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Wacom Intuos Pro L configuration script for Krita
# This should work out of the box on debian based systems. See last comment for sysvinit specific adjustments
# required libs:
# - xsetwacom
# - xinput
# Attach tools to specific monitor (use port name e.g. "VGA1" for non NVIDIA drivers)
# if [[ "$WACOM_MAP_TO_OUTPUT" = "HEAD-0" ]]
# then
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen stylus" MapToOutput HEAD-1
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen cursor" MapToOutput HEAD-1
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen eraser" MapToOutput HEAD-1
# echo "Mapping input to HEAD-1"
# else
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen stylus" MapToOutput HEAD-0
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen cursor" MapToOutput HEAD-0
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen eraser" MapToOutput HEAD-0
# echo "Mapping input to HEAD-0"
# fi
# Check if bin dir exists in home directory and create it if its not
if [[ ! -d ~/bin ]]; then
mkdir ~/bin
# Check if ~/bin/wacom-next-display exists in home directory and create it its not
if [[ ! -f ~/bin/wacom-next-display ]]; then
echo '#!/bin/bash \n\nxsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen stylus" MapToOutput next \nxsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen cursor" MapToOutput next \nxsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen eraser" MapToOutput next \n' >> ~/bin/wacom-next-display
chmod +x ~/bin/wacom-next-display
# ----
# [IMPORTANT] Bind Ctrl+Shift+J to wacom-next-display script so that "key +ctrl +shift +j -j -shift -ctrl" would work
# TODO: [Automate it]
# For KDE:
# - In System Settings > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts > Edit > New > Global Shortcut > Command/URL
# |Comment| |Trigger| |Action|
# wacom-next-display Ctrl+Shift+J wacom-next-display
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen stylus" MapToOutput HEAD-0
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen cursor" MapToOutput HEAD-0
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen eraser" MapToOutput HEAD-0
# Stylus settings
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen stylus' Suppress 2 # set minimal difference between coordinates that allows
# to registers input
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen stylus' Button 2 "button +3 -3" # button closest to a tip: set to right click
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pen stylus' Button 3 "key +ctrl +z -z -ctrl" # next button: set to Undo
# Express keys located on the tablet itself: from top to bottom (Button 1 is the button inside touch ring)
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 2 "key key +ctrl +shift +j -j -shift -ctrl" # Toggle between displays
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 3 "key +tab -tab" # Canvas only mode
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 3 "key +tab" # Transform tool
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 8 "key +space" # Pan canvas
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 9 "key +ctrl +space" # Relative zoom tool (use pen for smooth scrolling)
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' AbsWheelDown "key ] ]" # Increase brush size (double ] ] for increased sensitivity
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 1 "key +e -e" # Eraser mode
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' AbsWheelUp "key [ [" # Decrease brush size
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 10 "key +ctrl" # Color picker
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 11 "key +ctrl +z -z -ctrl" # Undo
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 12 "key /" # Switch between tools
xsetwacom set 'Wacom Intuos Pro L Pad pad' Button 13 "key +shift +del -del -shift +insert -insert " # remove current layer
# and immediately
# replace it with
# new one
# Finds xinput device responsible for touch input and disables it alltogether
# - remove following line if you want to keep touchpad functionality (but don't forget to configure synaptics over udev
# and adjust /lib/udev/rules.d/69-wacom.rules if your system uses sysvinit over systemd )
xinput disable `xinput | grep Wacom\ Intuos\ Pro\ L\ Finger | awk -Fid= '{sub(/\s.*/, "", $2); print $2}'`
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Plotist commented Apr 20, 2021

Wacom Intuos Pro L button input mappings reference for xsetwacom

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