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Last active February 17, 2023 11:16
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Configure observability at smals
// configure with spring
public class MetricsContractConfiguration {
public MetricContractManager sepiaMetricContractManager(MetricContractManager metricContractManager) {
metricContractManager.addContract("dss_signature_sign", "docType", "signType", "responseCode", "errorType", "callOrigin", "enterpriseNumber", "signProfile");
return metricContractManager;
public MetricsService metricsService(@Autowired BusinessMetricManager businessMetricManager) {
return new MetricsServiceAdapter("dss_signature_sign", businessMetricManager);
// configure the metrics
metricContractManager.addContract("dss_signature_sign", "docType", "signType", "responseCode", "errorType", "callOrigin", "enterpriseNumber", "signProfile");
// add a new value to a metric
businessMetricManager.addTagToRecordingMetric(metricName, tag, value);
// capture the metrics
@Observe(name = "dss_signature_sign", isEmitProcessingTimeMetric = true, isStopObserveWhenException = false)
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