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Last active September 6, 2024 11:46
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Github copilot CLI - direct command execution
# used to make github copilot cli directly suggest you the command for fast execution
# usage "ghc please tell me how to get the status of a git repo"
# output
# Recommended command: git status
# Do you want to execute this command? [Y/n]:
# Executing: git status
# On branch main
# ...
# you may wanna adjust the timeout_value in line 20 to speed things up or slow down the process in case github copilot is to slow suggesting a command
# When this value is choosen too low, github copilots suggestion may not be ready, too large, you unnecessarily wait for your result
# also you may wanna add this to your ~/.bashrc config
# tested on WSL Ubuntu
function ghc() {
# Start the screen session and run the gh copilot suggest command
screen -dmS ghcopilot bash -c "timeout $timeout_value script -q -c 'gh copilot suggest -t shell --shell-out $commands' $tmpfile"
# Wait for the screen session to finish
while screen -list | grep -q "ghcopilot"; do
sleep 1 # Check every second if the session is still running
# Now read the output from the temporary file
suggestion_output=$(cat "$tmpfile")
# Clean up the temporary file
rm "$tmpfile"
# Strip ANSI escape sequences from the output
clean_output=$(echo "$suggestion_output" | sed -r 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g')
# Use regex to extract the command from the clean output and trim any leading/trailing spaces/newlines
recommended_command=$(echo "$clean_output" | sed -n '/Suggestion:/,/Select an option/p' | grep -oP '(?<=^ ).*' | tr -d '\n' | xargs)
# Output the captured suggestion
if [ -n "$recommended_command" ]; then
echo "Recommended command: $recommended_command"
# Prompt the user to execute the command
read -p "Do you want to execute this command? [Y/n]: " -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then
echo "Command not executed."
# Execute the command if the user agrees (default is Yes)
echo "Executing: $recommended_command"
eval "$recommended_command"
echo "No recommendation was found or the command timed out."
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3 seconds is the sweet spot for the timeout for me

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