even know if its real Ginger or flavor. So all I can do hear is tell you it tastes good."
B004EAGP74,5,"Tastes good. I try using it as a substitute to butter. Also, I eat 2 Tbs daily, works as a good nutritional supplement."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I purchased this item because coconut oil is believed to help lower cholesterol. While I've not had sufficient time to find out if this is true, it is a great product to cook with, great flavor and food does not taste like it's laden with grease nor does it retain a coconut flavor in cooking. Good product."
B004EAGP74,5,"I buy this every two months. We have a family of 3 and use it for cooking, skincare, and my massage business. The only thing that would make this better is having an option to subscribe and save on it, I would be the first to click."
B006MONQMC,4,"I drink a LOT of water. Water probably constitutes 95% of my liquid intake on any given day. When these ""water enhancers"" hit the market, they seemed over-priced and questionable. But when this one came around, I took Amazon up on their offer and gave it a try.<br /><br />To be frank, it's not bad! As others have mentioned, the caffeine level is questionable, but I think that's alright. Mixing caffeine, vitamins, and water seems like a futile effort because of caffeine's diuretic characteristics.<br /><br />Flavor: It tastes somewhere between Fruit Punch Kool-Aid and Hawaiian Punch. The one-star deduction comes into play here because there's definitely a twinge of artificial sweetener -- a taste I cannot stand. It's so minor, though, that I still enjoyed the drink.<br /><br />PROS:<br />-Easily gives water some taste. Drink enough water and you yearn for anything to mix it up. Simple as a squeeze!<br />-Pretty tasty and not overly-sweet.<br />-Good source of vitamins.<br />-The bottle is actually pretty big, so it should last a while.<br />-Good flavor<br /><br />CONS:<br />-Artificial sweetener taste to it (as well as aftertaste)<br />-Needs to be used within 30 days after its opened.<br /><br />CONCLUSION:<br />-Pretty tasty and a nice change from just plain, old water. Plus, it offers up some actual benefits (unlike kool-aid and other stuff)."
B0041NYV8E,3,"This drink certainly has a nice and spicy ginger kick. That made it interesting. Other than that, it is honey sweetened. I didn't notice the lemon flavor though - probably because I was too busy enjoying the ginger. People that believe in that sort of thing think that ginger has some sort of curative effect. I can't speak to that as I didn't have any ailments needing a cure. Purely on conjecture, I think this drink would feel good on a sore throat. I'd add whisky though.<br /><br />So, overall I found this to be an interesting drink but not one I'd push on friends, even if they're sick. I have better recipes."
B0041NYV8E,4,"The full strength taste of this ginger/lemon drink is too strong for my taste, but diluting it by using half as much of the powder just means it makes twice as many servings. It would be great for a queasy stomach; these days I'm using it to mitigate my hay-fever induced congestion and itchy throat."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Okay, first a disclaimer...I enjoy authentic, fresh ground ginger root tea with a spot of honey and lemon on a fairly regular basis so perhaps I'm a bit harder critic than average.<br /><br />My hope was to find something that was easy to take along when traveling or during those times when I don't feel like going through the entire process of grinding fresh ginger etc...<br /><br />So, to that extent this is a satisfactory alternative. On the other hand, I wouldn't give up fresh for this alone...that probably goes without saying. So, bottom line is if you are short on time, travel or just want a decent cup of ginger tea, this is a nice alternative to the real deal."
B006MONQMC,4,"Vitamin Squeeze was very easy to use. It gives you Vitamin C with no calories. The mixture uses sucralose as the sweetener. As with most artificial sweeteners, it may or may not trigger your bitter taste buds. For me, it was also hard to get the right amount of sweetness: It was either too light or too sweet. If you can get the flavor right, then this is the energy drink for you."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This baking mix is delicious and versatile. My daughters have made our favorite recipes of chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies with it and it was fabulous! I've been making the pancakes (and waffles) for months now and I really love those too, but I didn't expect the cake and cookies to be so delicious! I am completely thrilled with this product!"
B006MONQMC,2,"While this product tasted fine to me and seems like a great idea, looking at the ingredients list, I wish it contained more natural ingredients and less chemicals. This may be a good way for kids to get vitamin C for example but I personally would prefer to give kids something more natural."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I am nauseated quite a but due to a medical issue -- I find ginger helps quite a bit.<br /><br />This drink is a nice way for me to get a dose of real ginger, in a form that's always on hand (a lot of ginger products don't actually contain real ginger, but this does).<br /><br />I just found the lemon flavor to be a little bit 'lemon candy' flavored (kind of like the lemon in canned iced tea)...but overall, I like this drink and would recommend it. Just be sure you like's not the most subtle of flavors! :-)"
B000GAT6NG,5,"This coconut oil is fantastic for all my culinary needs, works great in stir fry, smoothies, raw cookies, etc.<br />I also love that it's organic."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have had other brands of Coconut Oil and this one smelled much fresher and stayed that way longer, too."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is a Wonderful substitute for flour when on a gluten-free diet. The bag has various recipes for cookies, muffins, deep frying batter and banana bread, as well as pancakes and waffles. We use it to make gravy and sauces too."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I received a single serving packet of this item for review. Frankly, it was nasty. I prepared it according to the instructions on the product (add 1 cup of hot water, stir and serve instantly). Yuck. Considering that it was supposed to taste like ginger, honey and perhaps a little lemon flavor - I was not pleased. Then I tried putting it over ice and yes, adding a little sugar. No improvement. I can't see recommending the beverage, buying this or encouraging others to use it despite the medicinal qualities of ginger for motion sickness or the nausea of pregnancy, etc. It did absolutely nothing for my digestion, either.<br /><br />I am sure whether or not you like this will be wholly a matter of personal taste. It was not for me!"
B000KV61FC,4,"My 13 lb dachshund is extremely destructive with his toys and needs a lot of interaction with most toys constantly. I filled this toy with organic cheerio type cereal and he was delighted. It took him about 3 minutes to work out how to get the treats out.<br /><br />I dropped a star because he is able to pull small chunks off the purple molding. I sort of expected that because he is like that with everything though. Luckily, he spits the rubber out after he pops it off, so I can let him play with it when I am home to supervise his play."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Like most other posters ahead of me, I was struck by just how much ginger there was to taste in this product. After making the drink, the smell was overwhelming but not horrible. The taste wasn't all that pleasant, with the ginger masking the lemon taste. I could detect the lemon when I was making it in the aroma, but none in the taste.<br /><br />I can imagine using this when I am sick, to open my sinuses or help clear my nose and head. But as an everyday drink, no way."
B000KV61FC,5,"I've got a dog who gets bored while I'm away and in a last ditch effort I thought I'd try this product to help her keep occupied during the day and I gotta say it did it. We've only been using the jug a couple days but it has made a world of difference. It seems to have taken her a while to figure it out, but I have completely switched her over to being fed from the jug while I'm gone and she's already a much happier pup."
B004EAGP74,5,"This is extremely tasty coconut oil. I decided to try it because it is so inexpensive. It smells wonderful and like another reviewer stated ""you can eat it right out the jar"", and a huge jar it is....54oz is quite a lot. I won't fry with it, but I'll definitely make some popcorn and bakery goods using it. I was using another brand, but like this better. Excellent quality at a great price."
B000NMJWZO,5,This gluten free mix is very Yummy! Many recipies can be made with this mix and it tastes very good. I love the auto shipping that is offered through amazon. Try Pammela's you'll love it!
B000KV61FC,1,I have dogs who are 85 pounds. They chewed the bottle toy in less than 10 minutes; trashed it.<br />I have not tried this with a little dog.
B000KV61FC,3,"My dog LOVES to chew her toys, and I thought that with the advertising that the bottle was ""bullet-proof"" that meant they had made the rest of it as indestructible as they could. I would have been happy to get a week's play out of this. No go.<br /><br />My dog loved the treat aspect of this toy. She spent a long time working the treats out one by one, and I was really happy with how busy it kept her.<br /><br />Until I went to pick it up to bring it inside with us at night. I found several little pieces of the rope part that she had torn off. I realize it's difficult to make a toy unchewable, but this wasn't even close to as durable as it could be.<br /><br />For a dog that doesn't try to destroy toys, this would be a wonderful toy!"
B0041NYV8E,1,"This drink went down the sink after 1 sip. It smells great, but taste is so strong I can not believe it.<br /><br />It tastes like chewing raw ginger, burns and it's very intensive. Don't like it raw, do not drink it."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I don't know how many different brands of gluten free flour I tried but I know I wasted a lot of money. No matter what concessions I made to balance out my recipes they always came out off and no where near as good as the wheat flour versions. I was getting ready to start experimenting with making my own mix when I found Pamela's. Now my baked goods are coming out fluffy, light and moist just like should and without changing any other ingredients."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I admit it up front: I don't like spicy food or spicy drinks. I hate pepper with a passion as well as other ""hot"" spices. I will occasionally drink ginger ale and eat gingersnap cookies, so I thought that I might like this ginger/lemon beverage. But it had far too much kick to the ginger to suit me. Those who like ginger and don't mind the spicyness will probably like this. I even tried it cooled as an iced drink (which I usually prefer) and still hated it. To be fair, since I knew that I don't like really spicy food or drink, I gave it three stars. And I think that if they would work on it and tone down the ginger, it could be a good beverage. But not as it is right now; at least not for me. Also, if they're going to sell it in America, they'll have to change the instructions to show how much water to add in cups instead of using ml. I just kept adding water and tasting it until I thought it was about where it was supposed to be, but I had no idea if I was right (and I hated it at every level) about the measurement."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I think I will always use coconut oil from now on. It is just amazing. Since I can't get oil in Istanbul, I actually wish I had bought more of it. This brand of coconut oil is smooth, creamy, and sooooo delicious."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been pursuing a mainly gluten-free diet for years. While I have tried various products, nothing could replicate the taste and texture of a wheat baked good. I eventually gave up.<br /><br />Until last night.<br /><br />I received Pamela's in the mail, and I decided to make pancakes. For that one experience alone, it was worth the money. The pancakes were just like how Mom used to make 'em when I was a little girl, pre gluten-free days. They were light and fluffy, and cooked up so quickly. AND NO AFTER TASTE!!<br /><br />I also made chocolate chip cookies....incredible, amazing, so moist and chewy and DELICIOUS!!<br /><br />It is as if I woke up last night, and realized that I didn't have to stop baking, that being ""gluten-free"" would no longer be a chore.<br /><br />I can't wait to attack my Pamela's bread mix this weekend, and resurrect the focaccia bread I used to make in my college days..."
B006MONQMC,5,"I like this product very much. It has a resemblance to Kool-Aid in terms of the fruit punch taste, just not as sweet. It also isn't overpowered by a taste of vitamins like some other vitamin infused drinks such as Vitamin Water can be (I actually find Vitamin Water to be okay, it's just certain flavors have a heavy bottled vitamin taste. I would totally have this stocked in the house or at work and I would wholeheartedly recommend this. Try it, you'll like it!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"Quality coconut oil. Superior to many others. Great product. Great taste; great for your health. -Steve, KY"
B006MONQMC,4,"I cant say how much energy this drink supplement will give you, but I do enjoy the taste. It tastes like Hawaiian Punch did to me as a kid, but without the sugar. You just squeeze some into some water and you have a healthy drink without the carbonation or sugar of soft drinks. I like it. It's a nice break from lemonade, iced tea and other such drinks. And it makes water taste good!"
B004EAGP74,3,"I have purchased this exact product elsewhere & have yet to find this great of a deal! Nutiva tastes & smells amazing!! I truly appreciate the option to ""auto ship"" too. I use this oil from cooking, to hair care, to skin it!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best pancake mix I've ever tried, gluten-free or not. We discovered it when my son was diagnosed with celiac disease, but it is now the family's regular pancake mix because it is more delicious than the regular pancake mixes. It is also a great baking mix. The protein from the almond flour is an added bonus."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I'm not a huge ginger fan, but I have had a lot of ginger tea and the like lately because of a pregnancy (its supposed to ease an upset stomach). This stuff I would not reach for again. In fact, I might not even finish the cup in front of me. It's really....bitter? No, not even that. There's that weird sort of tang ginger has, and this has it big-time, even though I actually watered it down more than I should have (really, it's about 1 packet to 1 measured cup of water). I really only taste the lemon as an aftertaste.<br /><br />Also, the actual stuff is a bit weird. If you're used to the now common little packets of powder you add to a bottle of water, this is WAY more powder to mix in. The packet is about the size of a large teabag, but full. It's also a different consistency...almost looks like small betta fish food. It also smells weird to me.<br /><br />In short, if you want a ginger-lemon hot drink, there are many better alternatives in my opinion."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I love this stuff. I use it to cook with, I spread it on bread like butter, I use it on my dry skin. I have different uses all over the house for it."
B0041NYV8E,4,"This ginger and lemon instant beverage is hot -- in more ways than one. The drink is made with hot water, but the real heat comes from the ginger. The spicy flavor stays in your mouth long after you've finished the drink.<br /><br />I found the drink quite pleasant and not overly sweet, just the thing for a cold winter's evening. Whether it has a good effect on digestion, I cannot say because I usually have very good digestion; however, I would be happy to try it again when I have an upset tummy.<br /><br />As spicy as it is, I cannot think I would enjoy it in the hot Texas summer, but for a cold weather drink, it will be great.<br /><br />So, will I buy it for winter use? Absolutely!"
B006MONQMC,5,"I was leery of this Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink but I got the fruit punch flavor, and found I really like this a lot. I drink a lot of water every day and it gets boring tasting after a while. The flavor of this energy drink is very good, and you can control how much you have. Keep it in the fridge for the best taste. I would recommend this and will buy this again."
B004EAGP74,5,I purchased this for a Homemade Movie Popcorn recipe. We never make the microwave kind anymore; this makes our popcorn taste just like the theater's!
B006MONQMC,3,"We have a <a href="""">Sodastream Fountain Jet Soda Maker Starter Kit</a>, so I'm always on the lookout for healthy ways to flavor carbonated water as well as regular water. This Vitamin Squeeze energy drink is a good idea, but there are several problems I have with it. First, we need something without the caffeine. Being older and with a heart patient and a seizure-prone individual in the family, we are trying to cut way down on caffeine. Anyone with kids (the group the Fruit Punch flavor seems to be targeted to) is also not going to want the caffeine. The large bottle is a good thing until you realize you should use it up within 30 days. You'd need active, thirsty kids with friends or a large family to consume it all within the use-by date.<br /><br />The vitamins are what we are after and a healthier alternative to sodas. Specifically, we want a go-to drink that helps us wean ourselves off of diet sodas and get in the habit of reaching for water instead. (Those with soda-addicted children are probably looking for the same thing.) That's a tastebud issue as well as one of habit, just like cutting salt out of one's diet is&mdash;you start with more and then lessen the amount you use as your taste buds adjust. But the sucralose sweetener, as it is with many of these flavored-water drinks, is dreadful at any strength, IMO.<br /><br />I know, too, that the idea that sucralose is bad for you is controversial, but the taste of it is not. It has an indisputable chemical taste that I am not fond of. Why not Stevia instead? Or xylitol (with a caution about overconsumption causing diarrhea). The product has to be refrigerated, so why not something other than the shelf-stable sucralose?<br /><br />Finally, I'm confused about the ""one squeeze"" claim. I got the impression that this ""one squeeze"" is a measured amount. However, when I did one squeeze in a glass, it did not stop squeezing before I did and I wound up with a glass that was too strongly flavored and yucky. Is this how most people like their drinks? There seems to be some kind of control mechanism in the open portion of the cap, and also it looks like there is some kind of straw thing being used in the picture on the bottle. Is a straw thing required to measure/control the squeezer? My bottle (just one, for review) did not come with anything like that. So all I can say about it is that the squeeze does not seem to be measured. Maybe I misunderstood that it was going to be."
B000NMJWZO,5,I love this mix for pancakes the best. The recipes on the back of the bag have all worked out well!
B006MONQMC,2,"The vitamins defiantly leave an aftertaste. Not really strong, but strong enough that both of my teens were not willing to drink it again. I found it better in ice tea, but I could also taste the vitamins.<br /><br />The bottle has one of those seals that have a little flap you pull on. It did not work, the flap pulled off before the seal, so I had to get a knife to open the seal.<br /><br />The bottle is large, and needs to be refrigerated after opening.<br />I always test these drinks for staining by squirting a little on a cotton rag and throwing it in with the wash. This stains. I was able to get it out with a 3 hour soak in stain remover.<br /><br />Overall, disappointing but not horrific."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I'm a big fan of ginger drinks - they do wonders for settling my stomach, and taste good to boot. My normal ginger drink is to brew some black tea and then add about a half'ish teaspoon of ground ginger (I'm particularly fond of this brand: <a href="""">Frontier Ginger Root Ground non-sulfited, 16 Ounce Bags (Pack of 2)</a>). It makes for a very strong ginger ""bite"" that I enjoy.<br /><br />This product is not as strong, but is still quite pleasant. I made this as a cold drink and it was very enjoyable - the ginger is there but not strong, and the honey is a good match in terms of taste.<br /><br />While I'll continue to use my hot tea with ginger most of the time, this would be a nice alternative for days when it is too hot for a hot beverage. Highly recommend, provided you enjoy the taste of ginger in a beverage."
B000GAT6NG,4,"I like the oil a lot. And do everything with it. The only problem I had was with the way the shipping was handled.<br />The box was obviously too big, oil bottles were not wrapped. A few pieces of bobble wrapped throw inside box did not provide any protection. Bottles were arrived crushed to the point almost broken. Fortunately, the oil was solid not liquid, so no leaking. But I did read another reviews about honey, having problem with the way they were shipped, it got spilled all over the place."
B006MONQMC,5,"First, at 12oz per bottle, you've got plenty of wow per squeeze. It works out to be about $6 a bottle, which is really a great deal. The vitamin C and just enough caffeine (40) really gives you a `gentle' boost instead of the wall-climbing-overdose followed by a big crash. It still tastes great even with zero calories.<br />I seriously like this a lot. Can't wait to try the others, esp. peach."
B000GAT6NG,3,"Love the taste, great for stir frys as well as a great additive to smoothies. I'm in two minds over the health issue though; searching medical journals only seems to show a vast majority of negative results (this stuff *is* mostly saturated fat after all) with a huge number of hits on sites which frankly sell this stuff. I don't know but I felt the need to balance all the glowlingly positive reviews...they jury is still out on whether this stuff really is good for you (hydrogenated coconut oil certainly isn't...this stuff is hopefully different)"
B0041NYV8E,1,"Ginger, lemon and honey seem a natural flavor combination. Unfortunately, this drink ends up being entirely unappealing -- it is a dirty brown color, it smells musty, and the taste is too strong and powdery. The only real positive is that at least the dry pellets dissolve quickly and completely in hot water, so the consistency is nice and even. I could not stand to take more than a couple sips."
B006MONQMC,3,"This taste pretty good. There are no sweeteners or calories so it's doesn't have the strong sugary taste. But the fruit punch is really good, it doesn't leave you bloated like soda. It's priced at $23 for 4 packs. That seems like a lot, but you get a lot more drinks per bottle. You also have to use each bottle within 30 days of opening it. I love the taste even though it's a little watery with just one squeeze. My biggest complaint is that it cost $23, I can't see myself paying that much. I also didn't feel a strong energy push from it."
B006MONQMC,2,"I am a runner & like to have a good drink to rehydrate & get some electrolytes back in my system, so I thought I'd try this.<br /><br />It started off with the packaging - others have said as well how hard it is to get the product open. Then why the bottle is set to sit upside down, I'm not sure.<br /><br />What bothered me were all the ingredients in this item. When you have red dye as an incredible, it bothers me. And the vitamins? Not really vitamins...<br /><br />while it may be OK to keep around if I have nothing else, I wont be getting another one after this bottle is finished."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This mix performs as it promises, unlike many GF products I have tried. It is certainly not an all purpose flour, but for a bisquick type sub is great. The pancakes are light, and if it is your first GF mix you will be surprised at the flavor. Also, the banana bread recipe is terrific as long as you bake carefully. We keep this on hand for weekly pancakes and waffles and also for a quick drop biscuit. If you buy in the 3 bag case it saves money as well."
B000KV61FC,3,"We bought this for our dog as a way to feed him his kibble and entertain him for about 20 minutes a day at the same time. Out of the box, it took him about 10 minutes to figure it out and empty it of the 1 1/2 cups of small kibble. If we fed larger kibble, it might take longer. But because I had read other reviews, I knew this to be the case and followed the advice of others on here. I added some <a href="""">small tennis balls</a> to the jug and then threw the kibble in on top of it. That helped in 2 ways. First, the kibble didn't spill out of the neck while I was filling it from the bottom. Second, it slowed down the amount of time it took our dog to empty it (about half an hour).<br /><br />Just a word of warning: you will have kibble all over your floor until the dog goes back to eat it up. Ours is pretty good about going back to clean up after himself but you have to have patience that he will do that."
B004EAGP74,5,"I bought this product a little affraid that my results on using it on skin or hair wasn't going to be the same or even close to those who talked great about it, well the joke is on me because it is amazing and it leaves my skin and hair soft all day, I don't eat it because I wouldn't like for it to give me any side effects, not that I've heard of any so far but I don't want to risk it. I recommend this product 100% to all that want beautiful sof skin and shiny and sof hair."
B000NMJWZO,5,"It's worth a visit to their web site to see all of the recipes available for this baking mix but there's plenty right on the bag. It's extremely versatile and I've been able to recreate GF equivalents of old family favorites like buttermilk biscuits.<br /><br />The size of the bag is convenient and if you sign up for subscribe and save, you can't beat the price (although it's a good price before the discount). The fruit muffins are so good, my office asks me to make them for special occasions and I'm the only Celiac!"
B000GAT6NG,5,they give 1% of all profit off the top to charity and activism. Truly awesome company.
B000NMJWZO,3,"Product is fantastic and cheaper than buying the small bags at the grocery store. I get 3 packages. Two of the three packages had holes at the top, from what I could assume is an automated pick system, but were still fresh etc. Looked like a shipping / packing error in which they were punctured. I taped up the little holes and stuck one in the freezer to keep it fresh. I'd give more stars, but since two were somewhat damaged, I deducted from that. I will still purchase more after these are finished. Great product!!!"
B000KV61FC,4,"This is possibly one of my German Shepherd/Border Collie pups FAVORITE toys ever...that being said she did manage to do it in. She is an aggressive chewer and managed to chew off the rubber around the top of the jug- which made it unsafe for her to keep playing with. It did keep her busy for hours trying to get her food or treats out of it.<br /><br />If you do have an aggressive chewer check out the squirrel dude...same concept of a treat to eat toy- not as much room inside and easier to do so it doesn't last as long at least for my dog- but it has stayed in one piece! <a href="""">Premier Squirrel Dude Large</a>"
B004EAGP74,4,"husband is using every day and says there is no coconut taste. he adds it to his oatmeal every morning. just a note to those purchasing it, it does have a low melting temp!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"We use this as the basis for cookies, cakes, brownies, pancakes, etc. It is like Bisquick, but so much better without the bloating. I get an order from Amazon, save money and still don't have to leave home to get it, I love shopping this way."
B000KV61FC,3,"This toy is great for keeping a dog entertained, but not very sturdy. Granted I have 2 huskies who can destroy anything anyways, but...I have tried the KONG brand and never had a problem. Other toys as well. This one didn't last 30 minutes in their presence though.<br /><br />It is a good idea for smaller dogs."
B004EAGP74,4,I use this product as a skin oil. I don't like the taste of coconuts so the smell was a bit to overcome initially (more potent than previous brand I used); but I got used to it
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the perfect pancake mix for the gluten free crowd. My family loves it!
B006MONQMC,4,"It is what it is: liquid drink concentrate in a handy squeeze bottle, which turns plain water into sort of a diet Kool-Aid (or Hi-C) with a bit of a caffeine jolt. One difference I saw between this and Mio drink concentrate (which I also tested through Vine) is that the Vitamin Squeeze label says to refrigerate after opening, while the Mio label says it doesn't require refrigeration. So I dunno what will happen to Vitamin Squeeze if, say, it's left in your gym bag in a hot car all day.<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze is sweetened with sucralose aka Splenda, which doesn't give me and my family violent stomach cramps like sorbitol, so that's a plus. The taste is like diet fruit punch, not as good as Crystal Light, but acceptable. My older daughter likes the taste also; younger one didn't."
B000KV61FC,1,"My dogs who will generally ""play"" or destroy any toy had no interest. I tried placing everything short of hotdogs into the jug with no avail."
B000NMJWZO,5,This product is truly awesome. Go to Pamela's baking mix online for all kinds of recipes from pizza crust to donuts. I have also used this in the place of regular flour for some of my favorite personal recipes and it works great for those as well. Try it you won't be disappointed. :)
B000NMJWZO,5,I have been very pleased with this product and have to agree with all the others that raved about it! I would definitely buy it again and Amazon makes that so very easy!
B000NMJWZO,5,From a family of some celiacs and some not: This makes the best pancakes - gluten free or not!
B0041NYV8E,3,"I love ginger and love trying new teas, so I was excited to try this product. This is an instant beverage mix that come in a pouch and can actually be served in two ways, either cold or hot.<br /><br />I choose to try this product hot, as a tea. There was no steeping involved: the instructions simply stated to add boiling water and then to serve immediately. I did like the ginger flavor, but I think it was the lemon that gave this product and odd taste, sort of syrup-y and medicinal.<br /><br />In the end, as a hot beverage, this was just okay--drinkable, but that's about it. I much prefer Yogi Tea's <a href="""">Yogi Ginger, Herbal Tea Supplement, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)</a> (they also make a Lemon Ginger for those who want the lemon flavor as well; I prefer without, but Yogi's certainly does not have the odd taste of this tea)."
B004EAGP74,4,"This oil is extra virgin, but not raw. It is cold-pressed, but the processing tempurature rises above that of truly raw foods. Email Nutiva if you want more details on their process. They had the info on their site at one time, but I could not find it there today. Aside from that, this giant tub of oil is great for hair and skin. About once a week I saturate my hair with this oil and leave it in for 15 minutes to 1 hour before I shower, then I shampoo 2-3 times so my hair's not greasy and do not need conditioner for a few days. I also apply the oil to my skin after I wash, but while still in the shower. Then I just lightly rinse the oil off with water only, after giving it a few minutes to soak in. This way my skin gets moisturized without that greasy residue that usually takes so long to soak in. Good for when you are headed to work and don't want that greasy look for an hour or so after application. Nutiva previously had a truly raw version of this oil, but just found out from their website the Nutiva folk's supplier of the raw oil could not keep up with demand so they had to remove it from their site! There are other brands of raw available on other internet sites, but have yet to see any on Amazon."
B004EAGP74,5,"Since I have started to use this product over a year ago, I don't even try to find other brands. I will stick with this brand of ex. virg. coconut oil for as long as I can get it. I take at least two tbls. of this throughout the day and I use it on every food that I eat instead of butter. This is one of the top natural cures that you can buy and it is simply a FOOD!!"
B006MONQMC,2,"The package was pretty easy to open but the content squirted out a bit and stained my shirt. The flavor isn't that great. I really disliked it the first time and didn't finish the drink. I've tried Mio and that took a bit to get used to but I liked having some water with a little flavoring so I kept using it. I tried Vitamin Squeeze again and finished the glass. It was better but again, when I took the bottle out of the cupboard, I happened to squeeze it lightly and some squirted on the counter and floor. The lid was still on. I used a weaker amount where I didn't taste the Vitamin Squeeze as much and enjoyed the water. I don't think I'll purchase this product on my own. The stains on my shirt did come out and the counter and floor clean up was fine."
B0041NYV8E,4,"First, thank you to the reviewers who noted that a single packet is really too much for a single mug of beverage. Because of that, I used a lesser amount and tried this instant mix as both a hot and a cold beverage.<br /><br />I was pleased that it dissolved quite quickly in cold (actually the temperature of tap) water. I wasn't sure how well that would work. No problem. However, I preferred the taste of it as a hot beverage. I don't think I would have liked it had I used the whole packet in only one cup of water, as suggested on the Amazon page. I'm pretty sure that it would have tasted both too strong and too sweet for me. I've discovered that it also makes a nice addition to regular hot tea, adds a little flavor boost.<br /><br />This is a nice, soothing beverage, and I think I would especially appreciate it when fighting a cold or being a bit under the weather. The ginger/lemon/honey combination is flavorful, and although I love ginger at any time, it is even more welcome when I need something comforting and gentle on my stomach. The ginger is prevalent enough to give this just a slight spicy bite."
B000GAT6NG,4,"I was happy with the quick delivery time of this product. I ordered one bottle last month, and was pleased enough that I ordered three more. However, this recent order came with all three items being packaged in plastic jars, whereas the first was in a glass jar. I prefer the glass, which is why I ordered again. However, the shipping was fast and the quality of the oil appears to be the same. Overall happy with product, but will seek out glass jars in future."
B000NMJWZO,5,I love Pamela's Glueten free Pancake mix. I thought I would never give up Bisquick since that is what I was raised on. But Bisquick has met its match! Those with wheat alergies will love it and those who don't will too.
B0041NYV8E,4,"Being a longtime tea drinker, I was surprised that I found this as good as I did. The surprise is this zingy aftertaste. I like it best piping hot. You don't have to use an entire packet per can make it milder if you want. It is not in a loose tea form, but rather it is a mix that you dissolve as a solution. Remember it is pretty powerful if you drink it as directed."
B004EAGP74,5,"I bought this item because of the healthy reputation of the product. I like to make popcorn in oil and I do usually cook something in oil about once a week. I can tell you that this is honestly the best oil I have ever used. It smells terrific and makes the food taste great. My popcorn is light and fluffy like hot air popcorn, but has a nice rich taste like oil cooked popcorn. When you open the container you are greeted with a terrific coconut smell. For those of you who do not like coconut, it does not stay with the food once you heat it up. Amazon is the place to buy this, the price is outstanding and this size will last you a long time."
B006MONQMC,3,"This Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink is a simple way to get a few extra vitamins and some caffeine added to your drinking water. It contains some vitamin C, B vitamins and a couple others. Nothing real special about that. It has some caffeine, about like a cup of coffee would have.<br /><br />It sort of reminded me of drinking Kool-Aid. (I hadn't had any for a long, long time.) It's not bad, but you have to like Kool-Aid and similar sweet drinks. With the easy squeeze bottle, you can regulate how much you add to your water pretty easily and come up with the sweetness/flavor you like. (Again, if you like sweet Kool-Aid type drinks.) It does leave a bit of an aftertaste after drinking. Not bad, but it was there.<br /><br />It's faster and easier than powder, and I like that the squeeze bottle doesn't leak or drip. However, it is recommended to be kept in the refrigerator. Makes it harder to take on the go to add to water when you are out and about and need that boost of caffeine.<br /><br />Bottom line, it's okay. I actually prefer to just hydrate with plain water and get my caffeine from coffee. But for a once in a while squirt of vitamins and a caffeine boost, this isn't bad. And being reminded of yesteryear drinking Kool-Aid isn't bad either."
B000KV61FC,5,"I was looking for a durable toy that would hold the interest of my 5 month old Border Aussie puppy and the Tug-a-Jug has been a great find. He was a little hesitant of it at first but once he figured out that the toy dispensed food, he is having a great time figuring out different ways of getting his kibble to come out. It is also a very durable toy, which is what I was looking for. He is an aggressive chewer and has chewed through a lot of his other toys - even though he has tried to chew on the jug, he has not been able to inflict any damage to it so far (we've had it for about 3 weeks now). The Tug-a-Jug is made of very durable plastic. The bottom opens so you can fill the jug with kibble or treats and I was happy to find that it has extra threading so it screws on very firmly and stays on even with my dogs wild play with the jug."
B004EAGP74,5,"This is the BEST coconut oil out there! And this is the best price to be found to buy it. I have ordered this stuff quite a few times, it's my favorite and I never have any problems."
B006MONQMC,3,"but you have to be mindful not to squeeze too much into the water. otherwise it will taste kind of ""inky"". it says that i'm getting the vitamins and energy but i honestly haven't felt any different after using this in my water at lunchtime for a week straight.<br /><br />once i got the right consistency for me...the best thing is a change of pace from plain old water."
B000KV61FC,2,"It's a sturdy jug and easy to fill with treats. My dogs, however, do not find it interesting and have spent little to no time playing with it."
B000KV61FC,5,The toy keeps the dog busy for a long while. He loves it. He likes to play with it even without the treats sometimes.
B0041NYV8E,2,"I am having a hard time understanding exactly what went wrong with this drink. I followed the directions exactly. I enjoy all of the flavors on their own and have had them combined in other drinks, but this was just wrong. The flavors were there. They were intense. I am not afraid of intense, but they were just off. It seemed like a drink made from cheap spices that had expired or turned rancid. First I tried it hot because I am a huge fan of teas. This is not a tea, so I decided to give it a second chance after it cooled. I didn't like it either way. The ginger seemed dusty and old and the lemon was toned down. It was also very strong and the flavors were off. It may have been better if it were a backdrop flavor in an actual tea. I would never purchase this or recommend it to anyone else."
B006MONQMC,5,"Ever since I saw Mio I thought it was a cute idea, but why do I really need flavor? I prefer function, and VitaminSqueeze Fruit Punch is my family's favorite, and get the flavor for free!<br />Great taste! My kids definitely prefer a small glass of ""Fruit Punch"" in the morning over a Gummy Vitamin. Anyway, great new product. I recommend."
B000KV61FC,5,Our 8 mo old standard poodle loves this toy! It took her awhile to figure out how it worked and it's still a challenge. We use it to feed her regular meals and for entertainment and she never gets tired of playing with it.
B004EAGP74,5,I read the reviews and took a chance ordering this. I must say it is absolutely the best coconut oil I have ever tasted! It stays in liquid form so it is easy to use - I actually take 2 teaspoons a day straight --very yummy! You will be happy!
B006MONQMC,4,"Vitamin Squeeze did a have a positive affect on me.<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze is like a concentrated, liquid vitamin supplement that you squeeze in a container of water.<br /><br />The flavor--fruit punch--tastes more like Kool Aid than Vitamin Water, except with that annoying Sucralose aftertaste.<br /><br />*** ***<br /><br />A nice squeeze, maybe about a tablespoon- a tablespoon and a half- poured in a 16 oz bottle of ice, cold water staved off my hunger for about 90 minutes.<br /><br />It works. But I do wish they'd exchange the sucralose for unrefined sugar.<br /><br />4 stars."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Hands down best flour mix around & know I've tried them all. Makes delicous muffins, biscuits, scones, cookies, waffles, pancakes, even tres leches cake comes out amazingly deeeeeeelish with my firends/family begging me to bring it to the next get together. Amazon has the best price and it arrives fast. You will not be disapointed. Bake on my friends!!! :)"
B000GAT6NG,5,"Yeah, I use this both for eating and for moisturizing. It's great on my skin. I do a head-to-toe with it nightly and it keeps my skin all creamy-soft. It has a nice sweet smell and stays solid at room temperature. I'm turning thirty and hopefully it'll keep my face totally free of crows feet for a good long time to come. No expensive anti-wrinkle creams here. Also, it's fantastic for cooking Thai and Indian food. Really high heat tolerance. Takes forever to go rancid, so the shelf life is awesome. It also clears up the allergic skin rash I get when I use latex gloves. That stuff makes my knuckles crack and bleed, and the coconut oil is incredibly soothing. This stuff is a great deal!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"We love pancakes on a Saturday morning but we try to keep Gluten Free. Pamela has the answer with this mix it makes it easy to enjoy. My kids, my wife an I all like these good tasting pancakes. they are not exactly like wheat pancakes but closer than you might think."
B004EAGP74,5,"In 1892, pathologist William Osler described a whitish area on a heart, the telltale sign of myocardial infarction. In hundreds of thousands of autopsies over two centuries, none had been found before. As consumption of vegetable oils increased, heart attacks became increasingly common. By 1930 they were the leading cause of death in America.<br /><br />I prefer the fats that people ate for thousands of years before the epidemic. Nutiva smells good and can be spooned in winter. It's cheaper than some brands. Large jars are practical because it stays fresh on the shelf for many months after opening."
B004EAGP74,5,"Extra Virgin Cocnut Oil does NOT all taste the same. After trying about 4 different brands, hands down, my family prefers this one. The price that Amazon offers on it is outstanding. Definitaley recommend this product, and purchasing it from Amazon!"
B000KV61FC,5,My new puppy caught onto this right away. Keeps her busy for a while. I would definitely recommend.
B004EAGP74,5,I am very happy with this product. This was my first time to use coconut oil and I am very happy that I bought this size. Delivery was quick. I will definitely order this again.
B004EAGP74,5,"This is, by far, the best coconut oil I've ever tasted. Some of the other brands I've tried include Tropical Traditions and Spectrum (also Extra Virgin and USDA Organic)<br /><br />Many brands tend to have an almost ""soapy"" flavor. But, this one is just a very pure, distinct coconut flavor.<br />I will definitely be recommending this to my &lt;...> members."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have used this product in smoothies for my son and he loves it. Additionally, I use this oil in the shower as a skin conditioner and it has made my skin look great. Some of the stretch marks on my belly has disappeared quickly. Highly recommend!!!"
B000KV61FC,1,"my dog loved it at first but an hour later the plastic bottle cracked!! maybe this toy should be kept ""indoors"" only :("
B000NMJWZO,5,"This mix is great! The bag has many recipes to try and because it includes the baking soda and baking powder it's very quick and simple to use. My kids Love the pancakes and muffins, and don't mind that it's GF!"
B006MONQMC,2,"This is a really really great idea, just poorly executed. One ""squeeze"" is all you need. The trouble is a squeeze is not an accurate measure of anything. My squeeze is entirely different then my husbands or my 6 year old nieces. There is no way to properly measure this. My squeeze always made the drink either two sweet or too bland."
B000GAT6NG,5,"this product is absolutely amazing ! i first tried it when i found it at my local health food store and it keeps amazing me to no end. I use it as on my skin and in my tea . I wanted to share something so others may find this helpful. I work with Veterans as a volunteer and advocate i have one vet who has poor circulation in his legs and feet he also gets blood clots. He has had the swelling for almost 20 years , he is grumpy and miserable and normally hates to try anything new and will always complain about things no matter if its good or not. we went to his dr and they did not want to put him on more meds due to possible liver issues and so i mentioned could i try the coconut oil that i have , the dr said sure give it a try . so when we got back i brought the oil over and rubbed it into his legs and feet then put a coconut body butter over it and put his socks on, the next morning i stopped over to check on him and i was looking at his legs he was so amazed he was in shock just in 12 hrs his legs had gone down and the pin and needle s feeling had lessened, i continued for a week we went back to the dr and they were shocked and asked what it was i was doing , i explained the product and what i did they wrote the name down and was going to try it with other patients. this vet raved about how great it was and has kidnapped my jar and has had me go get him a case to keep on hand. it not only brought the swelling in his legs down but the cracking and dry skin on his legs and feet were gone and the color was no longer purple i will always keep this product on hand and use it for alot of my veterans who have skin issues. but make sure with your dr before you use it..."
B000GAT6NG,5,We use this for all of our cooking. It is great for frying any thing. To Me it makes things taste better. It is the only oil I use. We stopped using all other oils now except extra virgin olive oil for my salads. We even add a half teaspoon to our hot tea and it gives it a great flavor. My wife even uses it for her hair. It makes it soft and now she has no more split ends.
B0041NYV8E,4,"This Ginger Lemon Drink is a foil packet of instant powder that only needs a cup of boiling water to make a hot tasty very flavorful drink. With the honey already included, it is excellent if you feel a scratchy throat or sniffle coming on. I think you will like it as much as I did."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have bought this not even reading the amazon reviews which I found later, so my review is entirely based on my own opinion, but now reading through others people reviews I am amazed caused I have experience same outcome with the oil. But it didn't start out that way. I got two jars of it and based on the consistency and smell I was planning to return it, but gave a try and massaged it all over my body before bedtime - I could not belive how soft my skin felt in the morning - one of the reviewer said it feel like baby skin and I couldn't agree more. I am going to use this oil from now on and give it to my children. And I don't like coconut smell but the smell in this oil is not overpowering and actually quite nice. I think the more I use it the more I am going to love it. Definitely buy it."
B000NMJWZO,4,"I purchased my first bag of Pamela's baking mix at the grocery store for a staggering price, but wanted to try it first before ordering three bags. I'd already spent a small fortune on specialty flours, and had little success with recipes found online. So I had high hopes that this would solve all of my gluten-free problems.<br /><br />On one hand it did. As so many reviewers said, it makes wonderful pancakes. I also tried it for a small batch of cookies and they came out very nice. For biscuits and bread, however, it just doesn't cut it.<br /><br />But that's not the fault of the baking mix, more the fact that it doesn't contain gluten. I will keep looking for a bread that looks, feels and tastes like 'normal' bread, but the biscuits will work with things like sausage gravy. Not so much with chicken gravy or stew.<br /><br />I am very glad I found it because pancakes give me something to have with eggs (at least until I can have toast again). And when I want something sweet, sprinkling chocolate chips between a couple of them helps a lot.<br /><br />If the biscuits weren't as grainy and flat, and if the bread hadn't kept turning out much like a quick bread, I'd have given the mix five stars."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We love this baking mix! You can substitute it for flour in most recipes, makes great pancakes and has lots of recipes on it."
B0041NYV8E,4,I put a small amount of this product in a mug and added hot water. It is spicy ginger flavor. I am just getting over a bad cold and it does make my throat feel better but does leave a bit of an aftertaste. I kind of like it but I am not crazy about it if that makes sense.
B006MONQMC,2,"Okay, this is something you would really have to want in order to use it. However, for myself, I don't think this is a product that I would go out of my way to obtain. The flavor is... well... not what I was expecting! It has an aftertaste that I don't think I could get use to.<br /><br />I gave it a couple of tries, in four 16 oz. bottled waters, and it was hard to want to drink it down. But by golly, I got them down.<br /><br />There is alot more to go, but I think I'm going to pass on the rest of it. It does require refrigeration after opening. So there the rest of it will sit.<br /><br />It is clearly marked on the rim ""Not For Children"". I can truly appreciate that, and I'm glad to see them owning that. I see way to many children under 8 years old chugging down these types of beverages.<br /><br />As far as sports beverages and vitamin replenishment, I think I will just stick to my good ol' trusty water and fruits & veggies."
B0041NYV8E,3,"this was ok but I didn't really care for it personnally. It dissolved easily and had a good mild lemon flavor. I didn't really taste the ginger. It isn't something I would pay money for to have again, maybe if the lemon flavor was stronger but it's more of a hint of lemon taste and I do love lemon flavor. Others may like it more, everyone has their own tastes, this is just how it seemed for me and I am a daily hot tea drinker, all flavors. I thought this would taste more like that but in a tea bag you can steep it for more flavor. This has quite a bit in each little package for one serving so it would be very expensive to use more and like all crystals, they aren't evenly blended in the package so you won't get the same flavor everytime if you need to add extra."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is 100% organic, unrefined coconut oil. Yes, it tastes like coconut, but it is supose to. A food should taste like what it is!<br /><br />The nutritional value of this food is outstanding. It contains a lot of lauric acid which is also found in mothers milk and is both antifungal and antimicrobial. It is stable at room temperature and does not become rancid quickly like other popular cooking oils. It requires very high heat to release free radicals (I do prefer red palm oil for high heat cooking options because it does not release free radicals at all).<br /><br />My Suggested Uses: smoothies, slow cooked baked goods, sauteed foods, mixed with maple syrup over popcorn, homemade cosmetics, and as an occasional conditioner for dry ends of long hair."
B0041NYV8E,4,There is nothing sissy about this Ginger lemon drink. The taste and aroma are incredible but it's also soooo smoothe going down you'll want Rob Thomas and Santana doing the sound track of your afternoon break. The powder pack mixes instantly without clumps in hot water. I understand that each serving has less than 75 calories which is reasonable. I added a little soy-milk because of habit but also liked it without. This is a good drink without caffine to use before bed to wind down a little. I'm going to buy it for a pantry stock item.
B004EAGP74,5,"I have been using this product for a few weeks now, it is sooooo much better and smoother than what I used before. It is highly recommended!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have tried many glute-free flours in the quest to have common foods that actually taste good. This is by far the best one I've found. I've prepared pancakes, shortcake, muffins and served them to guests, including children and teenagers, all of whom enjoyed the food. I'm still struggling to find a good (and easy) oatmeal cookie recipe, though."
B0041NYV8E,4,"If you don't mind the taste of ginger, then this is a great product. It takes a few drinks to get used to it, but then it starts to grow on you. It is very soothing to your stomach. I highly recommend you try it."
B004EAGP74,5,"This coconut oil tastes great. It has lots of health benefits and is easy to use in baked goods. I don't like the coconut flavor in savory foods, but that's just me. I always buy this coconut oil because of the great quality and price."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Versatile says it all - I have yet to use it for a pancake mix - however, have used the mix to make southern style cornbread (my southern born husband loved it!). One of the best ways I have used it was to make fried chicken tenders by making a batter with the mix then roll the battered chicken tenders in the dry mix and fry in a deep fryer - another big hit with my southern husband - and use honey mustard as a dip for the cooked chicken tenders. Check out Pamela's website for several recipes for the mix. For gluten intolerant folks - this products is heaven sent."
B0041NYV8E,3,"This is instant drink with lots of ginger flavor it it. In some ways it is almost like drinking ginger tea without the tea bag. Drink has very dark color and in my cuup it almost looked like coffee. Taste is very interesting. If you like ginger already, you will enjoy strong peppery ginger taste. What is unusual about this drink is that it has a very sweet aftertaste. For me personally, it was too sweet. I could not find a list of ingredients to confirm if this drink uses any artificial sweateners and that is why I doubt I would try drinking it again. I just was not sure what is the calorie intake for this beverage.<br /><br />If calories are of no concern to you, than this is definitely a fine drink to try. All you do is pour hot water and it's done."
B000KV61FC,4,"I bought this for my teething 5 month old Pitbull and she seems to love it. Of course, I don't think she quite uses it the way its intended. She mainly just chews on the bottle but I think she might also be trying to open the end that screws on because she opened it once and got the treats and since then she goes straight to that part of the toy. Either way it keeps her busy."
B004EAGP74,5,This is my favorite source for Organic Coconut Oil thus far! Nutiva is a great company doing really great things!
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is a wonderful product. We have tried several other brands. The health benefits are amazing. We use it for a substitute for shortening in baked goods(pie crust, cookies, etc.) We also prefer it now for frying eggs, potatoes, pancakes, everything, as it is much more stable at higher temps. --A word of caution, if you don't like coconut taste, it will take some getting used to. My oldest daughter(17) falls into this catagory. She is now accepting it more and more. The other 4 kids have had no trouble making the switch. It is interesting that we now eat more healthier fats and fats in total, yet have lost weight. My husband and I have each lost between 10 and 15 lbs. using this product, along with making other healthy changes in our diet. Enjoy!"
B004EAGP74,5,"This is a great quality coconut oil at a great price!! To try to buy it by the pound at a local health food store is outrageous in price per pound. This oil I love for cooking,baking,eating cold in yogurt,and it's a great skin moisturizer. Light coconut flavor without overwhelming fried foods..highly recommended~~"
B0041NYV8E,2,"The crystalized ginger drink tastes much the same as other such drinks readily available at many Asian markets at half the price. I see other reviewers complained about after taste and it being too strong. I haven't run across a ginger drink that is too strong, so maybe it is just me but this one is relatively mild. At first, I didn't taste anything bad in the after taste but I wrote the review before finishing the drink... then went back to revise. Yes, not as good as I thought after the flavor lingers. It is a mediocre product at an premium price."
B000KV61FC,4,"This is a nice change of pace for my dog from the kongs. Lately, everyone has been making their treats smaller and easier to get out of the kongs, so I'll definitely be using this more. I have a 55 lb border x who is a chewer with separation anxiety. This is a nice addition to the collection."
B006MONQMC,2,"Like so many low or no-calorie, water flavoring drinks, the Vitamin Squeeze has a cloying artificial sweetener taste, sucralose in this instance. The Fruit Punch flavor is more reminiscent of Kool Aid than any naturally occurring fruits. Indeed the ingredients list ambiguously ""natural flavor"". The shtick on this drink is that it has a few added vitamins (A, C, E, B complex) to give you the illusion of healthfulness. If this is how you are getting your vitamins, you seriously need to reassess your diet. Finally, the coup de grace is caffeine. My favorite drug of choice and peak-me up. There is 40 mg per squeeze. Roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of a cup of coffee, or half of a 9.5 ounce Red Bull. Because of the caffeine, this is not a kids drink!<br />The list of ingredients is a series of chemicals (vitamins, artificial sweetener, caffeine, etc.), so how they get away with the ""All Natural"" label is a wonder of modern marketing. As is the ""natural caffeine"". As opposed to what? Artificial caffeine?<br /><br />I am impressed by the packaging genius of this container. The one squeeze per 8 ounces of water (24 squeezes in the bottle) is super convenient and brilliant means of delivery. No messy measuring. If it works for ketchup and mayonnaise, why not for concentrated energy drinks."
B0041NYV8E,4,"If you have had any Tazo chai - think of this as something 10 times more stronger.<br /><br />First of all, it is not a tea bag, it is small sachet with powered Ginger in it, you empty one pack into 250 ml of hot water and the powder completely dissolves in it.<br /><br />When you start to enjoy it - almost instantly it gives you an instant kick of strong Ginger flavor + light lemon flavor, you can feel it pass through your throat and feel the spicyness. Overall, I loved the taste and the strong dose of flavor in it, if you think it is too strong, just add some more water.<br /><br />You can enjoy it on one of the winter days/cool it down for summer drink and I think it is going to be really good when you have a cold/cough - just add a few drops of Honey and it should give a good relief.<br /><br />I emailed the company to get a full list of ingredients and still have not received any response back - hence loses a star on the product rating."
B000GAT6NG,5,"For those looking for a healthier alternative to butter and vegetable oils, coconut oil is great!!! I use it as my primary cooking oil, so this large jar is perfect for me. It doesn't need refrigeration like other coconut oils I've purchased, which is convenient.<br /><br />A neat thing - some doctors actually recommend daily doses of coconut oil. Also, you can use on your skin (which is better for you than petroleum-based products)."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I am a complete novice about ginger tea and ginger beer (didn't even know there were such things until I read a review of this product). I was most surprised when first drinking this beverage mix, added to hot water, at the strength of the flavor and the bite it leaves on the tongue. There is nothing tepid about it. However, if the drink is too strong for your taste, it can be weakened, but still taste good, by putting it on ice.<br /><br />The flavor of the honey and lemon is easily distinguishable. So you have to be a lover of ginger in liquid form to really appreciate this instant drink. I like the fact there are no bags, it's easy to prepare. You just pour.<br /><br />It's really up to one's individual taste as to whether or not this drink will be appealing. As for myself, I think I might drink it as a remedy for indigestion (rather than over-the-counter pharmacy remedies); however, for pleasure, I would choose something else."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Lemon and ginger: two very strong tastes! This is exactly what you want to drink after a big meal, these two herbs in combination, to aid digestion.<br /><br />Tastewise, this is strong stuff. I had to dilute mine quite a bit from the recommended amount of water. It tastes fine hot, and tbh I actually prefer it cold, but in between, where it's just warm? It's pretty unpleasant tasting and overpowering.<br /><br />I don't think I'd drink this as an energy drink, but as a post-dinner sort of cool sipping drink, this is quite refreshing."
B004EAGP74,5,"I really like Nutiva's brand of coconut oil, it seems to be the cleanest by far. I use this with oatmeal, and to pan fry just about anything. It makes for amazing ham and eggs. The only thing I don't care for is the plastic jar (yeah yeah, everyone has to watch costs) so on a hot day I will transfer mine to Ball glass jars."
B0041NYV8E,4,"This is an interesting, strongly ginger flavored beverage. If you don 't like ginger its not for you as ginger is the predominant flavor."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I've been purchasing the Nutiva via subscription, in the two-pack jars. Recently I found the 8 pound pail available, and decided it would be a good purchase since coconut oil has such a long shelf life.<br /><br />Having seen another review that said there was a difference between the pail product and jar product, I was concerned. However, after having used both I can assure you that the product you buy in jars is the same product packed in the large pail.<br /><br />Eight pounds of wonderful coconutty goodness, creamy and fragrant and delicious! Since it turns liquid in warmer temps, I poured the liquid into my olive oil dispenser and can now add oil to my skillets without having liquid coconut oil running all down the sides of the jar. When the weather cools down I'll have to make other arrangements, of course. But this coconut oil is fabulous and a bargain at this price!<br /><br />I might have to order another one soon as my mother likes this also, and took some of my coconut oil.<br /><br />*Edit 6-14-11: when I purchased this and raved about what a bargain it was, the pail cost me just a little over $50.00 You may find that doing the math on any additional price increases changes whether this is a bargain for you or not."
B000KV61FC,1,"Granted I didn't take into account that my dog would chew through the rope, but my Pit had this destroyed in less than 10 mins. The sides of the bottle are too deep to really dispense without having to tip the bottle, so she got a little frustrated trying to get the treats out. She ended up bringing the toy to people to get the treat out for her. Well, she got tired of that and just decided to eat the rope off. I was really excited to get this toy too, she needs mind games to keep her busy. This one just doesn't hold up. Totally not worth the $20 I wasted. I'm sticking to Kong and West Paw toys from now on. They are the ONLY brands I have found to hold up and cost less than the new poser brands coming out."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Every member of the family loves ""mommy pancakes"" made from Pamela's. I'm the only wheat-free, gluten-free person in the household and do a majority of the cooking and baking. The pancakes are wonderful - add blueberries or bananas or brown sugar and cinnamon to make them even better!!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"I absolutely love this stuff,i use it for my hair and i no longer have any frizz and i am totally in love with this product."
B0041NYV8E,5,"This is among one of my favorites out of the other Gold Kili drinks. Since it's sweetened with honey, the taste is more natural and I don't feel as bad drinking a lot of it. I mostly drink it cold, like any other beverage, but it's also good when hot. I think it's the best remedy when I get indigestion; it's very soothing and really settles my stomach."
B006MONQMC,4,"This was better than I expected it to be. I was really worried that it was going to have that terrible aftertaste that a lot of drinks without sugar in them tend to have, and while there is a little bit of that aftertaste, it's not that bad and it certainly didn't stop me from drinking this.<br /><br />I like that there are vitamins and electrolytes in this, but I did not notice any ""kick"" from the supposed energy that this is supposed to provide.<br /><br />Someone else mentioned in their review that they added this to crystal light, and I think it would be interesting to try adding this to sprite."
B0041NYV8E,4,"The ginger in this drink is almost overwhelming. It is so strong that when I would go to take a sip, I would almost choke before I even had the drink in my mouth from the fumes of it. Then, after swallowing, my tongue and throat were still burning. The ginger tastes like actual ginger root, not artificial. Under the very strong ginger taste, you can taste a little bit of lemon and the drink is sweet. I can't say that I would buy this drink in the future, but if you really like the taste of ginger, you won't be disappointed in this drink. It was easy to prepare and dissolved nicely in hot or cold water. The ginger taste was much stronger when the drink was hot."
B000KV61FC,3,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 2:01 Mins<br /><br /></span>This video shows Taxi (soft coated wheaten terrier) opening and playing with his Christmas/10th Birthday present... a Tug-a-Jug. He's played with it a few times now and he still doesn't get that he needs to pull the cord to get the treats to come out -- although he really enjoys knocking it around until the treats accidentally fall out. I bought the large size after reading the reviews because of the cord. The large size had the plastic cord which is easier to clean. The smaller size has the rope cord. Taxi is not a big chewer, so I felt comfortable that this toy would durable - and it is. I filled it with stinky treats which he can smell through both ends... but those treats upset his tummy a bit, so I'm going to have to try something else. I couldn't find the ingredients of the treats that are sold with the Tug-a-Jug, so I didn't buy those."
B000NMJWZO,1,"The bread made from this stuff is TERRIBLE! Crusty, Dense, Sweet! Can't make a meat sandwich out of it because it is so sweet! Try Gluten Free Pantry Favorite Sandwich or French Bread & Pizza Mix, they taste like real bread! Like I said, it's sweet and has an overpowering flavor that ruins anything you try to do with it."
B000KV61FC,5,"I recently adopted Jake, a 3 yr old German Shepherd Mix from a GSD rescue organization and was excited to introduce him to a variety of new toys. Most he destroyed within minutes. The Busy Buddy Tug-a-Jug is his favorite toy and keeps him challenged and entertained for long periods of time, while other toys get tossed aside. He has easily figured out how to maneuver the bottle to obtain the kibble inside and it's adorable to watch how excited he becomes when he wins the prize...each and every time.<br /><br />I know that other reviewers have complained that it's difficult for the dog to get the food to come out. Perhaps the pieces are too large or the rope is not extended. Keeping the rope fully extended for him, Jake is able to retrieve the kibble...not with complete ease...but with a little effort and determination. I would highly recommend this toy for a dog in need of a fun and durable toy that will keep him mentally stimulated."
B000NMJWZO,5,"After my husband was diagnosed with celiac disease 9 months ago, I, as the chef in the house, decided it would be easier to have a gluten free home to avoid cross contamination or accidental ingestion of gluten. I tried Pamela's baking mix because of the good reviews, the price, and of course the convenience. I have used this mix in a number of bisquick casserole type recipes without a problem. We have made many of the recipes on the package and on Pamela's website with great success. This starting off point has given me the courage to try baking with other flours as well, but there will always be a bag of Pamela's on our shelf!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"When I first found out a few months ago that I have Celiacs, I thought I would never be making some of my favorite baked recipes again. I bought a couple of bags of gluten free flours and found them gritty and not to my liking.<br /> I then did a lot of research by reading other peoples reviews of products and found Pamela's baking and pancake mix had rave reviews. To my delight, I have made several of my own recipes with great results. I made these desserts for our 4th of July party and nobody knew they were gluten free. I had to tell my sister and my grown son (also recently diagnosed with Celiacs) that they could also indulge in these tasty treats. I'm looking forward to trying more of my longtime treasured recipes. I would also like to thank Amazon for the great price on these items. I priced one 4 lb. bag at my local health food store and was shocked to see the 26 dollar price tag."
B004EAGP74,5,"I've tried two of the major coconut oil brands that I order via the internet. I've been using the oil in food and on my skin for about 5 years. I ordered this just to see how it tasted because the price was so good, if it didn't taste right, I'd just use it on my skin. It is the BEST tasting oil I've tried. Tropical Traditions, Coconut Oil Supreme pale in comparison. This is truly a coconut oil you could eat right out of the jar. If you want to try a coconut oil that tastes as good as it smells, this is it. And the price is fabulous. Yea, Nutiva and Amazon!"
B006MONQMC,5,"What a fantastic idea. Fill up a glass or water, squeeze a dose of Vitamin Squeeze Energy into it and you have a delicious fruit punch that tastes great and is easier to drink than water alone. I love it. It also lasts for a long time since it doesn't take much to make a drink."
B0041NYV8E,2,"The smell of ginger is so overpowering that several of my co-workers walked in the break room and said, ""yuck, what's that smell?"" I drank it warm and it definitely burns the throat with the strong ginger taste. The aftertaste is what was the worst, it tasted like old lemons. I love Moscow Mule's and Ginger Beer but just couldn't handle this, it was just too strong, both in taste and smell. You'd better be a ginger lover, that's most definite."
B006MONQMC,4,"We have all seen the commercials lately for little squeezy bottles of flavoring, energy, vitamins you can squirt right into any bottle or glass of water. Apparently its all the rage to do this, I thought since I am a happening gal I better get to squeezing.<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze is a largish bottle, sort of like a mini ketchup squeezer except this isnt for Fries or a burger. Its for your water. Because drinking plain old water just wont hack it anymore. This product, with one squeeze per 8 oz of water will give you 120% of your vitamin C for the day, 40% of your Vitamin B3 B5 B6 and B12, 40 mg of caffeine, 10 mg of Taurine, and lotsa Electrolytes.<br /><br />So its an energy drink with perks. How does it taste? Well this is the Fruit Punch flava and it taste pretty fruity punchy, very very sweet, a bit overwhelmingly so. But I liked it just fine. Its good to have if you havent had your coffee, and flintstones, and need a boost for the day. I dont think anyone should be chugging this on top of already having caffeine or your fruits for the day."
B006MONQMC,3,"As a new mom, I could use some extra energy and when I saw this, I thought it would be perfect for me. One of the pros is that it has lots of B vitamins in it with no sugar, carbs, or calories so you can use it even when dieting and it's not unhealthy for you like all those sugared up energy drinks like Red Bull. I also liked that it added flavor to a bland glass of water, but the flavor was not quite fruit punch, but more like a bitter cough drop, so it wasn't tasty to me. I couldn't get past the after taste either. Aside from bad flavoring I liked the easy squeeze container so there's no measuring/mixing like with powdered style flavorings - I could squeeze it right into a bottle of water and use as much or as little as I wanted.<br /><br />What I didn't like about it besides the taste, is that it DOES NOT give you extra energy. I felt no bursts of energy or even a mild increase. Bottom line is it gives you a weird flavor and some vitamins but don't look to have the energy of the Energizer Bunny from it."
B000KV61FC,1,My one year old Lab. loved the bottle filled with his kibble. The kibble fell out when tossed around. He carried the bottle into the kitchen started tossing it and it cracked when it hit the tile floor at the screw end ALL kibble fell out and it broke into sharp pieces and it was a scramble to get the piece before he tried to eat and swallow them. You know Labs they will eat anything halfway looking like food. The bottle is not very durable on hard surfaces. The same would have happened on the patio deck I am sure. Expensive for the 30 minutes he used it.
B000NMJWZO,5,This has been an excellent product for us. They include wonderful recipes on the back of the package. One heads up though: the Pumpkin Loaf Cake was excellent the second time I made it. There is a misprint in the should be 1 CUP not 1 CAN of pumpkin. lol There was a correction on their web site.
B000KV61FC,5,"At first my dog was unsure, but it didn't take long until he was chewing, biting, and scratching at the toy. He played with it for HOURS over a two-day period. He finally got tired of it, and I put it away for another time when it be ""new"" for him again. Great toy! (By the way, I bought size small and it is the right size for my 16 lb. dog.)"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I'd been using the ' Stonewall Kitchen Pancake & Waffle Mix ' for a couple of years. It's quite good, but it had the same problem that I'd found with all other pancake mixes. If I had pancakes left over and reheated them the next day, they always came out dry. Then I saw that the reviews for ' Pamela's Baking & Pancake Mix' were great. I picked up a bag of it at the local Whole Foods. I was a little leery at first, because the package said that it is gluten and wheat free, but my leeriness was probably due to my lack of experience with this category of products. As I did with the Stonewall Kitchen mix, I modified the recipe. I used two eggs, instead of one. I used butter ( probably about a quarter stick ), instead of oil. I used milk, instead of water. To my great pleasure, they not only were quite delicious, but when I reheated the leftovers the next day, THEY WEREN'T DRY! Now I know why the reviews are so favorable. My future purchases of this fine product will be from Amazon, because of the great price."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Diagnosed with Celiac in the last 6 months, I have struggled to find flour products that taste as good as those I used to have. I love Pamela's! I use it for everything, coating meat, making muffins, and of course breakfast. I made the waffles for my grown children and they agreed that they taste better than ""regular"" waffles. Try the waffles, they are amazing."
B000NMJWZO,5,"You can't beat Pamela's and the Amazon price is terrific. If you want great cookies, biscuits, etc., buy Pamela's! Easy to use, great tasting, etc."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I prefer ginger tea when I'm feeling under the weather but don't often have fresh ginger on hand. I tried Gold Kill All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage in the hope that this might be a convenient alternative to fresh ginger tea.<br /><br />Gold Kill All Natural has a strong ginger taste. I used nearly 50% more water than the amount suggested, but the ginger tea was still much too sweet for me. If you like your drinks very sweet, you might enjoy Gold Kill. I would have liked it better if it had 1/3rd the sugar."
B006MONQMC,5,Awesome.... I've been a fan of mio because i just like flavored water better than this kicks it up Notch with the vitamins and natural stimulants. My wife calls it redbull water and i think its the right nickname.<br /><br />I'm not through my first squeeze bottle and it has made more than 20 bottles of water into redbull water. I've even mixed it with diet fresca and its great carbonated that way....<br /><br />Easy I want to try turret other favors
B006MONQMC,5,"I love the taste, I love the packaging, I love the convenience, I love the vitamins -- it's all good! This is a super product to keep in the break room refrigerator and mix up just enough when I need it. There's no waste, because I can make it as strong or light as I wish.<br /><br />This is a good product that I will definitely purchase again and again."
B004EAGP74,3,Ok this coconut oil smells like alot of butter than coconut oil. I was expecting a fresh coconut oil smell like a tropical island smell this is not it. My mother and my sister do not like the smell at all but coconut oil is suppose to be really good on your body and I would really like to use it but I cant stand the smell. Did I get a bad batch because everyone on here thinks its smells sooooooooooooo good Im not gettting that at all..... is there any other brand?
B004EAGP74,5,"Aside from the restaurant-sized bucket, this is the best per volume price I've found on this product. I love this product. It's great for skin care as well as a food staple. MCT (medium chain triglycerides) are touted in several books to improve overall health, cure obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. If that's the case then I'd rather use it than pharma. As far as shipping, it was very fast and the product arrived in mint condition."
B004EAGP74,5,We have enjoyed using this product. I like it specially for cooking lightly breaded fish or vegetables. It gives a faint pleasant taste of coconut. I can hardly wait to do some tropical dishes.
B004EAGP74,5,This product works really well. I use this basically for my hair and a little goes an extremely long way. Coconut oil has reduced the breakage and shedding in my hair and is wonderful.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I am loving this brand, and using it for everything from cooking, to eating to skin, its so worth second order is now in, now I will simply have it simply shipped to me, and relax my way into better health '"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is a great all around baking mix to have on hand. We love the cookies, cakes, and pancakes you can make with this mix. The recipes are simple and she offers more online. We always find regular recipes and substitute this flour. Each and every time our recipes turn out great. I have taken my various recipes where I used Pam's Baking Mix and I have had alot of compliments. People who don't eat gluten free don't ever know the difference."
B0041NYV8E,5,"This ginger/lemon beverage was such a nice surprise. Usually when you get something with ginger you barely taste it but this product has quite a big punch of hot spicy ginger with a touch of lemon and just sweet enough but not too sweet. Also no artificial sweetener which is a must for me. I just so happened to be coming down with a stomach bug when this arrived and it was just what I needed to fight the nausea and upset. I will buy this again, it was a nice convenient way to get a cup of my beloved ginger tea without having to grate the root myself or squeeze the lemon. This tastes just like I did all the work but all I did was boil the water! If you find fresh grated ginger too hot and spicy this is not for you, it is very spicy and wonderful!"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I usually make my own ginger-lemon tea, most often to keep colds at bay (as per the recommendation of Kimberly Snyder in <a href="""">The Beauty Detox Solution: Eat Your Way to Radiant Skin, Renewed Energy and the Body You've Always Wanted</a> (her immunity tea recipe is also available on her blog).<br /><br />I'm always looking for an on-the-go alternative to making the tea from scratch for the time when one is traveling and might not have the option of buying fresh ginger and fresh lemon, but at the time when one is more susceptible to a cold (lower immunity due to stress, jetlag, lack of sleep, etc.). Having to only add hot water definitely saves a lot of effort of tracking down the ingredients and time to actually peeling the ginger, squeezing the lemon, etc.<br /><br />I have tried the <a href="""">Instant Ginger Honey Crystals Pack of 30 Bags - 18 g Sachets</a> and found those to be very heavy on the ginger. Comparatively, Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage, which similarly comes packaged in a bag and needs to be mixed with water, doesn't taste overwhelmingly gingery.<br /><br />However, the Gold Kili product tastes incredibly sugary. It's the kind of drink that gets worse the more you try it. The first sip seems acceptable, the second seems iffy, and then before you know it, your body decided that it's a bit more sugar than you bargained for. I appreciate the fact that it's caffeine-free, but must it be overwhelmingly sweet to block the taste of ginger?"
B000NMJWZO,5,"this is the best gluten free pancake/baking mix, better then regular bisquick. makes the best cookies. we use it all the time"
B006MONQMC,4,"This is really a great product. Compared to the other water enhancers, this one is far and above. The vitamin content is attractive, the flavor is pleasing, the price is right.<br /><br />One drawback: it requires refrigeration. So many times I would grab a bottle of water and down it before I realized I had the Vitamin Squeeze in the fridge. Forget about throwing it in your backpack and taking it with you. That's kind of unfortuante really. It's a much better product than something like Mio - except for that."
B000KV61FC,4,I got the small for my chihuahua. He loves it. I'm giving it fours stars because the bottle is much bigger than what I expected(It could be my fault for not understanding the dimensions). The dog food comes out easily at first and as the food level drops it does get more challenging. It keeps him engage and slows down his intake of food.
B004EAGP74,5,"I have just recently begun using VCO for nearly all of my cooking. After purchasing two books on the benefits of coconut oil, I have purchased several different brands of oil. The Nutiva Organic EVCO is by far a superior oil with a delightful flavor. The price from Amazon if you are a Prime member is the best I have found for this quality of oil.<br /><br />I began eating the oil mixed in about 1/2 cup of cottage cheese because I read on a forum that cottage cheese has properties which help the body assimilate the oil. Since then I have expanded to many other uses. I use the oil to sautee garlic, onions, peppers, etc for all of my soups and stir frys. I spread it on toast and add it to my corn bread.<br /><br />In just the first week of eating coconut oil regularly I noticed that my chronic aches in my joints and muscles subsided. My skin is smoother and blemishes began to disappear. I began using it as a topical ointment on my hands, feet and face along with knees and elbows. It is a much better skin conditioner than almost anything else I have used.<br /><br />I found that it also works great as a conditioner for all of my wooden cooking utensils and I rub it into my cutting boards to condition them. It is far superior to mineral oil!<br /><br />I have introduced the oil into my husband's diet also. He has been a Type II diabetic for about 15 years and just turned 77. He is beginning to notice positive benefits also. He particularly has noticed more mental acuity. He adds the oil to his morning cereal and spreads it on his toast and really enjoys the flavor.<br /><br />I am so happy to have found this wonderful Nutiva oil and appreciate its many benefits. I find it kind of addictive. I now look forward to adding the oil to more and more foods and it seems to make nearly everything, including eggs, soups, stews, casseroles, muffins and breads more delicious. I highly recommend the Nutiva brand of Organic EVCO for a huge variety of uses. To those who think it has too much coconut flavor - well, I guess you can't please everyone. Try it and decide for yourself. The health benefits are worth it! This oil has given me a new energy and improved my health so positively that I would recommend it to everyone.<br /><br />The only downside I can mention is the plastic container. It would be better if it were packaged in glass, but hopefully all those anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties of the oil will negate the use of a plastic container ;-)"
B000GAT6NG,5,"When it arrived the oil was melted but that was to be expected after walking around with it going to class in SC. When I got back to my dorm it was already beginning to thicken up. I was also very happy to see that there was no spill. I got this coconut oil to use in my hair and I could not be happier. My hair is really soft and it seems like its melts away kinks and tangles that can come with hair 7 weeks post relaxer. My hair is super soft, moisturized, and shiny. I'm also seeing less breakage and shedding. At first I thought the oil smelled weird, but it's probably because I don't know what fresh coconut smells like. It smells spicy like pumpkin at first and then I smell coconut and I'm like ooooooh okay, that smells really good. I plan on buying a fresh coconut just so I can know what it smells like. It also feels great on my skin; it soaks in almost instantly and leaves my skins soft while feeling like I didn't put anything on at all. Before I did anything with it, I tasted it, to me it didn't taste like anything, it was only a little though. I'll probably still buy a separate jar for food purposes because of the health benefits.<br />All in all I'm extremely happy with this purchase and I will only buy this brand of coconut oil. I bought coconut oil from a natural diy/aromatherapy site that wasn't living up to the known benefits of coconut oil when used in your hair, it also wasn't unrefined and I think it is the cause of seborrheic dermatitis that I'm currently dealing with. But since I've stopped using that coconut oil that issue is just about nonexistent. So make sure what ever oil you are using is unrefined and organic!"
B0041NYV8E,4,"This is a delicious, easy, no-mess way to enjoy a ""tea."" Great for on-the-go, as all you'll need is warm water. I made the packet with 6 ounces of water, which produced a tea with pleasant sweetness and a definite ginger bite to it. The lemon is there, but a bit overpowered by the ginger. If you like less of a bite, use 8 ounces of water."
B000KV61FC,2,"This is made out of hard plastic. I bought this for my Shepherd that loves to chew. She's not interested in playing with it at all. It's made to be a educational for dogs, I guess she just got bored with it. On the plus side your human kiddos will like it."
B006MONQMC,4,"There is a lot to like about this drink. The flavor is rich but not too sweet. The size of the bottle is larger than its competitors The drink is touted as an energy drink and has 40mg of caffeine, about the same as an 8 oz can of Coke. The issue with this is that people tend to squirt different amounts in their water so the serving size as well as the caffeine intake is subject to this.<br /><br />The other issue I have with all of these drinks is that you must use the bottle up in a month once it is opened. This drink, unlike Mio, must be refrigerated after opening so you cannot carry it around with you. It is also too large to carry around in a normal sized purse.<br /><br />The drink also claims it has 120 mg of vitamin C in every portion. The daily recommended intake is 70 mg so drinking this should fill one's quota-I would hope.<br /><br />All in all there is a lot to like about this drink and very little to dislike."
B000GAT6NG,3,"I received the product without incident. I just am not convinced that it is with any merit. I don't feel any different, my sugar levels remain the same. I guess time will tell. I don't think i would recommend purchasing this product."
B000KV61FC,4,Was reccommended by the Vet and ordered it right away. Dog loves it and keeps her busy for hours.
B000KV61FC,5,"My Chesapeake Bay Retriever has a ton of fun with her tug-a-jug, but not as much fun as I have watching her play with it. Her tail wags like crazy when I give it to her loaded with her favorite treats. I have even used it for training as it is easy to give a food reward for compliance. It has held up well and has kept her interest from day one. I highly recommend this toy for any dog."
B000NMJWZO,4,"I have been using Pamela's for almost a year and find that it makes yummy pancakes, waffles, cookies and drop biscuits. I use it as a replacement coating for fried chicken, chicken fried steak and fried zuchinni.<br /><br />The draw back is that it does not make very good gravy. It is thin and watery. Also, I have tried making loaves of bread with it and they always turn out crumbly and the dough does not rise very well, even after doubling the leavening.<br /><br />Hope this helps you."
B004EAGP74,5,"I can only compare this Nutiva coconut oil to one other that I had tried bearing the Spectrum label. Perhaps the Spectrum oil is exactly as good for you, but it had no flavor whatsoever. This Nutiva coconut oil, on the other hand, actually has a delicious coconut flavor. Well, I think it's delicious. If you don't like coconut flavor, you'd better try a different brand."
B006MONQMC,4,"I am not a big water drinker but I am trying to be. What I like about the Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink is that it comes in a large 12-ounce bottle and is not only all natural but zero calories. I will say though even though it says the cap is specially designed for no drips, I had issues with getting it to seal right. The flavoring was fine for me, tasted like fruit punch but not overwhelming - although I did add more than you probably should! I don't know that I necessarily felt an energy bust but it definitely was better than plain water. It does have to be refrigerated which is nice because it adds for a colder drink but it is also not portable though. I think I can stretch this bottle for a month and will definitely be looking for it again!"
B000KV61FC,3,"My dog really enjoyed this. she spent hours trying to get the treats out. but in the first 10 minutes she chewed the plastic 'rope' in half out of frustration. So now the toy doesn't work as intended, but still i put her dog food in there since i know she'll be able to get it out pretty easily, it will just take more work than the bowl. This is a really great toy, just wish the rope would have lasted a day. so be sure to supervise play before you leave your dog with this one."
B0041NYV8E,1,I used one packet in a large cup and added hot water. I thought this drink would be yellow but it ended up looking dark brown and I would compare it to rusty looking water. I had never tried a lemon ginger drink before and didn't entirely know what to expect. I figured it would be like a strong lemon flavored tea. Instead I got rust colored and spicy hot cup of disgusting water. I could taste the lemon but the ginger was incredibly strong and was quite honestly the nastiest thing I have ever drunk. I forced myself to consume about half of the cup to give it an honest try but ended up pouring the rest down the sink and will never try again. It also left my lips tingly as if I had just eaten a bunch of hot peppers. I know everyone has different taste but I find it difficult to believe that some people actually like this stuff.
B004EAGP74,5,"I have used coconut oil in cooking veggies and in baking! There are lots of books about the health benefits of Coconut oil, so I've used it on my skin and as a hair conditioner, too! It's amazing! The price at Amazon was excellent compared to other sites I visited. I highly recommend this product!"
B000GAT6NG,1,"This is awesome coconut oil, but it is packaged in a PLASTIC container. Plastic can leech into the product. What is the point of putting a health food in contaminating packaging? Change it! Glass is far more acceptable, and will not will not contaminate the product with the estrogens from plastic. We people who use coconut oil will definitely recycle it, like we do everything else.;)"
B006MONQMC,1,"When I smelled the Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, I really couldn't wait to try it - it smells like Hawaiian Punch! Anything that smells like Hawaiian Punch can't taste bad, right? I squeezed it into a glass of cold water - still smells faintly of Hawaiian Punch...should be good. Then I tasted it...not even close to tasting yummy. In fact, it has this weird ""not quite sugar, but trying to pretend to be sugar"" weird salty vitamin aftertaste taste. In short, if you open a bottle of Centrum vitamin pills and sniff it, that's what it tastes like - just slightly fruit punch flavored. It just doesn't taste good.<br /><br />I tried giving Vitamin Squeeze Energy drink a fair shot...I mixed it with ice water. I added more for more fruit flavor. I added less to see if I could tolerate it in small doses. The results were all the same...the taste is just yuck. After drinking this stuff, I vowed to take my vitamins in quick to swallow pill form, and drink Gatorade or something else if I'm itching for a flavored water. Taking vitamins shouldn't be this bad! Not recommended."
B0041NYV8E,1,I'm not a huge ginger fan but its okay and I love lemon so I decided to try this. I was highly disappointed with this drink. The taste is awfully bitter and spicy. There is so much ginger in this that it actually made my tongue burn and I only used a half of packet. I can't imagine the burning sensation if I would of used an entire packet of this stuff. It also leaves a nasty bitter aftertaste in my mouth. I took one sip of this and that is all I could take of it. I wanted to like this drink but it's just not for me.<br /><br />The only good things I can say about Gold Kili beverage is that it's an instant drink and it mixes up really well in your glass.
B006MONQMC,2,"Simple to use, but directions vague. A squirt can mean just about anything. I am not thrilled with the flavor, it tastes like kool aid with an after taste. It does have caffeine and some vitamins in it, but I dont think it does much. Will stick to green tea."
B000KV61FC,5,"I heard the inventor on a local radio station one day Talking about her Boston terrier who tore up all his toys and she said that's why she invented this. I was a little unsure that this would keep my little # 3 BT busy, but it does. It also keeps #2 BT busy, but #1 BT just wants you to shake the treats out. The only problem I have is finding treats small enough to work in it. Sometimes I just put their dog food in it and they still love to play with it. I definitely would recommend this dog toy to anyone who very active dogs it does keep them busy."
B006MONQMC,1,"Plain and simple: this tastes awful!<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze is a concentrated energy drink that you squeeze into a glass of water and enjoy. But there was no enjoyment here. It has a fake chemical taste which overpowered any fruit punch flavor. The first sip was bad, but I took another in the interest of writing this review and... even worse the second time around. So bad, in fact, that my tongue and lips started to tingle and I had to rinse my mouth out.<br /><br />I'm beyond perplexed that others would speak so highly of this product. I'll drink my water straight, and get my vitamins (and caffeine) elsewhere. I don't recommend this water enhancer."
B004EAGP74,5,"I am so glad I made this purchase. Where to start-I had quit eating fried eggs as the taste was bland. To begin with I decided to fry eggs & hash browns. They tasted so good. I haven't gotten to try too many things but I like taste coconut oil gives food. I have also been using it as a makeup remover & moisturizer for over a week now. My skin feels great, some of the laugh lines are reduced on my face & my hands feel so much softer."
B006MONQMC,3,"It did make my water taste like fruit punch. Of course, I felt like I wasn't gauging the ""one squeeze"" correctly. Or maybe I was? It felt like I was using a lot to the ratio of water to get a taste that wasn't so diluted. Regardless, it didn't taste bad once I reached a nice saturation point.<br /><br />As far as energy? I don't really think so. It wasn't any different from when I use Mio. No more or less feeling of a 'boost'.<br /><br />I'll stick to my Mio. Thanks."
B000KV61FC,5,"My 90lbs pure Lab gets his one meal in this. He works on it till he eats the last piece of his kibble. This toy makes him tired, which we need if we are not at home :)"
B004EAGP74,5,"This is a great coconut oil. I've used it in cooking, shakes, as a substitute for butter. It's fabulous."
B004EAGP74,5,"I have been studying the benefits of coconut oil for some time. I tried several different brands but when I opened a jar of the Nutiva I knew that I had found what I was looking for. Absolutely the freshest most wonderful organic virgin coconut oil on the planet.<br /><br />I substituted the butter and/or vegetable oil in several recipes with the Nutiva coconut oil and achieved incredible results. I even fried eggs in it last night and they were GREAT! I will never fry with any other oil again. I also use it as a spread on toast, bagels, and muffins.<br /><br />AAAAA+++++ Try it, you'll love it!"
B006MONQMC,2,"Vitamin Squeeze Water Enhancer is a water flavoring system like Mio or other competitors. It has no calories, no carbs, and no sugar. How does it compare?<br /><br />First, the container. This is a fairly large container, a bit larger than a can of soda, for 24 servings. Other packages like the Mio are able to provide the same flavoring amount in a much smaller, purse-sized container. This Vitamin Squeeze also has to be refrigerated and used within 30 days. So that also makes it less of an easy to use product.<br /><br />It is true that it has no calories, no carbs, no fat, no sodium, no protein, and no sugar. It also provides 120% of your vitamin C, as well as 40% of your vitamin B6, B5, B3, and B12. So you are getting some vitamins here.<br /><br />Ingredient wise, you get water, citric acid, vitamin C, natural flavor, sucralose, natural caffeine, and then a pile of chemicals.<br /><br />But really, it all comes down to taste. My boyfriend and I have tested MANY water flavorings over the years, and this was just not good. It tasted like medicine. We experimented with different amounts, different techniques, and it simply was never as good as the many other options on the market. Even let's say we wanted to have Vitamin C in our diet. We'd gladly eat a chewy, tasty orange vitamin rather than have to drink this. There's really no up side to using this as an alternative.<br /><br />If there were no other water flavors at all available, and this was the only choice, then I might think about trying to get used to this flavor. But why would I, when there are delicious options out there? Not only are there options that taste far better, but they're far easier to use and don't require refrigeration.<br /><br />Of course, I will caveat that we all have different taste buds. Undoubtedly there will be some people who, for whatever reason, adore this flavor. That's fine. For them, this might be a good fit. After all there are people who adore the taste of cough syrup! So maybe that's a good way to judge. If you adore cough syrup and would drink it all the time, then this is probably to your liking. If not, then you probably want to try one of the many other options out there.<br /><br />I was provided a free sample to review by the maker."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I had my coffee with donut holes this morning - GLUTEN FREE. If you can't eat wheat, you know that this is MAJOR. I have tried Bob' red mill and other kinds i find in our local PCC, but Pamela's mix is by far the best and most ""neutral"" in flavor (no strong bean flour taste or have grits). Have used the same pamela mix for pancakes and batter for chicken finger, waffles. All turn out amazing. There are a lot of recipes on Pamela's site to experiment!<br /><br />back to the donut holes - they tastes like the Dunkin' Donuts ""cake donut"". My kids coated them with cinnamon sugar and powdered sugar... we have gone to heaven and came back."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I like this added to 'spice up' my green tea. It tastes and smells really good that way. I'm using just a little bit at a time. It goes well with any tea actually, especially since I drink unsweetened tea.<br /><br />My plan was to save it for when I thought I might be coming down with a cold or sore throat, but I like it much more than I thought I would."
B000KV61FC,1,This looked like an interesting toy but was unfortunately destroyed within 6 hours of first use. I do not recommend this for a giant breed. This may be a good toy for indoor supervised use.
B000NMJWZO,5,"Oh My Goodness: I was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue Disease in January, 2010. Every mix I'd tried was GRAINY, did not bake like it was supposed to and even with the addition of other ingredients, were not good products. My husband made some Chocolate Chip cookies using this baking mix, cup for cup and they were delicious, no grainy taste, couldn't even tell there was a difference. Very good and highly recommend purchasing if you're in the market for GF/WF. Thank you Pamela!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"I adore this coconut oil. It smells incredible, tastes delicious, and adds a lovely sheen to your skin. I put this on my face before washing it to clean off makeup and regularly use this as a body lotion after showering and to remove eye makeup. It makes your skin wonderfully soft and yummy-smelling and doesn't have any difficult to pronounce ingredients like regular body lotions do.<br />Also, I use this as a topping for air-popped popcorn (since it's oil, it doesn't have water and doesn't make popcorn soggy - butter does this), and I put it on bread in place of butter since it melts faster and is tasty, and I use it in the pan to cook stir-fry, eggs, and anything else I want to cook! All in all, this stuff is awesome! I just wish it came in a better container, but as soon as I run out I'll buy another jug of Nutiva coconut oil (this is my second one)."
B0041NYV8E,4,"This product had a nice flavor, with just the right amount of tangy-ness to suit my taste.<br /><br />The ginger added a nice touch as well to it."
B004EAGP74,5,"Very tasty, great flavor for just about anything, starting with my morning eggs, as a spread on a toasted bagel, anything. I haven't found a single food where the subtle coconut aroma would clash with the flavor of the food I am cooking. I no longer bother with buying small jars, as they don't last. Sent some to my mom, and she is also hooked."
B000KV61FC,4,"I have a mini Dachshund, and she's just a puppy so she's very busy, she loves this thing but the treats have to be really small to get out I use Zukes minis, however she will grown and drag that thing all over the place flinging it around to try and get the stuff out and very rarely she does but she keeps trying"
B0041NYV8E,5,"I was skeptical when I saw the package, and assumed that this would be a very sweet, sugary lemon drink with a smidgen of ginger. Was I wrong! When I added the mix to hot water, it was very brown in color, so I thought it might taste like a sweet tea. Was I wrong! This stuff is super gingery, with much more of a ginger element than a lemon element, and it is not too sweet. I love ginger, so i was very happy. But if you're lukewarm on ginger or don't like the bite of fresh ginger, this probably isn't for you.<br /><br />One minor gripe -- the ingredients were not listed on the single foil package I received, so I couldn't tell how much sugar, ginger, or other products were in the package."
B006MONQMC,5,"A few years ago we figured out that on our trips to Disney we could just get free cups of water and add these types of mixtures to them. I like the Ocean Spray ones and the kids like Crystal Light. We've also tried Mio and were reasonably satisfied.<br /><br />But this is the best one I've tasted and the squeeze bottle is more convenient than indivual serving pouches. I especially liked that the punch doesn't overwhelm with sweetness. It's a grow-up taste, not a kid one.<br /><br />The vitamins are just an added benefit."
B004EAGP74,5,"I wont go into the quality of this product or the nutritional benefits as I think the 4.5 stars and the customer reviews speak for themselves. However, I think you will find the 54 oz for 20 bucks is the best deal on the Internet, especially when you buy two and choose the super saver shipping option. I would challenge anybody to find a better deal for pure coconut oil of the same quality."
B000KV61FC,5,My 1 year old Border Collie absolutely loves it! It's hard to keep him entertained and this tug-a-jug worked like a charm. I was also amazed that he wasn't able to destroy it....always a plus in my book. [...]. I would recommend to any owner looking for entertainment for their dog.
B0041NYV8E,2,"I really don't know what to compare with this Gold Kili Ginger and Lemon drink, which will adequately describe the flavor profile I'm getting when tried at full strength per the package directions. The aftertaste of cough drops, perhaps, or that chemical/sodium taste you get as a minor note with club soda, only -- unfortunately -- amplified.<br /><br />Dry ginger granules can't really be expected to taste ""fresh"" - and indeed the Gold Kili ginger calls to mind the kind you'd buy to make pumpkin pie. Now, I expect I've savored plenty of chai teas that had ginger powder in the spice base. So after determining that full-strength Gold Kili was too strong for me, I decided to try it as a drink add-in, mixing it with a quart of tea from the fridge. It wasn't bad...except for that chemical aftertaste again. Rats.<br /><br />1.5 stars, rounded up -- recognizing the convenience of the product and the fact that tastes do vary."
B004EAGP74,5,This purchase was everything I hoped it would be. The coconut oil is excellent. I will certainly use the Vitamin Shoppe again when I need product.
B000GAT6NG,4,"After reading an article about coconut oil improving memory, I decided to buy it for my husband. After taking it for 2 weeks, he has decided that it has definitely improved his memory. He uses it on his oatmeal in the morning. Check with your doctor before you start using it."
B004EAGP74,5,"I've been using Organic Coconut Oil for several months now and Nutiva is, by far, the best oil out there. I highly recommend this product."
B000NMJWZO,3,The good thing about this mix (beside the obvious of lacking allergens) is that it is easy to prepare. The bad thing is that it is pretty blah in taste unless you add a bunch of other ingredients. But if I'm going to add a bunch of ingredients then I might as well do everything from scratch with more nutritious flour.
B000NMJWZO,5,I bought a batch of this from the health food store because my significant other decided he would go gluten free with me. Mixed up some pancakes for him because he loves them. I ended up eating as much as him!! I would recomment this product to people who are gluten-free or not. They seem to taste good to everyone. :-)
B006MONQMC,4,"This was my first time to try ""Vitamin Squeeze"" brand water enhancer, although I am very familiar with the similar Mio brand that's been on the market for quite a while. Even though I knew that this container would be 12-ounces, I was still amazed when I opened the box to discover how truly large this bottle was compared to Mio water enhancer. The Vitamin Squeeze bottle is about three times larger than a Mio bottle, although it actually holds 12-ounces as opposed to Mio's 1.6-ounce. But please note that they actually offer the exact same number of servings (24). Mio is concentrated, while Vitamin Squeeze is not -- as was clearly stated on the package. As far as taste, quality, and appearance was concerned, I don't think the lack of concentration made any difference. It's also worth noting that Vitamin Squeeze should be kept in the fridge, unlike Mio which I store in my pantry. This might be a serious issue for those interested in carrying a bottle around in a purse or gym bag, in addition to its unwieldy size.<br /><br />I received one bottle of the Fruit Punch flavor to try out, and I decided to compare it directly with the Mio version of Fruit Punch to provide a more accurate review. Mio's punch is a bright, rich -- almost unnatural -- red, like Kool Aid, and it tastes like it too. Vitamin Squeeze delivers a more subtle pink-orange colored beverage, and the taste is very different. It is not overly sweet, like Mio. In fact, my first impression was that it tasted more like the fruit punch flavor of Gatorade I drank years ago when I was in high school. I tried the Vitamin Squeeze at different times of the day. It was not a very pleasant drink first thing in the morning, though it was actually quite refreshing -- more so than the sticky sweetness of Mio -- after a morning workout. I tried to drink it with a meal but quickly gave up. I'd rather enjoy water or soda. This ""fruit punch"" stands on its own and didn't see to go well with food of any kind. Finally, I let my four-year-old daughter try it for the ultimate test. She's a big fan of Mio, which she calls ""magic fruit punch,"" and often uses it at dinner to flavor her water. She disliked Vitamin Squeeze and would only drink one sip, which she dismissed as unsweet and yucky.<br /><br />My conclusion is that, while Mio's Kool Aid-type punch is great for kids, Vitamin Squeeze is probably a better choice for active adults, especially since it does provide a few vitamins (nothing much beyond your typical 100% Vitamin C) and tastes great and not too sweet after a workout. The 12-ounce bottle is a bit clunky, needs to be stored in the frige, and you really have to squeeze a couple of generous full-bottle squirts into your water bottle to get a real taste of the product. I have my doubts that my bottle will make it all the way to a full 24 servings, and I stopped keeping track after about six or so. Given the choice, I think I would choose Vitamin Squeeze over Mio."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I was not sure what to expect with this drink mix, but I am pleasantly surprised. It comes in a foil package and inside are little granules of sweetened drink mix- it looks like powdered honey or granulated maple sugar. The flavor is definitely ginger in nature with a lemon overtone.<br /><br />When mixed with a coffee mug full of hot water, the mixture instantly dissolves and what you get is a very intense gingery drink mix with lemon overtones to it. The sweetness is PERFECT. Not too much, not too little. I had a bit of a sore throat and upset stomach when I made it, but when I drank it, my throat and stomach both felt soothed.<br /><br />I really love this drink mix and will buy it in the future- it is perfect to have on hand during cold and flu season and even if you just really love ginger. It is also perfect for travel to take with you in case you need it. Restaurants would also be another place to bring this to go with any foods that are friendly to ginger flavors.<br /><br />If you do not like strong ginger, pass this one by, because it is like drinking a pure ginger drink with a touch of honey and lemon added."
B0041NYV8E,4,"A nice ginger taste, but not too strong. The lemon back taste was able to mask the ""roughness"" ginger drinks usually have, but it was still good, and the ginger taste was still present, but not too strong.<br /><br />I was able to make one and a half 8oz. mugs' worth per one packet."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I love lemons and hot drinks like tea and cocoa, so Gold Kili's Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix seemed like something I'd really enjoy. Instead it had a terrible medicinal taste with a bit of a burn going down, then there was an aftertaste. I couldn't even make it through an entire cup of this beverage mix."
B004EAGP74,5,"I love this multi-purpose product. It conditions hair, softens your entire body, seasons vegetables and rice ( yes,you can eat it too) and it smells great. For all these uses and more you will need a large jar."
B006MONQMC,3,"The flavor is labeled as fruit punch, and it bears a resemblance to Hi-C Fruit Punch, but not as sugary. With the recommended mixture, it tastes like watered-down Hi-C. If you add more, it tastes fruitier without becoming overly sweet. However, it doesn't taste very natural, again like Hi-C. There are no discernible fruit flavors. It's a vague sort of fruitiness, like Vitamin Water Zero.<br /><br />I also tried it with my SodaStream. The carbonation dulls taste buds, so the soda water needs a lot of syrup for full flavor.<br /><br />It claims to be an energy drink, but I didn't notice any boost in my energy.<br /><br />BOTTOM LINE: All in all, it's not bad, but it's not great. For people who dislike plain water, this makes it less boring without overwhelming you with fruit flavors or sugary sweetness. But if you need energy or something sweet, you should buy a can of soda-pop.<br /><br />SIDE NOTE: It was suggested to me that it might be okay for masking the off-flavors of cheap vodka. Not really my thing, but feel free to try."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been GF for 5+ years, there are some products that you buy once in a while to ""splurge"" there are some products that have a purpose (puffed rice for example) but not much more...This is a product that I ALWAYS have on hand. Makes (even non-celiacs agree!) THE BEST pancakes ever (I add mini chocolate chips...). A spectacular chocolate chip cookie, great crepes, nice muffins, ....everything. If you haven't tried it, buy now. Welcome to the world of gourmet GF at home."
B006MONQMC,3,"I'm drinking it right now, and I really like the flavor. It does seem to leave a tangy, fruity aftertaste, which lingers on my tongue and cheeks for quite some time.<br /><br />Each bottle turns twenty-four 8oz. glasses of water into an energy fruit punch packed with 120% of your daily recommendation of vitamin C, along with a 40% combination of vitamins B3, B5, B6 and B12. Each serving also features 40mg of natural caffeine, 10mg of Taurine and it has electrolytes for rapid refreshment.<br /><br />I like this Vitamin Squeeze Water Enhancer. I like the flavor but I'm not too excited about how it lingers. The label shows orange, cherry, pineapple and raspberries, but the mixed drink's color resembles that of watermelon juice. It's very tasty and it certainly doesn't get much easier to make than to stir it into some water and be done with it.<br /><br />I've got a bit of the caffeine and vitamin B buzz going already...that's quite effective! With the main purpose of this mix being another option in the energy drink market, then it does its job well.<br /><br />I noticed a couple of drops got onto my shirt. Despite my efforts, I now have two stain spots that do not want to come out. I guess be careful when your stirring not to have any splash over the glass rim - it's my fault, but still."
B000NMJWZO,5,If you are looking for gluten free pancakes look no further.<br />We have tried most of the available offerings and this wins hands down!
B000KV61FC,4,"We have a JRT Mix and he is too smart for his own good. The first time we used this 'puzzle' toy it took him about 45 mins to get to the end. By the third time he had figured the most efficient way to get food to fall out and he now employs that same technique to finish off a scoop of kibble in about 10 mins. He really enjoys focusing on this task for the 10 mins, as the JRT is an obsessive breed anyhow. It gives him a good job to work on. I recommend this simple toy as we have seen good results and it performs exactly as advertised. Durability is good, our guy is tough on toys, but if you give it to him with food in it and then remove it from him when complete, there are no issues."
B004EAGP74,4,"I have gotten this product in smaller jars before and was very pleased so to save money I ordered the gallon tub. The coconut oil in the tub seems to have less flavor than the jars or maybe it was that particular batch. I'll know better after I try the next 1 gallon tub. I will order this product again.<br /><br />May 2011, I am half way thru my second gallon of this product and the taste is very good.<br />My only wish now is that it was cold pressed/unheated."
B000KV61FC,1,"Have a 6-month old black labrador. She destroyed toy in less than a week. When the container broke, it was very sharp."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We are on a strict Gluten Free diet and won't even use the supposed Gluten-Free junk from the grocery stores that may contain up to 20ppm of gluten. Pamela's Baking and Pancake flour is great for everything and does not cause us any gluten symptoms at all. Some of the other GF flours have bean flour that causes severe gastric suffering but not Pamela's, it is the only safe and suitable substitute we've found."
B000KV61FC,3,"When i got this for my dog, Hilde, i gave it to her and then left for about half an hour. It had her breakfast kibble in it. When i came back to check up on her she was trying to use it but couldn't figure it out. There was also the same amount of food when i came back. I had to try to help her with it and it was still hard for her. It was pretty sad because she was going ballistic because she couldn't get the food out. It seemed like a good idea at first but i dont think my dog very much liked it. There are scent holes at the bottom and she could see the treats inside so she would try to eat the plastic! Either this wasnt a very well thought out toy or my dog is dumb! Hope this review helps."
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought this in the large size to keep my 7 month old mini aussie occupied. It took her a little bit of time to figure out that when she plays with it - she gets TREATS!!! Now, she LOVES it! The picture appears to have an actual rope coming from the bottle - it's actually made from some sort of durable rubber, which I think works better. Anyways, I fill the bottle up with a few treats and some of her kibble mixed in when I leave the house in the morning - it keeps her busy for awhile. I HIGHLY recommend this for any dog owner."
B006MONQMC,5,"I've tried the Mio and now the Vitamin Squeeze water enhancers. I didn't like the taste of the Mio, but love the taste of this one, which is Fruit Punch (a flavor I normally avoid because it is so sweet). I didn't really feel an energy rush with this drink, but I did feel pretty good, which I would assume would be the vitamins!<br /><br />One great thing about this water enhancer: no aspertame! I'm actually allergic to aspertame, and have a really hard time finding water flavorings that don't contain it.<br /><br />Here is the list of ingredients: Water, citric acid, vitamin C, natural flavor, sucralose, natural caffeine, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, magnesium lactate, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, calcium lactate, potassium phosphate, vitamin A, palmitate, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12<br /><br />One bottle is supposed to flavor about 24 8oz glasses of water. I actually like mine a bit lighter on the Fruit Punch flavor, so I think it is going to last longer.<br /><br />The only down-side to this water enhancer is that the bottle is pretty big, so there really is no sneaking this one into my purse to flavor water on-the-go.<br /><br />In all, this one is a keeper and I WILL be getting more! I can't wait to try the Acai, Grape Pomegranate!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"I first tried coconut oil last fall after reading The Coconut Oil Miracle (***highly recommended book***) and Nutiva's Organic Coconut Oil was the first I tried. It spoiled me completely. I've since tried two other brands and NOTHING tastes as fresh and light as this oil. It has a nice coconut flavor and personally, I love the taste it gives fried eggs and even pancakes. I also used it to make a pie crust (after chilling the oil slightly to compensate for the friction of working the pie crust) for a coconut cream pie and it was out of this world--flaky and delicious!!! Like another poster, I also like it spread on a toasted English muffin and then topped with a light drizzle of honey.<br /><br />Our family has changed our eating habits in the last year and now we use only 3 fats: 1. Coconut Oil 2. Butter 3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (but only raw---never with heat!!!!--use the coconut oil or butter for fried & sauteed foods). Our general health is much improved; my husband's cholesterol levels are finally dropping (after YEARS of using ""SmartBalance"" and other ""healthy"" spreads that just raised his cholesterol).<br /><br />Try this coconut oil and do yourself a favor and order <a href="""">The Coconut Oil Miracle (Previously published as The Healing Miracle of Coconut Oil)</a>so you can understand why it not only tastes so good, but is so good for you!"
B006MONQMC,1,"Has a strange ""chemically"" taste that is really not identifiable as any sort of real fruit. The instructions say to squeeze once per 8 oz. but, I can squeeze harder or softer and a different amount will come out so it is hard to know how much you are getting. The product label design seems like it might be for kids with the bright colors, playful fonts, fruity flavors, and product name. What is ""natural caffeine"" anyway? Does that mean it is safe for anyone? It needs to be refrigerated after opening. You can't take it around with you and add it to water you might get from a fountain or someplace. The appealing part of these water ""enhancers"" is that you can usually take them with you to use if you are out and about or camping/backpacking."
B004EAGP74,3,"This coconut oil tastes good so I'm taking it! But as to the health benefits, I don't know! Who knows, for sure?"
B000GAT6NG,5,"This coconut oil is wonderful. I use it as the shortening in my bran muffins and then as a spread when I toast them. I also used it to fry yellow squash. The combination of flavors were awesome.<br />Even used it on my hair as the best hot oil treatment ever.<br />After reading the benefits of coconut oil, this product will be a staple in my household."
B006MONQMC,3,"This sounded like a great idea, especially for people who like expensive vitamin water that comes pre-bottled. This is a greener way to get the same flavor and vitamin benefit with a reusable bottle. This would be great, except I didn't like it all that much. It was just okay.<br /><br />It was hard to measure ""a squeeze"". The bottle has markings, but since it's gray, you can't see how much you've used. Plus, every time you squeeze, it's a little different. The first cup I tried, I squeezed some in without measuring. It seemed a little weak. Then, I measured 8 oz. water and 1 tablespoon (the .5 oz serving listed on the bottle) of the Energy drink. This produced a stronger tasting and much sweeter tasting outcome. But, that was a little strong on the vitamin taste.<br /><br />The fruit punch flavor isn't horrible, but the sugar substitute and the vitamins leave an after taste. It reminds me a little of chewable children's aspirin or cold tablets. Not really what I was hoping for.<br /><br />I know there are some people who will like this because they like other vitamin waters. It really isn't all that different from the bottled vitamin water. I just don't happen to like that all that much either."
B004EAGP74,5,"Nutiva coconut oil has such a nice coconut scent and flavor - unlike other oils I've used. Some people might prefer ""unscented"" but if you're going to do that, then use some other kind of oil! I made rice last night and stir fried it in this oil - my husband LOVED it! Excellent product:)"
B004EAGP74,5,"There's been a lot said recently about the benefits of Coconut oil. But it's difficult to find quality oil for a good price. Nutiva extra virgin coconut oil from makes it affordable. Coconut oil is the best oil to saute with as it doesn't turn into a carcinogen at the regular temp we cook at. We also add it to our green smoothies, and often use it with a drop of essential oil as an overall skin conditioner in conjunction with our chosen safe skin care line that is much more natural and effective than other things available on the market. I'm always looking for better ways to help our family be as healthy as possible. This is a great product to help with that goal."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I am giving this product 4 stars because it is what it says that it is. If I was judging it on my personal preference for the combination of ginger and lemon flavor, it would get 1 or 2 stars from me.<br /><br />If you like Ginger and like the strong aftertaste and sensation that drinking ginger gives you, than you will like this product. The initial lemon ginger flavor is very good, by any standard. The aftertaste of ginger and the odd, flemy sensation that it leaves in your throat is not appealing to me."
B006MONQMC,4,"I haven't tried a lot of water additives but I have tried several different flavors of Mio and didn't care much for the taste. Mio is also very costly for the size of the bottle which is less than 2 oz. and has no real nutritional value. I have only tried the Fruit Punch flavor but it's pretty good. I am not jumping with joy over the taste but it's my favorite so far out of what I have tried. It taste reminds me of Tahitian Treat soda but with much less sweetener. I like that it comes in a large 12 oz. bottle because value is very important to me and the price fairly reasonable to me. It also has added Vitamin C, B6, B5, B12, B3, Zinc, Chromium and Magnesium. It also has an unknown amount of caffeine but it only seems to have a small dose per serving because it's hardly noticeable. Overall I like this product look forward to trying other flavors."
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this because of all the great reviews, but unfortunately neither one of my two dogs were at all interested."
B000GAT6NG,5,I love this coconut oil! It has a delicate coconut aroma and flavor. I have only just started using it but have found it to be delicious when making pancakes in lieu of using butter. I have also used it as a substitute for butter when making grilled cheese sandwiches and baked sweet potatoes. It will do wonders for your hair and skin too. I especially like using it as a hot oil treatment for my hair. I mix the coconut oil with a few drops of lemon essential oil and rub it into my hair. It smells like dessert and good for my hair and scalp. Try it with your favorite essential oils!<br /><br />Warning: It melts at 76F. Be careful when opening a jar that's been sitting in a warm cupboard.
B006MONQMC,4,"For once, we reviewers get enough of a food product to really test it and write up a fair review. It works great with water, but I tried it with milk and it truly enhances that product even blends well with chocolate milk and produces a good flavor. I also tried it with coffee...the result was interesting, but I'll stick with using it with water and milk.<br /><br />It also seems to me that my energy level is a bit higher during the week that I've been using this. I'm 79 and am tired more often than I should be...the past week, I've noticed that I've been noticeably less tired, so I am sold on this product.<br /><br />The one criticism is that a ""squeeze"" is an indeterminate amount and I don't always get quite the right amount. I still recommend this."
B0041NYV8E,3,"While I like the gingery punch of this instant beverage, I did not care for the lemon. It tasted like someone dropped a lemon drop in it. Yes, there was lemon but it tasted fake and cloyingly sweet. I enjoyed the initial sips but as I got to the bottom the sweetness and the fakey lemon flavor overwhelmed. The packet dissolved nicely and there was not a pile of residue in the bottom of the cup.<br /><br />I think this is a nice substitute for regular tea and is probably great if you are suffering from a cold. It is warming but I found the lemon undertones off putting."
B004EAGP74,5,"Love this stuff. I use it for everything. Awesome in the kitchen (especially in brownies!), great in the bathroom for a hair mask. I buy this all the time!"
B006MONQMC,5,"This is a very nice additive for your bottled water. My kids had no problem adding it to their water whereas if I'd given them a B-vitamin to take they would have freaked out. I've used the energy and the <a href="""">Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Tropical Citrus, 12-Ounce (Pack of 4)</a> and the kids have loved both flavors. It's cheaper, tastes better and less waste than Propel or Vitawater."
B000GAT6NG,5,This coconut oil was great for eating raw and unheated or for cooking and sauteeing. I prefer its consistency and flavor to some of the other brands that I have tried.
B004EAGP74,5,Love this oil. Smells heavenly. Wish I could eat it just like that. Use it om my hair but will cook with it one day.
B004EAGP74,5,"I love this coconut oil!!!!!!!!!!!!! I take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, i fry fish in it, i use it in my hair, skin, it taste way better than the other ones i tried... here's a tip i know some of us do not like plastic, if you have any glass jars that you are not using please do not hesitate to pour in to the glass jars, thats what i do, i dont care to much for plastic...I will be ordering more!!I make sure i get the 54 ounce and transfer it in to my glass jars....."
B004EAGP74,5,If you have not learned the benefits of coconut oil than I would like to encourage you to do some research. Will buy it again!
B000GAT6NG,5,"Love this coconut oil. Unrefined and a great light taste...great to cook with, bake with and even to add to smoothies! A much healthier alternative to canola, vegetable and other oils. It's all I use to cook with anymore. The only thing that could make it better would be if it was available on Subscribe & Save!"
B000KV61FC,3,"This is a great toy, but the bottle is just too big for a small dog. The only way to get the treats out is to turn the bottle upside down and my dog's mouth is too small to grab the base of the bottle and he weighs 20 lbs. He can demolish a bully stick in less than five minutes, but cannot grab the base of this bottle to stand it on it's top. It's a clever toy for a medium to large dog!"
B0041NYV8E,1,"I love ginger - I have been known to make pots of tea from fresh ginger and honey, and I'm finishing off a ginger syrup that I made that is fantastic with bubbly water (and even vodka). So, I was looking forward to trying this. Having tried it, I can say that I would not ever purchase this.<br /><br />I tried it hot first, following the instructions (then putting half in the fridge to cool). First, it doesn't look at all like the picture on the outside of the foil packet. Instead of a lovely golden yellow, it is the light brown of a beef or vegetable broth. Hoping that wasn't a harbinger of things to come, I sat down to enjoy the flavor. Unfortunately, I didn't really enjoy it. There was VERY little lemon flavor - more like a slight lemon aftertaste, and only if you're really looking for it. The overall flavor is much more bitter than fresh ginger would be, with an almost medicinal taste. The ginger bite is there, and is about the only thing that really reminds me of what ginger should be.<br /><br />Then I tried it cold (with an ice cube to help cool it down). The flavor didn't seem as strong, but it still had the bitter taste. After those first few sips of both hot and cold, I honestly couldn't drink any more of this. The aftertaste was too much and I genuinely did not want to finish the drink. So - I didn't.<br /><br />Overall, if you're used to something like Stash Ginger Honey tea, or even tea made from fresh ginger, then this is no substitute. The flavor profile is very different, and the bitterness is hard to get past. If you have the opportunity to try a smaller amount before purchasing this, then I would highly recommend you do so. It definitely seems like something that would appeal to a very specific (and possibly limited) audience."
B000NMJWZO,5,This is a great GF mix. I don't have to worry about combining a lot of different types of GF flours together. It does have nuts in them for those who have allergies.
B006MONQMC,3,"I have been trying to find some liquids healthier than sodas/drinks to drink. Thus, when I saw this Squeeze drink, I thought I would give it a try. The directions say ONE squeeze per 8 ounce bottle. I did the one squeeze and the drink tastes like a strawberry version of gatorade. It is not bad tasting and not good tasting; it tastes ""ahright.""<br /><br />The labelling indicates that it is an energy drink. I have been drinking it and I don't feel any added energy.<br /><br />One commenter said she had to poke a hole through the top. If you unscrew the top, there is a label that needs to be pulled off. When you pull off the label, the opening will be clear as a bell and the liquid will flow through.<br /><br />In summation:<br /><br />This drink tastes so-so. It is hard to open with all the wrapping. It doesn't give you any energy."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This brand is the best tasting to me. I've tried others, and don't like them, (except for Garden of Eden brand). This smells and taste like coconut. I toast sprouted bread, spread this on it, add a little salt, and maybe some nutritional yeast. Or I use some agave nectar instead of the yeast for a sweet fix. I bought a gallon of another brand, and I don't like it. I will be buying more of this brand."
B006MONQMC,4,"The fruit punch flavor is very artificual, but I kinda liked it. It was sweet and fruity. It reminds me of Hawaiian Punch a lot. The flavor stayed with me for a long time and I didn't mind because it was good.<br /><br />I can't comment as to whether or not it gave me more energy. I didn't feel ""energized"" but at the same time, I was able to stay awake and alert after a bad night of storms and not sleeping.<br /><br />What I like about it isn't the energy aspect of it, but the vitamins. One serving (1/2oz) provides 120% vitamin c, 40% of b6, b5, b3, and b12, and all with no sugar or calories. Fir someone with a limited diet due to family allergies, this is really useful.<br /><br />I would like to see if there are other flavors that aren't so full of red food coloring.<br /><br />I drank some after running and found that my energy didn't drop off and I stayed feeling good so I think I'm sold in it!"
B000KV61FC,3,"My dog will tug at the rope and push the bottle around until every last bit of kibble is out of there, but she doesn't like playing with it nearly as much as the <a href="""">Premier Busy Buddy Kibble Nibble Dog Toy</a>. Both of my dogs will play with that ball (and chew on it) for hours. Keeps them both busy and away from my shoes!"
B000NMJWZO,5,This mix makes wonderful gluten free pancakes. Add a dash of cinnamon and a couple drops of vanilla for a nice treat. My kids love these pancakes.
B000KV61FC,4,"This is great thing to try to distract dogs with, but I do have two caveats. One, I would never use it in a house with hardwood floors, especially if you are noise sensitive! The bottle is quite hard and it does create a lot of noise if your dog becomes on who picks it up and slams it on the floor, as one of mine does. The other spins it around and as a result is a bit quieter. There is also no way of regulating how fast treats come out of the jug. Once the dogs learn the concept of the toy, most learn not to touch the tug, otherwise you restrict toys from coming out. In terms of safety, I have not had my dogs try to eat the rubber tug handle or the ball at the top of the bottle. The biggest problem I have with them is that of massive hair accumulation from the dogs dragging it all over the carpet."
B000KV61FC,4,"My dog and i love the Busy Buddy bottle. I fill it with dog food and some treats and he spends lots of time bouncing it on the floor to get the treats out. He did eat the rope in the top right away, but I put it into the bottle and it helps to block the top so things are harder to get out. Great toy for my cocker spaniel."
B004EAGP74,5,"This is great stuff, can be used in cooking as a healthy alternative to butter or other oil. I also use it as a base for skin creams. It's a great product, and the price was incredible, even with shipping it was cheaper than buying it from my local health food store."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We have tried lots of gluten-free products and flours (even concocted $$ mixtures of various flours) but nothing really beats Pamela's Baking Mix. There are a ton of recipes on the Pamela's website using the GF baking mix so you get a lot of bang for your buck with this baking mix. Great pancakes, sweet breads, muffins, cookies, etc."
B000KV61FC,1,"I have two dogs: one is not very good at figuring out puzzle toys, even with scaffolding and attempts at teaching him, the other is like a dog genius. That, coupled with her highly food driven motivation, usually leads to her mastering these types of treat toys instantly. This is the only item I've ever purchased that she can't manipulate well. Unlike some of these other types of dog toys, I also find that it has to be fairly full to work well. She's a relatively small dog and even if I put all of her kibble in the smallest jar, it's even tough for me to get it all out with the little pull rope because it sinks to the bottom of bottle and has to go up the bottle neck to exit. Also, because I have two dogs, sometimes the other dog wants to come in and play, too. This works nicely with the ball dispensers, but for this jar, if they both pull on the rope, the motion required to actually get the treats or kibble out immediately becomes impossible. Regardless of the number of dogs in your household, this is one toy I'd pass on.<br /><br />Update: My medium chewer has now completely chewed apart the rubber pull rope with this. If I could change my original 1 star rating to a zero, I would."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have had celiac for awhile now and ive noticed how hard it can be to recreate certain recipes. This mix makes DELICIOUS pancakes and i also use this mix to make gravy or to thicken sauces or in desserts and ive even used it in a sasage ball recipe to make sausage balls that tast better than ones that arent gluten free. I like the soft texture this mix makes, its not spongey or weir i like it a lot."
B004EAGP74,5,"Actually, I'm on my 3rd jar of this Coconut Oil. I use it in cooking, in my coffee, and on my skin. In fact, this oil has cleared up problems that I have had on my cheeks, little white bumps, almost completely!<br />I love sauteing chicken in the oil as it helps keep it moist and also has a delicious flavor with the chicken; a plus are that the pan scrapings are delish! :) I also add a teaspoon to each cup of coffee I drink. I don't use sugar for sweetening but do use half and half but have found that I need less cream when I add the oil. I started using a tablespoon but that was too much in that I almost couldn't leave the house, if you know what I mean.<br />There is a book I reviewed about coconut oil too so if you are a ""coconut oil beginner"", I suggest reading the book I reviewed as it has a lot of useful information."
B000KV61FC,3,"I have a 16lb Dachsund and we have a very hard time finding toys that she is interested in. We adopted her, and her home before us was as a breeder at a puppy mill where they kept her in a crate her whole life. So long story short, she has no idea what to do with toys and really, I'm out of ideas. She gets interested at first, but has a really hard time manuevering the bottle to get the treats out (she has had back surgery to repair paralysis in her hind end from ruptured discs so is not super agile). Also I think my little wiener has a little trouble figuring it out and I'm not sure how else to show her. I do like to toy and it has withstood her frustrations but I think I need more help with it. Some helpful hints or instructions would be greatly appreciated."
B000NMJWZO,4,"Just experimenting with gluten free to see if I notice any difference in a a couple of issues I'm dealing with. Just bought this. Tastes pretty good, and my wife likes it too after expressing initial skepticism. This stuff comes in at $3.33 per pound. It takes 3 1/2 cups per loaf which weighs 1.30 lbs, which comes out to $4.33 per loaf + eggs + 1 hour cooking time. So, you know that's really not so bad, but I guess one doesn't want to be throwing it to the birds."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is the second purchase I've made of this product. It's the cheapest way to buy it and we use about two of these jars per year. It came double wrapped in a zip-lock bag for safety against melting (had it been warmer). Never mind that it has a seal under the cap. Anyway, the oil is wonderful and I use it in place of shortening for a lot of my baked goods plus we'll put a dollop in a mug of coffee."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This has been a godsend to our family! We use it for family get together's and don't tell people it's gluten free ! They don't even notice the difference ! We make muffins, waffles, pancakes and more ! You cannot FIND a bad Pamela's product! Keep'em coming !!!"
B004EAGP74,5,"i love this nutiva coconut oil, not only because it tastes great but because it's so inexpensive in this size. sometimes i just eat it by the spoonful. we use a lot of coconut oil so i buy it in bulk and this size and price are perfect. i only wish it came in glass instead of plastic."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love this mix because I've been able to use it to recreate some old family recipes, the ones Grandma would make for us as kids which I have such fond memories of. Who could ask for more than that? It doesn't have any bean flour in it so it doesn't have that aftertaste that is common in other mixes. There are some great recipes on Pamela's Website as well, especially the one for Cornbread. It really taste good to mix butter(or margarine) with some roasted pecans and a little honey as a topping for it. It makes really good pancakes too. The bread recipe makes a nice loaf, but I would consider it a desert bread, so although it does ok even if it isn't toasted, it's not really good for sandwiches, but it does work very well when you spread jelly or a chocolate/hazelnut spread on it. I buy this from amazon, it's a great price esp compared to the local health food store."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I've had great results with this product and I've put it on ""subscribe and save"" so I get a regular supply. You wouldn't ever guess it was gluten-free!"
B000NMJWZO,5,This mix has saved our life! We can now bake our old recipes and pretty much keep it the same..the ratios are about the same as self rising flour....I love this stuff....It has made the transition to a gluten free diet so much easier! and it has NO funny aftertaste or gritty bits like MOST GF products do! We will not change now that we found the best!
B000GAT6NG,5,"This coconut oil is raw. It smells amazing and is super healthy. I use it for everything, from salad dressing to raw vegan deserts, to stir fry, skin moisturizer, hair finisher, massage oil, etc. It's amazing on baked yams. If you eat toast, try mixing raw coconut oil with honey and using it as a spread. This is a great value, and a fabulous product. Be sure to read up on the benefits of raw coconut oil, and remember, never put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat. I'm actually a raw vegan, so this is a big staple for me. I love massaging sea salt and coconut oil into raw kale salad. Add ginger, cayenne, a bit of tamari, and a squeeze of lemon. Healthy and delicious! If you aren't a raw vegan, but you just want to eat healthier, try replacing all your regular oils and butter with raw coconut oil. Coconut has a much higher tolerance for heat before it becomes harmful to the body. It's way more tasty than butter or any kind of butter substitute too."
B0041NYV8E,5,"From Singapore comes a very spicy drink that you can have hot (temperature wise, which I did) or cold.<br /><br />How ""hot"" is this? It tasted, to me, on the lines of Thai spicy ""hot.""<br /><br />Ginger is a natural remedy for ""sea-sickness."" You can also get the same result from ginger ale (from personal experience). [Side note: green apples work as well.]<br /><br />I can't comment on the ""restore the balance in the body"" claim because it was just one sample packet... From the one sample, I don't think it made any kind of difference. If I wake up 10 pounds lighter tomorrow, I'll let you know (and purchase a box or two)... but I don't think that's its point.<br /><br />So what does this lemon-ginger drink taste like? To me it sort of tastes like like a cross between the ""Atomic Warhead"" candy and ""Mt. Dew.""<br /><br />The first sip was shocking but it really is a very good taste.<br /><br />Despite the ""hot"" spice flavor it did NOT upset my stomach (surprised).<br /><br />I may not be everyone's ""cup of tea"" but it might be worth a try but NOT at $22.69."
B000KV61FC,2,"Our two dogs are not really interested in this toy, it has pretty much sat in their toy box since we bought it for them. Not sure why, they seem to like most toys. It is very durable from what I can tell though."
B0041NYV8E,5,"This drink is refreshing hot or cold and settles a stomach either way.<br />The tangy lemon is a nice twist with the ginger and a bit of honey.<br />This makes a tasty warm and soothing after supper drink,<br />And we like the fact that it's all natural and caffeine free."
B000NMJWZO,5,"When I first bought this mix for my husband who has celiac disease, I only made pancakes. Then I bought a Cuisinart waffle maker and tried the waffle recipe on the bag - spectacular! We went camping with our adult children and grandkids who have no dietary restrictions, and I could not make the waffles fast enough. There is also a carrot cake recipe on the bag that I use to make carrot muffins, and then freeze them. My husband can have a carrot muffin with his coffee anytime he wants a snack. It is wonderful to have such a good versatile product on the shelf for anyone - whether they suffer from celiac disease or not. Buying from Amazon make the work of difference to know that you can always get that specialized product delivered to your door with free shipping. Thanks Pamela and Thanks Amazon!!!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I've had been using Pamela's Fluor since 4 years. My family loved the wafles, pancakes and cookies made with this fluor.Give it a try it, and sure you will love it."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Wow, gingery! I really like ginger, so for ginger LOVERS, this is a great drink. In fact, it's so gingery, that one may want to add a little more than the 250 ml (a little more than a cup) of water. I'm fine, I like it strong. The only detraction is that it's sweet and I'm not much for sugary drinks, but maybe adding more water will solve that problem too. All in all, I really like it. BURN BABY BURN. :) It's very gingery."
B006MONQMC,2,"I try to consume natural products as much as is conveniently possible. I also try to avoid food products with added chemicals as much as is conveniently possible. I exercise a lot and need to stay hydrated and be sure I get necessary electrolytes. I thought I'd try this Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink.<br /><br />You dispense this by a ""squeeze."" How much is a squeeze? Good question. The label says a serving size is 1/2 fl oz. I have no idea how much that is when delivered as a squeeze but I guess I can get a shot glass and figure it out. A bottle of this has 24 servings and apparently it is up to you to decide how much water you need for a serving. My experience with it is that 16 ounces of water is way too much for one squeeze of this stuff... it results in a very weak tasting drink. So you can then squeeze more but then you'd be getting more of the vitamins and other stuff...<br /><br />I take a daily multi-vitamin, Vitamin D and B-complex vitamin. I don't really need vitamins in my water and I sure don't need sucralose and this has both. So for those reasons I would not purchase this product in the future.<br /><br />As for the taste, it reminded me of a weak Hawaiian Punch. It wasn't what I would characterize as a natural tasting fruit flavor even though the label mentions ""natural flavor"" but it doesn't exactly specify what that is. This also has 40mg of caffeine.<br /><br />To me, this is just a weird product. Just because you can add vitamins, caffeine and some assorted ""electrolytes"" doesn't mean you need to. I get energy drinks, I just don't get this one."
B000KV61FC,5,"My pup absolutely loved this as soon as he saw it. Though the treats we had gotten were a bit big for the size we had gotten, but was fun for our pup even without anything in it."
B006MONQMC,4,"As a fan of several of the flavored water brands, I thought I might enjoy Vitamin Squeeze's Energy Drink in Fruit Punch. The flavor is pretty good, and I like the fact it has several vitamins (C,B6,B12,E,A). I don't love that it contains caffeine (but maybe you will). A lot of the reason, I like these drinks is to change up the water routine without consuming caffeine. The size of this container is good...much bigger than Mio. It is overall a good value. You should know it contains caffeine but if that doesn't bother you, then it is a good product at a good value."
B0041NYV8E,3,"You don't need to put sugar, this is an all-in-one ginger lemon mix. All it requires is a cup of hot water. The Gold Kili has a strong ginger taste and a very subtle lemon taste. The powder smell wonderful, but once you pour it into the water, there is a weird chemical taste. I prefer the simpler and more natural mix that we have tried before available at most oriental stores.<br /><br />Still, it is good if you have tired throat."
B000KV61FC,2,"I thought this dog toy would perfectly fit my 11 month Samoyed and provide the durable playful time. Unfortunately, my Samoyed was not just rolling the bottle, her chewing on the knots caused the bottle to fly around and when it hits my fragile ceramic floor, it broke (both the lid cover and my newly set floor).. *sigh*<br />Maybe this product should be used in a carpeted environment only."
B000KV61FC,5,"I had to review this toy because it is one of VERY few that has not been destroyed within days (sometimes minutes). Very good durability - the rattling of treats in the jar and the difficulty of getting to them perplexed my golden mix. She likes this toy, but still prefers her treat-dispensing ball as she has become a master at rolling it to extract the treats. I give the product 4.5 stars (but I rounded up) for standing up to the first two days of her chewing and trying to get the treats out without solving the puzzle. It loses a half star because she generally gets disinterested after a few minutes of not being able to get treats out. She does like to carry it around though! Great toy overall!"
B004EAGP74,5,I used to pay $15 or more at Lassen's for a 14 ounce jar of this same brand of coconut oil. I can't believe I pay only $21 for 54 ounces of it. I use this oil not only for cooking everyday but also I rub it in my skin and I use it in my hair..I even get compliments in the way my skin looks or the way I smell too..It's totally amazing! Don't forget the health benefits of it too..It doesn't hurt to burn some extra fat..I highly recommend this product! I love this coconut oil!!!:)
B000NMJWZO,5,Since I have been diagnosed as a celiac it has become harder to find tasty things to eat. Pamela's has fixed that. Now I can enjoy a multitude of different things to eat. Thank you Pamela's.( I also use Pamels Bread Flour.
B006MONQMC,5,"Fruit punch may not be my favorite flavor, but I've been enjoying a daily glass of Vitamin Squeeze as a break from water. My favorite thing about Vitamin Squeeze is its customizable flavor. My 15 year old daughter prefers two squeezes in 8 oz, which is twice the recommendation. I prefer one long squeeze in 16 oz. of water. I don't like a heavy flavor.<br /><br />The bottle was very easy to squeeze, but that was also a negative. It was hard to control exactly how much you put in. Some water glasses were more strongly flavored than others. I appreciate that it immediately disperses in the water, without having to be shaken or stirred.<br /><br />It was very easy to put a little squirt into my toddler's water cup, and know she's enjoying a little flavor along with vitamins. My children would drink it all day long, if I let them. I would prefer serving them this rather than a sugary flavored beverage ... but the cost is too high. My children could easily finish two of the $6 bottles in a week.<br /><br />So, while we enjoy the Vitamin Squeeze, it's not a practical option for our entire family. At least not on a daily basis."
B000KV61FC,3,"The product itself is good I suppose. Maybe it's just my dog. I have a 7 month old lab, and he can't figure out how to get the food out very well. It's kinda hard for me too--I have to hold the rope part with one hand and shake the bottle with the other hand. So I can see why it's hard for dogs. But anyway--the product is very durable, and maybe Samson will learn the trick one day."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I've been using Pamela's baking and pancake mix just for pancakes and waffles, yesterday I decided to make a banana bread. Was I surprised, the bread came out so good, everyone loves it."
B000KV61FC,1,"I bought this for my 20lb puppy on the advice of my trainer. What a disaster! Not only was I bruised from her swinging it around trying to get the treats out, but so were my walls and furniture. Within a week the plastic jug broke and that was the end of it."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Old Kili's Instant Ginger Lemon Beverage Mix provided a spicy ginger drink with a hint of lemon and honey. I have acid reflux (GRD)and am fond of the more holistic treatments than constantly reaching for the tums. Ginger is one such holistic recommendation for GRD. It is also great for sore throats. Generally I drink a Thai ginger drink (Hotta)which isn't quite as spicy, but has no sweetener added to it. Kili's is a great alternative. Warning--if you are not familiar with drinking ginger drinks--this one has some serious kick to it! However, if you like spicy then you'll love this!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This would come as a shock to anyone who knows me, but , yes we have found a GF product that is actually decent. Not just's GOOD. This is one of the few GF copy products that is actually as good if not better than its gluten counterpart.<br /><br />they do take a bit longer to cook, you need to be careful to cook them thoroughly inside....low heat....also for some reason when you pre-make the mix it mysteriously thickens profoundly overnight....but anyway it is a solid hot breakfast for a hungry family.<br /><br />This mix can also be used as a filler within other products or mixes in the place of flour. It has a leavener so whatever you add it to will puff up a bit.<br /><br />I rather resent having to pay so much just to feed my family pancakes...but since that is my reality, they might as well taste decent. Go Go Pamela!"
B004EAGP74,5,"This is great coconut oil that we've been using for a year now. We love using it for high temperature cooking (when olive oil and other oils are not appropriate to use) and also especially on our popcorn. Coconut oil is so good for you and tastes delicious! This product is wonderful too because it is organic, extra virgin, and very consistent in quality.<br /><br />We're really pleased with the pricing here at Amazon AND the customer care; when one container arrived to our house punctured and broken, Amazon immediately sent out a new container.<br /><br />We will definitely order Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil again."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I love ginger and enjoy the flavor in a variety of ways. This product is no exception. I like the convenience of this product and enjoy it while traveling and after a large meal. Ginger is a very distinctive flavor and if you do not like the taste, you will not enjoy this beverage."
B000KV61FC,2,"I wanted to like this item and had seen the generally favorable reviews. I loaded it with some liver treats and opened our front door to offer it to my dog-- she grabbed the rope and released it...and it fell about two feet onto the step and cracked! I was pretty surprised it took that little to break it. The crack was on the screw-in bottom so it spread and basically the bottom broke and it was useless...back to Amazon, sorry! Maybe a rubber guard for the bottom would make this a better product?"
B004EAGP74,3,"Actually, I'm more disappointed with my research into unrefined coconut oil than this product. Through my internet research, I was assured that this product would take care of my cholesterol. After eating 3 tablespoons every day for a couple of weeks, I noticed that I was becoming very lethargic and I started to have chest constrictions. I was also giving a spoonful to my 4 year old daughter. When I saw my daughter start acting dumb, it confirmed that my lethargy wasn't accidental. I quickly stopped giving her and myself any coconut oil to eat. I don't exercise enough but my daughter runs around like a top all the time. She gets plenty of exercise and this seemed to slow her mental abilities regardless of exercise. My chest constrictions have gone after two weeks without coconut oil. We only use it to moisterize dry skin.<br /><br />Right after I doubted the effects of this product on cholesterol, I did a more thorough internet search and discovered that blood types O did not do well with coconut oil and it is best to avoid it. Guess what. One third the population in America, including my family, has blood type O.<br /><br />So coconut oil may help - if you don't have blood type O."
B000NMJWZO,5,We love Pamela's Baking Mix. My daughter has Celiac and this is what we bake with! Love it!!!
B006MONQMC,3,"This water enhancer promises to infuse your water with a good tasting vitamin energy supplement. I liked the design of the bottle. Shake well and one squeeze will be enough for 8 ounces of water. Fat free, carb free and calorie free, it certainly is a dieter's dream. The fruit punch flavor was okay, a little bit fake, like maraschino cherry juice. Not unpleasant but Hawaiian Punch has nothing to worry about. The chemical aftertaste was not pleasant. I noticed no improvement in my energy level, but again, I am a fairly heavy coffee drinker so perhaps I've become caffeine resistant. This product must be refrigerated after opening and used within thirty days.<br /><br />I would use this only as a back up to MIO. I found the MIO flavors more appealing and it doesn't have to be refrigerated. The MIO container is more portable."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I drink a lot of tea and was looking for something with another flavor to try. I like ginger and know it is supposed to have soothing remedies so I thought this Instant Ginger Lemon Drink would be something to try. The first thing I noticed was the aroma, it smells great, a very strong ginger smell. I added the 250ml of water and tried it and it was just so strong. I did not taste the lemon and the ginger was overpowering. I added double the amount of water and tried it again. It is still very strong and spicey and to much for me. I wouldn't purchase this again."
B000KV61FC,2,My 7 month old lab mastered the toy in about an hour. He managed to chew through the rope and render this toy about as useful as a gatorade bottle with no top.
B0041NYV8E,3,"This stuff is WEIRD. It's like hot lemon tea, with a spicy KICK. You take a sip, and at first it's sort of bitter-sweet and you think ""MMmm maybe I like this?"" then you swallow and it's like YOW - your throat and tongue burn from the ginger. You think ""Ugh what is THAT?"" and you put your mug down. But then, you are drawn to that - that ZING again - like a moth to a flame. You pick it up - get that weird sweet taste, swallow, then BAM, again with the sting of ginger.<br />I kind of like it, but I kind of don't. Do I recommend this? I have no idea!"
B004EAGP74,3,"Rather bland tasting, although I havent tried to use it in some of the suggested ways. For a cooking oil it probably is OK. But it is expensive, so I don't think I'll buy it again.<br />The shipping was fast and I'll always buy other products from Amazon due to excellent service and prices."
B000NMJWZO,5,"My family loves Pamela's Pancake and Baking Mix. I use it for everything fom cornbread to cookies and it taste great every time. I would not use anything else. I love the price and delivery I get from Amazon, professional as always."
B000NMJWZO,2,I really wanted to like this mix and have tried several different ways to help the taste of the mix. My daughter and neighbor kids do not like this for pancakes. Had several other friends and family try the pancakes but all did not like the taste at all. I really had high hopes for the mix due to the great reviews but I do want to be fair for other shoppers and explain that the taste of this mix may not be for everyone.
B000KV61FC,5,My Lab puppy 10 weeks loves this toy and the small is plenty big enough for her as well as my full grown Westie. They seem to love the shape and the rope. The food does not seem to be the main part of the appeal.
B004EAGP74,5,"This coconut oil is of great quality and the price is great. I paid $10 for an 8-oz jar in the local stores!<br /><br />I love cooking with this product. Scrambled eggs seem to come out very fluffy.<br /><br />I will warn new users to not use coconut oil on very light foods, as the oil does have a slight coconut taste and fragrance. In other foods, the taste disappears completely."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix is a dry mixture of ginger, honey & natural lemon flavor, packaged in foil pouches. It dissolves quickly & completely in hot water. I added one packet to an 8 oz. mug of hot water. Wow! the ginger was spicy! It was perfectly sweetened with a hint of lemon. My Indian friend who loves ginger thought it was too gingery & too sweet. After she added twice as much hot water to her drink, she thought it was perfect.<br />The directions state: ""You can control the depth of favor by how much (mix) you add to your cup.""<br /><br />If you love ginger, you'll probably enjoy this beverage mix. And, like my Indian friend, you also might get more than one serving from each foil pouch."
B0041NYV8E,1,"Being a lover of ginger, lemon, lemongrass, and all those wonderful flavors, I thought this sounded like something I would really enjoy.<br /><br /><br />This tasted like a cup of liquified Hall's cough drops, with some Endust lemon furniture polish sprayed in it. I tried it hot and cold, neither option offered a taste I could stomach. Even on ice, it was shudderlicious!<br /><br />I don't think there is anything else you could add to it, to make it taste good! Not a repeat for me."
B006MONQMC,4,"This is a nice idea. Squirt some liquid into regular water and get some good vitamins. The taste of the drink is pretty good and doesn't taste like liquid vitamins, which normally have a metallic taste. It is much better if you make sure your water has ice in it. I found that if I put 2 squirts or perhaps 3 into an 8 ounce glass, the taste improved and became richer in flavor. The problem with this is that you're adding more caffeine to the drink, which I realized at midnight when I still couldn't sleep several hours after drinking this. The lack of precise measurement is a bit frustrating too. The instructions say ""just a squirt"", but the bottle doesn't stop the flow of concentrate and you could literally empty the bottle in one squeeze. I wish the bottle required an additional squeeze for each additional portion but it does not. Overall, I like the idea of adding vitamins to my diet, and the flavor of the drink is quite good. But use with caution."
B0041NYV8E,3,"As consumers of Gold Kili regular/plain [[ASIN:B001EPPLWM Ginger Drink]], this beverage ranks far below and tastes bitter.<br /><br />The other concern is its ""Natural Lemon Flavour"" ... what is this exactly? The manufacturer does not list the 'artificial' ingredients, nor does the packaging indicate 'real' citrus juice. The question is, what are we consuming?"
B000GAT6NG,5,"Great product, we use it for all our cooking & baking. Try it..... you won't be sorry!"
B006MONQMC,4,"This flavoring tastes good, but unlike others (like Mio) you need considerably more than one squeeze to bring the flavor up to a palatable level, so despite the larger bottle it is not very economical in the long run, especially for the price. I gave it 4 stars instead of only 3 because unlike similar flavor additives, this one contains supplementary vitamins, which are a nice inclusion."
B000GAT6NG,5,"The oil was just right, very good texture/smell. Great size- it's a two hander. Works not only as a supplement, but also as a moisturizer for skin/hair as well. This oil is mild, not overwhelming in the least when used as a butter substitute or while cooking; you really can eat this straight off the spoon if you're so inclined. I was able to convince a skeptical man and two little ones to eat this. They love it and request it when given a choice between butter or oil. It's worth a try and there is a multitude of research in support of the health benefit(s) from adrenal/thyroid to dental maintenance... This has got to be one of the most painless ways to eat healthier."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have tried many gluten free mixes and this one is so good that my family members who aren't gluten free love it! I mostly use it for muffins, bread and pancakes. I don't use sugar so I substitute a mixture of coconut oil and agave nectar for the honey and then add bananas, blueberries or other ingredients to get a variety. I freeze my muffins within a day because they get stale easily, but the bread seems to be ok left out or in the fridge. For pancakes, experiment a bit because the mix will be different than regular pancake mixes, usually a little more water is needed. I've also used it as a batter for frying and mixed with oatmeal for apple crisp. Enjoy!!"
B004EAGP74,5,"Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil is the finest quality coconut oil. The flavor is wonderful. I use it as cooking oil, as an ingredient in many dishes, on toast, and even to moisturize my skin. This is an essential product and the 54 ounce jar from is a great value."
B000NMJWZO,5,"My son and I have wheat allergies and this product was a life saver. I can make cookies that taste like cookies, cakes, cupcakes, pancakes. LOVE it!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"this stufff is great, my husband and I don't have a gluten issue, just using for easier digustable carbs. LOVE IT. All recipes on bag are great. Add peanut butter to cookies, oh man.<br />make mini muffins instead to large, 2 make a great snack mid am"
B004EAGP74,5,"I don't have to reiterate all the known benefits of coconut oil, the effects are well known. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2010, and had been suffering from weight gain and sluggishness since. I read about how the oil could treat hypothyroidism so I started taking a tablespoon on toast every morning. Fast forward to 2012, and my thyroid test says my thyroid is perfect. My doctors were stumped. Couldn't be happier with the product. Tastes great too."
B0041NYV8E,5,"If you love the taste of both ginger and lemon, you will really enjoy this drink. It is caffeine free and nothing beats the combination of both lemon and ginger together."
B000KV61FC,1,"Sorry, folks, but my pit bull mix destroyed this toy in less than two hours. He even ripped off the top and chipped the indestructible plastic... if you have a ""busy"" dog, this is probably not for you."
B006MONQMC,4,"The bottle is very large and you'll get a lot out of it. Intensity of flavor is to 'taste' - I think that's why they measure by 'a squeeze' rather than anything more scientific (also, for convenience). By the end of the bottle, I was able to quickly figure out how much of a squeeze I wanted to get it to taste the way I wanted.<br /><br />That said, the flavor does taste very 'chemical' like. I'm not sure if they want me to feel like I am getting vitamins or if they were going more for a 'sports drink' type of flavor. My husband, who is a fitness nut, didn't mind the flavor at all. Me, I found it very off-putting and far too fake. I would have preferred more of a crystal light than a Powerade flavor.<br /><br />The bottle is very convenient - makes it easy to fill up a normal water bottle, add my squeeze, and then off I go on the bike or trip. I just wish I liked the taste better."
B000KV61FC,4,"Wondered how quick my dog would catch on to this. She's pretty smart! She's playing with this a lot and knows that even though she can smell the treats better at one end, they only come out on the other. Luckily, it does take a while to get all the treats out. You'll need tiny treats for this. I got the Busy Buddie buddy berries (or something like that!)."
B004EAGP74,5,"You can't get any better than Nutiva coconut oil, and the 54 oz. jar will last you a loooong time. I use it purely for cosmetic purposes (face moisturizer, hair conditioner, etc), and not for cooking, so I have no idea about the oil in that aspect, but sometimes I'll taste some it just because--the wonderful aroma and light flavor can't be beat. Go with Nutiva, you can't go wrong!"
B0041NYV8E,1,"I am a huge lover of ginger. I regularly drink ginger tea brewed from fresh ginger root (very inexpensive, yet tasty) and tea brewed from dried ginger. Both those things are good and enjoyable. So, when I saw this product I thought it'd be a great chance to enjoy ginger in yet another form. I imagined it would taste very pleasantly enjoyable... DID NOT HAPPEN! This is one of the most disgusting and vile things I've tasted in a long time. It had an incredibly overpowering bitter flavor to it - so much so that I re-checked the instructions to make sure I had added the correct amount of water (I had). I couldn't make it past two sips before I just put it down and said ""enough of this madness!"". I let my boyfriend try it too, and he said the same thing about the flavor - gross. I know that different people have different tastes and all, and maybe there's someone out there that could stomach this, but I doubt it. My personal advice to anyone who's checking this product out, just don't! You'd be far happier just making some tea out of fresh or dried ginger root, an option that's cheaper than buying this crap anyways. Ugh...that taste lingers in one's mouth, too..."
B000GAT6NG,5,Love this brand of coconut oil. Delicious taste and smell.<br />It came in a plastic container which doesn't bother me but I had assumed jar meant glass.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have only tried pancakes and scones so far. Pancakes are great, scones are softer than I like, but great taste and texture. Hat's off to Pamela"
B004EAGP74,4,"I use this oil as a pre-shampoo treatment.<br />I put it all over my hair, throw on a scarf and leave it in overnight. Even the gentlest shampoos can dry out my hair but when I put this in then shampoo my hair stays moisturized and I can still get it clean. I'm still exploring other uses for it but for right now I am very happy with my purchase."
B000KV61FC,1,"Too fragile for my pup. He bit right through the rubber ""rope."" I think it lasted about 45 minutes. Granted he is an adolescent AmStaf, but I still had higher hopes. We are sticking to our Kongs (filled with low sodium chicken broth and frozen overnight)."
B000KV61FC,5,"My dogs loved this when they first got them. Now, my 11 yr old, Bonkers,is the only one of the 3 who has figured it out. Tons of fun and none of the 3 has broken one yet!!!"
B006MONQMC,4,"I'm all for energy drinks and occasionally will need that extra push to get through the late afternoon. Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch, is not a horrible product overall. I have felt more energetic for about the last week (which is the time period I've been using it) and that's probably due to the vitamins. There's not really that much caffeine in this, so the effect overall is mild.<br /><br />However, that said, the two things that bother me about this product are the flavor and the use of Sucralose.<br /><br />The flavor is reminiscent of Vicks Cherry cough syrup, IMO. Not exactly refreshing and very artificial-tasting. What cherries and punch would taste like if they were made of out plastic.<br /><br />The use of Sucralose is a little disturbing for something that purports to be healthy. Why not use stevia, an all-natural sweetener instead? Zero calories and very sweet, but not man-made and you don't get these fun side affects(from Wikipedia): ""A Duke University study found evidence that doses of Splenda of between 100 and 1000 mg/kg, containing sucralose at 1.1 to 11 mg/kg (compare to the FDA Acceptable Daily Intake of 5 mg/kg), reduced the amount of good bacteria in the intestines of rats by up to 50%, increased the pH level in the intestines, contributed to increases in body weight, and affected the levels of P-glycoprotein (P-gp)"" OK, I'm not a rat, but still, that is kind of a negative in my book.<br /><br />So, energy: 5 stars<br /><br />Flavor: Minus -.5 stars<br />Sucralose ingredient: -.5 stars"
B006MONQMC,4,"Vitamin Squeeze is a fun way to add flavor and vitamins to water. For the price, it goes a pretty long way, and flavor can be adjusted to taste. It is great that there is nutritional value rather than just coloring and flavor like some competitors. The flavor is good, but not amazing. My main warning is that although it says ""all natural,"" it does contain sucralose (Splenda) sweetener. I don't mind a little here and there, but I have found that it interferes with my diet if I overdo it. So, I would not use this in all of my water, but would use it for a treat here and there. If you would like something natural to flavor water, SweetLeaf makes flavored liquid stevia.<br /><br />Overall, a decent way to get some vitamins if you do not mind artificial sweetener."
B0041NYV8E,5,"This is the first time I have tried anything from Gold Kili.<br /><br />I added one pouch of this instant ginger lemon drink to 8 oz. of hot water. After stirring, the color became a muddy brown color, not clear as depicted on the pouch/box. Nonetheless, the resulting beverage had the pleasant tang of real ginger, on par with a <a href="""">Blenheim Ginger Ale - Medium Heat</a>.<br /><br />The lemon is not overpowering or cloying as it can be in some instant lemon drinks. This drink would be perfect for someone suffering from a cold, or anyone who enjoys real ginger. Even though it is somewhat spicy, the ginger dissipates into a cooling effect.<br /><br />I plan to order another box of this instant beverage mix. It would be great for travel; particularly if you are prone to motion sickness."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Over the last few months,I've been becoming more and more aware of the fact that everyday products we use such as our lotions and toothpastes and hair care products etc. are actually items which contain chemicals and products harmful to us such as fluoride for example in toothpastes which is also in water supplies. Being that I'm a male who's only 23, I have slowly wanted to switch to more healthy,organic products for my health and body as I recently did with my toothpaste,a fluoride free brand called Tom's of Maine. I decided to do the same with my lotions and hair care products. I did research of what products,organic,which can also be consumed,can best be used for these purposes,especially hair, and after reading about apple cider vinegar and virgin coconut oil I decided to go with the coconut oil because I can use it on my body as well,and man was it a great decision! The first noticeable thing about the coconut oil is the smell...DELICIOUS. I find myself just opening the top and having a whiff before I'll even use it sometimes. Also,the actual feel and convenience of the product is great. It's a great alternative to high fat butter products. It makes my skin feel smooth and my hair is always soft and my scalp dries nowhere near as horrible as it used to. Really,in this last month,I find it harder and harder to find dandruff present. When I'm out of the shower,I don't have to have 2 or 3 or 4 different bottles for conditioner then grease then lotion,etc. I have it all in this one container! I simply rub a bit in my hands to melt it,massage it through my hair and when I finish my hair,I move to my face and so on. It's great! It smells amazing,it's convenient,and it's healthy in terms of the fatty acids it contains which our bodies need. I know it's ""different strokes for different folks"",but I'd recommend this oil to anybody. If you use it for foods and personal hygiene like myself,I recommend the 54 oz. container. BTW,super fast shipping! I ordered on a Sunday morning,I had it Tuesday morning and was using it Tuesday night!"
B000KV61FC,5,"Purchased for my four year old Dobie ""grandson"". He's a full blown case of a four legged kid who has a terminal case of the ""terrible twos"".<br /><br />Daughter said it didn't take him long to figure out how to make the treats spill out. She loads it with dehydrated banana and papaya chips and it keeps him occupied for a good 45 minutes with each fill.<br /><br />He's figured out the bottom comes off and tries to find ways to take the bottom off, hasn't managed to do so .....uuummm.......yet ;).<br /><br />She also has five cats who are fascinated by the toy and when the Dobe let's them near it they bat it around and pounce on the rope. She's put some dry kitty food in it a couple times and the cats ""team work"" to get the food to spill out.<br />Dober-baby is only allowed to us the toy on carpeted floors because he tends to swing and bang it on the floor, the cats are put in a room with tile and they shuttle it around until it is empty.<br /><br />I would purchase again and expect I may have to...and soon...... if they cats decide the dog doesn't share fair."
B006MONQMC,2,"i was looking for a water flavor additive so i tried this. for me, this tasted bad. i got the fruit punch flavor & it has a strong ""perfume"" taste (not natural tasting at all). the sucratose, artificial sweetener has a strong after taste.<br /><br />the ""energy"" part is just added caffeine.<br /><br />bottom line, is i didn't like the taste & i'm glad i didn't buy this."
B000NMJWZO,5,"My son has Celiac Sprue and this is absolutely the best gluten free baking mix I've ever tried! Products bake well and just as importantly, the taste is not just tolerable, it is great!!!"
B000GAT6NG,5,Great product and by far the best price around. Will definitely buy from them again!
B000KV61FC,2,"My 3 yr old 75lb boxer is a heavy chewer and has a really long attention span to toys that give him a challenge. So at first this seemed like a promising toy. It lasted maybe one week before my boxer figured out that picking it up in his mouth then dropping, no slamming, it on my hardwood floor gets pieces of food out. The end cap, which screws on and is plastic, never stood a chance. it broke off and I was able to screw it on once more before bits of plastic shards were on my floor and victory was his.<br /><br />It now sadly sits in the dogs toy box he doesnt like it anymore now that it doesnt dispense treats. lol. I wish I could get my money back or get a new plastic screw cap for it."
B000KV61FC,3,"Great Idea! Great toy to keep dog occupied. BUT....<br /><br />HOWEVER, in serious need of design improvement. I went through 2 toys and had same problem with both. Lid cracked where lid joins jug, making toy worthless. Needs rubberized bottom or screw at the top of jug."
B000GAT6NG,1,Previously purchased this item. It was packaged in a solid white container. Very disappointed they changed it. I think it has an adverse affect on the quality of the product. Doubt I'll purchase again.
B000KV61FC,5,"My 4 month old Standard Schnauzer really loves this toy so far. It's quite large for her and I almost waited to introduce it to her until she got bigger, but she'll take the rope in her mouth and drag it all around! (Mine has the purple and white rope which seems better quality than the older style solid purple rope that breaks easily.) She knows the kibble is in there but can't seem to figure out how to make it fall out. But we play with it together and she's getting the hang of it. It's a fun toy for the both of us to play with now and once she gets older and can figure out how to get the kibble out on her own, she'll love to play with it as a distraction until I return home. High quality, very sturdy, I am very pleased!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I would not live without this product. I Have read and done some research on the benifits of using<br />coconut oil. Its uses and benifits are endless. I actually have a small jar I refill for keeping in<br />the bathroom. It has become my lotion after showering. I use this only in the pm due to the initial slipery<br />feeling till it soaks into the skin. My skin is supple, no more dryness, more elasticity, and the best of all is it is antibacterial, antifungus and a great disenfectant. I put it on everything. It dries it up. I eat 3 tablespoons of it a day, I cook with it, put it on anything I would normally use butter for. Its great for high heat. I have read it is good for the gums and digestion as well. The body synthesises it well and is beneficial. I would encourge anyone to read about this and try it. there are cookbooks and how to use this on amazon. Thanks to Nutiva and Amazon for carrying it.!!!<br />Its flavor is lightly nutty and love that coconut flavor."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We love this baking mix. The pancakes are awesome can't even taste the difference between these an bisquick type. I use this baking mix in so many other recipies, This is a must have in a GF home."
B000GAT6NG,3,"I do not understand the people who say that they cook with this product. It has a strong coconut flavor and aroma that would only be good for deserts, if you want that. I tried it in split pea soup that has a pretty strong aroma of its own, and found it quite unworkable. Also, coconut ""oil"" is one of the most saturated fats in nature, so I'd rather just use butter for most things since it is not nearly as saturated. Yes, it may not contain trans fat, but that's about all that you can say for it.<br /><br />You cannot ""eat it out of the jar"" as someone avered because it is so saturated at outside air temperatures that it is rock-hard. It may possibly work for psoriasis or as a hand cream, but remember that your body will smell strongly like coconut if you use it as a salve. I'm pretty skeptical right now, but I have two jars so I am trying some non-culinary things to use it up."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have tried several different brands of pancake mixes and this one is by far the best. No strange aftertaste or difficulty mixing. Pancakes are fluffy and breads and cakes soft and moist. I use for all types of breads, banana, raisin, sweet potato. I even used it for baking an apple pie. I have recommended it to friends who are not even gluten intolerant, and all are fans now. If you have tried other mixes and did not like the taste try this one you will be glad."
B006MONQMC,3,"It says ""all natural"", but the sweetener is artificial splenda (don't mind though).<br /><br />Fruit punch is not my fav taste but it's actually not bad. I used 2 squeezes for 24 oz bottle and got just a little taste to have a break from water. It was already sweet to me.<br /><br />I wish they would provide info about caffeine, how much in 1 tablespoon or anything so I would know how much I drink (being pregnant). But I can only assume is not much, especially in 2 squeezes..<br /><br />Overall nothing I got crazy about. Good idea but maybe I'd like different taste better."
B000KV61FC,4,My 2 year old Golden Retriever spends about an hour to get out all the kibble treats from the jug...<br /><br />No problems with the toy and she is a HEAVY Chewer... I would recommend it for a dog that is curious enough to keep at it for some time....
B0041NYV8E,5,"The Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix offers a different spark in a huge world of beverages. I love to try anything that is different and out of the ordinary. This mixture of ginger and lemon provides a different spark in your taste buds that proves to be satisfying. Ginger as a spice enhances the tangy flavor of some cuisine not to mention its natural properties to relieve an upset stomach and as a soothing drink when you are not feeling well. Overall, a very satisfying beverage that I can highly recommend!"
B000KV61FC,5,"Georgia, our wirehair fox terrier learned how to work the Tug-A-Jug the first day we got it. We fill it with dry dog food, not treats, and she likes it better than her food dish. My daughter-in-law has a chihuahua and a boxer, so I bought another toy for them, but the chihuahua takes the toy into his cage, and will not let the boxer near it. I have now ordered another one for my son's two dobermans."
B000KV61FC,1,My dog had this for 30 minutes before he chewed through the knot. He then went on to chewing the rubber off the nozzle. My dog was 9mo old and weighed 26lbs. Loved the idea of it. Disappointed that I spent $12 on a toy that lasted less then an hour.
B000KV61FC,5,"My wife bought this for our Cane Corso when he was 8 weeks old. He wakes up in the morning, does his job and gets that bottle and starts banging it around. We all love it because it definately keeps him occupied and us laughing, where as he gets bored with the other toys. Unfortunately, he's banged it around so much that he has actually broken the bottle in two. He's 4 1/2 months old now and even though it broke, it did take a lot of beating and banging before it broke so we will definately be getting another one."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's ultimate mix is the best I have ever found. I have tried so many other brands to make pancakes, pie crust, bread, and there are none that compare. My son has autism and it is so hard to be on a wheat/gluten free diet. I also have 3 other kids to feed and no one really likes the way these speacial food items taste. Now that I have found Pamela's products, my whole family wants me to bake all the time. I have made pancakes - excellent! and pie crust. The crust does not come out like regular white flour crust. It is more crumbly and harder to get out of the pie plate all in one piece. It does taste very good. I have had guests over and they still love the crust. The pancakes taste better than even the Krustze mix I have used for over 15 years."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I'm on my second jar and we love this stuff. Originally bought for popping popcorn (fantastic) we soon started using it as a butter substitute for just about everything, toast, veggies, frying eggs or fish. I've had people who hate coconut anything love the mild sweet taste for popcorn. Between the coconut oil and the agave nectar found here I don't know which I'm happier with."
B006MONQMC,4,"This is not a product I would ever consider buying. I'm the only person left who leaves the house without a bottle of water clutched in my fist, as if I were Sanders of the Desert setting out to find the source of the Nile. I will not, on principle, eat an eggwhite omelet, and usually consider any salads other than tunafish the stuff you push away from the real food. But I have a healthy friend, a hiker/jogger type who goes to the gym every morning and can do that dog kick thing that led to my killing an aerobics instructor. I was acquitted. The jury all had expired gym memberships.<br /><br />Anyway, Healthy Friend came over one morning to make nasty comments about my drinking coffee and huddling on the sofa when I could be exercising and hiking and drinking water out of a bottle. After lecturing me until I pulled my bathrobe over my head, she left...but she left her bottle of Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink drops behind. This, by the way, is the new water drinkers trend. Adding flavos and ""energy boosting vitamins."" It turns water into something like diet coke, only with vitamins and without the bubbles and not as good tasting.<br /><br />Now me, I don't want my energy boosted because then I might start doing stuff, and I'm happy sitting right here, thank you. So I called Healthy Friend and said ""You left those trendy vitamin drops behind,"" and she told me to keep them. Obviously this was ploy by the incidiously healthy to ensnare yet another unwilling victim into their web. But boy, did they misunderestimate me.<br /><br />I tried the drops. The taste is sweet, kinda like the Kool-Ade I didn't like much when I was a kid. Maybe little tangier, but not much. I waited for the big energy boost. Nada. This will not replace my morning cups of coffee. However, the taste is not bad, the drops are chockful of Vitamics from one end of the alphabet to the other, and for people who do this sort of thing, I'm sure it makes them feel even more smug and complacent. Anyway, I did not waste the rest of the bottle. I poured it into a big 1.5 liter bottle of club soda. With some lime wedges, this is going to be one killer mixer when I add the gin."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I've been using the Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix for years and absolutely love it. I have found this to be a wonderful substitution to convert ""regular"" recipes to be gluten free. I've been pretty successful for a 1:1 substitution of the mix in most recipes, but make reductions to the baking soda/baking powder and guar/xantham gum mix if using it in a GF recipe that also has that included. I can't recommend this mix enough!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"Tastes just like wheat flour, I really like it. I think my only complaint is that sometimes my waffles taste like farts, but I'm not sure if that's the mix, so I won't deduct any stars."
B000KV61FC,3,My beagle really enjoyed working to get his treats out of this ball for the first couple days then he chewed through the rubber piece for tugging so now if we put treats in they just fall out.
B004EAGP74,5,"Been taking Coconut Oil for YEARS. This is the best on the retail market. I wish it was in glass, but this is the one."
B000NMJWZO,5,"My family has been gluten free for three years now and this product has been a life saver. I use it almost everyday like a ""Bisquick"" product with the ""Bisquick"" cookbooks. I can make almost anything with this stuff and it tastes really good. Our friends whom come over and eat at our place like the product better than their regular pancake mix. Highly recommend this product to anyone, gluten free or not."
B006MONQMC,4,"I have become fond of squeeze-in flavors for my cold water on the rocks (I like it cold, cold, cold), and though you have to keep this one in the refrigerator after opening, it's more coldness, so it's not bad. I'm over there getting my tray of ice cubes, anyway. I do feel that an extra soupcon of vitamins helps me out, and since I control the squeezing, I can make the drink as fruity and sweet as I like, or not. Fruit punch is not usually my favorite flavor, but this is pretty good, and of course, I can mix it. My boyfriend adds rum ;-)"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I only had one packet to test of this product and I put it into a 8oz. glass of hot water. It is mostly ginger flavored with just a hint of lemon. The ginger is so strong that it actually tastes a bit like sweetened pepper and it leaves a kind of nasty taste in your mouth after it goes down. Perhaps, it might be better if you only added a bit of the packet to tea, or only used a bit of the packet in the water because, the ginger is very overwhelming. I was hoping for more lemon flavoring to balence out the ginger. This probably is good to settle the stomach, IF you can stomach the this won't be a product that I'd use again."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I hesitated for months before purchasing Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix; primarily because of the price tag that comes with it. We are not Celiacs, but have decided to follow a wheat free diet. However, this does not mean I never want to have a muffin or waffle again! I finally broke down and purchased this mix and I have to say that overall I am very impressed. While I have yet to use it in one of my own recipes as a substitution for A/P Flour, I can say that the recipes I have used from the back of the bag have resulted in some very delicious eats. My only complaint is that the liquid called for in the recipes located on the bag seem to be way off. Each time I have had to add more water just based on how the batter looks. Obviously muffin batter should not be as thick as cement! Even my kids who are not following a wheat free diet have commented on how tasty everything has been. They inhaled the blueberry muffins I made using this mix. Both the muffins and waffles I have made turned out light and fluffy, and not at all dense like a lot of G/F products. I personally have not noticed any odd flavors, or texture. Overall, very happy with Pamela's Baking Mix, and plan to buy it again. Hopefully it will result in some great G/F holiday baking as well!"
B0041NYV8E,3,"The drink mix comes in a foil packet that is not easy to open. You'll need scissors.<br /><br />According to the instructions, you need to add hot water, so it is easy to prepare.<br /><br />I was surprised at how spicy the drink was. It's similar to chai tea, though you can also taste the honey and lemon flavors. I like spicy foods and drinks, so I thought it was fairly tasty, though the flavor had a slightly-off taste.<br /><br />I tried it first as a hot drink. However, since it was a fairly warm day I added ice cubes. Either way is fine, though it reminds me of the kind of thing I would drink if I was suffering from a cold.<br /><br />I suspect it's a healthier drink than most, but 70 calories a glass is a bit steep for me."
B000NMJWZO,5,This gluten free mix is awesome! It bakes cakes and cookies just like with regular flour. Even my non celiacs love the items made with this flour.
B000KV61FC,5,"<a href="""">Premier Busy Buddy Tug-a-Jug, Medium/Large</a><br />I am as occupied watching as my dogs are playing with this. We have 3 dogs, Gracie(13+boxer), Annie (2.5 mix) Jo(2 boxer) I bought 2. I thought I should have gotten the smaller one but, Jo loves it. Gracie is getting into it too. Annie just waits for the treats to come out when the other 2 play with it. All 3 dogs are 55-60 lbs. It's great if your dog takes to it. Hit or miss on that one. If they do it's a great occupier of time. I have been filling it with their regular super premium dog food and a little bit of Beneful dog food kibbles & bits for variety. So no expensive treats. Jo has been gnawing on the end ball and it shows no sign of wear. Not even teeth marks. Best $$ spent on any toy, ever."
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the best gluten free baking mix I've found. Even my non-celiac children will eat these pancakes. There are several recipes on the package which we can't wait to try .
B006MONQMC,5,"Vitamin Squeeze is a product that I didn't expect to enjoy. I assumed it would be an over-marketed drink that offered little in the way of flavor or actual taste. In reality, it became one of my all-time favorite items from Amazon Vine. I liked it so much that I decided to order a four pack.<br /><br />What I like -<br /><br />- Offers about the same amount of caffeine as a soda<br />- Not a bad flavor - it reminds me of a watered down High C... which isn't a bad thing.<br />- Plenty of vitamins... again similar to High C - but with an energy kick.<br />- Someone else mentioned it - this is a great space saver compared to a couple of gallons of High C or a case of Gatorade.<br />- What I like is that I can stick this on my desk and it is like I have a full case of gatorade within reach.<br /><br />A reality check<br /><br />- Not quite the potency of Red Bull so don't expect a huge kick<br /><br />FInal Verdict - I am very impressed by the Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink - it also a great combination of flavor and caffeine within easy reach. My next experiment is to mix it with 7-Up or Sprite... As for me - this is a very easy recommendation .<br /><br />5 Stars"
B004EAGP74,5,"First time using this product and I can't say enough good about it. I fry with it, butter toast with it and it gives homemade cake icing a surprisingly wonderful flavor. An excellent healthy alternative that I highly recommend."
B000NMJWZO,5,My husband is allergic to wheat and we have tried many other grain pancake mixes over the years. They all seemed to leave something to be desired either in flavor or texture. He was so glad when I discovered Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix. It is by far the best we have tried. It taste and cooks like regular pancakes. Our kids can't tell the difference and my husband enjoys it so much he often requests pancakes for supper! We also are very impressed with Pamela's Bread Mix.
B000GAT6NG,5,This is a great deal. If you buy the non-organic version in most stores you'll easily pay 3x as much. I use it for frying and baking and it works wonderfully with no real difference in taste.
B000NMJWZO,5,"great for cookies, waffles, sweet breads, just adjust regular recipes to this - love it."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Our daughter has celiac disease and has been on a gluten free diet for about 9 years. We went through several different pancake mixes before we found this one. The others were either gritty, flavorless or had a strange taste. Pamela's is very good. Recently we have been more aware of trans-fat (hydrogenated oils) in the foods we buy. We were not able to find a regular pancake mix without trans-fat so we started making the gluten free ones for the whole family. Everyone loves them! One warning for those who are allergic to nuts, it has ground almonds. I like this as it gives extra protein to the meal."
B004EAGP74,5,"I started buying this coconut oil about 2 years ago and now use it dually as a cooking oil and lotion. It's excellent for eggs, curry dishes...really almost any meal where you would use another type of oil. As for use as a lotion, it's amazing. Any and all skin issues I have ever had, have disappeared. When I first started using it on my face there was a bit of a transitional period (some breakouts) but after that, I have year- round clear, healthy looking skin. Yes, I am a bit fanatical about my love of this oil but I really don't care because everyone should be in the know."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I tried this on my hair and skin and it did help dry skin as well as softened hair. When applying to skin, it applies on oily but then dries and you can't even tell that it is even there. It melts on your hand (since the weather is warmer the tub is now liquid) but it was solid during the colder season. Great product!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"I bought it for making popcorn (which it does very well), but I tried some pan fried Redfish in it too! Wow, the flavor was all Redfish instead of all grease. Just the slightest sweet flavor imparted to the fish was excellent. I will try it to blacken fish too, where I usually use butter."
B004EAGP74,5,"Keep one in your kitchen for cooking & smoothies, one in bathroom for a facial and one in the bedroom for fun with your partner!....."
B006MONQMC,4,"I am not a fan of drinking water, however because of dehydration issues, my doctor is always on me about drinking more. I have tried lots of other water ""additives"" from mio drops to crystal light powders, and everything in between. I have not had much luck with many other flavorings, because I do not like the chemical after-tastes that many of them have. With that said, I was pleasantly surprised by these vitamin squeeze drops. First, the bottle is huge, it is so much larger than the mio (and similar products) bottles that are also available. I was pleased to see that there was no caffeine or sugar in it, and it also has lots of vitamins. Most pleasing was the fact that when I drank water with it, there was no nasty after-taste. As for it being an ""energy"" drink, I did not notice any marked increase in my energy, but that was not an issue for me since that wasn't what I was looking for. However, since I did not notice an increase in my energy, I was not able to give this item 5 stars. On the other hand, it has really helped me to increase my water intake, which makes me, my kidneys, and my doctor very happy. I will continue to purchase and use this product."
B000KV61FC,5,"My dachshund dog, Barney, ABSOLUTEY LOVES THIS TOY. He loves for us to put dog food kibble in it, and then he entertains himself for hours. He is very crafty in that he knows exactly how to get the cookies out of the jug. He rolls it until he can get it against a solid surface and then he flips it upside down and gets the cookies out. This toy is great, because I have two dogs, and they usually are always fighting to share toys, but the other dachshund, Cooper, doesn't like this toy, so Barney can have it all to himself. Strongly recommend this toy!"
B006MONQMC,3,"My SO just doesn't like water and as a result doesn't drink enough liquids throughout the day. This water flavorizer is much more convenient than powdered drink mixes and much cheaper than buying drinks from the vending machine at his workplace. The vitamin C is an added bonus.<br /><br />As far as flavors go, each person tastes things differently and while my SO loves the fruit punch flavour, I find the one squeeze measurement either too sweet if it's a big squeeze or too watery if it's a medium squeeze. I also find the flavor a bit too artificial for my tastes.<br /><br />The best way is to squeeze the product into your water bottle and then add the water to taste rather than the other way around.<br /><br />Overall recommended for those that don't like plain water and that like fruit punch in all its forms."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Whether using it to pop pop corn or to cook eggs, this product is the secret ingredient to a delicious delight. I discovered it at a trade show and have never stopped using it. Besides the amazing taste, it is good for you. My kitchen is never without coconut oil and this brand is one I trust for quality and taste."
B000KV61FC,2,"I don't know. Maybe I'm just not putting the right ""yummy goodness"" inside. This toy, though durable and a novel idea, doesn't hold either of my dogs' interest. Not even our beagle (who tells everyone she's STARVING and we NEVER feed her... EVER!) seems to be interested in this for any length of time."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love the pamela's baking and pancake mix; i use it about every day. YUMMY FOR PANCAKES AND NUMEROUS CAKES, but i also use it for a flour coating on meat, it works quiet well. Thanks Eunice"
B000KV61FC,5,"My younger lab, Bella, who is 10 months absolutely loves this! It only took her a few minutes to figure our the concept and now she's addicted. She hops around happily just when I reach for it."
B000NMJWZO,5,We bought this once on a trip in North Carolina and instantly fell in love with it. That was 5 years ago and though we've tried many other pancake mixes since... none has even come close to this product for texture and flavor. The best pancakes ever.
B006MONQMC,2,"The Fruit Punch taste is not what you associate an energy drink with, it reminded me of the big jug of juice you get at the store full of teeth eating sugar. As for a boost of energy I don't think it really did much for me. If it was a different flavor it might have been a little better.<br /><br />It's a nice idea but I give a no on the taste."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Those of you on a gluten free diet for whatever reason need to purchase this. Its perfect for any baking needs. Pancakes, waffles, breads, name it, you can make it with this mix. There is no match to Pamela's Baking and Pancake mix as far as I am concerned.Its the best one out there!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"LOVE, LOVE, Love Pamela's Ultimate Baking Mix. Our family uses it almost exclusively now. Thanks for making such a wonderful product."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I absolutely love ginger in every form - fresh, crystallized, powdered, ginger beer, etc. I was excited to try Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix. I filled the teakettle with purified water, poured the contents of the packet into my favorite mug, and waited for the whistle to sound. When the water was ready, I poured it into the mug and stirred until I could smell the aroma of sweet ginger filling the air. It doesn't get much better than this, I thought.<br /><br />I was wrong. I took my first sip and actually considered spitting it out because it was so over-the-top intense. I figured I had made a mistake in measuring out the water, so I grabbed a larger mug--very large--transferred the contents and poured in another 4-5 ounces of water. After another thorough stir, I took a taste and had the same reaction: this is too much! I let the mixture cool and put in some ice cubes to transform the stew into a cod drink. It didn't help.<br /><br />In the end, I determined that the makers of Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix have created a drink that will probably appear to ginger fanatics or health nuts. If you are in either of those camps, have at it. For the rest of us, a nice pouch of ginger tea will do quite nicely, thank you."
B006MONQMC,3,"I used to buy Crystal Light all the time, the kind that had vitamins and stuff in it, and this tastes like the citrus or tropical or something fruit punch flavor which I rather like. I gave up Crystal Light a long time ago in favor of water, I figure who needs to be consuming sucralose, but lately I've been making these concoctions of vitamin C powder and/or MSM powder, the juice of a few limes, some liquid stevia and sometimes an Ester-C packet and I thought I could add this in place of the Ester-C and the stevia and then I'd have a tasty beverage WITH caffeine in it but still with the vitamins.<br />So, I made my concoction this way, and it tasted fine. The one thing I was unsure about was the serving size. The bottle says ""one squeeze"", and I think a squeeze could end up being quite a lot of the bottle if you were quite zealous about it. The side of the bottle says that a serving is 1/2 ounce, which I originally calculated as two tablespoons, but on further reflection I realized my math must be off and it's one tablespoon, but originally I put two tablespoons in 8 oz of water and it tasted about the right strength to me, so that's about how much I was using. I'd think with one tablespoon it would be a bit weak, but this means I only got 12 servings out of my bottle and not 24.<br />Compared to my usual concoction, a glass of this stuff has almost no vitamin C. It does have 120% of the RDA, but compared to what I usually have that is laughably little. It also says it has 40mg of caffeine in a serving, so I tried drinking a bunch of it in an afternoon, but it didn't make me feel a caffeine buzz or anything.<br />Anyway, I've used almost all the bottle and won't be seeking it out when it's gone. The flavor is basically good but I'm not into all that sucralose, artificial color and it kind of rubs me the wrong way that it says ""each squeeze into water adds more flavor and nutrition"". Like it's some kind of health food product or something. Ooooh...nutritious! Why have fruits and vegetables when you can just have vitamin squeeze energy drink!?"
B006MONQMC,2,"This bottle of fruit punch flavored Vitamin Squeeze sat in my refrigerator for a while. I usually drink filtered water and I don't typically like to add anything to it. But the Vitamin Squeeze product seemed like a good thing to try, not only for the flavor it adds to water but for the small array of vitamins this product adds.<br /><br />When I finally got around to trying it, I wanted to judge it based on flavor and health benefits based on the ingredient list. For flavor, I did not really care for this product. The sucralose gives it that unmistakable artificial taste, and the first word that popped in my head when I tasted it was ""fake."" It tastes cloyingly sweet and artificial, like those bottles of ""healthy"" fruit punch you see in the juice aisle.<br /><br />For the health benefits, I am always somewhat skeptical of any product that claims to increase ""energy"" yet contains no carbs or calories. And like most ""energy"" drinks, one of the ingredients is ""natural caffeine"" mixed with an assortment of B-vitamins and an amino acid. In my opinion, this product might increase your energy levels temporarily, but much of that effect comes from the stimulant properties of caffeine.<br /><br />The real test of a product like this is ""would I drink it again."" And the answer for me is ""No."" I found the taste very artificial and I don't like using sucralose-containing (<a href="""">Splenda</a>) products. (I switched to <a href="""">Truvia Natural Sweetener</a> a long time ago). I am also sensitive to caffeine, and drinking any caffeine containing product after a certain time leaves me with insomnia. Personally, I would prefer skipping this product and continuing to drink plain water, taking a vitamin supplement for the extra vitamins. So overall, I do not recommend this product. The only reason I upgraded from 1 star to 2 stars is the fact that this product does contain some beneficial vitamins, unlike most ready-made, highly sweetened fruit punch drinks."
B0041NYV8E,4,"If you like ginger with a punch then you'll love this drink. Tear open the easy-open pouch, pour the granules into a cup and then add your hot water. It packs a punch almost as strong as our favorite ginger beer. If you need a quick pick-me-up or just want to clear your throat then give this a try. The warmth of the drink is comforting. Nice product."
B004EAGP74,4,It is made in Philipine. The smell is not as strong as the ones I get from Mather's market but everything else is as good and its price is better for sure!
B000GAT6NG,5,"I've been using this product for 2 months now, and it's AMAZING! I have wavy hair and it's very fine. I've noticed that whenever I use deep conditioners or any other type of conditioner, my hair will fall out excessively. So I decided not to use conditioners, instead I use Nutiva's Coconut oil daily (only on my ends & on dry hair) and it leaves my hair incredibly soft, shiny, and easy to untangle! I also use it once every other week as a deep-conditioner (through out my whole hair & leave it in for half an hour to an hour), and my hair doesn't fall-out as much as it does with other conditioners!!! I seriously LOVE this product, my hair feels a lot healthier and it's also more manageable, I also get a lot of comments on how shiny and silky my hair looks! I really recommend it. My only suggestion is, if you dislike the smell of coconut, this product is not for you. The smell is very strong and tends to linger on the hair, personally I love it! And one last thing, a little goes a long way with this product, if you apply too much, your hair will appear greasy!"
B004EAGP74,5,"The best, or nearly the best of the coconut oils I have tried. Super price too. I am glad the manufacturer specifies that there is no hexane in the product."
B000KV61FC,5,"This toy is great! It keeps my Aussie Cattle Dog engaged and working for her food at every meal, and makes her think and strategize at every angle. She is not known for her patience when it comes to getting food out of toys, and she'll easily shred or rip apart whatever she has to get to the food in the most efficient way possible. Less than 24hours after teaching her how this thing works, she figured out that the rope was keeping the food inside, so she promptly took it to her bed and ate the rope. We were initially disappointed - it was a sturdy cotton rope! Watching her just inhale the food out of it (literally, she would tip it neck-down into her mouth and just pour the food out of it with no rope to stop the food), we decided to put some objects inside the bottle to make it more challenging, since the rope idea seemed to be a little too easy for her. We started with two golf balls, then moved up to two racquette balls, then a tennis ball. The tennis ball is almost impossible for her to get the food because it's so large the food won't move around it, so we went back to the racquette balls. So far, so good. She beats the thing against the floor, throws it into walls, and gnaws on it like it's covered in frozen peanut butter, and it holds up like a dream. She's gone from inhaling her food in under 30 seconds to taking almost 2 full minutes to eat a meal.<br /><br />Other reviews have mentioned flimsy plastic, but we've found our's is great and made of sturdy, thick plastic. So far she's only scratched it a little on the outside. Others have complained of the same rope issues we had - the dog unravels or chews it off. Adding objects inside the toy that help block the food is a very simple, extremely cost-effective way of altering the toy to make it easier or more difficult. We change it up sometimes from the racquette balls to small wood blocks, a variety of smaller objects (plastic Gatorade caps, golf balls, etc) - anything that is too big to come out the neck but large enough to block the food without being impossible. We've started putting it in places she has to work to get to before she can eat from it - on a chair, in an open box, hidden under a pillow on the floor, etc. Not a whole lot of effort on our part, but it pays off in spades when she's mentally tired for an hour or so after dinner!"
B004EAGP74,4,"My spouse is in stage three of Alzheimers and has been using prescription medicine for over four years, yet she continues to regress. Two months is not sufficient time to gauge the effectiveness of the Coconut Oil but it certainly cannot harm her. I will continue using it as a supplement and hopefull in six months there will be a noticeable improvement. ""Himself"" O'Malley"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have used Pamela's baking mix for pancakes, waffles, biscuits, pizza crust and scones. I was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful flavor of everything I made using this mix. There are lots of recipes on Pamela's web site, which is listed on the package."
B000KV61FC,1,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 0:19 Mins<br /><br /></span>It took my dog no more than 4 hours to destroy this. First off there are two types of rope that this product can come with - we've seen a cotton rope or a rubber one. Ours came with the rubber one (as shown in the x-small and small size on amazon).<br />First, my dog took to chewing the jug. She saw the treats and would hit at the jug. She also chewed on the grip and bone. In addition to being loud as others complain, she just kept tripping over it. She's a clumsy dog, but every couple of minutes it would roll behind her and as the jug is really bulky, kind of knock into her. Also, the rubber rope didn't stand up to her chewing AT ALL. In addition, we couldn't find treats that really...came out of it easily at all. She got it out every now and then, which was good, but she didn't ever figure out how to go about doing so and just tore at the bottom of the judge.<br />For reference, we had the medium/large for about a 40-45 pound 1 year old beagle/basset mix."
B000GAT6NG,5,For you dark chocolate lovers: Mix Nutiva coconut oil with unsweetened cocoa powder (about 1:1) and a bit of honey. You can also add Nutiva Hempseeds. Roll it in shredded coconut if desired.<br /><br />These Nutiva products are terrific.
B006MONQMC,3,"The many different water flavor enhancers coming out these days have become a staple in my family's cupboard, and it's always a pleasure to try new ones. Unfortunately I'm a bit torn on this one, as it has all the added vitamins I love, but the flavor is a bit lacking.<br /><br />This particular Vitamin Squeeze has a very light fruit punch flavor, and it isn't nearly as strong as regular Kool-Aid or even Crystal Light. I found that even putting three or four squeezes into a glass of water still ended up with a very bland taste that isn't particularly exciting. On the upside, there's a lot more liquid than in the smaller Mio bottles, and this Vitamin Squeeze flavor is completely sugar free.<br /><br />What sets Vitamin Squeeze apart is that it has both Vitamin C (meaning it can take the place of EmergenC or similar powders) and good deal of B vitamins, a standard of energy drinks. You can essentially create your own energy water by upping just how many ""squeezes"" you feel like using in any given glass. If you hate the taste of energy drinks and are looking for something a bit healthier, this is a great alternative, and since there's no sugar and only a small amount of caffeine it doesn't create that jittery feeling.<br /><br />This is definitely worth trying if you want a new way to add some flavor to regular tap water, but overall I didn't like it nearly as much as Mio the tried and true Crystal Light."
B006MONQMC,2,"As a mother of 7, I am always looking for healthy alternatives to sodas, Kool-aid, and energy drinks my kids seem to pine for. The fact that this is not a powder (which can be really messy for a child to use) and contains a respectable number of vitamins made me excited to try it.<br /><br />The squeeze bottle is just the right size for even small hands. Also, the liquid mixes instantly in water so a spoon isn't even needed to stir! Less things to wash for me.<br /><br />All of my kids were eager to try it but sadly, the taste is so off that no one even finished their glass. That's saying a lot since my kids will drink stuff I don't even want to smell. 7 people tried it, including myself, and everyone described it the same way. The first swallow was OK, but it is immediately followed by a strong aftertaste that can only be described as ""medicine-like"". It is a seriously bad taste.<br /><br />Also, everyone needed 3 squirts for it to taste like anything except watered down cough syrup. But then, it just tasted like Kool-aid and cough syrup mixed together.<br /><br />I hope the manufacturers read these reviews and work on the flavor because if it tasted good, I'd buy it by the case. This is exactly the kind of product I've been looking for - if I could only ""swallow"" the awful taste."
B006MONQMC,3,"This Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink is supposed to taste like fruit punch, but I didn't taste any fruit that I could recognize. It's kind of a nondescript blend that has what I would describe as a ""generic"" flavor. With so many good flavors available today I would have liked to see a product that had fruit flavors that I could actually pick out in the blend, like home made punch. It didn't have an aftertaste, which is a positive. I like that there are 0 calories per serving. A serving is 1/2 ounce according to their label and there are 24 servings to the container. It's hard to say what a ""squeeze"" is or how much you're going to squeeze out each time. It varies for me. Sometimes the drink would be too weak, other times, just right. I added it to water in a sports drink bottle and it was convenient to drink it that way. Adding ice improves the taste.<br /><br />The ingredients are listed as: Water, citric acid, vitamin C, natural flavor, sucralose, natural caffeine, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, magnesium lactate, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, calcium lactate, potassium phosphate, vitamin A, palmitate, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12. I'm not sure if it's the caffeine or the added vitamins that give me the energy after drinking it, but I do feel a little bit energized after a couple glasses. (I guess it could also be the power of suggestion.) The color is a bright pinkish red. It looks like the color would stain my hands or the counter top if spilled, but so far it hasn't. I plan on finishing the bottle but I probably will not purchase again."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I tried at least 6 different Gluten Free flour blends before this wonderful mix. While it does contain both dairy and tree nuts, if these are not a concern for you...then stop shopping and buy this mix!<br />It is the perfect springboard for actual edible GF baked goods as well as some of the best pancakes and waffles around, GF or not."
B006MONQMC,1,"I hope there are plenty of vitamins in this drink, because I found little else to like here. The seal under the spout is one of those adhesive twist seals. It doesn't work at all well for a large-mouth bottle. As a matter of fact, when trying to open mine, it splattered out. And this product does stain, too! Sadly, the taste is nothing special. It tastes like Kool-aid. I cannot recommend this product."
B000NMJWZO,4,"A little pricey but good for your health.<br />You had the best price that I have found.<br />Thank you, Tom"
B0041NYV8E,4,"This ginger and lemon powder is mixed with hot water for a refreshing drink. I hadn't heard of this drink before, but I liked it. The flavor is nice, sweet, but a bit strong for my taste, so I didn't use the full packet for a cup. While this isn't something I would drink every day, it would be great when I'm looking for a change of pace or for a caffeine-free alternative to herbal tea."
B006MONQMC,3,"My 18 year old daughter is an avid water drinker...and has been since she was six (having officially moved off milk). She's tried almost every brand/flavor of water additive on the market - from Crystal Light to Mio - she's tried just about all of them. So when I'd received this product...I thought she'd be the perfect taste tester.<br /><br />She used Vitamin Squeeze (fruit punch) with both bottled distilled water as well as bottled spring water...and enjoyed it with both. She described the taste as ""a pleasant fruity flavor"" but warned to stick with a single squeeze serving - otherwise the flavor became quickly overpowering. She added that she liked the fact that essential vitamins were added to the water. All in all - she enjoyed this product BUT also felt that, despite the decent flavor, it really doesn't stand out from the crowd of water additives."
B0041NYV8E,1,"The ginger in this is very strong. It smelled very intense in a bad way, and the ginger left a burning sensation in my throat. It the unpleasant burning was like drinking a very strong alcohol shot that burns and lingers there. This burning coupled with the bad smell and taste kept me from drinking it more than 2 very small test sips. Stay away from this product unless you are comfortable gnawing on a piece of ginger."
B006MONQMC,5,"Very glad I read the label...when I selected it from Amazon I thought it was an energy's actually an additive you put in your water to make your water an energy drink!<br /><br />Actually very tasty...very reminiscent of Kool-Aid Fruit Punch flavor. One long squeeze is good for me in a 1/2 liter bottle of water. I do like that you can make it stronger or weaker to taste based on how much you add.<br /><br />Needs to be refrigerated after more thing to take up space in my fridge, but oh well.<br /><br />I notice I'm drinking more water later thanks to this, so that's good!<br /><br />And if I'm getting more vitamins, well hey, that's cool too. 0 calories...has caffeine."
B000NMJWZO,5,I have tried many Gluten free products and this is one of the best for breads.
B0041NYV8E,4,"I really enjoyed this tea, and it was perfect on a cold day.<br /><br />Originally, I was surpised that the contents were like powder version as opposed to tea bags.<br /><br />However, one little packet goes a long way. I ended up splitting one packet into 4 mugs of usage and it ended being perfect. A great lemony taste w/ a huge bite of ginger aftertaste. Even diluted to 4 mugs, it was still a bit strong. I think if it was 1 packet for one cup, the taste would be a bit too powerful.<br /><br />I really enjoyed the diluted version quite a bit and would greatly recommend this product."
B004EAGP74,5,Tastes and smells so good. I've used it in place of butter or shortening. Also a great skin care product.
B0041NYV8E,4,"I'm not familiar with ginger but I like the taste when I've had it with sushi, so I thought I'd give this drink mix a whirl.<br /><br />It's pretty good, like a lemonade mix with ginger instead--refreshing, with a nice nip to it."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I feel I lucked into this treat. It has health properties. It is sweetened with honey, which adds to its rich and soothing flavor. It's good hot or cold and as others have noted, it is very gentle on you if you have an upset stomach or indigestion. It's a good home remedy."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Love this. Great substitute for shortening. Keeps baked goods moister, and is excellent for cooking eggs and vegetables."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I was looking forward to trying this drink because I have a tea I love that is ginger and peach combined. When I opened the pouch the first thing I noticed was the smell. It smelled terrible... the word I would use is repugnant. I went ahead and boiled water and poured it in the cup. The powder mixed easily with the water and it looked like tea. My first sip was my last. It was so spicy that my eyes watered, my tongue burned and my nose became to run. I had to race to the refrigerator to get a cold drink to soothe my burning mouth. The rest of the drink went down the drain. You MAY be able to mix this with a pitcher of iced tea and make it taste better but I'm not willing to experiment."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I've been using the Nutiva brand for 2 years now. It has the best flavor of any of the brands in the nutrition and grocery stores. When I used the other brands I rarely used the coconut oil. They smelled and tasted yucky. Plus I found out they were processed. Nutiva is raw. I have completely thrown out shortening; butter; and probably cut back at least half on the olive oil I used.<br />My chronically dry skin is gone without lotions. I use it on toast or bread as a snack and I feel full and satisfied for hours. And I have seen a lot less water retention all over....not so puffy. Wish I could say I lost weight or inches, but no, I didn't. I have heard of others losing as soon as they start switching to coconut oil. When I bake with it instead of shortening or butter...everything is so coconut flavor added to anything either."
B0041NYV8E,5,"Loved this drink, I did. The ginger is very strong with a hint of lemon, all making for a good kick, especially in the aftertaste. I found it quite soothing. The mix dissolves easily. I recommend it with as hot as water as you can stand."
B004EAGP74,5,Excellent quality coconut oil for an exceptional price. I couldn't find it cheaper anyplace else. This is the best brand I've tried. Would highly recommend.
B004EAGP74,5,"This is the second 54-ounce jar I have purchased. The first time I went through a different website. It must have melted during shipping, so when I got it, it had leaked out of the top a bit. This time it came in perfect condition! Great value for the money!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I love this oil!!!Besides it being healthy oil and good for you,it adds a great taste to your food. I also use it in my hair and on my skin"
B0041NYV8E,2,Way to powdery tasting and bad aftertaste. Plus the price I could not believe for this junk! Skip and stay with Countrytime Lemonade!<br /><br />Yuck!
B000NMJWZO,5,"I LOVE this mix. You can do so much with it. My son is autistic so we have him on a gluten free, dairy free diet and he loves to eat. I make the best chocolate chip pancakes he has ever had. I have made all kinds of baked goods with this mix. The product website has lots of great recipes on it too. Perfect product for someone just starting down the GF/CF diet road or anyone who would just like to eat healthier."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's gluten free pancake mix has become a part of a weekly ritual of having pancakes on Sunday morning.<br />Not only are they really tasty, but they also very healthy.<br />I have had friends over for pancakes and they all wanted to know how I make them. Well, I passed on my secret.<br />Thanks Pamela for a great product."
B000KV61FC,5,My lab absolutely loves this toy. He acts like a puppy when he plays with it.
B006MONQMC,5,"I can't even believe how delicious this drink is AND it gave me an amazing amount of energy. Since energy drinks usually taste so bad, I was braced for the worst. Imagine my delight when the drink tasted great. I am such a big fan. If you are looking for a drink that tastes great, boosts your vitamin C, and gives you ENERGY, look no rrather! Vitamin Squeeze is the best!"
B004EAGP74,5,This is the most favorful coconut oil on the market. I am really pleased with it's performance in the skillet. Try frying shrimp in it! You won't be disappointed! Even the house smells good afterwards.<br />Highly recommend!
B000KV61FC,5,"<a href="""">Premier Busy Buddy Tug-a-Jug, Medium/Large</a>This is the best 10.00 i've spent in a while. I fill it with my 85# puppy's noon kibble and he has to work to get it out. He grabs the rope and smashes it very hard on the concrete. He will play with this thing for hours. I cannot believe he hasn't broke it. I would recommend this for all dog owners."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I received this product to review. unfortunately, the sample was only enough for one serving. It is not possible to give this product a valid review with such a small sample size. With what was provided, I am not impressed but maybe the flavor needs a chance to be savored."
B000KV61FC,1,"Worst toy ever!<br />-cheap plastic, not strong<br />-rope too thick prevents treats to fall out<br /><br />I have a super smart border collie and he got frustrated with that thing. Not because it's hard to understand how it works just because it's very hard to get the treats out even for me, even when he shakes it. The rope (too thick)prevents the treats from falling out.. and even when I removed the rope, the shape of the bottle makes it difficult as the kibbles roll inside but that's pretty much it, they barely ever get passed the neck. Which makes it a very expensive useless toy, I could have just use a small empty water bottle for no cost!!<br /><br />DO NOT RECOMMEND!<br />Try the kibble nibble instead, I have one and it's way better even if sometimes the treats fall out of it too easily. <a href="""">Busy Buddy Kibble Nibble Food and Treat Activity Ball</a>"
B000NMJWZO,5,I just want to say that I have never tried this product till this weekend. It was wonderful and I couldn't believe how great the taste was. It didn't taste grainy they were light and fluffy I couldn't even tell that I was eating gluten free pancakes. My son loved them too and that is big points in my book.
B000KV61FC,5,"My young Keeshond puppy is a master of the Tug-a-Jug, but even my 10 year old Border Collie loves the thing! She will play with it until every last bit of kibble is liberated. After many hours of play, the jug is a bit scratched, but the rope remains intact. My dogs do not chew the rope (or I would remove this toy and replace with something more appropriate). They seem to recognize that the rope is helpful in removing kibble from the jug. Tug-a-Jug is definitely a hit! It keeps my very busy puppy occupied for 45-60 minutes per refill."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is one of our favorite gf products! We love making waffles,pancakes and cookies with this! No one can tell it is gluten free.<br />It uses almond flour and I think that is what keeps everything so moist. Alot of gluten free products are dry and do not hold together well. Not Pamela's! It has made my life simpler and is one of the besst products out there. I would not recommend it for bread unless it was a quick bread as it just doesn't have the texture and taste of bread. It is a little sweet. Pamela's is wonderful to meet 95% of your baking needs!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"<a href="""">Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix, 4-Pound Bags (Pack of 3)</a> This is the most amazing flour ever!!! Makes having to be Gluten Free not so bad!!!!"
B000KV61FC,5,"It keeps my blind dog entertained, but he does get frustrated sometimes. He's never been one for playing with toys or staying focused on any one thing for a period of time. He does seem to like it, though."
B000NMJWZO,5,The best gluten free mix available. I really enjoy making everything with this mix. It is less expensive than mixing my own flours to a mixture.
B006MONQMC,4,"The taste is pretty good, although there is a bit of an 'artificial' aftertaste that I could live without. Otherwise, it tastes like Hi-C or Kool-Aid, which is pretty impressive considering those drinks have a lot of sugar and this has zero calories. Overall, I can recommend it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I actually use this on my skin and have been doing so for over two years. It is a terrific moisturizer that leaves your skin especially smooth, with a lovely fresh smell as well."
B000KV61FC,5,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 0:48 Mins<br /><br /></span>Our golden retrievers love this toy, I have to buy another one because my 2 year old dog hogs it and won't let the other dogs play with it. Best dog toy I ever bought. you won't be dissapointed. Great for smart dogs who get bored easily. Hours of fun."
B006MONQMC,4,"In truth, I'm not a big fan of these squeeze bottle water flavorings. Often, I find it hard to control the quantity, and under-flavoring makes the drink taste like a flat soda, whereas over flavoring is just too sweet. This larger bottle, however, seems to give just the right amount of flavor if you use two fingers to squeeze until it becomes too hard to squeeze anymore, and the spout seals tight and effectively to prevent drips and spills. The overall flavor is your typical fruit punch-y flavor, and there is only that faintest hint of chemicals to suggest the caffeine, taurine and vitamins it contains. The pick-up it provides is mild, I'd say about the same as a cup of coffee or can of diet soda. I don't think the other stuff in it is particularly strong or useful to my body as far as recovery times, strength building, electrolyte supply, etc. Still, I use this as my flavoring of choice on rest and light workout days, with <a href="""">Optimum Nutrition Essential Amino Energy, Fruit Fusion, 30-Count</a> my ""go to"" drink on workout and hard running days. This is a decent water flavoring that is easier to use than most, providing a little variety with no sacrifice to my fitness regimen."
B000KV61FC,4,"My dog LOVES this toy but the rope seems too big for the opening, making it virtually impossible to get out any treats.<br /><br />I contacted the manufacturer regarding this issue and was sent a new rope, just to make sure the bottle I had wasn't mismatched with the rope size. The replacement ended up being the same diameter, so I gave up on the rope altogether. The way I adjust the difficulty of the ""game"" is by varying the size of the treats inserted.<br /><br />My dog doesn't eat kibble so I put in all natural treats, nuts, dehydrated salmon, etc. I sometimes throw in a whole walnut just to make the game harder. He LOVES the toy and rolls it all over my apartment in an attempt to get everything out.<br /><br />When only the large, impossible-to-get pieces are left, my dog brings it to me out of frustration, and I reward him by opening the bottom and giving him the last pieces.<br /><br />One aspect of this toy that I really like is the fact that you can disassemble and wash it. Some other toys say they're dishwasher safe but can't be opened, so I can't imagine the cleaning being very thorough. Also, the ""mouth"" is made of soft rubber that [I would think] massages the dogs' gums and cleans their teeth a little.<br /><br />Overall this is a great, challenging, tiring game that rewards dogs for their effort and determination. My only wish is that the rope were a bit thinner, which would make the game ""reasonably"" challenging rather than almost impossible. This is the only reason why I'm giving it 4 stars instead of 5.<br /><br />You can't go wrong with this toy, even if you use it without the rope."
B006MONQMC,4,"The flavor of this product is good - a bit too sweet, but that's par for the course with these sort of things. It is satisfying to know that my daily afternoon drink is providing all the vitamins i need for the day!<br /><br />It isn't as concentrated as some of the other flavored drink mixes on the market, which means the bottle is really big. It may sound like an unimportant thing, but it's harder to toss it in your purse when the bottle is so large. But that's my only real complaint. Otherwise this product is pretty good."
B000KV61FC,5,"My dog Sawyer even as a puppy took right to it. He drains it pretty quickly, but we fill it with kibble thats different than his standard so its not too many treats. Its fun to watch him play with it as well, since you can see him focus and think about it. I recommend this to someone with a puppy that loves to think and do things."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have used this baking mix for banana bread/muffins, pancakes, waffles, choc. chip cookies, scones, etc. following the recipes provided on the bag and they have all been delicious, even to the gluten eaters I have served them too! Both adults and children alike have not noticed that these recipes were gluten free. This is the best gluten-free baking mix I have found! The subscribe & save option through Amazon was also the best price I found."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This product is pure, unrefined. It's fresh and can be used in so may different things. I've used it in cooking and baking, I use it in my hair, my skin as well as taking a teaspoon of it daily. You really get a lot for your money. Without a doubt, I will order this again. The seller even included a letter...which i s very personable. They not only want to see you a product, they have your best interest at heart!"
B0041NYV8E,4,"Gold Kili's Instant Ginger Lemon drink is a nice, zesty alternative to caffeinated drinks. Fans of ginger and ginger-beer will like the strong ginger-lemony flavor. It has a bite to it that sticks with you. Consumed warm, it's similar to a lemon tea. The spicy-tangy drink has a slightly sweet, honey flavor as well. It's a refreshing morning drink, or something for when you're winding down at the end of the day. It has no caffeine, so it won't keep you up. It's made from top-grade, natural ingredients. Ginger fans, who use ginger for motion sickness and as a digestive aid, might like to put the drink to the test. For those looking for something a bit unique or new, this is worth a try."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have been using Nutiva coconut oil for over a year now and I love this product, the texture, the taste.. Wonderful and light and delicious ... I have tried other brands but they have a funny after taste. I substitute coconut oil for all my cooking and baking if I can.. I use half and half with butter to cut down the cholesterol but still get a buttery taste, I float a teaspoon on my hot chocolate for quick morning energy (divine) .. I pop the pop corn in my ""whirly pop"" machine... YUMMY."
B006MONQMC,4,"Prior to trying out this product, I have only flavored my water with the powered products. This product had a very nice Fruit Punch flavor, but an after taste that kicks in shortly after finishing the beverage (20 oz bottle in less than a couple of minutes). I only took off one star for this, as I can not rate the product on the health benefits from only using one bottle of it. Also, like I said above, this is the first product of its kind that I have tried and I do not have anything similar to compare it to (ie: Mio). Would I buy it? No. Would I drink/use it again? Yes."
B004EAGP74,5,"Very delicious and fresh coconut oil. I use it for baking and for blending in shakes, and as spreading on bread with sugar free jam."
B006MONQMC,4,"If you are looking for a water flavoring product, there's been a lot of powders out there to choose from. Somewhat recently, there's been a new trend of liquid additives that you can put into your water to make it less boring. The obvious advantage of a liquid additive is that you don't have the mess and hassle of powdering spilling everywhere. It's quick, convenient, and easy.<br /><br />Now, what sets this Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink apart from competitors such as the MIO things? Well, mostly price. I noticed that this is a much larger item, and per ounce, is a much better value. As for taste, I've had tastier water flavorings. In fact, if you can believe this, the tastiest thing I've tried is an off-brand MIO knock-off (I believe the brand was Fit & Active). The taste of this Vitamin Squeeze flavoring is sort of bland (but also calorie free, so that's nice), and then if you increase the amount used, just gets too strong. There's just never a point where I felt like it was just right, even though I experimented with how many squeezes to use. That being said, the taste is tolerable and not too bad.<br /><br />All in all, I wouldn't buy this drink flavoring just for it's taste alone (although you may want it for the vitamins in it). I would, however, recommend it just for being the best value that I've seen so far for a product of its type. If you need a liquid water flavoring at the best price possible (as of this review writing), this is the product to go with for sure."
B0041NYV8E,4,"This hot and spicy ginger-lemon drink is very tasty, but the high concentration of ginger makes your mouth tingle! Definitely it's a drink for those, like me, who love spicy foods. It's a great waker-upper, but you probably won't want to drink it every day.<br /><br />To make the drink, you combine one pouch (0.56 oz.) of Gold Kili Instant Ginger & Lemon Mix with 1-1/4 cup (250 ml) of hot water, and stir. A sniff of the powdered mix offers a good preview of the drink itself. The powder dissolves quickly in water heated to about 185 degrees Fahrenheit (well below boiling). The resulting drink is the color of coffee with cream. An ""instant powder foam"" forms on top with stirring, but the foam disappears quickly.<br /><br />The drink itself is sweet, but leaves little sugary aftertaste. The very dominant flavor is ginger, with a pleasant undertone of lemon. This drink won't ever replace my daily coffee, but I definitely enjoyed it. I rate it at 4 stars (""I like it"")."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I make a banana pancake with Pamela's pancake mix and everyone loves is fluffy, tasty and a perfect pancake really...even if you don't have to eat gf products, you will love it.."
B006MONQMC,2,"This vitamin/caffeine additive to plain water is not overly delicious. It has a rather strong cough syrup flavor, even at a ""small squeeze"" portion, and it is VERY RED. There is not a single direction about how big a squeeze should be, though I suppose at 24 portions, one could divide and assume it is .5 oz. I was hoping for a bit of a morning ""pick up,"" but the caffeine level is not enough for any sort of boost. I'd rather take my vitamins as a pill and can't recommend this water-flavorer."
B004EAGP74,5,This is a great product for hair and skin in a convenient plastic jar. I am so happy with this purchase.
B000NMJWZO,5,"Love this flour mix. I use it for everything! Makes great pancakes, waffles, scones, and other things that most gf people think they have to go without!"
B000KV61FC,3,"Lab enjoys the toy--now. When the rope was attached to it, he couldn't get the treats out at all and we were using TINY treats. He destroyed the rope in a few minutes and now the treats fall out."
B000NMJWZO,5,This flour is awesome! You can make all kinds of things with it and they taste like the usual wheat flour items. I would recommend it to anyone with Celiacs.
B000NMJWZO,5,"For years I haven't felt well, dealt with all sorts of symptoms that all gluten-sensitive, gluten-intolerant or celiac sufferers know all too well. On the advise of a friend, I have eliminated gluten from my diet and have been feeling amazingly well! But I sure missed waffles. I ordered Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix and made waffles for breakfast this morning. It is wonderful to be able to enjoy one of my favorite breakfast foods and not be in pain afterward! And they were delicious! Now to order the other Pamela's products!"
B006MONQMC,3,"3 Stars for me is an It's OK product. I don't love it and I don't hate it. Here the flavor is not the best (though it's not as bad as some others I have tasted). I appreciate the vitamins though and if one did not eat well this would certainly help with assuring at least basic amounts of vitamins in the system. I'm not an expert on how our bodies use vitamins or usable sources but in layman's terms it seems all right.<br /><br />I found it tolerable when I could squeeze the right amount but it's a bigger bottle and 1. a little unwieldy to cart around 2. hard to get any real measurement on. It is too easy to put too much or too little. I dislike tinkering - which is why I tend to favor the packets..I know exactly what the product tastes like and how to use it. No muss no fuss. I found at work when I was getting ready to get ice and water I naturally grabbed a packet instead of this.<br /><br />I didn't notice I felt any better (or worse) after drinking it - no better energy or disposition. In short it is o.k. but in an arena with a lot of options this one needs to go back to R&D for some fixing before it's ready for prime time to be a viable competitor. Whether it is something like <a href="""">Crystal Light Metabolism + Green Tea Peach Mango Drink Mix On The Go 10-0.08 oz packets (6 Pack)</a> or <a href="""">MIO Liquid Peach Tea, 1.62-Ounce, (Pack of 4)</a> the other options available are much better packaged with better flavor and user experience."
B006MONQMC,4,"A little goes a long way and this does not taste bad at all, in fact I liked it. Not too sweet and no weird aftertaste like many of these energy/supplement potions have. As is in a glass of water or to give a nice boost to juice - I particularly liked it in o.j.<br /><br />Since I can not digest B vitamins in tablet form this is a particularly great way for me to get my B's in without an upset stomach. The dose is low enough I can drink it more than once a day. And at 12 oz, there is plenty to get through a week or two.<br /><br />Enjoying it & I will be getting this again."
B0041NYV8E,2,Acquired taste maybe? Nobody in my family enjoyed it. Found it pretty vile overall. Didn't finish a cup. Too harsh and too strong. Just not something I enjoyed at all. I am a huge fan of ginger and lemon too so I can't say I don't like the flavors.
B006MONQMC,1,"""A squeeze""? How do I know how much I should squeeze in order to get the proposed benefits on the bottle. I didn't like leaving that to chance. Each time I used the product it tasted different because I squeezed more or less or had more or less water in my bottle or cup. Too much guess work and not enough consistency for me.<br /><br />The taste was OK. If you hate to drink plain water it won't win you over. It tasted like cheap, party punch bowl punch. If you added it to soda, I imagine it would create a more layered flavor but most sodas already have caffeine."
B000KV61FC,2,"If your dog isn't a chewer/destroyer-of-toys like mine, this might be fine. But my lab destroyed the rope and ate the plastic stopper very quickly. Also, keep in mind if you live above someone and don't have carpets, the dog will repeatedly drop the bottle on the floor to get the treats out. So had my dog not eaten this toy, I still couldn't have used it very often because it's very loud."
B000NMJWZO,5,"So far, we've only used it for pancakes and waffles, but I love it. I can whip up a double batch of the pancakes or waffles so quickly and then freeze the rest. There are so little ingredients to add and it makes it so easy! My friends have made the banana muffins which they loved and other items."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Ever since discovering Pamela's products, I feel like I died and went to Heaven. Her gluten free pancake and baking mix, makes wonderful waffles and pancakes. You can use this mix with any of your own recipes, and they taste wonderful. My grandchildren and many friends never new that my Christmas cookies were gluten free. It makes a pie crust that is to die for, and again I have served it without saying it was gluten free, and I got rave reviews from those that ate it. I can't say enough about her baking and pancake mix, and all of her packaged products as well. I LOVE Pamela's products. PS Her wheat free bread mix is also excellent"
B004EAGP74,5,"I use it for my hair, and its lasting me a loooong time(= glad I went ahead and bought the 54-ounce jar. Dunno what id do without my coconut oil lol"
B006MONQMC,1,"I had read a few of the reviews on Vitamin Squeeze Fruit Punch flavored water enhancer before I first tried it. I noticed a couple said it was on the sweet side. My experience seems different than most of the reviewers, so I am not sure if I got a ""bad bottle"" or what<br />One serving is ½ ounce squeezed into 8 ounces of water. The bottle is 12 ounces so you should get about 24 servings.<br /><br />Ingredient-wise, one serving of the Fruit Punch flavor (1/2 ounce) has some vitamins in it, primarily Vitamin C (120% of the RDA), followed by 40% RDA of B3, B5, B6, and B12. It also advertised 10% RDA of Chromium and Zinc., but it's also got 40mg of caffeine serving, so less than a Red Bull but more than some other drinks, including some sodas.<br /><br />I've tried this product with a good squeeze into an 8 ounce glass of water and more than one squeeze in a larger glass (about 12 ounces). It tastes weak to me. . I have used ""water enhancers"" before, usually with good results in both use and flavor. I also think I've mastered squeezing things from a bottle, so I'm assuming I was ""operating"" it correctly! I do not like things overly sweet, so I don't think its my taste being off.<br /><br />I've tried it a few times, shaking the bottle before squeezing, trying ""a little more"", a little less's very weak, sort of like if you took a few teaspoons of a fruit juice and mixed it in water. I found the only way it offers any taste of any sort is to use a very loooong squeeze of it into an 8 ounce glass of water. I can only describe it as tasting like a severely watered down Kool-Aid or Hawaiian Punch.<br /><br />I actually tried putting it into the glass before the water, just to see how much I was using in order to get some taste. I found I was using far more than the ½ ounce.<br /><br />I also ran into an issue with the bottle itself. The drink was leaking from where the bottle meets the screw on cap. I checked it several times to ensure it was screwed on properly. There is what appears to be a (cardboard? foam?) ""washer"" in the cap. I made sure it was seated, to no avail. Removing it didn't help either.<br /><br />The leak presented a major drawback as it time I used the bottle I ended up with red dye on my hand, and/or counter, floor, in the fridge, etc. I ended up having to discard it before it was empty due to the mess it was making.<br /><br />So, again, I am not sure if I got a bad bottle, but I hope I did, because otherwise this stuff is awful. I do want to note again that many of the product's reviews are good, so my experience may be isolated, but going by the bottle I used, I'd steer clear of this product."
B006MONQMC,4,"The only mixes I have added to my water before are powdered and need to be shaken a lot. Not with this one. It is a good sized bottle with a flip cap and a no-drip spout. You just squeeze the liquid into your water bottle and then barely even have to shake it to mix it up. It make take some tasting to decide how much of a squeeze you want to get the right amount of flavor. Also, it says one squeeze per 8ozs of water which is less than your usual water bottle. It has caffeine in it but not a lot, more like soda than coffee. I liked the flavor though I thought it was a bit light so I would add more. As for the energy part, it is hard to tell. I'm tired all the time because of chronic insomnia and other sleep problems. I take Adderall to help with this and it only works a little. So this product didn't stand much of a chance giving me energy. but it might for most others. I liked having vitamin C and B vitamins added to my diet as most vitamin pills upset my stomach, as do high caffeine products. Overall, I think this is a good product and reasonably priced."
B000KV61FC,5,"I have two smaller dogs and they absolutely love their Tug-a-jug's. The many uses of this product; training, feeding, tug, play, fetch, etc.. are incredible considering the low price of it. Ingenious design and functionality. Be sure to use (smelly) smaller treats to have your dog get the ""hang"" of it and adjust them in size to make it more challenging. Trust me, if you put just a little time into showing your dog how it ""works"", it will easily become its favorite toy. The BEST!!!!!!"
B000KV61FC,4,"I am always looking for durable, challenging, toys for my dog! I have been wanting to purchase this for a while but was unsure after reading reviews on it. Well, I am glad I got it! It took her a while to figure it out but it kept her occupied! It has been 48 hours and she is now chewing the rope off....not a big surprise. Dogs should be supervised with this toy.<br />I am giving this 4 stars because there were supposed to be instructions with it and there were none."
B0041NYV8E,3,There is no question that Gold Kili's Instant Ginger Lemon Beverage Mix is made from ginger. The smell and taste is strong. I would suggest you start off light and continue too add the mix until you reach the strength of flavor you desire. I could not imagine how strong a bite this drink would have if not cut with honey. I do agree that with the advertisement that this is a strong ginger drink with a unique taste. My first sip shocked my taste buds that I almost did not continue to drink any. I did continue too and as I started too adjust to the flavor. The drink was not bad and it still had the ginger bite I wanted but this is not a blend I would seek out. I would drink but never buy it. Though flavorful; I did not find the experience enjoyable. The crystals do instantly dissolve to make this spicy beverage. And with the taste...I hope it is good for you.
B000KV61FC,5,"The busy buddy is one of my favorite toys I have bought my dog. He loves it and it usually takes him about 20 minutes to get all the treats out (I don't fill it all the way up). I haven't tried to put his food in it, but I'm sure it would be perfect as well. My dog loves this toy and it is fun to watch him try to work his moves to get the treats out. The only problem with this toy is that it is loud and my room mate hates it and takes it away. So just don't have hard wood floors like I do and you'll be set."
B000KV61FC,4,"3 dogs, 1 loves it and uses it as intended. The only complaint there is that he's become far too good at it and learned how to push the rope in and out very quickly. He 48 lbs, gets his regular meals in it and finishes in about 15 minutes. I wish it took him longer but it sure is awesome watching him be so good at it! Worked great for the second dog for a few weeks, he wasn't as good at it, so it took him a bit longer to empty it so we thought it might be perfect for him. We were wrong, he chewed the rope in half one day. :-( Third dog is just kind of dumb and just smells it and looks at it. The plastic is really rugged though, they're able to toss it around on stained concrete floors without breaking it!<br /><br />Overall, I LOVE this company's toys. One of my dogs chewed a Kong but hasn't been able to destroy Premier's Squirrel toy. Dumb dog likes the Twist 'n' Treat, it doesn't take very much brain power..."
B000KV61FC,2,"My 10 month old Golden Doodle had chewed through the rope within 30 minutes. The ""bottle"" part is hard plastic and very loud when bounced around. The knot on the rope (when we still had a rope) fit too tightly into the opening making getting treats out of the bottle close to impossible. I had hoped this would be one of those toys to occupy her a bit more. And for the price, think the rope would have been somewhat tougher to a chewer like mine.<br />If your dog is a chewer I can't recommend this. Not what I expected or hoped for....."
B004EAGP74,4,"I use this for all my baking needs. When it's hard at room temp, I just cut it into the dry goods before adding the liquids."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Just had these delivered and decided to make pancakes for diner for our three boys - a 4 yr old and twin 2 yr olds - c'mon who doesn't love breakfast for diner? The pancakes came out perfect and tasted delicious. The poor things didn't stand a chance against our boys, I'll also admit to sneaking in a few bites when they weren't looking. Looking forward to trying all of the other ways to use this product."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Great to put on your skin, cook in and I even make sugar free chocolate with it by melting and putting cocoa and splenda in it, delicious!"
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this for my 6 month old lab puppy. He figured out how to get the treats and it was his favorite entertainment. However, he swung it around from the rope (it's made to do that) and within weeks had broken the plastic top by hitting it against the floor so it could no longer be used. For a $20 item, I expect longer use, and to have plastic shards around a puppy is just dangerous! Great toy/food dspenser in thoery, but just too fragile!"
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought this for my lab / boarder collie, but my Husky really likes it. I fill it with cat food kibble. Show them they can get out the treat - don't let them get frustrated right away. So far none of my dogs have destroyed it - very rare to have a durable dog toy in my house. Good toy for dogs that need a challenge."
B006MONQMC,3,"I've been searching for a new product to satiate my junk drink fix I could leave in plain sight ever since the homefront Stasi confiscated my stock of sugar laden 'fruit' drinks and carbonated beverages, going so far as to initiate daily inspections of MY basement sanctuary refrigerator. She only descends to the dungeon once a week to do laundry asserting I have rendered the place otherwise uninhabitable yet now she has no qualms about daily covert excursions to embargo my stash.<br /><br />Despite my high hopes, Vitamin Squeeze can only serve as a red herring for my personal nutrition inspector Javert because although it is minimally acceptable for quick hydration, it will not compel me to skip the beverage aisle to replenish my cache of Hawaiian punch, Pepsi and orange crush (Okay, some peppery V8, orange and apple juice as well but they detract from my riff). The product seems convenient and reasonably easy to use although determining consistent squeeze pressure to accommodate my taste preferences in 8 oz. of water is a challenge.<br /><br />My first attempt resulted in four times the suggested amount so I guess me and the product manufacturer have widely disparate perceptions of general squeeze pressure. That rate would result in merely six glasses per container. Only afterwards did I notice the striations on the side of the bottle which approximate the recommended squeeze amount of ½ oz. per 8 oz. glass, so long as the bottle's solution level is visually discernible with offset illumination.<br /><br />But, I guess I am consistent since I didn't notice the perforations around the cap wrapping until I had stabbed it with a steak knife either. Once the tabbed safety seal is removed, also be sure to replace the cardboard washer correctly or it is quite likely you will end up with a syrupy fruit punch stain wherever the inverted bottle is to be stored.<br /><br />Even so, I wasn't enthusiastic about the sweetness or aftertaste with the suggested application - or my prodigious proportion - as in each instance a metallic aftertaste was evident, in the case of the reduced amount simply in what looked like watered down Hawaiian punch. That said, in either case it is a vast improvement over the saltiness of Gatorade.<br /><br />On the positive side at that rate using it up within 30 days shouldn't be a problem, in fact using it up in a couple of exercise sessions is nearly guaranteed. Since the container appeared so portable and the enhancer is obviously much more soluble than a powdery type addictive, one of my brilliant ideas was to keep a container in my car since I tend consume a lot of appreciably less healthy fluids while driving between business sites but the instructions also suggest refrigeration after opening so how that will work out is yet to be determined."
B000KV61FC,5,"My dogs love this toy! They're Golden/Lab mixes, so they love to play and are very food-driven. One of them figured out how to get the treats out within a matter of minutes ... her father hasn't quite gotten it yet. For him, it's still trial and error, but they both love it. I like that it is so easy to fill; the bottom simply screws off so you have easy access for filling and cleaning. It's easy to clean too; I've washed it in the dishwasher with no problems. My dogs have destroyed several other treat-dispensing toys by simply chewing through the toy to get to the treats. I've had this one for a few weeks now and it's still in good shape (only a few scratches on the surface of the jug from being bounced around my hardwood floors). So I'm pleased with how durable it is as well."
B000KV61FC,1,I bought this on the recommendation from someone that also had a siberian husky. All i can say is that their husky must be fairly old. My 6 mth old siberian husky is very active & a heavy chewer. She figured out how to unscrew the bottom of the jug in one day-then proceeded to chew it to pieces.
B000KV61FC,2,My puppy chewed through the rubber tug pull within a few mins.<br />Not worth the money.
B000KV61FC,5,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 2:25 Mins<br /><br /></span>Loaded with a cup of kibble, this toy occupies my 60 lb German Shepherd puppy, Batman, for 30 minutes, which is impressive. It's our favorite of the Busy Buddy treat-dispensing toys. I only wish it weren't so noisy. Batman likes to fling the hard plastic bottle around and hit things. Batscore: A-"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I got a sample serving of this tea from the Amazon Vine program, free in exchange for writing a review of the product.<br /><br />I'm a big tea drinker and enjoy ginger and lemon I thought I'd enjoy this product. I poured the granules in to my (large) cup and added two cups of boiling water. The smell was overpoweringly gingery, and I hoped it didn't taste like it smelled. I took two sips of this tea and shivered from the horrible taste. I love ginger but this was way too strong - I would have had the same effect if I'd stirred a tablespoon of ginger powder into hot water. I didn't taste any lemon at all, and it was also too sweet. I added a little ice to cool it down and tried again. Nope, still noxious. I poured it down the drain, and fixed some mint tea to counteract the aftertaste in my mouth.<br /><br />This vile concoction tastes like an experiment gone wrong. I won't be buying it, ever."
B004EAGP74,5,"I heard about the healthiest oil on the planet as being coconut oil so I had to read and study it to make sure... I ordered 3 books chock full of information about coconut oil. The names of the books that I ordered through Amazon were: The Coconut Oil Miracle, Eat Fat Look Thin, and Coconut Lover's cookbook. I read them all and am on the phase I or the Coconut Diet at this time and very pleased with my weight loss so far and even more pleased with the fact that I do not stay hungry... that morning omelet that I have with a grapefruit is so filling that I have no interest in the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake or pie out there lol ... amazing for me let me tell ya!! lol. Although I do eat later in the evening a salad and either fish or chicken and drink lots of water I am satiated and feel great!! I certainly do recommend this product and for those of you that believe the stories that have circulated for years that coconut oil is among the bad oils for your heart... please order either The Coconut Oil Miracle book or the Eat Fat Look Thin book and read for yourself that this oil actually prevents heart disease."
B000GAT6NG,5,Really fresh tasting and you really can use in a variety of applcations. Will buy again.
B000GAT6NG,4,Product is great ....Very good and taste coconut oil . Shipping was speedee . Only rated 4 stars because the Packing was poore and oil had leaked in side of envelope that was in the box . I am sure this wouldnt have happen if I ordered when the weather was cool . I will buy from this vender again .
B000KV61FC,4,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 1:55 Mins<br /><br /></span>I have a 43 pound border collie mix. He needs to be mentally stimulated so I bought this toy for him. He gets his dinner through this jug sometimes.<br /><br />I was nervous about purchasing it because of the reviews stating how the rubber ""rope"" was easily chopped, but I figured I might be able to replace it with a real rope if it breaks. To my surprise, the purple rope hasn't broke and I had this toy for several months now. My dog has been chewing it with his molars, but not very often. Also he may not be as a strong chewer as the dogs from other reviews.<br /><br />When my dog first recieved this toy, he kept pawing at it and pushing it with his nose panting with exsaustion. It took about an hour until he almost got the one cup of kibble that was in it. Later he got used to it and now he has a strategy. He pushes the back of the bottle straight up. He can empty the bottle in about 10 minutes now.<br /><br />A major problem I have with this toy is that the rubber spikes and the rope gets pretty nasty. It picks up hair from the carpet and dry food crumbs from the kibble inside the bottle and builds up to a disgusting slimy gunk. It is extremely hard to get all the crap out between the spikes and the inner edges of the rope.<br /><br />Over all it is a good toy for my medium sized mutt. It just gets dirty and hard to clean."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I have never had a drink with such a strong aftertaste and odor. And to add insult to injury -- it's hot and perfumes the air with an acrid smell. I seriously had to open a window after brewing this. I didn't get a hint of lemon or of ginger, I imagine this is what battery acid must taste like."
B006MONQMC,5,"Open the container, one squirt into your glass of water, and you have a nice refreshing drink. Comes in different flavors to satisfy your needs. Has lots of vitamin c. Easy to use, your kids can make their own drinks easily."
B000GAT6NG,5,Placed the order and it came in a timely fashion. Would recommend the seller and the product.
B006MONQMC,3,I like that this easy to use product adds vitamins to water without adding calories or anything else I don't want too much of in my body. The taste is OK if a little bit like the flavors used in childrens' medicines. In fact this fruit punch flavor kind of reminded me of the taste of a classic children's cherry asprin if it was dissolved in water. The big draw back to me is it did nothing to quench my thirst and actually made me thirstier so I had to chase it with a couple of glasses of plain water. I guess drinking more water is a good thing too........
B0041NYV8E,1,"At first I was a little disappointed that I only got one pouch to try, but after tasting it I'm glad. The ginger in this drink is so strong that I can't bear to finish it all. I drank about half of it hot (it makes about 8 ounces)and it did not taste right. I let it cool down and drank a little more, then proceeded to dump the rest of it out. I feel that was torture enough. It's SO strong. I normally like teas and other things with ginger flavor, but I cannot recommend this drink."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Great mix with delicious taste and good recipes. My son with Celiac, and I love this product. Such a versatile mix. 5 Star!!!"
B004EAGP74,5,I use this for everything- from cooking to hair care to body care. It is truly an all round product. My 4yr old daughter loves it on her hair which by the way has completely cleared a dry scaly festering wound she had on her scalp. Her hair is so soft (we are Africans by the way) and it tastes great when added to noodles and the likes.<br />We love it!
B000NMJWZO,5,"My husband is allergic to wheat so needless to say I've tried many mixes and even mix my own baking flours at home. For a store-bought mix, no question Pamela's is the absolute best you will try. You will pay for it, but at our house we've decided it's worth it. The pancakes are outstanding and easy, but I also use the scones and mix Pamela's with my homemade mixes for muffins, breads, cookies, cobbler, etc. Amazon's price was $5 cheaper a bag than what I pay at the store (even after shipping) so that helps with the budget. Excellent quality and flavor; you will not be disappointed."
B000KV61FC,4,"The dog weighs about 12#, and this is just a little too big and awkward for her to wrangle. I can draw her into a fierce game of tug of war with it though. A slightly larger dog might have a better time with it. The toy itself seems very sturdy, and the screw cap (on the bottom) makes filling very easy."
B006MONQMC,3,"I'm not one of those guys that likes fresh lemon in my ice water, to me it tastes like watered down lemonade but many people I know like the slight hint of lemon. This fruit punch is a bit stronger then the watered down lemon taste, but it's not that much stronger. It does turn your drink red, it does have a bit of a taste but frankly it's not enough of a taste for me to go for it. I would rather drink plain water then this flavoring.<br /><br />Other reasons why I don't like it, the bottle is pretty large, and once you open it you need to keep it refrigerated. This means I can't leave it in my desk at work and pop it in my water bottles as I open a new one. That eliminates the convenience factor. If I am going to refrigerate it I might as well make a full pitcher of a drink.<br /><br />The flavor, size of this and lack of portability due to the need to refrigerate this means I won't be using it anymore. There are a number of other products that don't require the refrigeration, are smaller and have a stronger taste and I'll stick with those."
B004EAGP74,5,"I have tried quite a few different brands of Extra Virgin Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil and this has got to be one of the best. I use it for everything....frying,sauteing, baking, skin lotion, hair. It works really well on my kids' dry skin, and they love when I apply it to their lips because it tastes and smells yummy. The health benefits of this product are's really a ""Super Food"". I have researched prices online extensively and Amazon has the best deal on this oil."
B000GAT6NG,5,I ordered this last month and I am glad I did. I will use this instead of lotion from my skin and hair. This Coconut oil has a very light scent and makes my skin soft.
B000KV61FC,3,"I think the problem with this toy is that the rope fills up too much of the bottle neck which makes getting a treat out of the container nearly impossible. It is certainly a sturdy product though, but having Boxers I can just imagine one of them grabbing it by the rope and swinging it around, and breaking something in my house."
B006MONQMC,3,"So I want to start out by saying the hinge for the lid broke right when I opened it up, I also think it taste a lot like kool aid. I have had different kinds of water enhancers like mio and amino energy before and both of those tasted better then this. Since the expiration date is 8/2013 I do plan to buy more to have for water flavor like if you have to treat your drinking water. Over all its ok and it doesn't have carbs calories or sugar so that a plus. Recommend for when you get tired of drinking water!"
B006MONQMC,4,"First, let me state the taste isn't bad at all, almost tastes like it has sugar but it doesn't. Instead it contains Sucralose.<br /><br />Now for the energy part. Part of its jolt comes from 40mg of along with a good dose of Taurine. That's not a problem.<br /><br />What is a problem is the portion recommended which is 1/2 ounce. Allegedly you get 24 servings in this bottle but I guess that depends upon what you consider a glass of water. I found that most bottled waters took at least a double dose to get decent flavor and that means doubling the dose of caffeine and Taurine.<br /><br />As I soon discovered, that means jitters, especially if you've had anything else containing caffeine (such as my morning cup of Joe).<br /><br />Overall, this isn't bad and if you use tap water or purify your own it's definitely cheaper than buying energy water in the store."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We recently moved to a GF diet with several picky eaters in the house. This is one of the best baking mixes we have tried so far. It is hard to tell the difference. So far the favorite is to add apples, vanilla & cinamon."
B000NMJWZO,5,Excellent for pancakes and baking. I have tried almost all the recipes on the bag and they all taste great!
B0041NYV8E,3,"This is a ginger drink. From reading the other reviews, it seems a lot of people expected it to be some sort of herbal tea-like beverage. It's not. It's a ginger drink like the kind Asians enjoy and/or use as medicine. However, it's not a particularly good one. I much prefer Prince of Peace brand: <a href="""">Instant Ginger Honey Crystals Pack of 30 Bags - 18 g Sachets</a><br />This Gold Kili drink doesn't have the warm spicy ginger flavor that a good ginger drink should have. It tastes sort of bitter and tart. It didn't make my throat feel better when I was sick. I tried it hot. Maybe it would be better as a cold drink? I think I wouldn't buy it to try again."
B000GAT6NG,5,"It has a slight coconut taste, but not overpowering. I originally first tried the stuff at Walmart, and it had no flavor to it at all, very bland.<br /><br />To combat some of the poor reviews I read on this oil, I think a lot of those are just due to people not doing their research before buying, and thus they're just being snippity pickeys. Obviously since it has a coconut taste, you may not want to use it for all your cooking needs. When I cook Italian foods, I use olive oil. When making something like mayonaise, I use canola oil. A little common sense doesn't hurt most folks. (It tastes great on toast with a little cinnamon sprinkled on it.)<br /><br />As for it being hard as a rock....I haven't noticed that. Scoops out very easily. But again, a little research, and you'll find that it is a solid until the temperature reaches approximately 76-78°F, then it turns liquid. Thus, there shouldn't be much of an issue of ""melting it"" to cook something as one person stated. Any other type of oil you usually heat before you start cooking.<br /><br />It does work great as a lotion on your skin. It actually absorbs into the skin, and after it's absorbed, it doesn't leave an oily residue like you'd think it would. I would recommend doing it at night before bed, or if you have some time before going out or whatever, because it's not instantly absorbed. And a little goes a long way. Leaves skin very smooth.<br /><br />I've also started using this in my hair after I wash/condition it. Again, it actually absorbs into the hair and doesn't appear oily. I use it only on the middle to the ends. I've noticed my hair is softer, very shiny, and it helps bring out my natural curls without looking as frizzy. It also makes me long hair much easier to comb. Obviously, use in moderation, again a little will go a long way, a light coating is all that's needed. And, it washes out fairly easy. If you use too much, you'll feel it, and just do a second shampoo rinse.<br /><br />My dogs also get a teaspoon every day, and look forward to it.<br /><br />For those that say they're going to stick to butter, so be it. You already know that's bad for you. And margarine...even worse. I think it's high time people started looking back to the ""old days"" and other countries that don't have the health problems we do here in the ""industrialized"" world. Not saying coconut oil is the savior, but I think it's a good start.<br /><br />Cheers!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I love this brand of coconut oil! I fry with it and because of it's wonderful health benefits, I add it into nearly everything I cook. I buy the 54 oz. jar because I go through it so fast (and that's just for one person!)"
B000NMJWZO,5,"Baking gluten free is not easy, especially when trying to make your own flour blends. This mix is awesome because everything is mixed and ready to go. It really can be an all-purpose baking blend. The mix comes with a bunch of recipes on the back. The pancakes are awesome, but make sure to let the batter sit for a bit before using, it seems to make them come out extra fluffy. I almost cried when I ate these, tears of joy of course. My family says they taste no different and even taste better than regular pancake mix. Pamelas Bread Mix is wonderful too. Be mindful of the climate you live in when using Pamelas mixes when using yeast. I live in warm, humid Florida at a very low elevation, so when pamelas recipe says to let the bread batter sit for an hour to rise, I usually cut that time in half so I don't over proof the batter. Now I heard if you live at high elevations it's better to double that rise time. If your new to gluten free baking remember that when you bake bread it is normal for the consistency to be more like cake batter than like the stiff dough you would get when using white flour. Also, it is wise to make these recipes in the oven, you will have more control over the outcome than if you used a bread machine. Pamelas bread mix makes great artisan style breads, they won't be as fluffy as the Wonder bread you once enjoyed, but they sure do taste amazing."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Thanks for your excellent, extremely fast service. I was very impressed. Had the product in less than 48 hours."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is by far the best gluten free product I have ever used. I recommend it to anyone, even those that do not need gluten free products."
B0041NYV8E,5,"This hot beverage tastes like a liquid version of candied ginger, which I like very much. I liked this drink, too; it smelled delicious, and while it was a bit harsh in the first sip, once my mouth got used to the gingery tang, it was very good. There was plenty of honey flavor too, and little (almost no) lemon flavor.<br /><br />I love it, but again, I like ginger. For those who don't want their mouths burning, maybe adding a packet of this drink to a pitcher of lemonade will give it a ""kick"" without the burn."
B000GAT6NG,5,This is a great all purpose product. I am well pleased with my purchase.
B0041NYV8E,1,"I found the ginger WAY too spicy, and I couldn't handle but a couple of sips. It was even mixed in an enormous cup with plenty of extra water, but no dice."
B006MONQMC,5,"I have been drinking vitamin water and sobe Lifewater for awhile but that can get expensive so I started drinking just plain water, filtered from my fridge's water dispenser. Plain water is so boring so when I saw this I decided to give it a try.<br /><br />First of all, remember that this is concentrated! so you MUST mix it with water. When I got it I wasn't really sure how big of a ""squeeze"" to put in. It says on the label ""one squeeze per 8 oz water"" - well, my first 'squeeze' I just did a full grip and squeezed until I couldn't squeen anymore. For me that was a bit too much flavor and it tasted like Hawaiian Punch. So the next time I backed off a bit and after a few uses I found a ""squeeze"" level that works for me tastes.<br /><br />I also like to add it to small bottles of water that I occasionally get from the store. I just drink a little out of a 16.9oz water bottle then put in a squeeze of the Vitamin squeeze, shake it a bit and I've got a nice, flavorful and vitamin-enhanced drink. I'm not too sure there are 24 servings in one bottle, maybe my squeeze is too much, but I've probably had at least a dozen water drinks with this one bottle and still have some left. I'll try keeping tabs with the next bottle I open and update this review.<br /><br />Oh, I enjoyed the fruit punch so much that I decided to try the Acai Grape Pomegranate and the Tropical Citrus. The Acai Grape Pomegranate is okay, but I think the Tropical Citrus and the Fruit punch are my favorites thus far. The Tropical Citrus is a bit like ""Sunny Delight"" - if you've ever tried that.<br /><br />As for the claim of ""Specially designed cap delivers the right amount in one squeeze with no drips or mess"" - I would say again that you have to determine what ""one squeeze"" is to suit your taste and it definitely is no drips or mess! A lot better than pouring those powder packets in to a bottle and getting the powder on your counter top or desk."
B006MONQMC,3,"Energy drinks are a multi-billion dollar industry. More and more companies are trying to cash in on this growing consumer market. Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink is worth a try.<br /><br />Likes:<br />>Each serving of 1/2oz concentrate is mixed with 8oz of water to provide 120% of Recommended Daily Value (RDV) of Vitamin C (plus various Vitamin B complexes, taurine (10mg), electrolytes: Zinc, Magnesium, and Chromium in lower % RDV).<br />>Fairly easy to use with snap open cap.<br />>0g Fat and sodium<br /><br />Dislikes:<br />>Bulky 12oz bottle not suitable for carrying around throughout the day to add to drinks.<br />>Relies on 40mg of ""natural caffeine"" without any carbs and proteins to provide energy.<br />>Not particularly tasty even though it has ""all natural flavors"". Taste is highly subjective.<br />>Not suitable as a sports drink due to lack of carbs and proteins for muscles.<br />>Artificial Red 40 food coloring.<br />>Inconsistent squeezes means not always 1/2oz (15ml) of concentrate dispensed each time.<br />>$5.98 for each 12oz. bottle that provides 24 ($.25) servings when mixed with 8oz. of water. Not cost effective.<br />>Not an essential drink for those who already take daily vitamin supplements or prefer other energy drinks not based on caffeine.<br /><br />Bottom Line:<br />Nondescript and indistinct beverage concentrate that may not compete strongly in any particular Energy Drink niche: Not enough caffeine to compete with heavy hitters such as Monster Energy or Red Bull; No carbs and proteins to compete with top Sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade. My family still prefers the classic <a href="""">Calpico Concentrated Drink Mix, 16.9-Ounce</a> which tastes much better as a casual beverage."
B000KV61FC,4,"Even though my dog chewed off the rubber rope, he still loves it. Great toy."
B000KV61FC,4,"This is a great toy my pup can work at, but the only reason it isn't a 5 star is because the bottle is loud when he drops it. He does like it and use it semi-regularly."
B000GAT6NG,5,This product is great. It has a great taste and is fantastic as a skin moisturizer (or so my wife says). We both use it regularly.
B0041NYV8E,2,"I'm sitting here drinking a big mug of this stuff as I write this--my first mug.<br /><br />I love ginger tea, so I fully expected to love this. I should have been more skeptical of this powdered concoction.<br /><br />When I poured the hot water into my mug, the gingery smell hit me in the face and I was excited. My first couple of sips seemed to confirm what my nose had anticipated: a delicious, pungent, gingery punch. The ginger really is IN-YOUR-FACE, like a good ginger beer, which I happen to love. It's hot on the tongue and has a nice bite in the back of your throat. Honestly, that's how ginger tea, ginger beer, or ginger anything is SUPPOSED to taste. It may be a bit strong for some people, but those people probably don't really like ginger. It's actually a little sweet for my tastes, but not so much that it was a problem for me. My initial thought was that I really liked it.<br /><br />As I kept sipping, though, that sweetness grew, and eventually started to taste... funny. Now, more than half way through my mug, I have a strange, lingering after taste in my mouth that is not very pleasant. I don't know what's in this stuff, but I suspect saccharine, Stevia, aspartame, or some other artificial sweetener... the after taste is almost reminiscent of bubble gum, but not in a good way. I'm not getting so much ginger flavor anymore, only its hotness.<br /><br />I don't think I will finish my mug. But I wonder if maybe it's just me. My girlfriend comes home and I hand her the still warm mug and say ""here, Ginger tea!"" She sips once. Seems pleased. She sips again a few moments later. Seems to hesitate. By the third sip, she looks at the mug, then looks at me, ""I don't think I like this"". Down the drain it went."
B000KV61FC,4,"It took my 4 month old Westie a week to figure out how this toy worked, but now he can get most of the kibble out in about 10 mins. It is a great toy and it definitely keeps his attention. The one I have has an actual rope and not a rubber rope, so it has lasted. He has managed to chew off a few of the spikes on the rubber ball. Some end up on the floor and some in his tummy. I think the toy might be better if it didn't even have the spikes on it, so I wouldn't have to worry about him eating them. Overall it is a great toy and the jug seems very durable."
B000KV61FC,1,My dogs play constabtly with plastic and rubber type treat toys. I have never has one break before. This bottle on a rope smashed in two places the first day I gave it to my dogs leaving jagged edges at the neck of the bottle and the bottom screw on lid. It was not made to withstand shaking and banging the toy on the ground which dogs generally do with toys on ropes.
B0041NYV8E,1,"I really was surprised at how bad this stuff really was. When I ordered it I figured with ingredients like ginger and lemon that it would make a satisfying hot wintertime drink. But alas it was downright terrible. I heated the right amount of water as per its directions and found it extremely strong and bitter. So I added more water and mix and this time added some honey for flavor and still found it too strong, and very unsatisfying. Finally I cut it with extra water and that was all she wrote, it was still bad. Worse I feel than the taste of this stuff when actually drinking it was the terrible aftertaste that lasts for some time. An hour later I could still taste some of it lingering, and it was not at all pleasant. I do not, and cannot recommend this drink at all...."
B006MONQMC,3,"This was ok, nothing to write home about. The taste was like a watered down version of Crystal Lite and the energy was akin to drinking a cup of tea. Squeezing the stuff into a bottle was iffy since the serving was 1 squeeze, but I must have had a pretty good grip because the stuff kept coming out until about 1/5 of the bottle was gone. Even with that amount of product, the taste was meh. It had a fairly weak flavor and of course there was the usual aftertaste you get with most artificial sweeteners. I felt about as much of an energy boost as drinking a diet coke. I don't plan on adding it to my grocery list anytime soon."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We use this product for everything, pancakes, waffles, onion rings, quick breads, etc., and every single thing has been delicious. Tastes like the closest to the real thing. Even our 15 year old celiac son agrees!"
B000GAT6NG,5,This is my second batch of organic coconut oil and it is fabulous! I use it every morning in my coffee and I also make a coconut bark refrigerator candy. A few bites of it and I can satisfy a sweet tooth and help me fill fuller longer. Great for low carb diets.
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is an excellent gluten-free mix that can be used to make all kinds of cakes, cookies, breads, and pancakes.<br />The 3-Pack is a great value ... way cheaper than what I can buy it for at a grocery store! If you have celiac disease, I highly recommend this product."
B000KV61FC,1,"I have greyhounds and when they grabbed the rope and the bottle ""chased"" them rattling (kibble inside) they decided they would never touch it again. I try it again with each new foster, and they all do the same thing..."
B000KV61FC,5,"My 6 month old puppy loves this toy. We use it when we need to leave him home alone to keep him entertained. He has worked out how to get the treats out pretty quickly now, but he still enjoys the game of getting them out. He will bring it over to me when it's empty and want it refilled. Good toy for $10."
B004EAGP74,5,"I use this for cooking and for my skin as well. It has a very pleasant light coconut smell. In cooking I have never noticed a transfer of any coconut flavor to the foods I cook, which is a good thing. Basically you can use it to pan fry various food items without worrying about flavor conflicts.<br /><br />It works nicely as a skin moisturizer too. It's a little greasy (it's oil), but absorbs well, and again smells good (unless you don't like coconut).<br /><br />Tried it as a hair conditioner but that didn't work out too well. It is very easy to apply too much and end up with hair that looks like it has to be washed again. Maybe it takes practice. :)"
B0041NYV8E,5,"Nice surprise for an instant product - dissolved immediately.<br /><br />The lemon wasn't too tart, it was very good. The ginger had just the right amount of kick to it. And the honey sweetened it up just enough, without taking over the flavor.<br /><br />Masterfully blended ingredients, all healthy and natural.<br /><br />Take a foil packet to a restaurant and ask for a cup of hot water (and, you probably only need to use 1/2 a packet in a regular coffee cup).<br /><br />Hint for those natural health types that exercise regularly: Ginger before your workout will get you sweating fairly fast.<br /><br />MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!"
B000KV61FC,5,"We had gotten the biscuit dispensing Kong, but as far as activity, our yellow lab puppy got the biscuits out within minutes (even if they were well wedged). He has been working on this Tug-A-Jug (filled with kibble) for the last 2 1/2 hours. Amazing. We plan to give him at least one of his three daily meals in this to keep him occupied. He is 4 months, and in that teething stage, so this toy is a real life saver. We'll get him another one when he chews his way through the rope on this one. This was money well spent."
B000NMJWZO,5,My daughter has to eat gluten-free and this mix is the best. All my kids and their friends love the pancakes. I have also used this to make cookies for them and they turn out great.
B000KV61FC,4,"This toy has worked out well for our dog! We try to buy interesting and safe toys for us to give her while we're at work. It's tough and has withstood our large Bernese Mountain dog puppy chewing at the neck of it and throwing it around the room. It took her a few days to figure it out. I had to show her how to use it, and she seemed uninterested, but then I left it in her crate with her, and when I came home later it was empty. Since then, she's a pro at it. The rope didn't last that long, but we just took the rope out and use larger treats with it, and it's still a challenge for her. Our last thing that we tried in it was baby carrots - she loved it and it took her a good 30 minutes to get them out."
B006MONQMC,5,"No sugar, no calories, lots of vitamins and a bit of caffeine -- this could become my drink of choice. I expected an aftertaste but there wasn't one. It's a teensy bit tart, a clean, fresh taste. I can stop buying bottled water now, because this stuff makes my tap water taste good. I hope my grocery store carries it."
B006MONQMC,5,"This drink has a good flavor but I find myself using two squeezes per 8 oz of water as opposed to the one that they suggest. I don't know if it is just me or what, but it tastes way to watered down otherwise - more like gatorade I suppose. I do notice a slight energy kick to it - different from caffeinated soda.<br /><br />I can only really compare this to Mio as I have not had anything else that is comparable.<br /><br />1.The packaging on this is much larger. With Mio you only get 1.62 oz and with Vitamin Squeeze you get 12 oz.<br />2.This you have to refrigerate after opening and with Mio, you don't.<br />3.This bills itself as an energy drink with caffeine, vitamins and electrolytes, Mio does not."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Just like Pamela's Amazing Bread Mix, her ""Ultimate Baking Mix"" is by far the best gluten free baking mix I've ever experienced. Simple to use and the recepies on the bag are unbeatable! Waffles are my granchildrens favorite and my zucchini, pumpkin and banana breads are favorites at ""pot-lucks."" This mix lends itself to experimenting and coming up with your own delicious alterations. If there were ten stars available on this review, I'd give Pamela's Baking Mix all ten of them!**********"
B000KV61FC,3,My 70lbs. lab/hound mix likes this toy OK. He hasn't figured out how it works to get the food out but he does like to carry it around in his mouth by the rope. Not as entertaining for him as I hoped but we're still giving him time to figure it out. We've tried to show him but he's never gotten the food out on his own and he's a pretty smart dog. -B
B0041NYV8E,3,"A single pouch of this tea makes a small very strong cup of ginger flavored tea. The small grains dissolved instantly. I could not taste any lemon flavor and very little if any honey flavor. The Ginger was almost medicinally strong and somewhat bitter, though it did not sting the throat like fresh ginger does at this intensity, nor did it clear the sinus. I think this is too strongly flavored to accompany most food, though it might go well with some cookies or possibly cheese. I do not know if it would be effective for motion sickness or other nausea and so far as I can tell this is being marketed as a beverage. It is not particularly sweet but also has none of the tartness one expects from lemon. The strength reminded me of a very strong ginger ale without the fizz. I can see that this might be convenient to take on the road but for day to day use I think I will stick with making my own ginger, lemon and Honey drinks with fresh ingredients."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I wanted to try this drink mix in club soda rather than as a hot drink. It did dissolve well into the cold club soda. I expected the bitter taste of ginger despite that this product is already sweetened. I did taste just a bit of the lemon flavor. It is not at all overpowering. However, I experienced an unexpected and unwanted flavor. It reminded me of cough syrup and I also experienced a burning sensation in my mouth, throat, and lips. I chose not to continue drinking this."
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought this toy for my dog to keep him busy while I run out the door to work. He used to get upset when I left, but now he knows he will get this to play with. He figured out really quickly how to use it and it keeps him entertained for at least 10-15 minutes while I escape. It is very easy to clean. One thing I wanted to point out is that the small is rather large. My collie is huge and he uses the small. I think the large would be too big for him. I just put about a quarter of a cup in it although the small holds about 2 cups. I guess if you wanted to feed a very large dog an huge meal you might need a large, but then it might be too heavey for the dog to play with."
B0041NYV8E,4,". . . in my household!<br /><br />At the beginning of the summer, my eldest daughter put the entire family on a diet (or as she put it, a lifestyle change!) We found that this tasty treat was a good substitute for other, shall we say, less healthy beverage options! While I would not describe this in ""off the charts"" terms, it was certainly good and well-liked.<br /><br />Give it a try . . ."
B006MONQMC,4,"I have tried other ""flavor enhancers"" for water and founded that they tasted so artificial that they took away from the flavor of regular water instead of adding to it. This one tastes really good and provides the added benefit of some vitamins and energy in the form of caffeine. I enjoy it and find it very convenient. I think that you will like it too."
B006MONQMC,4,"The popularity of liquid concentrates, to add to water or seltzer, has been a god-send. It allows you to decide how intense a flavor to enjoy and puts that control in the consumer -- a wonderful thing when most beverages are cloyingly sweet or artificial tasting. It also has zero calories, which can make it a great asset for dieting or cutting down.<br /><br />The Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink comes in an easy flip-top container; meant to be refrigerated after opening. It tastes fairly good, and has a good vitamin matrix: Vitamin C, B Complex, some caffeine, and a few other goodies.<br /><br />Now, the container itself instructs consumers to not use it in mixed drinks or in conjunction with alcohol but -- lettuce be cereal -- the stuff is made to be added to club soda and vodka. The kick of caffeine, though minor, is a great enhancer to a regular cocktail, and the flavor lends itself (though with zero calories!) to imbibement."
B0041NYV8E,5,"The only drawback to receiving only one packet is that it does not include the dietary information that I expected. It tastes good and, at the same time, I would have liked information to determine if this would fit well with my health plan. Without this information, I would be reluctant to order more."
B000KV61FC,5,"I have a pitbull mix who is just a year old. She was a stray I found at our school. She chews everything (leather shoes, her bother's ears...) and she is inqusitive so I began a search for the perfect toy for her. We have tried toys that are for aggressive chewers, many only last a day! If she can't get it started one of her brothers help her out. She is smart and needs to think as she chews. We came across the Tug-a-Jug and decided to give it a try. She took to it right away. It has holes in the bottom so the smell of the treats continue to hold her interest. The screw-on lid has fine threads so she can not unscrew it. The rope cord is frayed on the inside to hold in the treats for longer play time. The unit is made from strong plastic and is too big around for her to use her powerful jaws to crack it. The rubber ball end is a good place for her to hold as she carries it around the house. Once I fill this toy with food I know she will be ingrossed for at least an hour while she works on getting all the treats. A couple of things to keep in mind, the treats add to the dogs calorie intake so you have to cut down on meal time, and it can be a weapon if your dog likes to throw it around (I know this from experience!). The first one I got for her, the cord was much more frayed on the inside so it took longer for her to get all the food. The reason why I had to purchase another Tug-a-Jug is she finally chewed through the rope."
B000KV61FC,1,I thought this would be fantastic to keep my puppy busy but she just chewed the knob off the rope insert (ours was rubber) and that was that. She won't play with it at all. She is highly food motivated but this just doesn't do it for her. Give her a Bully Stick and that's really something though!
B000GAT6NG,5,"After reading about the many benefits of coconut oil, I set out in search for the best product and the rock bottom price, This product, being certified organic and extra virgin, filled the best quaility bill. I shopped around, the only better deal was through Amazon for double the quanity. I was relutant to purchase such a large quantity until I determined my tolerance to the product. I seem to tolerated the product well, an added bonus, it tastes great. my next purchase will be for the larger quantity."
B000KV61FC,3,"My 10-month pitbull loves this, but she chewed through the rope on this toy within her third day of having it. That's a pretty short life for $14 so for those of you who have had the same thing happened here's what I did: forget the rope and put a tennis ball or two inside with kibble. It's not exactly a tug jug anymore, but it does take a little work to get the food out."
B006MONQMC,2,"I like water additives as an alternative to sodas or sugary drinks, so I was excited about trying this one. I thought it would be one that my 9-year old son and I could both use. The mix has a sweet fruit punch flavor if you follow the recommended dilution, but getting that squeeze just right is sometimes tricky. Although it seemed like a good idea to have a large bottle that you could adjust flavor levels and for a reasonably good cost. It is just harder to execute in actuality than in design. My son would squeeze to much and we went through a cycle of add a little more water then a little more mix...<br /><br />My biggest complaint and the reason I wouldn't use this product regularly is for the caffeine content. I generally use water additives as an alternative to sodas or other beverages and thus look for caffeine-free alternatives.<br /><br />OK, but I won't be a repeat user."
B006MONQMC,5,"I always have enjoyed the powdered water enhancers. I have no trouble meeting my daily water intake goals (minus milk and V8, water is all I drink), but I like to get the added Vitamins products like Crystal Light provide, particularly when I am working out. The problem with those powdered mixes is that many of them do not mix well on the fly. Some of the Crystal Light variations do (the immunity enhancing kind does) while others that I like (the protein and fiber one) do not. When they don't and all you have is a water bottle to shake at your disposal, the clumping action at the bottom is a bit irritating as much of the powder stays there despite vigorous shakes.<br /><br />All of this is why I think the Vitamin Squeeze is really handy. The fact that you could take this and pre-squirt it into a water bottle as you head out for a walk or off to work is quite handy. I used to take Crystal Light to work with me and then pour it in my water bottle and have a real hassle mixing it without bringing along my long-handled spoon from home. With this product you could leave it in a work fridge and never have to think twice about it. Very handy.<br /><br />I also like the Vitamin mix it provides and don't mind the little bit of caffeine. According to the caffeine chart on my Bigelow teas...the 40 mg per serving is about the equivalent of a cup of green tea (which contains far less caffeine than coffee).<br /><br />The only other thing I can say about it is that my husband must have let a little bit pool around the hinge on the lid last night and that some of it ended up on our linoleum counter top. I scrubbed it to my usual level with dishwater and there is still a bit of the coloring left on the counter. I'll have to get after it with some Comet or a similar product to actually remove the little be warned, it will leave a mark if not wiped clean prior to use."
B004EAGP74,5,Great coconut flavor. I love that the jar has a big mouth - easy to scoop the product out. We like coconut in our oatmeals and this one is just perfect.
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought the Tug-a-Jug after having bought the Twist n Treat. It's a good toy, but I would say it's ideal for a dog of above-average intelligence. The Twist n Treat only requires your dog to nose it over. This one has a more complex mechanism that requires more work. Our dog couldn't get much out of it the first few tries but she is very food motivated and now can empty one in about an hour or so. The advice to fill it more than half full on the first go is good. In all, I like this toy, because it's harder and requires more time and effort from a dog that the typical treat dispenser, which is good if you want to give you dog something to occupy her. If you are looking for a first food-dispensing toy, I would recommend getting the Twist n Treat first, however."
B000KV61FC,5,"Don't buy this ""toy"" unless your dog is a genius. I have two smart dogs but this toy doesn't interest them a bit unless I am making it dispense goodies. Waste of money in my estimation."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Nothing I have tried compares in flavor, texture or ease of use. A must for everyone eating gluten free.<br />The recipe on the back for scones is so delicious it will make you cry. Even better than the Whole Foods Orange Cranberry Scones, my prior favorite."
B004EAGP74,5,"This product is super!! It tastes amazing and is the best you can get as far as being cold-pressed, extra virgin AND organic!!! Not only that but the price is enough to blow your mind :) Everyone should have some of this on hand for not only internal issues, but also for skin problems as well!! LOVE IT!!!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"We have stuggled for 9 mos. trying to feed my daughter and her first child a gluten free diet due to a gluten allergy with him. Then we tried Pamela's Baking Mix. This stuff is great, doesn't taste ""green"", stays moist, doesn't crumble. In other words it is NOT like any other product we have tried. It is so close to ""normal"" that my very picky son didn't know what he was eating until he caught my smile and then even he had to admitt that it was great. The recipes on the back are wonderful. At Christmas I used my great-grandmothers measurements and Pamela's to make our Christmas Date cake. It was the best version of this cake I have made in 50 years."
B006MONQMC,2,"Ok, I admit it. At first I just thought this was an energy drink and not a water enhancer. Drank some straight up thought it tasted nasty. Then took a peek at the reviews and realized you're supposed to only give a squirt to 8 oz. of water. Did that and it tasted less strong but still not pleasant. I like fruit punch as a flavor, but the taste of this leaves a lot to be desired. The flavor of Hawaiian Punch is hugely better than this. Tried giving another squirt, and it still tasted weak and unappealing. I see it's got some Vitamin C and B vitamins as well as caffeine in it. And, as has been mentioned by others, this container is not easy to open. I recently injured my right arm, and that certainly didn't help any. You have to slice into the top a bit, and then screw off the cap to find a seal that is quite hard to peel off. Like breaking into Fort Knox! Despite the flavor issues, this might offer some kick and vitamins, but who's going to drink it, if it doesn't taste good? Almost brings Gatorade to mind, which I always found awful.<br /><br />Sorry, this just did not work for me."
B004EAGP74,5,"My husband and I were so happy and very please, for the fast delivery. The only thing I would teach my crew that mails out the Books know the difference and the reason for the different addresses. The book which was a $1.00 item ended up costing me $13.00 just to mail it. The book went to the Forwarding Address.<br /><br />When it should have been shipped to the P O Box.<br /><br />The reason I have two address is that I live in Alaska, some item cannot be delivered here, so we use a forwarding address for more expensive items. The P.O. Box is for small books and other small items.<br /><br />I would like to know if you read this....<br /><br />Thank you<br /><br />Linda Wood<br /><br />Eagle River, Alaska"
B0041NYV8E,5,"I make my tea the classic way; the Turkish way. In which I put the pouch inside a little container with 3 cups of water brought to boil, and another larger container underneath it that has only water. This process in Turkish is called ""demlemek"", or to brew. The concentrated tea is then mixed with water with a proportion of my liking. The result is the proper way of making tea, and the Ginger & Lemon taste bursts to your delight."
B0041NYV8E,4,"This is a very tasty and spicy beverage, which may not be your cup of tea, so to speak. The smell of ginger is strong when opening the pouch and the taste is rather strong and piquant. For many people not used to a strong ginger flavor, this may be off-putting and even unpleasant. If your idea of ginger stops at Canada Dry ginger ale, you will probably not like this product. I grew up with ginger in my foods, so I love this! The closest thing I can compare this to is Indonesian <a href="""">Ting Ting Jehe Chewy Ginger Candy</a>. This is basically a liquid version of the candy. Very sweet and spicy, it tickles the throat going down. I've juiced fresh ginger root (with other ingredients) and this tastes like the ginger-infused juice I've made. The pungency is not diminished during manufacturing.<br /><br />Served hot, it is perfect when you're sick. I often make ginger tea with honey when I'm under the weather, and this is a more convenient way of having a tasty hot beverage. Ginger and honey both have been used for thousands of years throughout the world for their health and medicinal benefits. The lemon flavor I couldn't detect however."
B0041NYV8E,2,"We don't need to be convinced about the combined, ailment-fighting power of lemon and ginger. We often make our own home-made brew of water, lots of lemon juice, fresh ginger and honey to soothe everything from congestion and coughs to indigestion and nausea.<br /><br />So Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix seemed to be a good thing to keep in the pantry if you didn't have all of the above ingredients on hand.<br /><br />Made from real ginger and honey, along with a natural lemon flavor, the crystals dissolved very quickly in water.<br /><br />But when it came to drinking the stuff--the ginger was way too overpowering. I really like ginger and found it far too strong. It felt like like a rake scraping the back of my throat, and then it left a slightly bitter after-taste. They say you can adjust the taste by adding less of the packet powder next time, but it seems like a wasteful fuss to us.<br /><br />Next time I'll just make sure to stock extra lemons and ginger in the fridge."
B0041NYV8E,2,This might be soothing if you are under the weather. This is not the kind of tea I'd like to drink at night relaxing. I found the smell to be very strong and the taste more like medicine. I was not a fan of this. I love Ginger but this was just to overwhelming to enjoy.
B000KV61FC,2,"My dog really likes this toy, and it occupies him for quite a while. The big problem is that the plastic cracks at the top where the lid screws on if it dropped on the floor. My dog is Jack Russell, so he's not dropping it from a very high height, yet it still breaks, so I can't imagine it with a larger dog. We have returned this toy twice, and already the third on is pretty much unusable."
B006MONQMC,4,"Although Fruit Punch is not on the list of my favorite flavors I still thought this tasted pretty good. The ingredients are really good except for the sucralose. No carbs, sugar, or calories! Packed with vitamins but not enough for me to stop taking my daily supplements. I'm not sure how much the bottle makes but I guess it'll at least make a gallon if you don't make it too strong. As a healthy substitute for other drinks and even juices (due to their high calories) I will recommend this Vitamin Squeeze."
B006MONQMC,4,"I am trying to kick my soda habit. I have not been too successful thus far this year but I am having much more success with this water enhancer. I think the taste is just enough for me but it may be a little too sweet for some. One quick squeeze gave me all the flavor I needed for a glass of water. I do think the bottle is a bit leaky when shaken. It has 40mg of natural caffeine and 10mg of taurine so I will not be adding it to my kid's water as they do not need any ""oomph"". It did seem to give me a little boost of energy which I need to see my kids off on the bus at 6:30am. Overall, a viable soda alternative for me and I will be replacing my usual cup of soda with this enhancer."
B004EAGP74,5,"I ordered the 54 oz jar of Nutive Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and first of all, it shipped very quickly!<br />I am very impressed with this product! Not only do I use it for cooking, I also use it as a body butter, especially after I have been tanning! I also use it in my hair.<br />It is wonderful and would highly recommend this product to anyone!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I must admit I haven't tried cooking with this oil yet, but I'm certainly looking forward to it. Instead, my review will focus on using Nutiva Organic Coocnut oil as a beautifying product. I bought the 54-ounce jar for using on my hair and skin. So here's what I think of it as part of a beauty/skincare/haircare regime.<br /><br />This is a fantastic product at a great price. Sure, you could get a jar of coconut oil at the grocery store but it's quality wouldn't compare to Nutiva coconut oil which is food quality, organic, cold-pressed, and unrefined. I was so excited when this product arrived that I tried it out immediately. The first thing I noticed was the lovely smell. The product smells good enough to eat straight out of the container and I admit I did taste a bit while applying it to my skin and hair. My other observation is that it melts so easily in the hands and applies so well to both hair and skin. My less expensive, refined Superdrug coconut oil cannot compare to Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil. The cheaper coconut oils have hard, white bits in them and do not smell like actual coconut. Nutiva is smooth/silky and melts easily in the hands without leaving behind white balls/clumps that the cheaper refined coconut oils have. I love Nutiva so much that I emptied all my cheap Superdrug coconut oil into the rubbish bin and scooped some Nutiva Coconut oil into the little Superdrug canister and put it in my bathroom for easy access. I am using Nutiva a few times a week on my body and hair. Before bed, I scoop some Nutiva onto my hands and rub my hands together causing it to melt. It melts quickly and I rub it onto my skin and hair (can be applied to wet, damp, or dry hair easily). I saturate my hair with it and use a shower cap to do an overnight heavy oiling treatment. In the morning I shower as normal and shampoo or condition it out using a clarifying conditioner. This creates beautifully silky, shiny hair and skin! There are so many benefits to the body using this oil. I highly recommend it and hope that it will always be sold on Amazon."
B000KV61FC,1,My dog loves puzzles and treat dispensing toys but this is the only one she dislikes. I don't really know what else to say except she's completely uninterested. Might only work for big dogs who like to rip things apart.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I've been gluten free for eight years and this is by far the best flour mix for pancakes and waffles. All of my friends usually try gluten free things and spit on me while making funny faces, but with this mix they tell me it has gluten and that I will get sick.<br />Excellent product, far cheaper than in stores!"
B000KV61FC,2,"I purchased this for my Westie because I work and she's home alone in her crate most of the day. I wanted to give her something to stimulate her mind, so she didn't get too bored while I was away. I received many recommendations on this toy, and read many great reviews. Here are my issues with it.<br /><br />1) My dog may only be 16 lbs., but she's an extreme chewer. The product says it's durable, but it's not. She almost had it chewed through by day one.<br /><br />2) Apparently, my dog is a genius. She figured out how to dispense the treats, just not the way they're supposed to be dispensed. She unraveled the rope. Pulled it out and dumped the treats out. Now, the toy is useless.<br /><br />I think it would be a great toy for a dog that doesn't like to chew and can't figure out a work around to dispensing the treats. For extreme chewers, and smart dogs, it's not durable or stimulating enough for them."
B000KV61FC,5,"My 70 lb Shepard/boxer mix absolutely loves her tug-a-jug. It takes her about 20-30 mintues to finish a cup's worth of kibbles. She's had it for about 5 months, and has yet to get tired of it. Also it's really held up well."
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this product to occupy my 13-month-old mix. She is an aggressive chewer, but the product description led me to believe that this toy was quite tough. When I received it, I was a little disheartened when I saw that the tug was rubber, rather than rope (as it appears in the picture)- as she tends to get through rubber toys with very little effort.<br /><br />Nevertheless, I decided to try it out, she learned quickly that she could get treats out of it and it occupied her very well for almost an hour. At that point I went to dig it out from under the bed and was dismayed to find that the rubber ""pull"" was already in pieces. While the bottle still works and seems to keep her interested, I feel like dog toys should have a more indestructible nature than this one does. Especially for eleven dollars!"
B000KV61FC,3,"I bought 3 doggy products at the same time (all treat dispensing chew toys). This is my recommendation of the best product of the 3.<br /><br />I bought the Premier Twist and Treat Dog Toy along with a KONG classic and Premier Tug a Jug for my 3 month old, 4lb Morkie. My dog doesn't play with the latter 2, but LOVES the twist and treat! It's easy to twist the top off and insert the treats and to twist it down to the size you want to get it to dispense. Smoothie quickly learned how to dispense the treats, so we have it on its tightest setting (puppy chow is pretty small, so easy to get out). He chases and bats this all over the living room.<br /><br />He played with the classic Kong once, but because it dispenses the treats so quickly, he soon lost interest and went back to the twist and treat.<br /><br />He tries to play with the Tug a Jug, but he can never get anything out and quickly tires of it and goes back to the twist and treat.<br /><br />Of the 3, the twist and treat gets the most use, its the easiest to clean, is hardy, has the best movement for him to chase around, & is the perfect size for a toy dog.<br /><br />So, if you're looking to keep your dog entertained, don't waste money buying a bunch of products, just get the twist and treat. Both you and your pup will be pleased with it.<br /><br />21 March 2012 Update<br /><br />I have since removed the back end of the jug and my dog will now play with it, in fact he expects for me to put all his food in it so he can chase it around and dig them out with his paws and nose. That said, this is the only way for him to use the jug, so still not fulfilling its intended purpose or use. Cleaning if course is a pain."
B000NMJWZO,5,"If you have tried and tried to find a replacement for gluten free baked goods, specifically Pancakes/Waffles/Chocolate Chip cookies.....look no further! Pamela's is amazing! Your guests will probably not even know you made gluten free."
B006MONQMC,3,"I tried out this vitamin squeeze hoping i would at last get one of those drink mixes that does not have an after taste. Well, this turned out to be like the rest. Flavors the water well, nice while in the mouth, after that the after taste sets in. I don't know about the vitamins. there is no noticeable sign that i am getting any additional vitamins. And except for the claim of adding vitamins,for me, this is the same as any other flavoring for water."
B000GAT6NG,5,The benefits of coconut oil are amazing. This is a high quality product and a great value!<br />I would recommend this item.
B006MONQMC,3,"I'm not a regular customer of 'energy' products. In the past I've ordered and reviewed another pre-made energy drink. I have now fallen in love with Crystal Light's Wild Strawberry-Energy. I opted to get this supplement/energy drink through Vine. The price is reasonable. One container holds a pretty large amount of servings. Let me tell you WHY I only gave this product 3 stars:<br /><br />***The bottle is 'confusing': Before anybody makes comments about my being illiterate or something equivalent to it, let me explain. The manufacturer has you measure the serving size by placing lines on the wrapper. However there is NO WAY to see inside the container to determine if you've measured the correct amount. This makes a user have to guess and add more, if needed, based on taste. What they SHOULD have done is place a see-through section next to the lines so you can see where you need to stop.<br /><br />***The flavor leaves a lot to be desired. I drank one cup of it and I think that will have been the only cup. Granted, it has no calories or anything but flavoring. I am able to drink Crystal Light with artificial sweetener and regular sodas with sugar or corn syrup. Vitamin Squeeze, however, just didn't taste good. Maybe it was because it has no sweetener in it and I tend to dislike drinks that fall in that category. You, on the other hand, may enjoy unsweetened drinks. If that's the case, you MAY like it. (In my defense I have enjoyed flavored water in the past that was completely unsweetened so it may simply be the product.)<br /><br />To sum it all up, I didn't like it and don't like the design of the bottle label."
B004EAGP74,5,"This oil is wonderful, I have nothing but good things to say about it.<br /><br />Taste is fresh.<br />Quality is unsurpassed.<br /><br />As a raw foodie I'm always looking for the truly and minimally processed fractured foods such as this oil, I've looked in to Nutiva's process for making this and it appears it truly is raw and as minimally processed as coconut oil can get.<br /><br />The way I use it most often is to make a raw custard smoothie in the blender as follows..<br /><br />3 raw eggs<br />1 cup or more of raw 100% grass fed organic Milk<br />1 Teaspoon raw unheated honey<br />1-3 Tbsp Raw Nutiva Coconut Oil<br /><br />It makes the creamiest most wonderful and incredibly healthy smoothie. I make between 1 and 3 of these each day so I use this oil very fast.<br /><br />I also use it with a little raw milk and raw honey to make one of the creamiest, tastiest cups of coffee you can imagine!<br /><br />The above smoothie can be turned in to a banana smoothie by adding half a banana and subtracting the eggs and honey.<br /><br />Can also be used externally in hair and on skin.<br /><br />This coconut oil should be a staple source of raw fat for every family, especially if you don't have ready access to fresh coconut!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"You are not going to get a better deal on any Coconut Oil product. The best use? Put a teaspoon of coconut oil into your morning protein shake, along with organic berries and a teaspoon of almond butter. It will taste great, optimize your overall health and keep you energized well until lunchtime. I repeat, don't hesitate to purchase this excellent product at an excellent price."
B004EAGP74,5,"Very happy with this coconut oil! Shipped quickly, pure and pleasant light coconut taste! Great for adding to yogurt or eating by itself. Price is also right."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Since ginger is good for digestion, I mixed a cup of this after I'd had a rather 'disturbing' meal.<br /><br />I mixed it with hot water and sipped it down. It did a really good job on my stomach.<br /><br />On the other side of the coin..... the ginger really overpowered the lemon.<br /><br />This product dissolved quickly and easily and there is no need for sweetener.<br /><br />If you are a big ginger fan, then this is for you.<br /><br />Myself, I think I'll keep it around for stomach distress.<br /><br />Thank you.<br />MEF"
B000NMJWZO,5,My wife eats a gluten-free diet. She bought this at the local grocery store. I tried it and the pancakes are as good as any I've eaten. Decided to save some money and get it from Amazon.
B006MONQMC,4,This liquid vitamin is pretty tasty. I thought it made my water taste like watered down Crystal Light. My kids also liked that it made their water turn pink and gave it a faint sweet taste. It's not overwhelming in sweetness or vitamin in taste. I could not detect the vitamins at all. The only downside is that it requires refrigeration after opening.
B0041NYV8E,3,"I am a big tea drinker and LOVE Ginger tea b/c it works great for stomach sickness, queasiness, and overall digestive health. I like the flavor of this b/c it's got a strong lemon flavor and it also smells wonderful, however, the b/c it's in powder form it leaves a little bit of a weird after taste and kind of coating in your mouth. Overall, I would choose ginger lemon tea over this b/c tea has a cleaner texture and doesn't leave a coating in your mouth like this powder version."
B000NMJWZO,5,we have tried many different gluten free products. This one by far is the best. It contains many recipes and requires very little time for preparation. Our son likes every recipe we have tried from this product.
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this toy for my 9 month old lab and had to return this twice. My dog loved it, but he dropping it on our hardwood floors and the bottom twist off part broke with each one. Good concept but plastic too brittle. Company does stand behind it, just not good for my dog."
B006MONQMC,2,"Try as I might I couldn't get past the taste of this product. I tried one squeeze, one-half a squeeze, two squeezes, etc. No matter what I tried, I couldn't come up with a taste that was pleasing. And the aftertaste was downright discouraging. No thank you."
B000NMJWZO,5,Having pamela's gluten free products delivered to our house is a lavish treat. I feel rich! I am visiting family on the the EAST coast and finding health food stores and cooperatives is not as easy as in Albuquerque. Thankyou Thankyou
B000NMJWZO,4,My wife has used this product very successfully for the past year. I would like to suggest that you group all your gluten free products at one site. Then those gluten intolerant customers would not have to read and sort for the best product that they can.
B006MONQMC,3,"I have mixed feelings about this drink concentrate. On one hand, it really is easy to use, and dissolves qquickly in water - without even needing to stir. However, on the other hand, it tastes like children fruit punches - with extra sweetener.<br /><br />It basically is a mix of several vitamins, lots of chemicals, red dye, and artificial sweetener (sucralose/splenda). Half of these things are good for your body, while the rest is not so much.<br /><br />I would keep some in case of emergencies - a quick fix of vitamin C drink when necessary. But, I would not regularly consume it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I was looking for a good, affordable source of virgin coconut oil. I was happy with the quick delivery, the very fresh oil, and lucious smell. I use this product for cooking and to make facial moisturizer. I am very pleased with this purchase."
B006MONQMC,2,"The main reason I got this drink mix was I'm trying to cut back on my soda consumption. I'm trying to drink more water but get bored with it after consuming so much sugar with soda. I thought this would be a great way to liven up my water.<br /><br />The added vitamins were just a bonus. I couldn't prove if they were really in the mix or not or even if I noticed anything related to them.<br /><br />I did notice that it had sucralose and could sure taste it. The first thing I tasted was that fake sugar. I'm sorry dieter, how the heck can you choke that stuff down? There may have been an after taste of fruit punch, but if there was, I really couldn't taste it.<br /><br />The ad said that it has energy in it. Just like the vitamins, I didn't feel any different or energized after I drank the mix. I did get a major headache, which is from the sucralose.<br /><br />I would never buy this product. But I'm sure there are people out that that will not have a problem with the sucralose or flavor being nearly nonexistent. If that is what you are looking for, you will want this mix. Otherwise, don't waste you time or money.<br /><br />Shawn Kovacich<br />Author and Creator of numerous books and DVD's."
B000NMJWZO,5,Pamelas Baking and Pancake Mix has made living G-F okay. My family enjoys the pancakes and all the baked products when I use Pamelas products even though they can eat wheat products. Pamelas has made my life easier. I do recommend this and Pamelas other products to my friends and family especailly those that have to be gluten free like me.
B000KV61FC,5,"My 8 month old Jack Russell, Fritz, loves his jug. I fill it full of kibble and a few finely broken biscuits before I leave for the day for work and Fritz plays and plays for hours. I had to get a second one for him to have at my boyfriend's parents house because it's the only thing he truly loves 75% of the time."
B006MONQMC,4,"As I'm writing this review, I'm drinking a bottle of water that I've used this product with. The fruit punch flavor is nice, and having this product sure makes it convenient to add those ""vitamins"" to your drink. Overall, I'm very happy with the product, but only have two complaints. If indicates 1 squeeze for every 8 ounces. What exactly is 1 squeeze? Is it a long squeeze? A short squeeze? I don't feel I've completely found the happy medium yet. The first time I tried the product, I found I had to squeeze it about 3-4 times to get enough saturation in the drink to actually taste the fruit punch and act more like I'd expect it to be. Subsequent uses I've done longer squeezes, and that seems to do the trick. Sometimes I do find I've squeezed too much though, and have more flavor than I'd prefer. The other complaint I have isn't necessary due to the product itself, but due to water bottles. They're filled to the brim when you get them, so in order to use this product you have to drink some. Not a big deal, and not really a fault of the product itself, but is definitely an inconvenience. Overall, however, this is a great way to add some flavor and vitamins to your drink without having to pickup vitamin water or a sport drink. Just buy the regular bottled water, and when you feel you need some flavor, just squeeze a decent amount in, and you'll be set."
B0041NYV8E,2,"Not in the sense of texture, of course, but of taste -- LOTS of ginger flavor, I couldn't stand more than a couple of sips after mixing the drink up per instructions. Pleasant aroma but the taste was like razor wire mixed with fresh ginger and it's still locked on my tongue an hour later. WAY too strong. I enjoy strong flavors and I like ginger, but this was just way too much."
B000KV61FC,2,"This toy is phenomenal. It keeps both of our dogs (1 silky terrier, 1 boston terrier) busy, and actually keeps my boston's farting problem at bay (I'm serious). The only downside is the plastic top that you have to screw off/on to put food into it is NOT durable. I called customer service and they sent me a new one, but they sounded surprised because the tug-a-jug is apparently made of ballistic plastic (I don't even know what that means). The 5 jugs I've gone through say otherwise...<br /><br />Note: I will continue to buy these anyways."
B0041NYV8E,1,"Let me preface to say I have had dire stomach issues since a small child. Acid reflux corrodes my insides and often times I turn to Ginger-Ale when I can consume nothing else. But, as we know, Ginger-Ale has lots of sugar, a load of sodium and a great deal of carbonation. When I spotted, ""Ginger Kili All Natural Ginger and Lemon Beverage"" I thought I had found a wonderful solution. My doctor had even suggested sucking on ginger lozenges that are at a available at health food stores. I thought I had one-upped him with this product.<br /><br />Happily, I brewed the hot water just knowing that I would love the combination ginger, lemon and honey. I am deeply fond of all those tastes. I poured it into my cup of boiling water, allowed to cool a bit and drank a hearty sip. Oh my goodness, I have never tasted anything so vile since that horrid cod-liver oil that still haunts my memories of childhood. This is just awful.<br /><br />I will NOT be finishing the cup of Gold Kili nor will I ever buy another package.<br /><br />I hope others find it soothing.....I can't get that awful taste out of my mouth."
B000NMJWZO,4,"I ordered this by mistake, but am I ever glad I did! Have made the coffee cake recipe listed on the label as well as pancakes, waffles and banana bread. All have turned out great, and my husband is so happy he can eat some of his favorites again."
B000KV61FC,5,My Great Dane puppy LOVES this toy when I put a couple treats inside. He has the large one that has the rubber piece instead of the rope piece. It's super durable and he drags it around gnawing on the end of it till he works the treats loose.
B0041NYV8E,1,"This product is made in Singapore, so maybe the Chinese like. I don't. I had my wife taste it and she stated ""that's horrible"". It calls for placing it in a cup and adding 250mm hot water. Wonder how many ounces that is?"
B000KV61FC,1,"My dog is very smart, he got the idea of what he needed to do real quickly but it's just to hard for the treats to come out of the jar, even when we help him... the rope pretty much closes the jar hole and the treats wont come out. This toy made my puppy real nervous and unfortunately I'm returning it, even though I was super excited about it! :("
B000KV61FC,3,"I have a 3 year old black lab named Layla who LOVED the busy buddy. It got to the point where she enjoyed having some of her meals put in the toy each day. Layla never really chewed on the toy, just picked it up and dropped it, etc. After about 2 weeks though the screw off bottom developed a crack that eventually split the top. The plastic on the screw off top doesn't seem as thick or sturdy as the rest. I thought about buying this toy again, but decided to try a treat toy made of rubber which is her new infatuation! If you have a gentle dog and carpet try this toy out, but if you have a large one and hardwood floors maybe think twice!"
B0041NYV8E,1,"The smell was fabulous--a scent of ginger and lemon that was very appealing. But then I tasted it. Bitter with an overpowering ginger flavor. I'll admit it--I have a serious sweet tooth and generally have to add additional honey to my drink to make it palatable. However, I'm not sure there's enough honey in my cabinet for this drink.<br /><br />I had high hopes for this as an alternative for my tea-drinking self but, unfortunately, this drink was not for me.<br /><br />On the plus side, it did dissolve quickly and completely with no graininess."
B000NMJWZO,5,"When we first started using this stuff we were on the subscribe and save program getting 3 4-pound bags every 3 months (and that's just for 2 people). We were eating pancakes every morning. We've slowed down a bit since, but still love this mix. It's great for pancakes, biscuits, sweet breads, etc. and it's GLUTEN FREE!"
B000GAT6NG,5,Good for you and a great price. Try frying sweet potato slices in this. It's better than candy.
B006MONQMC,4,"This Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink is good tasting and definitely provides an energy kick. I like this type of additive and regularly use Mio, so expected to like the flavor and was also prepared the slight aftertaste from the artificial sweetener.<br /><br />The recommended serving size is ""one squirt"" per 8oz of water and I find that does make it sweet enough. The flavor is sort of generically ""fruity"" and is nicely refreshing. It is important to shake the container well before dispensing to ensure everything is well mixed.<br /><br />This does have a good energy lift from caffeine and Vitamin B, and also has significant Vitamin C content (120% per serving). Since this is a good sized bottle at 12oz (24 servings), it is more convenient to keep on hand in the kitchen than the smaller Mio bottles (which are nice to carry on trips).<br /><br />A good choice for home use, mostly due to the large size.<br /><br />Recommended!<br /><br />CFH"
B004EAGP74,4,I have enjoyed using this product. It is as advertized and seems to be the perfect quantity for a beginners usage.
B000KV61FC,2,"My dog are so uninterested in this that it might as well be invisible. I even put liver treats in it and tried to show them how to play with it. Neither dog would bother with it at all. (One is Female 4 yr old greyhound/lab/shephard mix, other is female 4 month old lab/border collie mix - both are very playful & love treats)<br />Very disappointed."
B004EAGP74,5,I love this coconut oil. I use it on my face and body everyday and night. I love the smell also. Very coconutty:}
B0041NYV8E,2,I really wanted to like this tea but it was too strong for an 8oz cup of water. I tried to dilute it some more but it lost the flavor. It's so strong that I could not taste the honey or the lemon. It was a good sample but I don't think I'll buy it. Thanks anyways.
B000KV61FC,4,"My puppy loves this toy, although I don't like that the rope gets smelly and it is hard to clean (I prefer toys that can go in the washer or dishwasher). I put her kibble in it and she immediately hauls it into her crate she she can get the food out without having to chase it around the house. She is not a toy chewer, but this has cracked just from her dropping it a few inches. I have glued it several times, but the last time was so bad that the glue has now made it so I can't screw the bottom on. This has lasted 1 month with a very gently now 5 month old Newfoundland. Not a great track record, but she loves it so much that I will order another. Thank God for Amazon Prime where I can get another one quickly as she looks disappointed when I put her food in her dish rather than this device."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I really tried this with an open mind. I love hot tea in the afternoon as well as other 'soothing' drinks. But this one was a killer. It comes as a powder to mix with hot water. It doesn't say how much water on the packet so I assumed that one packet is for one cup of water (as per the directions on this site).<br /><br />One sip put me into the gag zone. I'm sorry to say that it was horrible. It was bitter, spicy, too strong, and way over the top. I like ginger but in small doses. This was like chewing on a piece of ginger root. I guess there are some people that like that but for me, it was not a good experience. I tried additional sips just to be sure but it was a killer taste each time. And, it's hard to get the strong ginger taste out of your mouth.<br /><br />I know this is a personal choice but my choice is to stay away.<br /><br />*****Added note*****<br />My husband tried it and liked it. He would have given it a 3-4 star rating. It just goes to show the difference in what our taste buds like and how this is truly a personal taste opinion."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been using this product for about 5 years now. When my then 3 year old son was diagosed with celiac disease and couldn't part with his pancakes, I began a search for suitable gluten free mixes - and this was the clear winner! It doesn't have a ""beany"" taste (from garbanzo flour) that some of the other mixes have and the texture is very similar to ""traditional"" pancakes. The entire family thinks that the pancakes are delicious - and for more flavor, you can add milk instead of water to the mix. I've used the mix for biscuits, last minute pizza crusts, cookies and pot pie topper. This is a staple in our home gluten-free pantry."
B006MONQMC,2,"I didn't get any energy boost from adding this product to my water. To me it's just another substitute for Crystal Light, Propel and all the other water additives on the market. Even with zero sugar I found the taste to be a bit sweet. It was interesting to me to try a liquid additive vs. a powder but I still have to stir it in. Add in the extra cost (which I think is high vs. competitive products) and the fact that this product needs to be refrigerated after opening (and has a recommended 30 day life) and I just don't see why I'd buy this product in the future. There are too many other brands that taste better, cost less and don't need refrigeration."
B000KV61FC,4,"Our dogs (30lb and 40lb Corgi/border collie mixes) love it, it's about the right level of difficulty.<br /><br />It was evident pretty quickly, though, that as soon as our bigger dog figured out how to sink his teeth into the plastic enough to pick it up from the bottom and bash it against things to shake the contents out that it was going to have a rough life, and so it's proven.<br /><br />After a couple months of fairly regular use, the body of the jug has split all the way down from the mouth to the bottom cap on two sides. It still works, but the pieces are only held together by the bottom cap and the rubber ball at the mouth."
B006MONQMC,4,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy Fruit Punch is a tasty and economical alternative to canned energy drinks. The punch flavor is good and can be adjusted to taste by using more or less of the product in your water, but increasing the flavor also means increasing the amount of caffeine in the drink. The vitamins and caffeine provide and nice boost without causing the shakes or the crash that often follows. I look forward to trying other flavors."
B006MONQMC,4,"I am a person who likes water. I just actually LIKE to drink water. I've seen several of these products on the market and when offered the chance to try this one, I said, ""why not."" I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Not like a fruit juice, but not like a crystal light either. It added a bit of flavor that was pleasing. While it has artificial sweeteners in it, it didn't have *that* aftertaste. Anyone who has sipped a diet drink knows what I am talking about. The added benefits of vitamins has this as something I would buy again. I still love my water, but this is a nice treat as well."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We love Pamelas Baking mix. It makes the best waffles, scones and coffee cake. When I serve it to my guests they just say that it is delicious and they can't tell that it is gluten free."
B000KV61FC,2,"My pup and I really enjoyed this in the beginning. She very quickly learned how to hold the rope with one paw and tip the bottle with the other to get food out. We were starting to learn some other things (adding balls inside to change how the food fell out, etc). Screwing the cap on was always difficult, with it needing to be lined up exactly right. Soon, however, the threads broke off the bottle so that we could no longer screw the ""cap"" on. Now it is useless."
B000KV61FC,4,It's a pretty good toy it's more for big dogs though I have 3 dogs 2 big ones and a small one. For the small one it was just too big for him to play with it even though I got the smallest size. The only thing I didn't like was the it's very noisy but I guess that my mistake for not realizing that.
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought this a few months ago, and my two puppies are still playing with it. My pups are now about 13-15 pounds, and while they play rough with each other, they aren't too rough on this toy. I know a lot of people mentioned their dogs chew right through the rope, but this was not the case in our house, which I was glad to see. They seem to focus on scratching at the purple spiked piece and don't do much flailing around by the rope, so that could be why.<br /><br />One of the dogs figured out how to use it right away, although it took her a couple of weeks to get a little more aggressive with it. It took the other one almost a month to not be afraid of it! It never fails, though, when they go for their toy box, this is the toy they pull out and play with for a good 20 minutes. I have no complaint about the quality of the product, and it keeps my dogs happy and entertained."
B000KV61FC,5,"We have a 30 lb Doberman Pinscher mix puppy that is about 5 months old who absolutely loves this toy! Because we knew he was going to be a bigger dog, we opted for the medium/large size, which for his current size, is a little big for him now. But he manages fine with it, plus I like that he can't throw the toy in the air like he does with so many of his other toys.<br /><br />We've had this toy for about a month now and use it at least 4-5 times a week. Initially, our dog was a little slow in understanding the concept and wasn't very interested in it. But after a few days, he got the idea and now gets excited whenever he sees us filling it up. We usually fill the container with a mix of his kibble and some cut up treats for a total of about a 1/4 of a cup and it keeps him occupied for about 30-45 minutes at a time. We haven't tried adding balls to the jug yet to increase the difficulty, but we may do so soon.<br /><br />This toy has been a savior to help occupy him while we are busy trying to do things around the house, such as cook dinner or do laundry. I also give it to him to prevent boredom as well as help get rid of some excess energy that he still may have at night since he will push, drag, and carry it all over the place as he is trying to get out the contents. After a month of use, the only thing that has some signs of wear and tear is the rope. Our puppy hasn't done any damage to the actual jug yet.<br /><br />On a side note, I have seen the smaller ones in the store that have rubber/plastic ropes, which do not seem to be very durable, but ours was an actual rope, as in the picture and has held up great with our dog. We have been so pleased with this product, that we bought the smaller one for a family member's new puppy."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's products are some of our favorites, and the baking & pancake mix is at the top of that list. It makes great pancakes, but isn't limited to just those. Everything we've made with this mix has been flavorful with a pleasant texture. A lot of gluten-free mixes and products have a grainy texture to them, but Pamela's products are light and fluffy.<br /><br />For those who have an issue with dairy in addition to gluten, there is some dried buttermilk powder in the mix, but it hasn't yet caused any issues for my wife or me and we've been using the mix for about 5 years now."
B0041NYV8E,3,"This little package smells really good of ginger when I opened it. It was easy to rip open. The directions were simple, to empty contents and add hot water and stir. It says 250ml of water but it would have been nice if it also said ounces, as I am not used to measuring liquids in milliliters.<br /><br />The little crystals/powder of drink mix dissolved in the hot water well and had a wonderful aroma of ginger float up.<br /><br />I wasn't expecting the drink to be quite so sweet. The second ingredient is honey and it is very strong. I am not a huge fan of sweet drinks and the sweetness was more than I'd like.<br /><br />Overall it's not a bad drink and if you have an upset stomach, ginger and honey are very good for that. The lemon is subtle but it is there and noticeable. If I liked sweeter drinks I'd probably have liked it more."
B0041NYV8E,5,"Good balance between the honey sweetness and the ginger/lemon tartness. Very natural taste, with no nasty aftertaste. Good hot or cold. Great after dinner drink."
B000GAT6NG,5,I use this on my morning oatmeal and I use it in cooking. Wonderful flavor! Excellent value for your money.
B000KV61FC,5,"This product is super. My dog tends to wolf her food down and then wonder where it all went. Putting a cup of her food in this thing at dinner time makes her 'work' for it.<br />It is VERY tough, and with a dog as hard-mouthed and persistent as mine, it has to be to last. She hasn't broken any part of it -- which means it's indestructible.<br />I'm trying to train her to bring it to me when I say, ""where's your bottle?"" We'll see if she catches on."
B000KV61FC,2,"Great idea, but my fido is so frustrated he lays there and crying and barking hoping the treats will fall out. Still working on training him, but not sure this is good for his psyche. He'd much rather unscrew the bottom if he could."
B006MONQMC,1,"I received one bottle of this swill and am thankful that I did not receive the 4 bottles that are advertized. I squeezed up a glass of this horrible product per the instructions. I took the glass into the living room where my wife was working a crossword puzzle. She watched me with amusement because she said after each sip I would make a face that looked like Quasimoto was in the house. I continued to sip despite the horrible sweetness in a effort to obtain the alleged energy. Never happened. The only thing I obtained was a major revulsion and a puzzlement as to why anyone would purchase this terrible and useless drink. I cannot remember ever before drinking anything with such a repulsive sweetness.<br /><br />Bad, bad. Really bad. Indescribably bad."
B000KV61FC,5,"I love to challenge my dog with food cubes. The thing is great--most of them are way too easy and dispense the food too quickly. This one is perfect because it is a little bit more challenging, and there are ways to make it harder such as adding pieces into the jug to block the food from being dispensed (like a golf ball). Also, the bottom screws off so it is easy to load in the food. Many food cubes you have to load the food in little by little which is annoying when you are trying to feed your dog his entire meal in a puzzle cube~! I highly recommend this one ( i have 2 other puzzle cubes and this is by far the best)."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I figured I wanted to try something new, so I would give this a whirl. It was alright, but no better than the Lipton tea packets. I would go for whichever was cheaper or on sale in the future. I feel the same about both."
B004EAGP74,5,"There is absolutely nothing better in the world for your health then pure, virgin coconut oil. Research it and when you buy, buy it HERE. The cost with free shipping is the BEST in the world. Amazon has a lot to offer and has never disappointed me.<br /> The benefits of this oil are endless. Your skin, hair, cholestrol, blood pressure, liver & kidneys will all benefit from having 3 tablespoons per day. It also helps you lose weight as it stasbilizes your metabolism! You can also use this as a moisterizer on your skin directly. Skin rashes, psoriasis, excema (SP), will all be greatly and naturally treatd with this. I promise!"
B006MONQMC,3,"I'm all for products that increase my water intake throughout the day. While I enjoy plain water, an extra added flavor boost is welcome at times. I found Vitamin Squeeze to be just OK in my opinion.<br />Pros: Easy to use and not very messy. Flip the cap, squeeze into water, shake and you're done. It has a good quantity of vitamin C and B vitamins, which help boost my energy level, 40 mg of caffeine and some electrolyte replenishment with added potassium. It's a good product for use after a workout.<br />Cons: You should refrigerate it after opening according to the package. That makes it hard to store in the car or gym bag. I'm also not a fan of the sucralose, and wish they had just used a little natural sweetener. The sucralose gives me a headache, and I could do without that in a product. I'm also not always looking for caffeine after a workout, and wish they'd left this out as well. With the B vitamins and electrolytes, I think it was unnecessary. Flavor is fair. You can increase or decrease the strength of the flavor with how much you put into your water. One squeeze is just faintly sweet and fruity to me. This brings up my other beef - I wish the directions and serving size were not 'one squeeze'. If I'm feeling feisty, a squeeze can be two tablespoons. You can also squeeze out half a teaspoon if you're gentle with it. I wish this was more standardized, especially with 40 mg caffeine in a serving. If you look at the fine print, a serving is 15 ml. Not everyone is going to know this is three teaspoons. They could have put three teaspoons right out there so it was clear.<br />Will I get this again after I run out? Probably not."
B006MONQMC,2,"I drink a lot of Mio's fruit punch, and I thought I'd give this a try, combining the calorie free flavoring along with much needed vitamin C.<br /><br />It disappointed.<br /><br />The flavor is somewhat fruity, but not particularly close to the usual ""fruit punch"" flavor. The taste of the added vitamins is more pronounced than anything but sweet. It leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth too.<br /><br />I use water flavoring to encourage more consumption of water, but this bombed out. It doesn't help that it requires refrigeration either--I like to take the flavoring with me to add to water wherever I am, whether bottled water or tap water. The container is as large as a baby bottle, and it takes a larger quantity of this flavoring to do the trick than that of Mio.<br /><br />I'll stick to Mio for its refrigerator-free portability, small containers, and higher concentration of flavor."
B000KV61FC,5,"My little dog enjoys this toy quite a lot. He hasn't quite figured out how the treats come out yet, but he's always happy when they do! LOL!"
B000NMJWZO,5,Anyone with gluten intolerance will love this pancake/baking mix! My family loves the pancakes and now am able to make zucchini bread or banana bread using this mix and it is very tasty!
B0041NYV8E,4,"Only get this product if you love ginger! There is a heat to this drink that soothes a sore throat. Like the Ginger Chews I buy at Trader Joe's, this is not for the faint-hearted who think of ""gingerbread"" when they hear ginger. It is seriously spicy. I hope you like it as much as I do!"
B006MONQMC,3,"This is a big bottle, not like the smaller versions of other similar type products I have tried. I have found you need to be really careful when sqirting these things because if you happen to squirt it on an ice cube it shoots the stuff all over everywhere and you end up with a mess, so be careful. I didn't particularly like the taste. It was very candy tasting, sort of like pez. I also didn't notice any sort of energy or vitamin boost, but I didn't drink a whole lot. It's not terrible, but just not for me."
B000KV61FC,1,"I consider my Sheltie to be an intelligent dog, but the noise of the toy makes him back away. And I can't tell you how many times I've ""demonstrated"" how to get the kibble out. He just waits until I do it. He could care less about the thing, and he's very food motivated."
B000GAT6NG,5,I love this oil! I use it for everything from cooking with it to using it as a moisturizer and on my scalp for dandruff. I would totally recommend this to everyone!
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the best pancake mix I have used since being on a gluten free diet. I buy it by the large bag because it has lots of recipes for other uses and they are yummy. Even my family who does not have to eat gluten free likes these.
B006MONQMC,2,"I like Vitamin Water. I was excited to see this.<br />I realize that taste is a very subjective thing. I can't say that I liked it. The plastic taste was pretty strong and the after taste did not go away.<br />I am not a big fan of Crystal Lite. Mostly because it has an after taste that I do not like. This was similar to that only a little stronger, and the taste stayed longer.<br /><br />If you can find a sample, I would suggest trying that first before buying a large bottle. If you like it, it gets added to water to dilute it. If you don't like it, you're not out too much money."
B004EAGP74,5,"I use this for hair, skin, supplement holistically, and even the DOG! Truly natures best substance! I have IBD and a tablespoon every other day has lessened my abdominal issues so I gave my dog some after a trashitis attack and she loves the taste and ate on her own and stomach was fine the next morning! No more $1200 vet bills for that issue and her sadness from the face cage. Tastes and smells wonderful, just like coconut. Not at all petroleum greasy on skin and hair. ordering 3rd jar so I will have a good stock on hand."
B000KV61FC,1,"I bought two of these for my 16 month black lab and my 3 year old Golden Retriever. At first they nosed it and tossed it, but within 5 minutes my black lab had ripped the rubber stopper in half and dumped out the kibble! Maybe he is smarter than I thought!<br />The toy is completely unusable now and we are sedning it back.<br />I think this would be a great toy for a smaller or less voracious chewer. If your dog is a strong chewer, I would get something else to entertain them."
B004EAGP74,5,"This an excellent product, healthful, tasty and inexpensive when purchased through the right vendor. I highly recommend it."
B000GAT6NG,5,This is an excellent product and a good price...I have been using coconut oil in most of my cooking now...
B000KV61FC,2,"This toy is very frustrating, for a dog and for the owner. It makes my dog rather hyper and makes her bark too much. There's nothing wrong with the manufacture of the toy; I just don't think it works well as a device to keep a dog happily busy."
B006MONQMC,3,"An overly sweet energy-concentrate that produces a mix tasting much like kool-aid.<br /><br />I expected this fruit-flavored energy drink touting its nutritional qualities would taste a bit like fruit and have natural ingredients, but unfortunately the cough-syrup-red result is colored with Red #40 (made from coal, rather than a natural alternative like beet juice), and the cloying sweetness is courtesy of Sucralose (found in Splenda sweetener)-- a little sugar wouldn't have hurt, and stevia extract would have been perfect (naturally sweet and also zero-calorie).<br /><br />The unfortunate flavor would have appealed to me as a child, but I've long outgrown Hi-C, Kool-Aid, and the other fake-fruit-sweet drinks. Maybe this does appeal to American taste-buds, since I noticed a lot of reviewers said they liked the flavor-- taste is highly subjective.<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze would certainly be a healthier alternative to diet colas, the minimal packaging and water-basing are environmentally sensitive, and the portable format (""just add water"") has some appeal. But if portability isn't imporrtant, try brewing flavored green tea instead, or drinking bottled products like Honest Tea that have minimal calories, better taste, and none of the fake ingredients. Not Recommended."
B000GAT6NG,5,"A subtle, tasty, healthful cooking oil that is economical to use: don't miss out on this product that is widely recommended by gourmets and health practitioners!"
B0041NYV8E,2,"This drink has too much ginger for my taste. I like ginger just not this much in one drink. I tried to improve the taste by adding honey and that helped but not enough for me to be able to drink it. 10 minutes after taking a few sips my tongue was still burning from the spices, not the heat. More lemon might have helped the flavor a bit but the ginger is quite strong."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I use this more often than olive oil. I use olive oil for salad dressings and an occasional stir- fry and this for most all other frying. It has a light coconut flavor that took my 17 year old son some time to get used to, but he doesn't notice anymore. I see people buying this in capsules as a supplement!"
B000KV61FC,4,"I've had two of these products. The large one was great, my dog Rocco had fun figuring out how to get the food out and became quite a pro at it. It is a good time killer for the dogs as they don't have much to do anyway. Then I forget to take it one time after he was done and he chewed through the rope. Well I liked to so much I go to get another and it's the smaller size. This one had a rubber rope instead of cloth. It didn't move smoothly and Rocco couldn't get ANY treats out of it. That rubber rope just doesn't glide as well as the cloth it sticks. Get the large one, even a small dog should be able to handle it."
B0041NYV8E,2,"Although I originally was hoping this would be a nice alternative to normal tea or coffee, I just was wrong. It was incredibly strong. I wasn't even able to get through a half mug of it. I sort of liked the basics of the taste; there was just too much taste. I cannot recommend this unless you want a VERY heavy taste of ginger. I think it would have been far better if it was mild ginger."
B006MONQMC,3,"We use a lot of water additives in our house, the main ones being Crystal Light and Mio. I was hoping this Vitamin Squeeze fruit punch would be a tasty change of pace, since it also has added vitamins. It's decent, but not as good as I was hoping. I tried it with differing amounts in a few separate bottles of water, and found that in order to taste good I need three small squeezes per bottle. My wife was the same when she tried it, and we both decided that it still tastes vaguely like watered down Hawaiian Punch. Not terrible, but not really tasty and certainly not as good as the Crystal Light packets we use most often, although the trade off with the added vitamins may be worth it."
B006MONQMC,1,"I was excited to try this, particularly now that summer is here. I am not a big fan of plain water, and it's portability would make it nice for taking to playdates, picnics, etc. So as soon as I got the bottle, I tried it out. I was terribly disappointed.<br /><br />There are a couple of issues I have with this. The first is that the bottle just instructs you to squeeze - no amount is listed, and you can squeeze a crazy amount at one time. I realize this is so people can make it to their own taste, but a baseline would be nice.<br /><br />By far the worst part of this energy drink is the after-taste. I couldn't even finish my glass the two times I tried it. I figured maybe I just needed to adjust the flavor after the first time, so I waited a few days and then used less in the cup. The initial flavor wasn't bad (watered-down fruit punch, basically), but the after-taste was nasty. I can't even bring myself to drink any more.<br /><br />I think I will be sticking with other tried-and-true water additives."
B0041NYV8E,2,"Honestly, I always want to write as positive as a review as possible, but I can't think of anything positive to write about this drink.<br /><br /> On one hand, I'm glad i only received one as a sample so I didn't have to waste the rest, but on the other hand, giving it another go would have been feasible if I had more than one packet of mix. Sadly, I took one sip of it, and had to spit it out, I couldn't taste any lemon, all I tasted was ginger (which is fine since its a ginger drink, but its the TEXTURE I take issue with!) and that it essentially tasted (texture-wise) like I'd put a bunch of ginger powder in a glass with some sugar and hot water in a blender and dumped it in a glass and called it good. I would have gotten the same results had I done that, and it would be cheaper too.<br /><br /> It was grainy, and it was way too gingery for my taste. Now, let me tell you, I DO enjoy ginger tea! I make ginger tea from fresh ginger root for nausea or just to enjoy and it is very tasty, I also enjoy ginger chews on occasion, and crystallize ginger every now and then as a snack as well, so I am not a ginger hater! But, for me, this drink was just lacking, and you'd be better off making a nice cup of hot ginger tea from fresh ginger root, its cheaper, has a better feel in your mouth, and its not going to take anymore work then this ""beverage"" will.<br /><br /> God Bless ~Amy"
B000KV61FC,2,"My dogs are not rough at all, one is 4 years old and still has toys from when she was a puppy. Within one week, she broke the cap into 3 pieces anf got all the kibble, Superglued it back together which lasted another week.<br /><br />I would not purchase again. I went for the hard plastic Kong that dispense hard kibble. They have barely scratched it although they can get the food out more quickly. I throw larger treats in to slow dispensing action."
B006MONQMC,4,"Prior to receiving this product from Amazon, I have drank Vitamin Water. It too has a bit of an after taste of vitamins. BUT, it is not unpleasant so I really enjoyed Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch, 12-Ounce (Pack of 4) I also believe it will be much cheaper than the plastic bottles I buy. My touchy stomach has not been upset so I find this a plus.<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch, 12-Ounce (Pack of 4)is without calories but packed full of vitamins. I am so lousy about taking mine that I will let this liquid form be my new attempt to be more vigilant.<br /><br />Very nice product."
B0041NYV8E,4,"This may not be the most popular hot beverage available on Amazon, but after trying some through the Amazon Vine program, I like it!<br /><br />It is tangy and refreshing, and tastes not only of ginger and lemon, but has perhaps even a dash of cinnamon.<br /><br />It is a perfect hot alternative to soft drinks --- which it turns out are VERY bad for you, whether with sugar, or with artificial sweetener --- and a preferable change from late afternoon tea or coffee.<br /><br />This stuff wakes you up, without the caffeine after-buzz, and won't keep you awake at night.<br /><br />Perhaps all the health nuts don't approve, but if you are looking for a nice change of pace, try some. Pay no attention to those herbal tea snobs. In any case, I liked it very much and think many others will as well."
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the best G.F. Pancake Mix. I have Celiac and my children don't.(not yet anyway) and they DO NOT like my food and I usually have to begg them to taste things and then they spit it out. But i made Chocolate chip cookies with this mix and They came home from school and at all of them even after i told them they were G.F. They said you could not tell they were G.F. I made pancakes with it and they ate them all gone. By far the best tasting mix out there.
B000KV61FC,2,I have yet to figure out how to get the bottom off to place treats into the toy. So I put them into the top which was difficult and they are hard for the dogs to get out. There are better toys than this one.
B0041NYV8E,1,"While I am usually a big fan of herbal teas/beverages, this is a seriously disgusting drink. It was all I could do once I'd brewed it to actually take a sip after smelling the odor, and even my five year old (who also likes herbal beverages) smelled it and said, ""You wouldn't want to drink that!"" He was very correct; one sip was more than enough for me. I would never, ever pay money for this drink and would be happy to never have another taste of it again."
B000KV61FC,5,"We have had this toy for about 3 years, one for each of our Great Dane/Doberman mixes, a chocolate lab, and now one for our big terrier mix. It is sturdy, and even to this day they are super excited when the see it getting filled.<br /><br />The one thing I will say is the rope is awesome as long as it lasts, in this house that meant about 3 weeks. I don't think that is a problem with the toy--my guys have always destroyed rope toys ASAP.<br /><br />We replaced the rope with a small tennis ball inside the container that just blocks the hole, but bounces around with the food still making it challenge to get the prize. similar to <a href="""">Chuckit! Tennis Ball Small 2-inch, 2 pack</a><br /><br />There are scratches from lots of teeth, but no cracks and only one of our dogs has gotten the end off (he was a freak and could unscrew any container, open screen and regular doors gently with his mouth! *dane mix)"
B000KV61FC,3,"I have a 45lb lab mix that loves his busy buddy, but that cheap rubber rope lasted all of 20 min with him. He chewed it down to a nub. A thicker rope or actual rope might be a better choice. Or maybe Kong like rubber!<br /><br />That said, he goes bonkers for this and clangs it noisily all around on the hardwood floors. It gets to be a bit much. But he sure has fun!"
B006MONQMC,5,"I've tried Mio in the past, and this stuff is much better. Lots of flavor without knocking you over with sugar. No metallic off taste like in many other concentrated drinks. Also, in a huge bottle that will last quite a while. Can't imagine not purchasing this again in the future. Also, if your family is accident prone like mine, it comes out of clothing without any problems :)"
B000KV61FC,2,"My puppy is under 40 pounds, and loved this toy. He chewed the rope apart in one day. Well, I unscrewed the bottom and inserted a golf ball. It did the job of the rope and made it tough to shake out the treats. Kept the pup occupied for two hours. Then he figured out that tossing the bottle would shake loose the treats. the plastic bottle cracked in minutes.<br /><br />This would be an excellent toy if the plastic was tougher. the design is great, especially with the ball addition."
B000NMJWZO,5,I'm so happy to have found this product. The mix makes excellent pancakes and is a wheat flour substitute that can be used in traditional recipes calling for wheat flour. I substituted Pamela's mix for wheat flour in our favorite cornbread recipe and it was yummy. We also used it as a substitute for wheat flour in gingerbread cookies and oatmeal muffins. I will keep some of this product on hand at all times and continue to experiment with it. Fantastic!
B0041NYV8E,3,"I was kind of excited to try this tea out. I've been looking for something that would be easy to put in my purse that would dissolve and not have fake sugars like Aspartame in it, so I was excited to see that this was sweetened by honey and lemon.<br /><br />That said, you have to REALLY love Ginger to enjoy this drink. If you do, you will likely LOVE this tea. I am not a huge fan of Ginger (I love to cook with it, but not have it as a main flavor), so this really wasn't my favorite drink. I thought there should have been more lemon in it.<br /><br />It did dissolve really nicely and didn't leave a film of grit in the bottom of the glass. I do actually want to give this tea another try... in a recipe. I think it would be great in chicken broth or when making chicken salad."
B000GAT6NG,2,"i bought this but don't usually use it. the coconut oil has a distinct smell and flavor that sometimes overpowers the food. i won't buy it again, but thought i would give it a try."
B000NMJWZO,5,My daughter has celiac and we have tried many baking and pancake mixes. This one is definitely the best! It makes great pancakes and muffins as well.
B006MONQMC,4,"This is definitely a bigger hit with the kids in the house than the adults. It's a fast and easy way to make a quick drink that's got more flavor than water, but not as sweet as Kool-Aid. It's a fun way to add a boost to a bottled water, or a little something to a plain glass of water, without the need for packets of powdered mixes. As with most all concentrated drink mixes like this, you have to watch not to get any on fabric or it will stain, a bit of an issue with kids. My kids like it enough to ask for it as a drink (partially I think because they can make drinks with this themselves), but it's not so great that it will replace the other favorite drinks in the home by the adults. These are a fun idea for taking along on trips as well, since you can skip all the packaging bulk and just take one of these and some reusable drink containers that you fill up with water. Great for those camping, RVing, on long trips or just for keeping in the car to add a shot of flavor to a bland bottled water."
B000KV61FC,5,"While just like any toy she'll get bored with it, for the purpose it serves its a great toy. She'll get bored of it one day and then the next refind it and spend forever trying to get a treat out. I love finding toys that a mentally involved with her since she's such a smart cookie lol."
B000KV61FC,5,I got this toy on Amazon recommendations. This toy has been true to form. It has kept my 5 month old puppy engaged while I am busy preparing dinner. I put her dog food in it and she love it. Great toy!!
B0041NYV8E,2,"After being in Tibet, I fell involve love with the Ginger-Lemon-honey tea, so was happy to buy a simpler way to make it.<br />I usually buy this product: ""Ginger Honey Crystals Instant Tea 10 Bags by Prince Of Peace"" but decided to try another one.<br /><br />This version is More bitter and has Darker color (of the tea). you can easily make 2 cups of tea from opt he content of one bag.<br /><br />I think I'll stick to the other one..."
B000KV61FC,5,"Well, I wasn't sure about this toy, what with the mixed reviews, but Wilson the Beagle was all out of toys so we had to get him something. He's terrible about destroying soft toys. He's very active (he's a beagle!) and we needed something to keep his attention for more than a few seconds. This is it! What a winner! Wilson loves the tug a jug! At first he was puzzled by it. Of course, since he's a hound, he was following his nose, and his nose was telling him there was food in that jug but how in the heck was he supposed to get to it? He tried a few ways and then walked away frustrated. I showed him how the kibble would actually come out the hole and he was hooked. He spent half a day figuring it out. Sometimes I give him his entire meal in the tug-a -jug and let him work it out of there. He's a very high energy dog. He loves a challenge. I'm so grateful for this toy slash dogsitter!"
B000KV61FC,5,"We've tried several toys to slow down our Olympic-class speed eater. This is by far the best -- it's easy to use, built like a tank, and most importantly, he loves it.<br /><br />-Jason"
B0041NYV8E,4,I am not quite sure what I was expecting when I opened the first package. It was a unique taste but one I grew to like very quickly. Now I drink this as a special treat. Love the fact that it is all natural. So tired of the products that have chemical names I could never pronounce as ingredients.
B000KV61FC,5,"First of all, my dog should write this review instead of me! I feel hilarious and sad at the same time when watching him doing the job. Ha, please let me know if you feel the same way. At the end of this short video, do you see that my dog was cursing? or i think too much???? [...]"
B004EAGP74,5,Me like it! The only drawback it's plastic can.<br />Nice seller.Bullet fast delivery.<br />Will buy again
B006MONQMC,5,"Since I force myself to drink about a gallon of water a day, I'm always looking for ways to add flavor to my water just to change things up.<br /><br />I really liked this Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink as it added just enough flavor, but also provided some vitamins. I really like that it's all natural, has zero calories, and zero carbs. There's also zero sugar added. It's a very light fruit punch flavor, which I really like since it's not overpowering and sugary like Kool-Aid. You only need one squeeze for a glass of water and the bottle design does make it pretty easy to be mess-free.<br /><br />Once opened, you have to keep it in the fridge, but it's so easy to keep this on your door and grab it every time you have a glass of water. I also use Emergen-C, but like this as an alternative because it's more of a light flavor.<br /><br />I can't wait to try some of the other flavors."
B0041NYV8E,5,"This drink is easy to make; just tear open the notched foil pouch, pour into a cup, add hot water and stir. It has a good taste, with a fair ginger bite, and a subtle lemon taste. The honey is just enough to keep it from being too bitter. Of course you could add a bit more honey if you wish. Simple ingredients, no caffeine. A winner."
B000KV61FC,3,"I was initially surprised how big the toy was (small), but my dog (12 lb Terrier mix) ended up loving it anyways. I feed him his meals between various puzzle toys and it does wonders for his destructive tendencies. I was upset when it broke after only one week. I have mostly carpet with minimal tile floor, so not sure if he got rough with it on the hard surfaces. I tried taping the bottom shut after I fill it with food, but eventually the screw part totally fell apart and I had to throw it away. Not sure I will buy another one at this price. :("
B000NMJWZO,5,"The texture and taste of this product is better by far than the other brands, stay clear of the brand who's ""man wearing the red cap"" is on the lable"
B000NMJWZO,5,This is a wonderful pancake and waffle mix. I do not even pull out the non GF mixes. Everyone prefers the taste regardless!
B000GAT6NG,5,"We've been buying our coconut oil from Whole Foods as well as other health food markets, but we decided to give Nutiva coconut oil a try mainly because of the price offered on Amazon. To our suprise this oil has exceeded our expectations! It smells wonderful and tastes good too. It is at least on par or superior to the products purchased at Whole Foods and health food stores but at a much lower price. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this product to family and friends, only problem is that most people are still sceptical of the health benefits of coconut oil. When I mention the use of coconut oil, most people just shake their heads and respond that they're not into ""crazy fad diets"". Too bad, their loss."
B000NMJWZO,5,"When I eliminated gluten from my diet a few years ago, I cleaned out my cupboards of anything that contained that menacing little protein. I bought (and mixed) countless flours and grains trying to find a good substitute for all-purpose flour. Every flour and blend that I tried produced baked goods that were either tough and rubbery or mealy and crumbly. No amount of recipe-tweaking produced anything that I could happily feed to guests. Enter Pamela's Ultimate Baking & Pancake Mix. Now I can serve fluffy and delicious pancakes, bake awesome quick breads, and create yummy coatings for pan-frying. It's been a while since I ordered so the packaging may have changed since then, but my bags are printed with nine different recipes, which gave me a good place to start."
B006MONQMC,3,"Well following in the footsteps of the successful MiO comes Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink. From a practical standpoint Vitamin Squeeze has a lot going for it. All you need is some water, squirt in some Vitamin Squeeze and bada bing, you now have an energy drink. The drink additive boasts zero calories, zero carbs, and zero sugar. That alone is pretty impressive coming from something labeled as an energy drink. Then of course Vitamin Squeeze is loaded with a fair share of vitamins and I suppose that could be a big benefit for the right consumer.<br /><br />On the other hand I doubt very many people who are concerned with vitamins and healthy beverages will be attracted to the Fruit Punch flavor. I can still occasionally stomach ultra-sugary Kool-Aid or Hi-C and I think that the MiO Fruit Punch is actually on of the better flavors the brand offers. Vitamin Squeeze Fruit Punch, however, has all the overly sweet taste of these other products with the addition of a nasty tang, probably due to the Vitamin C. At least that is what I'm guessing the bad after taste comes from because I've had the same experience with other Vitamin C beverage enhancers. Either way, the flavor is pretty gross.<br /><br />The other thing about Vitamin Squeeze you need to take into account is the fact that it is far less versatile than MiO or even just bottled drinks. You have to carry around the large, 12-ounce container PLUS whatever you are flavoring with it. It's just not mobile really.<br /><br />***EDIT***<br />I added a third star because I my little brother drinks this stuff all the time and he actually enjoys it."
B000GAT6NG,5,Coconut oil is a supplement everyone could add to their diet. It has given my husband more energy and he no longer drinks 32 oz. of pop everyday.
B000KV61FC,5,My daughter's dog just loves this toy. When you put treats in it she will carry it around and play with it until she gets all the treats out of it.
B000GAT6NG,5,"The other day my significant other looked at me and remarked...""You have the skin of a teenager"". It is the dramatic improvement in my skin since I've been using this product. First my dry hair's texture was changed within a few days and I no longer have dandruff since using this product. Then my skin from the neck down has this kind of sheen that I have not had in 40 years...the last time I was a teenager. Also the acne on the back or my arms, backside and back of my thighs is gone. I used to slather on a tea tree oil lip balm several times a day. Now I rub in coconut oil on my lips in the morning and maybe one other time during the day, on the days I do not wear lipstick.<br /><br />The thing that has struck me most is my face. I had been through microdermabrasion, chemical peels and all sorts of exfoliating products that are now all replaced by coconut oil. I'm not usually one for dramatic reviews, but this product has performed VERY FAR BEYOND MY EXPECTATIONS!!! Also by using this product I save a lot of money now that I no long have to use a ton of other products. I should note that I've been using this coconut oil for the last 4 or 5 months."
B000NMJWZO,5,I love Pamela's Baking & Pancake Mix and the 64-oz size packages are so convenient. I have celiac disease and cannot use regular wheat flour which contains gluten. Pamela's B&P Mix is great for all my baking needs. I use it cup for cup in place of regular flour and everything turns out wonderful. I made a carrot cake yesterday and my family could not tell that it was gluten-free.
B006MONQMC,4,"I can't speak on the energy level increase. Keeping up with our 5 kids wears you out on your best day. I think the flavor is pretty decent. We like water in our house and drink it a lot. This doesn't have the same flavor as some of the other artificial flavor boosters, it isn't sugary, it is more of a subtle fruity hint in your water. It's pretty nice."
B000KV61FC,3,Have a border collie that I was hoping would love this toy. It is sturdy enough and well made but I can't find any kibble that fits. Anything I have put in the jar is too large for the dog to successfully get out. Right now she just walks around with the rope in her mouth and the jar dangling. Just be aware that it takes a very small treat to go in the jar.
B006MONQMC,4,"We were pretty excited to try this out especially for use with workouts etc..water doesn't always cut it and Gatorade etc gets a bit costly plus all the sugar and salt really adds up over time.<br /><br />First, the squeeze idea is great! No mess, no fuss, super simple to use. Vast improvement over powdered drinks (including gatorade)with the added benefit of being able to adjust for personal preference.<br /><br />I found a quick squeeze more than ample; my other half liked a bit more flavor. We both liked the ability to squeeze and go. So far so good. Will give the convenience a big PLUS!<br /><br />The so-so part is the flavor...I'm just not wild about the fruit punch flavor but would probably be willing to give other flavors a try and see if they are more to my liking. It's not bad per se, it's just not that good. At first I thought it was just me but spouse felt the same way. Will consider this more or less neutral since it's not great but certainly not bad either.<br /><br />Now for the thing that I don't really like...the vitamins. Yes, there is a nice range of vitamins and at first glance, that sounds fine BUT, the quality of the included vitamins is questionable. For example, for B12, cyanocobalmin is used rather than the more expensive (and bioavailable) methylcobalmin. To be perfectly fair, the vast majority of people probably won't/don't care and the idea of taking in some vitamins at all is an improvement. However, those that are health conscious and/or only use bioavailable forms of vitamins will be disappointed. I try not to take inferior vitamin types so that they don't block absorption of better/more available forms.<br /><br />All in all, a vast improvement over cola's. Very convenient. Not bad tasting but not great and selection of vitamins could be better."
B004EAGP74,5,"Good price for the product, received promptly. Have used this product many times in the past, like it, and will continue to use it."
B0041NYV8E,3,"The gold kili mixed easily, no clumps in my cup of hot liquid. The smell was very nice, although I could really only pick up the ginger.<br /><br />Sipping, the ginger hit me first. In fact, the beverage tasted of ginger and sweet. There didn't seem to be a balance between ginger and lemon. Eventually I picked up a very odd lemon taste, sort of like when I sprayed lemon pledge and accidentally inhaled, it doesn't so much taste lemony as vaguely lemon chemical. Heavy ginger, very sweet, not for me.<br /><br />I think I'd rather squeeze my own lemon, toss in a slice of ginger and a bit of honey in a cup of hot water. Between the way to sweet and the fake chemical lemon aftertaste, this is not my cup of beverage."
B000KV61FC,1,"This is the second ""Tug-a-Jug"" food puzzle I've purchased for my wire fox terrier. The first lasted about five months until she chewed through the rope. But this toy kept my dog more occupied than any other food puzzle I've tried, so I decided to purchase a second one. My plan was to put this one away as soon as my dog was done with her food so she wouldn't ""play"" with it and chew through the rope. So in other words, I blame my dog's destructive terrier prowess on the demise of the first toy rather than the manufacturer.<br /><br />But after just one week of use for the second toy, the bottom part where the end seals onto the main container literally cracked and shattered into many pieces when I was sealing the toy.<br /><br />My dog may chew through ropes but she's not that rough with toys, and I was using normal strength to twist the end piece on, so I'm pretty sure this one was a dud. But after that, I'm totally done with this company. The shards that came off in my hand were tiny and sharp enough that if just one shard had broken off without my notice and go mixed in with my dog's food, she probably would have ingested it and had internal bleeding."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I have to admit; I have a cup of this beverage right in front of me, piping hot, and I as my three-year old son would say, ""this is not my favorite.""<br /><br />(And this is where we say, ""BUT."")<br /><br />But the poor showing of three stars I am giving this product is truly based off of the way I perceive the taste... My palate has never liked those hard honey candies that some people -- like my Dad -- adore, and that's the prime flavor I pick our instantly. The same honey sweetness is right there on the front line of the palate. But there are things that even I like about the product; the ginger taste soon separates itself from the honey flavor, and the after-swallow finish is very spicy, like cloves, and remains strong for some time. It's strong spiciness does reach beyond your palate and into your sinuses - I can see this as being an excellent beverage for someone who has a cold (sore throat especially) and is looking for a zippy drink for relief.<br /><br />Also, I can see adding a shot of your favorite brandy or spiced rum to this drink to make it one of those special ""toddies"" you allow yourself in those winter times when the sniffles have got you. In those times, I imagine even my taste buds would appreciate a Gold Kili Ginger Lemon Toddy in a hot bath. :^)"
B0041NYV8E,3,"This drink has a very strong ginger and lemon flavor. It's actually so strong that you really need to like ginger - it actually somewhat burned my throat (so to speak). For those that like ginger, it's probably going to be a welcome experience. I don't like it much but to each their own!<br /><br />Also, it came in a box that was large enough to ship a hot plate! The mailman thought the package had been compromised!"
B000KV61FC,3,"Even though I used small puppy kibble, my puppy could not get the kibble out of the bottle. For the treats to come out, the dog needs to pull on the rope and whip the bottle around. Because of the shape of the bottle, the kibble will not spill out on its own while lying on its side. I would think that holding onto the rope and whipping it around would be quite dangerous for the dog as well as anyone standing nearby - the bottle is made from hard plastic and would definitely hurt if it hit you.<br /><br />I decided to remove the rope completely and tried putting in a little ball to slow down the flow of the kibble. That didn't work either - the ball completely blocked the opening (maybe I'll try again with a smaller ball). In the end, I just ended up putting a larger treat (a small milkbone biscuit) in with the kibble and that seemed to work a little better. My puppy is able to get the treats to spill out by tipping the bottle upright. I think I need to experiment more with different sized balls or milkbone biscuits so the kibble spills out easily, but not too easily.<br /><br />On the plus side, the large opening on the bottom of the bottle is great. It makes it very easy to fill the bottle with kibble or treats.<br /><br />I gave this product a 3 because it does what I wanted - it slows down my puppy's eating and keeps him busy for a little while, but for us, it didn't work the way it was intended to work and has the possibility of injuring the dog."
B004EAGP74,4,"Pricey, but it works very well for pan frying. It has a distinct coconut flavor, so keep that in mind before you buy it; if you don't like the taste of coconut, avoid using this oil. Personally, I love the flavor."
B000KV61FC,3,"I have a one year old lab mix that we adopted from a shelter. Got him as a puppy. I got this toy because I work out of the house, and he is constantly wanting me to play with him. Thought this would be ideal. Have no idea whether this is a good toy or not because my dog is afraid of it. He does not like anything that makes noise!! So, in theory it is a great toy, in practice, in my house, it's a bust!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is my third order from Amazon for this product. When I decided to go wheat free a few months ago I knew I had to come up with an acceptable pancake mix because I LOVE pancakes. Since I'd used Bisquick for many years my first experiment was naturally to go with their gluten-free product. It was okay but nothing to brag about. I still have a partial box left over that I use sometimes as a coating for fish or chicken.<br /><br />So I got to looking some more and kept coming across reviews for Pamela's Baking & Pancake Mix. There were a lot of positive reviews so I gave it a shot and have been very satisfied. Blueberry pancakes almost every morning. No kidding! I use milk instead of water (water and pancakes just don't seem right together to me) and add lots of blueberries and a couple tablespoons of chia seed. For the oil I use coconut oil. My wife made some chocolate chip cookies with it and they were pretty excellent too. Now that the weather is getting cooler, we'll be experimenting more.<br /><br />I've recommended this mix to several family members and others and they are on board with it. Most of them are not on gluten-free diets but agree that it's a healthy alternative to wheat-based products. My wife and I and our two adult children are also not gluten intolerant.<br /><br />The only negative I have about this product is the packaging. The three bags may be shipped in frustration-free packaging but the packages themselves are not frustration-free. I usually give up trying to pinch the seals together and just fold the top over. But still, this is five-star in my book. I did find this mix at a local grocery store but by ordering it though Amazon I saved about ten dollars for three bags."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I love ginger, but this was a bit too much. I couldn't taste anything but ginger and it burned my mouth more than I like. Ginger is great for digestion and the ingredients seem wholesome enough. So if you are drinking purely for health reasons,ok. However I prefer to simply eat ginger rather than not enjoy a beverage. The honey and lemon were lost on me. I didn't HATE this drink, but it wasn't something. I will recommend to friends or keep on hand."
B004EAGP74,4,I give this to my Golden retrievers. helps with coat and skin.<br />Was looking for a healthy supplement which wouldn't be too fatty.(or make them fatty!!)
B000KV61FC,2,"The idea is basically a good one, however, my large Papillon (all 20 lbs of her) could not figure this one out-no matter how hard she tried. Food is a HUGE motivate her but unless I helped her, eventually she would just carry this toy around and just give up. I will say that the Tug-A-Jug had ME trained!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"My husband and I are stationed overseas. I don't know what I would do without this amazing mix! I use it everyday for so many things. I have made every delicious recipe provided on the back of the package. Also, I substitute the mix for any other non-gluten free recipe I have. It really makes being GF a breeze! Whenever I bake something to take to other people's homes, they can never tell its GF. The best!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"Have made waffles, pancakes, biscuits and coffee cake with the mix and all were great. Easy to follow recipes make this a dream for everyone who is celiac. The sour cream coffee cake was a hit with the whole family and that says something considering they usually don't like my gluten free food."
B006MONQMC,4,"Tastes like fruit punch ... the same as most other fruit punches I've had in my lifetime (a little bit of artificial aftertaste, though). You can tailor the taste to your preferences ... although one squeeze per 8 ounces of water is recommended.<br /><br />The big deal is the added vitamin C (with some good amounts of vitamin B also added); I guess good for kids who survive on junk food not fruits and vegetables.<br /><br />Within reason (diarrhea) you can't get too much vitamin c. Also at $6.00 a small bottle is a bit expensive; however this has the usually added stuff like caffeine, taurine, the aforementioned vitamins and also electrolytes ... so in that regard this potion is the equivalent of many super expensive energy drinks. It's up to you to decide what is necessary, if you are trying to have a replacement Crystal Light/Red Bull/Gatorade combo ... go for it - see how it works for you.<br /><br />Keep in mind the bottle has a total of 960 mg of caffeine about 8 cups of normal brewed at home coffee."
B004EAGP74,5,"I purchased this product. I use it for everything from cooking to skin cream. It is everything that the Coconut Oil Miracle Book says it is. So far, So good!"
B000NMJWZO,5,These are great gluten free products. It is a great replacement for pancakes & muffins. It is easy to use & stores well.
B000KV61FC,5,"I am so happy I found this product! Charlie can break through almost any toy but not this one. I was very surprised by how thick the ""jug"" is (I purchased the large.) He loves chewing on the rope which is rubber and so far it has not been broken. The dry food I put inside comes out in the right amount, it doesn't fall out like some toys and it is not to difficult like others. I am very very happy and recommend this toy to anyone with a dog that likes to chew and needs to be kept busy."
B0041NYV8E,4,"When I received this, I wanted to look at the ingredients. They're not listed on the packet, so I went to the company's website. The ingredients are ginger, glucose, sucrose, honey, fructose, and natural lemon flavor.<br /><br />I was crestfallen. With the exception of hot chocolate or a chai latte, I don't like sweetened drinks at all. I love sweet foods, but not sweet beverages. Once, in a restaurant, I was served sweetened ice tea. I didn't know it had sugar in it, and I nearly spit it out on the table. In a word, yuck! So I wasn't looking forward to trying this.<br /><br />But I did, after dinner. I heated some water and stirred in the mix. It was fabulous! Despite all the sugar it wasn't cloyingly sweet, and the ginger left a warm, tingly aftertaste. It was so delectable, I barely restrained myself from drinking it all up. I wanted to see what it tasted like cold, so I grudgingly put the remainder in the fridge. Cold, I still got the gingery-ness, but the beverage tasted flat. I don't recommend it cold.<br /><br />It's hard to believe I enjoyed a sweetened, instant hot drink, but I surely did. If you enjoy sweet and spicy hot beverages, you'll like it too."
B000GAT6NG,5,Item arrived when promised and works as described. Using for popcorn seasoned with Flavocal - I am now eating popcorn that tastes EXACTLY like movie popcorn.<br /><br />SPECIAL NOTE: I will likely stop offering to review products if Amazon continues with the silly 20 word minimum. If they want to establish minimums then I want a discount or rebate on future items I may order.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I never thought there would be another flaky biscuit or traditional tasting cookie from my kitchen! This gluten free baking and pancake mix is a great find. I had previously been mixing several ingredients for basic flour use so when this product was recommended I was more than willing to try it. I am so glad I did. I would recommend Pamela's to anyone that needs to eat gluten free. <a href="""">Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix, 4-Pound Bags (Pack of 3)</a>"
B006MONQMC,5,"Great new product, I have tried 3 of the 4 flavors... TROPICAL CITRUS; ACAI, GRAPE POMEGRANATE and Energy PEACH GREEN TEA. I work in a high school and I am always getting sick. I have been drinking Vitamin Squeeze for several months now and HAVE NOT BEEN SICK ONCE...this is the only thing I have done differently! I don't like the taste of the tap water at the school, so this product is ideal for changing the tap water into a drink that is delicious and motivates me to drink more water. Finally, a truly great drink, which is much better than MIO and half the price of Vitaminwater! All it takes is a ""little"" squeeze for me. Vitamin Squeeze does not leave an aftertaste like some 0 calorie products. 0 calorie, 0 carbs, 0 sugar! Love it! My teens think the Tropical Citrus tastes like Tang or a Creamsicle. I am headed back to Safeway to get more! I highly recommend this product!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have Celiac Sprue, a genetic nutitional disease which makes me intolerant of gluten found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats. The normal for Gluten Free food is lack of flavor and a desire for ""seconds"" Pamela has done away with those drawbacks with her pancake mix. My wife who does not have Celiac Disease loves the pancakes made from Pamela's Pancake Mix and joins me in an excellent breakfast daily."
B0041NYV8E,3,"It's very easy to prepare. Just pour the powder into a cup and add hot water. The ginger taste is very strong and spicy. There is minimal lemon flavor. For my own taste, I had to add more water to dilute the brew to make it less strong."
B000NMJWZO,5,A friend of ours allowed us to sample the tasty pancakes from Pamela's. Ooooooooh boy! We dug 'em. We dug 'em so much we asked where she bought the mix from. We dug 'em so much we did research to find out if it was cheaper to buy it at our local co-op. Nope. So we signed on and bought the mix. We dig it so much we use it all the time! It also makes great biscuits. We haven't tried any of the other recipes on the back of the bag because we're so hooked on the pancakes and the biscuits. I'm sure we'll get around to trying them sooner or later...first we need to make some pancakes though.<br /><br />Enjoy! We do!
B0041NYV8E,1,"Well it certainly is tastes bad hot or cold. I could taste no lemon at all, just a bit of honey flavor came through..Thank goodness..otherwise it's like you're drinking water that you grated fresh ginger in. Sprinkle it on your sushi or meat when you cook..don't drink it!! By the way, I love ginger but this stuff is pretty gross"
B000NMJWZO,5,"My daughter has celiac (a complete inability to eat any wheat, rye, barley, and in her case oatmeal, or any of their starches or glutens). Pamela's baking and pancake mix is a real heaven-sent product. It tastes good! Unlike some other baking mixes I have tried. It is easy to alter ""normal"" recipes using Pamela's mix to have great tasting baked products. The bag has good recipes and Pamela's products website has additional ones. I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who don't want to take the time to mix their own grains or want to keep it on hand for when celiac family or friends come to visit and you would like to provide a delicious, easy to make treat.<br /><br />I should also add - Pamela's also offers bread, cake (chocolate and vanilla), brownie, and cookie mixes that are very good. I usually just alter the baking mix to make these baked goods, but I keep a chocolate cake mix on hand for a fast, easy cake. We used the chocolate cake mix for my daughter's wedding cake. No on knew it was gluten-free."
B000KV61FC,4,"This toy is great for preventing my dog from inhaling all his food. Unfortunately it takes him less than an hour to empty it, so it's doesn't keep him as occupied as long as I'd like. So far minimal/suspected wear (bottle is scratched up and some of the nibs of the rubber chew part are gone) and I'm waiting to see if he manages to untie the knot of the rope (like he has on another toy).<br /><br />Update 6/30/07: The screw on part has suffered some damage. It's almost as if Jasper bit it while it the toy was intact, nearly breaking a chunk out of it. Looks like I'm gonna have to buy another or find another toy. (So if I could I'd drop my rating to 3 stars.)<br /><br />Update 12/30/07: Now the rope is ""unraveling"" near the top knot and it's getting stuck in the opening, making it hard for even me to get the rope out enough to dislodge the food. So it's definitely time for a new toy to dispense Jasper's food, which could very likely be this one simply for the ease of loading the food."
B000GAT6NG,5,I purchased the 15 oz size container of the Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil because I was looking for something that would help me deal with my dry skin symptoms based on other reviews and product info. I thought why not give it a try nothing else seems to be working. I was very surprised as how well it does work to keep my skin from drying out. Usually put it on after taking a shower and/or shaving. I will keep using this product until I can't use it anymore or I have to find something better. This small container goes along way. I purchased mine almost a year ago and still have plenty left for another year or more at least. Highly recommend if you are trying cope with dry skin on a daily basis.
B000KV61FC,4,"This toy is one of the best I found. I put their food in it, and they went crazy trying to get it out. They are both pretty smart labs and figured out how to manipulate the toy to get the food pretty quickly, so I had to buy some treats that were bigger and harder to get out. The only problem I've encountered is that one of the ropes fell apart. I bought a new rope (rather than a whole new tug-a-jug), however the new rope is thicker and makes it near impossible to get anything out- neither dog gets anything from it regularly enough so they get fed up."
B000NMJWZO,5,Two out of five of our family are gluten free. This is the best flour substitute we have found so far.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been gluten free for 1 year and this mix is a lifesaver! You can make just about everything you need flour for with this mix. I make waffles, pancakes, coffee cake, and a whole bunch of other stuff using this mix. My whole family loves it even though they aren't G-free. You can serve it to others and they will love it."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I am a mom of a 19 month old celiac disease child. I am just at the beginning stages of being gluten free, but I happened to take a chance on buying this product, and it is the best! I have now tried many other alternatives, and I still keep going back to Pamelas. The pancakes are fantastic, and the recipes on the back of the bag are great too! This product is definately worth trying."
B006MONQMC,4,"So I've tried this type of product before - I believe it was put out by Kraft (mio liquid) - but it ended up making my otherwise fresh, delicious, and pure water taste like a semi-polluted river from an industrial accident. With less than high hopes for this Vitamin Squeeze, I poured myself some water, dumped some of this stuff in, drank it...and DIDN'T feel the need to spew it back out!<br /><br />In fact, it tasted quite a bit like Gatorade or Vitamin Water. Somewhat pleasant, but not all the way...In fact, I'll probably use the rest of the bottle before making my final decision to keep buying/using it or not. (Unlike the Kraft stuff that went straight to the trash.)<br /><br />The two main factors I don't like this are:<br />1. Red #40. Why can't a company spend a few extra cents and use something natural. I don't want my kids drinking this (though I'm a little more lenient for myself.) Swap that artificial flavors with Beet Juice...get the same redness without the additives.<br /><br />2. The sweetener. It's the sucralose or whatever stuff that leaves the weird aftertaste. While certainly better than High Fructose Corn Syrup as far as what I want in my body, it's the aftertaste that is the biggest disappointment of the flavor of this stuff. What's wrong with going ""old fashioned"" and using ""sugar?"" Surely, somebody still grows sugar somewhere in the world...<br /><br />If you're in the market for something like this, I'd recommend trying a single bottle before investing in a 4-pack case. It's better than the competition, for sure...but might not be quite what you're hoping for."
B000KV61FC,2,"If you have a smart or highly persistent dog that will chew bits off almost any toy except a Kong, skip this. I would have, but it was a gift.<br />The first time I left this toy in the crate with my smart, 6 month old blue heeler mix puppy, I came home to find she had somehow managed to unscrew it and eaten all the treats. The second time she played with it all over the house, and the noise drove me crazy. Bang, boom, bang. She kept rolling it down the stairs, off a ledge, and knocking things over when it rolled behind them. But she was thoroughly entertained, so I let it be. The third time she played with it while I was cooking. A few minutes later, I looked down to see she had unscrewed it again, and was chewing on the various pieces happily. I didn't stop her since the brochure said it was virtually indestructible material. When I picked it up a bit later, her chewing had apparently ruined the threading so I could no longer screw the lid back on. Went right into the trash.<br /><br />Entertaining, but not durable at all."
B006MONQMC,3,"I've used different Mio flavors in the past to flavor water. After using this product I find I prefer them to this projduct.<br /><br />For one thing, the bottle is difficult to open. I finally had to get a knife to cut open the seal. Of course, the drink sprayed all over the place.<br /><br />It states that you need one squeeze for 8 ounces of water. The instructions for 'one squeeze' aren't very scientific, and it's a matter of trial and error to get the water flavored to your taste. The first time I tried it there was not enough flavor, so I had to squeeze it twice. It'd be nice if tiny drops came out instead of a stream.<br /><br />I'm usually a big fan of fruit punch flavors, but this one was kind of odd. Not terrible but not as flavorful as the Mio flavors I've tried in the past.<br /><br />The one advantage this product has over Mio is that it includes vitamins, though I doubt there's enough to make a real difference.<br /><br />All in all, this product is just okay."
B000KV61FC,4,"My dogs love this toy. But make sure you don't leave them alone, I found out that the rope is easily chewed up, but also easily fixable. My dogs love to attempt to get the treats."
B006MONQMC,3,"This is passable for a drink additive. Not great, not terrible. The vitamins are the best part.<br /><br />TASTE - 3 stars. Perfectly drinkable but nothing special. I would not go out of my way to buy this flavor in the future. Tasted sweet but with little natural flavor.<br /><br />POTENCY -- 1 star. I had to use twice the recommended amount to get the desired sweetness and flavor. Otherwise it was like drinking plain water.<br /><br />CONVENIENCE -- 4 stars. I do like the convenience of this. The squeeze drink additives are easier to use than the powdered ones in the packets (so easy to mix). However it is easier to travel with the powdered packets.<br /><br />NUTRITION -- 5 stars. It's a good thing that there are some vitamins in this. Any little bit helps.<br /><br />CAFFEINE -- 3 stars. Does there really need to be caffeine in it? I am not sensitive to caffeine so for me it doesn't matter much, but I can imagine a lot of people don't want extra caffeine in their flavored drinks.<br /><br />So, overall I give it 3 stars. In general I prefer Crystal Light powdered mixes and Mio which is more potent and smaller in size (so easier to carry)."
B000KV61FC,3,"I got the medium/large toy and it is really big. I have two large dogs and only one of them can carry this around. It is definitely a tough toy, but my dogs only play with it when there are treats inside. Then they get the treats out and don't touch it again until I put more treats in it. I thought they would chew on it even when no treats were inside because they always want plastic bottles which I don't like them to have. Overall, this toy is durable and a good toy if your dog will play with it."
B000KV61FC,5,"It took a little while (15 minutes or so) for Maya to get used to this and figure out how it worked, but now that she has it has become her favorite toy. At first, it'd take her about 40 minutes or so to get all the food out (I put her kibble in it), but as she got the hang of it, it would only take her about 10 minutes. I put a tennis ball inside the jar with the kibble to make it a little harder for her and now, on average, it takes her about 30 minutes. She loves this toy and I love watching her toss around the jar and fiddling with the rope to get the kibble out."
B000KV61FC,3,"This is definitely more challenging than a tricky treat ball or a twist n treat saucer, and our 55 lb pit mix really enjoys it. However, it should not be used on hard floors. After only 3 weeks the entire top is completely cracked, and it's only a matter of time until the entire thing is going to be broken. Upon discovery of the cracks we started letting our dog play with this on the carpet, but it was too late; the damage was done. We considered duct-taping the top to keep it in place and all in one piece, but it was too difficult to try to get the kibble in to the little space on the rope end. We will probably buy another one of these since it is so much for for our dog, but I wish that it was more durable so that he could play with it in the kitchen on the tile floor. Allowing him to play with it on carpet = lots of vacuuming of the kibble crumbs!"
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this based on a friend's recommendation, but was disappointed.<br /><br />Although I checked the sizing chart, the item seemed too big and heavy for my dog. I recommend going one size down from what they recommend.<br /><br />Also - although my dog loves playing with her stuff-a-ball toy, she will barely go near this thing. So - the one doesn't necessarily imply like for this item.<br /><br />I suspect this would work best for a dog with strong food motivation. My doesn't like it at all.<br /><br />As a toy, it's not much fun, unless a dog really wants food badly and is willing to put a lot of work into it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Coconut oil is a miracle. It's good to ingest or use on the skin. I cook with it, and use it like butter. plus its great for dry skin. I have a chronic dry spot under my eye which at times turn red and dry to the point of the skin flaking. I tried petroleum jelly, lotions, coco-butter and all kinds of moisturizers on it for years then I started using coconut oil on it. The Coconut oil moisturized it and the dry spot is not noticeable at all anymore. It's worth using. Google the properties of it and I'm sure you'll agree."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Baking Mix is delicious, versatile, and so good family members who can eat gluten prefer pancakes, waffles, and cakes made with this mix. Try their recipe for sour cream coffee cake for a real treat, and go to their web site for many more recipes. Do not confuse this with their bread mix, which isn't as tasty or versatile."
B000KV61FC,2,My dogs love to chase pop bottles so I thought they would love these so much I ordered one for each of them. They don't even look at them. One figured out how to get the treats out but still isn't interested.
B000KV61FC,4,"My dogs love this toy, but they throw it around so much that the noise on my hardwood floors drives me nuts! We save it for special occasions now."
B000GAT6NG,5,I have been using this brand since 2003!!!! Best Coconut Oil ever!!!!Organic...NO GMOs...No Hexane...JUST Pure Coconut Oil!!!! Thanks Nutiva...Thanks Amazon..Thanks Vitacost!!!!!
B0041NYV8E,2,"This tastes like sweetened lemonade that has been heated up and heavily doused with ginger. There is more sweetness than tartness to the lemon portion, and the ginger is very strong. It makes your whole mouth and throat tingle. I really was not impressed with this hot drink. I'd much rather drink an herbal lemon tea or ginger tea, but not this. I couldn't even finish the cup, and no one else in the family would try it either. The combination of its muddy tan color and its smell turned them off. On a positive note, the powder completely and quickly dissolved in the hot water."
B006MONQMC,4,I like that this product is vitamin enriched with Cs and Bs. It does contain caffeine which has it's plus and cons.<br /><br />What I really like about this is that it does not leave a residue on water bottles or glasses like Crystal Light or other similar products. The down side is that this product recommends refrigerating after opening. - While understandable this is a major drawback in that I cannot just store it on my desk at work (where I typically use this type of product). I also like that I can adjust the intensity of flavor readily which is messier to do with the little individual powder packets. - I was skeptical about the fruit punch flavor but it is not all that different than other fruit flavored individual packets.
B006MONQMC,4,"I am now a huge fan of water enhancers. The Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch certainly adds delight to this never ending ritual which is so vital to life. I drink water often, more than the recommended daily intake, especially while working out. Having added nutrients to your water makes this more of a conscious effort. Although water by itself is sustaining enough, knowing what you are drinking is packed with nutrients makes you appreciate it more. The packaging is pretty convenient too (worth mentioning). The squeeze bottle is made in such a way that it ""responds"" to a gentle squeeze, delivering enough of the liquid to enhance your drinking water. I have this both at home and at work, totally taking an ordinary endeavor to new heights! Highly recommended!"
B006MONQMC,4,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink makes a few claims on its bottle. Those claims include providing 120% of your daily recommended amount of Vitamin C, 40% of a number of B vitamins, and energy from those B vitamins, caffeine, and Taurine, as well as electrolytes. It also states that it is ""nutritious and delicious.""<br /><br />While I'll agree on the delicious part and the amount of vitamins it provides, I have my doubts about the ""energy"" factor of this water enhancer.<br /><br />The taste really is good. I was given the fruit punch flavor and enjoyed it very much. Supposedly one squeeze is all you need (per directions), but there's no specific guideline as to how much a ""squeeze"" really is. Sure, there are hash marks on the bottle to help you in your squeezing, but the bottle has no place at which to see inside of it to see how much of the enhancer you've squeezed out. I just decided to go with the flavor of the enhancer. If the water tasted too watery, I simply squeezed in more of the enhancer.<br /><br />I drank this while working out, adding it to my water while I exercised. I felt no energetic boost from it whatsoever, but I do prefer its taste over plain old water.<br /><br />Overall, this is a good taste enhancer for water, but if you want an energy boost, look elsewhere."
B0041NYV8E,1,The only redeeming quality about this product is that the ingredients are all-natural. It tastes just plain horrible! I cannot recommend it to anyone.
B0041NYV8E,3,"An ""All-Natural"" instant ginger and lemon beverage sounds good, as long as it has the ""WOW Factor"" that makes us keep wanting to buy. As the sample size I received did not allow me to make a more informed judgement, it had to have an immediate WOW Factor, which it did not. Perhaps if I had received a larger sample, the opinion expressed here might have been different. What I can say is that those who already love this sort of beverage will buy more while those unacquainted with it may just stay so until a better review comes their way."
B0041NYV8E,5,"this product arrived right at the time i was suffering a terrible head cold, along with chills and aches...<br /><br />i fixed a large (24 oz) glass of very hot water and poured it into two 12 oz cups containing the split contents of the small brown granules from one of these packets<br /><br />WHOA! spicy! but the combination of ginger and lemon was instantly relieving! between the delicious smell, excellent taste, and warm fluids, i felt better than i had all day (and the previous night)...<br /><br />if you don't like taking decongestant or an analgesic for simple colds, keep some of this in the medicine cabinet - it provides a gentle, natural relief with no medicine - it has better shelf life than fresh products with a fresh product taste<br /><br />i think the spicy ginger made the difference - lemon and honey drinks don't do it for me...<br /><br />i liked this product - a lot!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have tried several brands of coconut oil, but find Nutiva to be the best. I use it instead of butter on toast, for low temperature frying, as shortening for baking and is excellent as a skin moisturizer. By ordering from Amazon sellers I can purchase 54 oz for less than the health food store price of a 29 oz."
B004EAGP74,5,"According the research online, the coconut oil work great on hair. It is the only oil reported to penetrate the hair shaft and leaves hair soft/moistened. I use the oil as a pre-conditioner for 30 min or longer no heat. Then followed by shampoo. After shampoo I apply again the coconut oil other oils to seal the oil in the hair. The product is cost effective, natural, and most importantly does the work."
B000KV61FC,3,Dog enjoyed playing with toy but the plastic bottle broke fairly quickly from being smacked around. Engaging but not durable.
B000KV61FC,3,"My puppy loved this toy...but it lasted less than a month! The rope was easily chewed up in a matter of minutes when my back was turned - unlike most other rope toys we have that have lasted since we got her 6 months ago. Then, she was tossing it around with the remains of the rope, and the bottle hit the floor and the screw on end broke. So, now we can't put treats or toys in the bottle - which is the whole point of the toy! If your dog isn't a rough player, then this is a great toy...once they figure it out. I was very disappointed that this seemingly tough product broke so quickly."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I love fresh squeezed juice with lemon and ginger in it. I wasn't expecting this powdered ginger drink to taste like fresh lemon and ginger, but I was sort of expecting it to taste like a ginger lemonade. I tried it cold and it was more like a powdered ginger drink with a small amount of lemon and honey, not enough to be considered sweet like a lemonade.<br /><br />After awhile the taste started to grow on me and I drank the whole glass. I think this drink would be soothing hot, especially if you have a cold or an upset stomach. It is not as good as drinking fresh squeezed ginger juice, but it does make for a powdered ginger alternative if the fresh isn't available or you don't juice. I would consider this a fairly healthy instant ginger drink, but fresh ginger is way better."
B006MONQMC,1,"I love energy drinks. This one is kind of a mess in every way. First, it leaks,or at least mine did. It leaked when I 'squirted' it into the glass (from the cap itself, not the intended spount within the cap) and it stained my towel I used to clean it up with. Then it leaked when I turned it upright, so I tried storing it in the fridge and it leaked either way. Blah! It could have been just this bottle, but I only have this bottle to review :)<br /><br />Typically, most 'one squirt is enough to make 8 oz' bottles tend to give the same amount at every 'one squirt'. Well, this one is very much like a bottle of dish soap, one squirt could really go on a long time and you could squeeze the bottle while squirting and practically empty it. In short, I don't think the measurement part is any good at all.<br /><br />The flavor is just okay. I would compare it with most name brand fruity kids' drinks, with a hint of chemical flavoring. Yum, right? Not really. As I mentioned, I really enjoy energy drinks with Taurine etc and this was nothing like them, much more like fruit juices that don't contain actual juice.<br /><br />Lastly, I tried this on my day off. I made my drink kind of strong because I tasted it as I went and wanted it to be less watery flavored. An hour later, I took a nap. No problem. No energy, not even the awake feeling I get with a cup of coffee.<br /><br />All in all, this is not the drink for me and I can't see myself buying it for any reason."
B0041NYV8E,4,">I received one packet from the Amazon Vine program to test and review. I tried this one afternoon when it was rather cold and damp outside. I was feeling a bit under the weather myself.<br />>I added half a packet to hot water and it dissolved very easily. The tea smells like ginger with a whiff of lemon. The flavor is predominantly ginger, very light lemon flavor. I didn't taste honey or any other sweet flavor, just the ginger. It has a strong lingering in the mouth flavor, so strong in fact I was very, very happy that I had only only added half the packet.<br />>Within a few minutes of that first sip, I started feeling a bit better. This unquestionably helped settle my stomach and relive some of my congestion.<br />>I had planned to try the other half packet as a cold drink, but the hot tea was so soothing, that I fixed it up the next afternoon instead.<br />This is not an everyday, thirst quenching drink to me, but rather a home remedy for cold & flu symptoms."
B000GAT6NG,5,"The coconut oil smelled like coconut and had no taste. It cooks well and and looks like lard but is healthier. I noticed when I used it for cooking that it adds a coconut scent to the food, so be careful if you don't want the smell on a certain food."
B000KV61FC,1,"My lab chewed up the rope in a couple hours. This alone is not a huge deal as the instructions with the toy say that a ball can be placed inside the container and have a similar effect as the rope. However, before I could even place a ball in it, the plastic developed a large crack from the dog just carrying his toy around the house and dropping it on our carpetted floors. He has other plasic toys that he has had for months with absolutely no signs of damage."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I make ginger tea all winter long--it is hot, free of caffeine and it's a good anti-inflammatory (or it seems to to me.) I make it fresh by peeling, mashing and steeping fresh gingerroot in hot water, then straining and mixing with a scant tsp of honey. It's good. But it's a bit messy to make so this is a handy way to have ginger tea at work, where I'm not able to cut, mash or strain anything, well, except eye strain.<br /><br />The sweetness comes from dried honey powder. I found it a bit sweet for my tastes, but this is good and better than if sweetened with sugar. I don't make my tea with lemon, so this is a nice change. Some people claim that you can cure nausea with ginger tea, but I have not tested that assumption."
B000KV61FC,4,"This product is so sturdy and great. The rope only lasted a day, but I still use the jug constantly. My Lab loves it and it has held up to her power chewing. Once she figured it out I've had to use larger treats to keep her busier longer. Great product."
B000NMJWZO,5,This is by far my families favorite pancake and waffle mix. I have tried so many and nothing compares to the light fluffy pancakes this mix makes. It is easy to put together and I use it on even the busiest mornings. I highly recommend this - especially for those looking for a replacement for a gluten mix. It tastes great!
B004EAGP74,1,I used to buy 1 & 2 lbs - smaller packages which I was very satisfied with the Quality.<br />At this time ordered 1 Gallon and I am quite Disapointed as quality of Coconut oil is not NOT the same. It looks more transluent (less white) and even at room temperature oil is VERY soft (almost runny) also it has LESS coconut fragrance .... I will NOT buy this package again.
B004EAGP74,5,"Great product all around. Completely natural & unrefined so this is the purest & best kind of coconut oil. I use it as an overnight treatment for my hair & started to notice improvements right away. Smells amazing! I take a chunk in my hand, rub my hands together so it liquifies & apply it to my hair. You get a huge container for a great price. You won't regret this purchase! On a side note if you don't like the smell of coconut, you won't like this product. It's pure coconut oil so of course it smells like coconut. It seems silly to write it but you wouldn't believe how many reviews I've seen where people actually complain that the coconut oil smells like coconut!"
B000KV61FC,2,The item was delivered here in great condition. My 5 month old American Eskimo likes the tug a jug even without any treats or kibble inside. But after a few uses a small piece of the bottom lid chipped off. My puppy didn't even play roughly with it. It could have been dangerous if he ate it. Luckily I was there.
B004EAGP74,4,"Nice product, but I didn't know is was in solid form, has to be milted - like lard.<br /><br />Terry<br />Hayward, CA"
B000GAT6NG,5,"You have to get this if you bake! This makes the BEST pie crust and biscuits ever. We also switched from butter to coconut oil for frying eggs and it requires a lot less to get the job done. Great product and I will be buying more when we run out. Oh, also I am an extremely picky eater and coconut is a flavor I can not tolerate at all...I can not taste any coconut flavor using this so I'm a very happy camper."
B000KV61FC,5,My dog loves to eat a meal or two from the tugajug. She is very active and this product is just right for her.
B000NMJWZO,5,"My husband is gluten intolerant and says this makes absolutely the best pancakes, waffles, and banana bread. I highly recommend it."
B0041NYV8E,5,"Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage is a delicious and satisfying hot tea that reminds me a lot of those gummy, crystal, sweetened, ginger snacks. The aroma is mostly lemon with a decent whiff of ginger. The taste is dominated by ginger with a subtle lemon flavor and a bit of honey. The sweetness and tartness are just enough to lend a terrific complement of flavor. The palate feels smooth, with a medium-light body and HUGE ginger burn on the back of the throat. While ginger and lemon aren't among my favorite flavors, I really loved this tea and would recommend it to any tea drinker, but especially those who love ginger.<br /><br />I also tried this tea as an iced tea, but since it has no bitterness and only a mild sweetness, the flavors fell flat when cold. The ginger is much less noticeable when cold as well. If you add some black tea and/or sugar, it might work out better as an iced tea, but my recommendation is to drink it hot."
B004EAGP74,5,"We have used Nutiva for more than 2 years. It's the highest in quality and taste. We don't use butter any more, just coconut oil, a little salt or sugar on toast, on veggies, for everything it's so much better for you than butter and other dairy. Great cooking oil too, doesn't break down like all other oils.<br /><br />The 54 oz is the way to go...we buy 4 at a time and go through them in about 4-6 months.<br /><br />Wonderful product, Amazon is the best too, you can't beat the free ship.<br /><br />Local store retail for the same product costs almost 3 times as much."
B000KV61FC,1,"I thought this toy would be amazingly stimulating. If you look at the top of the bottle, it is nearly impossible for a dog to get the treat out. I wanted a toy that would engage and keep my Cojack busy.. She can't get the treats out. Please fix the design!!"
B000KV61FC,4,"My doggie always ate his food in one gulp and then let out a HUGE burp after eating because he gulped too fast! Now he is eating MUCH slower because he has to work for it. Product is new, so we have to help him still, but this turns it into an interactive play toy rather than a feeder. He never gets frustrated with it because it is fun for him to drag it around by the rope. Durable, fun for him, easy to fill, but I did think it is a little pricey.<br />Now if only I can get him to drink his water slower..."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Did alot of reasearch before purchasing. Very very good. I am already on my second 54 ounce jar. The cost of the product and shipping is very reasonable, will order again when I am close to being out. You will not regret ordering nutiva organic extra virgin coconut oil."
B006MONQMC,2,"I did not like this product for three reasons:<br /><br />1) Taste - putting everything else aside, this stuff tastes terrible. It is fruit punch flavored, and I generally don't mind fruit punch. But, this is really very fruity and reminded me of those horrible sugar drinks we used to drink as a kid. I really found the taste hard to get past.<br /><br />2) Dispenser - the product makes a big deal about the one squeeze per 8oz of water (a standard side water bottle). It didn't work because there is no indication how big a squeeze to give. I was expecting something like is found on Act mouthwash. One squeeze could be a couple of drops or most of the bottle. There is also no way to see how much is left in the bottle because of the opaque wrapper.<br /><br />3) Questionable benefits - The label says this stuff adds vitamins C, B3, B5, B6 and B12, caffeine, taurine and electrolytes. It gives odd measures of each benefit - sometimes as a % (presumably of RDA) and sometimes as mg. For electrolytes it says it has two lightningbolts worth. Most of this stuff you can get easily elsewhere from a normal diet. Taurine has been proven to be of no established benfit. Caffeine? Well, I can't really comment on why you would want that in an energy drink. Many of these ""benefits"" are also not clearly placed in an energy drink or a recovery drink. I have absolutely no idea how many electrolytes are contained in two lightningbolts. It is not a measure I am familiar with.<br /><br />Two stars, not one, because it did not make me sick or anything."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I didn't know what to expect when I received this from the Vine Program. Having dealt with nausea due to chemo I was hoping it would help with it. It might would help, but I couldn't get past the was very spicy in that it burned my throat. I used the whole packet in a large mug of hot water.....I may have mixed it too strong or it may be supposed to taste rather spicy. I'm not familiar with ginger so I really don't know. I just didn't care for the taste of this product, but I would like to try other of their herbal teas."
B006MONQMC,4,"Great option of being able to simply add it to water. You can adjust it to your taste weather you want a stronger or weaker taste. The taste is good if you like fruit punch, it doesn't have a very overwelming taste. I usually like a stronger tast and even adding a little more, it was not to sweet or overwhelmingly strong. I like the fact that as you make it a bit stronger, you don't have to worry about it getting really sweet."
B006MONQMC,2,"Oh heck no, not happy at all. I have used the similar MIO water enhancers, and enjoy them. They are only 1.6 oz bottles, and this is 12 ounces. Obviously you need to shake this, then though for some reason they want you to store it upside down, you turn it up and flip open the cap. On my first attempt, the bright red liquid shot out freely, spilled all over the place and stained everything it touched, including my now ruined shirt. I wiped it off the floor, counter and walls, cleaned, and then took the closed bottle and washed it under water. I blamed it on user error, and was more cautious on my next attempt. But, before you even turn it over it starts coming out. Dare to actually squeeze it, you get too much, and some of it might end up in the glass if you're lucky.<br /><br />So, once you are out of energy after cleaning the mess, once again, you take a sip and now can't describe what you are drinking. It just tastes like plastic to me. Reading the ingredients, I have no idea what is causing the plastic taste, so it must be the plastic bottle. The taste is eventually tolerable, but not so much. The MIO bottle is ten times smaller and lasts longer, with better taste. But honestly, this is the stupidest bottle I have ever seen. Do not store on it's lid as it will spill all over your fridge. I have it upright in a can holder. If you have kids, forget it. You will be cleaning this up endlessly."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I've been recently put on a gluten free diet, which meant that half of my daily food intake would be removed. I live on bread. I've never tried anything gluten free, but used to have to buy ""lactose free"" stuff and I remembered the lousy taste of those things. I was sure that I was about to enter into a Life Devoid of Glutenous Joy.<br /><br />I tentatively made some pumpkin bread using the recipe on the back of the bag. I put it into the oven, fearing that I had just wasted half a can of pumpkin on something that would taste like old socks. Since the recipe used spices and sugar, it might be improved to taste like pumpkin spiced socks. The bread was done and I let it cool. Being impatient, cooling was a 10-15 minute period. Risking second degree burns, I sliced some off and was blown away. It was the best pumpkin bread I have ever tasted! There was no ""something important is missing"" flavor at all.<br /><br />I did alter the recipe a bit:<br /><br />3+ teaspoons of cinnamon<br />1/2 tsp allspice<br />1/2 tsp cloves<br />A slosh or two of vanilla extract (a ""slosh"" is roughly a teaspoon or so)<br />1/2 tsp nutmeg<br />4 TBSP butter flavored Crisco instead of butter/margarine<br />***No salt***<br /><br />The rest of the recipe and procedure was the same. It came out quite well according to the rest of the family, as well. I did not make the suggested topping, either.<br /><br />I don't know how long the bread will last. I put it in a heavy crystal covered cake thingy and it was gone in about three days. It didn't spoil, it was eaten."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I am gluten intolerant and have tried many pancake mixes. This one is by far the best, the consistency and the taste are very similar to pancakes with wheat. Highly recommend them!"
B000KV61FC,1,I bought a xsmall for my 12 lb dog. My dog is unable to get the treats out and when I tried to pull on the rope I coudln't get them out either. I also tried to pull the rope when the bottle is upside down and still no treats. I tried several sizes of treats/food to see if perhaps that would help and still no treats. The rope in the bottle is so thick that nothing seems to fall through the bottle neck. Don't bother purchasing.
B0041NYV8E,5,"I love having Ginger Tea when I am sick. It soothes the throat, and just makes everything better. But I have had no luck finding one strong enough. Every Ginger Tea I try is just weak and with a hint of ginger at best.<br /><br />This ""Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix"" was just what I was looking for. It is like liquefied ginger in a cup, with a hint of lemon. Of course this isn't really tea; there is no actual tea leaf in it, but that isn't relevant. What matters is how good it tastes, and how good it feels on a soar throat.<br /><br />I think this would make great cocktails too. The ginger flavor is so intense that I know it would mix well."
B006MONQMC,4,I'm pretty impressed with this product. It has a nice mild flavor but it's packed with vitamins and it even has some good ole caffeine and tourine in it.<br /><br />It's not a strong flavor which I kind of wouldn't mind it being stronger at least more noticeable but overall it seems to be a very good product.
B006MONQMC,5,"I like the fruit punch flavor of this water enhancer. It taste better than the Mio water enhancer's that I have tried. It kind of has a tangy, lemony, punch taste. There is a slight after taste, though.<br /><br />I like that this product adds flavor to water, and has vitamins and caffeine. The part I like best is the caffeine, since I am always looking for a quick pick me up or a morning wake up.<br /><br />I love the idea of water enhancers and I like that they can have additives that we want, such as caffeine and vitamins. What I don't like are all of the chemicals and artificial sweeteners. As long, as you know what you are getting then I guess it is fine.<br /><br />If you want flavored water with a caffeine and vitamin boost, then this is the drink for you."
B000NMJWZO,5,"AMAZON.COM: bring back this product!!!! It is AWESOME, and I have received it through the subscribe and save program for a while now and it has always come fresh and on time.<br /><br />This mix is a very tasty and easy mix to use. I have used both the pancake and waffle recipes and both have turned out great--though my kids prefer the pancake version. They come out fluffly and light! The only caution: careful, they are addictive!"
B006MONQMC,4,"I do not drink ""energy"" drinks on a regular basis, but I do enjoy them while outside exercising. Energy drinks usually have sugars and caffeine in order to claim to be ""energy"" drinks, and this stuff also has taurine in it. One can also taste the sucralose. It also contains Vitamin C,B3, B5, B6, B12 and electrolytes.<br /><br />The taste is a citrusy punch delight, and the fact that this comes out of a squeeze bottle that is measured to yield 24 servings means it's easier to allow for more or less liquid according to taste. I prefer my drinks on the weak side because I drink more of it and strong red drinks tend to leave a red ""moustache"" on my upper lip. The red dye in this mixture can stain countertops, so be careful when pouring this!<br /><br />Liquid easily comes out of the bottle and returned to the frig afterwards. For the occassional drinker who would need a month to finish off the contents, this isn't a bad-tasting mixture. I haven't felt a ""zing"" after drinking this, though."
B004EAGP74,5,"I wanted to try this product for mental clarity in my golden years. I was worried what it would taste like and whether I could use it. Well -- this is delicious! I use it instead of butter, especially on toast and hot cereals. It doesn't make every single thing taste like coconut, it just makes them taste good. I'll always use it. Thanks,"
B0041NYV8E,3,"Interesting and surprising flavor. Mix with 1 cup hot water. Color a light mustard brown. What is immediately noticeable when swallowed is that it is rather surprisingly spicy. In fact, it leaves a distinct jalapeno type hotness on the lounge and throat. I gave it three stars as I found the degree of spiciness after taste a bit more than I would prefer in this type drink."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I didn't feel well this morning, and went into the kitchen, and there was the packet of Gold Kili Lemon Ginger drink mix. Lemon and Ginger is just the thing for an iffy stomach, so I put on the hot pot and got the tea water going.<br /><br />When I opened the envelope, it wasn't quite what I was expecting; I think I had a powdery substance in mind. The product here is granular, and dissolves immediately upon hitting the hot water. I let it steep for a minute or so (don't know if that's recommended or not) and I must say, it is a powerfully gingery drink. It did clear my head, and as ginger will do, it heated up my mouth a lot too.<br /><br />It might be a nice item to keep on hand for times when you don't feel well. It did make me feel better. Next time I might put it in a slightly larger mug, though; it is VERY potent."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Based on reviews and information I found online I decided to try putting coconut oil on my poodle's dry itchy skin..she was getting yellow flakey areas and pimple/pustules and was itching and licking all the time. In a matter of hours I started to notice a difference (hardly any licking) and by the next day the color of her skin started to normalize. Overnight the redness seemed to return a bit so I'm going to continue applying it. She likes to have it as a treat on her food as well!<br /><br />I'm SO pleased, and incredibly relieved that I've found something natural that seems to relieve her itching a bit."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been buying this product for the past few years and I'm very pleased.<br />It tastes better than the wheat flour and works just as well. As long as it's on the market, I will keep buying it."
B000NMJWZO,1,I'm shocked to see such great reviews for this product. Admittedly I have only used this mix to make pancakes but they were just not good so I'm hesitant to try making anything else with it.<br /><br />I love Bob's Red Mill gluten free pancake mix and recommend it over Pamela's.
B0041NYV8E,3,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 1:13 Mins<br /><br /></span>I wish Amazon would allow a longer video so I could share the entire experience. This drink is somewhat complex if you can taste beyond the huge ginger impact of it. First there is a sweet honey-ish warmth, followed by an almost immediate rush of ginger. Next is a pepper-y taste and feel as and after it goes down. The pepper stays on the front of the mouth and the back of the throat for quite a while. Very little lemon. There is enough sweetness to be able to stand up to a healthy squeeze from a lemon wedge. Adding more water made it less intense, but was still a bit too sweet. If you enjoy a spicy sweet hot beverage, and love ginger, this might be a favorite for you."
B000KV61FC,3,"I got the large size for my siberian husky. He sniffed around the treat-filled bottle and turned away. I tried to show him how to get the treats out by pulling the rope, rolling the bottle, etc, he watched me doing it, and still not interested in trying for himself. He didn't even try to bite the bottle. He played with normal water bottles for hours but he just don't think this tug-a-jug is worth any attention. Personally I think it's a great idea how they designed the toy, but I just can't get my dog to play with it. Later I introduced this toy to my coworker, who has a little puggle, and he immediately got one. He puggle chewed up the spiked ball on the bottle neck within 5 I guess it's not that durable then."
B0041NYV8E,5,"OK, I'm one of those people that will chew on a Ginger Root and like ginger crystals as a snack. When I opened the envelope, the scent of ground was Ginger immediately tickling my nostrils. I put a few granules on my tongue and instantly tasted fresh Ginger. After adding 6 oz of hot water I had a nice Ginger tea.<br /><br />I drink it for the taste - as I said I'm a Ginger freak. It has the same after-taste and ""tingly"" sensation in the throat. I plan on ordering up a couple of boxes to have around the house. You can also add it to seltzer water for a sparkling Ginger drink, very similar to Ginger beer."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I divided this container in half and use some in the kitchen and the rest on my skin and hair. Its slightly sweet scent is not that ""Hawaiian Tropic"" tourist scent; this is very nice and subtle. The oil is absorbed rather quickly into my skin so that it's never slippery. Quick shipping. Thanks!"
B000NMJWZO,5,Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is Excellent! It is a gluten free blend that doesn't have the overpowering taste that occurs in a bean flour blend. It has a higher protein content(4g per 1/3 cup dry)than most blends due to the inclusion of cultured buttermilk and almond meal. I love Pamela's Products!!
B006MONQMC,2,"As someone who loves coffee and orange juice, I didn't really see the point in this ""energy drink."" I'm not exactly nuts about the energy drink fad either as I prefer to get my nutrition naturally. But this Vitamin Squeeze looked like it could be pretty good so I gave it a shot.<br /><br />There are a few problems off the bat. There's no real way of measuring how much to put in your cup. I guess you could use a measuring cup, but that seems like a hassle just to put something in your water. Beyond that, there's no way of fixing it if you put too much in. This drink requires a fair amount of finesse as there's no real margin for error.<br /><br />Beyond that, it tastes really fake. Like watered down kool aid infused with one of those vitamins that's not supposed to have an after taste but does. This drink is supposed to be an easier way to get your vitamins, but it certainly is not.<br /><br />I don't recommend this drink to anyone. It's possible that some people may enjoy this taste. But for the price and what you're getting, it's just not worth it. Drink a cup of coffee and some OJ instead."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been struggling to find ready-made mixes for my now six-year-old child ever since she was diagnosed with Celiac Disease two years ago. I have gone through A LOT of flours, mixes, recipes and baking disasters. My daughter also has a sensitivity to corn - there aren't many mixes or products that are free of corn (cornstarch, corn flour, traditionally-made baking powder, etc.) and this one is essentially (if not totally) free of corn. It also produces awesome pancakes, an easy coating for chicken nuggets, a thickener in place of wheat flour for stew broth, and it totally flies under the radar of the rest of the family as being a GF mix. I stock up on the 3-pack of the 4 lb. bags now because I use it almost every day. I've never reviewed anything before, but thought that this might actually help someone struggling with how to feed a GF child."
B004EAGP74,5,My product came on time and the price is great. I'm enjoying it so far and have no complaints.
B000KV61FC,1,"My small, 6 lb Mini Schnauzer-Shih Tzu mix found this a bit frustrating. As others have said in the reviews, she couldn't get the treats out...she knew they were in there, but they don't come out easily and I put in her smallest doggie food. Heck, I couldn't even get them out unless I pulled VERY hard on the rope. She likes the rope, but not for long...she'd like it better by itself. I got the smallest one and she's a very smart dog, but it's just not for her. Don't know what I'm going to do with this thing...just put it in her toy box I guess and hope she latches onto it once in a while. It's a total waste of money in my opinion. She likes the roller treat dispensers...I even made one myself with an empty plastic peanut jar, used an exacto knife to cut holes on two sides, and she can roll it around and get excited about her treats rolling out...even an empty butter tub can be used. Save you money on this one. Just MHO.<br />Update: My puppy is now 11 pounds, full grown and will be 1 year soon and STILL cannot get the treats out of this thing. I even have a hard time getting them out....I have to pull the rope HARD to get anything out. Then I noticed my pup chewing on it and she was chewing the bottom off and, by the time I noticed what she was doing, she had it off. She GOT the treats, but I threw the thing waste of money I think. Not MHO this time....experience!!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I've been using coconut oil for years. I took several T. a day for 2-3 years but never lost weight, so I can't recommend it for that.<br /><br />To eat several T. daily, I made a concoction of chocolate melted with coconut oil and kept it in the fridge. I found that I ate less sugar and chocolate that way--the coconut oil helped me feel satisfied with a little less chocolate. But, perhaps you can see why I wasn't losing weight . . .<br /><br />By making this coco/choc mixture, I was able to add fruit or ground flax seed (I'm allergic to nuts and this gave the choc/coconut oil a nutty flavor like a ganache) or wheat germ (a nutty-like crunch). These additions helped me maintain a good glycemic index while eating so much candy.<br /><br />When I was using the coconut oil daily, my total cholesterol did rise but my ratio of HDL:LDL greatly improved. I do believe that coconut oil is the best one to use, I'm just not much of an oil user.<br /><br />Perhaps if I had been substituting for something besides chocolate, I might have lost weight. I was really adding oil to my diet instead of swapping. But, even adding 3-4T. daily, I didn't gain weight, either, and I did get the improved cholesterol ratio.<br /><br />By God's grace, I stopped eating sugar in 2008. Now, I use coconut oil on weekends as my ""weekend treat"" in homemade popcorn. (Not eating sugar really made me lose weight: 1#/week for 30 weeks, where I've remained for months.)<br /><br />This Nutiva jar is easy to open. It's probably good to keep smaller amounts in another container to keep the big jar less contaminated . . . but I don't always do that.<br /><br />There was a slight coconut scent at first but that disappeared. When I lick off the spoon when I make popcorn, I can taste a little bit of coconut, but not much. I'd highly recommend this brand unless you really wanted that coconut scent. the lack of scent does make it extremely versatile and much easier to substitute as a butter spread (hot vegetables, toast, etc.)"
B004EAGP74,5,"I think not!<br /><br />OF course it is great for all the things people have mentioned, but I have found it particularly wonderful as a facial CLEANSER. I massage a good bit of the oil over my face and neck, let it sit for a few minutes while I brush my teeth etc., then I take a warm wet cloth and wipe my face. The excess oil comes off with all the dirt and makeup that was on my face (even the water proof mascara) and it leaves a nice light film of oil that makes my face glow, and for ONCE in my life I'm free of blemishes, even during those particularly difficult times of month! I'm in love! Next time I'll be ordering a gallon size!"
B006MONQMC,4,"I love that I can have vitamin water any time. Great flavor and easy to use (it measures out by a single squeeze). I knocked it one star for having red 40 and a couple of other artificial, superficial ingredients."
B000NMJWZO,5,"My wife and son require a gluten free diet. I use this mix to make waffles, pancakes, and cookies all the time. People who've tested samples of my products using this have been shocked that it's gluten-free. My 6 year old son has gone gluten free without blinking thanks to starting out with Pamela's Products. My wife loves me for making large batches of waffles and pancakes and freezing them to make it easy for her to get the kids started in the mornings."
B0041NYV8E,4,"This instant ginger lemon drink by Gold Kili is meant to be served warm to hot. The taste presents initially as lemony, with a strong gingerly aftertaste. Those familiar with similiar hot drinks served in the Far East are likely to find it appealing. For those not familiar with the taste, it is a little like hot spiced cider. The concentration can be diluted to reduce the ginger aftertaste if desired. It is recommended as a no-caffiene hot drink alternative to coffee or tea."
B000NMJWZO,5,I find this product a blessing for those of us who have Celiac Disease. An add plus is the fact that there are recipes with it.
B000NMJWZO,5,"Love this. I use this flour for everything. I have never been a great baker, but you can't go wrong following any of the many recipes on the back of the bag."
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the best gluten free mix I have used. It is the first time I have ordered it. It came very quickly and the price beat any store price. Would buy again.
B000NMJWZO,5,This product is a must have for anyone who is gluten intolerent.<br />This mix is versitle. I have tried many of Pamela's recipes and they all come out. My husband who does not have food allergies loves the pancakes<br />that you can make with this mix. He prefers them to the wheat counter part. I do too.
B000KV61FC,3,"My dog just got mad they couldn't get the treats out and ripped the rope right out.<br />He's a pretty strong chewer but not extraordinary. He's only a 70 lb coonhound.<br />Just an FYI to ya'll. I thought it was a little difficult for them to get treats but maybe my dogs aren't the smartest.<br />Anyway, the search continues for the perfect dog toy."
B006MONQMC,4,"I add this to my cold brew lipton ice tea that I prepare. Took a bit of experimenting to get the right amount of juice concentrate but once perfected, it's like drinking the perfect blend of sweetened ice tea. The taste is great and no calories, can't beat that. Only demerits is that the price is rather high. Could use a few dollars off on the bulk purchases."
B000KV61FC,5,"This is really one of the best purchases we've ever made for our 3-year-old pit bull (aside from the giant orthopedic dog bed that she loves like candy).<br /><br />Like many pits, she is very clever & very eager to work, and that means she needs a lot of mental stimulation in order to be a good citizen around the house. She's not terribly food-motivated in general, but she adores this toy, and we've taken to giving her one of her 2 daily meals out of the 'food bomb.' She seems to love working to get all the food bits out of it, and when that's done she alternates between gnawing on the screw top end of the toy, chewing on the rubber bit, and whipping it around by the rope.<br /><br />That brings me to the only potential drawback of the food bomb--I am convinced one of these days she's going to give me a concussion if she loses her grip on the rope while she's flinging it about. But since she has those strong pit bull jaws, hopefully that won't be an issue... Sometimes I'm shocked she hasn't given *herself* a concussion with it, but her head is apparently made of concrete.<br /><br />(Oh--and it has withstood a year's worth of her efforts to destroy it so far, which is more than I can say for the vast majority of toys that enter the house.)"
B000KV61FC,4,"This is our 3rd jug. My dog Loooooves it and eats his dinner out of it every night. Our first two had a rubber rope in them and the first rubber rope was destroyed by a foster puppy who ate everything in sight. The second rubber rope started to dissolve after prolonged coating with kibble crumbs and drool so I figured it was time to buy a third one (that one had been used for almost 1 year at 2 meals a day so it held up to ~700 uses, not bad!). So when this one arrived I was soooo disappointed that it has a cotton braided rope. Some reviewers prefer this because their dog has destroyed the rubber rope but seems to me that any dog who could chew apart the robber rope could destroy the cotton one too no? Here is my problem with the cotton version. It works at first because it is kind of stiff. I have a very drooly dog who has softened the rope making it harder to get kibble out and in time the braiding has loosened a bit making it fatter so the other day he could not get anything out and gave up. I was not home but know he must have tried for a LOOONNGGG time before giving up. This is his jug he has successfully used for well over a year so I am sure he was confused why it was not working! My other major beef is that I used to take the rubber rope out to was it by hand or in the dishwasher. The new rope is knotted on both ends and can not be removed (no I can't un-knot it) without cutting the rope which I am going to have to do. I am soooo bummed as this was my way of slowing my dog down at meal time. I am now looking for something to substitute for the rope and wish the had left well enough alone!<br />UPDATE!!! I contacted premier customer service who confirmed (as I suspected) that most people prefer the cotton rope. They however offered to send me a replacement rubber rope that they had left over and they sent it promptly at no charge! They are an awesome company and would recommend trying this- since most prefer the cotton rope you may like it as much as I do with the rubber rope!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's is a staple in my gluten free family. We have tried many different mixes on the market and this is by far the best. Pamela's pancakes are our favorite. Even my gluten-free hating husband loves the pancakes which turn out fluffy every time. I've made many of the recipes on the bag, most of them have been hits including the drop biscuits. This has also come to be a replacement for regular flour in regular ""glutened"" recipes such as banana bread, macaroni and cheese and gravy. The price is well worth it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Before this, I used Spectrum Naturals organic Coconut oil. I bought this because it is a good value. This oil has a stronger coconut smell and flavor than Spectrum Naturals. Both oils were satisfactory for me. This product arrived quickly and cleanly. Note that it's in a plastic container."
B000KV61FC,4,"I am always looking for play toys for my 120lb, 2 yr old Mastiff. So far the ONLY toys that lasy over 2 days are the Kong brands (which I HIGHLY recommend). But anyways, this toy keeps him entertained for a long time here are my pro's & cons for it:<br /><br /> Pro:<br />-not expensive<br />-has several different areas to hold his interest (the bottle, the rubber spike ball & the rope)<br />-durable<br /> Cons:<br />-If your dog shakes toys around then that hard heavy plastic bottle can do some damage to you or your walls<br />-your dog may do what mine does & bring me the toy to set it up for him to get treats, defeats the purpose of him figuring it out<br />-my dog didnt love the treats that are made for the toy, so I just bought small size dog treats & cut them in half, works great!<br /><br />The pro's definitely outweigh the cons & I highly recommend this to other dog owners, especially ones that are strong & destroy other toys"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love this mix! Besides being really tasty, there are 11 recipes on the back of the package that make it easy to whip up cookies, pancakes, waffles, zucchini bread, coffee cake, banana cake, scones, etc. The pancakes are tender and luscious, and the chocolate chip cookies are preferred by our family and friends over the standard wheat based ones. It is seriously really good. Having this mix around the house helps to take away the sacrifice of having to be gluten free.<br /><br />Be advised that it has milk and almond meal in it, so it may not be for everyone."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love this mix ! Not only are the pancakes and muffins great, but almost every recipe tried has turned out yummy ! Our latest creation is carrot cake ( my husband made for me ) ... and we think its much better than using regular flour and such.<br />Thanks for a ULTIMATE product ! I love it !"
B000KV61FC,1,"I have a medium size dog - 38 pounds. He enjoys to chew on things but I have never thought of him as a heavy chewer. The night I received this he was so excited about it. It was so tempting to see, hear and smell the treats. Well, within 20 minutes the toy was in the garbage. He chewed off the rubber toy that blocks the treats from coming out. He then started to chew where the smell of the treats is able to escape. The plastic fell apart so easily! He then started to break off little pieces. I woudl not recommend this for a medium or large sized dog!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"We love this product! We create many delicious recipe such as pizza, pasta, cookies, pie crust, and pot pies. It is a healthy alternative. It is all natural. In addition it has a terrific taste!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I am glad that I chose this production as my introduction to coconut oil. I love it. Yes, it has a soft coconut fragrance but the fragrance dissapates during the cooking process. I have replaced 90% of the oil and butter in my house and I don't even miss that other stuff. I add a nickel-size drop to my lotion after bathing and it knocks the ashyness right out of those ankles and elbows! It also works great on my coarse straight black hair. After having issues with shedding, my hair stylist complimented me on taking great care of my hair. ""Keep on doing what you're doing,"" she said. Ha! I love that.<br /><br />As for cooking, I am in awe everytime I use it. I recenty made omelettes for Saturday brunch. Oh...My...Goodness! They were absolutely amazing with tons of flavor in every bite. That alone, sold me on this product. I could have opened a restaurant on those omelettes alone. (Patting myself on the back.) Talapia works great with coconut oil as well since it is a delicate fish and one of my favorites. I was very impressed with my cooking recently and I know it has to be the oil because that is the only thing that I've been doing differently. I could cook before but now my food has reached another level and I feel more empowered when I cook. The large 54-ounce jar will be a staple in my house so I won't have to worry about running out.<br /><br />Try it and see how you like it. You may want to start with the smaller size if you are not sure about this product, or your can just jump in feet first like I did."
B000NMJWZO,5,"The only allergen in this mix that effects my family is the dairy. This issue puts this on our ""cheat"" list of foods we can splurge on occassionally. Everything besides the dairy is legal for us.<br /><br />With that being said, these make about the best pancakes I have ever eaten. Try cooking them on a Lodge Logic griddle. You will not be disappointed.<br /><br />Couple the Pamela's mix with a Lodge Logic griddle and you have a great made in USA gift.<br /><br />I also recommend the Coomb's Family real maple syrup."
B000KV61FC,3,"I thought the large would be too big for my Corgi's, but they seem to manage with it just fine. I did not notice that it comes in different sizes. My dog figured out how to get the treats out pretty quickly though. I also have the StarMark bob-a-lot and that seems to take them a little longer to get at the treats. You can adjust the hole sizes on the bob-a-lot."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This coconut oil is Sooooo GREAT!! It smells so amazing. I apply it to my hair as an light moisturizer oil. I also use it along with my body lotion on my skin. Furthermore I cook with it. I purchase this oil 3 times and gave my boyfriend a 150z jar since he has an extremely dry skin. He loves it. His skin looks much better, less dry, and smoother. He also cooks with it.<br /><br />The value for the 54oz jar is the best. Will buy more in the future!"
B0041NYV8E,4,"I was given only one packet to review, so I had to divide it in half. A half packet is plenty for a good-sized, pretty strong drink. I like the ginger/lemon mix a lot. It's heavier on ginger than lemon, so it's not too tart.<br /><br />I tried it in hot water and also in the bottom of a glass into which I poured some Sodastream seltzer and stirred. Ginger, as most people know, is hot. In hot water it is hot ""caliente"" and hot ""calor."" Drinking it hot is the way it's supposed to be done (says so on the packet), and it's great for cold weather and when you have a cold. But it's so hot where we live already that I want my liquids cold. Mixed in seltzer, half a packet made for a decent drink but the granules don't melt as well in cold water.<br /><br />If I get more of this mix, I will probably mix it up in hot water, then cool it in the fridge before drinking (at least in the hotter months). Maybe make a jar of it along with my sun tea. The per-packet price is reasonable, I think, for something that has herbal/medicinal benefit as well as being just something good to drink."
B0041NYV8E,2,"This smelled great, but was waaaaaay to gingery for me. The ginger spice was so ""hot"" that it made the product difficult to drink. Was not a fan at all."
B000KV61FC,4,"I have two friends who have gotten this for their dogs and the dogs absolutely love it. The bottom unscrews making it easy to put treats in. Small kibble works best. My Rottweiler doesn't really play with it, but I think it's just because it bangs against the hardwood floor and the noise scares him. I'm going to try it outside once the weather gets nice."
B000KV61FC,4,"My Doberman/pointer mix has a lot of extra energy and really enjoys to chew. I purchased this product on a whim at the animal shelter that we got her from. I really had no idea how the toy was supposed to work, so she really did not use it for the first few weeks.<br /><br />Initially I put just a few Zuke's Mini Naturals treats in the container. She was able to get the treats out eventually, but lost interest quickly. This toy is dishwasher safe! I put some peanut butter and a few broken up Milkbones in the toy to make it smell appealing and rattle when she shakes it. This made all the difference. She now will sit calmly trying get to the peanut butter, and accidentally making the Zuke's treats fall out.<br /><br />Other reviews stated that their dog was able to break the plastic, but my dog has been playing with this for a month now, and she hasn't even been able to rip the rubber ball by the rope. As with any toy, you should try to supervise your pet. I would recommend this toy to any owner whose dog gets bored and will get destructive."
B000NMJWZO,5,This baking mix is great for people suffering from gluten intolerance! Lifesaver for breakfast recipes!<br />Highly recommended and Amazon has the best prices!
B000KV61FC,2,"I was really rooting for this toy to work out, because my Frenchie Tobias loves playing with plastic bottles and he loves treats. The Tug a jug should be the perfect combo, right? The one I purchased had the rope, not the rubber thing. In theory, when you tip the toy treats should fall out relatively easily, according to various instructions and videos I found through internet searches. But even with small kibble, it is extremely difficult to get any treats out of the toy. Poor Tobias was quite frustrated. I helped him out by holding onto the bottle so that he could tug on the rope. He pulled quite hard for a good five minutes, after which one piece of kibble fell out.<br /><br />He's actually quite clever, and he's extremely food motivated. I don't know if something was wrong with this particular Tug a jug, that it was so difficult to get the treats out, but it's definitely not working out.<br /><br />I only give two stars because he did not destroy it, although he was throwing it around and chomping on the bottle part. He did leave scratches all over it, but hasn't yet managed to crack it. However, I think it's only a matter of time."
B006MONQMC,4,"This product is not:<br /><br />A organic energy drink<br /><br />A replacement for your Centrum Silver<br /><br />A replacement for Flinstone Vitamins<br /><br />This product (IMHO) is more like a way to turn your bottled water into an energy drink. Another example of a product in this category is ZipFizz.<br /><br />After reading all the negative reviews of this product I had really low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. It tasted decent (no better or worse than most energy drinks). The mixture I made gave me heaps of caffeine-induced energy and alertness.<br /><br />The only problem I had was that it's hard to measure what a ""squeeze"" is. After I did my ""squeeze"" into my water, I looked at the lines on the side of the bottle and saw that I had actually ""squeezed"" four servings into my glass. At this rate, the bottle that is supposed to have 24 servings is only going to last me about 6 servings. What is odd is that my drink seemed to have just enough flavor for what I squirted in. Perhaps I used more water that the recommended amount.<br /><br />Just as a heads-up, one serving of this product has 40mg of caffeine, or roughly that of a diet Coke. Two servings would be about the same as a Red Bull, and my four-serving dose is about the same as a Medium Starbucks drip coffee."
B006MONQMC,2,I have a hard time imagining a big market for this product. While it sounded good in theory it has too many negatives to it to be worthwhile.My first complaint is that it tastes like weak koolaid plus leaves an aftertaste that is not thirst quenching at all. Also the size of the bottle combined with the fact that it needs to be refrigerated makes it inconvenient for on-the-go.
B0041NYV8E,2,"The ginger in this product is just too strong - it cancels out any of the lemon flavoring. Thanks for the sample, but no dice."
B006MONQMC,3,"First of all, don't store it right-side-up as pictured. The opening's on the bottom of the container, and it leaks.<br />Secondly, set your beverage in the sink before adding this flavoring to it, especially if you already stored it ""right-side-up"" and it's leaked into the lid.<br />Third, have a paper towel or kitchen rag ready to clean up the bright red drops before they stain anything.<br /><br />That settled, though, the product inside is actually pretty good. It has a decent flavor, no bad sugar-free aftertaste, and no calories. I do like it.<br /><br />Besides, storing it up-side-down in the fridge and knowing to add it to beverages sitting in the sink solve the mess problem, even if they don't keep leaks from wasting the product itself."
B004EAGP74,5,"I use coconut oil whenever i can in my cooking. Its good for your heart, your immune system , and your metabolism. Coconut oil does well with high heat cooking, without the negative health aspects from high heat that other oils have.<br /><br />In addition to moisturizing effects, coconut oil promotes skin elasticity. I use it on my skin as well.<br /><br />Since i use alot of coconut oil, i have tried many brands. Nutiva is the best brand by far."
B006MONQMC,4,"I love the fact that this product has no calories and no sugar, and you'll certainly get many servings out of a single bottle. I like the fruit punch flavor, but I don't love it. I could definitely tell from the taste/smell that this was a vitamin-enhanced product. I'd prefer it if it didn't come with a dose of caffeine (fine in the morning, not so great later in the day when it might keep me from sleeping well), but to others, that might be a plus."
B000KV61FC,5,"I purchased this toy for my four month old corgi; she absolutely loves it. The only problem is she figured out how to get the bottom off (where humans fill to bottle) before she figured out how to use it as designed. So, if you have a corgi or any extremely bright dog, you may want to consider gluing the bottom shut and taking a more difficult approach of filling with treats via the top."
B0041NYV8E,4,"You never really know what to expect with instant beverages so I suppose it's best to keep an open mind. The Gold Kili Instant Ginger & Lemon was pretty tasty, but given that it was a bit weak on the ginger has made me doubt whether or not I'd actually purchase the product.<br /><br />It's a incredibly sweet beverage. You can definitely taste the lemon. Given the fact that ginger is listed first, I think it's fishy that the beverage tastes more like lemon than ginger. But I suppose that's to be expected.<br /><br />If you like instant beverages then give the Gold Kili mix a try. It's a lot different than most instant beverages I've tried so you might welcome the change. As an instant beverage, it was good but I don't know how eager I am to shell out money for the product."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have had celiac for over 7 years. I found out when I was 23 so I know what ""real"" food tastes like. This is by far the best Pancake and baking mix out there. I have tried many different brands but found this to be the best."
B004EAGP74,5,I have ordered this product many times - my only complaint this time is that I was only allowed to order two at a time from this vendor - I usually order four.
B004EAGP74,5,"We have used three other brands of coconut oil. This is our favorite. The flavor is terrific, and I love cooking with this stuff."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I've only used this once for cooking--we don't fry many things, But I use it for a body cream, and love it. It seems very greasy at first, but it soaks in in about 5 minutes and makes skin soft and smooth--and you don't smell like a coconut. I recommend this highly!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"I bought it for cosmetic reasons, and I'm glad I did. It absorbs into the skin quickly and doesn't feel really greasy. I have heard of the benefits of cooking with coconut oil as well, and I might purchase another jar to use for that purpose."
B000KV61FC,1,My dog has still not figured out what to do with this. He is a very smart dog with a vocab of about 50 words. I was surprised how hard the plastic is and am also worried. Once he does figure out how it works I am afraid he will knock himself out when he shakes it from side to side! Let alone what will happen if it flies out of his mouth!
B0041NYV8E,3,"I am a tea drinker, and I like both lemon and ginger, but I didn't find this drink to be terribly tasty. I followed the directions for making it hot and could only drink about half of it. The ginger is very strong, so if you're not a real fan of ginger, I would suggest you not bother with this product. I would like to have tried it cold as well to compare the two, but the Vine program only sent me one packet. I agree with another reviewer who commented on the large packaging that was used for such a small item. It seemed very wasteful.<br /><br />If I find this product in the store, I might give it another try cold and update my review."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Aside from digestive issues, I have suffered from adult acne in recent years. I have noticed a correlation between stress and breakouts (and that familiar female response once a month) however I have not yet found a complete system which had worked to eliminate my acne.<br />After reading of coconut oil and Lauric acid, I have put it on trial... and have thus far experienced some impressive results..! It took about 8 days before I noticed the large cysts subsiding, and they have stayed away now for several weeks. Even my monthly cyst is keeping in check. Who would have thought rubbing your face with coconut oil twice and day and taking it internally would make the oily patches on your face actually improve? It seemed a little counter-intuitive, but so far I am experiencing some very clear skin... for the first time in years... Of course, I believe in coupling the outside assault with an internal one, so I have been taking the coconut oil daily (usually on bread or I just add it to cereal) as well as a wonderful greens mix (powder) and a pro-biotic. Of course, water is paramount, and I drink plenty every day, but I always did... Finding your balance is the most important thing - what is right for some is not always right for all - I will report back in a few months to let you know if the coconut oil has continued to impress me."
B006MONQMC,3,"After drinking this, I was torn on what i thought about it but the kicker was the taste. I've never been a huge fan of fruit Punch and this reminds me of any drink that has that title. It tastes exactly the same as everything else. To make me want to squeeze something into my water and go that extra mile, I want to have something beautiful at the end of the rainbow. Fruit Punch - not exactly a pot of gold.<br /><br />As for claims of being good for you, the label does say its so but my testing kit was at the cleaners so I'm not really sure. I suppose it is like anything else; you can take the bottle at value and hope for the best but, in the end, like the way it tastes as well.<br /><br />One last thing on this is the amount you should pore. When it says to add a squeeze, i'm not exactly sure what that is. I added, sipped, added, sipped some more, trying to get my amount. Personally, I would have liked a spoon comparison or something. I thought this was perhaps odd, and then someone else at my home asked me the same thing on it - and said they liked the Fruit Punch, did I get it from an infomercial.<br /><br />Go figure."
B004EAGP74,5,I use about 3-4 cups of coconut oil a week (at least) so I was happy to find such a large container of high quality oil. It smells and feels wonderful. And you don't have to refrigerate it. It just sits on my counter where I dip into it everyday. Soooo nice. I could live off coconut oil and vanilla. NOM!
B006MONQMC,2,"There's suddenly been a lot of these different squeeze bottle drink mix's for bottled water pop up on the market. Some are good, some not so good. The main point that these started with was being a mix concentrate in a ""SMALL"" squeeze bottle that is ""easy to carry with you"" and use anyplace anywhere. They decided not to make this one as concentrated so it needs to be a much larger bottle. And even though it is a large bottle of mix, it still only holds enough for 24 servings. The same as the little bottle that MIO uses. It says on the bottle to use one squirt for every 8oz. of water. But it's really hard to tell when to stop squeezing the thing. I think what ever it is in the bottle that measures how much to release at one time in my bottle is broken. It's really hard to tell just how much to use and it doesn't seem to really have much true Fruit Punch ""flavor"" to it. It sure doesn't taste like any fruit punch I've ever had. It reminds me a lot of the old artificially sweetened Kool-Aid that they came out with a long time ago and used Saccharin in. It has that same Saccharin after taste that kinda sticks in the back of the throat along with a little bit of that vitamin taste.<br /> This is one that I doubt very much that I will be buying any of it in the future. There's just to many others that have a lot better flavor and in a far smaller bottle that's easier to use and take with you. I really hate to say it, but this one just isn't up there where it can compete with what's already on the market and available. Some people might like it, but for me its that Saccharin sweet, almost gagging after taste that just stay's in the back of my throat and wont go away that I don't like the most."
B006MONQMC,5,"I really love this one -- unlike the water flavors one finds in supermarkets, this one is BIG! No reason to be shy, or a worrry about running out.<br /><br />The fruit punch flavor is great for morning use, and will give you a ""lift"" , you can control the ""lift"" depending upon how many squirts you might prefer.<br /><br />It is also nice when nused with home soda makers ( or club soda...) and is sensational when added to an ice cube tray, and used in a blended fashion with product and water.<br /><br />I will be trying other flavors soon. This is yummy, and it works! One of the best new products I have tried this year."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Wow...this stuff is great! I use it instead of butter on my bread and baked potatoes. You can also use it to make chocolate. And, a great skin moisturizer. I will definitely order more."
B004EAGP74,5,"I plan to use this in place of canola oil. I just switched to a low-carb diet and this was a recommended product, but I don't know that I would ever want to use anything else! It was all liquid when I opened it up though, not sure if it was just a warm day since it says it is supposed to be solid at less than 76. Really good quality stuff, and that is a lot of oil for $25. (54 oz)"
B006MONQMC,1,"We all tried it (2 parents, 13 year old, and 10 year old). Nobody liked it. Older child said that it tasted like chewable vitamins. Adults didn't think it was THAT bad, but didn't like it either. Net result is that after everyone tried it once, it sat untouched on the shelf in the pantry for months. Nobody wanted a second glass.<br /><br />It can't deliver the vitamins if nobody drinks it."
B000KV61FC,1,"My dog destroyed the rubber ""cord"" in 5 minutes (worse yet, swallowed it), got very nervous trying to get the treats out and almost attacked my other dog for trying to get it from her (which she never before did). I had to take her toy away and wish i could get my money back. $10 is not a cheap tog toy, so it could be at least durable. I bought it because i thought it'd be a good distraction to keep her entertained and less anxious when i leave, but now i'm afraid it'd be inducing aggression and causing harm if ingested. And that would cost much more... Better stick to Kong toys, the only ones so far my chewing dog cannot destroy it!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best pancake mix I have ever tried. Whether you NEED gluten-free mix or not, it make excellent pancakes! I have tried several other brands, and Pamelas stand above all others, IMHO."
B000NMJWZO,5,This is by far the best gluten free mix. My kids love it. Can even use agave syrup or stevia as a sweetener and it still tastes great.
B000KV61FC,5,"The tug-a-jug keeps my boarder collie busy for hours! I just put her normal food in the jug and she thinks it's a game to get the food! It is wonderful. I don't sugest using it in any rooms with glass doors (like on an entertainment center) though, they break from the hard plastic jug.<br />WONDERFUL PRODUCT!!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"The waffles, pancakes, and scones for this product are awesome! They taste better than any gluten filled waffle, pancake, or scone I have had. Easy to make and taste wonderful!"
B000KV61FC,1,"I used it with my dog a couple dozen times, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. One time she managed to unscrew the bottom, and with that experience, she fixated on the bottom as the ""ultimate solution"" for the last morsels that weren't coming out from tilting and dropping the toy. She cracked through the hard plastic, breaking both the lid and the jug. The toy is advertised for ""heavy chewers"" but the container obviously doesn't hold up. I hope the store will offer a refund."
B006MONQMC,5,"This is a good sized bottle, and it lasts a long time. Dollar for dollar and taste for taste, I would rate this over MIO any day. It had a better flavor and no snails-in-the-mouth feeling.<br /><br />It is very easy to mix, just take a sip out of your water bottle to make some shaking room, squeeze in less than you think you'll need, shake and taste. The flavor on this builds up very quickly so start off light. Unlike Mio it doesn't go from zero-to-nasty in a hurry so you have some room.<br /><br />Teens liked this better than adults, of course. I didn't tell them it was a vitamin drink."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Nutiva coconut oil is the best there is. I have tried many different brands over the years and by far Nutiva has the best flavor, consistency and price that I have found. And with the convenience of ordering through Amazon, I do not have to search the Internet and hope that it is in stock at a vitamin store site. You cannot go wrong ordering Nutiva coconut oil, I use it in my cooking daily."
B0041NYV8E,4,perfect for the coffee or tea lover. Easy to prepare. I enjoyed the lemonly taste. Great to have a cup of tea after a day of work to relax.
B000GAT6NG,5,this is the best bang for your buck that you can get for coconut oil and from a quality company too.<br />Coconut oil also has a higher burning temperature and contains important Medium Chain Fatty Acids.<br />O and you can also use this on your skin as a moisturizer.
B006MONQMC,4,"If you're going to be out-and-about with a bottle of water, this might be a good addition just to give it some variety and taste.<br /><br />I gave this a three-star review when I first tried it. I thought it was okay, but nothing special. It tastes fine. Other reviewers have noticed a bit of an aftertaste, and I agree. I wouldn't say it's unpleasant, but it's present.<br /><br />But, over time I've used the whole bottle, and it's grown on me. It is pretty refreshing, and adds a good boost to a normal glass of water. So I went from ""okay"" to actually liking it. So I boosted it to four stars.<br /><br />The flavor does avoid that chemical taste that some of these enhancers seem to have.<br /><br />The vitamins are a benefit, though I'm never sure if the benefit offsets the chemicals and sucralose ingredients.<br /><br />I noticed no extra 'energy,' but I don't really notice when I drink a soda either. It's just sort of 'there.' Which is better than being jittery, and since this has taurine, like Red Bull, I was wondering about that - did not happen, though, and that's good. Ultimately, 'energy' is subjective and difficult to define from person to person.<br /><br />The drink does at least some of what it says it will do - it gives flavor to water, and apparently does provide vitamins. It tastes pretty good, and adds some life to boring tap water. But, if you're caffeine-sensitive, it's probably best used in morning and early afternoon.<br /><br />As I said, I've updated this as of July 15, from my original three stars to four stars."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best pancake mix out there, even if you don't have a gluten allergy. My wife has celiac so we tried this, but the whole family loves this mix."
B000NMJWZO,5,My daughter and I picked blackberries and used this to make a blackberry cobbler. It was like nothing I've ever eaten before. The topping had a flavor like nothing I've ever eaten before. This stuff is fantastic!
B004EAGP74,5,"This product is really great! I love it! I use it on my skin and my scalp and in my hair. It really does absorb fast. I was worried because when I opened the jar and took a whiff, it smelled like I was hesitant to try it on my skin. I rubbed it between my hands then apllied to my skin and it smelled heavenly. It smells like a creamy coconut. I love it! I just wish it would smell that way before it melts, but I love it! My hair is so soft, my scalp is nice and dandruff free and my skin is soft and supple...not to mention smells so great!"
B006MONQMC,1,"My kids (and husband) LOVE Mio, but it's so expensive that I was hoping that this Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink would be a better alternative.<br /><br />It's not.<br /><br />From the moment they all took a sip I could see that it was going to go into the garbage pretty quickly. All of them said it tasted ""kinda like Kool-Aid"", but then they all grimaced and got went for the water. They all said it had a weird aftertaste (the 8 year old said her mouth tasted ""funny""), and that they didn't want any more of it, or to finish the glass they had! So, yeah, Mio this is definitely not."
B0041NYV8E,3,"After reading some of the other reviews, I decided to use only half a packet when adding hot water, as I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the strong ginger taste. However, I noticed that when I only used half a packet, it tasted too sweet, so I added the rest of it - and that's when I could really taste the ginger. You would definitely keep feeling the ginger taste in your mouth after you stop drinking. For me though, it wasn't so much the ginger as it was the drink just being too much on the sweeter side for me (I rarely add anything sweet to tea). I probably would try another product by this manufacturer, but I don't think I would try this particular drink again."
B000KV61FC,3,"I got this toy for my Border Collies and they had one really good play session with it before they tore it up. The bottle itself survived, but the rest of it was ruined, so you couldn't use it as a treat dispenser which was the point. I was hoping it would keep them busy/entertained. I think it would be okay for dogs that aren't as aggressive though. My dogs can tear up pretty much anything though! lol"
B000GAT6NG,1,"I ordered this brand ONLY because it stated that it was in a JAR. I got a white, opaque tub, disfigured, from what I suppose was due to multiple liquifying, then solidifying. I could have gotten it cheaper and faster but chose this for the supreme qualities of glass. The oil tastes okay, but I have doubts about what else might be in it. Even the photo appears to be glass. What a con!"
B000KV61FC,5,I had the regular size one and recently purchased the x-small. I am so happy they came out with the x-small one. It is holding up really well. I'm surprised some people say it doesn't hold up. The first one I got wouldn't die. My dog never was destructive with it. I think it is an awesome toy and I highly recomend it.
B000KV61FC,4,"It took a little bit of time (and a few demonstrations) for my dog to become interested, but now Weezer likes to play with this toy. He still hasn't learned exactly how the treats are dispensed, which is nice because I don't have to constantly refill the toy. Tug-a-jug does not keep Weezer occupied for long stretches of time, but it entertains him for 15-30 minutes here or there. It has held up fairly well, with just a few scratches on the plastic sides. I put Cheerios into the tug-a-jug as a treats."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Not only is Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix the best GF Pancake mix I've ever eaten, the package size available here is an incredible deal, and a savings over grocery store prices of more than 50%."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I found this ginger/lemon/honey drink to be refreshing and delicious.... but with 2 caveats:<br /><br />1. I love ginger... the gingery-er the better. I like fresh ginger, pickled ginger, crystallized ginger, ginger candy, ginger beer... you get the idea. And I mix grated ginger with lemon & honey (and vinegar & cayenne) when I have a cough. So I thought I'd love this drink... and I was right. But be aware, the ginger is very strong. You have to be a gingerphile.<br /><br />2. I drank it cold. The directions say to mix it with hot water, like a tea, but personally I like my hot drinks to be sweet (like a latte) and my cold drinks to be refreshing... so I made this with cold water & ice cubes. It was great! As a tea I can see it being quite soothing if you have a cold or nausea (ginger is a natural antihistamine in addition to being an anti-nauseant).<br /><br />BOTTOM LINE: If you love ginger, you should love this.... enjoy it hot or cold."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have only used one other brand of coconut oil and I thought I would stay with them because their quality was really good. But a good deal got me to try Nutiva. All I can say is YUM. It poofs of coconut smell when you open it. Part of what you taste with is what you smell, not just what you see. So I will stay with Nutiva because of that. The first brand I tried was a great brand. But I think Nutiva must be better if they can keep the original smell of the coconut in the finished product."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best gluten-free pancake mix that we have found. It is not a rice base which is nice for a change. We really prefer Pamela products in general. My daughters are excited to be able to eat good pancakes again. you don't even notice that they are not ""regular"" pancakes."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I love ginger, especially the crystalized ginger candy and this beverage tasted just like those candies to me. I tried it hot and cold. I love it both ways, but maybe the cold a bit more.<br />How nice it would be to take some of these packets on any type of trip that would get me sick from motion sickness. It tastes so good, that I'd drink it just because, but to know it's good for my digestion makes it all the better. If you like the taste of ginger, you'll love this drink. Tastes so natural and good."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I drank a little with cold water and with hot tea. Later my sister and I tried it made like a tea with hot water. She really likes ginger while I am not so keen on the stuff. Neither of us enjoyed the ""tea"" as it was kind of harsh tasting.<br /><br />I have heard that ginger helps with nausea but I never did get a chance to try it before it was used up."
B0041NYV8E,4,"If you don't like ginger, you're not going to like Gold Kili's Ginger and Lemon beverage. The ginger is very strong, bites the tongue a bit, but the lemon is not as strong and while I noticed it, ginger is definitely the frontrunner here.<br /><br />Inside the packet is enough powder mix to fill my 14-ounce mug. I specifically used the larger mug because most packet drinks to me are overly sweet. I don't like a lot of sugar. Instructions are easy, simply pour the mix into your cup, add boiling water, and stir. It's that easy and the mix dissolved quickly. I saw some ginger grounds, but as I love ginger, that definitely wasn't an issue with me.<br /><br />It tastes incredible. Very strong ginger as mentioned earlier, and not a fake ginger, this seems more like dehydrated ginger ground into a course powder. The sugar level was still a little sweet for my tastes, but I think using the larger cup was definitely worthwhile in my case.<br /><br />I happen to have a cold. It's not bad, but annoying nonetheless. After finishing my cup of ginger and lemon beverage, my nose felt a little less clogged, so the ginger aroma and steam obviously helped. Next time though, and I definitely will be buying this mix, I think I'd make it and then chill it for a refreshing summer drink."
B000KV61FC,2,"I wanted to use this as an alternative to a Kong, to fill with lunch for my dog on days when she would be alone all day while I was at work, and my husband was out of town. The product arrived with a rubber ""rope"" with a ball-like bulge on the outside, and a cone-shaped plug on the inside, rather than the actual rope pictured on the page. For the first 3 days, it was wonderful. She was very excited and interested in how it worked, and it seemed to keep her occupied. On the fourth day, when I got home, I saw her chewing on the little ball-like bulge, which she had handily chewed off of the rubber ""rope"". I worry that she would be able to chew off other pieces, and that she could choke on a lump of rubber that size, so I haven't used the product since then. Too bad, because it seemed neat. I would only recommend this product if your dog is a VERY weak chewer."
B006MONQMC,3,"I've dabbled with supplements for a while; this one tastes similar to the fruit punch flavor usually found in them, which for me isn't that great a taste. The caffeine boost with the vitamin content was appreciated though, and I like the concept: a quick squeeze in a cup of water in the morning to get you going. All in all, another flavor would be better for me, perhaps the grape pomegranate."
B000NMJWZO,5,"When I was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease the thought of never being able to eat pancakes again was reason enough to make me cry, so when I found this I was skeptical but curious. EUREKA! I think I enjoy these pancakes more than the wheat variety (or could it be CD delusion?). They are soft and fluffy, perfect. Next we'll start experimenting with the other recipes listed on the bag. Now that I know I can get it online, it's even better. Thank you Pamela for giving us CD's another chance at normalcy."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I am not afraid of strong ginger flavor. All ginger teas will have that bit of harshness that defines ginger, but this ginger tea smacked of unnatural harshness & bitterness that seems to only be capable of having been produced from the use of some mutant low quality ginger (if real ginger at all). It left my mouth way too dry and no matter how far I thinned it out with more water or mixed with other liquids, the awful bitterness/dryness powered through. Looking for a balanced, smooth, nicely flavored ginger tea? This is not it."
B004EAGP74,5,"This is soooo delicious. Some reviewed the taste as too coconut, I guess you should complain if you purchased Vegetable oil or Olive oil. But it is COCONUT oil, hence the flavor. I use it on toasted bagels, potatoes, to stir fry string beans/ almond slivers. I've used it in my lotions, and hair conditioner (in its liquid form, I mixed it into the products). When my son was a baby, we used it for his delicate skin instead of baby lotions, a great massage oil for adults as well."
B000KV61FC,5,We got this toy to keep my 6 month puppy busy when we went to work. It's a great toy for dogs that inhale their food and need some stimulation so they keep out of trouble. My dog is not a light chewer so I was worried that he would chew this to pieces but after a couple of months this toy remains intact. LOVE IT!
B006MONQMC,3,"I generally like the taste of fruit punch, but this tastes watered down, even if I add an extra squeeze of it to my drinking glass. The product concept is good, and I like the added caffeine and vitamins. But the taste of the drink needs to be a little stronger. Of course, I can add an extra squeeze of the product, but them I am also getting extra caffeine which is not always a good thing.<br /><br />I was surprised at the size of the bottle, because I was expecting a very small bottle like the similar Mio product uses. This is definitely too large to carry around in my purse. At any rate, it is recommended to refrigerate it after opening, so I will continue to carry Crystal Light packets in my purse."
B0041NYV8E,4,"When I opened the pouch, I sniffed the contents and found the aroma to be intensely complex and inviting! I tried a little pinch of it raw -- and it excited my taste buds -- very enjoyable. I even think that the contents would be spectacular if sprinked over vanilla or dulce de leche ice cream -- this Gold Kili Ginger and Lemon Beverage Mix is VERY gingery and sweet --- and with a nice lemon tang.<br /><br />So I dumped the remaining contents of the pouch into a cup and added hot water -- It steamed up very nicely, mixed VERY well and the first few sips were intense, delicious, just great. But THEN this mixture started burning my throat so intensely that I had to cut it with Soy Milk to turn off the overpowering heat -- turning the remainder of the contents into a refreshing, sweet, but mild experience.<br /><br />Now some people might LIKE all that extra heat-- I couldn't handle it. For those who like the Ginger/Lemon experience but are not fans of spicy hot-ness, then perhaps divvying up the contents of one pouch into TWO cups of tea would be a better way to enjoy this intense experience."
B0041NYV8E,2,"When you see ""ginger & lemon beverage mix"" a reasonable person expect a balanced refreshment. That is not what you get. If you like to munch on ginger in your spare time, this is a drink for you. The ginger taste is overbearing and overpowering, and the only hint of lemon I got was a sourness in the aftertaste.<br /><br />Speaking of, the aftertaste so strong, as strong as but distinct from the main taste, that I ended up throwing half my glass down the drain. I've drank some odd things in my day (passion fruit and aloe juice, for instance), but I just couldn't tolerate this. And, just for good measure, the package was a bear to open for me.<br /><br />On the plus side, the mix is some nice yellowish pellets (about the size of the wax ball you see on new pens sometimes) that dissolve quickly and cleanly in hot water. But when the best thing I have to say about a drink is how nicely the mix dissolves, something's not right."
B0041NYV8E,4,"They said you could control the taste by how much of the product you added to hot water. I used the whole thing. It was a very strong, pungent ginger/lemon taste. It tasted good but strong. I think this would be ideal mixed with honey when battling illness. It tasted potent. Someone might like to used this mixed with liquor for a hard lemonade. If you are looking for an herbal tea like drink, this ain't it."
B006MONQMC,4,"For a zero calorie soft drink, I like Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink better than most other similar drinks. It tastes good, with no noticeable after-taste. I use a little less than the recommended amount to suit my taste. I haven't noticed any real energy boost though. I'll stick to coffee if I need a caffeine jolt. As for the vitamins its infused with, I guess they can't hurt, but don't confuse Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink as something healthy. It's a zero calorie, zero carb beverage, that is sweetened with Sucralose. They also added some caffeine and vitamins, but it's probably more for marketing than anything else. If you're a fan of diet soft drinks, you'll probably like Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink. If you don't like sugar free soft drinks, then definitely look elsewhere."
B004EAGP74,5,"This coconut oil was a good price, arrived promptly, and was just as described. I used this coconut oil in cold-process soap making, and it worked wonderfully."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best product I have found for my family, four out of five of us do not tolerate flour very well. My daughter, lives in Deleware now, she sent me three<br />4 lb. bags, I am so glad she did. I love to bake, we are now enjoying some very tasty bake goods. Thanks so much for an excellant product.<br /> Joanna Kokomo,IN"
B004EAGP74,5,"Not only is Coconut Oil really healthy, it tastes great. Awesome for cooking, baking, and just plain spreading on bread! Make sure to get the unrefined for that coconut taste.(extra virgin)<br />I am sure there are a million other uses too.."
B006MONQMC,4,"I opened the package and found that the squirt nozzle (for use of a better word) was slightly blocked by plastic, which I had to remove. That was most likely a manufacturing error from incomplete plastic molding.<br /><br />Shot a couple of squirts into cold water and drank. The taste is a bit too sweet, slight metallic taste. However I feel pretty good once taking it; not in an energy sort of way but just a good feeling. I usually take this with my morning vitamins so it's hard to tell whether it's the beverage or the vitamin.<br /><br />This product is not taken straight! Must dilute it.<br /><br />Recommended."
B000KV61FC,5,"My dog is always by my side and I could never get anything done. Since we got this toy, my dog plays with it for hours! He still has figured out how to get all the treats out but it helps when you need to get things done. Its still in one piece! I have no problems with this toy at all!"
B0041NYV8E,3,"I tried this as a hot drink, and I have to say that I found it completely unpalatable (three sips into the drink I had to pour it out, as I could not take any more). I can conceive of only using this as a medicinal drink for upset stomach, nausea or vomiting. I don't dislike the flavor of ginger, in fact I like it as a mild seasoning when cooking, or as a light flavor in sweets, but this was totally overpowering, to the point where I could hardly notice the lemon and honey flavors.<br /><br />In my line of work I routinely recommend ginger for GI upset, this drink is so overpowering, though, that I would have to caution users to use it for extreme cases of nausea/vomiting only, unless they have a strong tolerance for the flavor. P-)"
B000NMJWZO,5,I have Celiacs and I think other celiacs can agree with me when I say that we have figured good tasting food just isn't going to be apart of our diets. Well not with this mix and all of Pamela products. Let me tell you she knows what shes doing. I make peanut butter cookies that some people say taste BETTER then the wheat version (and I use flax oil butter and organic peanut butter as well as 1/2 white sugar1/2 stevia and its actually healthy!). I make pancakes that are so good I cant believe my taste buds. I love to make PB&J sandwiches with the thick pancakes and it is the best. So me and my Celiac sis swear by all Pamelas products. You should definitely try the bread mix you will be amazed. One other thing I think Pamelas products save on not having to make commercial because word of mouth is doing just fine.
B0041NYV8E,4,"Used this when I had the stomach flu. I find ginger always helps settle things. This is a pretty good taste... not overly sweet, and not too strong. Excellent for an early morning or evening brew, or something hot for the sicky!"
B000KV61FC,5,"This toy keeps our Boston Terrier entertained for a long time. We don't give it to her all the time to keep it new and interesting. It is not easy to get the food out of the toy, which really frustrates her. She'll start barking at it and going at it harder. Other reviewers said their dogs got the hang of it quickly and were able to ""beat"" the system, but I don't see that happening with our dog. It is still a bit of randomness with how the food comes out, so what worked for the dog one time, might not the next. You can make it harder or easier depending on the size and shape of food you use."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This oil is so amazing!<br />1. It smells delicious.<br />2. It softens up super easily<br />3. It makes your skin so soft and moist<br />4. It can treat razor burn, shave bumps, dry skin, any sort of skin problems<br />5. Warm this stuff up and oooh it is so amazing for husband/wife full body massages!<br />6. Lube. Oh yes. Amazing lube. Don't worry about it getting inside of your girl, it is actually a remedy for yeast infections and such!<br />7. It is so beneficial to every part of your body you use it on<br />8. You can eat this stuff if you want haha!<br /><br />No worries with using this product for anything related to your body. It is one of the few oils/lotions that can double as a massage oil as well as lube. Again, do not be afraid to use it as lube. It is totally safe and is super beneficial and amazing.<br />I'd give it 10 stars if I could haha!"
B004EAGP74,5,"The skin is a great delivery system for absorbing things into your body. So what are you putting on your skin? Read the ingredients on your handcream or body lotion. Are they good for you? Don't know? Can you even pronounce them? Let's keep it simple. Virgin organic coconut oil. Snowy white, unrefined, heavenly smell - this stuff is terrific!! Solid at room temperature, smooth and buttery and melts at 76 degrees; cook/fry with it on low heat for a healthy and fragrant alternative to all those ulgy refined oils and hydrogenated trans fats (YUCK!), use as a lighter butter or shortening alternative (there's not a lot of flavor and the smell is intoxicating); use as hand cream (rub it on - only gets greasy if you really over load the area) I use it as a body lotion all over my body (my skin feels soft and smooth like it did when I was a child), hair conditioner (a light deep conditioner); anti-fungal properties (put it between your toes for goodness sake!) make-up remover - voila! ear wax? I put a tiny bit of this on a q-tip; moist toilette wipes? ssshh... try a touch of this on your t.p. - and I could go on and on... It must be organic and virgin coconut oil - anything else is something else and unexceptable. I understand that it is fine for diets, and speeds up the metabolism (its those little medium fatty acid chains). Don't take my word for it - read all about it for yourself! And yes, I feed it to my dog and cat, my cat loves it - and he won't eat anything! Actually, I don't think that he can resist the smell, I can't! Another one of those items that I out on my favorite things list!"
B006MONQMC,1,"I received this product free from the Amazon Vine program, and it is the first such water additive product that I have ever tried. It is sweetened with the artificial sweetener sucralose which turned me off immediately since I generally avoid all artificial sweeteners. (I think they're yucky chemicals I don't want in my body or my kids' either). But I decided to try it anyway. Before I could do so, my 10 year old asked if he could try it, and his verdict was, ""It tastes like drinking a glass of liquid benadryl."" I tried it myself, and I'm sorry to say I totally agreed with him. I do not understand why anyone would want to add this stuff to a perfectly good glass of water, so I can't recommend it at all."
B000GAT6NG,5,"Virgin coconut oil is great for your health and taste buds.<br /><br />I tried several different brands. I like this one a lot.<br /><br />I am not a big fan of coconut flavor, but this one smells different. It's preasant.<br /><br />Just 54-ounce jar was too big. I didn't have a sense of US unit. I recommend smaller jars if you don't bake often.<br /><br />You'll enjoy this oil as a substitution of butter and also you can use as your natural skin cream."
B000GAT6NG,4,"I just received this product. While the smell and taste are nice, I still prefer the brand Spectrum for the richest taste and smoothest oil. The Nutiva Coconut Oil is a bit grainy and doesn't have the intense flavor and fragrance of Spectrum. I'm not sure if that is indicative of better processing, a higher quality coconut, or what. At any rate, we go through a lot of it, and the price for this is hard to beat."
B006MONQMC,3,"This is a sweet-tasting additive for your bottled water. Just one to two squeezes, depending on the number of ounces of water, and you have added extra vitamins and flavor to plain water. I felt this was a bit too sweet. It has no added sugar, and zero calories, but does contain an artificial sweetner. It also had a slight medicinal taste. I tried adjusting the amount I put in, but it either tasted like nothing or too sweet. The directions say the bottle must be refrigerated and used within thirty days. Unless you used this several times per day, I doubt you would use this up in a month. Maybe if more than one uses it?<br />I just think I can get my vitamins from the food I eat and my water from water. I would not buy again."
B006MONQMC,5,"This fruit punch flavor is delicious! It tastes like Kool-Aid, but without all the sugar AND it has vitamins. I added 2 full squirts to my 16 oz. bottle of water and I loved the flavor. It contains Vitamins C, B3, B5, B6 and B12, as well as Zinc and Chromium. I truly feel that after drinking this everyday for one week that I did have spurts of energy throughout the day. I'm a stay at home mom to a four year old son and an eight month old daughter, so I need all the energy I can get! This tastes good and is good for you, it's a win win."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Like most other reviewers have stated, the ginger flavor overpowers the lemon flavor. Ginger can be ideal for certain types of ailments, so this drink would be ideal for that. But I found it lacking in taste to be an everyday type of tea. It does mix easily though, which is a nice trait."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is truly a fantastic mix! My family eats gluten free food out of necessity; however extended family and friends all love this mix as well and several began using it after eating it at our house. I use milk instead of water to create extra thick pancakes (but they are great if you use water as the recipe calls for) and we just love Sunday breakfasts ever since we found this mix. Really, try it just once and you will be hooked, too!"
B0041NYV8E,4,"I've been wanting to up my ginger consumption due to the alleged anti-inflammatory properties of ginger, and so have been looking for a ginger tea or beverage that's reasonably priced, easy, tasty, and not full of sugar or artificial flavor. This basically fits the bill, and if I had been able to try more than one packet of it, I might even have rated it five stars.<br /><br />The one pack I got, I drank cold, because I imagine that's how I'd normally do it. I do love ginger, and this has a very clean, fresh, and spicy ginger flavor. It's sweet, but not too sweet (and I'm very sensitive to things being too sweet!), and the sweet flavor also tastes clean and natural, without the chemicaliness that so many sweetened beverages have. The lemon flavor is subtle but definitely present, and makes it taste a little bit like iced tea.<br /><br />I'm not sure, after one packet, if I'm ready to take the plunge to buy 72 packets, but this is very good, and may be exactly the product I've been looking for."
B000NMJWZO,5,"After my 2 year old son was diagnosed with celiac disease, I tried many many pancake mixes. Hands down, whether you are gluten intolerant or not, this is the absolute best pancake mix! Perfect texture, perfect taste, and the smell is delicious. Even my gluten eating husband agreed these were the best. Try this, you won't be sorry!"
B006MONQMC,3,"Getting in your vities while quenching your thirst is a nice idea. Appreciation of flavor varies from person to person, but I thought that this punch flavor was ok. A definite minus is the bottle itself. There is no such thing as dependable dosing and it does not lock tightly after repeated use. For those insisting on ""natural"" the inclusion of food coloring and sucralose may be a problem."
B006MONQMC,3,I opened the container slowly and when it was opened proceded to put some in my glass of water. And the cap leaked all over the place! And it is fruit punch so it stains! So be careful.<br /><br />As far as the punch-it tasted real good like Hawawian punch with no calories. I did not notice any energy boost but it was refreshing.<br /><br />Drink I would give four out of five stars. The container I would give a 1.<br /><br />So three stars seems fair.
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is, by far, the best gluten-free bake mix I have tried. I believe the almond meal makes the batter richer and more flavorful than many others made primarily from rice flours. Also, the end products, be they cookies, crepes or muffins, are not so crumbly and hard to eat. I highly recommend this product to all who must eat gluten-free!"
B000KV61FC,3,"I got the Premier line of toys thinking I could varriate what they got each time I leave for work, on Monday it would be the twinst n treat, Tuesday the Tug a Jug, etc. But when I put this one down on the floor my two mutts just sat there and looked at me. I tried to show them that pulling the rope would cause the treats to come out but alas they just werent understanding. It has been almost twoo weeks now and still not much results. They love the other Premier toys, just arent quite smart enough for this one."
B000KV61FC,5,"My Bichon ""Shiloh"" really loves his Busy Buddy treat dispensing toy, he has had this toy for over a year now and still gets excited when I offer it to him. He's the kind of dog who when bored and/or anxious tends to chew on his tail and paws, so this is a welcome distraction. I offer it about once a week. I used to leave his toys laying around in his dog bed or crate, but found that he loses interest so I tend to rotate offering 2 or 3 toys every few days. Any small treat works well, as long as it's not his usual dog food. I thought it was a little expensive, but it's durable, easy to instill the treats, and challenging enough to keep him busy for at least a half an hour, but not so hard that he loses interest. I'll try to attach a 45 second video of him playing with it."
B006MONQMC,3,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch flavor tastes okay but not great. I had three other people try this product and no one was really blown away by the taste. Two of the individuals felt like there was a slight after taste. If you like the taste it does provide vitamins B3, B6, and B12, Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, Chromium, and caffeine that is about the equivalent of a can of soda. If you are sensitive to caffeine you should stay away from this product. Also, it does contain the artificial sweetener sucralose which many people do not like and will not consume.<br /><br />It is designed for an 8 ounce serving of water although most water bottles are 16 ounces so you will need to adjust the serving amount as necessary. The bottle is large and not what I would consider portable so you may need to prepare your drink ahead of time.<br /><br />There are a lot of similar products on the market and Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink does not really distinguish itself in a crowded market. The bottle is large, not convenient to carry with you in a workout bag for the gym or backpack on a hike. And, sucralose is an artificial sweetener that I would rather avoid. This is a product that is average at best. It is far from exceptional but not terrible. It will really come down to your taste preference."
B006MONQMC,4,"I am NOT a plain water drinker. Even bottled water needs some enhancement for me. While the best and most natural way to enhance the flavor of plain water is by squeezing fresh lemon or lime or orange into it, that tends to get boring AND expensive. I received my 12 oz bottle of Fruit Punch flavored Vitamin Squeeze Energy a couple of days ago. This product is housed in the upside down type bottles that are currently popular. The top of the bottle features a snap lid that allows you to squeeze the product out slowly or quickly and it also allows you to turn the cap so it is removed entirely if you prefer to pour the product in a larger pitcher of water.<br /><br />I have tried other water enhancer products such as the one that is spelled with a certain 3 letters. I did not care for those as they had left a weird chemical taste in my mouth. I was pleasantly surprised when I tried Vitamin Squeeze. This did not taste in any way to me like a no cal product. I squeezed about 1/2 of a tablespoon into a 12 oz glass of filtered water and I thought I was drinking a watered down version of Hi-C fruit punch. All I tasted was fruit. I didn't taste any diet sweetener at all.<br /><br />I looked at the differences in the ingredient labels of Vitamin Squeeze and that other enhancer brand I mentioned above. Vitamin Squeeze does not have any ingredients I cannot pronounce nor any that I am not familiar with.<br /><br />Here are the ingredients listed in order on the bottle:<br /><br />Water<br />Citric Acid (not Malic Acid like in other enhancers)<br />Vitamin C<br />Natural Flavor<br />Sucralose<br />Natural Caffeine<br />Sodium Benzoate<br />Potassium Sorbate<br />Magnesium Lactate (Electrolyte)<br />Vitamin B3<br />Taurine (ingredient in an energy drink known to give you ""wings"")<br />Vitamin B5<br />Calcium Lactate<br />Potassium Phosphate<br />Gum Ascacia<br />Glyceryl Abietate<br />Red 40<br />Vitamin B6<br /><br />Now, the ingredients that are giving you energy are the Taurine, the natural caffeine (but I don't know the source of the ""natural"" caffeine) and the B Vitamins. The Electrolytes I understand as well. The only ingredient problem I have with this product is the Red #40. WHY do we have to have this product colored? Is it a psychological thing? I would be happy to drink my water CLEAR. As long as there is some flavor in it I do not need to psych myself into thinking I am drinking something other than water by making it a different color.<br /><br />When I first opened this bottle and started squeezing I found leaks around the bottom edge of the screw on cap. I was getting irritated and was going to blast the design in my review. Then I started to think about it and unscrewed the cap. When I first opened the protective paper opening I had only torn a triangle around 1/3 of the paper. This was what was causing the leakage. Remove the ENTIRE opening protector and you won't have the problem I had. However, that said, when you are squeezing the bottle into a glass hold the bottle completely vertical because you will get a surprise squirt rebound if you don't. LOL. This product will stain your clothing and counter and floor.<br /><br />Overall, I really like this product. Have I noticed an energy boost? I don't know really but at least I am not getting a crash like after drinking other well known canned energy drinks. I will keep using it and update this review if I have any issues with it. I would give it 5 stars but I don't like the coloring and the fact that it stains everything so 4 stars it is.<br /><br />EDIT 3/23/12: The lid STILL leaks even with the paper protection completely removed. I guess I just won't store the bottle upside down in the fridge but be wary if you are going to transport it in a purse or tote!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"When I learned about the many benefits and uses of coconut oil I had to try it, so I ordered 2 jars -one for my pantry for cooking/smoothies etc. and one for my bathroom to use as a body cream. Since I didn't know what brand to choose and didn't have any prior experience with coconut oil I decided to get one jar of the NUTIVA brand and one jar of the NATURE'S WAY brand.<br /><br />Here's my initial opinion of both: With my Nutiva jar there's a sticker indicating the expiration date and package/creation date of the actual oil, whereas with my Nature's Way jar there's nothing like that. When I opened both of them up to try and to just generally check them out I tasted a tiny amount of both and it was very clear that the Nutiva jar's coconut oil tasted much better. I'm not sure exactly why, but to me the Nature's Way coconut oil didn't taste as good, it was kind of toasty in a bad way.<br /><br />It was very easy for me to decide to use the Nutiva brand coconut oil for my cooking and in my smoothies and the Nature's Way coconut oil for my skin. I've since read that this difference in taste could be because the Nutiva brand coconut oil was fresher and the Nature's Way older. Or it could be quality, I'm really not sure. But I am sure that from now on I'm going to just be buying the Nutiva brand Coconut Oil (just ordered 2 more big jars of it). :)<br /><br />To say that the Nature's Way coconut oil was toasty still isn't exactly the right word -toasty sounds like something good... when it's so not, but I really can't think of a better word to describe the difference.<br /><br />I've found a lot of uses for coconut oil and have used it for many things with great results so far. It's hard to believe one little oil can do so much! Weird actually, but everything I've tried it with so far has had positive results.<br /><br />So here's a list of weird, random, but completely amazing things I've found coconut oil to do:<br /><br />-Works better than any make-up remover: seriously, just use a nickle size amount or less on your eyes to get all eye make-up off in a flash.<br /><br />-Helps clear up acne: One night after using it to take off my eye make-up I decided to use it as an all over face make-up remover... then decided my face felt so good I didn't want to use anything else (hint: leave the coconut oil on your face for a minute and then get your water and washcloth really really hot to wipe it all away). I googled to see if this was okay to do and it turns out coconut oil can help get rid of acne! You can use it as a facewash. Strange but true. BUT I also found out that Castor Oil works even better for this (and like coconut oil still moisturizes your face and keeps it from drying out), so I've ordered a small bottle of that to use instead in the future... but still, coconut oil has worked really well for me and apparently others. When you have skin like mine (I'm 25) that occassionally breaks out but still is a little dry sometimes it's hard finding the right balance and exactly the right thing to use -I feel like now I've figured out some great secret to getting it right.<br /><br />-You can use it as a deoderant: This one I read online and decided to try on a day where I wasn't really doing anything or working out. It felt weird -like I was putting some kind of lotion or body creme under my arms instead of my normal Secret deoderant. But guess what? It worked! I have since been trying it on days where I actually do work out and it STILL is working. Craziness! It keeps me dry and smelling good the same as my old deoderant did. AND there's no aluminum zirconium (have no idea how to spell that correctly) which I know is now supposedly bad for you (most deoderants still use it though) because it's connected/correlated with Alzheimers. So... an all natural, organic, one ingredient deoderant that feels like a body creme -doesn't get much better than that! Plus my underarms are looking softer/nicer. :)<br /><br />-You can use it on your scalp and hair: Now I've tried this several times and although I DO like the way it moisturizes my hair, I don't like the way my hair looks after I wash it out... it's just kind of lanky/heavy. Not in an extreme way or anything, but I like my hair to have lots of body. So while I do recommend coconut oil to help heal frazzled hair and stimulate hair growth I don't recommend doing it right before any big event in your life... maybe like a few days before so you get the benefit of the moisturized, healthy hair, without any worries about styling it. This is another one where I've looked it up and found that Castor Oil when massaged in the scalp can stimulate hair growth/fast hair growth even better -so now that I've got that bottle on the way to me from amazon I'll probably be using that instead, at least on my scalp.<br /><br />-You can use it as a body creme and even a BODY WASH. Yepp. A body WASH. Sounds crazy, but it makes my skin look SO good. Better than it's ever looked actually. Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties (and of course is moisturizing) and will clean your skin while hydrating it. So no harsh chemicals or detergents touch your skin -and if you have sensitive skin like I do, well this stuff might just be your new best friend, must-have, can't live without it ever, stuff! I used to have a minor skin problem on my arms that I absolutely hated. Just general redness, sensitivity, and tiny little red dots on the tops of my arms (that I've had since childhood). Now I absolutely don't -and it's literally all because of coconut oil. Maybe it's because I'm not putting soaps/bodywash on my skin anymore or maybe it's because coconut oil is really that awesome, but it has basically cured my arms and has made the skin all over my body look amazing! I seriously can't believe how good it makes my skin look! The best thing to do is to literally use it like a body wash all over -rinse off and then either just towel dry and go or towel dry and then reapply again if your skin is dry or it's winter or you live in a dry climate. When you reapply you're going to have to have some kind of small towel to wipe off excess with before you put on clothes. Either way it makes your skin look great. :) You can also use it to shave with apparently but I haven't tried that. I'm using it to make my own homemade body scrubs and of course using it as a body creme and loving it!<br /><br />-You can feed it to your dogs (one tablespoon a day) to make their coats shiny. (I've been giving it to both my dogs, although not every single day and they love it.<br /><br />-It can help you lose weight. Apparently it has a lot of really GOOD for you fats that your body doesn't treat like other fats and it actually helps you lose weight (learned this from Dr. Oz). Plus it tastes good when you cook with it and put it in smoothies. Actually I LOVE it in smoothies, it just adds an extra tropical coconut flavor. :-)<br /><br />-You can use it for Oil Pulling.<br /><br />-You can use it as a lip balm.<br /><br />Plus I know there's so much more but that's all I can think of right now! Basically it's really good stuff that I am now believing everyone should have in their home! :-)"
B006MONQMC,5,"My expectations were low after trying Mio. This is a nice big bottle and two squirts were plenty for 16 oz of water. Can't say enough about how good it tastes! the vitamins are certainly a nice bonus, and zero calories! I'm buying more."
B000KV61FC,5,"This toy has been great for our very active Shiba Inu! We got it for him when he was 6 months old, and at 1 year, it is still one of his favorite toys! I was afraid it may be too big for him to work since we got the medium-large sized jug and he only weighs 18 lbs., but it seems perfect for him now. It took him a couple of days to figure out how to stand it up, and tip it over to get the treats into the neck of the bottle, and then pull on the rope until a treat comes out. It works great with his small sized Newman's Own Organics Peanut Butter Dog Treats, and is easy enough to fill. We only fill it about 1/2 full once every 1-2 weeks, and it keeps him self-entertained intermittently for hours. The plastic is durable, and after 6 months of use, is still in great condition working great!"
B0041NYV8E,4,"I've tried an awful lot (and sometimes awful is just the right word) of ginger chews, candies, teas and brews (ginger is great for nausea). This is the best ginger beverage I've tried yet. It almost has the same flavor as ginger snaps. My 4 and 6 year old loved it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have tried several different brands and up to this point, NUTIVA is my favorite. I have been using this for several years. Great for cooking and for health purposes just eating off the spoon is not bad."
B000GAT6NG,5,I love this!! I use coconut oil as moisturizer for my skin and hair. I don't suffer from dry skin anymore. My daughter's hair has a grown over a inch after using about 3 weeks.
B000GAT6NG,5,"Don't know why we didn't use this product before but we love it. Tastes amazing, use it in everything from baking to smoothies. Delivery is always fast and the product arrives in great condition. No worries ever."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This baking mix is not only yummy, but versatile as well. You can make the normal baking mix items like; biscuits, muffins and dumplings (not listed on website, just add an egg to the biscuit recipe and reduce the milk a tad.) But you can also use it to make a nice yeast bread recipe, perfect for sandwiches. I've also used the biscuits for meatloaf. Try this!"
B000NMJWZO,5,This product is excellent. The pancakes and waffles were great. I also tried the pumpkin bread (made muffins) and the chocolate chip cookie recipes and both were wonderful. There are versions of the recipes with and without egg/oil on the package - I used the egg & oil versions. I will absolutely purchase this one again. It was a very nice surprise to be able to offer great tasting baked goods from such a convenient mix to my wheat-allergic child (as well as the rest of the family).
B004EAGP74,5,"great coconut oil! great value for the price. I use it for cooking all the time and put it on my dry winter skin . It has a sweet coconutty taste/smell, but it's not overpowering."
B000GAT6NG,5,"A friend of mine recommended this product to me. She said she'd lost 20 lbs in a matter of months just from using it. I was skeptical, to say the least. I'd heard all of the bad stuff about coconut oil, but I was curious enough to research. In the meantime, another acquaintance told me about a mutual friend who'd lost 75 lbs from using Nutiva. After that, I was more than curious--I wanted to try it.<br /><br />I'd tried a different brand of coconut oil before and was not impressed. It was very grainy and hard. Nutiva is very smooth. It's got a beautiful creamy texture and is very white. It also doesn't leave a smoky smell in my home--in fact, I love the way it smells when I'm sauteeing food.<br /><br />What sold me on this product was that I read you could eat it on toast. I thought that was weird, but decided to give it a try. The first time I tried it like that, I had meetings all day. I am ALWAYS hungry, and always snacking. I really eat about every 2 hours. Well, that day, about 5 hours had gone by before I realized I was hungry! I thought it was a fluke since I was so busy that day. A few days later, I tried it again. And once again, several hours went by and I wasn't a bit hungry.<br /><br />I am convinced there is something to weight loss with this product. I've already lost 15 lbs in the month that I've used it. I would (and have) recommend this product to everyone."
B000GAT6NG,5,Great Product for a great price! We used it all the time to cook with and add a little to our German Shepherds meal from time to time.
B006MONQMC,4,"I'm not sure why it makes sense to put vitamins in a squeezable package. It reminds me of the 4 or 5 blade razors that are prevalent today- do we really need such technology? Probably not, but if it helps you get your vitamins, I suppose it's not a bad thing. Aside from the package design, the drink is fine and the concept of adding this to your other drinks is great. I never even thought to do this with my powder vitamin packages. The squeeze makes accurate portioning difficult, but all in all, this is a worthwhile buy."
B000NMJWZO,5,I was very pleased to find this product sold in bulk. It goes very quickly in our household and is used for muffins as well as pancakes. Even members who do not have to be gluten free like this mix .
B0041NYV8E,2,"It seemed easy enough to make. Basically just dump the little granules in a cup and add hot water. Stir to dissolve it. Then attempt to drink...<br /><br />Not sure what I was expecting. Maybe something like tea or like lemonade. It was neither. It was lemony, sure, but it was also really spicy. Like 'hot' spicy. A bit like drinking chili pepper water.<br /><br />Not my cup of tea, as it were. If you really like drinking spicy ginger, perhaps you'll like this. Guess I'm not much of a ginger fan...?<br /><br />For me, I'll stick with green tea or peppermint. This just didn't sit well with me."
B006MONQMC,3,"I am not a big fan of this energy supplement. But with all the vitamins it supports, and lack of extra calories its ok for the taste. The taste is very subtle for one squeeze.. Gives my water a dull taste.. But gives it some flavor, prefer my crystal light supplements for the taste.<br /><br />Will continue to use till its gone, but don't think I would purchase more- Just isn't tasty enough for me.."
B000KV61FC,5,When i took this out my puppy couldn't wait to get into it. I put the treats in and he went to town. One of the best toys i've gotten him ever.
B0041NYV8E,4,"The flavor is almost entirely ginger. It is barely sweetened and not at all lemony. I really liked it but I don't think the rest of my family would. The others would have put a couple of spoons of sugar and a big squeeze of lemon in it. (they like ginger-flavored hot lemonade.)<br />The flavor is much the same as slicing a couple of quarter sized slices of ginger into a cup, adding hot water, and mashing it a bit. Then add one of those tiny scoops of stevia, or a few drops of stevia extract.<br />This product is a nice alternative for when you don't room in your pocket for ginger root and a knife. Honestly I will probably buy some for sick days. I lived in Cambodia and the grocery shelves were always stocked with at least 6 brands of ginger drink so I do have an appropriate background to judge. This product is at least equal to the best of them.<br /><br />Unfortunately it was not a very satisfactory trial. We were sent only one packet from the box, so there was no listing of ingredients or nutritional information. So I can't say how many carbs and how much sugar is included. Yes, honey is nice but honey is made of sugar, sugar, and sugar. Many of us really need to know how much.<br /><br /> I also have to vent, and this is probably not the company that produced it, but an Amazon employee - the single packet, the size of a tea bag, was sent in a 12x18x6 inch cardboard box with six yards of bubble wrap. Shame."
B006MONQMC,4,"Tastes good, nice way to add some extra vitamin C & B vitamins to your diet while having some ""junk food drink"" at the same time.<br /><br />Probably great for those that don't like to eat healthy foods, or just have a bit of a sweet tooth.<br /><br />Very convenient bottle has enough concentrate for a case of water. Great for car camping trips.<br /><br />Great to keep in emergency kits too!"
B000NMJWZO,5,This is a wonderful product. It makes great waffles and pancakes. People who don't need a gluten-free product even love ti. We wouldn't buy anything else!!
B000KV61FC,5,"I live with 3 dogs: 75 lb shepherd/collie mix, 37 lb. spaniel/? mix, and a 17 lb. chihuahua/dachshund mix. Only the Chiweenie can get the food out of this toy---which is a good thing really because he is the only one with a weight problem. He is also the youngest and the one most likely to get into trouble when left at home alone. He drags this toy around by the hard rubber ball part, then lays it flat on the floor, pushing and pulling the rubber rope until he empties it. The other dogs just watch, but never attempt it themselves. It is easy to refill except I struggle sometimes with lining up the grooves on the screw-on lid. It washes well in the dishwasher. I recommend this toy for every dog, but many dogs will need a little occupational therapy to learn how to use it."
B000KV61FC,2,"This product seems to be torturous for my dog. She sees the treats inside, but being such a small dog, even the ""small"" sized bottle is too big for her to thrash around and get the treats out. I love how busy it keeps her, but in the end, I have to take a treat or two out for her because she can't do it on her own. Probably better for bigger dogs."
B006MONQMC,1,"Or so the bottle wrapping claims and there's more: Vitamins C, B3, B5, B6, B12 plus 'natural' caffeine and... Taurine. I didn't know what 'Taurine' was so I looked it up. Well, whatever it is, according to Wikipedia, ""a review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks"" so it probably doesn't hurt to have some.<br /><br />The end product, after squeezing the concentrate into a glass of water is that the water color changes to orangy-red and it acquires a vaguely fruity synthetic smell and flavor and, according to the wrapping, it gets 120% of your daily Vitamin C needs.<br /><br />To answer the question: 'after my first glass, would I have another one?' I must admit that I wasn't able to actually finish my first glass. I wouldn't call it 'bad tasting' but I'd rather have my drinking water clean and maybe some fruit on the side or some mostly natural fruit juice to fulfill may daily requirements of Taurine, Vitamin C, Sodium Benzoate and the ever-essential electrolytes."
B006MONQMC,4,"Okay, so this must be a sort of hybrid Gatorade/Monster/Sunny Delight offspring. It contains lots of Vitamin C, other vitamins, 40 mg of natural caffiene, taurine (10 mg), and electorlytes, and you mix it all into a glass of water. Convenient, very. I hated it but my teenage son loves it. It tastes like Kool-Aid to me, but he likes it when he goes on a walk, mixed in his water. One bottle has 24 servings to mix in (goodness, what would happen if you didn't read the instructions...yikes!), so this little bottle could conceivably last awhile. And, it's better than buying 24 separate bottles of vitamin water (too much plastic!).<br /><br />So I'm rating it good for convenience and the idea itself, but a better flavor would be nice. At least it's not gritty like some water supplements...because this is liquid, it blends very well. Wait. Okay, bumping it up to a four star. This is pretty handy!"
B000KV61FC,1,"I cannot get my dog to use this no matter how hard I try. My dog is the most food motivated dog I've ever known. She will do ANYTHING for carrots, lettuce, ice cubes... even her own kibble. But regardless of what I put in this thing, I cannot get her interested in this toy to save either of our lives. I even tried clicker training her on it! She doesn't associate it with food no matter what I do."
B006MONQMC,5,"While I like the MIO additives, I am always hesitant about putting too much because of the small bottle it comes in. No hesitation here, with the larger bottle, I can get the flavor just as I want it without feeling I used too much. As to the flavor, it is a nice Fruit Punch, (still would prefer Grape or Lemonade). Zero Carbs, Calories & Sugar but with all the Vitamin C & B you need after a workout.<br /><br />If you prefer your water with some flavor, Vitamin Squeeze is your best bargain buy."
B000KV61FC,2,"I have two boxers, male and female. After about 30 minutes of the expected use, the male grabbed the end of the rope, shook and shattered the plastic threaded bottom right off the bottle against the corner of a door frame.<br /><br />Concept is intriguing for the dogs but the plastic is too brittle. They didn't have the toy long enough to get to chewing on the rubber ball at the end."
B006MONQMC,2,"It may do everything the company claims this product will do, but I just couldn't get past the flavor. With ""a few drops"", it tastes like watered down Kool-Aid. If you go ahead and put in more to give it more flavor, it just tastes like really strong kool-aid - cherry flavor, that is. If you like Kool-Aid, maybe this product is right for you. If you are like me and gave up Kool-Aid many years ago, you probably won't like this either."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Gold Kili All Natural Instant Beverage mix (Ginger & Lemon) is an all right drink-in-a-powder. I have drank similar types of drinks in the past (Chrysanthemum, herbal and tea) and I thought I give this one a try. I wasn't turned off by the taste but it wasn't lip smacking good either. Its an acquired taste and if you enjoy drinking instant beverages (just add water) then you'll want to try this one out. Veterans of powdered drinks need not apply."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger and Lemon Beverage Mix has a strong refreshing zesty flavor. Although it is caffeine free it gave me an energy boost like caffeine.<br />The top grade instant dissolving ginger and lemon crystals makes the beverage easy to prepare. You just add hot water, stir and serve.<br />Ginger has been used to flavor food, aid digestion, control motion sickness and restore body balance in<br /> Asia for centuries.<br />Each inner foil envelope contains 0.56 ounces. A six pack has 6.72 ounces."
B006MONQMC,3,"How can you have something fruit flavored without calories of any type? In this drink it is because you have a lot of chemicals and vague ""flavors"" that you can add to water and in one squeeze you'll have the equivalent flavor of fruit punch in this case. Except that squeeze needs to be a big one to actually make the water taste like fruit punch instead of just water or water with a chemical edge.<br /><br />Normally I only drink water between meals and at meals either 100% fruit juice or skim milk so I'm not expecting a sugary drink. However when I tried a small squeeze of this additive it made the water taste horrible, a very strong and difficult to describe chemical taste. It took me several attempts to find an amount, about 5X the simple squeeze, before the water had a positive fruity flavor. What this means is that one bottle ends up not flavoring nearly as many drinks as it claims.<br /><br />If you really dislike the flavor of water, something I really can't undertand, and using this will get you to drink more, sure give it a try but just know it is unlikely to last as long as the package claims."
B006MONQMC,5,"I had just run out of Mio when this came in the mail. It isn't as sweet as Mio but just as good. It tastes like sugar free Kool-aid. I'm a coffee drinker so haven't noticed much energy from this, but I like it for the vitamins in it and to give a little flavor to the plain water I drink so much of. The bottle is large. Fruit Punch is pretty good and if I see this in stores I will probably buy more."
B000KV61FC,4,"My Beagle, who is an avid chewer, really enjoys the tug-a-jug. It took her about a day to figure out the fastest way to get to the treats, but even so it still takes her some time to work everything out of it. It's better than other treat-dispensing toys I have which make the treats either too easy or too difficult to get out. The only reason I wouldn't give this toy 5 stars is that my dog was able to chew right through the attached rope within the first hour of playing with it, so that part of it was not too durable. Still, even without the rope it's a good product."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I have always been a big tea fan but I have never had a ginger honey tea before I tried this one. I am glad I tried it because it is great. It's the kind of tea you sip while reading a good book. It was not overpowering, which teas that have ginger sometimes can be and it wasn't too sweet either. If you like tea, you should give this one a shot. It's tasty!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"After my 3 yr old son was diagnosed with Celiac disease 2 years ago, it was very hard to find a baking mix that tasted like the ""real"" thing. Pamelas Baking & Pancake mix is better than the ""real"" thing. Pancakes and cookies are not dried out or crumbly. I always purchase the large bags on Amazon. We have tried many of the Pamela's products and they are all very good. The small bite chocholate chip cookies are YUMMY, too. We also use Pamelas bread mix. Hope this helps."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I absolutely love the plain ginger flavor if Gold Kili, so I had high hopes for the ginger and lemon mix. I was sorely disappointed. I could hardly taste any lemon flavor, and even the ginger wasn't as strong as what I had hoped for. I'll keep drinking the plain ginger, but (for me at least) the ginger and lemon falls flat."
B000KV61FC,3,"it took our dog about a week to figure this out. once she got it, she loved it and it kept her busy for a long time. the only problem is that it got moldy and when i tried to clean it, the rope never dried and the mold got worse. had to throw it out."
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the best gluten free product I have found on the market! The pancakes come out perfect. It has all sorts of wonderful recipes on the bag. The zucchini bread recipe was so good that my teenage son ate it all in less than two days! Worth every penny. :)
B004EAGP74,5,"I love my VCO. You can use it internally or externally-for just about whatever-cooking, baking, lotion, face cream, shine up hair, etc, etc!"
B000KV61FC,5,I am really surprised out just how much they do love them. They quit playing with their other toys and carry these around with them. I have 2 of the x-small and 1 of the med/large which is really big. Some of them have a rope and some have a rubber rope. It seems a little harder to get out treats with the regular rope because of the size of it. It really makes your dogs work for the treats and keeps them occupied for a long time. You can even take the rope out and put in a golf ball but the treats do come out easier with this method. My dogs have slammed these things around and there has been no breakage of the product. I have 2 German Shepherds so they are pretty tough on toys. I also like the fact that you can fill these up ahead of time and then give to dogs later when you are leaving.
B000NMJWZO,5,Everything I make with Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is better than I can make from scratch. It is the best!!!
B0041NYV8E,3,"I regularly put lemon juice in a glass of water because it is refreshing. I use fresh ginger root in cooking. I drink hot tea 2-3 times a week. I had hight hopes for this beverage. I tried it hot. The lemon came through, then the ginger, then the feeling of heat. But the after taste was like medicine. I added some honey. It was an improvement but nothing I cared to have again. I give it a neutral rating because it has the lemon-ginger flavor advertised, but its not something I want to drink."
B000NMJWZO,5,I use quite a few of Pamela's GF mixes and I really love them all. This is one of the most verstile and takes well to experimentation. Finding these products made GF living feel a lot less restricted. My family and friends can't tell the difference between my gluten free baked goods and the regular ones most of the time-- a good critique!
B0041NYV8E,5,"I don't usually use products like this--I just stick to peppermint or ginger tea or cold water. But I knew ginger is supposed to be good for nausea, so I waited until I had a migraine (mine usually involve nausea) to try it. I liked the taste, it mixed well, and didn't leave an aftertaste. It tasted like a natural, simple product. I do believe it helped somewhat with the nausea, too.The nausea didn't clear immediately, but it only lasted for a half hour after I drank the beverage. I will take it on my next trip to Hawaii and try it very cold for seasickness. (The ginger/lemon combination might not be for everyone, but I liked it!) Mary Lee Moser, author, There and Back: A Journal Companion for Special Needs Parents"
B0041NYV8E,5,"If Jamaican ginger beer is too strong for you, then this will not be your cup of tea, but if ginger is one of your favorites, and the stronger, the better, then you are in luck. Besides giving you that real ginger bite, it has lemon and sugar in a little packet that dissolves well in hot water. For a cough, a sore throat or even a queasy stomach, it will most likely make things better, but watch out for the burn on that sore throat as it cleans out all the crud! This is the kind of thing I like to keep on hand for times when I'm not feeling well or when I just want to treat myself to something easy, sweet, spicy and flavorful."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Even though it is gluten free, it makes some of the best pancakes I have ever eaten! And at 50+ years of age I have eaten quite a few.<br />We bought this product at a local store since my wife is sensitive to gluten. We saw it on Amazon and the price was about a third cheaper so we picked up some here also."
B000KV61FC,5,"The Tug A Jug is a great dog toy,our mini doxie Fritzi needs a 12 step program cause he is on the Jug all the time. It has become his favorite toy and spend hours trying to get every last bit of treat out of it. He is exhasted as its quite the work out and needs a nap after wards. The only problem was the Tug part of it,it lasted about five minutes as he chewed right through that,but really you dont need it as you can put in larger treats mixed in with little ones and it works just fine."
B000NMJWZO,5,My best friend and her daughter have celiacs disease so I have been on the hunt to find a good flour substitute that is gluten free for baking. My best friend loves baked goods and since she was diagnosed about a year and a half ago she has not been able to get used to the texture of gf cake. I used this as a substitute in some cupcakes and I am amazed at how yummy they turned out! I think it actually made them taste better than my cupcakes I make that aren't gf! I even gave some to another friend and his whole family couldn't tell a difference. I highly recommend this mix!
B000KV61FC,5,Our dog trainer recommended this as a way for our terrier mix to work off some of her extra energy. It was really slow going at first -- she couldn't figure out how to get the food out so she gave up really easily. About two weeks after we got it she finally figured it out and it is FANTASTIC. It used to take her 30 seconds to finish her meals from a bowl and now it's about 20-30 minutes that keeps her fully occupied! It has been the most valuable thing we've gotten for our dog!
B004EAGP74,5,"I've tried other brands of VCO, but I keep coming back to Nutiva. It's well blended and smooth, and the flavor is the best of all I've tried. I love it and use it for all kinds of cooking. It's especially good for cooking bitter greens like turnips or collards; the coconut taste helps cut the bitterness, giving a marvelous flavor to the greens.<br /><br />I've discovered a fantastic way to make healthy popcorn using VCO. I've tried the stovetop method in the past using olive oil, but it's always burned my pot. What I do now is put a great heaping tablespoon of VCO into my 10-quart Fagor canning pot, melt it at 390 on my induction burner, dump in popcorn kernels to just cover the bottom in a single layer, and put on a glass lid I have that fits the pot. Then I just follow through with the popping process, jiggling the pot a little to keep the unpopped kernels falling to the bottom as the kernels pop. I listen for the popping to slow, just like you do with microwave popcorn, and then just turn off the induction burner and let the pot sit a minute while the last few kernels pop. This makes a wonderfully VCO-coated popcorn that can be enjoyed without salt if necessary, or add just a little fine popcorn salt and toss."
B006MONQMC,3,"I gave this product only three stars, not because the product didn't deliver on its promise of providing an easy way to get the vitamins and nutrients that you want, but simply because the taste was not on par with some of the other similar products that are out there.<br /><br />The vitamin squeeze is simple and easy to use, and it provides a shot of vitamins and minerals in a zero calorie additive, this is the inherent strength of the product. However, I only gave the product three stars because the strength of the taste was not as strong as other products like this (however, other products don't offer the shot of vitamins that this product offers). With this product you get the additive nutrients, but you sacrifice a bit on the taste. The taste is not bad, it simply is very weak, you have to add a great deal of the product in order to really get the taste out of it.<br /><br />I liked the product, didn't love it."
B0041NYV8E,5,"Soothing and tasty<br /><br />This ginger drink is actually very delicious. I was pleased that it wasn't too sharp. Some ginger drinks can be too strong for my palate, but this one was very good. I recommend it. It makes an excellent hot tea, or you can also drink it iced. This makes a soothing drink if you have stomach discomfort or a migraine."
B004EAGP74,5,This could not have been a better service experience for me. My Nutiva Cocanut oil came in a matter of a few days. Thank you
B000NMJWZO,5,"Absolutely love this product! It is so versatile and allows me to enjoy some special baking while remaining gluten-free. Also, the price through Amazon is awesome. It's like getting a free bag with each shipment."
B0041NYV8E,3,"vine sent this is a box 100 times bigger than the tea packet. the wife made the tea and she drank it.m mshe said that it was ok, nothing to really write home about. she said that it tasted like ginger ta with a touch of lemon"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I really had high hopes for this ginger and lemon drink. I've got digestive issues and thought it great there there is something more natural out there than pills and might taste better than a ginger herbal tea. It's not really marketed for that, but why not, it's ginger.<br /><br />That first sip was shocking, and not in a good way. The taste is incredibly strong and left a burning feeling on both my tongue and back of my throat for a couple of minutes each time I took a sip even after it had cooled down quite a bit. Yes I did try a number of sips but I can't say that I developed an appreciation for it. Nor could I finish it.<br /><br />Anyone who actually drinks real ginger tea will actually find more enjoyment in this product. Unfortunately, I drink too much sweet stuff and this appears to be an acquired taste.<br /><br />It is packaged for convenience. Instead of a tea bag, you get tea bag-sized packets with a powered mixture. No tea bags to dispose of."
B000KV61FC,2,"Dogs loved it but, 3 out of 3 I purchased had the lids crack and break in a number of weeks. They need to use a different plastic."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I am glad to have found Pamela's Baking Mix. I cannot have corn, wheat or yeast, so when I found this product I was thrilled. Results are excellent with the mix. Also Amazon is a great company to shop with and I have had no problems with them and if I do encounter a small problem they fix it right away."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We love Pamela's pancake mix - and best of all, it's gluten free! I've been on my diet for over a year now and have tried a dozen or so mixes and Pamela's is by far the best. Every saturday morning we make pancakes and to be able to continue this tradition with a mix we can all enjoy is so pleasing to us. My kids can't even tell the difference between Pamela's and normal pancake mix. Thanks for making such a great product."
B004EAGP74,5,"This is my favorite coconut oil for eating and moisturizing both. It is unrefined virgin coconut oil and has that great coconut smell (and taste!). If you want odorless / tasteless coconut oil - make sure you purchase the REFINED coconut oil.<br /><br />Coconut oil has never made me nauseous and this one is no different - it's one of the best, highest quality oils I've ever had and I highly recommend from everything from cooking (does not degrade at high heat like olive oil) to moisturizing (coconut glow and super shiny hair!).<br /><br />Bought a smaller size initially and went through it in no time flat. The gallon size lasts me a good 3-4 months (cooking and moisturizing).<br /><br />Editing this on 05/19/2012: ""perfect price"" at the time, by the way, was $56.15 shipped via Amazon Prime. Hello inflation?"
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake mix is wonderful. My husband has celiac disease and everything has to be gluten free. Buying this mix in the 4-pound bags from Amazon is the most economical way we have found to purchase it. Most other places charge at least $16.99 per bag. I use it for biscuits, pancakes and muffins mostly but, other things can be made from it and so far we like every thing that we make from it."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love, love, love these pancakes. They are delicious! The texture is the same as regular pancakes, but the flavor is much better. My husband, who eats wheat and gluten, also loves them. Between the sweet rice, the almond flour and whatever else is in there, they just have so much more flavor than plain pancakes. I have to hold myself back from buying this too often, because I eat them every day and that's too many pancakes too often for anyone. Next I am going to try their bread and pizza dough."
B000KV61FC,2,"Despite several washings, I can not get rid of the industrial plastic smell on the soft rubber parts of this toy, and our dog (lab mix) has absolutley no interest in it, despite favorite treats inside. I can only assume she finds the smell offensive/repellant.<br /><br />If she does ever take an interest in it (I keep trying), I will keep a close eye on the rubber ""rope""- seems like something she may chew through fairly quickly."
B000GAT6NG,4,"I've tried a few different brands of extra-virgin coconut oil, and for the most part I'm equally satisfied with them all. Despite the marketing hype, coconut oil brands within each category (virgin, refined, hydrogenated) are very similar. I should specify the qualities I look for in a coconut oil: I want a coconut oil with a rich coconut aroma and taste, maximum nutrition, and minimal processing. For these reasons, I always select an organic, extra-virgin, cold-pressed oil.<br /><br />I'm pleased that this Nutiva Organic Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil provides these qualities along with an easy-to-find ""packed on"" and ""best before"" date. The jars I ordered in late January 2011 were packed on September 13, 2010, and the ""best before"" date is September 13, 2012. Stored correctly (cool, dark location, no refrigeration needed), this nutrient-dense oil stays fresh for two years. It smells and tastes great--coconutty and slightly sweet.<br /><br />According to Nutiva, no hexane is used in the processing of this oil. Hexane is a petroleum-derived solvent used in all kinds of industrial applications, from shoe manufacturing to roofing. Interestingly, because hexane's primary molecular structure is carbon, it can be passed off as ""organic."" Do a little research; ""cold-pressed,"" ""organic,"" AND ""hexane-free"" are key considerations when selecting your coconut oil for nutrition purposes.<br /><br />I'm not as pleased with the plastic jars. In fact, I took off a star as a result of the plastic packaging. I feel that a quality organic oil should be stored in a glass jar, and ideally a dark one to reduce oxidation. I've actually selected coconut oils specifically because they come in glass jars, and might have bypassed this product if I hadn't found it on sale at a good price. I put this information in the review to aid those of you who are looking for a coconut oil in a glass jar. Great deals can be found on Amazon, by the way, especially if you purchase the packs of two jars."
B006MONQMC,3,"I picked up the Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink to take to work and give a boost to my water consumption. Who couldn't use a bit more vitamin C or energy? While there is some nutritional value in the vitamin content, the drink is also loaded with artificial ingredients. The caffeine content, alone, seems counterintuitive to something that wants to market itself as healthful. So, I'm not sure that Vitamin Squeeze has exactly figured out which niche in the marketplace it wants to fulfill. Health or energy? By making claims to both, it also falls short of either.<br /><br />The one thing I did like is that the bottle is much bigger than other water additives (heck, the waste of plastic and processing on those tiny bottles drives me insane). The instructions say that you add a squeeze to 8 ounces of water. That would make 24 servings in the bottle supposedly. One problem, a squeeze isn't a real unit of measurement. With too little, there is no taste at all and if you use enough to notice--you'll probably only end up with 8-10 servings. The taste, even with extra squeezing, is like diluted sugar free kool-aid. It's not awful, but it has a pronounced aftertaste. If you're looking for a caffeine supplement, you might find this appealing enough. But it's not something that I would revisit for either the vitamins or the caffeine. KGHarris, 6/12."
B006MONQMC,4,"I enjoy that this is a handy product that gives my usual beverage of water a nice change. It is very tasty. You can add as much or as little as you want. It is very thirst quenching. I kept this in my classroom during the school year but come September, I will need to have two on hand so I can keep one at work and one at home. This is one of the most thirst-qunching options I have come across."
B000GAT6NG,3,"I used this for many months a few years ago. By using it I was able to stay off of my biggest vice; sugar. I lost some weight on it, and had more energy while I was using it. However, after months of using it I got where I couldn't stand to drink it any more (I used it by adding it to hot water or tea, as I didn't like it changing the flavor of my foods by putting it in them). Also, after months of using it the odor of coconuts was coming through my skin. I have noticed this with other foods too so it isn`t just the CO: say if I eat raw onions for awhile - or use apple cider vinegar every day - their odor will begin to come through my skin. The odor wasn't such a big deal, but I just hated drinking it any more. And, then when my cholesterol levels went up instead of down, I just quit it. And, over a period of time after stopping it my cholesterol levels came back down. But, then I went back to the sweets and it has again gone high. And, I have gained a lot of weight by eating all those sweets. So, I am going back to EVCO to help me lose some weight and keep off of the sweets. I have been taking in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar regularly - as well as Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric, and Plant Sterols - so maybe that will help keep my cholesterol levels from going high from the EVCO. Hope so...<br /><br />Oh, ironically, before starting the CO so long ago my favorite candy bar was `Mounds'. I totally loved the taste of coconut! But, after doing the CO I got where I almost could gag on it, and it took me a couple of years before I ever ate another `Mounds' bar. I was just totally coconut'd out!<br /><br />Now I will once again be drinking it, but will also use it to replace the omega 6 oil in my oatmeal bran muffins. Maybe I will also experiment this time with using it on vegetables.<br /><br />Even though I quit drinking it I have continued to use it for other purposes:<br /><br />* I use it in the summers as a mosquito repellant. It actually repels mosquitoes (more than) twice as long as 'OFF' (without the chemicals). And, does a more effective job at keeping them away. With 'OFF' some will buzz around, me; not so with CO.<br />* Also, before I go out into the garden I put some under my fingernails, and then dirt doesn't stick under my nails. And, cleanup is a snap.<br />* I have been using it the last few weeks to put in my nose so the CPAP air doesn't dry me out so much, and it is working wonderfully for that. When I first put it in I don't like the smell, but get used to it after the CPAP has run awhile. But, when I pull the CPAP mask off in the mornings the first thing I smell is coconut. But, it is much cheaper and more effective than the gel I was buying for that purpose. The gel was drying up and creating a thick paste up in there, but the CO keeps everything smooth gliding, and it also kills off bacteria etc.<br />* I tried it on my face for awhile, but it caused my acne to flair pretty bad. But, it does wonders for my skin on my legs.<br /><br />I really am hoping that this time I will be able to stick with it, without getting to hating the flavor and odor of coconut again, and hope it doesn't raise my cholesterol levels again: being this time I will be also be using Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, Turmeric, and Plant Sterols to keep my cholesterol levels down. And, the CO can just be a nice `accompaniment` to those things."
B000KV61FC,3,"I thought this was a great toy, but my shepherd mix (supposedly very smart according to several different trainers we've worked with) never really got into it.<br /><br />He likes tug toys, but this is not a great tug toy because the dog will grab the rope end, and you'll grab the plastic jug end. If your dog is any good at playing tug at all, you will lose every time.<br /><br />He did not seem to enjoy chewing the purple spiky part either.<br /><br />There was some interest in getting the treats out, but it never lasted very long. The treats have to be fairly small to come out. I spent nearly an hour cutting up treats to make them easy to get out, and that helped perk his interest a little, but he always went back to other toys.<br /><br />Maybe its too complex for him. He does LOVE another puzzle toy we have. Its like a buster cube, but its a tough rubber ball (melon sized) with a maze like center. You put treats in one side by pushing them through a crossed slit, and after some rolling they fall out a hole on the other side. He loves that toy. I think its cool, too, but I fear what might be growing inside it, and the only way I've figured out to clean it is to soak it in vinegar and then put it in the dishwasher and hope.<br /><br />This toy is at least easy to clean.<br /><br />I ended up giving it to a neighbor to see if her dog might like it better."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best pancake mix. I'm not allergic to wheat but I decided to try this anyway and it makes the best pancakes. They are light and fluffy and very tasty. The only problem is that this mix is so popular, it sells out very quickly on Amazon. They sell it at a good price."
B000KV61FC,5,"While one of my goldens has no time for this toy (she is a princess who doesn't like to work for her food), my male LOVES his tug-a-jug! He will work at it for an hour until all the kibble is dispensed. You can actually see the wheels turning as he figures it out, and he is pooped when he's done. Great for body and brain. Only caveat: use this toy on carpet-- it is really noisy on a bare floor!"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I am a real fan of ginger and honey. I drink a lot of Republic Of Tea's versions, plus I love those real ginger - ginger ales, the kind that almost burn your throat and you can feel it going all the way down! Well, Kili's instant beverage is not quite what I'm used to and that is fine, but I did not care for it. As I say, I've had lots of ginger and ginger/honey drinks, but this had some kind of odd flavor to it.<br /><br />First impression, the drink was not a tea, not in a bag etc. When you open the single serving pouch, there are dark granuals inside that you just dump into a cup. It says to add water but in MLs so I was lucky to fing out my Pyrex measuring cup had MLs on there. I added hot water and stirred it. The color in my cup was pretty dark brown, a lot darker than my teas etc. The scent was okay, not bad. But the flavor, at a very small sip, was super strong. I don't think watering it down would really help either. Also, the ginger aspect was pretty sweet and reminded me of candied ginger, (which I love) but that other flavor, I don't know what it was..was distracting.<br /><br />Personally I would not drink this again and did not try it cold. That might be better but the flavor really put me off. I did like the convenience that the sweetener was already in there, that it was granuals so no teabag to mess with."
B006MONQMC,4,Vitamin squeeze energy drink fruit punch is a good little flavor enhancer with some vitamins you can squirt into your water. Two squeezes and your water is flavored with a light fruity flavor. The container is a fairly convenient small plastic bottle with a stopper that's easy to squeeze through. It contains enough fluid so that you can flavor and vitamin-ize several drinks. I would certainly try the product again.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I was wondering and unpredictable about the coconut oil, at first and just let it sit the I got up the courage and fry some fish and fries in the coconut oil was truely and turn around in the taste of the fish a hint of coconut flavor, the fries were not oil or a oil taste a fresh taste with a hint of coconut prefect fry and used the same oil for fish and fries without the fries tasting like fish. love it and recommend it to all friends and family also Facebook"
B000KV61FC,5,"Our 16 month old yellow lab loves to play with empty 2 liter pop bottles. I bought him this toy because I worried he would cut his mouth and gums on the sharp plastic shards of those flimsy bottles. No worry about that with the Tug-a-Jug...this toy will most likely survive through the next millennium!<br /><br />To fill with treats, just twist off the bottom; couldn't be easier. It's a lot of fun watching our dog figure out how to get at the goodies inside.<br /><br />I honestly don't think the rope pull is going to last very long; especially if you are buying this for an aggressive chewer. However, don't let that stop you from buying the tug-a-jug. Even without the rope, it's still a great and challenging toy."
B000KV61FC,3,"I was dissapointed in this one. The only way to get the treats out is to tug it on the ground but the rope encourages the dog to carry it around, throw it around etc... You have to fill it up to get the treats to come out and sorry but I don't want to give my dog 2 days worth of food. Maybe I would have been better off buying the smaller one."
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this for my 16 pound whoodle, and within 4 days she was able to crack the bottle and ripped apart the rope that was attached to it. I wouldn't purchase it again, but the concept was good."
B0041NYV8E,4,"As a hot drink, this made a great alternative to tea. It's spicy and somehow refreshing.<br /><br />It tastes mostly natural, and it's said to be, but I did not have retail packaging - nor are the ingredients listed online - so I have no idea what is actually in the product, and I would want to know for sure before buying very much of it.<br /><br />I also would like to try it in carbonated water to see if one can make a more naural, less sugary ginger-ale."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is THE best gluten free flour mix that my wife and I have ever seen (and tasted). My wife makes some amazing muffins and cakes with this flour following the simple recipes on the back of the bag. The first time we bought some, we only bought a small bag from the local health food store and made waffles with it. Following their waffles recipe where you beat the egg whites separately produces amazing waffles. Pancakes were quite a treat too! We now buy it by the box load from here.<br /><br />It is pricier than regular wheat flour, but it enables us to have all the treats of cakes, waffles, muffins and pancakes even with an intolerance for gluten."
B000NMJWZO,3,"Rated this product 3 as it didn't seem fair to give it a bad ding since I couldn't even try it.<br /><br />I was looking forward to trying this product only to find that it contains Almonds. This information is not listed here. Thank goodness I read the label before baking.<br /><br />I'm glad that it works for so many, wish it did for me but felt it important that others know so they don't waste their money - it isn't returnable."
B000KV61FC,2,"So I am the proud owner of an almost 80-lb. 1-year-old lab mix whose sole mission in life is to seek and destroy. I have been looking for toys that would hold his interest longer than the 5 minutes it takes him to rip them to pieces, and saw this at my local pet store, but in the small size. I was thrilled to see the larger size on Amazon, and ordered it. This is a toy for smart dogs, and, of course, I like to think my dog is smart. However, he may be too smart. Gave it to my dog tonight. It was interesting to watch him try to figure out how to get the treats out, and he seemed occupied. I walked away to leave him to his work. 10 minutes later, he had chewed through the rope coming out of the top of the bottle. He cheated. This had potential to be an awesome, time-consuming toy to same some of my sanity. Unfortunately, if you have a strong chewer, or a dog who can figure out the short cuts, save your money."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the greatest! Even my non glutens frees love it! Super recipes on the bag that are fast, easy and GOOD!!!"
B0041NYV8E,3,You'll probably like this if you like ginger - it does have a strong ginger taste that often lingers afterwards in the form of an aftertaste. The lemon provides an interesting counterbalance to the ginger - upon first sip it overpowers the ginger but the subtle ginger flavor often comes back as an aftertaste. Some may prefer the aftertaste and others may not.<br /><br />What I do like is that it is an interesting and different alternative to the more common tea flavors we get in America. It definitely has a very strong Asian smell and taste that will either attract or detract. I would say it's a matter of taste and to try just one box before buying a group. My spouse loved the tea but I didn't care for it.
B0041NYV8E,4,"The beverage has a really delicious spiced smell. However, just a sip made my entire mouth feel stung. The sensation faded to a tingle and finally passed, but for me, this drink is too strong. The taste was fine, just not the sensation. A second sip was all to similar to the first and so I passed on the rest of the cup."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I was happy to try this tea out, hoping it would help with my occasional morning sickness. I've had success with lemon tea or with ginger cookies in the past, so had high hopes. But, I can't stomach this tea when well, and there is no way I could manage it if nauseated!<br /><br />First of all, I followed package directions as to the amount of water to add, so it was as strong as it was supposed to be. I tasted no lemon, nothing but ginger, lots and lots of ginger. It was very spicy hot. Enough that it burned my mouth for a minute or two after taking one sip. Same thing with the next sip.<br /><br />Do not buy this tea unless you have drunk STRONG ginger tea before and know that you like it. And expect this tea to be very spicy hot. And don't expect any lemon flavor. Personally, I thought it was absolutely horrible."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I tried it both hot and cold, liked both, but hot version felt more satisfying. It wasn't too spicy, just right. I found another version without honey, and I plan to check it out next, too."
B004EAGP74,5,"This oil is awesome, does not flame up when Frying,taste great,great for salad dressing,My GCF son with autism loves the taste."
B000KV61FC,1,"My Akita mix pup then, and even now as an adult does not like this toy. There are much better treat dispensers on the market, like ""Bob a lot.""<br />The purple dispenser is a large neoprene container similar to a water bottle for hiking. My dog was afraid of the toy until I helped him get some of the treats out with the rubber attachment that slides in and out of the bottle. He had no interest in trying to get them out on his own and still doesn't.<br />I have a 4 month old lab pup and she has no interest either.<br />I think it's a poor design."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I have a sore throat. I tried the product in a mug-sized coffee cup with hot water. Tasted great and helped my throat at first. Then it cooled. It has so much sugary ingredients that it has an aftertaste. I would dilute this product. Actually, I would like a sugar-free version, but diluted. Sugar-free products do not make my tongue feel thick in a syrupy way. This drink does. If it would just stay hot it would be ok. If it were diluted it may be nicer. I am partial to tea bags. This is a powder, premixed. I put stevia in my tea. This has sugary ingredients I cannot pronounce. It is still sugar. Needs work."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have never been able to make a good pancake except for buckwheat. When I saw this as a lightening deal and read all the 5 star reviews I figured it was worth the try.<br /><br />OH MY GOODNESS~I just made the most wonderful fluffy light and thick pancakes. I have never and I mean never had such a good pancake. Being wheat free is a bonus. I don't have to be gluten free but I do tend to be a bit sensitive to too much wheat at times.<br /><br />I almost wanted to take a picture of these pancakes. I could not believe I made them. You have to give this a try. I will never want another pancake but these. They are much healthier too, I used the spray butter on them and sugar free syrup and even with those two things they are FANTASTIC.<br /><br />I will be on subscribe and save when my supply runs low. I cannot wait to make other things with it for the holidays."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I like all the flavors individually but when packaged together in this drink, I couldn't get past the third taste. It tasted more like medicine rather than something I'd drink on purpose. It had a bit of a bite that I didn't care for either. Sorry, not to my taste."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I like hot drinks like coffee & tea, and I like the flavors of lemon and ginger.<br /><br />This drink has a pleasant aroma and a spicy/sweet flavor. The ginger flavor is very strong -- almost like eating a Ginger flavored Altoid. The ginger's spicy flavor lingers in the mouth for a while after each sip.<br /><br />This drink is great for cold days and I bet it'd be super soothing if you had a cold or a sore throat. I may pick some more of this up if I see it at the grocery store."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I decided to go gluten free for a couple of months to see if it would improve some aspects of my health. I've never liked any of the other gluten free bread mixes, etc, that I had tried before. Things tended to taste funny, egg'y, and had a funny texture. I picked up some of this mix and my view of gluten free baking has been forever changed. Sure, you don't get some of the lovely texture you get with gluten but nothing has been grainy. And it is true that I can't nail the perfect chocolate chip cookie texture with this mix but I've learned to make a variation of that cookie that I prefer with this mix. In short, if you make the recipes that are provided you will be satisfied but if you are creative and have a little experience then you can make this mix shine. I love it!"
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought the small size for my 2 dachshunds (who are notorious for chewing through monster truck tires and tearing the heads off barbie dolls). This toy has kept them busy for 2 1/2 days and still going strong.<br /><br />The bottom screws off to EASILY put food in (I put in their dinner portion of kibble plus a couple bone treats). The bottom has pin size air holes so the dogs can smell the food, the bottle is tinted purple but you can still easily see the food and hear it rattle inside. The plastic rope part has a 'plug' at the end so if the dogs try to pull the rope, it closes the top exit and food wont come out. The only downfall are the tiny plastic nubs around the neck of the bottle. A big rubber covering around the neck of the bottle has tiny numbs which my dogs were able to chew off- but sooo tiny i'm not worried about them at all (and the main plastic covering is still in fantastic condition)<br /><br />I'M ALREADY ON THIS SITE TO BUY ANOTHER ONE FOR MY OTHER DACHSHUND.... AND A COUPLE MORE AS GIFTS FOR FRIENDS WHO HAVE BUSY DOGS TOO!<br /><br />If you want a toy that will keep the dogs entertained, challenged, interested, and wont tear apart- this is WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!"
B000GAT6NG,5,You can tell this is superior to the processed coconut oil. Big tub is great.
B000KV61FC,3,"I was quit suprised how big this tug-a-war toy was when I opened it. My two pit bulls love it. Unfortunetly, I read the precautions that stated not good if dogs shake and throw it around, after already purchasing it. That's what one of my dog loves to I try to give it to her while in her dog crate."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I really like this product. It not only makes wonderful pancakes, but you can replace the flour in almost any recipe with this. It makes good cakes, pie crust, and cookies. I love it and this is the best price you can find anywhere."
B004EAGP74,5,"i had moderate acne(cysts mostly on my temples and cheeks) and dry skin that drank up lotion as though it were in famine. recently, i've been nightly steaming my face, rubbing in the oil, and then steaming it again and wiping off the excess oil. my face is clearing up exceptionally well, and instead of being both dry and oily, my skin is retaining an amazing glow. i have been doing the skin treatment along with eating a tbsp of it a day(i put it in my morning tea), and the result is nothing short of a miracle. i feel like a hippie saying it, but i am so glad i switched from putting weird chemical nonsense on my face to this routine. i also use it to fry eggs and chicken and i use it to deep condition my hair. i kinda want to preach about it to everyone, yet at the same time i want to keep it my little beauty secret."
B000KV61FC,4,"My dogs love this and each figured out different techniques to get food out - took a while for them to get good at it. The Pit Bull holds her paws around the rubber ring and turns it over to pour some out. The Heinz 57 bats it around until something falls out, just beginning to hold the rope with 1 paw and hit the jug with the other. They are tied for time to get all the treats out!<br /><br />This cannot be played with on tile or wood floors - too noisy for people and jug slides too much for dogs. It would work in a crate, but I won't leave my dogs alone with ANY toy of this sort.<br /><br />It is hard to find dog goodies that will come out most are too thick to pass through. Charlee Bear Treats(any flavor) <a href="""">Charlee Bear Dog Treats 16Oz Zip Pack Cheese/Egg</a> work perfectly as do larger sized cat treats. I love watching the dogs as they figure out a new way to make it work. No one has eaten off the rubber ring (the toy would still work if they did) and no one has chewed off the rope. (You could replace the rope or put in some sort of ball as someone else did.)<br /><br />I'd have given this 5 stars except for the noise on hard floors."
B000KV61FC,4,"I have 2 pit bulls that love to chew and this toy has suprising lasted a few months. The rubber on it can be chewed off (so supervision is required), but even with chunks of it gone, it still works great and keeps them busy. Besides the rubber being no challenge to chew through (especially the cord), the biggest down sides are that the plastic is so hard that it could damage some furniture (and feet) and it is loud when they throw it around"
B0041NYV8E,3,"Wow. Lots of ginger in this drink, anyone who in their head (like myself) makes an assumption that this is a lightly flavored beverage would be way off.<br /><br />I poured my packet into a mug of hot water. Consistency-wise this is thicker and closer to a hot chocolate or cider rather than a clear tea. You have to really, really like ginger to like this drink. I tried to drink as much of it as I could, but it actually overwhelmed me. I'd have to have watered it down greatly to drink a cup's worth.<br /><br />For people who really like ginger this is a great alternative to tea or hot chocolate for a warm winter drink as you get that extra zing of flavor with ginger. The powder mixed really well and easily with the hot water.<br /><br />I won't be drinking this again, only because my love of ginger isn't that strong, but I'd recommend it to someone who did really like ginger."
B006MONQMC,2,"I think the company that manufactures this item is counting on the fact that most people want a ""quick fix"" in an effort to be healthy. What about taking a vitamin pill in the morning with a glass of plain water which is faster and cheaper?<br /><br />The bottle is bulky, especially when compared to MIO and just how much is a ""squeeze?"" I am a small woman and my ""squeeze"" is not that of a large man. One selling point, however, is that it contains zero calories. I doubt think I would purchase this drink again."
B000GAT6NG,5,Stuff was great! Used it in lip balm that I created for x-mas presents. Will be ordering this stuff again!
B000NMJWZO,5,Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is an extremely versatile product. It makes wonderful Belgian waffles that even non-celiac friends & family enjoy. I use this mix for baking cakes & bread in a bread machine. This bread tastes better than any bread I've been able to purchase. It eliminates the need of having numerous mixes when storage space is limited.
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is the best brand! [[ASIN:B000VUMSE0 Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 54 oz]I have been using more and more coconut oil for the past for months. First it was for facial moisturizer than learned how great it is for a whole body moisturizer. Use as you would baby oil. The I tried for my baby who has eczema and is allergic to just about all the ""pure"" and ""natural"" products out there. His skin drinks it in and leaves it super moisturized and smooth. No more cracks and irritation. Great for all seasons. My husband uses after shaving as do I. I love it for cooking, No more olive and canola. If you do your research this should be your only cooking oil. Whether savory or sweet or deep frying and sauteing. Has a very mild taste, my husband doesn't even notice the difference. Also try in your hair as a conditioner, hot oil treatment or sealant also cuticles. I am an african american woman with natural 4a hair. I can't say enough about this. I started with the 16oz, but the more I used this the more I found that I needed a larger size. To my amazement I found this gigantic size. I put some in my smaller containers and leave one in the bathroom, one in the bedroom, one in the baby room and the largest one in the kitchen. Can't get enough of coconut oil."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I had high expectations when ordering Nutiva Coconut Oil because I had recently discovered that America has been lied to about unsaturated fats and saturated fats for years, and that if I want to lose weight, then I should stick to what my taste buds naturally love- Saturated fat!<br />Nutiva Coconut Oil has gone above and beyond meeting my expectations. I am blown away!<br />It satisfied what I expected:<br />1. The smell is pleasant and sweet, bold and aromatic.<br />2. The taste is full-bodied and rich.<br />3. Snow White in color, smooth and creamy texture. I could definitely see myself using a pat of this on my toast instead of butter.<br />4. After cooking it, the aroma of coconut fills the room.<br />5. The high heat tolerance of coconut oil is wonderful. It cooked my steak and burger perfectly. No longer will I deal with the smoking olive oil on the pan which indicates trans fat having been created.<br />6. No cholesterol, almost ALL saturated fat though- How can nature be so beautiful?<br /><br />Going BEYOND my expectations:<br />A. Out of curiosity last night, I dabbed some coconut oil on my chapped lips as soon as I opened the jar and laid eyes on the lovely white butter in front of me. This morning, as I'm writing this review, I lick my lips and feel that my lips are now smooth, soft, and not chapped at all! I am so amazed! That has never happened; it's like magic!<br />B. I just read that coconut oil may help to prevent and treat dementia and Alzheimer's. I am going to tell my parents immediately!<br /><br />If I could give ten stars, I would!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I bought this awhile back, thinking that 12 pounds of baking mix seemed absurd, but I am so glad I got it. This mix is wonderful. It makes delicious pancakes, for starters. The pancakes are so good that my gluten eating sister doesn't know the difference between these and her ""regular"" pancakes.<br /><br />But even more important, there are so many things that can be made with the mix. On the back of the package are lots of recipes for quick breads, muffins, waffles, crepes, and biscuits. I made the biscuits today and was impressed. I've had other biscuit mixes before that were entirely too sweet and too dry. These were perfectly flavored and delicious. The mix is also perfect for making roux, which is great for gravies and sauces. I tried making a pizza crust with it and it was okay, but not quite right... the bread mix is probably better.<br /><br />Pamela's Products has an awesome website full of recipes for each baking mix. I highly recommend checking it out. This mix can be used in so many ways, so keep that in mind. I'd say between this and Annalise Roberts' <a href="""">Gluten-Free Baking Classics</a> my gluten-free lifestyle has been a much easier adjustment.<br /><br />I set my subscription for this every six months. I've gone through one bag in about a month, so I think I have it about right. This mix has been amazing for breakfast foods. I recommend it to anyone going gluten-free!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is a great healthy product at a good price. Not the first time I buy it, and not the last."
B006MONQMC,4,"While a little sweet for my tastes (another flavor would probably have worked better for me), the squeeze-bottle convenience of this energy-drink product makes it easy to get as little or as much flavor in your water as you want, and there is far more product here than in some other squeeze-flavor additives. I don't know how much more energetic it made me, or how many vitamins I was actually ingesting, but it was good enough for what it is. I would buy it again."
B006MONQMC,4,"Coffee? Sports Drinks? Energy drinks? The reason I ask is that it seems to be a amalgam of all the aforementioned. You get your caffeine, taurine(and heavy dose of vitamin B), as well as electrolytes in just one squeeze. But now to put it against the gauntlet and grade it accordingly:<br /><br />-Coffee: I know I'm not the only person who feels that this is an irreplaceable morning staple. Although if you only drink coffee for the morning jolt of caffeine than this could be a fine substitute. For me it's the taste and having something warm to start the day(particularly during our extended east coast winters). D+(God forbid I'm out of coffee some morning and running late, this could pinch hit for a morning I suppose.)<br />-Sports Drinks: Again, an absolute must. I play allot of sports so my trunk is filled with these at any given time. A(Refreshing with a good flavor, also less syrupy than many sport drinks.)<br />-Energy Drinks: I don't do them. Personally I feel like the ramifications of jamming several of these down your throat daily(as many of my friends and co-workers do) has yet to truly reveal itself... I very well could just be paranoid though. C(I'm fairly ignorant when it comes to these but I think the carbonation is part of the allure that many energy drinks hold, you won't find that here. This is a zero carb alternative that some may enjoy.)<br /><br />That's not a horrible set of grades(and very common for any report card I've ever received), although I think the obvious application for this is if you lead a active life(i.e. sports, jogging, hiking) and want to spice up your water bottle. It should be noted that the price may seem high but that each of 4 bottles you receive has 24 servings."
B000KV61FC,5,I have had this toy for three months. My big dog loves plastic bottles and will assume every water bottle is meant for her so I was curious about how this toy would go over. It was a definite hit! She loves it and ever after the beagle has tried to destroy it you can hardly see a mark on it! At least as far as dogs are concerned I think this might be indestructible.
B000KV61FC,1,"Was excited about this tough toy, but gave it to our 96 lb puppy who tore the rope apart in less than an hour. He is usually really good with toys that dispense treats but this time since he couldn't figure out the pulling, because it wasn't really working, he just decided to chew the rope. Threw it away because it was also too noisy and scratching up the wood floors."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have lived with celiac disease/ gluten intolerance for 24 years and tried an uncountable number of Gluten free products. This is the one I love best for every type of cooking and baking. I love the large size. With 2 Gluten Intolerant people in our family, and 4 non GI members who prefer this baking mix to wheat baking mixes, we go through a bag every few days. It is pretty much an equal substitution for flour measurements so no calculating necessary. The nut adds great texture, moisture and flavor."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I started using this product a few months ago when I read about giving coconut oil to my black shih tzu Pucci as a dietary supplement. He liked it immediately and his coat is glossy and his skin unblemished. I have also smooshed some into his hair before his bath as a conditioner with great success. I started eating it myself - it has a very pleasant, mild taste - and I apply it to my hair and skin before a shower which makes even my hard feet smooth and soft without being greasy. It absorbs into the skin nicely. I thought the claims of a miracle product were merely the swoons of hippie health nuts but this product has enhanced my life and the life of my dog. I like Nutiva products in general so that is why I chose it for the coconut oil and it seems wonderful in all aspects. It is part of my routine now. This size jar also seems to be an excellent value for a quality product."
B006MONQMC,3,"Vitamin Squeeze isn't a bad for water flavoring, but it's not among my favs. I seem to have a hard time adjusting the flavor. It's either too weak or too strong,, but that's probably my fault adding the right amount for my taste. Still, the flavor, in my opinion, is moderate at best. As for the energy, I understand it isn't an energy drink per se', but I've gotten more pep out of a can on Mointain Dew. However, it is nice that it's full of B vitamins and natural caffeine. All in all, I am not be a fan of Vitamin Squeeze, but if you like fruity favors and just a bit of kick, I suggest you give it a try."
B000KV61FC,3,"Works great for my GSD with one exception. I had to remove the rubber rope from the bottle. Otherwise it would be impossible to get the food out!! Maybe this is because his food is larger I really dont know however, with the rope gone he stays active until all the food is out. Good buy since I purchased it from target at the clearanced price of 3 dollars!"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I just returned from Singapore and tried a really wonderful ginger tea. I brought home two giant bags, I was so impressed, so when I saw this product, I gave it a try. I can honestly say that there is simply no comparison. Since I only received a packet as a sample, there were no directions on how much to use, but I had assumed it was one packet to a cup of water. When I gave it a try, I thought it was going to burn a hole in my throat. Although apparently mixed with honey and lemon, it only enhances the strength of the ginger. I ended up dumping half the cup out and filling it with more water to see if it would create a more mellow flavor, but it only decreased the flavor while leaving the burning sensation in full strength. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't think the lemon is doing this tea any favors. It simply ends up tasting medicinal, so if you're using it for digestive purposes, colds, and stomach cramping like most ginger teas are alleged to help, then it's probably the way to go, but if you're looking for a good tasting ginger tea with all the health benefits, I would pass on this one."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I still eat gluten, though everyone in the family has some degree of gluten sensitivity. I am working on moving us to gluten free. The waffles and pancakes made by this mix are just as good, if not better, than most mixes made with wheat. This past weekend I made the chocolate chip cookies that are on the back of the package. I wasn't too hopeful. I was wrong, They were great. The texture was light and not heavy like Chocolate chip cookies can sometimes be. I would easily serve this to people who still eat wheat and not feel like I have to make excuses. And like I said, i still eat wheat, so I know how good wheat can be."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This flour makes the most delicious pancakes. We are trying to get away from grains and this product easily takes the place of wheat/bleached flours. Excellent product, excellent price."
B006MONQMC,3,"If you want to be super healthy, you should only drink pure water. (Some doctors say a bit of green tea and one glass of red wine per day is also good.) All other beverages are less healthy than water.<br /><br />If you're used to drinking sweet drinks, then this product can help you transition to drinking pure water. Start by adding the recommended serving size (one full squeeze), then slowly wean yourself off of it by doing half squeezes or less. Eventually, you won't need it all.<br /><br />The taste is OK. It has that typical artificial sweetener taste. Still, at least it's more healthy than most sweet drinks.<br /><br />Try it and then slowly move to plain water."
B004EAGP74,5,"I just love this stuff! Popcorn tastes sooo much better when you pop it in this organic coconut oil! I make my own cheese popcorn and I pop it first in this organic coconut oil then on to the cheese adding stage. It is sooo yummy and smells good when you are popping the popcorn in it. I use the Whirley Pop machine and everyone just loves it. Try it, you will love it too! Thanks and God Bless!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"It was not too long ago that I learned that the common understanding about nutrition is completely wrong, for example, saturated fats such as butter, lard and coconut oil are very stable, and do not break down in high heat. Moreover, this trait is protective of human health, plus, we should be eating MORE fats due to the need for the fat-soluble vitamins. (Don't even get me started on the cholesterol fraud.) So I was thrilled to learn I could obtain coconut oil on Amazon.<br /><br />The coconut oil arrived quickly. After having used 'polyunsaturated' oils for so long, I chuckled to see the coconut oil was solid, hence, the tub, rather than a narrow-necked jar.<br /><br />I got the tub in summer, so somewhere along the way, the stuff got soft and slid sideways. But no prob. And yes, when I run out, I'll get more from the same place in a heartbeat."
B006MONQMC,3,"The Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink additive has a fairly good flavor. It doesn't have a bitter aftertaste like some of the other energy additives. However, it gets 3 stars because I really didn't notice an increase in energy at all. It does have a fairly high caffeine content so I assume that is where the energy is supposed to come from. For those that are sensitive to caffeine this will probably give you an energy boost but not the equivalent of an actual energy drink. I think if you are looking for a low calorie vitamin additive this is a good choice for you. If you are looking for an energy boost you might want to try something else."
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this to keep my Japanese Spitz occupied, no good. I don't know if it's too difficult for her or if she's just not interested in working that hard for food. She's good for a few minutes then gives up even though she'll get food from it."
B004EAGP74,4,I used the Nutiva Organic Coconut oil and it was Great. I replaced it when I made the egg shaped rice krispies treat for Easter. The kids ate them up and I also make them in a pan and used the coconut oil to coat the pan. Thanks again for a great product.
B000KV61FC,5,"For the first couple of days, our dog Moby was only slightly interested in the tug-a-jug. We kept it out, though, and when he finally figured out his own system of getting dog food out of the jug, he was hooked! Then we started putting all his meals in the jug instead of in his bowl. Since starting his meals in the jug, Moby has an outlet for his curious energy and he spends less time in the trash can and in distructive activities like toilet paper shredding because he has to work physically and mentally for his meals like animals do in the wild. It also occupies him while we aren't at home. It lasts so much longer than a kong, because you can put a whole meal in it. This is also great because you don't have to feel guilty about giving your dog too many unhealthy treats -- dog food in the jug works great because the kibble is the perfect size.<br /><br />I was watching the video of the woman who put in a negative review, and as an amateur dog trainer, I think I know why. If you help your dog get food out of the jug, they quickly learn that the way to get food out of the jug is to bring it to the owner, so don't help your dog -- that ruins the fun of the toy! Also, it's harder to get treats out of the toy if it isn't somewhat full, so just fill it up with dog food and a few treats in the beginning so it's not so difficult that the dog looses interest. It also helps to put a few treats in the jug so they randomly hit a jackpot when playing with it. As someone who's studied animal behavior, I know random rewards are the most powerful way to get an animal addicted to a behavior!<br /><br />In short, I can't say enough about this toy!"
B000KV61FC,5,"Took my dog all of three minutes to figure out there's food inside, and tricks for getting it out! It keeps her busy for hours, it's definitely not easy for her to get to all the food. Her favorite trick: She holds the rope down with one paw, and smarks the bottle with the other paw so that some kibble tumble out! So far, it's holding up well, and she's not exactly gentle with it! Had it for a week, and usually she destroys toys within a day or two...She's 25 pounds. I ordered the small, and it's still big enough that she can't get her whole mouth around the rubber stopper. It also has an actual purple/white rope, not a rubber rope like the picture shows. Love it! Will definitely get another one when this one does finally die. Best $10 investment I've made in a very long time."
B006MONQMC,4,"I have to say that I liked this product a lot. I tried the Fruit Punch flavor and liked that there was no after taste. I am a Mio drinker and feel this drink could give a Mio a run for its money if it came in a smaller more compact bottle. With Mio, I can throw it in my purse, but it has this odd after taste. On the flip side, a bottle of MIO makes 12 8oz glasses or bottles, where as Vitamin Squeeze makes 24. I will definitely be purchasing this product on a regular basis."
B0041NYV8E,4,"The ginger really got my attention, and it seemed a little harsh in the back of my throat, and I didn't notice lemon at all. The ginger apparently overwhelmed it. I wouldn't buy it; however, another family member really liked it and plans to buy it. She says: ""I liked the ginger lemon drink--it dissolved quickly in hot water and is a flavorful drink for warming up in winter (iced in summer would also be good). It had a nice ginger flavor with a bit of a kick when I finished drinking."" She loves ginger, but so do I ..."
B000KV61FC,1,"I purchased two of these for our labs at Christmas. I filled them with their usual training treats, and the dogs loved them...they played with them for about 30 minutes trying to get to the treats. Then...the two dogs figured if they bit off the ball on the end of the rope, they could get the treats to fall out sooner. Yup...within 30 minutes the plastic ropes were destroyed. It could really be a danger to dogs if swallowed. (This is why I watch the dogs when they get new toys...and thank goodness I did.)<br /><br />Anyhow, totally disappointed with the product, it's safety and the price. THESE TOYS ARE NOT LAB-TOUGH!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I really do use this mix as an all-purpose gluten free mix. I love it! I am gluten free, though my family is not, and they love it too. I have used it for waffles, pancakes, cookies, muffins, and breading for frying chicken. Actually, I use it pretty much anywhere a recipe calls for regular flour and it works very well. I like this better than Pamela's Amazing Bread mix, which I tried using as an all purpose mix and found it didn't work as well in that capacity. I highly recommend this product."
B000KV61FC,3,"I got this for my 60lb boxer mix as a replacement for smaller one he had managed to break by dropping it. It was great for a couple days, but after that he seemed to get frustrated & in a mere 24 hours, he had chewed through the much thicker rope on the new one, which he had never thought of doing on the old one. Another new toy, doomed to failure. &lt;sigh> oh well, at least I tried."
B006MONQMC,3,"Vitamin Squeeze is promoted as an energy drink, but folks, let me tell you, I drink it at 8pm and I'm out like a light by 9pm......and this from a guy who usually sleeps 4-5/night and a cup of coffee keeps me awake for easily 24+ hours! So, minus one star for no energy....I would give it a star for letting me sleep MORE, but that's not how it's advertised. ;-) With that said, I find the taste to be very good. I need to drink a lot for several reasons, and this makesthe water taste much better. I don't really taste a bad after taste, but there is something (I just don't mind it). As for the squeeze being the perfect amount....hmmmm....I don't see how that is as I control the squeeze, and I can squeeze longer or shorter and different amounts come out each time. Either way, it is a good taste and not over the top. I don't need a lot to give my water bottle a better taste. This is 3.5 stars for me, just not enough to bump it to 4....mainly because it doesn't live up to it's energy status and the ""squeeze,"" is in no way accurate. If you are looking for something to flavor your water, this is it....just don't think it will energize you."
B000KV61FC,4,"My dog absolutely loves this toy. It takes her about 40 minutes to get a cup of kibble from it. It is great for her mentally and physically. It has also been a tremendous help to her digestion, as she was a ""competive eater"" when we adopted her, always wolfing down her food in seconds, and as a result having ""intestinal turbulence"" with alarming frequency. The tug a jug forces her to eat slowly. It took her a while to get the hang of it, so it was a supplement, not a substitute, for her regular meals at first. But now that she knows how it works, I usually feed her one of her two meals in it each day. The other day, I actually split her dinner between the food bowl and the tug a jug, and she opted to play with the tug a jug for 25 minutes before going for the ""easy meal"" in her bowl. I can't think of a better endorsement than that! The one drawback is that it breaks down somewhat easily. We are on our third tug a jug. Each previous one has lasted about a month before our dog has bent the end the food goes in enough that it can't be closed anymore. So, we buy three at a time now. They're not that expensive, and I think they're totally worth it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I use this product on my body and hair. IT IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!!!! it moisturizes like no other. i use it on my hair as a light deep conditioner. i put it on my hair before i wash my a hot oil treatment. i just let it marinate in my scalp and stuff. and then i wash my hair. it leaves it soooo soft and it even detangles!!! and it leaves my hair feeling strong and it is growing. but be careful if u use too much on ur hair it will become very very greasy and heavy. u only need a tad. okay next, i use it on my skin! i wash my face and i put it on my face afterwards. it leaves my face feeling extremely soft, clean and moisturized. also, it doesnt clog my pores. and once or twice a week i will do a soothing bath with the coconut oil. a warm bath mixed with the oil, is sooooo heavenly. Lol. Also use it when i shower too. it leaves my skin feeling soo soft. like i have eczema and it doesnt irritate it at all. my skin loves this stuff. it melts fast and the smell will takes some getting used to. i havent tried cooking with it yet because i really just wanted to use it on my skin cause i have extremely sensitive skin and eczema and i needed something pure and organic. and honestly, i can see my skin clearing up. my eczema is less itchy and actually looks better and is under control. coconut oil is so vital to my everyday skin care regimen. best thing ever."
B006MONQMC,3,"The biggest benefit to having <a href="""">Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch, 12-Ounce (Pack of 4)</a> is being able to take less water weight with you. If you are out hiking or somewhere else where water is available from a water fountain or stream (filter anything from a stream before drinking it) where you can get water along the way and add some flavor and vitamins with this product. It will be lighter and easier than carrying bottles of some sort of sports drink with you.<br /><br />It tastes like Kool-Aid. It's not delicious, not horrible, just sort of OK. There are, of course, a lot of other powdered and concentrated liquid mixes (similar to this one) that would serve the same purpose. Nothing about this Vitamin Squeeze makes it stand out from anything else. It has no calories which probably means it has chemicals instead of sugar.<br /><br />It is not something I'd be likely to purchase but if you need something more than water when you would otherwise have to either carry a lot of water weight or spend a couple bucks for each 16oz sports drink while out on the road this product may be more convenient and/or save you money."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have been enjoying my Nutiva Certified Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. I am on a moderate low-carb food plan, and it fits right in to a healthy diet. I use it for sauteing,for making a low-carb chocolate candy, in a low-carb molten chocolate cake, as a spread, and I use it for a moisturizer on my skin. I also thought this is a good value for my money. I'm completely satisfied with it."
B000KV61FC,5,"My large puppy (8 mo., 70 lbs, Doberman/Am. Bulldog mix) needed a lot of help getting the food out while the rope was intact, but after he shredded the rope after about two days of gnawing, everything changed. I cut the inside knot off and left it inside the bottle so that it would slow down the exit of the kibbles. So now the kibbles come out much easier, but not too easily.<br /><br />Bottom line, with this slight modification, my puppy LOVES his purple bottle, and the 10 minutes that he spends throwing the bottle around to get his food out is 10 minutes less that he's chewing on things that he shouldn't be or otherwise being naughty."
B006MONQMC,1,The taste is so gross that I can't even finish it. I wouldn't waste my money on this. I would rather have an energy drink and take a multi-vitamin everyday if I needed caffeine.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I am new to gluten-free eating. I have 5 children and make them banana muffins nearly every morning. The kids are on the picky side and are quick to pick up whenever anything tastes ""different."" When I took gluten out of my diet, I just stopped eating the muffins. One day, I saw gluten-free baking mixes at Whole Foods, and I bought a package (not Pamela's). The next morning, I made my muffins as normal. The kids did not even notice a difference! And I was able to eat them too. So I went on a search for gluten-free baking mixes, and found Pamela's here on at a great price and even more discount with a subscription service. I've been very satisfied with using Pamela's in my tried-and-true muffin baking and will be purchasing it again."
B000KV61FC,5,"We have a little toy poodle puppy(about 6 pounds) and she loves this! At first she didnt know where to get the treat out, but within 30 minutes she figured it out! It keeps her occupied and gives us a break for about 30min-1hr at a time. She loves it! Since she's not a big dog, I dont see her chewing this up quickly. I was doubtful, but I highly recommend this!"
B006MONQMC,1,"First of all, this thing is packaged like Fort Knox. It has an outer plastic sleeve that you have to cut through and remove, and then (an important point that you might not realize until you've been squeezing and squeezing unsuccessfully) you have to remove the cap and cut off a membrane covering the mouth of the bottle (it has a pull tab, that that was unhelpful; I had to use a knife). That right there should remind you to treat this stuff like medication; don't leave it where children can get a hold of it!<br /><br />The item description says, ""Specially designed cap delivers the right amount in one squueze with no drips or mess,"" so I figured you squeeze until it stops. Fortunately, I added the Vitamin Squeeze before the water, so I could see that it had squirted out a LOT. A serving size is supposed to be 15ml, which is about three teaspoons (one tablespoon). But it had squirted out about a quarter cup! Okay, maybe the cap isn't so ""specially designed"" after all. I opened the cap to pour it all back in, but the liquid had leaked down around the threads of the cap, and proceeded to drip down on my hand and the kitchen counter. And let me tell you, this stuff stains!<br /><br />I wiped off the bottle, rinsed out the cap, replaced it, then measured out three teaspoons into 8 ounces of water. It tasted very weak, so I kept adding more until it tasted okay. Flavoring 24 ounces of water took half a cup! This tasted okay, but then I realized three shocking points:<br /><br />(1) The beverage I just created contained 320mg caffeine!<br />(2) It had used a third of the product to produce one bottle of beverage!<br />(3) This put my 24-ounce drink at a cost of $2!<br /><br />So, while Vitamin Squeeze doesn't taste too bad (think: fruit punch with a chewable vitamin tablet dissolved in it), and I'm all for slipping in a little caffeine, this product has too many drawbacks:<br /><br />*It's too hard to open.<br />*It uses too much dye.<br />*The bottle itself is poorly designed.<br />*The concentrate does not have enough flavor per recommended serving (and, thus, to reach an acceptable flavor, you get far too much caffeine).<br />*The cost per serving is way too high.<br /><br />I won't be buying this again.<br /><br />UPDATE 3-30-12: I went to make myself a drink with this today, and when I picked up the bottle to shake it, it went everywhere! My kitchen looks like a crime scene! My hands are stained, the floor is stained, the rug is stained. I know the lid was on tight, and I washed off the bottle yesterday, so this was definitely fresh leakage (it leaks into the cap when stored, as designed, on the cap, and then when the bottle is turned over, it pours out from under the cap). I know other reviewers have noted that the lid leaks, but I had no idea how bad. This is a SERIOUS issue.<br /><br />UPDATE 5-15-12: I wrote to the company to ask about my concerns, and no one ever got back to me. I'm VERY wary of a company selling a ""health"" product that has non-existent customer service."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This product has truly been a lifesaver for me and my son! We are newbies to the gluten-free diet, and I feel like I picked a winner for a mix right off the bat! I enjoy baking, and using this as a flour substitute is it's #1 purpose, and every time I bake with it, things turn out perfect! I made banana bread the other day and the bread turned out better than when I use regular flour! I've tried it for pancakes once, and honestly have to say that I wasn't crazy about them. They were good, but just not like 'regular' pancakes, which I didn't expect anyway. But, my son loved them so that's all that matters!!!! I definitely recommend this product!"
B0041NYV8E,4,"This is a tasty ginger drink, served hot. Before you add the 8oz of water it looks a bit like powdered ice tea.<br /><br />I don't know that it's for everyone. If you know that ginger is a bit ""spicy"" then go ahead. Its like a ginger snap on steroids. But it's also a bit sweet, sweeter than I expected.<br /><br />It's very fragrant- I love the smell.<br /><br />Overall I would say its a success, if you are looking for a hot ginger drink."
B006MONQMC,4,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy drink tastes like a child's version of artificial fruit punch. It does provide more flavor to plain water but still not entirely sure that I'd choose it over lemon mixed with water. The directions say one squeeze per 8 ounces of water but depending on the pressure applied, you will get more or less with each application. Too little tastes bad and squeezing longer or with more pressure may go over the recommended dosage. Warning: this does effect the color of your urine.<br /><br />Also the purity of where these vitamins are obtained are questionable. We all know that obtaining vitamins and minerals from whole food sources are the best, preferably unprocessed & raw/organic. Overall, I don't think I'd purchase this product because I did not notice more energy and it does interfere with my recommended daily vitamin intake, I could be over dosing!"
B000KV61FC,5,"I have three dogs. A grouchy old schnauzer, and two English Springer Spaniels, one of whom is 10 month old puppy. Our puppy is, lets say...going through a very distructive stage. Our vet suggested toys that keep her attention for long periods of time. We already had several kongs, balls, bones, etc. LOTS of toys. So, I saw this one and thought we would give it a try. IT ROCKS!!!!! It keeps her attention for HOURS!!!!!!! TOTALLY worth the money. In fact, I am going to order two more, so each of the dogs have one. I completely recommend this toy."
B000KV61FC,3,"I followed all the instructions and great guidance from this site, but my dog - a rescue dog, formerly an outside dog and not used to 'toys' didn't figure this out. Perhaps if another dog showed him the way, he'd get it. The product otherwise was well-made and a creative idea!"
B000KV61FC,2,"Our dachshund LOVED this jug! But once she really learned how to do it she wound up doing it so hard<br />that the jug would slam back and hit her. She didn't apparently mind that but it broke her right canine tooth. Hence, this cost us $2500 for a route canal!!!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This mix makes pancakes that are so good, my Fiance who does not have a wheat allergy didn't know they were GF! That is unheard of with the other mixes I have tried. Before, I'd make something, we'd bite into it and we'd look at each other with that ""better luck with the next mix"" looks on our faces. But this mix is tops!<br /><br />I cannot wait to make other things with this mix, and I hear the bread mix is wonderful too. THANK YOU PAMELA!"
B004EAGP74,5,Our family now uses this in place of butter or other oils for all our cooking needs. It tastes sooo good - it has a very nice lite sweet taste to it. Also it is much healthier for you than butter or other oils. We use All Clad cookware and have no trouble with sticking as long as adequate coconut oil is used when cooking.
B006MONQMC,5,"I like this better than powdered drink mix and it does not taste medicinal like a lot of vitamin drinks out there. I use it to flavor my Soda Stream seltzer, tastes really good and gives enough boost to make me peppy but not manic.<br /><br />I use one squeeze and I find that is enough for me, but I like my seltzer mildly sweet so you may want two shots of this if you are looking for Hawaiian Punch sweet.<br /><br />Since you just have to squeeze it into water, I have used it as a mixer with other flavors. I mixed it with fresh squeezed lemon juice to make a fruity lemonade, REALLY good and very refreshing and an extra vitamin C boost. I added it to diet cola and it tasted kind of like a cherry coke. It is also good added to mixed cocktails: cosmo, rum punch, sangria, strawberry margarita, etc.<br /><br />I got a sample bottle for free to review, but I will definitely be buying this in the future!"
B0041NYV8E,4,"This drink has a very distinct taste of ginger as advertised, along with subterranean hints of lemon that are overpowered by ginger. What messes up the balance flavorwise is the sugary flavor.<br /><br />The serving suggestion for a hot drink is one pouch with 250ml of hot water. (250ml of water is just under 8.5 oz).<br /><br />This is a rich drink (compared to tea), so if you prefer something more lightweight, you can use one pouch to make two cups instead of one.<br /><br />Since the nutritionists say ginger is good for you, it raises its rating. As just a drink, it is closer to 3.5 stars."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I use coconut oil as a hair conditioner, but have also used very high quality coconut oil for cooking. This one is perfect for both. It remains a liquid, whereas some coconut oils become a solid, even here in Florida. Some have no smell, but this one has a very light coconutty smell which is wonderful. If I put it on my hair, it doesn't overwhelm me. I love the product, appreciated the good service, and will order it again."
B000KV61FC,5,"I have a 6 month lab/ husky mix that no joke-- INHALED his food in ten seconds.. Today when I put his food in the tug a jug... it took him a whole 30 minutes to get a cup and a half of food out! Mornings are usually rough for us-- dog wants to eat, is bored, full of energy. Then we are trying to get ourselves/ kids fed, cleaned up etc. The fact it gave him something to do.. kept us from getting frustrated trying to manage all our morning responsibilities. I am sure over time he will better figure it out... but they have ways to make it more tricky.. ex: bigger treats.. etc.<br /><br />I have spent so much money on this dog.. on toys.. treats etc.. everything to try to make our lives eaiser. This is my fave so far!"
B0041NYV8E,3,"I looked at the other reviews for this drink, noticed that many said the ginger was way strong. I thought ""Well, I really like ginger, so it'll be ok."" But, really, it's STRONG. Mixing with the instructed 240ml (1 cup) of water leaves a very gingery drink. However, diluting it with about another half-cup of water brought the ginger down to a nice level. At this point it was just SWEET, like ginger tea with 2 packets of Splenda. Way too sweet for me.<br />The lemon is of course overpowered by the ginger. This wouldn't really be a problem if it wasn't so sweet.<br /><br />The one thing I really did like was drinking it with a sore throat. Swollen, aching throat loves ginger, lemon, and hot beverages in general. The Gold Kili drink felt quite nice on my throat and I didn't mind the sweetness or strength of the ginger as much as I probably would normally.<br />Also, it takes a few sips to get used to the flavor. By the time I was almost finished it didn't seem nearly as strong.<br /><br />Coming upon a packet of this, I wouldn't turn it down, but I probably wouldn't buy it. I'd much rather just get tea, like <a href="""">Stash Premium Lemon Ginger Herbal Tea</a>, and sweeten it with honey myself."
B006MONQMC,4,"I really liked this product, though it did take a couple uses to get it just right. I've found that a little definitely goes a long way. For an 8 oz glass of water, you just want to give the bottle a quick squeeze...any more than that and it's too sweet/strong.<br /><br />Also, you're gonna want to drink this rather quickly. I'm not someone who guzzles their drinks quickly (I can make a single bottle of water last an entire day), and the first time I tried this I took a couple sips, set it on the table and picked it up again after about a half hour or so...YUCK! It was not good. I don't know what happened in that 30 minutes to make the taste change so much, but it's certainly better when it's cold. Overall though, it's pretty good! It has a strong fruit punch flavor, and is much more enjoyable than a glass of plain 'ol water."
B006MONQMC,4,"I thought the concept of this was awesome; anything to perk up my water. The packaging it not as ideal for portability as MIO, but it has a way better flavor with much less of that yucky aftertaste. It is available in four flavors - (1) Acai, Grape, Pomegranate (2) Fruit Punch (3) Tropical Citrus and (4) Peach Green Tea. Just a few squirts and I would have favor-enhanced water on the go.<br /><br />I received the Fruit Punch flavor to sample. The flavor was consistent - 4 squirts in a 16oz bottle water was my typically usage and at this rate it will last a long...long time."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is an important essential in my gluten free diet. The pancakes are fabulous - light, fluffy and very delicious. The muffins are excellent - not too sweet and especially great when baked with berries. I highly recommend this to those on a gluten free diet and anyone else who enjoys delicious food."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This baking mix is amazing. I have used it for all of the suggested basics (waffles, pancakes, muffins, biscuits, etc.), but I have also substituted it for flour in nearly all of my old baked goods recipes. Cookies, quick breads, pound cakes, scones - you name it. It works great! Pamela's has basically done the heavy lifting for you - they have found a blend of gluten-free flours that create light, delicious baked goods. No one I have ever served them to has been able to tell the difference. The only difficulty is that there is leavening and salt already in the mix, so you may need to slightly adjust your old recipes in order to accomodate this, removing (or lessening) baking powder, baking soda, and salt. But this is an easy adjustment and the results are terrific! As a side note, I have used and would recommend Pamela's GF bread mix for regular bread and bagels... I have not attempted either with the baking mix, but the bread mix works great."
B000KV61FC,4,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 0:37 Mins<br /><br /></span>I was impressed by the design of this toy. Definitely one of the better interactive toys within it's price range. The dog is supposed to pull the rope to get the treat out. Well, my boy bypassed all that and within 20 minutes figured out he just had to tip the bottle to get the treats out. I put bigger treats in to keep him busy for longer and some pieces I still don't know to this day how he got them out before I got home from work. My only gripe with this toy, which is something the instructions don't tell you, is that the rope starts to stink after a while. I cleaned it with dish soap a few time but that was only a temporary fix. Put the rope in the washer and it frayed and came loose. I'm now using and old medium width leash that I cut and knotted up on both ends (small enough to still let the treats out but not to have him spill all at once), which will also be easier to wash since I don't have to worry about fraying. He's not as crazy about the toy now, but that's probably because he has to work harder for his ""goods""."
B0041NYV8E,5,"Easy to prepare. I received this item as a trial and so my expectations weren't high; however, my opinion changed when I tried it. Normally, I don't like lemon in my drinks...except for lemonade. The lemon flavor was balance with the ginger. Overall, this lemon/ginger drink was a nice refreshening pick-me-up at the end of a long day."
B000KV61FC,2,"The picture shown does not match the item I received. I specifically ordered this product because it showed the jug to have a plastic rope and not an actual rope (my dog loves to tear apart ropes, and I'd had a tug-a-jug that had the plastic rope previously and that was a great product. I'm not sure if they're making it with the plastic rope anymore, but I assumed that since that was what was shown, that's what I'd receive.) I'm not really happy with this bait and switch because I have to closely monitor my dog with this toy to make sure she doesn't shred the rope and render it useless."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I decided to try this as we are trying to get away from processed white flour. I have tried several of the recipes and really like them. The chocolate chip cookies are a little fragile, probably because I made them with brown sugar/Splenda but they were delicious. The waffles were very good, better than those made with white flour. The coffee cake is very good although I think I will use less filling next time. It turned out very sweet and somewhat crumbly but I was using brown/sugar Splenda again. I am definitely going to make this mix a staple in our household."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Th instant Ginger Lemon drink from Gold Kili mixes well and makes a quick drink. The package does say it is caffeine free, but not much else. (I just received a single serving from Vine program.) So you can drink before bed and not have caffeine bother you.<br /><br />You can regulate the strength by how much of the packet contents you use to the amount of water. The recommended ratio is pretty strong for some people.<br /><br />I'm actually not a big fan of Ginger, but my wife is. So, while I thought the drink was okay, she really liked it. She especially liked the Ginger and Lemon mix, since some of the ginger drinks she usually gets from Korea don't have the lemon, they are pure ginger drinks.<br /><br />If you like Ginger and Lemon, you will most likely enjoy this easy instant drink. The small packets would be easy to take with you and make the drink wherever you have water. Good product. My wife wants us to get more of them."
B000NMJWZO,5,This product is the best I have found yet. It is so universal you can use it as breading for fish or chicken and make all kinds of breads with it. My kids like the pancakes this mix makes better than homemade.
B000KV61FC,4,"I have a German Shepard Dog, who is trained as a service dog. While out in public, he receives lots of stimulation, and if I'm asked first, he receives a lot of attention too.<br /><br />As a service dog, he's with me 24 seven. Everywhere, everyday, all the time. He's a high energy dog, loves playing fetch with balls, but doesn't much like my tv, computer, or napping time. I love him dearly but everyone needs a little away time.<br /><br />I've purchased a number of Busy Buddy toys for him. The number of Squirrels at two different sizes, and cut the bottom fingers different lengths so some drop out treats easier, some harder. He enjoys them, they bounce funny, but he can empty them pretty quickly. Which leads to them being dropped on my lap repeatedly, and not always in the best place.<br /><br />I found the tug a Jug which I didn't expect to last a long time because of the hard plastic jug. I also figured he'd pull the rubber tug out by now time. Much to my surprise, he's been playing with it for almost a year with none of the problems I'd expected, other than having it dropped on my foot or lap.<br /><br />I've been able to use his normal brand of Kirkland Chicken & Rice kibbles dog food, mixed in with some Beniful for a change of pace. By using his normal kibble, it keeps the cost down, and allows me to adjust his meal portion size accordingly.<br /><br />It's also about the only toy he doesn't bring out to the back yard to hide and then can't find it again. Which sends me a clear message he is very focused on this toy.<br /><br />Even though he's a large size dog, I didn't buy him the large size, in part because I prefer the rubber tug, in part it keeps the amount of treats down.<br /><br />I highly recommend this toy (and toy line) for their design and not making it impossible to use normal kibble instead of expense treat products designed only for their toys.<br /><br />I'd have given this 5 stars if they'd made the outside of the bottle with a rubber coating, or rubber bumpers so it isn't so noisy on non carpeted flooring."
B004EAGP74,5,Love this product. Always good quality. Use it quite often and am very happy with Nutiva's Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I know I am late writing this review! I have had this product for almost a year and it is about half way gone. I use it for my hair mostly but I also use on my skin. Early on I used in my cooking but until I do more research I won't cook with it at this time. LOVE LOVE It for my hair as a daily moisturizer and weekly deep treatment.<br /><br />Also, I got the product delivered on time too! Very prompt. Will DEF order again when I run out."
B000KV61FC,5,"My large Labradoodle puppy loves this toy. He quickly figured out how to get the food out, but it keeps him busy for a few minutes so that he is not chewing things that he shouldn't be! The only downside is that it makes a lot of noise on the floors; but that's OK since he is a happy boy with this toy."
B006MONQMC,3,"I really do not want to review this because I sort of like the taste, at least at first, then there is the after taste. I do not like to have an aftertaste when I eat or drink anything.<br />The flavor, at first, was very refreshing as long and you keep drinking it.<br />If you are one that is used to diet flavors then you will probably love this. It is a typical diet water, but they say it is natural. I am not sure but is caffeine natural and sucralose?<br />I would rather just have plain old white sugar at least I know what to expect and it tastes a lot better than this.<br /><br />With all that said the packaging is fine, I like the squirting cap it is like the new ketchup bottles that stand upside down. So if they could just take away the after taste on this flavored water I would give it a 4 star but for now it only deserves 3. I am being generous."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We have been gluten free for a few years now, and we keep going back to Pamela's baking mix every time! Like most people, we try new products that claim to be the best, and the truth is, this is the best! We use this mix to substitute for flour in every recipe and have never been disappointed, and the pancakes are divine!!!!!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I used this on everything...moistuirzing my hair, scalp, and skin...deep condition my hair...lotion for my face every not and a make-up remover...a bath smells relly great and does wonders."
B000KV61FC,1,"The ""rope"" idea doesn't really work ( well it works 1 time). It actually impedes the dispensing of the treats after your dog yanks it out - now the treats are stuck inside until the human pushes the rope back in.<br /><br />Would NOT purchase again!"
B000KV61FC,5,"My dogs love this toy!! Of course, they love it more when there are treats in it but they love to play with it even when it's empty! Though if you have more than one dog, I would suggest one for each. The bottle is made from 'bullet proof' material and is really hard and could cause some damage if it's being swung around and fought over. Over all though, I am really happy with this purchase. It's great to watch the dogs figure this out!!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have been using Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil since December. I used to buy it at the heatlh food store by my home, however after receiving the great deal on Amazon I will continue to buy it here. Since I have been using Nutiva Coconut Oil my skin is glowing and I feel better all over. I use it as a daily moisturizer on my skin after my showers and I drink 2 tablespoons daily. I have a very hardy, healthy appetite and eat alot. For the amount of food I eat I should weigh more than I do. I believe that the Coconut Oil helps you maintain a healthy weight. I am so glad I found out about Coconut Oil and I will continue to use it forever. Thank you."
B006MONQMC,2,"I have tried many different types of water flavoring products, I was looking forward to trying another option. My current favorite is Mio but is a little pricey if you do not get it on sale.<br /><br />The idea of adding flavor and maintaining 0 calories is also a bonus. In order to get the flavor to my liking it takes multiple squeezes otherwise it tastes like a badly watered down kool-aid.<br /><br />The aftertaste of the flavoring is what I do not care for. I realize the product artificial but it does not have to taste so artificial. If this was the only option on the market it is good enough to overcome this taste but with so many options I would not recommend this to friends and family."
B006MONQMC,4,"This product is good but not great. There are no instructions, so you have to just kind of try it and adjust to taste. The bottle does say, ""One squeeze is all you need"", but they don't define how much a squeeze is...a tiny squeeze or a great long one, etc. For what it's worth, I'd suggest doing a LONG squeeze. That said, once you get it ""dialed in"", it doesn't taste bad at all. Just like regular fruit punch. I'm not a big fruit punch fan, so it is what it is. But as far as fruit punch goes, it tastes pretty good. I can't speak to the vitamin aspects of it, but I have no reason to doubt what they say is in it. Overall, easily recommended if you like fruit punch. If not, probably not for you."
B0041NYV8E,2,"The ginger flavor in this drink is so overpowering that I could not get past two drinks. The first drink was when the beverage was hot and I thought that maybe the heat had made the ginger flavor really stand out. I let it cool down quite a bit and took another drink, but it was the same too-strong ginger flavor.<br />I really wanted to enjoy this product, and I expected to because I like ginger jelly and candies. This was over the top in my opinion."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I love ginger in every form, so I was really looking foward to drinking this beverage. I thought it was OK, but not that special. The lemon flavor was good and the honey did add some sweetness. But, I prefer a stronger ginger flavor."
B000GAT6NG,4,"Great for hair, skin and inside too. I will buy when this used up. It tastes like an Almond Joy candy bar without the chocolate."
B006MONQMC,3,"Definitely fruit punch, reminiscent of Hawaiian Punch (a flavor I remember from my childhood). This drink additive sports a full days RDA of vitamin C and nearly half of the RDA of four B vitamins, no sugar and an unknown quantity of caffeine per tablespoon serving size.<br /><br />I am a big advocate of B vitamins for stress relief, but cannot say that I have ever felt an energy boost from taking B-complex, and see the same lack of effect from this additive. I drink it daily on my way to the gym and, honestly, haven't seen much effect from this product other than the flavoring in my water. Maybe, those that do not regularly take a B-complex or drink the 2-3 cups of coffee that I do will feel more of a boost. The lack of B9 (folate) seems like an oversight being such an obvious benefit to women of child-bearing age.<br /><br />Overall, I can drink it but don't see myself going out of my way to buy more. P-)"
B000KV61FC,4,"My bloodhound mix loves, loves, loves this toy. She walks around carrying it from the rope until she can settle into her favorite corner to ""go to work"". The only problem is that we live in an apartment building with hardwood floors. The hard plastic hitting the floor is definitely LOUD and our dog likes to throw it up the air for added effect, which creates an even louder THUD. I would definitely recommend this toy but if you have neighbors downstairs, they might hate you."
B000NMJWZO,5,This mix makes wonderful gluten free pancakes. Use milk instead of water and add a few drops of vanilla and some cinnamon. My family loves them!
B0041NYV8E,2,"A Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix sounds like a real treat. I am a hot tea aficionado, but this mix was god-awful. I added it to water both hot and cold. It made everything taste like medicine. My wife refused to drink it at all, so repelled was she by the chemical odor. Although I generally like a lemon flavor, and use ginger in cooking, this combination as presented by Gold Kili is not meant for human consumption."
B000NMJWZO,5,"The baking mix is excellent. I've had great results with the muffins, scones, cookies and banana bread recipes on the package, and I look forward to trying more of Pamela's recipes. I've also had very good results substituting the mix in those impossible pie recipes that are so tasty. This is the best gluten-free product I've ever bought. I'll be buying more for sure. It's also a good bargain."
B000KV61FC,4,"This is my dogs favorite toy. I got this last summer for my very anxious, smart 2 year old pit bull rescue to keep him occupied while working. He is very destructive to his toys but doesn't eat what he destroys. He spends an hour or more a day playing with it , not including while we aren't home. At first I fed him only from this toy, but now he's calmer so I feed him in his bowl too, but he generally prefers to feed out of the toy. I knew when buying he would chew the plastic rope off immediately, and he did. Some come with a nylon rope, which would take longer to chew off. Since I have the large, and the rope is gone, I put in one or more large treats (depending on how hard to dispense I want to make it) and regular size hard dog food and a few small treats that will fit through the neck. The rope definitely blocks well and can be replaced; for me it was easier to put a larger dog treat in to block. With the rope I needed to use small bite dog food because it came out very slowly, and he would lose interest. Interestingly he loves the enlarged end of the plastic rope to chew on (not good for swallowers). Very sturdy and easy to fill as long as you line up the spirals. He's never opened it. He knocks it around with his paws and nose and grabs the neck with his mouth and throws it around. So far no damage, but it is sturdy and could possibly break something when tossed. Worth the slight risk. After almost 8 months he began to chew off the plastic ring around the neck, which he loved doing, and does attract him to the neck where the treats come out. Recently he started chewing the neck off, which is why I'm buying another, but I plan on using this one until he gets down to where the neck is gone, as it still works and he still loves it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"We have been trying many different brands of coconut oil recently and will be hard pressed to buy anything other than Nutiva from now on. It has a very fresh smell & taste that is far superior to any other brand we have tried. The economical one gallon tub will last quite a while, but since it does not need to be refrigerated after opening, it will be quite at home in the pantry :)"
B000GAT6NG,5,"It's HUGE!! It's HIGH QUALITY!! It's a bit much for our family of four, but we've had our vat for about two years now and still no hint of going rancid. I've tried it for frying eggs, but I'm a sissy about the faint coconut taste on my eggs, so we just use it as the fat in banana bread and for the frying fat for pancakes or french toast. As a beauty aid - just a touch rubbed first into my hands and then into my dry hair really sinks into the hair shaft and keeps things moisturized and shiny. Nothing seems to beat it in performance, and it's so darn cheap. Also a good additive-free skin moisturizer. You might want to divvy it up into multiple clean containers when it arrives."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I LOVE Pamela's Baking mix. I am able to make cookies, cakes and pancakes and my husband can not tell that it is gluten free. I have great results in that the texture and mouth feel is just like using regular flour or baking mix. I strongly encourage anyone with a good cookie recipe to use this."
B006MONQMC,4,"I'm always looking for a good energy drink, that will give me a boost, but not a big let down. I like the glaceau energy water. This is a good alternative. This makes 24 8-ounce servings, at $6 a bottle it's only 25 cents a glass vs $1.50 or so for the vitamin water by glaceau or others found in the supermarkets and convenience stores.<br /> The flavor is like a light fruit punch. You can control how much you want to add to your water for taste. It has a combination of vitamins B 6, 5, 3, and 12, Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, and Chromium. It has about the same amount of caffeine as a can of soda, so not too much, no jittery feeling after drinking it.<br /> It is good to get healthy vitamins while I'm drinking water and not just sugar and caffeine from sodas."
B0041NYV8E,2,"If you are wondering what size the contents are, it is like receiving a Theraflu packet. The foil cover that is in the description is again, like Theraflu where you cut the top of the `foil cover' off and pour the contents into a mug with water. I then warmed the mix and water; I used extra water and warmed it up in the microwave. On the back of the contents, it reads: For Hot Serving: Pour contents, add hot water (250ml) stir and serve immediately.<br /><br />Since it calls for 1 cup of water, I used almost twice as much since I do not like strong flavors. Even with two cups, ALL I could taste was the Ginger. Don't get me wrong, I love to eat ginger, but the flavor is so overpowering. It actually hurt my throat each time I sipped it. Not from the heat of the water, but the hotness of the spices. It states it has lemon to it; I could not taste lemon at all. I tried a few sips and it hurt my throat so much I had to stop. I know ginger is good for motion sickness, I have been suffering from extreme vertigo caused by a medical condition and did not feel the effect, however, I probably did not consume enough of it. I have drunk bad tasting stuff before but this is beyond bad, it actually hurts to drink. A drink should not be painful.<br /><br />After trying to get a few sips down I had a guest over and asked if they wanted to try my drink. They agreed and the word was ""awful!""<br /><br />I know drinks and flavors vary by person but I am surprised that anyone would drink this. I can also see why it aids in digestion by your body not wanting it to stay in your body and to get out.<br /><br />I liked that it was caffeine free but the taste was the worse ever. Even worse than medicines I HAVE to take and can't stand. To those who like and love it, more power to you. I will make sure not to buy again and hope there is plenty in stock for those who do praise it.<br /><br />Sadly, I cannot recommend this at all!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I can't say enough about this product. I was put on a gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free diet. This flour made great pancakes. I haven't had a chance to make anything else with it yet. I have used it to thicken foods in place of flour and have found it successful."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I use Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix for pancakes, waffles, banana bread(and muffins) scones, just about anything that is ""shortbread."""
B006MONQMC,2,"I personally love plain water, and normally would have no problem drinking it plain. However, the added energy and vitamin C would sometimes be a handy timesaver for me. I probably won't be purchasing this product for myself, because I hated the taste. As another reviewer noted, it has a medicine type taste, not to mention a rather long lasting aftertaste. It may just be an acquired taste, as I tend to dislike artificial sweetener type tastes, though many other people are not bothered by them.<br /><br />I tried with little success to vary the amount used, thinking perhaps a smaller squirt would be better. However, it's tough to squirt from this bottle, and it tended to be a large serving each time. I do have arthritis in my hands, and that may have affected my use of the bottle.<br /><br />I'll stick to my plain old water. Seems like just another way to part the consumer with his dollar. `"
B006MONQMC,3,"A bit ambivalent about this drink, as it has its pros and cons. The fruit punch has a nice flavor to it, not too sweet but about what you'd expect for a flavor enhancer. It says that one squeeze will do for 8 ounces, but mileage can vary per that squeeze (depending on how much force you use). Maybe I'm not squeezing that much. You have to be careful removing the inner seal, something that can be a bit nerve-wracking considering the red coloring of the contents. I'm also not sure how much of a boost the caffeine will give. If you want to carry this around to flavor your water all day, you might want to rethink that considering the size (similar to that of a ketchup bottle).<br /><br />That said, it does have a nice list of vitamins and no carbs or calories (which is a lot better than most 'vitamin' waters out there that you buy by the bottle at quite the cost - as long as you don't mind fake sugar) and should last you a while. It's great to keep at the office or home."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Making gluten-free pancakes with this mix is incredibly easy. The sorghum flour in the mix gives them a lovely, nutty taste that goes perfectly with syrup. They cook up nice and light, with great color. We've also made gluten-free waffles and recommend that you use the slightly more involved recipe instructions for a great result."
B004EAGP74,5,"The Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil, 54-Ounce Jar is superb. We use it in the kitchen (for cooking, baking + pastry crusts), and for our skin and hair. See: ""The Coconut Oil Miracle"" book.<br /><br />Also, this 54 ounce jar is a better buy--not only because the purchase contributes to less packaging waste on the planet--but this larger quantity calculates to more cost effectiveness per ounce."
B000KV61FC,5,"My 5-month-old Black Lab/Boston Terrier mix is a very curious puppy. We have been looking for toys that are interactive, as well as durable. This keeps her occupied for at least an hour (sometimes more), and after a week it doesn't show any signs of wear. We do give this only under supervision, as she has been known to destroy other rope toys :) This is one of our favorite purchases for our dog, and it's just as good as the Kong Wobbler!"
B0041NYV8E,4,I am not a big ginger guy but this is not that bad. I do like ginger ale soda so I thought I might like this too. I brew it hot but I drink it cold. For me it was way better having it over ice than drinking it hot. The ginger was a lot stronger when hot than cold. Maybe its because the melted ice made it watery and diluted the ginger but I prefer it cold like an ice cold ice tea. You don't taste the lemon much. I would have preferred to taste a lot more lemon since it is ginger and lemon but it is more of ginger with a hint of lemon. Overall it is a good drink but you will probably either hate it or love it.
B000KV61FC,2,"I think this toy has potential, but it didn't come as pictured. The rope is not actually a rope, it's a plastic mimic of a rope and my dog can't seem to figure out that he can tug at it like he can his tug rope. He quickly figured out all the other busy buddy toys and the buster cube, so I assume the rope just seems too foreign. I am going to buy an actual tug tope that will fit and try that instead. Will update review once I do this."
B006MONQMC,4,"For flavor, I felt like this was a big step up from the similar product <a href="""">MIO Sweet Tea, 1.62-Ounce (Pack of 4)</a> that I've reviewed in the past. That one had a pretty strong artificial sweetener overtone to it, while this is much milder. It's sort of vaguely fruity tasting without being identifiable as any particular fruit in the way things referred to as 'fruit punch' tend to be.<br /><br />It's not exactly super health food, but if you prefer your water a little flavored and you'd like some caffeine and a few vitamins in it, it tastes nice enough to be a good choice. Obviously, on the other hand, if you really don't want caffeine and can't stand the idea of consuming artificial flavoring and that kind of stuff, go elsewhere. (I'm sort of confused by the people who've reviewed it and say they don't like it because it contains caffeine. It's not like the caffeine is a surprise someone sprung on them. They talk about it right on the front of the bottle...)<br /><br />For the size and the fact that it needs to be refrigerated after being opened, this isn't going to compete with a product like Mio, though, for being something you can keep in a bag and take with you everywhere to use during the day. I also felt like the cap felt sort of flimsy and like it didn't want to go back on right. It might just be my perception, but it seemed like it might be easy to break it off.<br /><br />On the whole, vitamins and nutrients are still best gotten from whole foods. On the other hand, if you want some vaguely fruity flavored water that happens to have caffeine and a few built in supplements, it's worth a shot. It might not hurt to find somewhere you can buy 1 bottle first to try instead of the 4 they have here, so you'll have less to figure out how to get rid of if it happens not to suit your tastes, though."
B0041NYV8E,1,"This drink tasted absolutely awful to me. I don't think I could even force myself to drink this if offered big bucks to do so. I took one sip and cringed. The taste was awful and very bitter. I tried to force myself to take another sip but I could barely get it past my lips. It was horrible. My husband tried it and so did my daughter and neither of them like it either. The smell was really bad as well. Just smelling it made me want to get sick. I know this is a harsh review but it's 100% honest.<br /><br />I've never had a Ginger & Lemon drink before but, I enjoy lemonade as well has hot or cold tea in many different varieties but this is not something that I would recommend to anybody."
B000KV61FC,1,"I originally purchased this item back in March of last year. It worked out great with my yellow lab in dispensing a meal a day. This version of the toy had an actual rope coming out of the jug. After about half a year, the rope wore through, but given the low price of the toy, I was satisfied with 6 months of heavy use and recommended it to friends.<br /><br />I then purchased a replacement end of last year. Unfortunately, the manufacturers had changed the toy so now it's a rubber rope in place of the original fiber one. This toy lasted about 15 minutes before my dog had completely chewed through it, making the toy nearly useless.<br /><br />5 stars for the original version, 1 for new and unimproved."
B000KV61FC,1,"This toy lasted about ten minutes. First one i purchased had a rope tug, which my pup quickly chewed through, rendering the toy useless. I bought another one after i saw that they had changed the rope portion to a rubberized ""rope"" and it seemed like a better solution. Wrong! The rubber rope took my dog (who is not much of a chewer) about two minutes to completely chew into small pieces, again leaving her with nothing but a purple plastic jug. Product is a great idea if they can figure out what will work better as the ""tug"" mechanism, but as is (both versions) are just poorly made and a waste of $$$$."
B0041NYV8E,3,"As a fan of Stash Lemon-Ginger tea, this Gold kili product seemed promising. I received a single packet to try in with one 8 oz. (250ml) cup of hot water from the Vine program. So this commentary is from a single usage. The ingredients are: Ginger, Honey (Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose) and Natural Lemon Flavor.<br />Given that I regularly drink tea and in fact Stash Ginger-Lemon tea; I'm used to sweetener as optional and not included. I didn't like this aspect of this product as for the most part, I never add sugar to any beverage. But, I wanted to keep an open mind.<br /><br />The product mixed up easily with hot water and was a cloudy yellow-orange. It was not as dark as the one shown in the product page. The ginger was strong (which I like) and the lemon astringent (so-so). I found that odd, as usually sugar balances the overall bitterness of lemon. However overall it had a pleasant taste and you ended up with a little burn in your mouth due to the ginger at the end.<br /><br />I think I would purchase this if it did not have honey in it, as a reasonable substitution for the Stash tea. Mind you, this product costs twice as much."
B000NMJWZO,5,I knew that Pamela's Pancakes were good and was not disappointed. It was great to be able to get this product at such an affordable price delivered to my doorstep. Thanks for the great service Amazon!
B000NMJWZO,5,"This mix is AMAZING and really versatile. I use it for cookies and pancakes, but also for zucchini bread, apple bread and the list goes on. Even my gluten-loving boyfriend can't get enough."
B000NMJWZO,5,There is absolutely no comparison to anything I have had before. And all of my friends agree. I hate to tell them it is a mix. And it is gluten free!!
B000NMJWZO,5,Being celiac I'm always looking for good alternative wheat products. This one is outstanding. You can make just about anything with it and it's delicious. You'll never know the difference - neither will anyone else. Buying it in the 3-64 oz bags is such a bargain too.
B000KV61FC,4,"My 7 year old yellow lab figured this out in minutes and loves it. My 2 year old chocolate lab just doesn't get it. My only reason for giving it 4 stars is that Buster (yellow lab) carries it by the rope when empty and drops it at my feet on the tile. After about 3 drops the screw on bottom breaks. After he broke the first one, we ordered another and sprayed the bottom with rubberized coating. That made it last a good six months. We are ordering another one for his Christmas present. It would be the BEST if the manufacturer would put an unbreakable bottom on it."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This product is clean moisture! It's great for your skin, hair and cooking. It has a gentle scent - - not ""commercial"" coconuty smelling. It's great for using straight out the shower on wet skin and straight out the jar. It melts easily and cleans up easily."
B006MONQMC,4,"Update on June 23, 2012: I just discovered that Vitamin Squeeze tastes great when added to tonic water and ice. (See the photograph that I have posted on this website.) It reminds me of the fruit punch one drinks at a reception for a wedding, graduation, anniversary or other special event. Tonic water costs about the same as bottled water. Buy the generic brand. Tonic water is carbonated water that is usually sweetened with fructose corn syrup, the same sweetener that is used in fruit drinks. Vitamin Squeeze and tonic water is still healthier than sodas. The brand of tonic water that I buy has 90 calories per serving.<br /><br />*******************************<br /><br />I suffer from chronic sinusitis; therefore, I shouldn't drink carbonated sodas because they increase my sinus congestion. Another good reason why I shouldn't drink them is because I am prone to cavities. However, I get tired of drinking only water. Fortunately, my dentist recommended that I drink flavored water. Normally, I use the MIO Liquid Water Enhancers. My favorite flavor is the MIO Sweet Tea [<a href="""">MIO Sweet Tea, 1.62-Ounce (Pack of 4)</a>]. It tastes like real ice tea whereas the other flavors remind me too much of the artificial, sugary-sweet Kool-Aid products I drank as a child [<a href="""">Kool-aid Tropical Punch Soft Drink Mix, 82.5-Ounce Canisters (Pack of 2)</a>].<br /><br /> I was excited to receive the Vitamin Squeeze Water Enhancer from the Amazon Vine Program. I'm been using it faithfully for over a month. First of all, it reminds me very much of the MIO products. However, whereas the MIO products are more travel-size, the Vitamin Squeeze is more suitable for home use. Vitamin Squeeze's larger 12 ounce size is more economical than MIO's 1.62 ounces. I work at a shipyard where the water tastes foul. I usually bring my own drinking water into the office. I purchase various sizes of Deer Park water as shown in the photograph I've posted on this website. Before I leave home for work, I squirt three drops of the Vitamin Squeeze into the 500 ml bottle or five drops into the 750 ml one. The fruit punch flavor is a pleasant respite; however, when my bottle of Vitamin Squeeze is empty, I plan on buying the peach green tea flavor [<a href="""">Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Peach Green Tea, 12-Ounce (Pack of 4)</a>].<br /><br /> Unlike soft drinks, a serving of Vitamin Squeeze has 120% RDA of Vitamin C. (A serving size equals one squeeze per eight ounces of water.) Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic that boosts your immune system and helps ward off flus and colds and fight infections, such as a sinus infection. Each serving also has 40 mg of caffeine which is about equal to that of a soft drink. However, instant coffee has 65 to 100 mg of caffeine per eight ounce serving; brewed coffee has 80 to 135 mg; and Starbucks Grande Coffee (16 oz) has a hefty 330 mg. The Vitamin Squeeze has Vitamins B6, B5, B3 and B12 (40% RDA of each), which give you energy. Honestly, I haven't noticed any difference in my energy levels since drinking this product. If you want to increase your energy level, the best thing you can do is get more sleep at night. There are also zinc and chromium (10% RDA), which also boost your immune system. Like Gatorade, the Vitamin Squeeze also contains electrolytes which aid in recuperation after exercising, especially jogging.<br /><br /> I store my Vitamin Squeeze in my refrigerator in order to maintain freshness. The first couple of weeks I noticed red stains on the bottom of the refrigerator shelf. However, using a soapy sponge, I was able to easily wipe them away. The bottle is comfortable to grip while quickly squirting drops into the Deer Park containers. I cap the bottles and shake them and the water enhancer is easily dispersed throughout the water. There is not a horrible aftertaste. I am reminded of the Kool-Aid I drunk as a child. Nevertheless, the Vitamin Squeeze is a healthier, more economical alternative to soft drinks. It is good to use in large bottles of water that you plan to take to work, church or the gym. Bottled water always comes in handy when I'm walking through my apartment complex or rehearsing in choir. (I've also sipped on water that was enhanced with Vitamin Squeeze while I relaxed in a bubble bath.) It is wise to keep a bottle of Vitamin Squeeze at home and at work. For traveling to restaurants, church, social gatherings, etc., then I recommend the smaller MIO products; they fit easier inside one's purse or backpack.<br /><br />Joseph B. Hoyos"
B0041NYV8E,4,"This is a HOT drink, spicy hot thanks to the ginger, but still a good pleasant lemony, honey sweetened taste. I tried it as a morning wake-upper and while the one sample package probably won't inspire me to be a regular customer, I'll be looking for it when under the weather. Recommended."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I can handle some ginger, I'm fine with some teas but this combination was a bit much for me. I personally didn't like the overpowering ginger taste. That is my only real gripe."
B006MONQMC,4,"Water is nice and much healthier than the alternative but sometimes it is nice to have an extra kick to the plain water. Vitamin Squeeze is different than other water additives because of, well, the vitamins. It boasts Vitamins C, B3, B5, B6, and B12, Caffeine, something called Taurine and of course what drink these days would not complete with Electrolytes, whatever those are. And it does seem to be working because I have notice I have not have as many of those mid-afternoon sluggish feeling since adding it to my lunch water and there is no crash associated from drinking. It took me a little over a month of near daily use the whole bottle which is good because the packaging says for the best quality to use within thirty days after opening.<br /><br />With the vitamin Squeeze in the water, it kind of taste like the Gatoraide Fruit Punch. But the biggest problem with the product is getting the right amount of additive into the water. Not get enough in and the drink tastes watered down (naturally) and put too much in and it taste almost like medicine. But unlike other water enhancers on the market which just sits in the bottom that you have to stir up, I never needed to stir the Vitamin Squeeze. If you are looking for a little extra with your water, this is worth a try."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I received one packet as a sample and followed the directions. All you have to do is pour hot water over the contents and serve. I split it with my daughter to get her input on flavor,and neither of liked the flavor at all. We both love ginger and lemon, and can even handle strong tea brewed from fresh ginger. It had a strange medicinal flavor, and was sweetened somehow, but the package had no ingredient list and no other information whatsoever. The lack of information with the sample had me considering tossing it into the trash since I always like to know exactly what I'm using. Without information, I decided to base my rating on taste alone. The lemon was mild, and I assume the sweetener was honey. It wasn't too sweet, nor was the ginger too strong, but that outstanding medicine/fake taste was overwhelming. It did dissolve easily, and it's nice not to have a tea bag to deal with, but not worth it when it tastes so bad. If you like ginger for its health benefits, take a piece of fresh ginger, cut it into a few pieces, and boil in a pan to desired taste. Add lemon and honey also to taste and you're set."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I'm glad I only received one serving of this for review. There is nothing about this drink that I liked.<br /><br />First, the package I received did not have any calorie information so I don't know how many calories are per drink. The product information on Amazon currently doesn't show the calorie count either.<br /><br />Second, the directions tell you to use 250 ml of hot water to dissolve the powder which translates into a hairline more than an 8 ounce cup as around 237 ml is equivalent to one US cup. For US buyers who are not familar with the metric system or don't have access to a conversion chart, those measurements might confuse the user.<br /><br />Third, the color and consistency of the drink is like apple cider and one sip was all I needed. The liquid has a heavy ginger flavor that masks any lemon flavoring according to my tastebuds. I felt my throat was burning from this drink and it wasn't from the hot water but from the strong ginger ingredient.<br /><br />I threw the rest of the drink out as this is not for me."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is a good product for those who are gluten free. It works well for many recipes, and widens the list of foods available. There are good recipes for it, but it works for a cooks experimenting desires, too!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"my wife has Celiac DZ, not me. this is the only GF stuff I can stand. i actually prefer it to regular pancakes. we also use it for other stuff too. it is pricey, especially vs. regular flour, but with amazon and the 15% off for regular shipments, it's a little more affordable. don't forget trader joes pasta--the cheapest and the best!"
B000NMJWZO,4,"I really like Pamela's pancake mix. It's easy and the pancakes taste very good. I usually add blueberries or mini chocolate chips. As a baking mix, it's ok. I've made great banana bread but the muffins and the drop biscuits are pretty crumbly. However, I love how easy it is to use and it tastes good."
B006MONQMC,5,"Pro:<br />-----<br />Easy, and quickly (surprisingly!) dissolves in water without effort, and has that familiar sweet fruit punch flavor you know and love.<br /><br />Con<br />-----<br />If you're not looking for a sugary (or fake sugary) fruit punch mix, this isn't for you.<br /><br />I am fully of the opinion that this is just another no-sugar sugar drink parading as a health product.<br /><br />What you get is a red syrup that easily dissolves in water and tastes like that generic Hi-C/Kool-Aid/Hawaiian Punch Fruit punch. You know, the red sweet stuff.<br /><br />But I like it. I don't use very much because I like the less sweet version of that same artificial fruit punch flavor (I actually do like it. If you don't, steer clear). It's definitely not ""too sweet"" if you realize what you're in for. It is definitely NOT flavored water. It is fruit punch mix. But it's much, much easier than powder, and if you keep it on the shelf in your fridge, it will take up a lot less room than the equivalent bottles. You could easily use this in cocktails too."
B006MONQMC,4,"This is a convenient little energy drink additive (key word, it's a concentrate and it's meant to be added to something else). Simply hold it over your drink, give it a squeeze, and it will shoot a dose into your drink. As far as what to put it in? I wouldn't recommend water. Alone, this tastes like medicine. If you add it to crystal light or something, it's good. You'll taste it, you'll know it's there, but it isn't bad and it will turn your regular beverage into an energy drink."
B004EAGP74,5,"Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil is the finest coconut oil available. It's taste, texture, and purity is addictively delicious. I use it to make salad dressings, sautee with it, put it in smoothies, drizzle it on yogurt (creating a creme brulee-like crust), and use it as a spread on english muffins...try adding raw honey on top of it for a taste sensation. When you discover the health benefits of coconut oil, you'll understand why this product is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your family when you feed them."
B000KV61FC,4,"This toy is great fun, my dog enjoys playing with it. However toys like this are typically used to slow down how fast your dog is eating. Due to the design of this toy, your dog may get frustrated or lose intrest in eating his full meal by ""playing"" with the toy because they do have to work very hard to get a treat. Or be big enough to grab the toy in their mouth and dump the food/treats out.<br /><br />If your looking for something to slow your dogs eating down then look at other toys like the Kong Wobbler. Or the Steggin Egg. You'll almost be gaurenteed your dog gets his full meal with those toys."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have been studying all the benefits of coconut oil and wanted to get the best one. I use it in place of lotion, hair conditioning (leave on 20 minutes and wash your hair) and cooking. It is soooooo awesome I love the smell and my skin and hair look great. I had decided to get away from harmful chemicals and back to basics I put some in a little pump bottle and no more lotion in my bathroom , even my hubby is using it now. I am like the church of coconut oil now. This bottle will last a year so it saves money too."
B0041NYV8E,3,"The ginger flavor here is great if you like ginger (which I do), but when mixed according to directions, I found it too sweet (disclaimer: I don't like things as sweet as others do).<br /><br />Others however may find the amount of ginger to be too strong and medicinal. For those who don't like ginger as much, you could try diluting it with water, but when I tried that, I still found the sweetness to be too strong and out of balance.<br /><br />I really like that it has simple real ingredients. With only three ingredients (ginger, lemon, honey), you could easily mix up something like this to the strength you prefer.<br /><br />However, this dry packet which quickly dissolves in hot water is a great convenience product for work or traveling or camping, etc. It also might make a good marinade or rub for something like ginger-lemon chicken or fish."
B000KV61FC,2,"The rope is made of rubber, and after about 30 minutes my little 20 lb. terrier had chewed up the rope, thereby eliminating the ""tug"" part of the toy. I wouldn't be surprised if she ingested some of it. For $10, this toy needs a more durable rope."
B006MONQMC,4,":p<br /><br />Product tasted great and I initially thought the bottle was great, squirt a few and you're good. However, I left it standing as you see in the pic, and came back with product leaking/leaked out. So that wasn't good.<br /><br />I like the taste and am in the camp that, no matter how healthy we eat, we need to supplement with vitamins/minerals be it in pill, powder or liquid form, your choice."
B000KV61FC,2,"I have 2 Corgis, and also foster for Corgi Rescue. So far none of the four dogs I have had since buying this toy (my 2 plus 2 rescues) have played with it for more than a few minutes. They are all otherwise high energy, playful, food driven dogs.<br /><br />They LOVE Tricky Treat, Buster Cube and MolecuBall so I thought this would be a nice change. Big expensive yawn. I gave it two stars only because it appears well made. I bought it almost a year ago, and kept it around in case one of the foster Corgis might like it, but so far nothing. It is currently in the donate to the animal shelter box."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Co-workers introduced me to instant Ginger tea. I've purchased a few different brands locally. I prefer the instant in this case because tea-bag varieties I've tried tend to lack flavor and be quite tame. I like my ginger with a kick to it!<br /><br />Gold Kili's Ginger-Lemon drink has that kick, though it isn't the strongest I've tasted. That honor goes to <a href="""">Instant Crystal Honey Ginger Tea</a>. The Gold Kili brand drink is almost as strong, yet its sweetness has a slightly artificial flavor. Not totally off-putting, but noticeable. The lemon flavor is there too, but very subdued. I prefer the honey taste of the other brand.<br /><br />The Gold Kili instant ginger drink can handle more than 6-8 oz. of liquid without tasting watered down, and I recommend 10-12 for most folks. I can see it mixing well in various cocktails as well. Medicinal effects of ginger are well documented, though I don't know how effective they are in this formulation. Just be mindful that this is an instant beverage and not the same as one made with fresh ingredients. You get it for the convenience.<br /><br />3.5 stars for a tasty ginger drink.<br /><br />~ Kort"
B000NMJWZO,5,"LOVE all of Pamela's products...even the non-GF eaters love things made with Pamela's.....easy to use, tastes good....highly recommend to someone looking for an easy GF alternative to the traditional bisquick or jiffy mixes"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is a great gluten-free substitute for regular flour. It has a slight nutty flavor which is a wonderful addition to pancakes, cookies and quick breads. (I love adding bananas & nuts to pancakes anyway.)<br />Originally, I signed up for the 6 month subscription and save option, but I'll need to change it to every 3 months because we are using this product in place of regular flour for many different recipes."
B006MONQMC,3,"I've been using water enhancers for a couple of years and I started with the powdered varieties that had to be stirred up to dissolve. I then began using Mio when it came out.<br /><br />""Vitamin Squeeze"" takes the enhancer game a step higher, by adding vitamin C, caffeine, and taurine. It touts itself as an ""energy drink"", but I honestly didn't feel any bump in energy when I used it. It has about half the caffeine of a cup of coffee. The fruit punch flavor is tolerable, but has a ""chemical"" after taste - it's difficult to get artificial fruit flavors right and this could use some work. The artificial colors and flavors remove it from the ""healthy"" category. ""Vitamin Squeeze"" also requires refrigeration after it's been opened which is a little inconvenient for me at work, but not necessarily a deal breaker. The flavor isn't overly intense; one squeeze gives a hint of fruit punch flavor but if you like a stronger flavored beverage, a lot more than one squeeze will be needed.<br /><br />All in all, it's a passable water enhancer, but I wouldn't want to rely on it as a vitamin source or even as an energy drink."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I first read about the benefits of coconut oil while reading an article in Oxygen Magazine. I was curious about it's potential benefits so I did more research. I was very surprised to learn how this oil had been the primary source of oil in the United States until there was a propagandist pitch against buying this oil due to conflicts of the world war at the time, as well as the increased interest in corn oil manufacturing in the U.S. Coconut oil became a target of U.S. corn and vegetable oil manufacturers. Today, it's nearly been forgotten or written off because of it's high saturated fat content. Interesting to note that this oil's properties do not act like other saturated fats because it is a medium-chain triglyceride, which breaks down differently in the liver. After reading the information I gave it a go and I love it. It is great for all sorts of cooking. It even blends well into a protein shake. It smells wonderful and works as a great skin conditioner and massage oil. I would highly recommend coconut oil to everyone. Once you try it you won't want to go back to the unhealthy corn or vegetable oils."
B006MONQMC,3,"Tastes like Kool Aid Tropical punch but without the sugar rush.<br /><br />There is a caffeine and taurine rush though, too much of a rush. The serving size is<br /><br />I had to visit the website that is listed on the bottle to find out how much caffeine is in it: 40 mg per serving.<br /><br />I am a regular coffee drinker and this caffeine feels more like taking no-doze or 5 hour energy or red bull, probably the Taurine. The red color also stains your skin, and the bottle leaks once you open it.<br /><br />If it weren't for the weird rush, I would give this 4 stars, due to the dribbling bottle, and the staining.<br /><br />That said, if you can manage red bull, and/or five hour energy, then you can probably handle this and it does definitely leak, don't put it stand it up like in the picture, at least not once you open it."
B006MONQMC,2,"After drinking a full 16 oz. bottle of Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch I would much rather wash down a vitamin C tablet and a few ""NoDoze"" with some nice cool clear water. The only reason I can think of to buy something like this would be to provide vitamins and energy in a form that was so pleasing it would encourage you to drink it. This product fails on that account. The flavor is not horrible, but is not something I would seek out. I put the recommended two ""squeezes"" (whatever that is) into a 16 oz bottle of water and started drinking. I kept adding the concentrate a little at a time trying to produce a decent fruit punch taste. Mixed at twice the recommended strength it still tasted weak and vaguely chemical.<br /><br />Again, at twice the proscribed mix, I noticed no ""buzz"" from the caffeine either. With so many similar products out there, it seems to me that a company wanting to compete in this market would concentrate on flavor, aroma and appearance. It takes no skill to put some chemicals in a liquid and bottle it. Turning that liquid into something people might want to consume is another thing. I think Vitamin Squeeze needs to keep working on it."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been baking with this product for two years. It is far and away the BEST product out there -- offering a wonderful texture and flavor. I have made cakes, pies, cookies, scones, pizza, cornbread, cobblers, and of course, pancakes and waffles. I particularly like this mix becuase it does not have sugar in it, and I have to use xylotol (which I have found to be the best sugar alternative). The two work beautifully together.<br /><br />Here's my issue. I have a standing order with Amazon to ship this product in bulk once every six months. I have found that I need it every four months. Amazon does not offer that option. It gives me the options of 1,2,3, or 6 months. Several times I have had to go through a tedious process of changing the timing on the ship date (which is not easy to find in the My Account section of Amazon. In fact, I have had to call you folks for their cutomer service number to help me navigate through it.<br /><br />Please ask them to expand the timing options for shipping -- to add 3, and 4 month intervals as well. Your customers other than me will appreciate it, I'm sure.<br /><br />Hats off to you folks. I sure appreciate you. Years ago, I had to mess with making my own baking mix, and it was never as good as yours.<br /><br />A loyal customer.<br /><br />Christine Boos"
B000GAT6NG,5,WOW!!! I cannot believe that I have lived 45 years without this product. The difference it has made on my skin and hair (externally) is nothing short of amazing. I have not noticed any changes in our dog's skin (ingesting) but I have only started them on it! I am immediately putting this product on auto delivery.
B0041NYV8E,4,"I really like the taste of this instant ginger beverage, which I've been drinking hot, like a tea. A little of the powder goes a long way, because the flavor is strong. It's good as an everyday drink, and for me, it also worked to settle my stomach when I had a stomach ache. I'm going to try ginger as an alternative to over-the-counter motion sickness meds next time I go on a cruise - MythBusters showed that it works, and it doesn't have any side effects - ginger doesn't make me sleepy."
B000KV61FC,2,"The container itself is very strong, but our 40 lb springer spaniel chewed the rope apart in less than 15 minutes so she could get all of the treats."
B004EAGP74,5,"I have tried coconut oil from local stores like Trader Joes and they were okay, but love the nutty taste of Nutiva. I also like buying in quantity since there are so many uses for coconut oil."
B004EAGP74,5,"I love the buttery taste/texture of this coconut oil. We use it for everything from baking to sauteing to just whipping up a frosting or homemade ""buttery"" spread. It does have a coconut inspired flavor, so if you are looking for total neutrality, another brand may be best."
B000KV61FC,5,"I bought the small Tug-a-Jug for my 7-month-old Shih Poo puppy, Max, an aggressive chewer who is easily bored and demands play attention constantly. This toy keeps Max well-occupied for long periods on end. I started out by really filling the bottle and using smaller treats that would more easily dispense, and once he got the hang of it, used larger treats for increased challenge. While the tassel on the end of tug rope has been worse for the wear, the rope has withstood Max's chewing well. Max has been able to figure out various ways of getting to the treats--rolling the bottle around, up-ending it, then knocking it over and tugging on the rope to dispense the treats...As the label says, Max is able to smell, see and hear the treats, and this keeps him interested for hours of play. I've learned however, that I really have to screw the bottom on extra tightly, as on one occasion he somehow managed to loosen it by repeatedly rolling the bottle, and was able to get to all the treats at once! Suffice to say, he did not have much of an appetite for his evening meal after that!! At the same time I purchased this, I also purchased two Kongs; however, Max prefers the Tug-a-Jug hands down, and generally ignores his other toys--even his previously favourite tug rope--in favour of playing with the Tug-a-Jug All in all, Max rates this toy with 5-stars and thinks his mommy made a wise buy!"
B0041NYV8E,3,"I've never had tea before that was in this form. But it really isn't tea. As the name states it is a ""beverage"" not a tea. It comes in a packet that dissolves in hot water. Gold Kili has a very strong (spicy) ginger flavor. It is difficult to describe taste in writing, but I'll try to be clear that this is a very very strong ginger spice. If you like it very strong, I am sure you mayenjoy this. As a ""beverage mix"" (in contrast to tea) it does save you having to wait for tea to steep because it dissolves instantly. In addition you don't have to clean up a tea bag. It also has sugar (sucrose) already mixed in.<br /><br />The downside is that if you prefer your drink without sweetener or perhaps with a no calorie sweetener like Truvia, that is not an option here because the honey is already mixed in."
B006MONQMC,3,"Vitamin squeeze is a water enhancer like Mio. I tried this in the Fruit Punch flavor which isn't my favorite flavor. You add one squeeze for each 8-oz of water. I had a large glass of water and added several squeezes and it still seemed weak.<br /><br />I like that it has zero calories, sugar and carbs and the added vitamins. It does have caffeine; combined with the B vitamins is the reason for the Energy claim so be aware of this if drinking later in the afternoon or giving to children.<br /><br />Another note: make sure the lid is on tight. You have to remove it to take the safety seal off and when I replaced it, it wasn't completely tight so when I squeezed it into my water, it went everywhere and stained everything it touched.<br /><br />Overall, it's great for convenience but the flavor and strength was so-so."
B000KV61FC,5,I got this toy for my two pomeranians and the boy just loves it. He has a high food drive anyway but just put some good smelling treats in this and he will play with it until they all come out. It's easy to load with just a few but if you put their whole day's food in it you have to hold you hand over the rubber ball so they won't spill out.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I am so thrilled to have actually bought this oil. I wouldn't have done it had I not read the reviews of others so thanks to all of them!! This oil is so pure, untouched, and it smells so perfect. It has delicate coconut aroma, and a taste that is similar to eating tender coconut.<br /><br />I would buy this again and again and again. For anyone who is looking for perfect coconut oil, this one is for you! You will never regret it."
B0041NYV8E,4,"Nice, gingery bite kind of like you get with strong ginger cookies. VERY sweet beverage. This is worth trying if you like pungent, aromatic, tangy, bitey, spicy, sweet beverages (I do). The ginger flavor seems to overwhelm the lemon flavor. I don't drink ginger drinks, but enjoy the pickled ginger you get with some dishes at Japanese restaurants.<br /><br />I poured this into a coffee mug with hot water microwaved for two and one half minutes (shy of boiling). My son (post teenager, just a man) sipped it and said, ""blechhh."" My wife and I (over 50 each) sipped it and said, ""Hmmm ... this would be nice on a cold day.""<br /><br />I'm sipping it now, enjoying it quite nicely as I write this review. I think you'll have to try it to see if you'll like it. Recommended for people who like ginger who personally may not like it, but worth trying. If you're not into pungent and tangy beverages, consider passing.<br /><br />FAST UPDATE: Mmmmm ... kind of nice with an ounce of tequila!"
B004EAGP74,5,"I first bought the coconut oil for making soap, which I still do but when my husband saw that I had it, he tried it for cooking and now we both use it!"
B004EAGP74,5,Coconut oil is fantastic used as diaper cream for cloth diaper mommas. I add a little bit of coconut oil after messy diaper changes or when my little man looks irritated and it clears things up quickly. It's safe for cloth diapers and smells fantastic.
B0041NYV8E,5,"The Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix is quite tasty. Easy, just put the packet of crystals in a cup and add water. Although the packet did not indicate an precise amount of water, just filled up a 12 oz cup and the tea was still strong. The taste is predominately ginger with a slight hint of lemon. So, you have the zing with a bit of a kick. Quite tasty, and easy to take on the go and when traveling."
B004EAGP74,5,"I have used a different brand of this product previously. But had I not, it would be helpful to have information on what the product is beneficial for. I was pleased with the quality of this product and the price was reasonable. Shipping was quick and the cost was within the expected range."
B000KV61FC,4,"This is a very fun toy for my dog. He loves the treats inside, but he can get them out very fast."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This product is great! My wife and father in law are gluten free dieters and this has helped their life out so much. The biscuits, muffins, pancakes that we make with this mix is really good. My wife has substituted this mix instead of wheat flour and her recipes have turned out fine! I recommend this product for anyone that needs to eat gluten free!!!!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This has been the best mix I have found, and the price is better than any store that I've been to. It's easy to use and if you go online to Pamela's website you can find more wonderful recipes. I no longer need to use this since I found out that my son is not gluten intollerant but I'm still going to try some of the recipes since I have friends who are gluten-free."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Ginger, lemmon and honey? That sounds like a decent combination, so I picked this instant mix to try out.<br /><br />When I first opened the packet I smelled lemon and wondered where the ginger was. But then after sipping this, I quickly learned that the ginger is in the drink! Soon my mouth and then my lips smacked of ginger, and it got worse with each sip.<br /><br />This is caffeine free, and for people enjoying a hot drink late at night that won't turn them into zombies, this is an option. The lemon and honey naturally sweeten this drink, but the more you drink this, the more your lips burn. This may be perfect for that ginger lover in some, but it's definitely a taste sensation that requires getting used to."
B000NMJWZO,5,Best gluten free product I have ever eaten. It is great no matter what you do with it. love it...
B004EAGP74,5,This is the best coconut I have ever tasted! Not to mention it is organic & comes with a great price! I will definately be purchasing again!
B0041NYV8E,3,"This drink is spicy! It's surprising how much of a kick that ginger has, and the honey and lemon are nearly drowned out in the ginger flavor. I drank it warm, and it was a nice and soothing beverage on a cold day. I use ginger a lot for its anti-nausea effects, and I could see trying this to help combat motion sickness. That said, even watered down slightly, the kick was still a lot for me and it was rather hard to drink the entire cup in one sitting."
B006MONQMC,4,"I am in love with Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink! Just a squeeze or two (or three, however much you want!) in a nice glass of water and you have yourself a super tasty energy drink with no carbs, no sugars, just energy and tastiness!<br />I also like the fact that you don't need a spoon to mix it, just the act of squeezing the product into the glass does a fantastic job at mixing it.<br /><br />The fruit punch flavor reminds me of Hawaiian Punch almost, which I love, but without the gobs of sugar. No weird or funky aftertaste or anything!<br /><br />However at about 25¢+ per squeeze, I find it a bit too rich for my taste. Some Kool-Aid and zero calorie sweetener can make a similar tasting drink for MUCH less (and without the taurine and caffeine).<br /><br />If it was just a little bit cheaper, I'd be buying a truck load for the summer... but for now I'll just be sticking with plain ol' water."
B004EAGP74,5,"I have ordered and used several big name coconut oils and this is the first one I have been able to eat straight out of the jar. It is economical and tastes great. Wonderful coconut flavor. I also use it on my skin and as a deep conditioner for my hair. Mixed with sugar it is a nice, natural exfoliant scrub.<br />If you live in a warmer climate it is definitely easier to use as it stays mostly liquid. However when mixing it with anything cold it does harden up so takes a little extra time to deal with.<br />If you don't want your coconut oil to taste like coconut - like some reviews I've seen - you should probably skip this purchase."
B006MONQMC,3,"Vitamin Squeeze is convenient product to use, especially for those of us that don't enjoy the taste of plain water. 2 squeezes into a standard size disposable water bottle and you're good to go.<br /><br />I appreciated the extra vitamins and electrolytes Vitamin Squeeze added to my water. The energy part of it, with 40g of caffeine, sort of went unnoticed for me. I never felt the extra energy kick in, but my tolerance for caffeine may be higher than most.<br /><br />The fruit punch taste was pleasant and made the water much easier for me to drink. Unfortunately, it had a weird sort of aftertaste. It made my tongue tingle, much like it would had I ingested certain types of poison. Obviously, it's not poisonous, but that tingle definitely detracted from the enjoyment I had while drinking it."
B006MONQMC,4,"The bottle seemed to indicate ""one squeeze"" per 8 oz. So, I filled a water bottle to the 8 oz mark, and did one ""squeeze."" - Well, my squeeze, was one full press-in until there no longer comes out the mix-in. Well, that added about 4 oz of flavour. So...I had to add about 12 oz of water. 20 oz to the 4 oz of ""one squeeze"" is fine, but for me, that is was still a bit too sweet. So, 20 oz to 4 oz. is just right. Sweet and fruity tasting, but not too overwhelming or sweet to make it undrinkable or unpleasant to drink.<br />I enjoy the flavour. It has that nice sweet-fruity taste, but doesn't taste too much like that fake fruit or something sweet but loses the fruity taste.<br />I REALLY enjoy the taste (leaves no aftertaste and is not overpowering with any lingering or tasting bad after eating something such as crackers - I tried some flavoured Triscuts -and the flavour of the fruit - I LOVE fruit. It's not a distinct 'strawberry' or 'raspberry,' but a mixed fruit, almost like a fruit punch, but not quite. I think both children, teens, and adults would find this a very palatable and enjoyable vitamin mix-in for all to enjoy.<br /><br />The bottle nutrition facts labels one serving as 1/2 oz. - so my guess is that is what ""one squeeze"" means.<br /><br />*The 'lift' tab to open it doesn't really help - one has to just pull up and off the seal.<br />*Be CAREFUL when pulling off the seal; the juice-vitatmin mix slopped out and sloshed onto me. The pink-red mixture MIGHT stain, but if you dab it off, spray it with something like Spray & Wash (or maybe rubbing Fel's Naptha - or use both) to get it off."
B006MONQMC,4,It tasted good and was easy to use. If you used too much it didnt taste very good and was best when mixed with other things. I liked it especially with diet 7-up. Again though you have to use the right amount because it had a chemically taste if you over did it by even just a little too much. It also will stain easily but if you are drinking any red beverage that should be expected. All in this was pretty good.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I love to cook in Coconut oil It Taste Great I Have Tried others and don't like them I will keep buying this product. Great in eggs,baking,they say its good for you to."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I love this product. I smells fantastic, tastes great, and is super healthy. I am starting to lose weight from eliminating butter and using this product instead. Coconut oil is great for your thyroid, it never gets rancid, and grilled onions, mushrooms, and just about anything fried, except eggs, really tastes great! This is the new butter for me, and I feel good about it because I know it's good for my body!"
B004EAGP74,5,"Amazing oil, makes my skin wicked smooth. If the all creator God was a walking talking dude, he would have gigantic coconuts for balls !!!"
B000KV61FC,4,"A friend of mine had just bought this for her dog who seemed to find it challenging and recommended it to me. My Rottie Sarah figured this out pretty quickly; within two minutes she figured out if she pawed at the rubber throat side, it will upend and kibble will come out. Second round she graduated to that plus nosing it up the rest of the way. Third she figured out putting one paw on the rope helped her paw it upend with the other. She's also lifted it up in her mouth, open end down. In defense of the toy, she previously learned to do this with kibble in Kongs so she may already understand ""things that if tipped upside down dispense treats"".<br /><br />She's a pretty smart dog but of course everyone thinks their kid is the smartest in the class :)<br /><br />I've read suggestions on adding balls to it to make it more difficult, which would slow her down, but I was hoping to be able to increase the mental challenge not just reduce the randomness, so this now is as ""difficult"" mentally as it'll get.<br /><br />She's completely ignored the rope except as a way to upend it.<br /><br />On the positive side, it does provide her mental challenge, slows down her otherwise rapid eating, and isn't so difficult that she gives up or gets frustrated. She also has the Kong wobbler which she's figured out (gets her nose under the fat end and just keeps rolling it to get the kibble out), which is a pretty good product, but the Busy Buddy is a bit more challenging."
B000KV61FC,4,While the toy is certainly of good quality and seems to hold up thus far. One should be made wary of the possibility of this turning into a deadly weapon in the jaws of the right K-9. I was dealt a crippling blow which brought me to my knees as my pup came and beat the ever living crap out of me with it in excitement and desire for more treats.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I use this on my hair and skin once a week, and put a spoonful in my coffee each morning. It's a great, all natural way to pamper yourself, and it's done wonders for my hair and scalp."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have tried lots of ""baking"" mixes which are gluten free and this one is by far the best - I even use it in my regular cookie mixes. Pancakes are great too as well as waffles. Try it - you'll like it too! And, it is the cheapest on Amazon.Com, plus there's no shipping or handling fees. Amazon has the best value for this product.<br /><br />Kathy Norman<br />Buena Vista, Colorado"
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Baking and Pancake mix is the only baking mix I use now since going gluten free. I find that I can substitute it cup for cup for flour in most of my baked goods recipes. (Except yeast breads...I still have to experiment with it there.) I use it in my mom's old muffin recipe and I think they come out as good, if not BETTER than when I used to use regular wheat flour. If you are allergic to nuts, this is not for you since it has almond flour in it, but for recipes that call for nuts (cranberry walnut bread) I find that it actually enhances the flavor. I have also made brownies, corn bread and chocolate chip cookies with it. I have served them to non-gluten free people and they had no idea they were ""missing"" anything. I have tried other GF mixes and making my own mixes of flours, but they are never as good...they usually have too much of a bean taste."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I went through the big size jar in less than a month. Use it in food a bit, but the main benefit to my family is for skin and hair. I use it to remove makeup and comb it through my hair before swimming which has helped strengthen my hair considerably!<br /><br />The biggest benefit though, is for my boyfriend who has a lifelong skin condition (ichthyosis vulgaris) which leads to horribly dry skin and constant itching. Everything except petroleum jelly made his skin hurt, until I tried this.<br />It has amazing healing properties and now he has much more relief than before.<br /><br />Great product at a great price!"
B000KV61FC,5,"This toy occupies my 55 pound pit for about an hour when loaded with one cup of kibble. It is durable as well as engaging, and the dog caught on to it very quickly. Highly recommended!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"It's got 5 stars with nearly 350 reviews - need I say more? We're on the 3 month subscription with this stuff for good reason. It's good! Actually, good is an understatement - it's fantastic! My wife needs to eat gluten free and like other gluten-free shoppers out there can attest, trying to find good tasting products in a wheat based world can be quite difficult.<br /><br />I'll keep it simple. This product is awesome. Buy it now."
B006MONQMC,3,"You get a 12-oz garden variety water with additives. This item claims to contain added vitamins and nutrients as well as serve as an energy booster. It tastes pretty good, although it has a bizarre after taste. Still, it's refreshing during<br />these dog days of summer that start early in the Sun Zone. Just be sure to refrigerate it.<br /><br />On the plus side, if you don't drink a lot of water, this will certainly encourage you do to so if for no other reason than to wash away the after taste."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I'm not a connoisseur of tea or coffee. I do like ginger bread, and ginger cookies. Last year, I was on a ship and took ginger pills for sea sickness, and I was told not to chew them. I thought since I liked ginger (as in bread and cookies) that I would like those pills, so I chewed them. BAD idea. Yuck. Terrible after taste. Well, sorry to say, this ginger lemon beverage was nearly as bad (at least to me)."
B000KV61FC,3,"I was all excited to find a toy that my smart, chew happy dog could play with. What I did not keep in mind, is that she is scared of anything that relates to people, even if it has food in it (she is a shelter rescue). She likes me getting food out for her, but never got into bouncing it around to figure out how to get food out herself. Two weeks later it is lying in a corner, ignored, full of yummy treats. I still think this toy has great potential, but I don't recommend it for a timid dog, that gets spooked easily. My dog loves her Kong chew toys. I was hoping to find something that will take longer to get the treats out."
B006MONQMC,3,"Pros: It offers a decent amount of vitamins per serving and has zero calories. (Note that it does contain 40 mg of caffeine per serving so if you're sensitive to caffeine you'll want to pass on this, or make sure you don't drink it in combination with other caffeinated drinks.) One bottle lasts a long time since it makes 24 servings.<br /><br />Cons: The packaging could be better. It's hard to get it to squeeze properly - either nothing comes out, or you get a gush all at once. Although the bottle is designed to be stood cap-down, it leaks a small amount when positioned in that manner. It needs to be refrigerated after opening.<br /><br />Taste: It's just OK. It doesn't have much of a ""fake sugar"" aftertaste, but it also doesn't have much of a fruit taste either. It's not offensive, but it's not all that appealing either.<br /><br />I'll use up the bottle I have, but this is not something I'd pick up again."
B0041NYV8E,3,"If you like ginger, then this a delicious drink costing roughly 3 drinks for a buck. There is no nutritional information on the package, at least the sample pack that I received through the Vine program. Multiple studies have proven the effectiveness of ginger for treatment of nausea. Other reported benefits of ginger include effect on inflammation, variety of gastrointestinal symptoms like stomach cramps, allergies, and lowering cholesterol."
B000NMJWZO,5,This gives celiac suffers pure joy! The chocolate chip cookies melt in your mouth.
B0041NYV8E,5,"All the haters on here calling this tea disgusting and cold medicine-like must be newbies to Ginger. I understand that ginger has a very spicy, in-your-face flavor, and it certainly isn't for everybody, but for those of us who DO like the taste, please don't be turned off by some of the more nasty reviews. Personally, I think this tea is delicious.<br /><br />Each packet contains an unique mix of ginger, lemon, and honey that instantly dissolves in hot water. No messy tea bags necessary. Once poured, you are immediately greeted with a lovely aroma--and once tasted, you are immediately transformed to a safe, warm place. It is spicy. It has tang. But it's perfectly sweetened with soothing honey (and a small hint of lemon) and the result, in my opinion, is one of the most good feeling teas I've ever drank. I wasn't sick when I tried it, but I felt 1000x better after drinking a cup. It was weird. I felt fine, and then I felt so much better!<br /><br />I've heard ginger has lots of natural heeling properties, especially when a cold pops up. From now on I think I'm going to be keeping this in my medicine cabinet as well as my regular cabinet. It's a delicious drink for any occasion.<br /><br />My only complaint is that you have to buy a 6-pack..."
B006MONQMC,4,"8 ounces of water. 1 squeeze of Vitamin Squeeze. That's pretty much it. That's already easier to do than most powder mixes. I'm not sure how much a ""squeeze"" is exactly, but this stuff shoots out in jet stream so stirring is almost optional.<br /><br />One squeeze gives you 120% of your daily vitamin C; 40% of vitamins B3, B5, B6 and B12; 40mg of caffeine and 10mg of Taurine for energy; and electrolytes to boot. Zero calories, zero sugar, and zero carbs, and all natural flavor. I can't vouch for all the flavors, but the fruit punch flavor is absolutely delicious. I do hope that more flavors become available, though, for even more variety.<br /><br />The best part is the value: There are 24 servings (squeezes) per container. That's 24 glasses. The four packs are selling for just under $24, which means you're paying about $0.25 per serving. That's a heck of a lot cheaper than $2 bottles of Vitamin Water, and no doubt you're getting a healthier drink!<br /><br />The bottles (12 fl oz) are roughly the size of a bottle of sunscreen, which means small enough to toss in a backpack, day bag, or ""bugout"" bag for an infusion of vitamins and small pick-me-up while on the go. The only downside is that it's recommended that you refrigerate it after opening (-1 star). If you've got a cooler, great. Otherwise it might be a challenge to make that happen if you're trekking through the woods or running from a horde of zombies (in which case refrigeration is the least of your concerns anyway)."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Don't even bother with other gluten-free baking mixes - this one's the best! Why I love it:<br /><br />1) Excellent taste. I've experimented with other gluten-free mixes and there's usually something ""off"". I even tried one that had a strange, subtle metallic flavor. I've fooled gluten eaters with Pamela's - they couldn't differentiate from gluten pastries.<br /><br />2) Anyone who's ever had to bake for a gluten-free diet knows the annoyance of procuring and figuring out xanthan gum. In Pamela's case, the xanthan gum's already included in the mix, so there's one less thing to worry about. I tried baking cookies without Pamela's mix and forgot the xanthan gum. Surprise, surprise, my cookies didn't rise. So this is important.<br /><br />3) Versatility. So far, I've made pancakes, scones, crepes, chocolate chip cookies, pizza crust and cakes with Pamela's. The range of what you can make with this mix is amazing. Any time I have to create a gluten-free version of an old favorite food, I can probably create something using Pamela's.<br /><br />4) For what it's worth, the recipe ideas on the back of the bag are very helpful - AND ACCURATE. I've gotten so annoyed by inaccurate recipes on food packages. By contrast, I've found the ingredient amounts on the bag of the mix bag to be good.<br /><br />As with most gluten-free prepared mixes, Pamela's is a little pricey. Even with this discounted deal of 3 bags, you're still paying nearly $15 a bag. But the bags themselves are pretty big - it takes me weeks to go through 1 bag, but I'm an amateur baker. If you're a professional or you bake more often than the average person, your needs will of course be different. Also, the sheer quality makes the price worth it. I can't imagine baking with anything else now."
B0041NYV8E,5,"Some other reviewers seem to have expected a pleasant drink, or a tea. I think this product is intended more for people who drink ginger infusions for their sinus-clearing, throat-cleansing effects. I realize the manufacturer cannot sell it as a remedy, but if you drink ginger and honey anyway, this product is a decent substitute that is much more convenient than finding fresh ginger then simmering it yourself.<br /><br />For years I have relied on ginger infusions when I get mild coughs or stuffiness in the winter. It cures the symptoms and I believe (without any formal evidence) that it stops things from progressing into a cold. Anyway, it's comforting. Unfortunately, it's tricky. Finding fresh ginger is not easy and you must infuse it precisely. It must be sliced very thinly (grating is not as good) and put into water just below the boiling point. If the water is too cool, you don't get the most important volatiles. If the water boils, or if you leave it simmering too long, the good stuff denatures or evaporates. When it's just right it has a very strong flavor and aroma, which I find pleasant but is quite pungent, and it leaves your mouth and throat tingling. A small amount of honey seems to enhance the effects.<br /><br />This packet appears to have the right mix of fresh ginger and honey, treated in some manner to preserve potency in its foil packet. Shockingly, however, there is no ingredient labeling (only the claim that it contains no caffine). The Amazon page shows only ginger, honey and ""natural lemon flavor""; but then warns you not to rely on that information. So anyone with allergies has to steer clear of this product until the manufacturer puts the ingredients on the package. However, I chose to live dangerously and drink it anyway, and had no problems. Like the real thing, you should use extremely hot but not quite boiling water, and drink it immediately after mixing (yes, that's hard to do without burning your tongue, but if you wait for it to cool, you lose a lot of the effect). The package recommends 250 ml (about one cup) of water, I think that makes the drink too weak and also it's hard to get that much hot liquid down quickly. I suggest about two-thirds of that amount.<br /><br />I don't know if this product will keep you healthy, but my guess is it can make you feel better and it likely doesn't hurt. Other ginger/honey beverages I have tried are usually far too sweet and lack the punch from plenty of real, fresh ginger."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I love this tea or at least I did when I first tried it. It has a very effervescent, gingery kinda taste. Now I think my taste buds have gone numb to the stuff. And it's about 80 calories per cup, which is way too much for a cup of tea...really. So I will probably use it only once in a blue moon. But, no worries, each tea bag is nicely sealed in an aluminum paper-like bag which are all then sealed again in a larger aluminum paper-like bag. I'm tell'in you this stuff could last through the Great Tribulation and still be fresh."
B000GAT6NG,5,IF you want to change you life for the better and loss weight naturally this is the product for you. Highly recommend.
B000NMJWZO,5,Pamel's Untimate Baking and Pancake Mix is the a pancake mix that makes gluten free pancakes that taste like regular pancakes. I have also used it to make biscuits. You can't cut them out but if you make drop biscuits they taste real good.
B000KV61FC,4,"I like this toy. My puppy dog cant figure it out yet, but she is young yet. I have confidence she will get the object of the toy.... I had gotten another bottle, but the larger one. THAT bottle was the same size as the dog. Well safe to say the sister and her much larger dog now have the bottle, my pup me and my leibkins now have the smaller one."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I love herbal teas, and thought this was a ginger tea. It isn't really tea, more like an instant...something. It smelled good, but after the first sip it tasted a little like Theraflu. There was definitely a medicine-like aftertaste that I was not expecting. Might be OK if it was diluted to give a little punch to a pot of herbal tea, but as a stand alone instant beverage it had a strange taste that was neither appealing or relaxing."
B000KV61FC,5,"I accidentally bought the large Tug-a-Jug for my little 12 lb Maltese/Jack Russell mix dog. Although it intimidated her as a puppy, she has since come to love this toy and begs to be able to play with it. (I wouldn't suggest small dog owners getting the large toy for their small dogs though. It works for Izzy, but my parents toy poodle won't do much more than sniff at it.)<br /><br />DURABILITY: My main concern with buying toys for Izzy is she can destroy most things in a short amount of time. Toys for ""aggressive chewers"" last a couple hours tops, and the only way I get stuffed squeaker toys is purely for her occasional entertainment. The Tug-a-Jug, however, has not been a problem whatsoever; it's still in great condition, and she's been playing with it for a year.<br /><br />TREATS: I would suggest when they're learning how it works, to fill it with treats like Premier Buddy Berries Dog Treats. They're a training treat and very small. Once your dog figures out how to work the treats out, fill it with something like Zuke's 16-Ounce Mini Bakes Dog Treats. These are larger and create a bigger challenge. Also, of course, dog food works great too.<br /><br />This is a great toy and option for dogs that have energy and enjoy a challenge. It's also entertaining to watch them try to get the treats out :)"
B000KV61FC,1,"It seemed like it would be a good idea, but my dog could not get the treats out. She is tiny and the extra small was way too big for her. I like the IQ ball way better."
B006MONQMC,4,"With so many different additives to water these days, what distinguishes this one?<br /><br />It comes in a larger bottle of 12 ounces and makes 24 8-ounce servings. This fruit punch flavor is light (similar to, but not heavy like Hawaiin Punch), and I found it refreshing. It has a combination of vitamins B 6, 5, 3, and 12, Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, and Chromium. Most importantly it has approximately the same level of caffeine as soda, so I can get a nice little jolt.<br /><br />I use a lot of powdered additives to my water, and enjoy the fact that this liquid fully dissolved, unlike the powders. I am keeping this next to my refrigerator and give my bottles their treatment as I take them out of the fridge, before I jump in the car. However, I have had some warm, and it was OK then as well. I don't add a lot to my water, I couldn't figure out how much a squeeze was, and so I started light, and it works nicely for me.<br /><br />The one thing I would like to mention is that the servings are 8 oz size, and most water bottles are 12-16 ounce. If you are figuring price per serving, do keep this in mind. Also, it is recommended that you use this within 30 days of opening it.<br /><br />I have small hands, and often have trouble with pull off tops under seals, so I have the habit of keeping a sharp knife handy to run around the top and remove it. So I opened my bottle using my normal technique ... the extra hermetically sealed package wasn't a problem for me.<br /><br />Good flavor, reasonable price. I will be finishing my sample bottle and looking for it in the market."
B006MONQMC,3,"Everyone has different tastes and likes so for that reason I've rated this 3 out of 5. Personally, the taste is quite yucky.. like a super sweet something or medicine like taste.. Perhaps some people will be ok with that. I wouldnt mind it IF the product gave me some energy as it states. I felt no difference. I use 6 hour energy drinks and Mio to compare the product too and both those products (although tastes may not be the best) worked very well giving a boost of energy. This bottle is alot bigger too, and only a squeeze is suppose to do the job. Like any product as such I would recommend trying it out once as it may be ok for you or it may not.<br /><br />I personally like the smaller portable bottles. Another thing it needs to be used within 30 days of opening...... something to keep in mind so your forced to use it on a daily basis or it will go bad."
B006MONQMC,4,"There are already tons of products that are called water enhancers. Most of them is just flavoring, sort of a Kool-Aid squirt potion bottles. This one added vitamins, caffeine and taurine, which converts your plain water into an instant energy drink.<br /><br />For comparison, you would need approximately three squeezes to match the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee.<br /><br />If only they can improve the taste to match the most popular soft drink mixes in the market. There is also a slight metallic aftertaste."
B0041NYV8E,4,I enjoyed this quite a bit and found the flavor rich and full and the aroma ( always important) was wonderful. I would recommend this and will purchase it again (or rather purchase a box and not just try a sample.) I was not bothered by the aftertaste (and there is one) and had it cold..
B0041NYV8E,4,"I received one packet of this instant beverage for review. That package did not reveal much about the contents--for example, I suspect there is some sugar in the beverage, but there was no ingredients list. The packet shows ginger and lemon and says to add 250 ml (about 1 cup) of water, stir and consume.<br /><br />I used water that was the temperature I use for green tea--about 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Immediately, I noted a lovely floral scent wafting from the cup. The water dissolved the tan granules quickly and turned a muddy yellow-brown color.<br /><br />Sipping the beverage, I noted the warm ginger notes, that lovely spicy burn on my tongue. I love ginger, obviously. I only get a hint of lemon from this beverage. The drink is slightly sweet. I added no other sweetener and didn't need to. It was lovely on its own. I don't think ginger is this sweet on its own, so I suspect there is a small amount of sugar here.<br /><br />I would say this would be something nice to have when you are feeling ill with cold or flu. Ginger has antiseptic and mild stimulent properties. I wouldn't drink it before bed, for that reason--but I'm a sensitive individual when it comes to stimulents.<br /><br />Overall, a very nice instant beverage that is warming and soothing."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I use coconut oil in everything from cooking to adding it to my aging, finicky Standard Poodles' food (he loves it). The Nutiva Coconut oil is excellent and I will definitely purchase it in the future! Shipping was fast and product was exactly as expected."
B004EAGP74,5,"We use coconut oil instead of butter and shortening for baking and on the table.<br />This is one of the best for texture and taste.<br />The price is very good, and the delivery fast."
B006MONQMC,2,"I like the effects of this drink, however, it gives me a headache that I can't get rid of. I made it just like the directions said, I even weighed it out in milliliters, and measured one cup of water to it. At that measurement, it is a little weak, but still good. It gave me great energy, that lasted for 4 hours or more. It's not the kind of energy that the energy drinks give me, where I'm all jittery and feel weird. The second time I mixed it, I used more, about 3 times as much and it made me way to energetic and it felt like I was on speed. If you are sensitive to caffeine, you need to be careful with this stuff.<br /><br />Pros---<br />Nice taste, tastes just like Hawaiian Punch.<br />Gives lasting energy.<br /><br />Cons---<br />Lid leaks, no matter how hard I screwed it on. Don't get this on your clothes, or it will never come out. I got it on my counter and had to use bleach to get it off, even though I wiped it right up.<br />Can be really strong to people who are sensitive to caffeine.<br />Tastes like a child's fruit drink, which some adults may not like.<br />Loaded with artificial ingredients and artificial red dye, but you most likely know that if you read about it.<br /><br />I am giving this 2 stars because of the headache issue. I would like this stuff, if it didn't give me a headache. So, if you are looking for a water enhancement that gives you lasting energy, you don't mind that the lid leaks horribly, and you like the taste of Hawaiian Punch, then give this a try."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Banking and Pancake mix makes the best pancakes, cakes, cookies and muffins that can be made with a gluten-free flour--in fact, they are actually better than the ones I make with regular flour!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I truly am in love with this mix! Great taste, cannot tell the difference! My son loves the pancakes and banana bread from this mix. Too bad it is not dairy/casein free...or else we would still be getting it!"
B000KV61FC,1,"I wasted my money. I tried putting different cereal, dog foods, etc. in this, and my dog ignores it completely."
B000KV61FC,4,"I have 2 very food motivated pugs (never met one that wasn't...). The outgoing one LOVES banging this toy around the house for hours. The shy one won't go near it. the first day with this, I filled it up almost full with kibble so it dispensed more easily, but she still got frustrated trying to figure out how to use it. After a couple of days, she can empty 1/2 cup of kibble from the small one in an hour :) and will continue to play with it as long as it has food in it.... the larger the treat size, the harder it is to come out. A couple kibble falls out every minute or so; a treat the size of a Zuke's Mini Bakes will come out every 5 to 10 minutes. I put 1/2 cup kibble and 10 mini bakes inside to keep her occupied for an hour. Note: the more full the jug is, the faster the dispensing rate (good for unmotivated dogs). The smaller the jug, the more full it is when a given amount of food is placed in it, thus if my pug had a hard time with the small size, I would buy the x-small so she could get the food out more easily. After a week of using it, I realize the small size is just fine.<br /><br />Pros:<br />dog loves it<br />durable<br />keeps them occupied for unlimited time<br />i like the ""difficulty"" level of this toy: it is not too easy that it's emptied in 15 minutes like a treat ball, but not so hard that she won't play with it<br /><br />cons:<br />rope is difficult to clean and attracts moisture<br />the noise as she bangs it around the house is insane"
B004EAGP74,5,Fantastic and natural and smells like coconut as it should. Not processed like some others. If you order coconut oil and it has no taste beware. This has a mild coconut flavor thats delicious but disperses nicely when you cook. The best oil out there.
B004EAGP74,5,"The fantastic flavor of this coconut oil has made it a regular staple in my cooking, frequently (if not usually) replacing both butter and canola oil. It's even a great butter-replacement for bread! My only regret is that I didn't buy a larger tub; it's going fast!"
B000NMJWZO,4,I dont eat too many of these myself but my family loves it when I make these. It makes great waffles and pancakes. My firends who don't need a gluten-free product even seem to really like it. I wouldn't buy anything else!! This is a wonderful product.
B004EAGP74,5,This is my favorite coconut oil for the following reasons...<br /><br />it is delightfully fragrant<br />the smooth texture<br />tastes like it should...coconutty :)<br />fries and cooks and bakes like a charm<br />delectable hand cream<br /><br />My only complaint is that one side (approx. 1 cup) was empty. I hope not to find that problem in future purchases.
B0041NYV8E,3,Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage Mix can be enjoyed cold or hot. I Chose to drink it as a hot beverage as tea. I usually drink Ginger tea to sooth an upset stomach or to clear up congestion. I had s sore throat and this seem to h my throat. I didn't much like the taste. This drink seem to leave somewhat of an after taste andit als had somewhat of a bitter taste to it. All in all it was an OK drink.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have celiac disease and this is by far the best mix we have tried! The pancakes are to die for! But, not only do I think that - my whole family LOVES them, even guests I serve them to love them! I have made the Sour Cream Coffee Cake and it's absolutely wonderful, as well as the chocolate chip cookies. I will be trying the pumpkin loaf soon. I coat our fish and chicken with this mix and they are soooooo yummy! It's the best mix!"
B006MONQMC,2,"The best thing about Vitamin Squeeze Energy is that is isn't too sweet and I would describe it as a light fruity taste. You can taste the diet sugar unfortunately and after using this for a couple of days, I simply felt no urge to want to add it my afternoon water.<br /><br />What we need is a product with natural juice extract that has no sugar or Sucralose but gives you the added benefits of this drink."
B006MONQMC,5,"And so does my grandson Mr Picky!<br /><br />Easy to use, although a little sizable to tote around.<br /><br />Good fruit flavor, no after taste.<br />Mixes very easily in (dull, boring, plain) water.<br /><br />I keep mine at work, assuring I drink more water! It works.<br /><br />As far as the energy value, I'm really not sure.<br /><br />I plan to continue to buy this product.<br /><br />Thank you.<br />MEF"
B000KV61FC,3,"Our dog likes this toy which we had gotten hastily at a drugstore when we realized we left her toys at home while on vacation. We fill this with Zukes or with crushed Nuturo choice snacks and leave it for her when we go to work. This can be a really long toy for your dog due to the small opening near the rope and it's good to check that what you put in will actually come out. Our dog gets her treats out be picking this up by the rope and then flinging it across the room (much to the chargin of the tenants below our apartment). She also just chews on the rope when she is bored and also tries to tug the rope back and forth in order to dislodge some of the treats. The best method for her however is to throw it and although it's durable, your wood floors may not like it and it can be somewhat noisy. But for this price, your dog will get a relatively long lasting treat dispenser that you can manipulate in order to increase or decrease the difficulty of earning their treat."
B0041NYV8E,4,"If you don't like ginger then don't pick up a ginger drink, but if you like ginger then I do suggest Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger & Lemon Beverage. It has a very intense ginger taste to it, much stronger ginger flavor then I was expecting and a very very mellow lemon flavor that is so mellow because the ginger just takes everything over.<br /><br />The smell of the drink when you first open the package it ginger overload, to me smelled like a gingerbread cookie with some lemon on top. Getting your drink just right is very easy, just open and pour your contents into a cup and add your choice of water and stir. Easy as 1 2 3 and your done. No need to sweeten your drink as it is already sweet with honey already inside.<br /><br />Can be served two different ways: hot & cold but I have to say I would prefer the hot way as it is very soothing to drink. Ginger is a wonderful way to settle your upset stomach and the fact that this drink mix is caffeine free is another bonus for that means I can drink it at any time and not have to worry about it keeping me up at night.<br /><br />If you like ginger check it out, for as a fan of ginger drinks/teas I have to say this has to be one of the better ones that I have tried."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love this stuff! I can't have any gluten and found Pamela's to have all the flavor without the bad stuff. My entire family likes it better than other brands on the market. It's a little spendy, but I haven't found it cheaper anywhere than Amazon. thank You!!"
B000KV61FC,4,"My 1 year old Boxer mix absolutely loves this toy ~ He was trying to play with it before I could even get it out of the packaging! It seems to be durable and is holding up well so far, my only concern is replacing the rope after my dog wears it out (he destroys rope toys in about 2 weeks usually). Other than that, I would recommend this to other dog owners whose dogs like to chew and play tug-of-war. Just make sure you don't mind little pieces of treats all over your floor - it's surprising how much treat actually dispenses, and my dog tends to overlook some of the dispensed treats when he is feeling playful. I wouldn't recommend this for small dogs, just because it is a good sized toy, but for medium to large dogs, this is great!"
B000GAT6NG,5,Received everything in good order and in a timely fashion. Have done business with this vendor for over a year now.
B000KV61FC,5,"I purchased our first Busy Buddy Tug for Hudson's 1st Birthday! He is a constant busy-body and this toy provides hours of entertianment for him. My concern was the durability becasue he can chew through most everything immediately.... not this toy! It is by far the most durable!!! He did eventually chew through the rope, which I removed and he continues to play with this and carry it around most of the day. Our other little Springer Spaniel loved it so much that after months of fighting over it, I bought Wrigley one for his 1st birthday last month. I was so pleased with the first one, I also purchased the Preimer Waggle for him. If it is possible, this toy is even more entertaining than the other! Hard to believe ... these toys have kept our puppies busy, entertained and constantly concentrating and working on getting the treats out! I love them!"
B006MONQMC,4,There are a lot of these products on the market lately. Not just energy drinks in general but this kind that you add to water like Mio. This tastes really good and gives you energy. You get a really big bottle of it too.
B0041NYV8E,1,"I', a fan of lemon and ginger. I enjoy teas and I will use fresh ginger in recipes. But this was downright awful. I followed the instructions, and the smell was so wonderful. It reminded me of a fancy tea house.<br /><br />Then I tasted it... yuck... burning sensation from the ginger. I do not recommend this, unless ginger 'burns' are your thing."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I know this drink doesn't contain tea, but it does put me in the mind of something one might drink as a substitute for a cup of hot tea. Personally, I found the ginger flavor way too strong for my liking. The lemon flavor was so subtle it seemed like somewhat of an afterthought. I only deducted one star because of the strong, almost overpowering ginger taste. Maybe one of the other flavors would be more up my alley.<br /><br />BUT, I did go ahead and give the product four stars because it was extremely easy to prepare (just open the packet and dissolve the contents into 1 cup of hot water) and the crystals dissolved well. I might try another flavor."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have tried a few other GF pancake/baking mixes and this is by far the best one I've used. I found that if you are making pancakes, substitute buttermilk for the milk. It really gives it a better texture and a good rise. Dare I say, almost as good as the ""regular"" pancakes."
B000KV61FC,3,My golden just picks up the bottle and dumps everything out. Larger dogs should use to big one that they can't get their mouth around.
B000NMJWZO,5,I've used this product for years and am so happy that I can get it MUCH cheaper on Amazon. I love it and my husband doesn't mind (or does not notice) that it's rice based.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I've tried about a dozen different ""Gluten Free"" baking mixes since being diagnosed with Celiac. Some are really sweet, some are bitter, some are chalky. Pamela's Ultimate Baking mix is none of the above. It is just about perfect. My son (picky 14 year old) actually prefers this mix to the waffles we made before, and so do I!"
B006MONQMC,3,"This is a vitamin-containing flavor enhancer for water. You squeeze this into your water (one squeeze for 8 oz of water). This gives you some flavor, a bunch of vitamins, and some caffeine. The flavor of this was reminiscent of Kool-Aid. For a drink that is supposed to be full of health benefits, this contained an awful lot of artificial colors. I found this a bit too sweet and a bit too artificial."
B000KV61FC,3,My 14 month old Border Collie wanted nothing to do with this toy... so I gave it to my freinds 12 month old Lab ...and he also ignored it.. so now it just sits there... I cant even give it away :0(
B0041NYV8E,4,"First, the packaging. What exactly is a ""gold kili."" I was hoping it would be some kind of mythical Asian flower or something interesting, but no. My quick look-see around the Interweb revealed only that it's the name of this Singapore-based ongoing business concern, involved with Tasty® Singapore, which is an initiative of the government-sponsored International Enterprise Singapore, an effort to promote Singaporean food businesses worldwide (which has a very colorful and very loud website). And Tasty has got a nice, smiley kind of logo, too (see image).<br /><br />If the good folks at Gold Kili want this and their other products to take off in the US, they really need to work on their packaging. The copy on the envelope is not very good, a bit awkward, coming off as having been developed by someone whose first language is not English (like Singapore Chinese). The instructions open with ""For hot serving..."" Well, I figure that has to do with heated water, but the 8th grader in me also instantly recognized a distinct yet seriously divergent possible type of serving method. But I digress. Knowing most Americans, the preparation text needs to be much more clear, with very concrete instructions, like starting with, ""Pour contents into a cup..."" Second, the only measure of how much water to use is in metric. I'm down with the metric, yo, but most Americans are most definitely not, so you've got to actually tell them to put 8 ½ ounces into their coffee mug.<br /><br />Note that 8.5 ounces really isn't that much. It's more or less a standard coffee cup, but in bigger-is-better America, that's only half a mug. I recommend Gold Kili up-size their portions for the US market.<br /><br />Man, that ginger scent--strong--comes barreling right out right away when you open the envelope, and then when you stir it up, a very distinctive aroma. The scent is quite good, a very nice alternative to coffee; brewing up a lot of this would be a very nice aroma throughout the house. And so how did it taste? Well, it was sweeter than I expected, which was a relief. That unmistakable ginger taste is really strong, that pungent, stinging taste, spicy and quite insistent. If you've had Asian ginger candy and can take it and like it, this product will work for you. I do think that most Americans will not take to this, as it is a most definitely foreign and highly specialized ethnic taste, something they've only gotten the slightest hint of at their local bland Zap Wok restaurant. The lemon flavor is there, albeit rather subtle. You get the lemon mostly in the aftertaste. You do get a very distinct and lingering ginger aftertaste of the drink, and that unmistakable low-level burn of ginger at the back of your throat. It stays with you for some time, even after drinking or eating something else.<br /><br />This stuff is pretty good hot, but is NOT good cold. For testing purposes, I added nothing to the drink, no sugar, nothing additional; I think doing so would ruin it.<br /><br />My experience with the drink's color was not what you see on the package, which appears to be a kind of semi-clear green tea. It is very unclear if this is in fact some kind of tea. All the envelope tells you is that it's ginger lemon drink, and that's all. There's no more info on the packaging. The actual color is a kind of ruddy brown, much like a tea.<br /><br />And hey, in the grandest tradition of Indians, Chinese and Malays (and generations of colonial descendants) living so peaceably together in lovely, sterile, boring yet successful Singapore, this product is in fact halal. Yay. There are no kosher markings.<br /><br />Bottom line: if you've spent time in Asia, and are up for something more than the ubiquitous, overpriced fare at Starbucks, this one will work for you as a morning drink. For those not used to full-on ginger, this make take some adjustment. The ginger taste is powerful, so is a good pick-up, although this product is caffeine-free. It'll be a welcome product for Asians and those used to strong ginger products, but will take some getting used to for most Westerners."
B000KV61FC,4,"This is working great if dry food pellets you use are of the right size to be dispensed relatively easily. The earlier version had a plastic ""rope"" which was easier to clean. Also, the glass in my 2nd one is broken. Assume you will need to get a new one every 1-2 years or so. I use it every day and my dog gets all her dry food (main source of food) from the bottle."
B006MONQMC,3,"I am not a big fan of artificially flavored drinks, and this vitamin squeeze energy drink is no exception. I really don't like the aftertaste of such drinks. However, putting that aside, this is a fairly refreshing and nice-tasting drink as far as it goes. The flavor is a bit reminiscent of a cough syrup. The packaging and mixing are very convenient - I was surprised that you really didn't need any stirring or shaking for this solution to completely dissolve in water. This drink is a convenient option if you spend a lot of time in a place that has plenty of water fountains or water coolers, and very limited refrigerator space. Aside from the interesting packaging and the delivery method there is nothing all that special about this drink that would distinguish it form others in the same category."
B004EAGP74,5,"I probably have every skin care product ever made.. I am huge with natural skin care and I have been using honey as a face mask (which I love), but it is just too messy and sticky. I research constantly for new things for natural skin care and I came across coconut oil; I just have to say I was skeptical at first, but I absolutely love this product! I don't break out a lot, just a few on my chin every now and then, but it is usually painful cystic acne and after applying this at night the next morning I woke up and my face was glowing, I couldn't believe it! I don't have wrinkles, but I was getting a few fine lines under my eyes and they have disappeared after only four days of using this at night before bed and in the morning after my shower. I am absolutely amazed, this is a miracle product! I also use it as a moisturizer and hair mask. I have my mom and sister-in-law using this now and they said the same thing! I recommend this product to anyone! Also, I got the 15 oz jar which will probably last months because you only need a tiny tinyyy bit for your face"
B004EAGP74,5,I rarely write reviews but for this product it is well worth it. This stuff is amazing I eat it everyday on my morning toast. And put it in my hair and skin. Makes you glow and does not make you look oily. LOVE IT!
B0041NYV8E,3,"I didn't really love this drink mix, nor did I hate it either. It was just ""ok"". It does mix well and didn't have a bad after taste but the actual taste itself is underwhelming. I think maybe if you like Ginger more than I do you would like it better than I did."
B006MONQMC,2,"Say what you will about Vine reviews skewing too much one way or the other, this was just disgusting. The ""nutrition"" aspects aren't bad--they're not good, either--but the flavor is something that I can't live with. My wife described it as ""watered-down [children's drink with a mascot that breaks through walls]"", but adding more to the water just made the solution taste more ""fake"" and unpalatable.<br /><br />If you dig the flavor, though, you'll get some good B vitamins and caffeine, so I guess this would be good for someone on the go that needed a lift."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I enjoyed this one evening when my stomach was slightly upset. The gentle ginger flavoring helped to soothe my tummy, and being warm, it just gave me a feel good sense.<br /><br />I didn't find it exceptional, but if faced without my favorite hot beverage available, I would probably purchase this for a substitute."
B006MONQMC,4,Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink is a great way to add vitamins and nutrition to plain drinking water. With just a few squeezes to water provide a delicious nutritional drink to quince your thrist and also provides vitiams for energy and a healthy drink. Great tasting and good for you.
B000NMJWZO,5,My wife claims it makes the best chocolate chip cookies and pancakes and waffles. She has recommended it to many friends and they are extremely pleased with the results.
B006MONQMC,4,"If you want a water enhancer, with no calories, and with some energy and vitamin ingredients, this is fine. The fruit punch flavor I tried tasted pretty good, with no bad after taste, though it did taste a bit artificial to me. That said, I prefer Coca Cola in moderation and really natural drinks like orange juice and iced tea....and cold water. One word of caution, my container with the Vitamin Squeeze, leaked around the top. Maybe I caused this when I unsealed it using a knife - so I suggest being extra careful when unsealing it."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This flour works for so many things. My son is on a gf/cf diet and with this he can have pancakes, cookies, bread, cupcakes, doughnuts, French toast and more! And the best part is it tastes so good the whole family likes to eat what I make with it."
B000GAT6NG,5,I take 3 tablespoons a day for my health. I cook with it. I use it instead of butter. I also use it as a hand cream
B000NMJWZO,5,"As a newly diagnosed celiac I have tried many GF products available. All are fairly expensive and aren't always delicious. My favorite, and always successful, GF Baking recipes use PAMELA's baking mixes.<br /><br />Most importantly they taste good!<br />Secondly your pancakes, waffles and bisquits are golden-brown just like real; food. Anmd NO, the others I've tried are grayish colored and taste about like cardboard.<br /><br />Buying in bulk on Amazon is the right way to go. It is surprising how quickly you use flour baking your own stuff. Anyway this is my A#1 ingredient. Try it and you won't be dissapointed."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Pancake and Baking Mix is the best gluten-free baking mix out there! We recently made peanut butter cookies and my non-celiac friends liked these far better than peanut butter cookies made with regular flour. The cookies had a great texture and flavor. The mix also makes wonderful biscuits, pizza crust, pie crust and more. We highly recommend this mix.<br /><br />Here is our recipe for awesome peanut butter cookies:<br /><br />1 Cup Unsalted Butter (room temp)<br />1 Cup Peanut Butter<br />1/2 C Organic Cane Sugar<br />1/2 C Organic Brown Sugar<br />2 Eggs (room temp)<br />2 Cups Pamela's Baking Mix<br /><br />Preheat oven to 375 degrees<br />Cream together the following: butter, cane and brown sugar and eggs.<br /><br />Mix in peanut butter.<br /><br />Mix in baking mix.<br /><br />Refrigerate for 20 minutes (this is optional but will make it easier to place criss-crosses on the cookies)<br /><br />Use a cookie scoop to scoop dough onto lightly greased cookie sheets, then gently mash in a criss-cross pattern with a fork.<br /><br />Bake cookies in a preheated 375 degree oven for 9 - 12 minutes.<br /><br />* Use 9 minutes if you did not refrigerate the dough. Use 12 minutes if the dough is cold. *<br /><br />Allow the cookies to sit on cookie sheet for about 10 minutes before moving to a cooling rack. They will appear a little soft when they come out of the oven but will set up as they sit.<br /><br />Pamela's baking mix contains: brown rice flour, white rice flour, cultured buttermilk, natural almond meal, tapioca starch, sweet rice flour, potato starch, grainless & aluminum-free baking powder, baking soda, sea salt and xanthan gum.<br /><br />Each 1/3 cup of mix provides 160 calories, 3.5 grams fat (zero trans fat), 5 mg cholesterol, 390mg sodium, 27 grams carbs, 1.5 g fiber, 3 g sugar, 4 grams protein, 10% calcium and 2% iron.<br /><br />If you want to really review how good this product is, I suggest reading the reviews on Amazon. The reviews for this product are raving and well worth the rave. We highly recommend this product."
B000KV61FC,4,"I have a 2 year old border collie mix who gets bored easily and loves interactive toys. She gets so excited when I bring this toy out. However, she is a very strong chewer so she was able to chew through the rope within a day or so. I read on the Busy Buddy website a great suggestion: put a tennis ball in the bottle to make the toy useful again. This has worked well and makes the treats a challenge to get out. She figured it out very quickly but she is also a very smart and curious dog. My only complaint is that it is very loud on the wood floors! this toy is best if you have carpet or at least don't have a basement tenant in your house."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I make a great drink in the summer with lemons and fresh ginger. This Instant Ginger & Lemon beverage does not compare, but it actually is good. Not oversweet or too spicy. You have to like ginger to like this though because it has a unique taste. I put it in warm water like it said, and then poured it over ice. It was refreshing."
B000KV61FC,4,"My dog (cocker spaniel) has separation anxiety and one of the tactics i use to distract him from my leaving the house is his busy buddy tug-a jug toys. His first one lasted about a year, and we used it every day, sometimes two to three times. The threads on the bottom of the screw-off bottle eventually all broke off (i believe there is a picture of what it did on the item description already) and we needed another one. So i bought 2. It is a good toy that i will continue to give my dog, as it effectively keeps him busy and engaged."
B006MONQMC,3,"This review is based on a sample bottle provided through the Amazon Vine program.<br /><br />I drink a lot of flavored water. From Mio, to Nuun, to Crystal Light, and the store brands, I've tried most of them. This one sounded pretty interesting. Upon receiving the bottle, I stuck it in my bag to take to work. When I went to use it for the first time, I looked at the back to see how much to use. I was quite surprised to find it needed to be refrigerated after opening. Back home it went, where it could be refrigerated.<br /><br />I find the flavor to be good. You can actually taste the pineapple, and maybe some banana (although there's not banana in the picture.) Like most of these things, getting the mix can be tricky. After a few attempts, I've figured it out. I think I'm using more than the squirt per 8oz, but that's ok.<br /><br />I don't usually feel caffeine (unless I drink a lot) so I can't really tell if this would affect a normal person. The price seems high, but I don't really know how much you get from 12 oz of mix, compared to a box of pre-measured powders. If a squirt is half an ounce, this is about twice as expensive as Crystal Light. Of course the fact that it needs refrigeration may imply that it's a little more real than its competition.<br /><br />It's good enough that I might try the other flavors."
B006MONQMC,5,"Tried the fruit punch in a glass of water. A little goes a long way and tastes great! Turn bottled water or tap water into a great tasting beverage: refreshing, no cal and healthy"
B000GAT6NG,4,Tastes so good...great on popcorn. Fast delivery and came in perfect condition. The value was a plus.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I recently heard about the great benefits of coconut oil and was wanting to give it a try. I first bought a small jar from my local Walmart. It had no flavor whatsoever and I felt like I was missing something. Come to find out I needed Organic, Cold Pressed, Extra Virgin coconut oil. The ones I found were not. It was suppose to have a delicious coconut smell and light flavor. I came to Amazon because I appreciate being able to read reviews of buyers before actually spending my money on an item. Nutiva is an exceptional product. Exactly what I was looking for. I am now addicted to toast with coconut oil(in place of butter) and jelly. OMG! I can't get enough. I crave it every morning. I was scared of all the saturated fats until I learned that not all saturated fats are bad for you (contrary to popular beliefs). The studies that have been done on people for lowering the bad cholesterol and other benefits sold me. I would compare it to how the medical profession said eggs were bad for you and now they say they are good for you. I am almost out and am definitely buying more. Maybe the smaller containers though just to make it easier to reach the bottom with my teaspoon. Great product!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"There's a lot you can do with this mix. I usually make pancakes or waffles. The texture is excellent; it's virtually impossible to tell they were made with a gluten-free mix. A gluten-free diet requires many changes and compromises, but in the pancake and waffle department I don't feel as though this is a compromise at all!<br /><br />The texture is even better when using more eggs than the recipe recommends and reducing other liquids to compensate.<br /><br />No matter what results you've had with gluten-free mixes before, it's worth trying Pamela's."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We absolutely love this gluten-free mix! We have one gluten-free child, but we all love the pancakes! They also make excellent chocolate chip cookies and muffins."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I was prepared to ease into this, Instant Ginger Lemon drink, sip it slowly, chant a mantra and then drift off to meditate.<br />I was prepared to find out if my local grocery chain carried it.<br />I was prepared to snuggle up with this on a cold dreary day.<br /><br />I heated some water and poured the glandules in a cup and stirred. I ignored the scum floating on top.<br /><br />I was not prepared after taking two sips to be jolted by a peppery bite that burned all the way down and left an unpleasant metal after taste that I can still taste 10 minutes later.<br /><br />This is simply horrid. It tasted like poison to me."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love this Baking Mix, in-fact, our our family loves it. Thanks Pamela's.<br />Don Mueller, Ogden,UT"
B0041NYV8E,2,"I was anxious to try this item because I hoped the ginger would help quell my morning sickness. The packet directions stated to mix the entire package with 250ml of water, or approximately 8.45 oz. I used hot water and mixed up the drink. I was a little nervous to try it, as it looked like muddy river water. The first sip wasn't so bad. The lemon taste was nice, and not artificial tasting. The ginger taste was ok at first, but left a ""hot"" after taste in my mouth. The drink was very strong, so I poured the drink back into the water bottle that I had gotten the water out of, to ""water it down"" so that it wouldn't be so strong. That improved it slightly, but the after taste of the ginger was still too hot for my taste. Finally, I decided to put the bottle into the fridge to see if I would like it better cold. Two hours later I pulled it out and shook it up (It still looked like river water to me) and took a drink. This time, the lemon flavor, which had been pleasant before, was completely overpowered by the ginger taste, which seemed to be even more ""hot"" and lasting than before.<br /><br />Needless to say, I did not finish the bottle, and I have no intention of buying more of this. I felt that the lemon flavor was nice, and perhaps a ""plain"" lemon drink would be fine, but the ginger in this beverage was far to spicy for my taste. I have no idea if this beverage would be beneficial for those suffering with nausea, because I was unable to finish one package. In my opinion, it would only aggreavate the stomach of someone who is already feeling ill."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Our family LOVES Pamela's Pancake and Baking mix. I have two litle boys 5 and 2 and they love the pancakes. I always add just a little bit more water to the batter than the recipe calls for and get the lightest, most even pancakes ever. My family is gluten-sensitive but I am not. Since discovering Pamela's I don't care if I ever have a gluten-made pancake again. These are tremendous. I've added choco chips, chopped fruit and pureed fruit to the batter and it all works wonderfully. If you're looking for a delicious gluten-free pancake, this is the mix you want. I have used it for banana breads and it's OK for that but not great."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is wonderful oil with a hint of coconut flavor. I was nervous when I first received it as I thought I had ordered unflavored coconut oil, but decided to give it a go....awesome! It doesn't fight with or overpower the foods you are cooking in it, rather lends a very mild, subtle dimension to every dish. I haven't tried it on my hair or skin yet, but I understand it is great for that as well. Try it. You won't be sorry."
B000NMJWZO,4,"You can by at Kroger at half the price. Used to be cheaper before recent price hike, just continued from innertia to order until payed attention, people be careful!"
B000KV61FC,2,We bought the large one for our dog thinking it was a neat idea to keep him occupied (and it is a really good idea for a toy) but apparently our 20lb dog has jaws of steel because the plastic broke the first time he played with it. He's not not a monster dog by any means but this just couldn't hold up to my dog.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been using Pamela's for over 3 years and love it! The only thing I don't like it for is pancakes, ironically. They seem to come out heavy and doughy. I love Bob's Red Mill pancake mix better. But for everything else I love Pamela's. I make lemon bars, pumpkin bread and muffins, orange chocolate-chip scones, the chocolate chip cookies on the back, sugar cookies, brownies, and lots more. I have never had a bad result, and often my family can't tell any difference between these and wheat-based baked goods. When taking baked goods made with Pamela's people often ask for recipes not even knowing they are gluten-free. One gluten-eating person even bought a bag of Pamela's from me to try my pumpkin muffins. Definitely worth the $!"
B000KV61FC,3,"I purchased this toy based on the recommendation from Dr. Ian Dunbar in <a href="""">Before and After Getting Your Puppy: The Positive Approach to Raising a Happy, Healthy, and Well-Behaved Dog</a> and it was fantastic for about two weeks.<br /><br />The toy was banged up against the wall and table a few times in the normal course of play and the plastic screw-top shattered.<br /><br />My border collie puppy still will play with it now even though it's missing pieces and doesn't hold food anymore. This is great, but it's pretty much become an expensive rope toy.<br /><br />I wish I had known before purchasing that it was so delicate. A much sturdier food dispensing toy has been the <a href="""">Kibble Nibble Original, 7"" tall x 6"" dia</a> which has rubber bumpers that prevent the same shattering that happened to the tug-a-jug."
B004EAGP74,5,"Excellent product!! I have found that coconut oil can be used in any way you would use oil or butter. It has a very mild coconut flavor----nothing that would really alter the taste of what you're preparing. It can take high heat cooking without breaking down. (All the benefits of olive oil are destroyed with high heat). It doesn't need refrigeration----another plus. Tastes great on toast. Too bad the good things about coconut oil have been surpressed for so many years. It seems to be one of the healthy fats instead of all the synthetics (e.g. margarine) and hydrogenated products on the market.<br />Must be organic, unprocessed, & cold pressed to have all the good benefits."
B000NMJWZO,5,This baking mix is great. It makes wonderful waffles and banana bread. Go to and get lots of great receipes.
B000NMJWZO,5,"I had to start a gluten free diet and was really at a loss when it came to products I make all the time, like pancakes and biscuits for my children. A friend of mine suggested Pamela's after discussing my frustration with all things ""gluten-free"". Hands down, this baking mix is one of the best I have ever found - GF or not. The batter is so light and fluffy and cooks up perfectly. I add some cinnamon sugar and vanilla to the pancake recipe on the back and always make a double batch to freeze and reheat later. It does remarkably well. And, my 6- yr old is quite the biscuit aficionado, and gave Pamela's biscuits two thumbs up. Cookie recipe is soon to follow......"
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is amazing. I like it better than all other coconut oils. Of course it tastes like coconut. I don't want to use oils that are so overly processed and refined that they taste like ""nothing"". I don't understand why the coconut flavor bothers some people. If you don't like coconut, find a different oil.<br /><br />You can use this for grilling, frying, baking, sauteeing, greasing & flouring a cake pan, and all other places that you'd use butter or a Crisco-type product. Just be careful on the baking because this melts at a low temperature.<br /><br />It is amazing as a skin softener, a hair conditioner, a leave in hot oil treatment, make-up remover, eyelash conditioner/glosser, shaving ""cream"", lip softener, cuticle oil, nail conditioner, bath oil, after bath oil, massage oil (add a few drops of essential oil if you wish), etc. Speaking of massage oil, this is an excellent product for ""adult activities"" . . . as a perk it is definitely edible.<br /><br />If you have dry feet, slather this on, rub it in, wrap your feet with plastic wrap, cover with socks, and go to bed. In the morning your feet will feel nice and soft.<br /><br />This can be used on leather such as shoes, jackets, and purses. Because it's clear, you can use it on leather products that have decorative stitching that you can't cover with regular colored polish. (In fact, I just bent over and put coconut oil on my black leather shoes with my fingers . . . the only clean up needed was to rub my hands together.)<br /><br />I've even used it on my wood furniture to obtain the same results as furniture oils. I have used it to grease hinges and mechanical parts. I have heard that you can use it to add lustre to pearls but I'm too chicken to try it on my good stuff.<br /><br />I know people that have used it as a laxative (in large quantities) and a diet aid. When I eat about a T. a day my skin is softer and my wrinkles are less noticable.<br /><br />I keep finding new uses. I'm sure you'll find some, too."
B000NMJWZO,4,I really enjoy my gluten free cooking and baking with Pamela's. Works well in many of my old recipes as well as those on the bag and at their website. The price with auto ship is amazing compared to grocery or health food stores. thanks Amazon! thanks Pamela!
B006MONQMC,3,"If you have only water and don't have gatorade in the fridge and are short in minerals and feeling dehydrated, squirt this into some water and drink it up. You'll get some of your essential ions back. It's quick and easy. I wouldn't drink this on a normal day though."
B000KV61FC,2,"My dog loves tug-a-war with ropes and etc so I thought this would be a great toy for her, since she is left alone during the day while I'm at work. The problem is that she tugs on the rope, then smells the treats inside, then won't mess with the rope at all and instead spends her time sniffing at the ""scent holes"" and from the neck of the bottle. She will try to stick her tongue into the neck of the bottle. I've demonstrated to her over and over that pulling on the rope dispenses a treat, but she just refuses to pull on the rope, even when I hold onto the bottle end and try to get her to play tug-a-war. She smells the treat and doesn't want to play, she wants the treat, and she doesn't understand it. I even took AKC liver treats and cut them into 1/4 and liberally filled the bottom of the jar with them, so that even a mild tug on the rope would result in a piece of treat being released. She just has no interest in pulling on the rope at all. She will mess with it for a few minutes and when she can't get the treats out, she leaves it alone. I was pretty disappointed with it. I think it would help if they made the outside knot smaller so you could pass the rope through the back of the bottle. That way you I could get my dog to just play with the rope without worrying about the treats and try putting it back in the bottle once she got used to it. As is, I've had it a month and she doesn't get, so I'm considering cutting the knot off the end so she can at least play with the bottle and dump the treats out, and play with whats left of the rope seperately."
B000KV61FC,5,My white Germany Shepherd puppy is 5 months old and this toy keeps her occupied for hours on end. I recommend starting out with tiny treat bits to get your dog hooked at this game as it is more rewarding. As your dog gets a hang of it you can increase its difficulty by increasing treat size.
B000KV61FC,1,"The toy is so so. I enjoy the buster cube and atomic treat dispenser much better. The hard plastic jar against the tile floors is VERY distracting.<br /><br />The tug-a-jug kept my dog entertained just as long as the other 2 dispensers. After a while, he just gave up and would lie down next to it.<br /><br />The noise this thing made was just unbearable."
B006MONQMC,4,"I think the flavor of this product is close to Kool-Aid, which depending on your point of view may be good or bad. I actually liked the fruit punch flavor- definitely old school after all the new flavor combinations companies come up with these days. I drank it both watery and strong, and when drinking it strong, it feels like it has a lot of caffeine. Initially, I felt a little jittery, but it passed quickly. I don't know if it's necessarily high in caffeine (since it's hard to judge how much actually goes into a glass of water), but I definitely felt it. It may be the combination of the caffeine and Vitamin C. To me, it falls somewhere between drinking a Red Bull (not too strong) to Monster (very strong). Still, it's a decent product and I would buy it again."
B004EAGP74,5,"I have been using this product for cooking and putting it on sprouted bread for awhile now. I stopped using it about 3 weeks ago because i was craving butter lol. About 4 days ago, i broke out in a rash under my armpit. Its a yeast infection! After researching how to get rid of that (ive been using tea tree oil for that on surface), i started researching candida (fungus/yeast overgrowth) and coconut oil! To my surprise, by my using it all this time it was keeping the yeast in check enough. Ive changed my diet slowly and have been eating good with occasional slip ups. Now the candida is taking over! Im back to using coconut oil in my foods and will add it more often as i go. Not just coconut oil, but other virgen coconut products like milk and just plain coconut. Ordered some probiotics and a detox tea called ""holy tea"". Time to get the gut healthy! MOST americans have an overgrowth of yeast in the body. After looking at all the symptoms (there are tons of them) seems like its been a problem for awhile now, but who knows until you get ""thrush"" (white coating on tongue, which my doctor didnt even tell me was from candida) or an armpit rash. Thank you for selling a product that is healthy and works for so many things!!!!"
B000NMJWZO,5,We first tried this mix when my husband was newly diagnosed with Celiac. We've now been using it for over 5 years. Pamela's baking and pancake mix is easy to use and delivers consistent delicious results. The recipes on the back of the bag are wonderful! We've had many people tell us that the baked goods made with Pamela's taste better than their gluten counterparts!
B006MONQMC,4,"The flavor is light mostly like watered down Gatorade, so I tried a 2 second squeeze and it tasted better. It contains sucralose which is less harmful than other artificial sweeteners - as for me, I might need to control this drink since sucralose makes me crave sugar.<br /><br />I had a good drink today after a hard day of work outside in the hot weather and it felt refreshing. It was a good pick me up without the phenylalanine of a diet coke.<br /><br />This is an easier way to take vitaminc C and also the B vitamins that I already take."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I really like fresh, hot ginger in food, tea or candy but this ginger is extreme. It leaves a burning sensation in the throat similar to eating horseradish; not pleasant. I made it following the instructions which is with a cup of hot water. I did not care for it & neither did my spouse. So then I added several ice cubes to make an iced version; that was better. But even iced, it's still too sweet for my taste. However, if you like southern iced ""sweet tea"", you may like this. It really reminded me of that flavor & sweetness. There is a nice hint of lemon. The ginger burn was also minimized by drinking it iced. But even so, I ended up dumping the rest down the drain. It's just not my kind of drink & getting a sore throat is not enjoyable.<br /><br />The flavors of this drink do taste real - not icky fake tasting which is good. If you like hot, burning ginger & sugary sweet taste, you may like this."
B006MONQMC,3,"I've tried a number of different powder and liquid water flavorings and this one is definitely above average when it comes to flavor, non-chemical taste and smell. There's a very faint acidic aftertaste, but nothing that will turn you off from drinking it. Personally I prefer individual serving sizes/doses as I'm never really sure what a ""squeeze"" is supposed to amount to, but you may feel otherwise in which case the ability to put exactly as much or as little as you'd like is a bonus."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I attended an Autism Fair on July 24, 2010 and had the pleasure of meeting people who are directly involved in the production of this product. Pamela's Products are at the top of my list for all my baking needs. For people with coeliac (a condition which precludes one from eating wheat/gluten products), leaky gut/irritable bowel syndrome as well as autism, Pamela's Prodcuts are a Godsend!<br /><br />This pancake mix is ideal and the pancakes are doggone delicious to boot! The bags have wonderful recipe selections. You will also want to check out Pamela's website for more good recipe ideas.<br /><br />Whether you have coeliac, autism or other wheat/gluten related issues, you will enjoy Pamela's foods. Make her products your best friend as they are not only easy to cook/work with, the food is excellent. Hats off to Pamela!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"The brown rice pasta and the Pamela's pancake mix are as good as the real thing, we only use this anymore, as my wife also likes it. The price may seem high but when you see how many uses you get from the package it is very cheap for a gluten free product. I do suggest that you order the larger packages."
B000KV61FC,1,"When looking at the product, I thought that it would be a good way to entertain my dogs. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of looking and pulling they gave up and never went back to the toy again. I think that the Kong is a superior toy to hide food and keep dogs occupied."
B004EAGP74,5,"We absolutely LOVE this coconut oil....and the price cannot be beat!! My husband is weird,in that he'll cook eggs in it(YUCK!) but I love to have it on waffles or toast,or even yams. I also love to use it on my skin,because it's sooooo good for it! The consistency of the coconut oil at room temperature makes it easy to spread....if it gets too warm in the house,though,the oil does turn liquidy,which can be disconcerting. All in all,coconut oil just can't be beat!"
B000NMJWZO,4,"This have a good taste for gluten free but better if you add some fruit, peanut butter, spices or chocolate chips. Not too heavy tasting like some mixes are."
B006MONQMC,3,"This is a great idea - water flavoring with no calories! It helps you drink more water, and since almost no one drinks enough water, that's a good thing!<br /><br />But...<br /><br />There is nothing on the packaging saying you have to check the opening where the drink comes out. Mine wasn't open, apparently (yes - I unscrewed the cap and took off the protective cover first) and nothing came out when I squeezed. I squeezed harder, and red liquid came out from all over, including under the threading of the cap. Some got into my glass, luckily.<br /><br />After cleaning the counter, my shirt, and the bottle, I tasted my water. Not bad. Fruit punch is not my favorite flavor, but this was definitely tasty and didn't have a diet aftertaste. I hadn't put enough in my cup, so very carefully (and in the sink) I squirted again. It works fine now - yay!<br /><br />The fact that you're supposed to refrigerate after opening makes a certain other water enhancing drink (I hate those commercials, but their product is pretty good) much easier to take to work. My purse isn't refrigerated, so I'll probably finish this up at home. This product does have vitamin C and various vitamin Bs, so it's got that going for it, but since it's really not as user friendly as it should be, I think I'll get my vitamins somewhere else."
B000KV61FC,3,"My labs like to play with this toy-- which is good. I don't put treats inside it and they still will play with it and fight over it.It seems durable and it seems safe. The problems are two fold. If the dogs play with it on a hard surface, like a concrete patio or a wooden deck, it makes a lot of noise as they drag the bottle end around and bounce it off of objects. Also my Labs will grab this thing by the rope end and swing it around in the air and it becomes a weapon of mass destruction whacking fixed objects or another dog while being whirled around. Nothing is perfect. I let the dogs have play time with it regardless of the negatives."
B000NMJWZO,5,I've been using Pamela's pancake and baking mix for about 2 years now. I've made literally ervery recipe from theback of the bag. They're all really tasty. The pumpkin bread is a favorite for both myself and my non-gluten-free husband. I recommend it to everyone I meet who is gluten free.
B006MONQMC,5,"This is the easiest way to add nutrients to my bottled water and to help me get the daily intake of water that I need. I'm not good about drinking ""plain"" water each day and this little squeeze has really helped me to drink what I should. Great taste, great product!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"Outstanding. Have been testing alot of Gluten free flours. This is by far the best I have found. I have used this to not only make pancakes but muffins, cookies and even sausage balls. That way noone misses out on the holiday treats due to Celiac Disease."
B000NMJWZO,5,Another great Pamela's product! And again it is versatile - it makes much more than just pancakes. And the pancakes are yummy!! It makes being gluten free easy and makes the kids feel like they aren't missing a thing!
B000KV61FC,3,"We had an earlier model of this jug, with a rope instead of the rubber ""rope."" My dog was able to get the food out a little easier, which I preferred. This rubber thing in the middle quite effectively blocks the food and my dog gives up. She used to eat her whole meal everyday in the old jug. So I am disappointed they changed it."
B000KV61FC,5,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 0:29 Mins<br /><br /></span>My dog received this as a gift a few years back. It is THE BEST toy ever and keeps her busy for a long time! She has mastered it so well, and enjoys it so much, that she will bring the empty jug to me when she wants it filled up! LOL!"
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is my first time trying Coconut Oil so I wasn't sure which brand to try first so what my wife and I did was buy this one (Nutiva) and also bought Artisana 100% Organic Raw Coconut Oil Extra Virgin --We read many reviews on both some saying they liked one vs the other so we just decided let's try them both. They arrived today, we opened them both and took our first taste of both. The Artisana brand we both agreed was kinda blah. The Nutiva brand we were both licking our lips because it tasted so much like a Almond joy candy bar. The coconut flavor is delicious!! If you want coconut oil without the coconut taste go for something like the Artisana or maybe another brand, but if your looking for the coconut flavor NUTIVA is the one!!! We will be buying more and will be buying the large size because we know for a fact we will be using this daily."
B004EAGP74,5,I love this product! We have replaced all other butter and cooking oils with this...we even put it on popcorn! And I had pretty low body fat to start with and have gone down to 12%!
B0041NYV8E,3,"I love ginger which is why I tried Gold Kili. Unfortunately at the recommended strength it was too strong for me. For someone who eats crystalized ginger that's rather surprising. And the flavor is good when hot, but once it cools down, it has a peculiar and not very pleasant quality to it.<br /><br />All things considered, I'm not sold on this, though if I wasn't concerned that it's what's made me sick today, I'd be willing to try it again at about half strength.<br /><br />Strange product. If you love ginger, try it, but use caution."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I love drinking hot tea and some of my favorites have lots of lemon. Figuring the ginger would be an interesting addition I thought I would give this a try. The drink dissolved completely into a dark yellow brew but the ginger flavor was way to powerful and I couldn't taste any lemon at all. I used 8 oz of water and when that was too strong I watered it down but that did nothing to diminish the ginger. In fact the tea even had a ""hot"" taste as if there was chili in it. I'll pass on this one."
B006MONQMC,3,"I tried the product in the recommended dosage and felt mixed about the concoction. Using less water for the same amount of syrup got better results. When a few friends came over for dinner, I decided to get a little creative and used the product with carbonated as well as mineral water, with a dash of mint, lime and rum. While my friends were down on the non-alcohol version of my creation, they were positively ecstatic about my twist on rum punch."
B0041NYV8E,5,"I expected this to be a watered-down, oversweetened drink with little ginger and lemon flavor. I was wrong! The ginger is particularly powerful, with a lovely natural bite to it. The lemon is definitely there, though not as strong as the ginger. And while it is very sweet, the sweetness is honeyed and has a very nice flavor. It dissolves immediately with almost no stirring. There's a fluffy texture to the granules that makes them dissolve faster than sugar crystals.<br /><br />It was delicious as a drink by itself, though due to the sugar content, I'd probably use it in smaller doses to sweeten up a chai tea or something where that gingery bite would be appreciated."
B006MONQMC,3,"I like the idea of sprucing up some water and getting a little kick of energy at the same time. This product is a great concept. Though I didn't feel the energy kick, I did like the taste.<br /><br /> Be careful when you are adding this to your drink. The nozzle was not properly punctured on my bottle and an arrant stream of red liquid quickly found it's way to staining my shirt. The faulty Nozzle continues to be an issue, but we have learned to work around it.<br /><br />Overall the product tastes good but I wouldn't call it an energy drink. I know it's got energy stuff in it, but I didn't feel the kick like with most real energy beverages."
B006MONQMC,2,"I like stuff that you can add to water, so I was a bit excited to taste this. It boasted a lot of positives: vitamins, caffeine (yay!), and electrolytes. I like feeling like I'm getting more than just a flavoring, so the idea behind this sounded pretty good.<br /><br />Then I actually got the product.<br /><br />First the taste. It's meh. It's hard to mess up fruit punch, but this is just sort of bland. There's no *punch* to this punch and it has that strange aftertaste that you get when you use certain sweeteners or add vitamins to it. I was expecting this to a degree, but when it's mixed in with the lack of pow in the fruit punch it's very noticeable.<br /><br />Now for the packaging. This is just horribly designed overall. The first thing is that this is HUGE, about the size of a small bottle of soda. It's not very easy to carry with you and when it comes to exercise and such, you need portability and this bottle doesn't have it. It's good in a way since you have a lot of the product if you're really into it, but if you're hoping to have something small like a Mio bottle or a packet of Crystal Light that you can slip into your purse or bag, this isn't that item. Then there's getting into the darned thing. The pull tab under the cap is as easy as ""pull and peel"" as it claims to be. I had to use my nails to claw this off, which was just a little irritating. This in itself isn't a deal breaker like the bottle's size might be for some people, but it is aggravating.<br /><br />In the end this just didn't wow me enough to where I'd really want to buy this when the current bottle runs out. I can see where it could be good for someone who is dying to have the electrolytes and such, but there's got to be something better out drink-wise there that's sugar-free and low/no calorie. Flavor-wise, stick to your Crystal Light and Mio bottles. I'm giving it an additional star for the vitamins and stuff that it has with it, but otherwise this is just sort of a flop for me."
B006MONQMC,5,"If I were a real adult, I could just drink plain water and be happy. And, yes, most of the time I CAN just drink plain water and be happy, but sometimes a little boost of vitamins, energy and yes, delicious fruit flavor can satisfy the 10-year old in me, especially after a big workout, when I seem to crave a Gatorade something fierce. This stuff does it. Just a squirt turns your water into a tasty combination of Gatorade and vitamin water. And one bottle lasts a long time, too. Thumbs up."
B006MONQMC,3,The Fruit punch flavor of this water flavoring featuring Vitamin C is O.K. though it took quite a bit more product than the instructions called for to give any noticeable fruit punch flavor to the water. I noticed a distinct bitter chemical aftertaste which was not the taste I usually get from vitamin C. I am one of those people who can taste some things that most people can not taste and some of my family members did not find this product bitter and some did. I really like the idea of a water enhancer that includes vitamin C but this particular product was not one I enjoyed enough to continue drinking.
B006MONQMC,5,"I tried Vitamin Squeeze this morning as an alternative to my usual caffeinated and carbonated morning beverage. It has a nice fruit punch flavor, and very little after taste. I followed the directions of one squirt per eight ounces of water, and was rewarded with a light flavor that was not overpowering. I imagine that you could increase your squirts if you wanted more fruity goodness, but one squirt seemed about right for me.<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze was a good eye opener for the morning, and it made me feel good to know I was getting all of those vitamins! This is a nice product that is easy to use and is one that I will be purchasing in the future."
B000NMJWZO,5,"As a Celiac, it is difficult to find great products that are not also very pricy. We have loved the Pamela's baking mix from the time I found out about the condition. The pancakes are great and the waffles are wonderful. It is also very good for other baking needs as well. This special was great and we stocked up on a product we love."
B006MONQMC,2,"I can't fault the vitamin content, though I didn't necessarily feel an exhilirating boost after drinking it. The problem for me was simply the fact that the flavor just isn't there. There weren't enough squeezes in the bottle to make it worth my while."
B000KV61FC,3,"I thought this toy would be great for my dog. He was in desperate need of mental stimulation and I thought if he could figure out a puzzle while he was eating his dinner that would be great. However, within the first 20-30 minutes he had it, the rubber ""tug"" rope was broken in half. I think he chewed on it some, but I think the actual cause of it breaking was being bent since it was a smooth break instead of jagged. He still uses it though, even without the rope. Instead of tugging it now he'll stand it upright, knock it over, and eat the spilled contents or sometimes he'll turn it upsidedown. Even though he isn't using it the way it was meant to be he still likes it and gets a lot of use out of it."
B000KV61FC,3,"its a free for all in my house when i fill up the busy buddy -- and both the dogs and the cat get involved (the cat loves dog kibble lol) i do have to use the largest kibble i can find to make it more difficult. However, the dogs have discovered that they can pick it up and swing it around like a mace... which gives them a weapon against my furniture, tv etc --- so i had to put it way - is its way to dangerous... i bought the busy buddy tumbler instead - which is a great alternative."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I tried this and was expecting more of a lemon tastes, but the ginger was very strong. There is honey in it? Didn't taste that either. This is not a hot drink that I would try again."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I love ginger in general & I really like ginger tea, so I expected good things from this drink mix. I was disappointed. The mix dissolved instantly, which was great. The first sip was almost okay, but the flavor seemed to get stronger and less pleasant with every sip. Neither the ginger nor the lemon nor the honey came through. All of thr favors were dark and muddy. The drink itself was murky, cloyingly sweet & medicinal. It really reminded me of Thera-Flu, which is fine if you have a bad cold and will suffer a kinda awful drink because you know it will knock you out right away. But I wouldn't drink Thera-flu for pleasure, and the same holds true for this drink. I couldn't even finish the cup."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I received the product within a few days after I ordered it. I have tried pancakes and also the sour cream coffee cake recipe that is on the outside of the bag, I am impressed and it tastes so good. I have a daughter that is celiac and I am learning more and more about the gluten-free products. I would recommend this baking mix to anyone as it makes very good recipes. My husband tried the sour cream coffee cake, and he loves it."
B0041NYV8E,3,"There really isn't anything special or outstanding about this beverage. It's just like most of the instant ginger drinks out there in the market place. Though i would say, a sachet of this is good for 2-3 tea cups. It is quite strong and will have a bitter taste if you pour the entire sachet into just one tea cup. Apart from that, it just like any other instant ginger drink. I must also say, the ginger taste is by far dominant, you hardly notice the lemon at all."
B000GAT6NG,5,"This coconut oil is great since it's deodorized, unrefined and unbleached it also smells really good. You can use coconut oil for a number of things, as a moisturizer on your face, for lip balm, or to cook with, and it's one of the best oils to cook with. Also you can even put it in your hair for healthy, shiny locks."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I'm a huge fan of the <a href="""">Instant Ginger Honey Crystals Pack of 30 Bags - 18 g Sachets</a> and was excited to try out Gold Kili Instant Ginger and Lemon Beverage. I usually add lemon juice to my Ginger Honey Crystals anyways...why not try a brand that has it included? You can drink it either hot or cold - I added hot water to mine, as I like ginger tea. To my dismay, the Kili Ginger Lemon Bev was not very good. The ginger has a very light kick, and wasn't as spicy as most ginger teas. The lemon flavor was overpowering. They should rename this the Lemon & Ginger Bev mix, as that's what it tasted like to me. Even after adding a little milk and honey to it, it still didn't have a good flavor. If you like the Ginger Honey Crystals, you probably won't like the Gold Kili's not particularly gingery and the lemon is too strong. You're better off adjusting the lemon and honey ratio on your own."
B006MONQMC,3,"This seems like a decent enough idea. Squeeze your vitamins into your water bottle in delicious liquid form.<br /><br />I found that there is no clear definition of what a ""squeeze"" was, and considering that it involves vitamins that have clear daily recommended amounts AND caffeine, I would prefer that it be more clear about what a squeeze is.<br /><br />Taste-wise, it's ok, but nothing memorable that would bring me back for more. Also, if you prefer that your water taste more like juice, you will need more than one squirt of this product to accomplish that desire.<br /><br />Keep in mind that it needs to be refrigerated after opening, so it's not really portable.<br /><br />All in all, it's decent, but not anything to write home about."
B0041NYV8E,5,"A pretty potent beverage with strong lemon and ginger flavor, this drink can be mixed up in hot or cold water, depending on your preference. Among similar beverages, this one stands out as particularly good, and I found it to be a revitalizing drink. I would recommend it to any people searching for this sort of beverage."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have nothing but good things to say about this product. I dont have a lot of time to go shopping these days due to working so much. I bought a case from a specialty food store close to home, but it was almost half more expensive. It was great having it shipped to my door at such a reasonable price! Having a gluten intolerance, it's products like this that allow me to enjoy once again things from which I had to avoid."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is my favorite gluten free baking mix. It tastes really good & is easy to use. Pamela's website has great recipes, I especially like the cornbread made with this and corn meal. Buying on Amazon is the most economical way to purchase this product and shipping is quick. Enjoy!"
B006MONQMC,4,"I really prefer this to Mio. It puts a little splash of flavor into your drink, and it has some essential vitamins to boot, to include Electrolytes (it's what plants crave), 10 mg taurine, 10 mg caffeine, 40% each of B1, B5, B6, and B12, and 120% Vitamin C. NO SUGAR! I got this stuff mainly for the ENERGY component - i've been working long hours and am not a big fan of coffee, and soda in the morning just doesn't taste the same. This is a great alternative, tastes sort of like Kool-Aid without the 2 cups of sugar. However, I don't find the Energy boost to be very substantial. It has slightly less caffeine per serving than the average soda, and about half the caffeine than a cup of coffee. I would not rely on this as an energy boost, unless maybe you were to squeeze in 5 servings into a bottle of water.<br /><br />As an added benefit, I also use this stuff in water to give to my kid when they ask for juice. She really likes it, and can't tell the difference. I have always had sensitive/weak teeth, so I try to keep sugars out of her diet as much as I can, so the fact that I can give her juice without her knowing it is a great thing, plus it's easy to transport and give to her on-the-go. All you need is a water bottle and the Vitamin Squeeze! Plus, I don't find any more fermented apple juice sippy cups in the back of my car anymore!<br /><br />MY ONLY ISSUE with this product (hence the 4-star review) is the function of the bottle. It seems clean and easy, but the design is flawed. The bottle is designed to be stored upside-down. The problem is that the nozzle leaks. When the cap is closed, no product will come out, so it's not like it will seep out of its container altogether; however, when inverted, the gravity causes small amounts of product to ooze out of the nozzle and into the cap. Then, when you open the cap, that oozed product drips out (because you have it inverted) and lands on your floor or counter. Well, the first time this happened, i got some on my hardwood floor and my cheap, laminate countertop. The dog cleaned the stuff from the floor, and I was too lazy to wipe the stuff off the counter. Later on, when I tried to clean it off the counter, I found that no amount of cleaner or scrubbing would completely remove the red splotch from the surface. I spilled it again in a different spot, and cleaned it up immediately. There is still a visible splotch, but it's not red in color. I don't know why this stuff stains so quickly and so well, but it's a problem. It's easily fixed by storing the bottle upright.<br /><br />If anyone has any suggestions on a homemade concoction that will take out a red stain from a countertop, please let me know. Maybe I can get Ecosentials, LLC (the maker of this product) get buy me new countertops?"
B000KV61FC,2,"My one year old boxer is a big goofy, playful dog. He adores chewing on water bottles, stuffed toys, milk bones, you name it. I really thought this toy would be a terrific idea for him but he is absolutely terrified of it. He growls and barks at it, won't even smell it. Sounds terrific to me but I guess if you're considering this toy you should probably bring your pup to a pet store to introduce him to it first."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This product is great. It makes great tasting waffles, muffins and pancakes. And is easy to use. I have been using it for a few years."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I first tried mixing and weighing a dozen different flours--life was just too complicated! Pamela's has some good basic recipes on the back--biscuits, pancakes, coffeecake but many more recipes on the website--the cookies are great. I can use the mix wherever flour is needed, even thickening--so easy, only one bag on the boat or at the cabin. I only wish they would publish a cookbook so I didn't have to keep checking the web. :)"
B000KV61FC,5,"My dog really likes this interactive food dispenser. I put her regular dog food in it, when I use it. She learned within 5 min. how to grip onto the rope and shove it in & out to get her food to come out(hers did not come with a flexible rope,her rope is a fake straight stiff rubber rope). Sometimes she gives a playful growl to it while she is trying to get the food out. This toy keeps her busy for a short period of time and if your dog gulps down food, this would definitely keep them from doing that."
B000NMJWZO,4,"<a href="""">Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix, 64-Ounce Bags (Pack of 3)</a><br />This was my first experience cooking gluten free. Biscuits were good but I had poor results using the mix in other biscuit recipes.<br />I used left over biscuits in a stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving and that was GREAT. I'm still looking for a good bread recipe."
B004EAGP74,4,"I have been using coconut oil for cooking, baking, and just spreading on toast & vegetables for about a year. My whole family and friends are hooked on it. It is so delicious and it is very good for you too! I had to start buying it in this larger size because we were using up the 1 pound size so quickly. It lasts for years too, so no worry about it going bad. It just makes more sense to buy this size and save money. I still buy the smaller size to take with me on vacations. Wouldn't be without it!! I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 because even though this brand is very good, I have tasted some that is even better. But the price of this is very good. Thank you for carrying it on your site!"
B000KV61FC,4,"We've had this for almost a week, and the dog still hasn't figured out how the treats fall out. I think this toy is worth the money just to hear my kids and husband laugh at the dog as she tries to get the treats out. So far the toy doesn't show any signs of wear, and our dog is a real chewer of everything she finds."
B0041NYV8E,2,"Received my bag and tried it hot. After all, January is National Hot Tea Month!<br /><br />Not enough lemon and too much ginger. I didn't want to add more sugar since I'm diabetic, maybe that would have helped the bitterness go away?<br /><br />This isn't a tea I'll be purchasing."
B000KV61FC,2,"Another love it or hate it toy.... It's a bottle, it's a spiky ball, it's a rope, it's a treat dispenser! Apparently, the choices are too overwhelming for our Vizsla puppy because she passes this one up. In addition, the hard plastic bottle makes a racket on our hard kitchen floor, so maybe it's a blessing after all :)"
B006MONQMC,4,"I use the mio beverage enhancers pretty regularly and was interested in trying the vitamin squeeze to see how it would compare. Here are my pros/cons:<br /><br />Pros-not overly sweet, a nice big bottle (12 oz, next to under 2 oz. for the Mio), lots of vitamins and zero calories. Makes getting in your water much easier.<br /><br />Cons-bottle needs to be refrigerated after opening (unlike the Mio). This makes it not as portable for me. No leaving it in a backpack or a desk drawer, that is the major drawback for me. Though I liked this flavor, it tasted more citrusy than it tasted like fruit punch-not a big deal, but if you are expecting fruit punch flavor you won't get it here.<br /><br />Overall, I would consider purchasing for home use, but not portable enough due to needing refrigeration for it to be my ""go to"" brand for when I am away from home."
B006MONQMC,1,I have tried many water flavorings and additives. So far none are worth it. This one actually smells really good. Like a srong cup of cherry koolaid. So I was hoping for the flavor as well. No such luck. One squeeze to 8oz just tasted like it poisoned my water. 2 squeezes darkened the color and made the aftertaste worse. 3 squeezes gave a light fruity hint of flavor but the bitterness and aftertaste overwhelmed it. Since it tastes like cough syrup I did not try 4 squeezes. I might mention the aftertaste is like diet dinks with artificial sugar that makes the roof of your mouth feel caked up. So I did drink tons of good old fashioned plain water to get rid of it. So it really does make you drink more water but not for the reasons it claims.
B000KV61FC,5,"I have a basset hound who loves to get in trouble if he's not occupied. He's also highly motivated by food. These two things make the tug a jug perfect for him. I started him by taking the rope plug out initially (this can easily by done by unscrewing the jug and pulling the plug through). I lined the rim with peanut butter and put his meal inside. He quickly learned that rolling it around and tipping it made it dispense food. After a couple of days of this, I put the plug back in. He now spends 1.5-2 hours a day trying to empty this thing. When he's done, he collapses and sleeps. It's a beautiful thing. I feed him all his meals in it now and it's his favorite toy."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I mix a little bit of this with my body lotion and it does wonders for my skin. You don't have to mix it at all and can use it right out of the jar, but this is how I do it. The smell is incredible and a little goes a long way... I am moisturized all day long. The downside is I can't apply it to my curly thick hair as a moisturizer because it will get frizzy, and also when I put a little bit on my face I tend to break I only use this as a body lotion and I LOVE it. I live on a island so the smell of the coconut oil keeps all the bugs away...just how I like it : ) Bought this jar in april and still have TONS of it left..."
B000KV61FC,4,I bought this item unsure if my dogs would like it. Not only do they like it they love it. One of my dogs never plays with toys and I have a hard time getting him away from this toy.
B006MONQMC,4,"If you need to add something to make your water palatable, vitamin squeeze energy drink is a good option.<br /><br />It's tasty, and I don't usually prefer ""fruit punch"" flavors - it's not too sweet and definitely tastes fruity.<br /><br />I am fairly sensitive to caffeine (can't drink coffee in the afternoon, am wired by just a little bit of energy shots) and did not find this kept me up, which is good. But I also did not notice an energy boost.<br /><br />Storing it in the fridge makes it less portable, but I like how it doesn't warm my water like other products. It is large and since you can add less than the full amount, I was able to use it for a long time.<br /><br />I'm not sure I'd recommend it to someone who drinks plain water without any problems, but if you are prone to dehydration and looking for ways to drink more, this might help."
B0041NYV8E,4,"The taste of lemon is barely discernible in this beverage. Ginger predominates, and it isn't sweetened much, either. If you enjoy spicy, gingery dishes, you will like this drink, and if you have problems with nausea which respond to ginger, this is the treatment for you."
B004EAGP74,5,"My husband read that coconut oil may be effective in treating Alzheimer's Disease and asked me to order some. It is cholesterol-free with no trans-fats. This brand is also organic. This is what theaters used to make popcorn back in the day. For the first time in years we had real popped corn instead of microwave popcorn. OMG!!! The taste is fantastic, no need for butter, a great healthy snack rich in fiber."
B006MONQMC,3,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch, 12-Ounce<br /><br />In my opinion, as far as taste, less is more with this product.<br />I drink only water or tea during the day so I was looking forward to adding a nutritional drink to my diet.<br />The first time I tried it, I added too much and it tasted like medicine; more like cherry than fruit punch.<br />As far as packaging, I like having this in a bottle instead of packets however the squeeze part in the cap just did not work for me. I was using a mug to drink from and even though I had this totally upside down it managed to go everywhere! I think just a tiny hole would make it easier and less messy to use. I didn't try this with a water bottle so I assume that would be easier to dispense. Also, with water in my mug I could add more water if I added too much of the drink.<br />I didn't feel energized at any time after drinking this product. The added vitamins can only enhance my diet so I like this aspect. The vitamin content is only 40% for the B (3, 5, 6, 12) and 120% for Vitamin C and 10% for Chromium and Zinc. No sugar or sodium!<br />Since I like the liquid form I will probably buy this in a different flavor."
B000KV61FC,1,My 11 month old Welsh Corgi figured this out the first time she took it from my hand. However within a matter of hours she had the rope soaking wet and chewed mostly in half. The rope is now soft and not a useable tool to get the treat out. The knot was also too big and frayed to let any of the snacks out of the bottle. You should also know that the snacks this company makes are too big for the extra small bottle.
B0041NYV8E,2,"I'm actually a fan of ginger gum and familiar with the sharp spiciness of ginger, however this was a little much. Based on the warm golden liquid featured in the mug on the box I was actually surprised that the actual color is a deep opaque brown with an extremely pungent smell.<br /><br />As for taste it is sweet yet quite strong. Tho' the taste was not altogether unpleasant my tongue and my throat were burned. Not as in the liquid was too hot but as in it was too spicy for me.<br /><br />People who win chili contests would probably find this refreshing."
B006MONQMC,5,"My favorite part of this product is the size. Finally there is a water enhancer that is bigger than the palm of my hand. This is a large enough bottle that I don't have to worry about running out after just a few squirts and I won't lose it in my gym bag. The taste is great too! I think all the different brands taste really good, however, I have found that their recipe of one squirt for a 8 oz glass is not always accurate. Well with this Vitamin Squeeze Energy the one squirt tastes great! It's a great product and I'll definitely buy it again."
B000KV61FC,5,Keeps my choc lab puppy happy for a long time. Started using it to feed her meals so she doesnt inhale her food haha overall she loves it and durable to. If she hasnt destroyed it yet most dogs should be fine!
B004EAGP74,5,"Amazing product - pure and fresh, love the smell, use it to cook, and on skin, and even to oil my cutting board. I have never tasted coconut oil that is so fresh with no heavey after affects, or taste from eating. I even put a big dollup on a Christmas cookie the other day, how marvelous! MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HANDS! LOL ;-)"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I LOVE Pamela's Ultimate baking and pancake mix. Makes the BEST pancakes,cookies,cakes and more! The price on Amazon is far better than in the stores and you get SO much more!"
B004EAGP74,5,"This is a very good product. I had a strange area on my leg that always itched and even my doctor didn't know what it was. I think it was some weird fungus I picked up in the hospital years ago, because that's when it seemed to appear. I tried all sorts of creams to get rid of it and after reading up on the benefits of extra virgin coconut oil I decided to try it myself. The area has healed and I still use this as a moisturizer for my face every night instead of all of the expensive products that I used to buy containing ""peptides"" etc. I also have started eating it and feeding it to my pets every day. I think we all look a lot healthier."
B000NMJWZO,5,Love to bake with this. And a good deal to. I just baked some yummy pumpkin muffins with it this evening. This stuff is also very helpful for those who are new to gluten free baking.
B004EAGP74,5,"The other reviewers weren't kidding. I could seriously eat this stuff with a spoon. It's glorious. I've stopped using Crisco and started using Nutiva Certified Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in place of it. I haven't found a recipe yet where it didn't work. It does lend a coconut flavor to everything, so if coconut's not your thing, this may not be a great product for you."
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have purchased several different brands of Organic Coconut oil. I use this for my Boys Exzema, making homemade deoderant and healing cuts. So since it is going directly on our skin and being absorbed instantly in the blood stream I am extremely picky about what I use for my family. Nutiva Coconut oil is by far the BEST coconut oil and I am very happy with the price as well. I have paid as much as $20 for a jar of coconut oil which was not even this high of quality. Overall you cannot go Wrong with this Coconut oil!"
B000NMJWZO,5,I buy this mix constantly!! The pancakes with it are awesome!! I even did a taste taste with family members between this and a gluten pancake mix and they all liked this one better!! Makes great muffins too. I also have a mini donut maker and I use this mix as the flour and they are delicious!! You cannot go wrong with this mix.
B0041NYV8E,5,I sent for this product on a whim. I used half a packet in warm water just to see what it tasted like. The ginger imparts a strong bitter flavor so I wouldn't use this unless I needed to. The following week I had an opportunity to try out it's effectiveness when I suffered some acid indigestion that I normally treat with chamomile tea. I had even taken an acid reducer with mild results before I remembered to try the Gold Kili. It relieved all symptoms! I need to order more to keep on hand.
B0041NYV8E,5,"This tea reminds me of similar blends I used to get in Chinatown. They are great for cold and flu season. I use ginger lemon herbal tea when my throat is sore. This was a good drink, it dissolved into hot water easily. There were no ingredients listed on the pack, but it was sweetened and that tasted non-artificial. I am not sure what ""Honey (Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose)"" is because it seems to be four things, but maybe that is one of those lost in translation things. I do like this drink and would buy something similar if I wanted something pre-sweetened. I am not sure about the calorie content in this tea because I received one bag to sample and not a box, which would have had a nutritional guide on it. It tastes as good as Stash's <a href="""">Stash Premium Lemon Ginger Herbal Tea, Tea Bags, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)</a>, which I normally drink for my throat. The ginger is pretty strong with the lemon adding just the right amount of sour. I am not really sure why this tea is getting such low marks, I liked it a lot. I wish I had more than one bag to sample. I would have loved to had tried this with matcha or in a recipe of some kind. I should note I had this hot, I didn't know you could serve it cold. I don't have any more bags to try that, but would like to.<br /><br />Overall, if you are a ginger fan, you'll love this. If you don't like strong ginger, you should probably buy a more mild tisane. I would say the Stash tea above, though it does have soy in it. I tend to prefer this tea over that because it doesn't have soy in it. I find most Yogi tea to be very mild on the ginger side but it seems a lot of people like them. I would prefer a real ginger taste and maybe people aren't used to real ginger. It's almost a mediation type of drink, used to ease stomach problems and for all around well being. I feel the difference after I drink a tisane like this or eat ginger root. It's energizing. I do think, however and this is a minor thing, that any chemical taste people are getting is probably from the ""Honey (Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose)"", whatever that is and not the lemon itself. It's probably an aftertaste from the sweetener. I wish they sold a non-sweetened version of this so I could compare."
B006MONQMC,3,"I got this product because I was getting low on the Mio liquid I had and this seemed similar. It is similar, though with a couple of differences.<br /><br />First, this is more like the Mio Energy line than the regular kind. Ironically about the time I got this product in the mail I decided I should cut back on caffeine; this product has 40mg of ""natural"" caffeine, D'OH!<br /><br />Second, while Mio liquid does not have to be refrigerated, this product should be refrigerated according to the label. If you're just using it at home then it's not a big deal to keep it in the fridge. But if you were thinking of taking it with you maybe to work or while exercising or on vacation or something, then forget about it.<br /><br />As for the taste, I thought it was OK. I like the Mio fruit punch I have better. So overall I'd just stick with the Mio liquid.<br /><br />That is all."
B0041NYV8E,3,"Perhaps Gold Kili Ginger & Lemon beverage mix is better suited to a true, traditional Asian palate, as ginger is a very popular spice in many Asian dishes. I, myself, happen to be a BIG fan of ginger. I enjoy eating pieces of candied and crystallized ginger on a regular basis both for its breath-freshening properties, as well as to make my mouth sweeter (and more kissable!), and to soothe my stomach. My favorite granola is one from Trader Joe's that contains slivers of candied ginger. Ginger is just something that I miss when I go for too long without it. On that note, this drink DOES have an initial potent kick of ginger, at first sip, but the flavor after that first sip seems to be pretty weak and ambiguous. Is this supposed to be kinda like the ginger beer that I grew up seeing my mom enjoy on a regular basis? Is it supposed to be similar to a ginger ale, but with a little (well-nigh undetectable, and synthetic-tasting) lemon to punch it up? I really wasn't quite sure.<br /><br />The drink isn't sweet enough to really count as a soft drink, and overall, aside from a drink with a bit of punch and somewhat waning - or at least perhaps slightly old-tasting - ginger kick, I couldn't quite figure out what Gold Kili was trying to present here.<br /><br />I had my pouch cold, as I'm most likely to drink most of my beverages that way. Not sure if it would've been better hot, but I just wasn't a fan of this. Potent ginger flavor, odd, almost absent lemon flavor, not sweet enough, and I feel that I should be able to enjoy a product straight out of the package, as it's sold. If I have to do a bunch of gussying up of it in order to make it palatable, it needs some tweaking before going out on the store shelves, at least as far as I'm concerned..."
B0041NYV8E,4,"I wasn't sure about this drink mix when I first poured the powder in the glass. I love ginger, and I was actually afraid it would have too much lemon and not enough ginger. However, the ginger taste is definitely the high point. It is VERY strong ginger and really hits the back of your throat in a good way (if you like ginger). It's actually not very lemony at all, but instead the sweetness is a bit over-powering for the lemon. I actually had to go back and double check the ingredients because the sweetness almost tastes fake as you are drinking it (like it's a fake sweetener). I enjoyed the drink and I would definitely drink it again. It's a nice eye-opening drink for first thing in the morning or would be great if you were suffering from a cold or sinus issue."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's mix is the best gluten-free baking mix! My non-gluten-free friends and family who have eaten muffins and breads I've baked with it can't believe they don't contain regular wheat flour. I recently had the opportunity to meet Pamela herself at a cooking demo in New York and she is a wonderful, down-to-earth person who truly cares about producing a quality, easy-to-use product for those on a gluten-free diet."
B0041NYV8E,3,"I love the taste of ginger - in foods, soda, dried and jam. The thought of a refreshing and relaxing ginger drink aroused my interest. My single sample arrived in a huge box. The ""green"" in me cringed; first warning. Then the packet had only the instruction of ""mixing with 250 ml of water"". Second warning. How long should I steep it? no idea. When the drink was, what I thought was ready,i.e. mixed with the correct amount of hot water, I tried it - wow, the ginger taste was intense! I added 1/2 again the amount of water and reheated it. This was better, but still very powerful. I went back to the packaging to see the make-up of the product -no information was provided; a description of some of the ingredients does come on the full supply box but I did not have that to see. (I went back to the listing for this fact). Strike three. Then I checked the caloric content - still no details. Maybe that is on the box, but that was nowhere to my knowledge. The fourth and fatal blow. I cannot recommend this product as it tastes too strong, has no indication of specifically what it is made of and no caloric details. Too bad, the concept was good."
B000KV61FC,5,"After 2 years, this took one too many headers off the stairs and broke into (large) pieces, which Destrcto-dog enjoyed chewing on (but not chewing up). Smarter dog took a few hours to get the hang of this one -- she still barks at it occasionally - total crack up! Destructo-dog was just baffled till there were pieces... Good thing Smart dog shares!!"
B000KV61FC,5,"My dog gives this one TWO paws up! I was worried it might be too big for my little Maltese, but he LOVES this toy! I especially use it when I'm going to be gone for a couple hours because I know it will keep him entertained and happy. If we're going out for dinner, I put the dog's dinner portion of dry food (very small morsels) into the jug so he can play and eat while we're away. I had been using empty bottles from bottled water for him, but they begin to splinter and break up after a couple of days and I worried about him swallowing broken bits of plastic (NOT good for the tummy!). I don't have to worry about that with this VERY durable bottle. It seems by looking at it that it would be impossible for the dog to get treats out of it, but my guy figured out within a day how to get out every last one. A truly super item!"
B000KV61FC,5,I bought the Tug-A-Jug for my Yorkie and he loves to push and pull it around the room while it pops treats out. He can spend hours just playing with it. My Golden Retriever even plays with the Tug-A-Jug. I'd recommend this product to anyone who has a dog that needs a challenge and loves the mental stimulation that this product provides.
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is absolutely the BEST product for any gluten-intolerant, wheat-free, celiac disease person. It makes GREAT pancakes. Add a few blueberries or strawberries and it's gourmet! Use it in other recipes in place of flour and you get a great dessert, muffin, or whatever you're making. You must try this! It's WAY better than the other gluten-free products I've tried. I now buy the 3 huge bags from Amazon because I use it so much."
B000NMJWZO,5,We have tried numerous products to bake with since we are gluten free. Pamela's is ultimately the best by far that equals a normal tasting baking flour. I use it for Everything from pancakes to sausage balls and muffins etc. It has endless possiblities and is not grainy in texture. The cornbread mix is out of this world good!!! My family begs for cornbread now. My son and I both have Celiac and my daughter does her best to make new recipes for us. Pamela's Products have made it so much easier!
B000GAT6NG,4,Very pleased with this product. This is my first purchase but definitely not my last. If you are skeptical as I was you won't be dissapointed. Spoonful good
B000KV61FC,5,"I have a wheaten terrier (medium-size dog) and bought the large size since his mouth is bigger - it works great as a game, treat, and way to get him to slow down eating his food. It's held up great as far as wear and tear and I've had it for about 3 months now and use it all the time."
B006MONQMC,2,"Since I can never remember to take a daily multi-vitamin, I thought this would be a great alternative. Multi-vitamins generally do not have a taste to them and this product definitely has a taste and for me, not a good one. I tried 1 squirt and I tried 2 squirts to make it more palatable, but nothing worked. I still got the cough syrup taste with the metallic bite. Ugh. I always drink bottled water, but I could not drink a bottle with this product in it. Just could not.<br /><br />I also am not a fan of Splenda and I won't even put red dye in the sugar water I make for the hummingbird feeder so I am not about to choose to ingest a product that contains Red 40.<br /><br />For some this product might work - for me it did not!"
B000KV61FC,1,"I bought this for my lab thinking it would be a fun challenging toy for him, but he has never even touched it. I put treats in it and he wouldn't go near this toy! I tried to give it to my mom's labs and they didn't want anything to do with it either."
B000KV61FC,5,"My dog is food obsessed and LOVES this toy. At 4 months it took her less than a day to figure it out which was fine because now we give it to her when we leave and she spends the entire time playing with it! It is by far her favorite toy. When the food runs out she carried it over to us and begs for more. We don't bother with special treats. Her dry food works just fine and from what we have seen, she even prefers it that way."
B000GAT6NG,3,"This a pretty good oil. Tastes good, nice texture, smells fresh. I've just experienced superior coconut by other brands. I like nutiva though, they carry quality products, so im not dissapointed, just not blown away. I'd probably re purchase eventually."
B000NMJWZO,5,My son is 7 and a picky eater and he LOVES this mix. He can't get enough of these waffles! This is a blessing for kids who need a special diet.<br />We added ground cinnamon and apples to the mix for a comparable version of the premade frozen version.
B0041NYV8E,2,"I saved this hot drink for a time when I wanted a beverage after a large meal. When the time came, and I was in a kitchen with nothing but water to drink, I tried it. It tasted, mostly, as you might expect: a kick of ginger and tang of lemon.<br /><br />Then the ""honey"" kicks in. And by ""honey"" I mean that's what the Ingredients say--but they also list to of those -ose sugars. Result is an artificial taste. You could put ginger, honey, and lemon in hot water a million times and not come up with that artificial taste.<br /><br />Because of the aftertaste, I won't be buying any of this. It's ultimately gross."
B0041NYV8E,2,"Gold Kili has been in production for many years in Singapore. I know most ginger is grown in China. However, when I mixed this drink with hot water--the taste was so strong, I poured it out. I love ginger and ginger ale, but this was just too strong.<br /><br /> I think for a really natural drink, buy your own ginger and mix it with real lemon and honey from the United States. That way you can control the bite of the ginger and the sweetness of the honey.<br /><br />Ad said, made with "" top grade ginger and honey to give a unique taste, providing goodness and fragrance when consumed."" The fragrance was nice so I was hoping for a great taste.<br /><br />Ingredients<br />Ingredients: Ginger, Honey (Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose) and Natural Lemon Flavor."
B006MONQMC,2,"With the rush of `flavored water' drinks on the market I decided to give ""Vitamin Squeeze"" a try. I will admit to a level of apprehension but thought it could be really good. There are a lot of them.<br /><br /> Opening the cylinder the concentrate was a light red color that looked like Hawaiian Punch and had a faint scent like Kool Aid. OK I thought, so far so good. I poured out a small glass of water. Following the directions added a squeeze of the syrup.<br /><br />It had the color of Hawaiian Punch but was cloudy, still had the same scent. So far so good. Then I tasted it. there was a faint fruity taste but also a chemically taste that was less pleasant. ""Maybe I didn't use enough."" I added another squirt hoping it would increase the flavor. It did. Unfortunately the wrong flavor. The fruit flavor had faded entirely, overwhelmed by the chemical flavor. In short, bleah!<br /><br />The label says ""Nutritious & Delicious."" Well they may have gotten one of those right but to quote John Lithgow in the movie ""2010"" ""If it has to taste like this, I don't care if my electrolytes are balanced."""
B000NMJWZO,5,I carry this to family gatherings to make pancakes for everyone. Even the gluten eaters love them.
B004EAGP74,5,"Read the facts on coconut oil. You won't go back to synthetics, made with fuel oil, unless of course you own stock in the company. This is a great product for cooking, frying, baking, skin etc. Its natural and been around forever."
B000GAT6NG,5,"After learnging the benefits of coconut oil, I decided to give it a try. While I was shopping at GNC store, I was very excited to see the coconut oil on their shelves. I purchased a jar, but when I tried it... that's a diffrent story. The taste was making me want to throw up. Instead of giving up on it, each time I would take a spoonfull, I would pull my tongue in and hold my breath, so that I couldn't smell or taste it. Well, after one week I decided to check amazon and I found out that Nutivia had the best reviews and I went ahead and ordered it (ordered it from Nutivia website as it was a little cheaper). What a difference ! ! ! This coconut oil is amazing... It looks, smells, and tastes so fresh. I just started to do oil pulling [...] and I found the best benefits with coconut oil. I would recommend this product to everyone !!!"
B000KV61FC,5,"Absolutely LOVE this toy. We recently purchased this for our 8 month old French Bulldog after our trainer suggested feeding him by hand to prevent him from gobbling up his meals in 2 seconds as Frenchies do. While that's great in theory, there are many times we just can't sit and feed him his kibble bit by bit. We tried several Kong type products and he was able to either get his food out too quickly or grew bored and never ate. This toy makes him really work for his food and because he can see the food through the tube it really keeps his interest. My only gripe is that the plastic tube could be more sturdy. I love that it's see through but his jaws of steel have already done some damage to it, but perhaps we just need to experiment with a larger size (we have the small now) We've only had it a short time so I can't speak too much for longevity but for now it is an amazing solution."
B004EAGP74,4,"This product can be used for so many things. I use it for my sons (7months) hair and skin because he has mild eczema. I also use it for my hair as a hot oil treatment , I use it to seal in my oils when I moisturize and seal nightly. I love how it feels on my skin after I shave my legs. This is one of my favorite products and I will be purchasing again. &#128077;&#128525;"
B0041NYV8E,1,"Let me start by saying that one of these packets in 250ml of water makes such a strong drink that it made my tongue burn. I generally like ginger, but this was very concentrated and a rather unpleasant experience. I watered it down by about 2-3x and it became much more bearable, but still not very tasty. I won't ever get this again. Sorry, Gold Kili, but I think this stuff is awful."
B0041NYV8E,4,"If you don't love ginger (real ginger, not the pale echo of ginger in ginger ale), you won't like this beverage. If you are a ginger fan you will enjoy it. Ginger does have documented medicinal qualities- in particular, it is helpful for those suffering from motion sickness and nausea generally. Worth a try for herbal tea drinkers and ginger fans."
B006MONQMC,4,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink (Fruit Punch) is a squeeze bottle filled with concentrated energy drink. Vitamin Squeeze is formulated for bottled water drinkers. Each bottle is filled with enough for 15 half liter bottles. Every blast comes with caffeine and Vitamin C for those health conscience consumers. If you're looking for a quick jolt either in the morning, afternoon or during your work out, then I highly recommend this product."
B006MONQMC,3,"If people bought ""energy"" drinks solely on the basis of taste, the market for these products would shrink pretty quickly because most of these drinks have no definable taste profile and mostly taste like diluted Kook-aid. Fortunately for companies like the aptly named Vitamin Squeeze, buyers have been so conditioned by the giant beverage companies (e.g., Gatorade, Coke, Pepsi, etc.) to accept gawdawful concoctions falsely marketed as ""flavors"" that what the product actually tastes like is of little or no concern when the purchase decision is made.<br /><br />It's hard to tell what the makers of ""Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink"" want you to think of their product. The product description suggests this is an energy/vitamin drink that will enhance your health. The packaging and flavor descriptions (e.g., ""fruit punch"") suggest this stuff is a kids' drink along the lines of Kool-aid injected with a jolt of caffiene.<br /><br />I tried to ignore the marketing buzzwords completely and focus on the taste and the convenience factor. In terms of taste, if you ignore the flavor listed on the label, you'll have a tough time describing what this product actually tastes like. It's definitely not fruit, and it doesn't taste like any punch I'd consume. I'd say it tastes kind of sweet and mostly artificial. It's drinkable, as long as your expectations are very low and you're OK with a drink that is red and sweet and not much more.<br /><br />The packaging is pretty cool, though, and portioning is easy - which is why a product like this exists. Just fill an empty bottle with water, squeeze in a little concentrate, shake, and you've got a cheap energy drink in seconds.<br /><br />If Vitamin Squeeze can produce a drink that tastes like something grown, not manufactured, I'd have this stuff stacked to the ceiling in my pantry. Until then, I'll pass."
B006MONQMC,5,I do love the fruit punch taste of the Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink. Very convenient to squeeze into a water bottle and mixes quickly. I get a slight vitamin taste but it does not detract from the fruit punch flavor. I am kind of lazy about taking vitamins but this is an easy tasty way to do it. I really like this product.
B0041NYV8E,4,"Old Kili's Instant Ginger Lemon Beverage Mix was fragrant when added to 8 oz. of boiling water, and appeared to be darker than in smaller cup in the photo. The ingredients were not listed on the side of the box which always concerns me when trying a new product. I'm not a fan of sugar. Also, the directions list only the metric amount of water to add, not a plus if you don't know metric conversions (and I don't) and nothing about the depth of flavor aspect.<br /><br />I am usually very fond of ginger and lemon drinks but as I said with no ingredient list, I was uncomfortable drinking it. It was tasty enough, but not all that remarkable to me. I have discovered since drinking it that dried honey was the sweetener, something that really should be promoted on the box somewhere. I like to be in control of how sweet something is going to be. A lack of information on the packaging would keep me from buying this product in the future.<br />On the plus side: For an instant beverage, it wasn't bad. If you were traveling, taking it to work or camping it would be great to have along because of the minimal amount of effort it takes to prepare."
B006MONQMC,5,"This is unlike the concentrates that I've ever tried. I like the taste and ease to use. It has concentrated sugar that adds a real nice flavor. As you can tell in the ingredients listed on the product page it has vitamin C listed third, behind water and critic acid. Also a natural form of caffiene, B3 and B6. These provide a pick me up to me after consuming a couple of 8 oz glasses with ice. The bottle is enough to last me about a month, when drinking about 8 oz a day on average. it comes in handy when I run out of soda or don't want a cup of coffee. The amount of natural caffiene is low and does not give me a nervous or jittery type feeling. I use a little less than the suggested amount because of my taste due to the fact that I prefer less sweet drinks.<br /><br />The price is good, and the Subscribe and Save brings it down another 15%. The bottle fits easy into my hand and the cap is sturdy enough to hold upside down and shake without spilling a drop. I would recommend this product as a semi energy drink or a replacement for Kool-aid, as it does have some valuable vitamins."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the best Gluten Free mix I have found! You can make so much with it! I make GF bread (individually in mounds like a bun), then put it in the freezer. I get them out one at a time and put them in the microwave wrapped in a paper towel for 30 seconds. It's as good as it gets with Gluten Free:)"
B006MONQMC,5,"Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink, Fruit Punch<br /><br />If you drink a lot of bottled water, it is nice to have something that gives it some flavor as well as vitamins. Which flavor is of course a personal decision.<br />I highly recommend this for people who drink a lot of bottled water.<br />Gunner March, 2012"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I don't even know what prompted me to buy this product when I did but I must say it's been my best gluten-free purchase so far!<br /><br />After buying horrible-tasting, gluten-free products, it was refreshing to find a ready-to-use, gluten-free flour blend that tastes like ""real"" flour. I initially bought it only to make pancakes and I was pleased at how they tasted (though flat. I think I will try the seltzer water as mentioned). I'd been craving chocolate chip cookies like mad and made some with another gluten-free flour brand and the cookies were dry and the required xantham gum all by itself costs $10 for a flat package smaller than my hand. I refused to spend lots of money every time I wanted to make cookies, then one day I decided to make Pamela's recipe on the package. These are by far the best chocolate cookies I've ever had in my life!<br /><br />I've also eaten her store-bought chocolate chip cookies. It's $4 for 9 cookies. The packaged cookies are good, but the homemade cookies made with her flour tastes way better.<br /><br />Now that I can order this flour in bulk, I will start experimenting with other recipes using this flour. It's too expensive to use the small bags ($6-$7 for 16 oz.) if you plan to do a lot of baking. I had been buying the gluten-free rice bread but for $6 per tiny loaf, and it's just awful. My mom gave me a bread machine and I'm looking forward to making my own breads with Pamela's flours.<br /><br />To anyone who is gluten-intolerant and pondering if they should purchase Pamela's products, don't ponder anymore! Pamela's are the best gluten-free products on the market."
B006MONQMC,3,"Short version: It's tastes weird<br /><br />Longer version: My first impression of this stuff was negative. They make a big deal about it making no mess, but when I first opened it it squirted little drops on my counter, leaving read stains that took some effort to clean. Do not get this stuff on your clothes.<br /><br />Next came the taste. It's not so much fruit punch as punch in the tongue. It's somewhere between ok and nasty. Yes, it has vitamins in it, so you can't compare it to normal fruit punch, but still. Yuck.<br /><br />So if you absolutely need some sort of vitamin drink in your life, I'm sure this isn't the worst one out there. But I will not be drinking it in the future."
B006MONQMC,4,"With zero calories, zero sugar and zero carbs, this is a great drink if you are trying to watch your waist line. This squeeze flavoring is much minder than some of the other similar style drink options on the market. When using the recommended amount, you will get something more akin to fruit punch flavored water vs. actual fruit punch. I don't think this is a bad thing, as our taste buds are conditioned for overly sweet drinks.<br /><br />The one thing I would warn against is that one of the main ingredients in this drink is sucralose (Splenda). So, if you are against the myriad of artificial sweeteners on the market today, this drink is definitely not for you."
B000NMJWZO,5,What we like best about this product is that it is user friendly. There are great directions and recipes right on the bag. It is also easy to find recipes to use the mix in that were made for using the mix or for a non-gluten free mix like bisquick. Very versatile. And it has good flavor and texture. Enjoy!
B000NMJWZO,5,I had mediocre expectations for this item....its exceeded my hopes for a great baking mix.....<br />I made the zucchini bread on the back of the package and added some chocolate chips...its incredible.<br />I also added an additional 1/2 tsp per loaf of baking powder since I wasn't sure it would rise enough. It came out perfect.<br />The cake freezes well....I tripled the recipe ! I'm looking forward to making more things with it :)
B0041NYV8E,4,"This review is based on my husband's opinions as he is the hot beverage drinker in our home. He found this drink to have a tangy bite and was surprisingly refreshing. He felt this would make a tasty alternative to other breakfast beverages and would also be soothing for someone with a cold. I noticed that when he opened it up, it had a strong, almost alcohol odor like a rum and coke but that was the only strange thing about it."
B004EAGP74,4,"This is a really nice value, and a delicious product. Be sure to read up on the benefits of raw coconut oil, and remember, never put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat. I'm actually a raw vegan, so this is a big staple for me. I love massaging sea salt and coconut oil into raw kale salad. Add ginger, cayenne, a bit of tamari, and a squeeze of lemon. Healthy and delicious! If you aren't a raw vegan, but you just want to eat healthier, try replacing all your regular oils and butter with raw coconut oil. Coconut has a much higher tolerance for heat before it becomes harmful to the body. It's way more tasty than butter or any kind of butter substitute too. This coconut oil is raw. It smells amazing and is super healthy. I use it for everything, from salad dressing to raw vegan deserts, to stir fry, skin moisturizer, hair finisher, massage oil, etc. It's amazing on baked yams. If you eat toast, try mixing raw coconut oil with honey and using it as a spread."
B006MONQMC,5,"I was surprised that I actually lliked Vitamin Squeeze. I am usually not much of a fan of fruit punch flavored drinks, plus I was unsure of any odd taste or aftertaste. Other ""drop"" type drinks that I have tried have not been so pleasant.<br /><br />Vitamin Squeeze tasted pretty good, had no odd taste and no aftertaste. It reminded me of Hawaiin Punch, which I haven't actually bought in at least 15 years just because of the sugar content.<br /><br />This product is sweet and fruity enough without any sugar.<br /><br />The downside was that I did not actually notice any energy. I drink energy drinks and also use a few different brands of energy pills off and on - so maybe I am used to a higher level of ""energy"" ingredients?<br /><br />I liked Vitamin Squeeze for the flavor, and vitamin content, but would not recommend it for an energy drink based on my experience with it. Perhaps though someone who does not use ""stronger"" energy products regularly would have better results with this product in that regard."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I use this mix for all baking and cooking -- I use it 100% replacement for flour in corn bread, fruit cobblers even breadding meat before frying or baking. It is amazing and worth every penny!"
B0041NYV8E,5,"Gold Kili all natural Instant Ginger and lemon beverage is a powdered instant drink made with all natural ingredients! (The exclamation point comes from my having tried and reviewed so many which were not).<br /><br />The ingredients, as listed on the company web site are: Ingredients: Ginger, Glucose, Sucrose, Honey, Fructose and Natural Lemon Flavour<br />Now, that sounds like a lot of sugar (at least there is no high fructose corn syrup) but really, there does not seem to be that much. although 4 types of sugar are listed, it is clear that ginger is the dominant ingredient. It is a strong ginger drink! If you do not really like ginger, this probably is not the first of their products which you should try, because it is really a very powerful ginger flavor. As they mention on the site, giner has been used to treat nausea and motion sickness (hmm, think i will get some of these for my next flight) While I will not try to describe this as medicinal per se, I have used it for nausea, and given it to my kids when they had stomach problems (ginger, that is, not this particular beveredge). to good effect. In fact, this drink is sufficiently strong that I gave some to my son this morning to help clear his sinuses (poor little guy is home sick over spring break :(). It sure beats medication for minor problems, and is better and healthier than any packaged product I have encountered yet.<br /><br />I am imprerssed enough that I am going to give some of their other flavors a try. This seems like one of the better things to tuck in a lunch box (or purse for that matter).<br /><br />Gold Kili started as a company around 15 years ago, but i guess I was not familiar with the name because they are out of Singapore. they seem to have a good rthic: producing and maintaining a line of high quality products: simple and to the point. So far i am impressed. I like that it is entirely natural, and it tastes good too. It is also relatively inexpensive (particularly for a natural product) and convienient. that makes this a winner all around in my book."
B000KV61FC,3,This bottle is big! You can put lots of food in here which comes out a little too easy. When I put treats in it's very difficult to get out and my husband thinks that's mean. The dogs only like this toy when there are treats inside. Otherwise I think they don't get the rope and the bottle is big and akward.
B0041NYV8E,4,"It tasted very good, disolved easily, and was simply to make. It's very nice that the flavors of instant beverages continue to become more and more diverse. As a very lazy man, I found this product conventiently delicious. I'd also mention how surprised I was at how wel ginger and lemon go together but this day and age every flavor is combined at least thrice."
B000KV61FC,5,"I have a 14-month-old chocolate lab who can chew through a large rawhide in 20 minutes, and a pit bull mix who is right behind his big sister. I love the Tug-a-Jug because not only is it virtually indestructable, but it also keeps both of them challenged during their days home alone.<br /><br />I would agree with recommendations to fill the bottle high with small kibble to start with, until they get the hang of how to work it. Once they do, it is really fascinating to see how they learn and get better. The good thing is, even when they are getting treats, they are getting them sparingly so they continue to try for that one more.<br /><br />I have two Tug-a-Jugs and brought them outside a couple of times. They survived the frost and yard dragging very well. Inside the dogs do thump it against the floor pretty hard, so I would not use this on a nice wood floor, for example."
B000GAT6NG,5,We have used it for popping our popcorn and it taste great. This is the first coconut oil we have used and we do like it better than other oils.
B000GAT6NG,5,I've purchased this item in a smaller quantity for an outrageous amount of money. This is an extraordinary value!
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Baking mix is a ""must have"" for individual's requiring a gluten-free diet. It may be used as a pancake mix, for cookies, cakes and breads. My husband was diagnosed with celiac disease 18 months ago and the gluten-free lifestyle has been a learning process for us! We have referred other celiac patients to Pamela's and they rave about it as well. We look forward to trying Pamela's bread mix and pizza dough mix also!"
B000NMJWZO,5,Great product. Very versatile! You can use Pamela's Pancake Mix for so much more than making pancakes. We use it a lot in place of flour!
B0041NYV8E,4,"This is surprisingly good... IF you really like ginger. I was expecting a sweet lemony/ginger drink, but could tell as soon as I added the water that this is very very ginger, with just a hint of lemon and a slight sweetness. The ginger flavor is very strong and very sharp, like a strong ginger beer (or about 4 times stronger than ginger ale).<br /><br />The crystals dissolved quickly in hot water and the drink was still pretty strong at 1 & 1/4 cups of water (the packet said to add 250 ml -about 1 cup). While I do not think that I'm likely to buy this by the 6 boxes of 12 drink mixes it is being sold by here, I would definitely be interested in purchasing this drink in smaller amounts. I could see this being helpful in the case of an upset stomach or sore throat, as well as as an occasional drink for anytime... If you really like ginger."
B000KV61FC,4,"Oh I mean, I love my dog. A lot. But he is FAR too dumb to figure this out. He instead just whacks me in the knee with it until I pull the rope out and bring some treats out.<br /><br />Hmm...maybe he's not the dumb one.<br /><br />It's definitely challenging. Frustrates my dog more than entertains him and is pretty formidable when connecting with sensitive kneecap tissue."
B0041NYV8E,3,"The ginger taste in this is overpowering. I made it with one cup of water and thought it was undrinkable. I doubled the amount of hot water and still couldn't stomach it. I tripled the amount of water and thought it was still awful.<br /><br />But, my wife thought it was okay and my daughter, who is just back from college, loved it. My daughter loved it full strength, half strength and a third strength and said she's actually going to buy it.<br /><br />So, I'm torn here in rating this. Had I not consulted my family, I'd blast this with one star. My wife was almost neutral, but my daughter thinks this is the cat's meow. So in all fairness, though I don't like it, three stars."
B000NMJWZO,4,"I have been using Pam's mix for 5 years now. Love it for muffins and cookies. My husband who does not avoid wheat likes these choc. chip cookies better than wheat ones. Pancakes come out alittle flat, but I use seltzer water and they fluff right up!"
B000KV61FC,2,"I think my dog was just too smart for this toy. I purchased one of the larger ones with the rubber rope. After 5 minutes of frustration in trying to get the treats out, my dog chewed through the rubber rope so that she could just empty the treats out the hole. It was a waste of money for my dog to try out. With the fabric-type rope, the toy might have lasted longer for her."
B006MONQMC,5,"I love this drink. Squeeze a bit into water, lemonade , or club soda. This tastes great. I found it to have a fruit taste a little sweet, and the best part you do not have to use a lot. I found it out to be better then the Mio. Fits in my bag, no more pricey drinks at stores no more. A few drops and I have a refreshing drink. Everyone in my family really enjoyed it as well."
B006MONQMC,3,"About this product, it must be said: I didn't have very high hopes. I'm not into the whole ""flavored water"" thing (my choice of flavored water being Diet Coke), and I think the energy beverage craze is a joke (you want high energy levels? GET MORE SLEEP!), and so ultimately this product, at least for me, comes down to one thing: taste.<br /><br />In that area it's merely ok. It tastes kind of like Kool Aid fruit punch, only not quite as good. It also has a vaguely medicinal taste about it, and as I mentioned in the headline, a lingering aftertaste. Whether that taste is good not depends on how much you like the flavor. As it is, I'm wishing I had some Diet Coke around.<br /><br />This isn't by any means a bad product, but I'm fairly sure that you could get the same effect with sugar-free Kool Aid or the like, and probably spend a lot less money. Or, alternatively, get a good night's sleep, drink plain water and eat an orange. You'll have pretty much the same outcome."
B000NMJWZO,5,"We love Pamela's G-F Baking Mix! We use it for biscuits, pancakes, cakes, etc. It's so easy to make delicious gluten-free baked things for our family."
B000NMJWZO,4,"I wish you could find more recipes for this product. Translating it over to other recipes, you have to play with the leavening a bit. But when following the recipes written for the product..they turn out great! The chocolate chip cookies are really good. I doubled the recipe and baked in 15x11 pan. Perfect."
B0041NYV8E,2,"I've had instant ginger tea that I like much better than this one.<br /><br />The ""lemon flavor"" is not real powdered lemon rind or juice. It irritated my throat, as most chemical flavorings do.<br /><br />""All Natural"" is one of those throwaway terms, and it is clearly misleading in the name of this product because the ""lemon"" is a chemical flavor and not ""natural."""
B000KV61FC,3,The shipping was very fast. The product is super durable. It did not hold my dogs interest for to long. I am going to try a better treat and see if that works a little better. I say give it a try as long as its on sale.
B000KV61FC,3,"My youngest Miniature Schnauzer is very food driven. I'm not sure why but he has always had a bad habit of ""wolf""ing down his food. I have resorted to locking him in a seperate room, away from my other two Miniature Schnauzers, placing a tennis ball in the middle of his bowl and feeding him large kibble sized chunks of food to get him to slow down during feeding time.<br /><br />Toys like the ""Premier Busy Buddy Tug-a-Jug"" is great to keep him busy and entertained because if there is food in there, he's going to work at it until he can get to it.<br /><br />It took him a little while to 'get' that the food comes out of the front of the jug and previously he was trying to pry off the bottom, chew the front , purple hard rubber ring around the neck of the bottle and then he finally figured out how to get the food out and is content trying to do so until all the food it gone.<br /><br />My other two are just not that determined.<br /><br />I agree with everyone here, if you have an aggressive chewer this may not be the best toy but if your dog isn't an aggressive chewer but a food driven dog this toy will keep him busy."
B004EAGP74,5,"I have used this product for about a month now and it is as advertised! Cooking with coconut oil gives a nice flavor to eggs or other items and it can be used on bread to replace butter, etc."
B000KV61FC,1,"I bought this toy and put one of my dogs in her crate with it. I just filled it with a handful of kibble. 1/2 hour later the Tug a Jug was broken. My dog had chewed the end off where it screws on. Her chewing destroyed the threads so the toy is useless. She's a 55 pound food motivated dog, medium chewer. My original worry about the Tug a Jug was that it would be noisy on hard floors. It never made it that far. I had better luck with the Busy Bone toy, although she can get the Gnawhide rings off pretty quick. At least that one is still usable."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I only took a couple sips of this before I decided it wasn't for me. The first sip sort of burned the back of my throat as it went down, and it wasn't because of the temperature. The second sip was a little better, I guess I was expecting it, but still too much ginger for my taste buds. The lemon was sort of an after taste, which wasn't bad. There were not directions on the package as to how much water to use. Perhaps it was meant for two cups, or a VERY large mug?<br /> Maybe if it was mixed with tea and diluted it would be better."
B000KV61FC,5,"I accidentally ordered two of these, and when I saw them, I was sure none of my small Havanese dogs would be interested. Just looking at it, I figured there was no way they could figure out how to get the treats out. I planned on giving it to my son who has bigger more active dogs. Well, I put treats in one and put it down and one of my dogs took possession of it and worked for an hour at getting the treats. She absolutely loves this toy, and will perk up and follow me when I pick them up to fill. Yes, I kept both of them, just in case the other dogs took an interest. Paws up on this one!!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"I LOVE these pancakes. My husband loves them too but normally thinks my GF products are terrible. Even my picky 4 year-old loves them. When we make them, I substitute chunky applesauce for the oil and add cinnamon and vanilla extract. I have also used pumpkin puree in place of the oil and added pumpkin pie spice with great results. I downloaded several recipes from the Pamela's Products website for other new things to try using this mix. So far everything has been great. I highly recommend this mix!"
B000KV61FC,3,"Well, this was purchased to keep our two canine ""monkeys"" busy while we're out. Even after filling the toy with the YUMMIEST treats (dried chicken jerky) and showing both dogs what to do they gave up after only a few minutes... no go"
B000GAT6NG,4,I called the company and they said that their products only come in plastic. That's too bad because I like everything their product has to offer. Bummer.
B0041NYV8E,2,"So, this is how it went... I have this little packet from Amazon and its pretty cold outside and the package does say CAFFEINE FREE and I love ginger and lemon but don't really know if I will love them together. Maybe I'll make some tonight or last week about 8pm to warm myself up. Sounded good.<br /><br />I turned over the package to see how much hot water to add and this is what the package says ""for hot serving: Pour contents, add hot water (250ml) stir and serve instantly."" I'm not in Europe or Mexico. Who in the heck in the US cooks by ml's? I'm assuming its milliliters? If I hadn't had the internet I wouldn't have known to add a cup of hot water to the powder.<br /><br />Ok, smells nice but a little spicy, take a sip and whew it knocked my head off. It wasn't spicy like hot pepper spicy but like 180 proof spicy and it burned my throat all the way down. Can't say that this has any proof liquor in it and it does smell like lemons a little but can't tell you exactly what it does taste like.<br /><br />Would I get it again? Heck NO. This stuff was beyond nasty and I can eat or drink just about anything. But, just to give it the benefit of the doubt I refrigerated it and tasted it the following morning. Still nasty.<br /><br />And another thing, I'm not really sure if it is caffeine free or not since I didn't go to sleep until 3:30 that am."
B004EAGP74,5,"Great product although this oil does have a mild coconut flavor. Great for me, perhaps not so for others. I was previously using another brand with no coconut taste at all. This purchase was $3 cheaper than buying at my local health food store. So yes I am happy and enjoy the benefits of using an organic coconut oil in my cuisine and lotion."
B006MONQMC,3,"In my opinion, you have to have a taste for this kind of drink. My wife tasted it and really didn't care for it. It definitely wouldn't be my first pick for an energy drink. It reminds me of an energy drink that we had for our football team. So, I would say you can definitely develop a taste for it if your willing to take the time for it. I wouldn't say it gave me a boost but to some it might. I wouldn't waste money on it again. Save the money and buy some kool-aid."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I have been using this mix for 8 years for no other reason than it is superb! When you make pancakes or waffles, try gently folding in seltzer/soda/mineral water in place of plain water. It makes them fluffier. I also add a teaspoon of vanilla or almond extract to the mix and top the pancakes with raw blue agave nectar instead of high-glycemic syrups. For the oil (which is necessary if you don't want them to turn out like rubber and stick to the pan) try melted organic extra virgin coconut oil, melted ghee or a nut oil of your liking, like peanut, almond or macadamia nut oils. For an excellent oil with no flavor, try Republic of Tea's Stir-Fry Oil made from green tea seeds. It's excellent.<br /><br />Another plus to Pamela's Baking & Pancake Mix is that there isn't any trans-fat."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I'm not glutin intolerent but my wife is. She was introduced to this product by a friend, we bought a package and liked it so well that we now have pancakes at least twice a week. I intent to try using it in other recipes."
B000KV61FC,1,"My dog chewed the rope in half first, then chewed off the spiky ball. Finally then he got to some treats. He doesn't have patience for many toys and this one did not keep his interest. I was not impressed with it. One of the worst toys i have bought."
B000KV61FC,1,"The package says that this is supposed to be practically break-proof, which I thought was perfect for my year-old Beauceron who is a pretty aggressive chewer. Finally! A toy that would make his brain work and keep him occupied.<br /><br />Three uses. First one he very quickly discovered how to get the treats right out. Second, he learned how to get the screw-off bottom to come off of the jug. Third time - he chewed the plastic to bits by the time I got it away from him - and he was in the same room with me!<br /><br />I'm a dog trainer and only recommend high-endurance products for my clients. This didn't even come *close* to meeting my expectations! Total disappointment. Will not buy another 'Premier' Busy Buddy toy for my chewer!<br /><br />At almost 3 years old, we still rely on the blue K9 Kongs, Holey Moley, and Everlast Treat balls to stand up to his strong jaws and chew drive!"
B0041NYV8E,5,"This beverage mix combines the great tastes of lemon and ginger and does so without an excessively acidic taste or bitter aftertaste. It's a snap to make, too. I really like this product and I will certainly consider purchasing in the future!"
B000KV61FC,5,We bought this toy for our Malteese and she loves it. We stuck honey nut cheerios inside it and she plays with it for hours trying to get them out. Once she got a few out she couldn't stop playing with it. It is made very well.
B006MONQMC,3,This isn't bad but it is a bit sweet for my taste. I have tried using less and that did help but then you are not getting the vitamins you are looking for. I really like the mio better.
B000GAT6NG,5,"I have tried other products; this is the best deal and the best tasting. I put it in oatmeal, other hot cereals, tea, hot chocolate, veggies, gravies, and also cook with it. I must warn you to start out slowly, maybe 1 teaspoon daily. It has detox properties and if you take too much at first, it will cause you to detox too quickly. I also use it daily on my skin, including my face. If you want more information, just put a ""Coconut Oil benefits"" search in Google. You can't beat the price of this oil through Amazon with their free S & H."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is far the best gluten free waffle and pancake mix I've found. Even our daughter (who can eat gluten products) prefers this mix over those with gluten. Its very versatile in that you can make bisquits, banana breads etc. from it as well and there are lots of great recipes on the back."
B004EAGP74,5,Love Coconut oil! Ordered this because of the great value. Will be buying again and again.
B0041NYV8E,2,"Wow! As soon as I poured some hot water over this instant drink mix, the smell of ginger was very noticeable. I thought the aroma was very pleasant and enjoyable. As for taste, you don't notice the lemon, but the ginger is very strong and packs a very strong spicy bite! If you love ginger, you will enjoy this drink, but if you dislike the taste of even a ginger snap cookie, steer clear.<br /><br />Although I liked this drink, I was disappointed with the nutritional information. Although it's all natural, 1 sachet equals 73 calories and contains 16 grams of sugar! That's a lot for a cup of tea! I'll stick with either Tazo Green Ginger Tea or The Mate Factor's Yerba Mate lemon ginger. You still get that ginger flavor without the added calories and sugar!"
B000NMJWZO,5,Well what can we say? There are 255 positive reviews for this gluten free pancake mix that stand before us. So all we have to add is YUM YUM YUM.<br /><br />There is debate in the autism world whether gluten plays a role in the progress of a child on the spectrum. We have noticed that Alexandra is affected in a negative manner. So we search and we search out various gluten free foods that are tasty.<br /><br />Thanks to all the Amazon reviews we have added this to her diet.
B000KV61FC,4,"This toy was extremely great . . .My dog learned how to think and figure out ways to get the treats. I have 2 criticisms: 1) if your dog is a strong chewer, that rope won't last long. . . . but that's only if you leave the toy with your dog to play with; if you only use it as a way of dispensing food, then you should take it away after he has finished getting his food/treats out; that should hopefully allow the toy to last longer 2) i wish the bottle itself was made of rubber instead of hard plastic. I have (soft) wood floors so i cringe every time my dog plays with it on the floors . . .it can be loud and my dog's strength when he's playing with it causes me worry that i'm going to find dents in my soft wood floors. Other than that, it's a great toy and I would recommend it."
B000NMJWZO,5,"the best you can use as a flour sub. For us gluten free people and works well on muffins,cakes,cookies.Also pancakes."
B000NMJWZO,5,"Don't get me wrong, i LOVE this baking mix for me and my allergy-prone family but i didn't realize for a long time that it does contain buttermilk and almond meal. luckily, nuts don't seem to be one of the foods we are intolerant of, but dairy products are for sure. I just thought it should be put out there. I would reccommend this mix absolutely and will continue to use it b/c i don't think the amount of dairy in it is high. Love you Pamela!"
B000NMJWZO,5,"This mix makes excellent pancakes - I'd even say they're better than ordinary white flour pancakes. It also makes great biscuits and dumplings, too!"
B006MONQMC,2,"Well what was I expecting, fine dining? This is so far from fine liquid refreshment it is sad. The fruit punch flavor is so artificial it makes Hawaiian Punch taste like organically grown all natural juice. The vitamin flavor is impossible to mask. And it is sickeningly sweet.<br /><br />The positive aspects of this product, the bottle is kind of pretty and easy to squeeze. The food coloring isn't overly intense to stain your teeth, but it does turn your tongue a darker shade of red.<br /><br />What is Vitamin Squeeze? A diluted knock off of Mio with added vitamins. Add a few squeezes to water and a fruit punch drink with vitamins is born.<br /><br />The instructions are not exactly super intuitive, how much is a squeeze? I'm kind of a measure carefully person and a squeeze didn't cut it. First try, the drink was way too weak. This drink doesn't taste very good to begin with, and really diluted it is super nasty. After a few more tries one squeeze was easier to understand.<br /><br />The bottle is like a French's Mustard or Heinz Ketchup bottle with a one way nozzle in the cap. Squeeze the bottle ""upside down"" hard enough and liquid will squirt out.<br /><br />The instructions say to keep the bottle refrigerated after opening for best results and use within 30 days. The sweetener is sucralose, with citric acid as a flavor and preservative agent. It does contain caffeine (no listing on how much, except that it is high on the ingredient list). This is heavy on the Vitamin C, and contains Vitamins B6, B5, B3, B12, Zinc, and Chromium. No this isn't an all natural product.<br /><br />Where Mio is a simple flavor / color product, Vitamin Squeeze tries to take that idea to add energy. I'm not a big fan of Mio, and I like this even less."
B000NMJWZO,5,I love baking with Pamela's Mix. It's quick and easy because so many of the baking ingredients are already in it. Even my grandkids (who aren't gluten intolerant) love the muffins I make with it.
B006MONQMC,4,"I carry a 40 ounce <a href="""">Klean Kanteen Stainless Steel Water Bottle</a> or a 1.5 liter Sigg Water Bottle just about everywhere I go. In the afternoons, when my brain stops functioning and I get groggy, I tend to have a caffeine boost of some kind, which has meant making tea or coffee. When it gets hot, those just don't work for me, and I don't like iced tea. I don't want to spend more money on single serving sized energy boosts.<br /><br />So, I've been interested in trying some of the new (to me at least) squirt options to add to my water bottle.<br /><br />I'm quite pleased. The taste is good and there certainly is an energy boost. The added vitamins also help me be at my optimum performance in the afternoons.<br /><br />A couple of minor quibbles which keep this from being ideal. It does need to be refrigerated after opening it the first time, which keeps it from traveling with me. Also, and this is going to sound a bit silly, I'm not sure how much squeeze a ""squeeze"" takes. I give a couple of squeezes in my water bottles, which seems to work fine, but I'm just not sure what is too much or what is too little. I guess it's a matter of taste--which makes sense."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is the only gluten free flour I have found that works just as well as regular flour. I have made pie crusts, cookies, zucchini bread, pancakes--you name it I use my original recipes and substitue the flour with this product. I only use 1/2 the amount of baking soda and powder because it already has some in it. We only have 1 of 3 children that needs gluten free and the others dont notice when I give them this."
B006MONQMC,1,"This Vitamin Squeeze, while touting vitamins that you need in an easy way to get them, is nothing more than a Splenda-laden artificially flavored water enhancer. I followed the directions and added two squirts to my 16 oz water bottle (one squirt for every 8 oz of water) and first of all, you need to empty some water from the bottle before you add this product or you'll overflow onto the counter and second, two squirts were too many. I feel one would have been sufficient. This is really sweet and tastes completely artificial and bad for you, which it is. If you're concerned about your health and feel the need for extra vitamins then I suggest getting a natural supplement from a trusted source. This isn't going to do you any good, in fact just the fact that it is full of Splenda and red dye is enough to make me run from this product."
B000KV61FC,4,"We got the Tug-a-Jug this morning and have used it twice to dispense my dog's breakfast and dinner. She never quite figured out the ""tug"" method of getting the food out, but she did find ways to get the food out by nosing it around on the floor and grabbing the kibble out with her tongue when it reached the neck of the bottle. However, she gave up this morning with about half her breakfast still in there, which is surprising because she LIVES for food! For dinner she started crying at the bottle because she got so frustrated with it! I never heard her do that before, so I decided to help her a little. However, when I wasn't watching she chewed all the way through the rope. It's still a usable toy, but I guess she'll never figure out the ""tug"" method now. It's been about 50 min and she's still working to get all of her dinner out, so I guess I'd say this is a good toy. The only reason I gave it a 4 instead of 5 stars is I think you could use one of your old Nalgene bottles and put dog food in it and it would work the same way. The jug is made of Nalgene I think."
B006MONQMC,4,"I order this stuff to see if I could induce my wife to hydrate herself better. She hates drinking water but doesn't like many juices either. This is a decent alternative if flavored water is your thing. Below I've outlined the highlights of both good and bad:<br /><br />The good:<br /><br />* It's convenient. It fits easily in the fridge and can even be stored in the pantry (I think?). Much better than a gigantic jug of juice.<br />* It's kind of nice to be able to control the intensity of the flavor. If it's not strong enough, just squeeze a little more.<br />* I suppose it's reasonably healthy. I couldn't find anything objectionable.<br />* The taste is good - if you like the Kool-Aid taste.<br /><br />The bad:<br /><br />* I have no idea how to read the chart on the back. It's suppose to indicate how many squeezes to flavor X amount of water. What's one squeeze? You could eject half the contents of the bottle out with one squeeze if you wanted to. The best method is the taste test, but this is a little subjective.<br />* It stains BAD and it stains FAST. The first time I used it, a dab of juice concentrate plopped out of my glass of water onto the butcher-block counters. I left it for a few minutes while I finished the drink and took it to my wife for the first trial. By the time I wiped it up, it had already stained - and it's still there today. Be careful with this stuff.<br />* The taste is good - but ONLY if you like the Kool-Aid taste.<br /><br />Not much else to say. The product basically works as advertised."
B000NMJWZO,5,This mix is the best.... The pancakes are so awesome our whole family eats them. They are light and fluffy and very tastey. We serve them to everyone. They don't even realize they are gluten free and they all love them too. We love Pamela's Products because it makes being gluten free so much easier and convenient.
B000NMJWZO,5,The latest thing I came up with was sweet corn cake (like you used to get a chi chi's). It was soooo good! Everything is a hit even with people who aren't gluten intolerant!
B000NMJWZO,5,This is a great all purpose mix! It makes delicious pancakes that you would never know were gluten free! Also use it as a gluten free base for a multitude of baked goods. Check the Pamela's website for loads of recipes.
B000NMJWZO,5,This is the best pancake mix ever. I have tried many gluten free brands and this exceeds any of them and the price is great!
B006MONQMC,2,"I thought this might would be a good, economical way to zazz up tap water or fizzy water. I like that it has vitamins & electrolytes, and that it has a lot of servings in a wee little package, making it very conveinient on fridge space. It was easy to dispense, includes a serving indicator on the side, and mixed in easily. But I found the flavor to be flat and synthetic tasting. I love diet coke, but that's about the limit to artifical sweeteners in my diet, so this might be a good choice if you drink a lot of artificially sweetened fruit drinks. However, if you only dabble in artifical sweeteners, you may find this bland, flat, and really fake tasting, like me."
B006MONQMC,4,"This stuff is pretty good tasting, just as good as the other stuff on the market. It does taste like a fruit punch which is always good in my book. It does have caffine in it though so if you didnt see it on the page, it is there but you have to look for it. I did like the stuff but cant have a lot of caffine. Other then that, well, give it a shot. You wont be disappointed."
B000NMJWZO,5,I find this to be the best GF pancake mix on the market..Follow instructions carefully on the back of the package for best results!!
B000GAT6NG,5,"This is a great product! Delicious, pure and the best coconut oil I have ever used. I like the fact that it's certified organic."
B006MONQMC,2,"I hate to bash a free to me item to was ok, it might of been<br />better in my eyes if it wasn't caffeinated...not something I would want<br />a child to have, and it would be tempting for any kid...look at the<br />package. Have to give it 2 stars...even if the flavor would of been<br />spot on, it would still only get 2 stars. I prefer Mio which I also<br />received a freebie to try and rate, it was good, easy to use and no<br />caffeine..I guess there's something for everyone."
B000KV61FC,5,I bought this to keep my pug mix occupied while I was out of the house. It is very durable hard plastic. I put half of her daily dog food in there when I leave and it keeps her busy for a long time! I was worried she would shake it and break something but she doesn't shake it at all. This toy is a great idea.
B006MONQMC,3,"I don't drink energy drinks at all. No Monster, no Red Bull, no Bawls, no Monster Bull Bawls...none of that. Usually I stick with water and occasionally go with plain milk, but I requested Vitamin Squeeze Energy just to try it out. And you know what? This stuff isn't bad. I'm a bit confused on how much the serving size is actually supposed to be, since it simply states ""one squeeze"", but it tastes like a watered down fruit punch of sorts, with way more nutrients. That's a big plus, yet the usual artificial sweetener taste bugs me, and the burning question of just what they all really threw into this mixture.<br /><br />Fill a glass with water, squeeze this stuff into it, and you're good to go. No measurement is given- everything you need to know is essentially shown right there on the front of the label. It's nice to see that you get 120% of your daily dose of Vitamin C when using this, but again, it's hard to tell if you're getting more or less than that since everyone's ""squeeze"" is different.<br /><br />If you enjoy energy drinks on a regular basis, I'd recommend this as a somewhat healthier alternative. For some weird reason, I prefer this over good ol' Hawaiian Punch."
B000KV61FC,2,"I was very excited when the Tug-a-Jug arrived. I was looking for new toys to keep my 1 1/2 yr old Lhasa busy. This did keep her busy. It kept her busy trying to get at the treats that she could see and smell without any reward. The treats only come out when I turn it upside down and play with the rope. I felt bad watching her trying to get the treats, and she tried so hard for such a long time. There is no way she would be able to turn it upside down. It is also SO loud. We had to take it off her the first day because my husband and I could not hear each other talking! It was a waste of money. We will stick with Kong dispensers."
B000NMJWZO,5,"My whole family loves these pancakes, even my husband who dosen't even know they are gluten free. I made a batch of peanut butter cookies with this mix and you would never know they were gluten free. And I made the drop biscuits which were also wonderful."
B004EAGP74,5,"This is a great change from the canola oil and shortening!! When I first got it, I pan fried some fish in it and it was really delicious. Doesn't add a lot of extra taste that you might think. Also, think it's not as stinky when frying as other oils.<br /><br /> Then I had to try it on my popcorn. Oh, that is really wonderful.<br /><br /> Only problem I had is in delivery. The oil wasn't sealed well enough and it got warm enough during delivery to become somewhat liquid. Some of the liquid leaked out in the box. Just a warning if you live in a warm climate area."
B000KV61FC,5,"My husband and I have two English Jack Russell Terriers under six months old. They're both much more interested in playing than eating, but my vet was adamant that letting them graze all day would make house training significantly more difficult.<br /><br />The answer has been to make their eating more of a challenge. We've got two oversized Kongs that we'll fill with their breakfast, but they eat out of the kongs very quickly. In the evening, we needed something that would keep the puppies busy for at least ten minutes, so one of us could get some food in our own mouths before it was time for the pack to go out.<br /><br />The tug-a-jug has been great. Both puppies are challenged by it, but not so challenged that they lose interest. There's a perfect balance between work and reward. It holds a lot of food and assorted small treats, it's pretty easy to load, and the beasts haven't figured out how to unscrew the bottom lid.<br /><br />Some of the pictures for this product on various websites show a rope. Mine actually came with a silicone ""rope"" that's got a cone shape at the end, which ensures something gets scooped to the neck almost every time they pull on it.<br /><br />Only downside for my two is that if the food drops below a certain level they lose interest... might be because it's too much work, or it might be because they're full. Either way I have to make sure to dump the leftovers into a kong or a dish at least once a week so they get to eat the food before it gets stale."
B006MONQMC,3,"I am not really thrilled about the taste of the Vitamin Squeeze Energy Drink product, it is something to make your water a bit more tasty but I still have a 1/2 of a bottle and don't think I will use it. I really prefer <a href="""">Mio Liquid Water Enhancer 3 Pack Variety</a>. The Mio brand has much more flavor and you only need a small squirt so it is more compact. This Vitamin Energy Squeeze is the same amount of servings as a small Mio bottle so you have to use more.<br /><br />The Vitamin Squeeze is just okay in flavor. It just doesn't have the really fruity flavor that I am looking for.<br /><br />Also, you might want to know that it does contain CAFFEINE."
B0041NYV8E,4,"In quite a lot of the world, ginger is used as a quasi-medicinal agent in foods and beverages. It's delicious and adds a pit of heat to everything from curries to hot tea. I've been a fan for some time, but frankly, ginger is kind of a pain to deal with on a ""casual"" basis - it dries out if not consumed fairly quickly, it's difficult to peel and it's not always available at the local grocery store.<br /><br />I especially miss it in a late night tea. There's something about it I find relaxing, and this product fills that need without a lot of mess. The lemon / ginger / honey bland tastes great. The Gold Kili brand is widely touted as a digestion aid (as ginger is in general), and though I can't claim any problems with digestion (!), I do like to brew a bit to enjoy with Thai or Indian food. My only complaint about his product is that it's a bit on the expensive side (as I write this.) Otherwise, it's definitely worth a try."
B000KV61FC,2,This toy did not last. I have a boxer and he chewed the rope off the jar.
B0041NYV8E,5,"Although I like both Lemon and Ginger, this drink arrived when I was having a bout of indigestion. I grew up with older Tantes (aunts) who made their own special teas whenever anyone had a minor health issue. As a child, I was served ginger tea with a doting Tante hovering over me until I was well enough to play. With that in mind, I made this drink to assist my tummy.<br /><br />It worked very well. It tasted pretty good, and had a nice bite of ginger that came right through the lemon flavor. The little packets had just enough powder to make a small cup of ""tea,"" which was just the right amount.<br /><br />My only complaint? I needs a loving Tante to kiss your forehead to see if you have a fever, and a big hug for afterward , once you're cured. You probably want to drink it for the flavor, though."
B0041NYV8E,3,"A while ago, a Chinese friend made me ginger tea using slices of ginger root and honey. She raved about the medicinal powers of ginger, and I enjoyed it, but I knew I would never take the time to replicate it myself. So I was interested to try Gold Kili's instant ginger & lemon drink to see how it measured up to authentic Chinese ginger tea. Amazingly, it tasted exactly like the tea my friend made for me!<br /><br />It's pretty strong, but that can easily be regulated by adding more than the recommended 250 ml (approximately 1 cup) of water. I couldn't taste any lemon at all, and since I only got one packet without any ingredient or nutritional information, I don't know if there's really any lemon in it.<br /><br />The ginger ""kick"" is pretty strong, and the tea tasted medicinal, so probably the only time I would use it would be for a sore throat. Still, I'd recommend this product to anyone who enjoys ginger tea--this is certainly easier than making it from scratch, and you get the same result!"
B0041NYV8E,2,"Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger and Lemon is a powdered drink mix that can be served using either hot or cold water. The fine powder dissolves quickly and the beverage is mixed and ready to drink in less than one minute.<br /><br />I like the taste of lemons and ginger, but I wasn't prepared for the taste of this beverage. I admit that it does have a nice, enticing aroma and the combination of these two ingredients sounds appealing, both for the potential flavor and for the settling effects on the stomach. However, the taste of this beverage is not what I expected. It doesn't taste as natural as I thought it would and it has a certain harshness that is most evident in the back of the throat. I followed the directions and added a cup of hot water, but considering the harsh flavor, perhaps I should have used more water.<br /><br />Among the flavors present, the ginger is the one most noticeable and it's the spicy finish that creates that harshness. I was able to finish mine off by taking only small sips at a time, but I can understand why some would have a difficult time drinking this instant beverage. My enjoyment of spicy foods and drinks made it a little more tolerable for me, but I would bet that others would have a difficult time consuming this drink.<br /><br />Ginger and lemons might be a nice combination, but they don't mesh very well in this instance. I won't be buying this drink again, as I found it less smooth and less enjoyable than its taste combination promises."
B000NMJWZO,5,It is great I use it like flour in any recipe. I love their waffles my husband (gluten-full) likes them also.
B000NMJWZO,5,"Pamela's Baking Mix makes the best pancakes...great texture and taste not spongy and dry. The recipes on the back packaging are easy to make and yummy too! By ordering it on Amazon, I save more than $5.00 a bag."
B000KV61FC,5,"I got this for my 40 lbs boxer mix. He loves most toys but usually tears them up. At first, he didn't know what to make of it as he thought it was a ""pull"" toy. Pulling on the rope actually puts a stopper on the bottle and the food doesn't come out. My 5 year old tried to ""show"" him and after a couple hours of on and off play he figured it out. He actually LOVES it and sometimes just carries it around empty or chews on the rope. You have to use small, hard food so it comes out easy. I tried crunching up small treats but it just stopped up the bottle. HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO KEEP DOGS ENTERTAINED AND BUSY.<br />UPDATE: This morning (one day after I wrote the above), I put his food in his bowl for breakfast. Usually he gulps it down quickly...this morning he looked at it, walked away and brought THIS TOY to me, dropping it down in front of the food. I put the food from his bowl into the toy and he immediately tipped it over to get the food out and was clearly having fun. IF THIS DOESN'T TELL YOU HOW MUCH HE LOVES IT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT DOES.:)"
B006MONQMC,4,"I'm very bad about taking vitamin pills. I know I should do it, but they upset my stomach if I don't take them with food. But by the time I sit down to eat, I've forgotten completely about taking my vitamins. This stuff is easy to remember. I keep it in the fridge, right next to my bottled water. One squeeze, a quick shake, and BOOM, I'm vitamined up. Love that!<br /><br />I really expected some metallic or unpleasant taste, but there's none of that. It's a bit sweet, but maybe that's why I remember to use it since it makes plain water taste like a treat. Definitely a clever product."
B000KV61FC,2,"I bought this for my very smart lab mix rescue when she was about 6 months old. At first she wasn't interested, but once I showed her how it worked, she got down to business. She worked at that toy all day long the first day, thougth she wasn't able to get all the food out. On the second day I gave her the toy, partially filled with kibble and went upstairs. In the 25 minutes she was unsupervised, she got the screw cap off, ate all the kibble, and destroyed the bottle."
B000KV61FC,3,"The Tug-A-Jug is a cleverly designed toy that does a good job of entertaining/occupying a dog, but my 85 pound Weimaraner destroyed the largest model inside of a few hours. It's also noisy for indoor use."
B0041NYV8E,3,"While this drink was really good, I did not care for the ginger flavor. I am not a great big fan of ginger. The packets were really easy to keep in my purse so that I could add them to cup when I wanted one.."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This is a great item to keep on hand for the gluten free home. We have found that the pancakke mix creates great cookies and can be substituted in almost any cake style recipe. Our favorit is cream cheese coffee cake and at a close second are bannana muffins.If you are gluten free and starving for carbs this is a great way to get it done quick and easy. My gluten eating relitives prefer the pancakes, waffels, and cookies and make special requests."
B000NMJWZO,5,"This Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is just wonderful. Normally I believe pancakes are inferior to other breakfast foods such as waffles, hashbrowns and even cereal, but this particular type of pancake mix is right on the money and tastes delicious. I strongly recommend it for all pancake lovers and haters! You won't be hating pancakes after trying this delicious stuff! If you still desire a hatred towards pancakes after a full belly at the breakfast table you must be completely out of your gourd!"
B000NMJWZO,3,"I have to admit that this is a very easy to use gluten free baking mix and the pancakes that it makes are absolutely stellar. This mix is also great because it can make more than just pancakes. There are plenty of recipes online to try such as: loaf breads,yeast breads, bread sticks, cakes, scones, cookies, biscuits, pie crusts, and pizza crusts-- all with just one baking mix.<br />I bought this not because I bake a lot... but because every once in a while, I do want to have pancakes for breakfast or the occasional cookie treat. And prior to using this mix, I used another really excellent gluten free pancake mix called ""Sweet Cake Bake Shop Gluten Free Pancake Mix"" which you can also get from Amazon. I switched because it was pricey and you get a lot more for your money buying Pamela's. However, I didn't realize that Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is mix is NOT LACTOSE FREE!!!<br />I am both gluten and lactose intolerant and this product gives me stomachaches. The ""Sweet Cake Bake Shop"" mix was both gluten free and lactose free. When I made pancakes with that mix, it called for ""milk of your choice"" and I was able to make great pancakes using Lactaid (lactose free milk), soy milk or almond milk. Pamela's pancake recipe calls for water because there is already milk in the mix. And thus, you don't get to choose what kind of milk to use.<br />Since I already purchased it, I'll finish the three bags I have by making holiday cookies and such for my family and friends who are not lactose intolerant. As for myself, I will not purchase this product again. And I will probably have to go back to the ""Sweet Cake Bake Shop Gluten Free Pancake Mix"" or keep looking for something that meets my gluten free, lactose free, and low price criteria."
B006MONQMC,3,"This product is very easy to use. Just squeeze into your water. I like that you can control the amount of sweetness. If you like your drinks sweeter, just add a bit more. The fruit punch flavor tastes just like Kool-Aid's fruit punch flavor. It is zero calories. One serving is one squeeze. It contains 24 servings per 12 ounce bottle.<br /><br />Each serving contains:<br />40 mg CAFFEINE<br />Vitamin C 120%<br />Vitamin B6 40%<br />Vitaimin B5 40%<br />Vitamin B3 40%<br />Vitamin B12 40%<br />Chromium 10%<br /><br />Once the bottle is opened it does need to be refrigerated. It also says that it should be used within 30 days after opening.<br /><br />The sweetener used in this product is sucralose.<br /><br />I think a big drawback of this product it that there are 40mg of caffeine per serving. I try to limit the amount of caffeine in my diet, so this product is not something I will be using again. Also, this makes it something I would avoid giving to kids."
B0041NYV8E,1,"I'm sorry, but on my first mouthful of this beverage, I gagged and almost choked. I mixed it according to the package directions, adding the amount of hot water listed on the package (which turned out to be 1 cup of water). It had a very appealing color and a strong ginger smell that was very aromatic. I was really looking forward to trying this beverage.<br /><br />Then, I actually took a swallow, and it was so awful I could barely get it down. The initial taste is of a nice ginger beverage, but then this unpleasant aftertaste took over, rising from the back of my throat and quickly encompassing my entire mouth. It was accompained by the worst tingling/burning sensation I've ever felt in my life. And that was when I began to choke.<br /><br />After I got that initial swallow down, I decided to wait a few minutes and try it again. Same result.<br /><br />Reader, I poured the rest of this vile concoction down the drain. And my drain now runs quite a bit better."
B000NMJWZO,5,"I love using Pamela's. Ever since my son was diagnosed with Celiac, I have been buying Pamela's. We love the pancakes it makes!"
B000GAT6NG,5,I used this for the first time as a night cream since my skin was dry from the weather here in Los Angeles. I woke up and noticed my face looking refreshed and hydrated without any of the breakouts that other products leave behind. It's like it actually went beyond the surface of my skin!
B000KV61FC,5,"This is a wonderful toy and feeding tool. This keeps my 33-lb/4-month-old puppy busy for a good 20 minutes and after he's eaten all the food, he can chew on the rope. It's easy to clean, which is a BIG plus! This is a wonderful alternative to the Buster Cube. I also have the small Twist and Treat and both are great toys to keep him occupied."
B006MONQMC,3,"There's 40 mg of caffeine in an 8 ounce serving of this drink, which is about half-way between the amount in 8 ounces of green and black tea. If you're watching your intake of caffeine, there is a problem with that amount. Consider this perspective: An 8 oz. cup of tea is an average serving for a morning or afternoon ""cuppa"". But 8 oz. of water mixed with this water enhancer is NOT going to be an average serving. You or your child will be sucking down way more than 8 ounces at a time. And that means you will be ingesting a good amount of caffeine (and Vitamin C). If that works for your body, well then, fine. But it doesn't work for children and it usually doesn't work for older people. So consider that before hitting that ""Add to Cart"" button. And, I may be wrong, but haven't I read somewhere that an over abundance of Vitamin C is not good for you?<br /><br />Other observations: Good: I liked the taste much better than I like Mio and I didn't detect an unpleasant aftertaste. Bad: The fact that the bottle is 12 ounces big and you have to store it in the frig after opening will prevent me from carrying it around in my purse, briefcase or the console of my vehicle.<br /><br />I think there are much better ways to get my Vitamin C and if I need a waker-upper, I'll have a cup of tea. I can buy some very expensive and wonderfully fulfilling and sensual teas for the same money...."
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