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Last active December 28, 2020 09:01
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move mageno 2 locked config back to database
#!/usr/bin/env php
## steps
# fix where app:config:dump was run, adn value sin magento db is outof sync (so they ONLy exist in the dumped configs)
# Copy your app/etc/config.php (or app/etc/env.php) to bin folder
# delete from the app/etc/config.php (or env.php) file the values you want to re-import TO DB
# run bin/magento app:config:import (to process the changes you just made)
# run this script: ./bin/set-config.php --config config.php (or env.php)
# The script will process teh config as given, and set the config value to db)
# The end result should be all your file based configs to be existing back in the magento config db values
# you cannow doa more selective lock setup, rather than having had it all in the files.
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
echo 'Must be run as a CLI application' . PHP_EOL;
$options = getopt('', ['config:']);
if (empty($options['config'])) {
echo '--config is required' . PHP_EOL;
$configFiles = [
__DIR__ . '/' . $options['config'],
$configValues = [];
foreach ($configFiles as $file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
$configFile = require($file);
if (isset($configFile['system']['default']) && is_array($configFile['system']['default'])) {
$configValues = array_merge($configValues, $configFile['system']['default']);
if (empty($configValues)) {
echo 'Empty config, nothing to set' . PHP_EOL;
function flattenData(array &$result, $data, string $key = '')
if (is_array($data)) {
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
flattenData($result, $v, $key . '/' . $k);
$result[ltrim($key, '/')] = $data;
$flatData = [];
flattenData($flatData, $configValues);
foreach ($flatData as $path => $value) {
echo 'Setting ' . $path . PHP_EOL . '> ';
system(__DIR__ . '/magento config:set ' . escapeshellarg($path) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($value));
echo PHP_EOL;
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