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Created August 11, 2012 14:43
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Save PraveshKoirala/3325009 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
8086 Snake game MASM compatible
; Snake Game By *
;code is not well-commented, sorry about that, I'll try to comment it nice and well, but can't make any
;promises, Also, this code writes directly into the video memory instead of int 21H (21H is slow) except
;at some certain points (like displaying scores and the intro)
;and next time someone tells you to not use goto, ask them to code in assembly without goto... :P
left equ 0
top equ 2
row equ 15
col equ 40
right equ left+col
bottom equ top+row
.model small
msg db "Welcome to the snake game!!",0
instructions db 0AH,0DH,"Use a, s, d and f to control your snake",0AH,0DH,"Use q anytime to quit",0DH,0AH, "Press any key to continue$"
quitmsg db "Thanks for playing! hope you enjoyed",0
gameovermsg db "OOPS!! your snake died! :P ", 0
scoremsg db "Score: ",0
head db '^',10,10
body db '*',10,11, 3*15 DUP(0)
segmentcount db 1
fruitactive db 1
fruitx db 8
fruity db 8
gameover db 0
quit db 0
delaytime db 5
dw 128 dup(0)
main proc far
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 0b800H
mov es, ax
;clearing the screen
mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
lea bx, msg
mov dx,00
call writestringat
lea dx, instructions
mov ah, 09H
int 21h
mov ah, 07h
int 21h
mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
call printbox
call delay
lea bx, msg
mov dx, 00
call writestringat
call shiftsnake
cmp gameover,1
je gameover_mainloop
call keyboardfunctions
cmp quit, 1
je quitpressed_mainloop
call fruitgeneration
call draw
;TODO: check gameover and quit
jmp mainloop
mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
mov delaytime, 100
mov dx, 0000H
lea bx, gameovermsg
call writestringat
call delay
jmp quit_mainloop
mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
mov delaytime, 100
mov dx, 0000H
lea bx, quitmsg
call writestringat
call delay
jmp quit_mainloop
;first clear screen
mov ax, 0003H
int 10h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
delay proc
;this procedure uses 1A interrupt, more info can be found on
mov ah, 00
int 1Ah
mov bx, dx
int 1Ah
sub dx, bx
;there are about 18 ticks in a second, 10 ticks are about enough
cmp dl, delaytime
jl jmp_delay
delay endp
fruitgeneration proc
mov ch, fruity
mov cl, fruitx
cmp fruitactive, 1
je ret_fruitactive
mov ah, 00
int 1Ah
;dx contains the ticks
push dx
mov ax, dx
xor dx, dx
xor bh, bh
mov bl, row
dec bl
div bx
mov fruity, dl
inc fruity
pop ax
mov bl, col
dec dl
xor bh, bh
xor dx, dx
div bx
mov fruitx, dl
inc fruitx
cmp fruitx, cl
jne nevermind
cmp fruity, ch
jne nevermind
jmp regenerate
mov al, fruitx
ror al,1
jc regenerate
add fruity, top
add fruitx, left
mov dh, fruity
mov dl, fruitx
call readcharat
cmp bl, '*'
je regenerate
cmp bl, '^'
je regenerate
cmp bl, '<'
je regenerate
cmp bl, '>'
je regenerate
cmp bl, 'v'
je regenerate
fruitgeneration endp
dispdigit proc
add dl, '0'
mov ah, 02H
int 21H
dispdigit endp
dispnum proc
test ax,ax
jz retz
xor dx, dx
;ax contains the number to be displayed
;bx must contain 10
mov bx,10
div bx
;dispnum ax first.
push dx
call dispnum
pop dx
call dispdigit
mov ah, 02
dispnum endp
;sets the cursor position, ax and bx used, dh=row, dl = column
;preserves other registers
setcursorpos proc
mov ah, 02H
push bx
mov bh,0
int 10h
pop bx
setcursorpos endp
draw proc
lea bx, scoremsg
mov dx, 0109
call writestringat
add dx, 7
call setcursorpos
mov al, segmentcount
dec al
xor ah, ah
call dispnum
lea si, head
mov bl, ds:[si]
test bl, bl
jz out_draw
mov dx, ds:[si+1]
call writecharat
add si,3
jmp draw_loop
mov bl, 'F'
mov dh, fruity
mov dl, fruitx
call writecharat
mov fruitactive, 1
draw endp
;dl contains the ascii character if keypressed, else dl contains 0
;uses dx and ax, preserves other registers
readchar proc
mov ah, 01H
int 16H
jnz keybdpressed
xor dl, dl
;extract the keystroke from the buffer
mov ah, 00H
int 16H
mov dl,al
readchar endp
keyboardfunctions proc
call readchar
cmp dl, 0
je next_14
;so a key was pressed, which key was pressed then solti?
cmp dl, 'w'
jne next_11
cmp head, 'v'
je next_14
mov head, '^'
cmp dl, 's'
jne next_12
cmp head, '^'
je next_14
mov head, 'v'
cmp dl, 'a'
jne next_13
cmp head, '>'
je next_14
mov head, '<'
cmp dl, 'd'
jne next_14
cmp head, '<'
je next_14
mov head,'>'
cmp dl, 'q'
je quit_keyboardfunctions
;conditions for quitting in here please
inc quit
keyboardfunctions endp
shiftsnake proc
mov bx, offset head
;determine the where should the head go solti?
;preserve the head
xor ax, ax
mov al, [bx]
push ax
inc bx
mov ax, [bx]
inc bx
inc bx
xor cx, cx
mov si, [bx]
test si, [bx]
jz outside
inc cx
inc bx
mov dx,[bx]
mov [bx], ax
mov ax,dx
inc bx
inc bx
jmp l
;hopefully, the snake will be shifted, i.e. moved.
;now shift the head in its proper direction and then clear the last segment.
;But don't clear the last segment if the snake has eaten the fruit
pop ax
;al contains the snake head direction
push dx
;dx now consists the coordinates of the last segment, we can use this to clear it
lea bx, head
inc bx
mov dx, [bx]
cmp al, '<'
jne next_1
dec dl
dec dl
jmp done_checking_the_head
cmp al, '>'
jne next_2
inc dl
inc dl
jmp done_checking_the_head
cmp al, '^'
jne next_3
dec dh
jmp done_checking_the_head
;must be 'v'
inc dh
mov [bx],dx
;dx contains the new position of the head, now check whats in that position
call readcharat ;dx
;bl contains the result
cmp bl, 'F'
je i_ate_fruit
;if fruit was not eaten, then clear the last segment,
;it will be cleared where?
mov cx, dx
pop dx
cmp bl, '*' ;the snake bit itself, gameover
je game_over
mov bl, 0
call writecharat
mov dx, cx
;check whether the snake is within the boundary
cmp dh, top
je game_over
cmp dh, bottom
je game_over
cmp dl,left
je game_over
cmp dl, right
je game_over
;balance the stack, number of segment and the coordinate of the last segment
inc gameover
; add a new segment then
mov al, segmentcount
xor ah, ah
lea bx, body
mov cx, 3
mul cx
pop dx
add bx, ax
mov byte ptr ds:[bx], '*'
mov [bx+1], dx
inc segmentcount
mov dh, fruity
mov dl, fruitx
mov bl, 0
call writecharat
mov fruitactive, 0
shiftsnake endp
printbox proc
;Draw a box around
mov dh, top
mov dl, left
mov cx, col
mov bl, '*'
call writecharat
inc dl
loop l1
mov cx, row
call writecharat
inc dh
loop l2
mov cx, col
call writecharat
dec dl
loop l3
mov cx, row
call writecharat
dec dh
loop l4
printbox endp
;dx contains row, col
;bl contains the character to write
;uses di.
writecharat proc
push dx
mov ax, dx
and ax, 0FF00H
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
push bx
mov bh, 160
mul bh
pop bx
and dx, 0FFH
shl dx,1
add ax, dx
mov di, ax
mov es:[di], bl
pop dx
writecharat endp
;dx contains row,col
;returns the character at bl
;uses di
readcharat proc
push dx
mov ax, dx
and ax, 0FF00H
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
push bx
mov bh, 160
mul bh
pop bx
and dx, 0FFH
shl dx,1
add ax, dx
mov di, ax
mov bl,es:[di]
pop dx
readcharat endp
;dx contains row, col
;bx contains the offset of the string
writestringat proc
push dx
mov ax, dx
and ax, 0FF00H
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
push bx
mov bh, 160
mul bh
pop bx
and dx, 0FFH
shl dx,1
add ax, dx
mov di, ax
mov al, [bx]
test al, al
jz exit_writestringat
mov es:[di], al
inc di
inc di
inc bx
jmp loop_writestringat
pop dx
writestringat endp
main endp
end main
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How can I fix it? I'm using emu8086 on Win10x64

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why does it only end at 15 mate?

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Thanks so much! Work Perfectly, you are awesome!

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Amara71 commented Nov 22, 2017

; Snake Game By *

;code is not well-commented, sorry about that, I'll try to comment it nice and well, but can't make any
;promises, Also, this code writes directly into the video memory instead of int 21H (21H is slow) except
;at some certain points (like displaying scores and the intro)

;and next time someone tells you to not use goto, ask them to code in assembly without goto... :P

left equ 0
top equ 2
row equ 15
col equ 40
right equ left+col
bottom equ top+row

.model small
msg db "Welcome to the snake game!!",0
instructions db 0AH,0DH,"Use a, s, d and f to control your snake",0AH,0DH,"Use q anytime to quit",0DH,0AH, "Press any key to continue$"
quitmsg db "Thanks for playing! hope you enjoyed",0
gameovermsg db "OOPS!! your snake died! :P ", 0
scoremsg db "Score: ",0
head db '^',10,10
body db '',10,11, 315 DUP(0)
segmentcount db 1
fruitactive db 1
fruitx db 8
fruity db 8
gameover db 0
quit db 0
delaytime db 5

dw 128 dup(0)


main proc far
mov ax, @DaTa
mov ds, ax

mov ax, 0b800H
mov es, ax

;clearing the screen
mov ax, 0003H
int 10H

lea bx, msg
mov dx,00
call writestringat

lea dx, instructions
mov ah, 09H
int 21h

mov ah, 07h
int 21h
mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
call printbox      

call delay
lea bx, msg
mov dx, 00
call writestringat
call shiftsnake
cmp gameover,1
je gameover_mainloop

call keyboardfunctions
cmp quit, 1
je quitpressed_mainloop
call fruitgeneration
call draw

;TODO: check gameover and quit

jmp mainloop

mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
mov delaytime, 100
mov dx, 0000H
lea bx, gameovermsg
call writestringat
call delay
jmp quit_mainloop

mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
mov delaytime, 100
mov dx, 0000H
lea bx, quitmsg
call writestringat
call delay
jmp quit_mainloop

;first clear screen
mov ax, 0003H
int 10h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h

delay proc

;this procedure uses 1A interrupt, more info can be found on   
mov ah, 00
int 1Ah
mov bx, dx

int 1Ah
sub dx, bx
;there are about 18 ticks in a second, 10 ticks are about enough
cmp dl, delaytime
jl jmp_delay

delay endp

fruitgeneration proc
mov ch, fruity
mov cl, fruitx

cmp fruitactive, 1
je ret_fruitactive
mov ah, 00
int 1Ah
;dx contains the ticks
push dx
mov ax, dx
xor dx, dx
xor bh, bh
mov bl, row
dec bl
div bx
mov fruity, dl
inc fruity

pop ax
mov bl, col
dec dl
xor bh, bh
xor dx, dx
div bx
mov fruitx, dl
inc fruitx

cmp fruitx, cl
jne nevermind
cmp fruity, ch
jne nevermind
jmp regenerate             

mov al, fruitx
ror al,1
jc regenerate

add fruity, top
add fruitx, left 

mov dh, fruity
mov dl, fruitx
call readcharat
cmp bl, '*'
je regenerate
cmp bl, '^'
je regenerate
cmp bl, '<'
je regenerate
cmp bl, '>'
je regenerate
cmp bl, 'v'
je regenerate    

fruitgeneration endp

dispdigit proc
add dl, '0'
mov ah, 02H
int 21H
dispdigit endp

dispnum proc
test ax,ax
jz retz
xor dx, dx
;ax contains the number to be displayed
;bx must contain 10
mov bx,10
div bx
;dispnum ax first.
push dx
call dispnum
pop dx
call dispdigit
mov ah, 02
dispnum endp

;sets the cursor position, ax and bx used, dh=row, dl = column
;preserves other registers
setcursorpos proc
mov ah, 02H
push bx
mov bh,0
int 10h
pop bx
setcursorpos endp

draw proc
lea bx, scoremsg
mov dx, 0109
call writestringat

add dx, 7
call setcursorpos
mov al, segmentcount
dec al
xor ah, ah
call dispnum
lea si, head

mov bl, ds:[si]
test bl, bl
jz out_draw
mov dx, ds:[si+1]
call writecharat
add si,3
jmp draw_loop

mov bl, 'F'
mov dh, fruity
mov dl, fruitx
call writecharat
mov fruitactive, 1


draw endp

;dl contains the ascii character if keypressed, else dl contains 0
;uses dx and ax, preserves other registers
readchar proc
mov ah, 01H
int 16H
jnz keybdpressed
xor dl, dl
;extract the keystroke from the buffer
mov ah, 00H
int 16H
mov dl,al

readchar endp

keyboardfunctions proc

call readchar
cmp dl, 0
je next_14

;so a key was pressed, which key was pressed then solti?
cmp dl, 'w'
jne next_11
cmp head, 'v'
je next_14
mov head, '^'

cmp dl, 's'
jne next_12
cmp head, '^'
je next_14
mov head, 'v'
cmp dl, 'a'
jne next_13
cmp head, '>'
je next_14
mov head, '<'
cmp dl, 'd'
jne next_14
cmp head, '<'
je next_14
mov head,'>'
cmp dl, 'q'
je quit_keyboardfunctions
;conditions for quitting in here please
inc quit

keyboardfunctions endp

shiftsnake proc
mov bx, offset head

;determine the where should the head go solti?
;preserve the head
xor ax, ax
mov al, [bx]
push ax
inc bx
mov ax, [bx]
inc bx    
inc bx
xor cx, cx

mov si, [bx]
test si, [bx]
jz outside
inc cx
inc bx
mov dx,[bx]
mov [bx], ax
mov ax,dx
inc bx
inc bx
jmp l


;hopefully, the snake will be shifted, i.e. moved.
;now shift the head in its proper direction and then clear the last segment. 
;But don't clear the last segment if the snake has eaten the fruit
pop ax
;al contains the snake head direction

push dx
;dx now consists the coordinates of the last segment, we can use this to clear it

lea bx, head
inc bx
mov dx, [bx]

cmp al, '<'
jne next_1
dec dl
dec dl
jmp done_checking_the_head

cmp al, '>'
jne next_2
inc dl
inc dl
jmp done_checking_the_head

cmp al, '^'
jne next_3
dec dh

jmp done_checking_the_head

;must be 'v'
inc dh

mov [bx],dx
;dx contains the new position of the head, now check whats in that position
call readcharat ;dx
;bl contains the result

cmp bl, 'F'
je i_ate_fruit

;if fruit was not eaten, then clear the last segment, 
;it will be cleared where?
mov cx, dx
pop dx 
cmp bl, '*'    ;the snake bit itself, gameover
je game_over
mov bl, 0
call writecharat
mov dx, cx

;check whether the snake is within the boundary
cmp dh, top
je game_over
cmp dh, bottom
je game_over
cmp dl,left
je game_over
cmp dl, right
je game_over

;balance the stack, number of segment and the coordinate of the last segment


inc gameover

; add a new segment then
mov al, segmentcount
xor ah, ah

lea bx, body
mov cx, 3
mul cx

pop dx
add bx, ax
mov byte ptr ds:[bx], '*'
mov [bx+1], dx
inc segmentcount 
mov dh, fruity
mov dl, fruitx
mov bl, 0
call writecharat
mov fruitactive, 0   

shiftsnake endp

printbox proc
;Draw a box around
mov dh, top
mov dl, left
mov cx, col
mov bl, '*'
call writecharat
inc dl
loop l1

mov cx, row

call writecharat
inc dh
loop l2

mov cx, col

call writecharat
dec dl
loop l3

mov cx, row     

call writecharat
dec dh
loop l4


printbox endp

;dx contains row, col
;bl contains the character to write
;uses di.
writecharat proc
push dx
mov ax, dx
and ax, 0FF00H
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1

push bx
mov bh, 160
mul bh 
pop bx
and dx, 0FFH
shl dx,1
add ax, dx
mov di, ax
mov es:[di], bl
pop dx

writecharat endp

;dx contains row,col
;returns the character at bl
;uses di
readcharat proc
push dx
mov ax, dx
and ax, 0FF00H
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
push bx
mov bh, 160
mul bh
pop bx
and dx, 0FFH
shl dx,1
add ax, dx
mov di, ax
mov bl,es:[di]
pop dx
readcharat endp

;dx contains row, col
;bx contains the offset of the string
writestringat proc
push dx
mov ax, dx
and ax, 0FF00H
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1

push bx
mov bh, 160
mul bh

pop bx
and dx, 0FFH
shl dx,1
add ax, dx
mov di, ax


mov al, [bx]
test al, al
jz exit_writestringat
mov es:[di], al
inc di
inc di
inc bx
jmp loop_writestringat

pop dx

writestringat endp

main endp

end main

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any one can give me the commented file of this code

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Làm thế nào tôi có thể sửa chữa nó? Tôi đang sử dụng emu8086 trên Win10x64

delete 668. because 2 end main.

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