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Last active January 30, 2016 02:53
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NodeBots Wellington Photon Codes
Hello keen Robotisist,
In the kit you have in front of you should be everything you need to build a SumoBot.
Every photon (the little chip labeled Photon) has a name, which will be under the chip (between the foam and the chip), please don't lose this name, you'll need it to figure out the device ID below. Additionaly, please put the kit back in the packet it came in, and try not to mix kit up, it takes a lot of time to audit the gear before events.
The link below gives a basic guide to setting up your SumoBot, and does a much better job than me at explaining things (Thanks Rick Waldron):
The one step that it misses is connecting your photon to the network, which is done as follows:
- Hold down the mode button until it's flashing blue (don't hold it down any longer otherwise it'll reflash itself).
- Using the particle-cli ( (npm install -g particle-cli) binary you'll want to run `particle setup wifi` when it's connected via USB.
- Follow the instructions (hopefully you don't need to create a particle cloud account)
- After the wifi creds have been setup the photon LED should be breathing cyan.
If you get stuck jump on Particle's site and checkout how to connect a photon to a network. If you get really stuck you may need account access to the nodebots particle cloud account, if so contact me directly on slack.
NOTE: Sometimes old networks can't handle 12 photons with 12 laptops being on the same network, and the photons are pretty sensitive to packet drop. If this happens you may need to create virual sub networks on different frequencies.
Then finally, below are the tokens you'll need to add to the spark/particle plugin that J5 relies on.
Access Token:
Device Tokens:
alpha: 42002f001447343432313031
beta: 270045000c47343233323032
delta: 290040000447343233323032
epsilon: 240029001347343432313031
eta: 320037000447343138333038
gamma: 2d0025000d47343233323032
iota: 350047000947343432313031
kappa: 340044001047343432313031
lamda: 2c0046000547343232363230
mu: 2d0027001047343432313031
nu: 3d003c000a47343432313031
omicron: 290048000247343138333038
pi: 390027000b47343138333038
theta: 3a0043000d47343432313031
xi: 34002c001447343338333633
zeta: 45002d000d47343432313031
rho: 54ff6a066678574913440167
sigma: 310025001047343432313031
psi: 340045000c47343432313031
That's about it, remember, if you find any problems and solutions to them, add them back to this gist :D
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