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Last active March 30, 2018 15:24
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Copy Azure managed image to a different region. Source:
az account set --subscription $SubscriptionID
snapshotId=$(az snapshot show -g $ResourceGroupName -n $snapshotName --query "id" -o tsv )
# Get the SAS for the snapshotId
snapshotSasUrl=$(az snapshot grant-access -g $ResourceGroupName -n $snapshotName --duration-in-seconds 3600 -o tsv)
# Setup the target storage account in another region
targetStorageAccountKey=$(az storage account keys list -g $ResourceGroupName --account-name $targetStorageAccountName --query "[:1].value" -o tsv)
storageSasToken=$(az storage account generate-sas --expiry 2017-05-02'T'12:00'Z' --permissions aclrpuw --resource-types sco --services b --https-only --account-name $targetStorageAccountName --account-key $targetStorageAccountKey -o tsv)
az storage container create -n $imageStorageContainerName --account-name $targetStorageAccountName --sas-token $storageSasToken
# Copy the snapshot to the target region using the SAS URL
imageBlobName = "$imageName-osdisk.vhd"
copyId=$(az storage blob copy start --source-uri $snapshotSasUrl --destination-blob $imageBlobName --destination-container $imageStorageContainerName --sas-token $storageSasToken --account-name $targetStorageAccountName)
# Figure out when the copy is destination-container
# TODO: Put this in a loop until status is 'success'
az storage blob show --container-name $imageStorageContainerName -n $imageBlobName --account-name $targetStorageAccountName --sas-token $storageSasToken --query "properties.copy.status"
# Get the URI to the blob
blobEndpoint=$(az storage account show -g $ResourceGroupName -n $targetStorageAccountName --query "primaryEndpoints.blob" -o tsv)
# Create the snapshot in the target region
az snapshot create -g $ResourceGroupName -n $snapshotName -l $targetLocation --source $osDiskVhdUri
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