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Created July 14, 2018 14:24
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module moinbounds13
using FinEtools
using FinEtools.MatrixUtilityModule: add_mggt_ut_only!, complete_lt!
using LinearAlgebra: Transpose, mul!
using BenchmarkTools
function add_mggt_ut_only_wo!(Ke::FFltMat, gradN::FFltMat, mult::FFlt)
@assert size(Ke, 1) == size(Ke, 2)
Kedim = size(Ke, 1)
nne, mdim = size(gradN)
mx::FInt = 0
nx::FInt = 0
px::FInt = 0
for nx = 1:Kedim # Do: Ce = Ce + gradN*((Jac*w[j]))*gradN' ;
for px = 1:mdim
for mx = 1:nx # only the upper triangle
Ke[mx, nx] += gradN[mx, px]*(mult)*gradN[nx, px]
return true
function test(N)
println("N = $(N)")
gradN = rand(N, 2)
Ke = fill(0.0, size(gradN, 1), size(gradN, 1))
tlt = @belapsed complete_lt!($Ke)
twi = @belapsed add_mggt_ut_only!($Ke, $gradN, 1.0)
tsn = @belapsed 1.0 * ($gradN*Transpose($gradN))
tmn = @belapsed 1.0 * mul!($Ke, $gradN, Transpose($gradN))
two = @belapsed add_mggt_ut_only_wo!($Ke, $gradN, 1.0)
tsd = @belapsed 1.0 .* ($gradN*Transpose($gradN))
tmd = @belapsed 1.0 .* mul!($Ke, $gradN, Transpose($gradN))
vec([tlt twi tsn tmn two tsd tmd])
using .moinbounds13
using Gaston
set(axis="loglog", plotstyle="linespoints", linewidth=2, pointsize = 1, color = "black", xlabel = "N", ylabel = "Time [microseconds]", grid="on", title = "")
NS = [3, 9, 16, 25, 36, 81, 225, 900]
ts = []
for N in NS
push!(ts, moinbounds13.test(N))
@show ts
f = figure()
# TS = [1.0e6 * t[1] for t in ts] # Time in Microseconds
# plot(NS, TS, legend = "Complete triangle")
TS = [1.0e6 * (t[2] + t[1]) for t in ts] # Time in Microseconds
plot!(NS, TS, legend = "Loops inbounds" )
TS = [1.0e6 * t[3] for t in ts] # Time in Microseconds
plot!(NS, TS, legend = "Matrix mult" )
TS = [1.0e6 * t[4] for t in ts] # Time in Microseconds
plot!(NS, TS, legend = "mul!" )
TS = [1.0e6 * (t[5] + t[1]) for t in ts] # Time in Microseconds
plot!(NS, TS, legend = "Loops NO inbounds" )
TS = [1.0e6 * t[6] for t in ts] # Time in Microseconds
plot!(NS, TS, legend = "Matrix mult w/ dot" )
TS = [1.0e6 * t[7] for t in ts] # Time in Microseconds
plot!(NS, TS, legend = "mul! w/ dot" )
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