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Paro The Parrot ParoTheParrot

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ParoTheParrot / dm-toilet-paper-wheat-flour.js
Last active August 10, 2023 07:24 — forked from marco79cgn/dm-toilet-paper-wheat-flour.js
Scriptable iOS widget that shows the amount of both toilet paper and wheat flour which is available at your next dm drugstore #scriptable #corona
// Wheat flour icon made by Freepik from and modified by achisto
// Toilet paper icon made by boettges
let country = 'de' // replace with 'at' for shops in Austria
let storeId = 251
let param = args.widgetParameter
if (param != null && param.length > 0) {
storeId = param
ParoTheParrot / dawn2dusk.js
Last active October 27, 2020 15:02 — forked from HendrikRunte/dawn2dusk.js widget displaying the exact time of today's sunrise and sunset. Which comes in handy in the wintertime … #scriptable
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: orange; icon-glyph: sun-2;
// dawn2dusk.js
// Take it and have fun.
// Hendrik Runte, Oct 24, 2020.
// Extending the JavaScritp Date object.
ParoTheParrot / dm-toilet-paper.js
Last active August 10, 2023 07:24 — forked from marco79cgn/dm-toilet-paper.js
Scriptable iOS widget that shows the amount of toilet paper which is available at your next dm drugstore #scriptable #archiv #corona
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-blue; icon-glyph: magic;
let storeId = 2612
// HH Steinstraße
let country
let param = args.widgetParameter
if (param != null && param.length > 0) {
storeId = param
ParoTheParrot / incidence.js
Last active August 10, 2023 07:25 — forked from kevinkub/incidence.js
COVID-19 Inzidenz-Widget für iOS innerhalb Deutschlands 🇩🇪 #corona #scriptabley
// Licence: Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), dl-de/by-2-0
const apiUrl = (location) => `,cases7_per_100k&geometry=${location.longitude.toFixed(3)}%2C${location.latitude.toFixed(3)}&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&inSR=4326&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelWithin&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json`
const apiUrlStates = ''
const widget = await createWidget()
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall()