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Created June 27, 2012 02:56
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Week3 JS exercises
function hello(firstName, lastName) {
printResults(["Hello",firstName,lastName].join(' '), "");
function favoriteNumber(guess){
myFavoriteNumber = 4;
if (guess > myFavoriteNumber) {
printResults("Too high, Vi...", "");
} else if (guess < myFavoriteNumber) {
printResults("Too low, Joe...", "");
} else {
printResults("Boom goes the dynamite. " + guess + " is my favorite number.", "");
function pigLatin(word){
var vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u'];
numVowels = vowels.length;
numWordLetters = word.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numWordLetters; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < numVowels; j++){
if (word[i] === vowels[j] && word[i-1] != "q"){
printResults(word.slice(i,numWordLetters) + word.slice(0,i) + "ay", "");
return true;
function leapYear(year){
if (year % 4 != 0){
printResults("False, " + year + " is not a leap year.", "");
} else if (year % 400 === 0) {
printResults("True, " + year + " is a leap year.", "");
} else if (year % 100 === 0) {
printResults("False, " + year + " is not a leap year.", "");
} else {
printResults("True, " + year + " is a leap year.", "");
function sum(numsArray){
numsArrayLength = numsArray.length;
arraySum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numsArrayLength; i++){
arraySum += numsArray[i];
printResults(arraySum, "");
function titleCase(title){
titleArray = title.toLowerCase().split(" ");
numWords = titleArray.length;
upCasedTitle = "";
for (var i=0; i < numWords; i++){
upCasedTitle += titleArray[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + titleArray[i].slice(1) + " ";
printResults(upCasedTitle, "");
function factorial(number){
var product = 1;
if (number === 0){
printResults(product, "");
} else {
for (var i = number; i > 0; i--){
product *= i;
printResults(product, "");
function smiley(feeling){
if (feeling.mood === "happy"){
printResults(":)", "");
} else if (feeling.mood === "sad"){
printResults(":(", "");
} else {
printResults(":|", "");
function weather(city){
var cityTemps = {
"San Francisco": 60, "Chicago": 30, "Miami": 70,
"Los Angeles": 80, "Anchorage": 10
if (cityTemps.hasOwnProperty(city)) {
printResults("The weather in " + city + " is " + cityTemps[city], "");
function triangle(sides){
a = sides[0];
b = sides[1];
c = sides[2];
if ((a + b <= c ) || (a + c <= b) || (b + c <= a)){
printResults("Invalid triangle.", "");
else if (a === b && a === c) {
printResults("Equilateral triangle.", "");
else if ( a === b || a === c || b === c){
printResults("Isosceles triangle.", "");
else {
printResults("Scalene triangle.", "");
//I think, if we're following the syntax exactly from Socrates, this should be fixed to extend/prototype Number.
//I only realized this after doing inWords the way this should have been done.
function Calculator (){
this.add = function(num1, num2){
printResults(num1+num2, "");
this.subtract = function(num1, num2){
printResults(num1-num2, "");
this.multiply = function(num1, num2){
printResults(num1*num2, "");
this.divide = function(num1, num2){
printResults(num1/num2, "");
Number.prototype.inWords = function(){
var numberWords = {
1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three", 4: "four",
5: "five", 6: "six", 7: "seven", 8: "eight",
9: "nine", 10: "ten", 11: "eleven", 12: "twelve",
13: "thirteen", 14: "fourteen", 15: "fifteen", 16: "sixteen",
17: "seventeen", 18: "eighteen", 19: "nineteen", 20: "twenty",
30: "thirty", 40: "forty", 50: "fifty", 60: "sixty",
70: "seventy", 80: "eighty", 90: "ninety", 0: "zero"
if (numberWords[this]){
printResults(numberWords[this], "");
} else if (this < 100 && this >= 20) {
printResults(numberWords[Math.floor(this/10)*10] + " " + numberWords[this%10], "");
} else if ((this < 1000) && (this % 100 < 20)){
printResults(numberWords[Math.floor(this/100)] + " hundred " + numberWords[this % 100], "");
} else if ((this < 1000) && (this % 100 > 20)){
printResults(numberWords[Math.floor(this/100)] + " hundred " + numberWords[(this % 100)-(this % 10)] + " " + numberWords[this % 10], "");
} else {
printResults("Out of scope for this style question. Come back next time for up to 1 trillion with recursion.", "");
function Dictionary(){
var words = []; //Couldn't figure out how to get them into an object of objects right away.
//Seems like iteration in js would be easier this way too... more likely, I'm just convincing myself that.
this.add = function(word){
if (typeof word === "string"){
var wordObj = {};
wordObj[word]= null;
printResults(JSON.stringify(words), "");
} else {
printResults(JSON.stringify(words), "");
this.includes = function(word){
for(var k in words[i]){
if (k === word){
printResults("We found our " + word, "");
return true;
printResults("That's not in our shark dictionary, but you should add it!", "");
this.keywords = function(){
for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++){
printResults(Object.keys(words[i]), "");
this.entries = function(){
var keys = [];
for (i=0;i<words.length;i++){
for(var k in words[i]) {
printResults(keys, "");
this.find = function(string){
var regex = new RegExp("^"+string,"i");
var matches = [];
for (i=0;i<words.length;i++){
for(var k in words[i]){
if (k.match(regex)){
printResults(matches, "");
Array.prototype.newEach = function(callback){
for (i=0; i<this.length;i++){[i]);
return this;
Array.prototype.newCollect = function(callback){
for (i=0; i<this.length;i++){
this[i] =[i]);
return this;
Array.prototype.newCount = function(callback){
var count = 0
for (i=0; i<this.length;i++){
if ([i])){
count +=1
return count;
var printResults = function(text, destination){
document.write("<li><a href='" + destination + "'>" + text + "</a></li>");
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