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Created July 4, 2014 07:21
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Whats on tap in Wellington
# Description
# Lists what beers are available on tap at a few of Wellington's Pubs
# Dependencies:
# "request": "^2.36.0"
# "lodash": "^2.4.1"
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# hubot what's on tap at /pub/ - returns a list of beers on tap at /pub/
# Notes:
# <optional notes required for the script>
# Author:
# <github username of the original script author>
request = require('request')
_ = require('lodash')
pubs =
'hashigo': 1
'lbq': 2
'vagabond': 3
'greenman': 5
'fork&brewer': 6
'malthouse': 7
'bin44': 8
'd4': 9
'bruhaus': 12
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.hear /.*(whats on tap at)(.*)/i, (msg) ->
pub = msg.match[2].trim()
unless pubs.hasOwnProperty(pub)
msg.send "Please select from one of the following pubs #{Object.keys(pubs).join(', ')}"
url = "{pubs[pub]}"
beers = []
request url, (error, response, body) ->
if !error and response.statusCode == 200
info = JSON.parse(body)
for beer in
for offer in beer.offers
if offer.category == 'tap'
beers.push "#{} #{beer.abv}%" unless == 'On the Hand-pull'
msg.send _.unique(beers).join('\n')
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