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Last active January 31, 2019 11:39
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A simple, well-documented implementation of the RSA asymmetric crypto scheme.
A simple, well-documented implementation of the RSA asymmetric crypto scheme.
Uses fixed initialization primes and only supports 32-bit numbers.
This file is in the public domain.
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace RSA
class Program
// Not crypto-secure! Don't use this algorithm (or .NET Random in general) for real-world applications!
private static Random rand = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
const int count = 1000;
var correct = 0;
// Iterate count times, print results, and check for correctness
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// Generate keys
(var sk, var pk, var N) = Gen();
Console.WriteLine($"Gen() = (sk={sk}, pk={pk}, N={N})");
// Generate random message
var m = rand.Next(2, N);
Console.WriteLine($"m = {m}");
// Encrypt
var c = Enc(m, pk, N);
Console.WriteLine($"Enc(m) = c = {c}");
// Decrypt
var m2 = Dec(c, sk, N);
Console.WriteLine($"Dec(c) = {m2}");
// Check for errors
if (m == m2)
Console.WriteLine("Correct, Dec(Enc(m)) = m");
Console.WriteLine("Wrong, m != Dec(c). Press any key to continue...");
// Tell the user if the algorithm worked
Console.WriteLine($"Correct: {correct} of {count}");
// Generate an RSA tuple consisting of a secret key sk, a public key pk, and a modulus N
private static (int sk, int pk, int N) Gen()
var p = 89; // Prime
var q = 181; // Prime
var N = p * q; // Modulus
// φ(N) = φ(pq) = φ(p)*φ(q)
var phiN = PhiForPrimes(p, q);
// Exponent = private key; must be smaller than and coprime φ(N) for the euclidian alg. below to work
var e = RandomNextCoprime(2, phiN, phiN);
// e^(-1), to satisfy (m^e)^d = m
(_, var sk, _) = ExtendedEuclidian(e, phiN);
// Make sure sk is not negative
// Note, that a^b mod m is equal to a^((k*m)+b) mod m for all integer k
while (sk < 0)
sk += phiN;
return (sk, e, N);
// Calculate euler-phi (number of integers k coprime to N with 0<k<N and N=p*q)
// This uses a shortcut only available if p and q are prime
// (Note, that this shortcut is what makes this function useful for RSA in the first place)
private static int PhiForPrimes(int p, int q) => (p - 1) * (q - 1);
// Generate a random number and ensure it is coprime to n
private static int RandomNextCoprime(int min, int max, int n)
int retval, gcd;
// Sample-and-retry is fine,
// see
retval = rand.Next(min, max);
(gcd, _, _) = ExtendedEuclidian(retval, n);
} while (gcd != 1); // Retry until number coprime n is found
return retval;
// Extended euclidian algorithm
private static (int gcd, int s, int t) ExtendedEuclidian(int a, int b)
// Must satisfy b >= a
if (b < a)
(a, b) = (b, a);
// Extended euclidian algorithm
var s_prev = 0; // s for a
var s = 1;
var t_prev = 1; // t for b
var t = 0;
while (true)
// N = a*q+r
var q = b / a; // Quotient
var r = b % a; // Remainder
// Next step ("shift numbers left and down", if working with pen and paper)
(a, b) = (r, a);
// Terminate
if (a == 0)
// Forward pass for extended algorithm
// s_new = s_prev - s*q (and similar for t)
(s, s_prev) = (s_prev - s * q, s);
(t, t_prev) = (t_prev - t * q, t);
// b == gcd(a, b) == a*s + b*t
return (b, s, t);
// Encrypt a value given a secret key and a modulus
private static int Enc(int m, int pk, int N)
return FastPowN(m, pk, N);
// Decrypt a value given a secret key and a modulus
private static int Dec(int c, int sk, int N)
return FastPowN(c, sk, N);
// Split number into powers of two and multiply each power seperately, doubling for each step
// This allows constant time calculation of any power (modulo n)
private static int FastPowN(int x, int exp, int n)
var nbits = new BitArray(new[] { exp });
var t = 1L; // Long, to avoid over-/underflow on intermediate calculation value below
// Iterate to 32 (bitsize of an integer)
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
t = ((t * t) * (nbits[nbits.Length - i - 1] ? x : 1))%n;
// Casting is safe, since last operation is mod n, and n is int
return (int)t;
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