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Last active July 8, 2022 09:16
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UIButton subclass with per-state custom values like background and image colors, extendable with whatever value you want to update
class Button: UIButton {
private class Subview: UIView {
// Never allow isUserInteractionEnabled in any button subview
override var isUserInteractionEnabled: Bool {
get { false }
set { super.isUserInteractionEnabled = false }
// Creating custom classes for each subview for inspection purposes
private class BackgroundView: Subview { }
private class ShadowView: Subview { }
var animatesStateChanges: Bool = false
private(set) lazy var backgroundView: UIView = BackgroundView(frame: bounds)
private(set) lazy var shadowView: UIView = ShadowView(frame: bounds)
private var originalTintColor: UIColor!
private var stateValueContainers: [PartialKeyPath<Button> : AnyStateValueContainer] = [:]
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
originalTintColor = tintColor
insertSubview(backgroundView, at: 0)
insertSubview(shadowView, belowSubview: backgroundView)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
// MARK: - Updating apperance
extension Button {
override var isHighlighted: Bool { didSet {
updateAppearance(animated: animatesStateChanges)
override var isEnabled: Bool { didSet {
override var isSelected: Bool { didSet {
updateAppearance(animated: animatesStateChanges)
func updateAppearance(animated: Bool = false) {
let updates = {
// All self-animating value containers or all updates when non animated
.filter { !$1.animatesUpdate || !animated }
.forEach { keyPath, container in
container.update(object: self, for: self.state, using: keyPath)
if animated {
withDuration: 0.25, delay: 0,
options: [.beginFromCurrentState, .allowUserInteraction],
timingFunction: .quintOut,
animations: updates)
// Let all self-animating value containers animate
.filter { $1.animatesUpdate }
.forEach { keyPath, container in
container.update(object: self, for: self.state, using: keyPath)
} else {
UIView.performWithoutAnimation {
// Disable all self-animating value container animations
// MARK: - View hierarchy consistency
extension Button {
override func layoutSubviews() {
// Make sure shadowView and backgroundView are always in the back
[shadowView, backgroundView]
.forEach { index, view in
if view.superview?.subviews.firstIndex(of: view) != index {
view.frame = bounds
insertSubview(view, at: index)
} else {
view.frame = bounds
// MARK: - StateValueContainer getting and setting
extension Button {
func stateValueContainer<Value>(for keyPath: KeyPath<Button, Value>) -> StateValueContainer<Value> {
if let key = stateValueContainers.keys.first(where: { $0 == keyPath }),
let container = stateValueContainers[key]?.base as? StateValueContainer<Value> {
return container
let container = StateValueContainer<Value>()
stateValueContainers[keyPath as PartialKeyPath] = AnyStateValueContainer(container)
return container
func setValue<Value: Equatable>(_ value: Optional<Value>, for keyPath: KeyPath<Button, Value>, state: State) -> StateValueContainer<Value> {
let container = stateValueContainer(for: keyPath)
container.set(value, for: state)
container.update(object: self, for: self.state, using: keyPath)
return container
func value<Value: Equatable>(for keyPath: KeyPath<Button, Value>, state: State) -> Value? {
stateValueContainer(for: keyPath).value(for: state)
func value<Value: Equatable>(for keyPath: KeyPath<Button, Optional<Value>>, state: UIButton.State) -> Value? {
stateValueContainer(for: keyPath).value(for: state) as? Value
func processedValue<Value: Equatable>(for keyPath: KeyPath<Button, Value>, state: State, defaultValue: Value) -> (usedState: State, value: Value)? {
stateValueContainer(for: keyPath).processedValue(for: state, defaultValue: defaultValue)
func processedValue<Value: Equatable>(for keyPath: KeyPath<Button, Optional<Value>>, state: State, defaultValue: Value? = nil) -> (usedState: State, value: Value?)? {
stateValueContainer(for: keyPath).processedValue(for: state, defaultValue: defaultValue)
// MARK: - Background color
extension Button {
func setBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor?, for state: State) {
setValue(color, for: \.backgroundView.backgroundColor, state: state)
func backgroundColor(for state: State) -> UIColor? {
value(for: \.backgroundView.backgroundColor, state: state)
// MARK: - Image color
extension Button {
override func setImage(_ image: UIImage?, for state: UIControl.State) {
if image?.renderingMode != .alwaysTemplate, imageColor(for: state) != nil {
super.setImage(image?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: state)
super.setImage(image, for: state)
func setImageColor(_ color: UIColor?, for state: State) {
if let image = image(for: state) {
setImage(image.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: state)
if color != nil {
adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = false
adjustsImageWhenDisabled = false
setValue(color, for: \.imageView?.tintColor, state: state)
.onUpdate { [unowned self] state, container in
self.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = !container.isEmpty
self.adjustsImageWhenDisabled = !container.isEmpty
if let result = container.processedValue(for: state, defaultValue: self.originalTintColor) {
imageView?.tintColor = result.value
func imageColor(for state: State) -> UIColor? {
value(for: \.imageView?.tintColor, state: state)
// MARK: - Border color
extension Button {
func setBorderColor(_ color: UIColor?, for state: State) {
setValue(color?.cgColor, for: \.backgroundView.layer.borderColor, state: state)
func borderColor(for state: State) -> UIColor? {
value(for: \.backgroundView.layer.borderColor, state: state).map { UIColor(cgColor: $0) }
import UIKit
extension UIControl.State: Hashable { }
protocol StateValueContainable {
var animatesUpdate: Bool { get }
func update<Object: AnyObject>(object: Object, for state: UIButton.State, using keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Object>)
struct AnyStateValueContainer: StateValueContainable {
let base: Any
init<Container>(_ wrapped: Container) where Container: StateValueContainable {
base = wrapped
var animatesUpdate: Bool {
(base as? StateValueContainable)?.animatesUpdate == true
func update<Object: AnyObject>(object: Object, for state: UIButton.State, using keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Object>) {
guard let container = base as? StateValueContainable else {
container.update(object: object, for: state, using: keyPath)
/// Handles storing and retrieving values linked to button states
/// This allows for adding specific values to a UIButton linked
/// to any (combo of) button state, like fonts and colors
final class StateValueContainer<Value: Equatable>: StateValueContainable {
private(set) var animatesUpdate: Bool = false
private var storage = [UIButton.State: Value]()
private var updater: ((UIButton.State, StateValueContainer<Value>) -> Void)?
subscript(state: UIButton.State) -> Value? {
get {
return value(for: state)
set {
set(newValue, for: state)
/// Sets the value for the given state, removes it if `nil`
func set(_ value: Value?, for state: UIButton.State) {
guard let value = value else {
storage.removeValue(forKey: state)
storage[state] = value
/// Returns the value if available
func value(for state: UIButton.State) -> Value? {
/// Whether any values have been stored
var isEmpty: Bool {
return storage.isEmpty
/// To closely approximate `UIButton`'s default behavior of using the normal state as a fallback state
/// and only use a default (or nil) value when there is no value set for the normal state, use this method
/// when you need to update a specific value in your view
/// - This method will return nil when there's no values set, as to not override any view properties
/// set outside of the set/get methods.
/// - Will either use the value for the state given or the value set for the `.normal` state
/// - Only returns `defaultValue` when the requested state is `.normal`, otherwise the view's
/// properties should not be changed
/// - Parameters:
/// - state: Control state to request the value for
/// - defaultValue: Value to use when no value available for the given state or `.normal` state
/// - Returns: Tuple with the used state and the value to set for the value
func processedValue(for state: UIButton.State, defaultValue: Value? = nil) -> (usedState: UIButton.State, value: Value?)? {
guard !isEmpty else {
return nil
var result = (usedState: state, value: nil as Value?)
if let value = value(for: state) {
result.value = value
} else if state == .normal || value(for: .normal) != nil {
result.usedState = .normal
result.value = value(for: .normal) ?? defaultValue
return result
/// To closely approximate `UIButton`'s default behavior of using the normal state as a fallback state
/// and only use a default (or nil) value when there is no value set for the normal state, use this method
/// when you need to update a specific value in your view
/// - This method will return nil when there's no values set, as to not override any view properties
/// set outside of the set/get methods.
/// - Will either use the value for the state given or the value set for the `.normal` state
/// - Only returns `defaultValue` when the requested state is `.normal`, otherwise the view's
/// properties should not be changed
/// - Note: `defaultValue` is not optional in this method to make sure to always get a value in the
/// `.normal` state
/// - Parameters:
/// - state: Control state to request the value for
/// - defaultValue: Value to use when no value available for the given state or `.normal` state
/// - Returns: Tuple with the used state and the value to set for the value
func processedValue(for state: UIButton.State, defaultValue: Value) -> (usedState: UIButton.State, value: Value)? {
guard let result = processedValue(for: state, defaultValue: Optional(defaultValue)) as? (UIButton.State, Value) else {
return nil
return result
func update<Object: AnyObject>(object: Object, for state: UIButton.State, using keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Object>) {
if let updater = updater {
updater(state, self)
if let keyPath = keyPath as? ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Object, Value> {
if let value = processedValue(for: state)?.value {
object[keyPath: keyPath] = value
} else if let keyPath = keyPath as? ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Object, Optional<Value>> {
if let result = processedValue(for: state) {
object[keyPath: keyPath] = result.value
extension StateValueContainer {
func onUpdate(_ handler: @escaping (UIButton.State, StateValueContainer<Value>) -> Void) -> Self {
updater = handler
return self
func animatesUpdate(_ animates: Bool = true) -> Self {
animatesUpdate = true
return self
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