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Last active September 8, 2021 20:41
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  • Save Penderis/9545816fd2d3b9e51f55842677a99ee1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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id: 1,
name: "Steel",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00001.png",
value: "0",
type: w.OneHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand, k.RightHand],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
isRetired: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 6,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "One-Handed Sword",
Subtype: "Night Blade",
"Rune Word": "Tir El",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "April 20, 2021 - June 4, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.TIR,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.EL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Made by Men, this blade is common but has minimal downsides."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 5,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.EL,
max: F.TIR,
map: P
perfection: [15, 0]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: "Made by Men, this blade is common but has minimal downsides.",
attributes: [{
id: 1,
min: 16,
max: 20,
description: "{value}% Increased Attack Speed"
}, {
id: 3,
min: 6,
max: 8,
description: "{value}% Less Damage"
}, {
id: 4,
min: 81,
max: 100,
description: "{value} Increased Maximum Rage"
}, {
id: 5,
min: 3,
max: 5,
description: "{value} Increased Elemental Resists"
}, {
id: 7,
min: 3,
max: 5,
description: "{value} Increased Minion Attack Speed"
}, {
id: 8,
value: 3,
description: "{value} Increased Light Radius"
}, {
id: 2,
name: "Fury",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00002.png",
value: "0",
type: w.OneHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.RightHand, k.LeftHand],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
isRetired: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 5,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "One-Handed Sword",
Subtype: "War Sword",
"Rune Word": "Nef Eld Tir El",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "April 25, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.NEF,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ELD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.TIR,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.EL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Not much is known about this sword, other than the creator had gone mad."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 7
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 20,
max: 40
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.BurnEntireHarvest), {}, {
min: 20,
max: 40
perfection: [7, 40, 20]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: "Not much is known about this sword, other than the creator had gone mad.",
attributes: [{
id: 1,
min: 16,
max: 20,
description: "{value}% Increased Lightning Spell Damage"
}, {
id: 3,
min: 6,
max: 8,
description: "{value}% Decreased Enemy Lightning Resistance"
}, {
id: 4,
min: 81,
max: 100,
description: "{value} Mana on Attack"
}, {
id: 5,
min: 3,
max: 5,
description: "{value} To Forked Lightning"
}, {
id: 6,
description: "Half Freeze Duration"
}, {
id: 3,
name: "Lorekeeper",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00003.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Helm,
slots: [k.Head],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
isRetired: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 7,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Helm",
Subtype: "Archon Helm",
"Rune Word": "Nef Tir",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "April 25, 2021 - June 3, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.NEF,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.TIR,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["An ancient helm forged by the Archons to seek out powerful shards in the battle between Heaven and Hell."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 100,
max: 100,
value: 100
perfection: [3, 1]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: "An ancient helm forged by the Archons to seek out powerful shards in the battle between Heaven and Hell.",
attributes: [{
id: 1,
value: 5,
description: "{value}% Chance to Cast L6 Lion Heart on Taking Damage"
}, {
id: 2,
value: 100,
description: "{value}% Increased Block Speed"
}, {
id: 2,
min: 80,
max: 230,
description: "{value}% Enhanced Defense"
}, {
id: 2,
min: 20,
max: 50,
description: "Physical Damage Reduced by {value}"
}, {
id: 2,
description: "Half Freeze Duration"
}, {
id: 4,
name: "Worldstone Shard",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/00004.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Ingredient,
slots: [],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !1,
isTradeable: !1,
isTransferable: !1,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Ingredient",
Subtype: "Relic",
Distribution: "Claimable",
Date: "May 3, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
branches: {
1: {
description: ["A relic from a broken time."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.TransmuteItem), {}, {
description: "100% Chance To Transmute Item",
min: 0,
max: 0,
value: 100
perfection: [100]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: "A relic from a broken time.",
attributes: [{
id: 1,
value: 0,
description: "Used to transmute items."
}, {
id: 5,
name: "Flash",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00005.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Boot,
slots: [k.Feet],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
isRetired: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 6,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Greaves",
Subtype: "Astral Greaves",
"Rune Word": "Ith Eld Ral Tal",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "May 17, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.ITH,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ELD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.RAL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.TAL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Although common in another world, these Sourcer boots are considered high quality."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 20
perfection: [10, 1, 20]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 6,
name: "Titan",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00006.png",
value: "0",
type: w.BodyArmor,
slots: [k.Chest],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
isRetired: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 6,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Armor",
Subtype: "Templar Forge",
"Rune Word": "Tal Ort Thul Eld Nef",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "May 24, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.TAL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ORT,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.THUL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ELD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.NEF,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Made from light-weight Templar material, it provides quality protection."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 2
perfection: [5, 20, 2]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 7,
name: "Smoke",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00007.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Glove,
slots: [k.Hands],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
isLimited: !0,
isRetired: !0,
attributes: [],
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 7,
details: {
Type: "Gloves",
Subtype: "Shadow Wraps",
"Rune Word": "Thul Ith Ort Ral",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "May 25, 2021 - June 25, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Limited"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.THUL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ITH,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ORT,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.RAL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["These handwraps have an unknown origin and emit a dark aura."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 25,
max: 100
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.UnstakeLocked), {}, {
min: 100,
max: 100
perfection: [5, 100]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 8,
name: "Moda",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00008.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Helm,
slots: [k.Head],
isNew: !1,
isEquipable: !1,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !1,
isTransferable: !1,
isUpgradable: !1,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 10,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Helm",
Subtype: "",
"Rune Word": "Po Wer Sru Ned Ev",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "March 28, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 3,
map: y
}), {
id: 1,
min: 100,
max: 100,
description: "{value}% Chance she will not be your waifu"
}, {
id: 39,
min: 0,
max: 999,
description: "Use Skill: Ban Hammer"
perfection: [5, 75]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 10,
name: "Glory",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00010.png",
value: "0",
type: w.TwoHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Two-Handed Sword",
Subtype: "Cloudstrike Sword",
"Rune Word": "Sol Ral Ith Eld Ort",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 1, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.SOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.RAL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ITH,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ELD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ORT,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Crafted with the finest Koran materials, this Cloudstrike Sword is imbued with the power of wind."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 40
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 15,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 15,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 5,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.TAL,
max: F.ORT,
map: P
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: l.Whirlwind,
max: l.Whirlwind,
map: d
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Barbarian,
max: m.Barbarian,
map: j
perfection: [40, void 0, void 0, 10, 5]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 11,
name: "Grace",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00011.png",
value: "0",
type: w.TwoHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Two-Handed Bow",
Subtype: "Sage Bow",
"Rune Word": "Sol Ith Nef El Ort",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 1, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.SOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ITH,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.NEF,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.EL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ORT,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: "Crafted with the finest Druid material, this Sage Bow is imbued to seek out what is hidden.",
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 40
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 25,
max: 25
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 5,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.ORT,
max: F.AMN,
map: P
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: l["Hidden Shot"],
max: l["Hidden Shot"],
map: d
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Amazon,
max: m.Amazon,
map: j
perfection: [40, void 0, void 0, 10, 5]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 12,
name: "Genesis",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00012.png",
value: "0",
type: w.OneHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand, k.RightHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 10,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "One-Handed Dagger",
Subtype: "Dimensional Dagger",
"Rune Word": "Sol Thul Amn Ort",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 1, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.SOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.THUL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.AMN,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ORT,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Crafted with the finest Archon material, this Dimensional Dagger is imbued with banished sacrificial power."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 40
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 2
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.THUL,
max: F.SOL,
map: P
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: l.Sacrifice,
max: l.Sacrifice,
map: d
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Necromancer,
max: m.Necromancer,
map: j
perfection: [5, 40, void 0, 2]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 13,
name: "Destiny",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00013.png",
value: "0",
type: w.TwoHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Two-Handed Staff",
Subtype: "Chrono Staff",
"Rune Word": "Sol Amn Ort Thul Ral",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 1, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.SOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.AMN,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ORT,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.THUL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.RAL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["A mysterious staff that appears to be of Archon origin and imbued with the power of time."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 40
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 15,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 15,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 5,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.THUL,
max: F.SOL,
map: P
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: l["Time Warp"],
max: l["Time Warp"],
map: d
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Sorceress,
max: m.Sorceress,
map: j
perfection: [40, void 0, void 0, 10, 5]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: D,
name: "Wrath",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00014.png",
value: "0",
type: w.OneHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "One-Handed Claw",
Subtype: "Unknown",
"Rune Word": "Shael Ith Dol Nef Sol",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 11, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.SHAEL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ITH,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.NEF,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.SOL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Originally royal Koran bracers, they have been forged to claws of an unknown material."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 7
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.CreateRandomRuneword), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 2
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.SOL,
max: F.HEL,
map: P
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: l.Fade,
max: l.Fade,
map: d
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Assassin,
max: m.Assassin,
map: j
perfection: [7, 2, 15, null, 2]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: M,
name: "Fortress",
category: o.a.SHIELD,
icon: "/images/items/00015.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Shield,
slots: [k.RightHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !1,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !0,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Shield",
Subtype: "Blessed Koran Shield",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 11, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.SHAEL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.TIR,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.THUL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.NEF,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["A shield designed for Koran royalty, it has been blessed with a protective aura."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindGuildToken), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 5,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: l["Sanctuary Aura"],
max: l["Sanctuary Aura"],
map: d
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Paladin,
max: m.Paladin,
map: j
perfection: [10, 4, 10, null, 10]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: L,
name: "Elder",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00016.png",
value: "0",
type: w.OneHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "One-Handed Mace",
Subtype: "Worldstone Mace",
"Rune Word": "Dol Amn Thul Ral Tal",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 11, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.AMN,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.THUL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.RAL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.TAL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["A mace crafted by Korans using mystical Archon materials during the Battle for the Worldstone."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 2
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.SOL,
max: F.HEL,
map: P
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: l["Mystic Insight"],
max: l["Mystic Insight"],
map: d
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Druid,
max: m.Druid,
map: j
perfection: [5, 20, null, null, 2]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 19,
name: "Pledge",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00019.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Helm,
slots: [k.Head],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 10,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Helm",
Subtype: "Warder Helm",
"Rune Word": "Nef Tir Sol Ort",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 3, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.NEF,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.TIR,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.SOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ORT,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["A once unbreakable helm, its best days have passed."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
perfection: [15, 1, 4, 5]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 20,
name: "Flow",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00020.png",
value: "0",
type: w.LegArmor,
slots: [k.Legs],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 10,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Leggings",
Subtype: "Templar Chausses",
"Rune Word": "Dol Io Hel Lum",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "June 26, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.IO,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.HEL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.LUM,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Lightweight Templar materials fashioned into plated chausses. These provide excellent leg protection."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 4,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 1
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 3
perfection: [10, 10, null, null, 1, 0]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 21,
name: "Guiding Light",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00021.png",
value: "0",
type: w.TwoHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Two-Handed Sword",
Subtype: "Moonlight Greatsword",
"Rune Word": "Zod Zod Zod Zod Zod",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.ZOD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ZOD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ZOD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ZOD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ZOD,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Taken from a Paladin whose fall from grace was legendary, the soft glow of this weapon's blade promises power and fortune to its wielder."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 100
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 100
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindGuildToken), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 50
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.BurnEntireHarvest), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 1
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 100
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 100
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.THUL,
max: F.SOL,
map: P
perfection: [100, 100, 10, 50, 0, 0, 0, void 0]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 22,
name: "Lionheart",
category: o.a.WEAPON,
icon: "/images/items/00022.png",
value: "0",
type: w.OneHandedWeapon,
slots: [k.LeftHand],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !0,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Sword",
Subtype: "Templar Broadsword",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.IO,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.LUM,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.SHAEL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.KO,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["A keen blade crafted in Templar forges, this weapon is imbued with magics which benefit the allies of the wielder."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 12
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindGuildToken), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.GuildTreasuryYieldBonus), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.THUL,
max: F.SOL,
map: P
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificClass), {}, {
min: m.Paladin,
max: m.Paladin,
map: j
perfection: [12, void 0, 4, 5, 0, void 0, void 0]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 23,
name: "Pressure",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00023.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Glove,
slots: [k.Hands],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Glove",
Subtype: "Astral Gauntlets",
"Rune Word": "Ith Dol Ral Ko",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.ITH,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.RAL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.KO,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Made en masse by another world's crafters, these gauntlets are relatively exceptional compared to the work of humans."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.CreateRandomRuneword), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 1
perfection: [5, 5, 5, 10, 1]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 24,
name: "Zeal",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00024.png",
value: "0",
type: w.WristArmor,
slots: [k.Wrists],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !1,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !1,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
isRetired: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Bracers",
Subtype: "Templar Armguards",
"Rune Word": "El Tal Shael Hel",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - August 30, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.EL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.TAL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.SHAEL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.HEL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Lightweight Templar materials fashioned into bracers. These provide excellent arm protection."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchange), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 15
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneSpecificWeapon), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SpecificWeaponType), {}, {
min: w.OneHandedWeapon,
max: w.OneHandedWeapon,
map: N
perfection: [10, 3, 15, 3]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 25,
name: "Balance",
category: o.a.ARMOR,
icon: "/images/items/00025.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Belt,
slots: [k.Waist],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !0,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Belt",
Subtype: "Wyrmhide Belt",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.EL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.IO,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.HEL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.RAL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Soft yet resilient Wyrmhide skillfully shaped into a belt after Sage fashion."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 2
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneExchangeSpecific), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RandomRuneToken), {}, {
min: F.EL,
max: F.SHAEL,
map: P
perfection: [3, 5, 0, 20]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 26,
name: "Eternity",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/00026.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Ring,
slots: [k.Finger1, k.Finger2],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !1,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !1,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !0,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Ring",
Subtype: "Inscribed Archon Band",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.ELD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.AMN,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.SHAEL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.IO,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.ZOD,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["The method and materials used to create this object of transcendant beauty and power have long been lost to the world."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 5,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.CreateRandomRuneword), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 1
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestCritChance), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.EarlyAccess), {}, {
min: 20,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFee), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestFeeToken), {}, {
min: F.THUL,
max: F.SOL,
map: P
perfection: [4, 3, null, 1, 5, null, 0, null]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 27,
name: "Instinct",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/00027.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Ring,
slots: [k.Finger1, k.Finger2],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Ring",
Subtype: "Glimmering Band",
"Rune Word": "Lum Dol Io Dol Lum",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.LUM,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.IO,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.DOL,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.LUM,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Wearers of this masterfully-crafted ring display a preternatural ability to find fortune and avoid harm."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.SendHarvestHiddenPool), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindGuildToken), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestCritMultiplier), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 3
perfection: [3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 0]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 28,
name: "Beacon",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/00028.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Amulet,
slots: [k.Neck],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !0,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Amulet",
Subtype: "Lodestar Amulet",
"Rune Word": "Eld Lum Io Shael",
Distribution: "Crafted",
Date: "August 27, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
recipe: {
requirement: [{
id: F.ELD,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.LUM,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.IO,
quantity: 1
}, {
id: F.SHAEL,
quantity: 1
branches: {
1: {
description: ["The light emitted from this brilliant stone highlights the latent arcane potential of objects in the environment."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 3
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestBurn), {}, {
min: 0,
max: 5
perfection: [3, 3, 3, 4, 0]
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 29,
name: "Dragonlight",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/00029.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Amulet,
slots: [k.Neck],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !0,
isDisabled: !0,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 9,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Amulet",
Subtype: "Royal Archon Amulet",
Distribution: "Airdrop",
Date: "September 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "1000"
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Captured during the last breath of a dragon, this brilliant stone is imbued with energy that protects the owner, and is said to bring great furtune."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 20,
max: 50
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 14,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.FindShard), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 10
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 1200,
name: "Scholar's Codex",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/01200.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Trinket,
slots: [k.Trinket1, k.Trinket2, k.Trinket3],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Trinket",
Subtype: "Codex",
Distribution: "Reward",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 2, Epic: 4, Rare: 10, Magical: 20"
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Rewarded to Rune Scholars for their noble service."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 4
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 20
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: "Rewarded to Rune Scholars for their noble service.",
attributes: []
}, {
id: 1201,
name: "General's Medallion",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/01201.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Trinket,
slots: [k.Trinket1, k.Trinket2, k.Trinket3],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Trinket",
Subtype: "Medallion",
Distribution: "Reward",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 5, Epic: 10, Rare: 20, Magical: 30"
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Rewarded to Rune Generals for their valiant service."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 20
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: "Rewarded to Rune Generals for their valiant service.",
attributes: []
}, {
id: 1202,
name: "Crafting Competition Certificate",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/01202.png",
value: "0",
rarity: g.Normal,
type: w.Misc,
slots: [],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !1,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !1,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Scroll",
Subtype: "Memorabilia",
Distribution: "Reward",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - Now",
"Max Supply": "Unknown"
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Given as a token of excellence in crafting."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.CrafterCertificate), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 1,
map: {
1: "Crafting Competition #1 Winner PT",
2: "Crafting Competition #2 Winner Spontaneous",
3: "Crafting Competition #3 Winner X"
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 1203,
name: "Seed of Rebirth",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "",
value: "0",
type: w.Trinket,
slots: [k.Trinket1, k.Trinket2, k.Trinket3],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Trinket",
Subtype: "Medallion",
Distribution: "Reward",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 5, Rare: 20, Magical: 50"
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Ancient power."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 2
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 2
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 1204,
name: "Spire Seed",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "",
value: "0",
type: w.Trinket,
slots: [k.Trinket1, k.Trinket2, k.Trinket3],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Trinket",
Subtype: "Medallion",
Distribution: "Reward",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 5, Rare: 20, Magical: 50"
branches: {
1: {
description: ["Ancient power."],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 2
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 1,
max: 2
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3e3,
name: "Golden Lion Cub",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03000.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 20,
max: 80
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 12,
max: 12,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3001,
name: "Blue-Eyes White Drake",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03001.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 10,
max: 50
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 13,
max: 13,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3002,
name: "Red-Eyes Black Drake",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03002.png",
video: "/videos/items/03002.mp4",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 8,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 14,
max: 14,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3003,
name: "Fairy Drake",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03003.png",
video: "/videos/items/03003.mp4",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 8,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 15,
max: 15,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3004,
name: "Goblin Drake",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03004.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 8,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 16,
max: 16,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3005,
name: "Hippogryph",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03005.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 8,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 17,
max: 17,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3006,
name: "Wyvern",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03006.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 8,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 18,
max: 18,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3007,
name: "Forest Turtle",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03007.png",
video: "/videos/items/03007.mp4",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "Mythic: 1, Epic: 1, Rare: 1, Magical: 1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 8,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 19,
max: 19,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
}, {
id: 3008,
name: "Skeleton Drake",
category: o.a.ACCESSORY,
icon: "/images/items/03008.png",
value: "0",
type: w.Pet,
slots: [k.Pet],
isNew: !0,
isEquipable: !0,
isUnequipable: !1,
isTradeable: !0,
isTransferable: !0,
isUpgradable: !0,
isCraftable: !1,
isDisabled: !1,
isRuneword: !1,
createdDate: 0,
hotness: 1,
attributes: [],
details: {
Type: "Pet",
Subtype: "Battle Pet",
Distribution: "Fundraiser",
Date: "June 12, 2021 - June 12, 2021",
"Max Supply": "1"
branches: {
1: {
description: [""],
attributes: [Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.Rarity), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 6,
map: y
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.HarvestYield), {}, {
min: 3,
max: 10
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.MagicFind), {}, {
min: 8,
max: 20
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AvoidBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.ReduceBurn), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.RemoveFees), {}, {
min: 2,
max: 5
}), Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, u.AddSkill), {}, {
min: 20,
max: 20,
map: d
perfection: []
2: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
3: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
4: {
description: ["To be announced."],
attributes: []
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