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Last active November 5, 2021 01:42
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import math
# TMI Startup Calculator
# (c)2019 Erik van der Pluijm, TMI
# all times in months
# some variables to work with - change these for outcomes
start_users = 100
price_month = 10.0
churn_year = 0.25
churn_month = churn_year/12
growth_year = 0.5
growth_month = growth_year/12
# assuming the following funnel: Ad impressions > Ad clicks > Landing Page > Signup > Pay
# Conversion rates between stages (change these for effect):
c_adimpr_adclicks = 0.02
c_adclicks_lp = 0.05
c_lp_signup = 0.05
c_signup_pay = 0.9
# advertising cost per click
cpc = 0.5
# calculate the number of users churned at time = t
def n_churn(start_users, churn, t):
return start_users * math.exp(math.log(churn) * t)
# calculate the number of users at time = t
def n_users(start_users, growth, churn, t):
return start_users * math.exp(math.log(1+growth-churn) * t)
# calculate the number of 'new' users that were added to counter churn and realise growth at time = t
def n_new(start_users, growth, churn, t):
users = n_users(start_users, growth, churn, t)
oldusers = n_users(start_users, growth, churn, t-1)
return users - oldusers + n_churn(oldusers, churn, 1)
# calculate how many people to reach for a certain number of users
def audience_size(users):
return users / c_adimpr_adclicks / c_adclicks_lp / c_lp_signup / c_signup_pay
# the average number of months customers stay
t_halflife = math.log(2) / churn_month
# customer lifetime value
cltv = t_halflife * price_month
cac = 1 / (c_adclicks_lp * c_lp_signup * c_signup_pay) * cpc
print("Starting Users", start_users)
print("Yearly churn", churn_year * 100, "% Yearly growth", growth_year * 100,"%")
print("The average user is member for", t_halflife, "months")
print("CAC",cac, "CLTV", cltv, "CLTV/CAC", cltv/cac)
# run for 2 years (24 months)
for i in range(1,25):
users = n_users(start_users, growth_month, churn_month, i)
churn = n_churn(users, churn_month, 1)
new = n_new(start_users, growth_month, churn_month, i)
audience = audience_size(new)
cost = audience * cpc * c_adimpr_adclicks # only pay for part of audience that clicks!
print("Month", i)
print("Churning customers",churn)
print("Audience required",audience)
print("Cost of getting new customers",cost)
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