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Last active December 8, 2022 18:03
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Energia Raymarch shader (for VRChat avatars)
Shader "Custom/Energia v2 Toon Cutout" // VRChat fallback is "Toon Cutout", fully transparent
// for fallback only
_MainTex ("[Fallback Only] Texture", 2D) = "transparent" {}
_Color ("[Fallback Only] Color", Color) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
_Cutoff ("[Fallback Only] Alpha Cutoff", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0
// animateable
_EnergiaEnabled ("Enabled", Float) = 0
_EnergiaObjType1 ("Object Type 1", Float) = 0
_EnergiaObjType2 ("Object Type 2", Float) = 0
_EnergiaObjTypeLerp ("Object Type Lerp", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0
// Note for use: Every object using this shader has to have a *unique* scale!
// Also, to ensure consistency, make sure x, y and z scale are always equal.
Tags {
"Queue" = "Transparent+613" // we have to be alone in our queue for instancing!
"RenderType" = "Opaque"
"ForceNoShadowCasting" = "True"
"IgnoreProjector" = "True"
ZWrite Off
ZTest LEqual
Cull Front // render on backfaces of cube to avoid disappearing when inside it
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 5.0
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#pragma instancing_options nolightprobe
#pragma instancing_options nolightmap
#pragma instancing_options nolodfade
// keep in sync with ELEMS:
#pragma instancing_options maxcount:8
#pragma instancing_options forcemaxcount:8
/* #pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols */
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityInstancing.cginc"
// From:
#include "Matrix.cginc"
// From:
#include "Quaternion.cginc"
#define ELEMS 8
#define MAX_STEPS 24
#define EPSILON 0.0018f
// these parameters are available to animate per instance
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f {
float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
float4 screenPos : TEXCOORD0;
float4 ray : TEXCOORD1;
uint localIndex : TEXCOORD2;
// transfer unchanging data from vert to frag:
// 0: world position (w=scale)
// 1: rotation quaternion
// 2: x=type1 y=type2 z=lerp w=disabled (when 0)
float4 elems0[ELEMS] : TEXCOORD3;
half4 elems1[ELEMS] : TEXCOORD11;
half4 elems2[ELEMS] : TEXCOORD19;
struct f2s {
float depth : SV_Depth;
float4 color : SV_Target;
// these are used to access vertex output data in the fragment shader,
// since we want to access the v2f struct directly, to avoid copying data (and
// further array writes, since these are very poorly supported and heavy it seems)
#define EL_CENTER(input, idx) input.elems0[idx].xyz
#define EL_SCALE(input, idx) input.elems0[idx].w
#define EL_QUATERNION(input, idx) input.elems1[idx]
#define EL_OBJ_TYPE_1(input, idx) input.elems2[idx].x
#define EL_OBJ_TYPE_2(input, idx) input.elems2[idx].y
#define EL_OBJ_TYPE_LERP(input, idx) input.elems2[idx].z
#define EL_DISABLED(input, idx) (input.elems2[idx].w < 0.5f)
float3 get_camera_pos() {
float3 worldCam;
worldCam.x = unity_CameraToWorld[0][3];
worldCam.y = unity_CameraToWorld[1][3];
worldCam.z = unity_CameraToWorld[2][3];
return worldCam;
// _WorldSpaceCameraPos is broken in VR (single pass stereo)
static float3 camera_pos = get_camera_pos();
// detects VRChat mirror cameras
static bool isInMirror = UNITY_MATRIX_P._31 != 0 || UNITY_MATRIX_P._32 != 0;
void set_o(inout v2f o, uint i, float3 pos, float scale, float4 rotation) {
// set data for our pixel shader to consume
// I couldn't get matrix-parameters to work correctly, so here's a simpler way:
// three elemsX arrays with manual assignment - see the #defines above for layout
o.elems0[i].xyz = pos;
o.elems0[i].w = scale;
o.elems1[i] = q_inverse(rotation);
o.elems2[i].x = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _EnergiaObjType1);
o.elems2[i].y = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _EnergiaObjType2);
o.elems2[i].z = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _EnergiaObjTypeLerp);
o.elems2[i].w = 1;
v2f vert(appdata v) {
v2f o;
// start out with everything at 0, including all arrays;
// this is necessary because set_o might not be called for all indices
// up to ELEMS, and thus we'd have uninitialized outputs
uint local_id = unity_InstanceID;
if (local_id >= ELEMS) {
// discard
o.clipPos = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
o.clipPos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.screenPos = ComputeNonStereoScreenPos(o.clipPos);
float4 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex); = -;
o.ray.w = o.clipPos.w;
float4 local_worldCenter = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float4 rotation;
float3 unused_position;
float3 scale3;
decompose(unity_ObjectToWorld, unused_position, rotation, scale3);
float local_uuid = min(scale3.x, min(scale3.y, scale3.z));
uint assigned = 0;
// we use the bits of this uint as a sort of bloom filter to determine which
// uuid's we've already encountered
uint seen = 0;
// the idea here is that Unity sets parameters for all instances at the same time,
// so by "pretending" to be a different instance, we can access their data
[unroll] // array access means we can't [loop]
for (uint i = 0; i < ELEMS; i++) {
// start out disabled
o.elems0[i] = 0;
o.elems1[i] = 0;
o.elems2[i] = 0;
v.instanceID = i;
// unity_ObjectToWorld is now the o2w matrix of instance i
decompose(unity_ObjectToWorld, unused_position, rotation, scale3);
float scale = min(scale3.x, min(scale3.y, scale3.z));
float4 position = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float enabled = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _EnergiaEnabled) > 0.001f;
bool pos_is_diff = distance(position, local_worldCenter) > 0.001f;
bool is_not_000 = distance(position, float3(0, 0, 0)) > 0.001f;
bool uuid_is_diff = distance(scale, local_uuid) > 0.001f;
uint uuid_bits = asuint(scale);
bool stale = (seen & uuid_bits) == uuid_bits;
bool valid_uuid = (!stale && uuid_is_diff);
if (enabled && is_not_000 && // always ignore if its at (0, 0, 0) or disabled
(i == local_id || // otherwise always accept if this is the current local instance
(pos_is_diff && valid_uuid))) // or if we're sure it's a different one, and is valid
// needs a switch because of array write, compiler be dumb
#define C(x) case x: { set_o(o, x, position, scale, rotation); break; }
switch (assigned) {
C(0) C(1) C(2) C(3)
C(4) C(5) C(6) C(7)
if (i == local_id) {
o.localIndex = assigned;
seen |= uuid_bits;
// just to be safe, set id back and only transfer now
v.instanceID = local_id;
return o;
o.clipPos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
* all of these based on:
float sdf_sphere(float3 pos, float3 center, float radius) {
return length(center - pos) - radius;
float sdf_box(float3 pos, float3 center, float s)
float3 q = abs(center - pos) - float3(s, s, s);
return length(max(q, 0.0)) + min(max(q.x, max(q.y, q.z)), 0.0);
float sdf_octahedron(float3 pos, float3 center, float s)
float3 p = abs(pos - center);
return (p.x+p.y+p.z-s)*0.57735027f;
float sdf_bounding_box(float3 pos, float3 center, float s)
static const float e = 0.004f;
float3 p = center - pos;
p = abs(p)-float3(s, s, s);
float3 q = abs(p+e)-e;
return min(min(
float sdf_for_effect(uint eff, float3 pos, float3 center, float scale) {
switch (eff) {
case 0:
return sdf_sphere(pos, center, 0.26f * scale);
case 1:
return sdf_octahedron(pos, center, 0.26f * scale);
case 2:
return sdf_box(pos, center, 0.24f * scale);
case 3:
return sdf_bounding_box(pos, center, 0.24f * scale);
// a default is not necessary, the compiler is clever enough to figure
// out that 'eff' will always be one of these values
// I really can't decide if the compiler is too *smart* or too *dumb* for me
// default:
// return 999999;
float sminCubic(float a, float b, float k) {
float h = max(k - abs(a - b), 0.0f) / k;
return min(a, b) - h * h * h * k * (1.0f / 6.0f);
float3 rotate(float3 pos, float3 center, float4 rot) {
// rotate around center point, note that quaternion is already
// inverted by vertex shader, as we rotate the sample point,
// not the actual object
pos = rotate_vector(pos - center, rot) + center;
return pos;
float sdf_effect_selector(float3 pos, v2f i, uint idx) {
// 4 types in total, so do 'mod 4'
uint eff1 = (uint)(EL_OBJ_TYPE_1(i, idx) + 0.1f) & 0x3;
uint eff2 = (uint)(EL_OBJ_TYPE_2(i, idx) + 0.1f) & 0x3;
float eff = eff1 == eff2 ? 0 : EL_OBJ_TYPE_LERP(i, idx);
float3 center = EL_CENTER(i, idx);
float scale = EL_SCALE(i, idx);
// lerp between SDF variants based on instance parameters
float ret1 = eff > 1 - EPSILON*0.1f ? 0 :
sdf_for_effect(eff1, pos, center, scale);
float ret2 = eff < EPSILON*0.1f ? ret1 :
sdf_for_effect(eff2, pos, center, scale);
return lerp(ret1, ret2, eff);
// this is the main sdf entry point, i.e. this defines the scene
float2 sdf(float3 pos, v2f i) {
float res = 999999;
float tag = -1;
float tagDist = 999999;
for (uint j = 0; j < ELEMS; j++) {
// we can return as soon as we find a disabled elem, since our vertex
// shader is smart enough to put all enabled ones at the front
// THIS IS IMPORTANT! A 'continue' here KILLS performance!
if (EL_DISABLED(i, j)) return float2(res, tag);
float3 tpos = rotate(pos, EL_CENTER(i, j), EL_QUATERNION(i, j));
float ires = sdf_effect_selector(tpos, i, j);
res = sminCubic(res, ires, 0.1);
// closest object by distance is what we'll hit, if our caller deems
// this a hit at all - return that as 'tag' value
if (ires < tagDist) {
tag = j;
tagDist = ires;
return float2(res, tag);
// do an actual raymarch until we hit something or miss entirely,
// this is where most performance is used
float3 raymarch(float3 start, float3 dir, v2f i, float screenDist, float farPlane) {
float3 cur = start;
float dist = _ProjectionParams.y;
float lastDist = 999999;
float travelled = 0;
farPlane = min(farPlane, _ProjectionParams.z * 0.5f);
// "foveated" rendering:
// increase EPSILON as we get closer to the edge of the screen
float epsMod = saturate((1 - screenDist) + 0.10f);
float eps = EPSILON / epsMod;
for (uint j; j < MAX_STEPS; j++) {
cur += dir * dist;
travelled += dist;
float2 res = sdf(cur, i);
dist = res.x;
if (dist < eps) {
// hit, return distance to hit and 'tag':
// res.y (tag) defines which object instance we hit, approximately anyway
return float3(0, travelled, res.y);
} else if (travelled > farPlane ||
(dist > 0.5f && dist > lastDist * 1.988)) // *
// miss
return float3(1, 0, 0);
// * this optimization is not mathematically sound for non-convex shapes,
// it would only be if the second parameter where 2.0f, but alas, it
// produces very minimal artifacts and increases performance ~2-fold
lastDist = dist;
// overrun, miss
return float3(2, 0, 0);
// normal estimation, 4 extra sdf calls per hit - gives us nicer 'shading'
float3 estimateNormal(float3 pos, v2f i) {
float f = sdf(pos, i);
return normalize(float3(
sdf(pos + float3(EPSILON, 0, 0), i).x - f,
sdf(pos + float3(0, EPSILON, 0), i).x - f,
sdf(pos + float3(0, 0, EPSILON), i).x - f
// actual ray tracing, heck
float3 planeIntersect(float3 rayStart, float3 ray, float3 pos, float3 norm) {
float3 diff = rayStart - pos;
float3 prod1 = dot(diff, norm);
float3 prod2 = dot(ray, norm);
float3 prod3 = prod1 / prod2;
return rayStart - ray * prod3;
float3 hue_to_rgb(float H)
// inverted colors in mirror, because we can
if (isInMirror) {
H = 1 - H;
float R = abs(H * 6 - 3) - 1;
float G = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 2);
float B = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 4);
return saturate(float3(R,G,B));
// maybe for later use sometime?
/* float rand(in float2 uv) */
/* { */
/* float2 noise = (frac(sin(dot(uv ,float2(12.9898,78.233)*2.0)) * 43758.5453)); */
/* return abs(noise.x + noise.y) * 0.5; */
/* } */
f2s frag(v2f i)
f2s ret;
ret.color = ret.depth = 1;
ret.color = float4(1, 0, 0, 1);
return ret;
uint idx = i.localIndex;
// calculate view ray from interpolated vertex ray
float3 rayStart = camera_pos;
float3 rayDir = normalize(( / i.ray.w).xyz);
float min_dist = 999999;
uint min_dist_idx = idx;
float far_plane = 0;
float camera_normal = normalize(UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz);
for (uint j = 0; j < ELEMS; j++) {
if (EL_DISABLED(i, j)) break;
// avoid double drawing if ray would go through multiple boxes
float3 center = EL_CENTER(i, j);
float3 intersect = planeIntersect(
rayDir * 100000,
float inter_dist = distance(center, intersect);
if (inter_dist < min_dist)
min_dist = inter_dist;
min_dist_idx = j;
float cam_dist = distance(center, rayStart);
if (cam_dist > far_plane) {
far_plane = cam_dist;
if (min_dist_idx != idx) {
// the important part here is that for each pixel on the screen
// always *zero or one* (but exactly *one* if hit) instances
// of this frag shader will go pass this point
// used to debug the above:
/* ret.color = float4( */
/* unity_InstanceID == 0 ? 1 : 0, */
/* unity_InstanceID == 1 ? 1 : 0, */
/* unity_InstanceID == 2 ? 1 : 0, */
/* 0.4 */
/* ); */
/* return ret; */
// now do the actual SDF raymarch, aka. the cool part
far_plane += EL_SCALE(i, idx);
float screenDist = distance(i.screenPos.xy/i.screenPos.w, float2(0.5f, 0.5f));
float3 raymarchResult = raymarch(rayStart, rayDir, i, screenDist, far_plane);
float miss = raymarchResult.x;
if (miss) {
// calculate world-space position of our hit result
float dist = raymarchResult.y;
float3 hitPos = rayStart + rayDir * dist;
float3 hitObjCenter = EL_CENTER(i, (uint)(raymarchResult.z + EPSILON*2));
float colorOffset = distance(hitPos, hitObjCenter) * 2.0f;
// foveated normal calculation: fade out towards edges, save sdf() calls
float normalIntensity = screenDist < 0.20f ? 1 :
(screenDist > 0.40f ? 0 : 1 - (screenDist - 0.20f) * 6);
float3 normal = normalIntensity < EPSILON ? float3(0, 0, 0) :
lerp(float3(0, 0, 0), estimateNormal(hitPos, i), normalIntensity);
float angle = acos(dot(normal, rayDir));
// calculate shading/color based on _Time and object normals
float edgeLightAdd = 1 - saturate(angle/PI + 0.25f);
float3 rgb = hue_to_rgb(frac(_Time.x + colorOffset));
ret.color = float4(rgb, 0.7);
ret.color.rgb += edgeLightAdd;
// make transparent - this works because of our double-draw-avoidance above
ret.color.a = lerp(ret.color.a, 1, saturate(angle - PI + 0.70));
// and finally, calculate the depth of our hit in clip-space, to make
// object intersection work
float4 depthPos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(hitPos, 1));
ret.depth = depthPos.z / depthPos.w;
return ret;
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