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ralexandr /
Last active May 30, 2024 09:10
Installing nvm on Alpine Linux

Installing nvm on Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux, unlike mainstream/traditional Linux distributions, is based on BusyBox, a very compact (~5MB) Linux distribution. BusyBox (and thus Alpine Linux) uses a different C/C++ stack to most mainstream/traditional Linux distributions - musl. There currently is no musl based binary published in the nodejs official builds but they do publish a musl based binary in the nodejs unofficial builds which they use in the node:alpine docker image. The node:alpine docker image is a potential alternative to nvm for using node on alpine linux.

For now you can override the nvm_get_arch function to return x64-musl on x64 Alpine Distributions. Currently the Node project only has unofficial builds for x64-musl. Sorry no ARM-musl/x86-musl,etc builds for now. The N

Ketrel / relBase.html
Last active June 2, 2024 21:25
Relative url base for jekyll
{% assign relBase = '' %}
{% assign tempDepth = page.url | append: 'hackish-solution' | split: '/' | size | minus: 2 %}
{% for i in (1..tempDepth) %}
{% assign relBase = relBase | append: "../" %}
{% endfor %}
{% if relBase == '' %}
{% assign relBase = './' %}
{% endif %}
shahariaazam / Slim_RoutesTest.php
Last active August 26, 2016 06:49
Slim Test class
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Slim\Environment;
class RoutesTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
jonathandixon /
Last active January 5, 2021 22:00
Using Grunt with a Cordova 3 project.

Grunt and Cordova 3

The advantages of using Grunt with Cordova:

  1. It simplifies working with the cordova cli.
  2. It provides a mechanism to copy platform customization to the platforms directory without having to commit the generated plugins and platforms directories to version control.
  3. It provides a way to watch resources and automatically run cordova commands.

Stack Overflow: .gitignore for PhoneGap/Cordova 3.0 projects - what should I commit?

ck-on / ocp.php
Last active September 5, 2024 01:35
OCP - Opcache Control Panel (aka Zend Optimizer+ Control Panel for PHP)#ocp #php #opcache #opcode #cache #zend #optimizerplus #optimizer+
OCP - Opcache Control Panel (aka Zend Optimizer+ Control Panel for PHP)
Author: _ck_ (with contributions by GK, stasilok)
Version: 0.1.7
Free for any kind of use or modification, I am not responsible for anything, please share your improvements
* revision history
0.1.7 2015-09-01 regex fix for PHP7 phpinfo
0.1.6 2013-04-12 moved meta to footer so graphs can be higher and reduce clutter
jaydeepw /
Last active October 5, 2023 11:39
Enabling HTML5 AppCache in Android Webview programatically.
private void enableHTML5AppCache() {
// Set cache size to 8 mb by default. should be more than enough
// This next one is crazy. It's the DEFAULT location for your app's cache
// But it didn't work for me without this line
webView.getSettings().setAppCachePath("/data/data/"+ getPackageName() +"/cache");
ssokolow / index.php
Created July 6, 2012 03:39
Basic stub for mod_rewrite-like behaviour using PHP 5.4's development server
// To the extent possible under law, I (Stephan Sokolow) waive all copyright and related or
// neighbouring rights to this code snippet. (Though it'd still be nice if you mention me)
// If we're running under `php -S` with PHP 5.4.0+
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli-server') {
// Replicate the effects of basic "index.php"-hiding mod_rewrite rules
// Tested working under FatFreeFramework 2.0.6 through 2.0.12.
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = str_replace(__DIR__, '', __FILE__);
hsablonniere /
Created May 2, 2012 22:42
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded 4 everyone!!!

scrollIntoViewIfNeeded 4 everyone!!!

This gist provides a simple JavaScript implementation of the non-standard WebKit method scrollIntoViewIfNeeded that can be called on DOM elements.


Just use the code in index.js in your app or website. You can see usage in the test page test.html.

The parent element will only scroll if the element being called is out of the view. The boolean can force the element to be centered in the scrolling area.

roboshoes / touchmouse.js
Created April 13, 2012 10:43
This snippet maps mouse events and touch events onto one single event. This makes it easier in the code since you have to listen to only one event regardles whether it's desktop or mobile.
(function() {
TouchMouseEvent = {
DOWN: "touchmousedown",
UP: "touchmouseup",
MOVE: "touchmousemove"
corydorning / Cross-Browser ::before and ::after pseudo-class polyfill
Last active February 18, 2022 00:24
Cross-Browser ::before and ::after pseudo-class polyfill
/* =============================================================================
CSS Declarations
========================================================================== */
/* ==|== The Standard Way =================================================== */
.foo::before {
/* ...css rules... */