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Blog: Interactive Mandalas
# Interactive Mandalas
# Mandala Creator
import json
import math
import turtle
from slider import Slider
from line_clip import cohensutherland
# global vars
g_sectors = 8
g_pensize = 1
g_mirror = 0
g_show_sectors = 1
g_color = 'black'
g_colors = ["black", "dark grey", "cornflower blue", "deep sky blue", "dark turquoise", "aquamarine", "medium sea green", "khaki", "sienna", "firebrick", "coral", "red", "crimson", "hot pink", "dark orchid", "medium slate blue"]
g_show_save = False
# screen setup
g_screen = turtle.Screen()
g_wh = int(g_screen.window_height())
g_ww = int(1.5 * g_wh)
g_screen_radius = g_wh / 2
g_screen.setup(g_ww, g_wh)
g_center = [g_ww / 6, 0]
g_minx = -g_ww / 6
g_maxx = g_ww / 2
g_miny = -g_wh / 2
g_maxy = g_wh / 2
# internal
g_undo_available = True
g_clicked = False
g_dragging = False
g_points = []
g_state = {}
[g_px, g_py] = [None, None]
g_prev_ct = None
g_save_data = []
# new turtle
def new_turtle():
t = turtle.Turtle()
return t
# sector turtle
st = new_turtle()
# undo turtle
ut = new_turtle()
# main drawing turtles
dt1 = new_turtle() # primary
dt2 = new_turtle() # secondary
# draw a border
def draw_border():
t = new_turtle()
t.goto(-g_ww/2, g_miny)
t.goto(g_ww/2, g_miny)
t.goto(g_ww/2, g_maxy)
t.goto(-g_ww/2, g_maxy)
t.goto(-g_ww/2, g_miny)
# partition
t.goto(g_minx, g_miny)
t.goto(g_minx, g_maxy)
# handle slider updates
def handle_slider_update(id, value):
global g_sectors
global g_pensize
global g_mirror
global g_show_sectors
if id == 0:
g_sectors = value
elif id == 1:
g_pensize = value
elif id == 2:
g_mirror = value
elif id == 3:
g_show_sectors = value
# Color button class
class ColorButton(turtle.Turtle):
def __init__(self, x, y, color, click_callback = None):
self.my_color = color
self.click_callback = click_callback
self.goto(x, y)
# handle button click
def onclick_handler(self, x, y):
if self.click_callback:
self.click_callback(self, self.my_color)
# color button click handler
def handle_color_click(ct, color):
global g_color
global g_prev_ct
g_color = color
g_prev_ct = ct
# set undo button state
def set_undo_state(available):
global g_undo_available
color = 'black' if available else 'lightgray'
g_undo_available = available
# handle undo button click
def handle_undo(x, y):
global g_points
g_points = []
# setup undo button
def setup_undo_button(x, y):
ut.goto(x + 20, y - 4)
ut.write('Undo', font=("Arial", 10, "normal"))
ut.goto(x, y)
# clear button click handler
def handle_clear(x, y):
global g_save_data
global g_points
g_points = []
g_save_data = []
# save button click handler
def handle_save(x, y):
if len(g_points) == 0:
g_save_data.append([g_state, g_points])
file = open("data.txt", "a")
ds = json.dumps(str(g_save_data))[1:-1]
ds = ds.replace('\'', '"') + '\n'
# simple button
def setup_button(x, y, name, handler):
t = new_turtle()
t.goto(x + 20, y - 4)
t.write(name, font=("Arial", 10, "normal"))
t.goto(x, y)
# create UI
def create_ui():
global g_prev_ct
x = -g_ww / 2 + 20
y = g_wh / 2 - 20
normal_length = g_screen_radius * 0.55
toggle_length = g_screen_radius * 0.15
# sliders
Slider(0, x, y, normal_length, 1, 32, 1, g_sectors, 'sectors', handle_slider_update)
Slider(1, x, y - 30, normal_length, 1, 16, 1, g_pensize, 'pensize', handle_slider_update)
Slider(2, x, y - 60, toggle_length, 0, 1, 1, g_mirror, 'mirror', handle_slider_update)
Slider(3, x, y - 90, toggle_length, 0, 1, 1, g_show_sectors, 'show_sectors', handle_slider_update)
# color buttons
ci = 0
for r in range(2):
cx = x
cy = y - (150 + (30 * r))
for c in range(8):
color = g_colors[ci]
cb = ColorButton(cx + (c * 25), cy, color, handle_color_click)
if ci == 0:
g_prev_ct = cb
ci += 1
# undo, clear and save buttons
setup_undo_button(x, y - 240)
setup_button(x, y - 270, 'Clear', handle_clear)
if g_show_save:
setup_button(x, y - 300, 'Save', handle_save)
# draw sectors
def draw_sectors():
if g_show_sectors == 0:
sector_angle = 360 / g_sectors
cx, cy = g_center
for i in range(g_sectors):
st.goto(cx, cy)
st.seth(sector_angle * (i + 1))
(x, y) = st.pos()
(nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2) = cohensutherland(g_minx, g_maxy, g_maxx, g_miny, cx, cy, x, y)
if nx1 != None:
st.goto(nx1, ny1)
st.goto(nx2, ny2)
# rotate point
def rotate_point(x, y, angle):
cx, cy = g_center
x -= cx
y -= cy
sin = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
cos = math.cos(math.radians(angle))
rx = cx + (x * cos - y * sin)
ry = cy + (x * sin + y * cos)
return (rx, ry)
# angle of point wrt center
def point_angle(x, y):
cx, cy = g_center
return math.degrees(math.atan2(y - cy, x - cx))
# draw line between two points
def draw_line(t, px, py, x, y, angle):
(rpx, rpy) = rotate_point(px, py, angle)
(rx, ry) = rotate_point(x, y, angle)
if rpx < g_minx or rx < g_minx:
t.goto(rpx, rpy)
t.goto(rx, ry)
# draw line segment
def draw_segment(t, px, py, x, y):
sector_angle = 360 / g_state["sectors"]
h_sector_angle = sector_angle / 2
for i in range(g_state["sectors"]):
draw_line(t, px, py, x, y, sector_angle * i)
if g_state["mirror"] == 1:
pa = point_angle(px, py) % sector_angle
pma = h_sector_angle - pa
(rpx, rpy) = rotate_point(px, py, 2 * pma)
a = point_angle(x, y) % sector_angle
ma = h_sector_angle - a
(rx, ry) = rotate_point(x, y, 2 * ma)
if abs(pma - ma) > h_sector_angle:
draw_line(t, rpx, rpy, rx, ry, sector_angle * i)
# update primary turtle
def update_dt1():
(px, py) = g_points[0]
for v in g_points:
x, y = v
draw_segment(dt1, px, py, x, y)
px, py = x, y
if g_show_save:
g_save_data.append([g_state, g_points])
# click handler
def handle_click(x, y):
global g_points
global g_state
global g_clicked
global g_px
global g_py
if g_clicked:
if len(g_points) > 0:
g_clicked = True
g_dragging = False
g_state = {
"sectors": g_sectors,
"pensize": g_pensize,
"mirror": g_mirror,
"color": g_color,
"center": g_center,
"radius": g_screen_radius
g_points = []
g_points.append([x, y])
(g_px, g_py) = (x, y)
dt2.goto(x, y)
# drag handler
def handle_drag(x, y):
global g_dragging
global g_px
global g_py
if g_dragging or not g_clicked:
g_dragging = True
g_points.append([x, y])
draw_segment(dt2, g_px, g_py, x, y)
(g_px, g_py) = x, y
g_dragging = False
# release handler
def handle_release(x, y):
global g_clicked
g_clicked = False
g_dragging = False
# setup screen turtle to capture click/drag/release
def setup_screen_turtle():
s = g_screen_radius
g_screen.register_shape('st', ((-s, -s), (s, -s), (s, s), (-s, s)))
t = new_turtle()
# setup
def setup():
# main
import turtle
# register square thumb shape
thumb_size = 7
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.register_shape('thumb', ((-thumb_size, -thumb_size), (thumb_size, -thumb_size), (thumb_size, thumb_size), (-thumb_size, thumb_size)))
# Slider Class
class Slider(turtle.Turtle):
def __init__(self, id, x, y, length, min, max, step, initial_value, label, callback):
self.speed(0) = id
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.length = length
self.min = min
self.step = step
self.label = label
self.callback = callback
self.clicked = False
self.dragging = False
self.steps = (max - min) / step
# draw slider line
self.goto(x, y)
# turtle to write label text and value = turtle.Turtle()
# move thumb to initial position
initial_length = length * ((initial_value - min) / (max - min))
self.value = initial_value
# update label
# register mouse handlers
# write label text and value
def update_label(self): + ' = ' + str(self.value), font=("Arial", 10, "normal"))
# get value based on slider position
def get_value(self, x):
unit_value = (x - self.x) / self.length
v1 = unit_value * self.steps * self.step
v1 = int(v1 / self.step) * self.step
return self.min + v1
# onclick handler
def onclick_handler(self, x, y):
self.clicked = True
# onrelease handler
def onrelease_handler(self, x, y):
self.clicked = False
# ondrag handler
def ondrag_handler(self, x, y):
if not self.clicked:
if self.dragging:
# stop drag if mouse moves away in y direction
if abs(y - self.y) > 20:
self.clicked = False
self.dragging = False
self.callback(, self.value)
self.dragging = True
# limit drag within the slider
if x < self.x:
x = self.x
if x > self.x + self.length:
x = self.x + self.length
# move thumb to new position
self.goto(x, self.y)
new_value = self.get_value(x)
# call the callback function if value changes
if new_value != self.value:
self.value = new_value
self.callback(, self.value)
self.dragging = False
# Source:
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Hirsch
* The best way to Numba JIT this would probably be in the function calling this,
to include the loop itself inside the jit decoration.
def cohensutherland(xmin, ymax, xmax, ymin, x1, y1, x2, y2):
"""Clips a line to a rectangular area.
This implements the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. xmin,
ymax, xmax and ymin denote the clipping area, into which the line
defined by x1, y1 (start point) and x2, y2 (end point) will be
If the line does not intersect with the rectangular clipping area,
four None values will be returned as tuple. Otherwise a tuple of the
clipped line points will be returned in the form (cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2).
def _getclip(xa, ya):
# if dbglvl>1: print('point: '),; print(xa,ya)
p = INSIDE # default is inside
# consider x
if xa < xmin:
p |= LEFT
elif xa > xmax:
p |= RIGHT
# consider y
if ya < ymin:
p |= LOWER # bitwise OR
elif ya > ymax:
p |= UPPER # bitwise OR
return p
# check for trivially outside lines
k1 = _getclip(x1, y1)
k2 = _getclip(x2, y2)
# %% examine non-trivially outside points
# bitwise OR |
while (k1 | k2) != 0: # if both points are inside box (0000) , ACCEPT trivial whole line in box
# if line trivially outside window, REJECT
if (k1 & k2) != 0: # bitwise AND &
# if dbglvl>1: print(' REJECT trivially outside box')
# return nan, nan, nan, nan
return None, None, None, None
# non-trivial case, at least one point outside window
# this is not a bitwise or, it's the word "or"
opt = k1 or k2 # take first non-zero point, short circuit logic
if opt & UPPER: # these are bitwise ANDS
x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (ymax - y1) / (y2 - y1)
y = ymax
elif opt & LOWER:
x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (ymin - y1) / (y2 - y1)
y = ymin
elif opt & RIGHT:
y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (xmax - x1) / (x2 - x1)
x = xmax
elif opt & LEFT:
y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (xmin - x1) / (x2 - x1)
x = xmin
raise RuntimeError('Undefined clipping state')
if opt == k1:
x1, y1 = x, y
k1 = _getclip(x1, y1)
elif opt == k2:
x2, y2 = x, y
k2 = _getclip(x2, y2)
return x1, y1, x2, y2
# Interactive Mandalas
# Mandala Player
import json
import math
import turtle
import time
# screen setup
g_screen = turtle.Screen()
g_wh = int(g_screen.window_height())
g_ww = int(1.5 * g_wh)
g_screen_radius = g_wh / 2
g_screen.setup(g_ww, g_wh)
g_center = (0, 0)
# new turtle
def new_turtle():
t = turtle.Turtle()
return t
# main drawing turtle
t = new_turtle()
# draw a border
def draw_border():
t = new_turtle()
t.goto(-g_ww/2, -g_wh / 2)
t.goto(g_ww/2, -g_wh / 2)
t.goto(g_ww/2, g_wh / 2)
t.goto(-g_ww/2, g_wh / 2)
t.goto(-g_ww/2, -g_wh / 2)
# rotate point
def rotate_point(x, y, angle):
cx, cy = g_center
x -= cx
y -= cy
sin = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
cos = math.cos(math.radians(angle))
rx = cx + (x * cos - y * sin)
ry = cy + (x * sin + y * cos)
return (rx, ry)
# angle of point wrt center
def point_angle(x, y):
cx, cy = g_center
return math.degrees(math.atan2(y - cy, x - cx))
# draw line between two points
def draw_line(t, px, py, x, y, angle):
(rpx, rpy) = rotate_point(px, py, angle)
(rx, ry) = rotate_point(x, y, angle)
t.goto(rpx, rpy)
t.goto(rx, ry)
# draw line segment
def draw_segment(t, px, py, x, y, sectors, mirror):
sector_angle = 360 / sectors
h_sector_angle = sector_angle / 2
for i in range(sectors):
draw_line(t, px, py, x, y, sector_angle * i)
if mirror == 1:
pa = point_angle(px, py) % sector_angle
pma = h_sector_angle - pa
(rpx, rpy) = rotate_point(px, py, 2 * pma)
a = point_angle(x, y) % sector_angle
ma = h_sector_angle - a
(rx, ry) = rotate_point(x, y, 2 * ma)
if abs(pma - ma) > h_sector_angle:
draw_line(t, rpx, rpy, rx, ry, sector_angle * i)
# draw
def draw(path):
state, points = path
pensize = state["pensize"]
color = state["color"]
sectors = state["sectors"]
mirror = state["mirror"]
(px, py) = points[0]
for v in points:
x, y = v
draw_segment(t, px, py, x, y, sectors, mirror)
px, py = x, y
# time.sleep(0.01)
# map points to our window size
def map_points(points, center, radius):
output = []
cx, cy = center
my_cx, my_cy = g_center
for point in points:
x, y = point
nx = (x - cx) / radius
ny = (y - cy) / radius
my_x = (nx * g_screen_radius) + my_cx
my_y = (ny * g_screen_radius) + my_cy
output.append([my_x, my_y])
return output
# display mandalas in a loop
def play():
global g_state
global g_points
# read from data file
file = open("data.txt", "r")
lines = file.readlines()
# convert to this screen coordinates
mandalas = []
for line in lines:
if len(line) < 2 or line[0:1] == '#':
paths = json.loads(line)
my_paths = []
for path in paths:
state, points = path
points = map_points(points, state["center"], state["radius"])
my_paths.append([state, points])
# draw all mandalas in a loop
while True:
for mandala in mandalas:
for path in mandala:
# main
# comment
[[{"color": "red", "pensize": 1, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-19.5, 230.5], [-18.5, 229.5], [-17.5, 225.5], [-16.5, 221.5], [-15.5, 219.5], [-14.5, 216.5], [-13.5, 212.5], [-13.5, 209.5], [-12.5, 206.5], [-12.5, 203.5], [-11.5, 199.5], [-11.5, 195.5], [-11.5, 192.5], [-11.5, 189.5], [-11.5, 186.5], [-12.5, 181.5], [-12.5, 179.5], [-13.5, 173.5], [-13.5, 169.5], [-14.5, 165.5], [-14.5, 162.5], [-14.5, 159.5], [-15.5, 157.5], [-15.5, 155.5], [-16.5, 153.5], [-16.5, 151.5], [-16.5, 150.5], [-16.5, 149.5], [-16.5, 149.5], [-16.5, 147.5], [-17.5, 145.5], [-18.5, 143.5], [-18.5, 141.5], [-19.5, 140.5], [-19.5, 139.5], [-19.5, 138.5], [-19.5, 138.5], [-19.5, 137.5], [-19.5, 137.5], [-19.5, 136.5], [-19.5, 136.5], [-19.5, 134.5], [-19.5, 132.5], [-19.5, 133.5], [-18.5, 133.5], [-18.5, 134.5], [-17.5, 134.5], [-17.5, 134.5], [-17.5, 134.5], [-17.5, 134.5], [-17.5, 135.5], [-16.5, 135.5], [-16.5, 135.5], [-16.5, 136.5], [-15.5, 136.5], [-15.5, 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[[{"color": "red", "pensize": 1, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-62.5, 240.5], [-62.5, 239.5], [-61.5, 238.5], [-60.5, 236.5], [-59.5, 234.5], [-59.5, 232.5], [-58.5, 229.5], [-57.5, 228.5], [-57.5, 225.5], [-56.5, 223.5], [-56.5, 220.5], [-56.5, 214.5], [-56.5, 211.5], [-57.5, 207.5], [-57.5, 201.5], [-58.5, 197.5], [-59.5, 192.5], [-59.5, 190.5], [-59.5, 187.5], [-59.5, 182.5], [-60.5, 177.5], [-60.5, 173.5], [-61.5, 163.5], [-61.5, 151.5], [-61.5, 146.5], [-61.5, 142.5], [-61.5, 140.5], [-60.5, 136.5], [-58.5, 132.5], [-56.5, 130.5], [-55.5, 128.5], [-54.5, 127.5], [-52.5, 126.5], [-49.5, 124.5], [-47.5, 124.5], [-43.5, 122.5], [-38.5, 121.5], [-33.5, 119.5], [-31.5, 119.5], [-29.5, 119.5], [-27.5, 119.5], [-18.5, 119.5], [-12.5, 119.5], [-1.5, 119.5], [2.5, 119.5], [4.5, 119.5], [7.5, 119.5], [9.5, 119.5], [18.5, 118.5], [22.5, 118.5], [24.5, 117.5], [27.5, 116.5], [28.5, 116.5], [29.5, 116.5], [30.5, 115.5], [30.5, 114.5], [32.5, 113.5], [35.5, 110.5], [36.5, 109.5], [37.5, 106.5], [38.5, 104.5], [40.5, 101.5], [40.5, 96.5], [41.5, 94.5], [41.5, 89.5], [41.5, 86.5], [42.5, 83.5], [42.5, 74.5], [43.5, 63.5], [43.5, 54.5], [44.5, 51.5], [45.5, 45.5], [45.5, 43.5], [46.5, 40.5], [47.5, 39.5], [48.5, 38.5], [49.5, 38.5], [50.5, 38.5], [53.5, 38.5], [54.5, 38.5], [56.5, 39.5], [58.5, 41.5], [63.5, 42.5], [69.5, 43.5], [70.5, 44.5], [73.5, 44.5], [76.5, 45.5], [80.5, 45.5], [81.5, 44.5], [83.5, 43.5], [88.5, 41.5], [95.5, 38.5], [97.5, 37.5], [100.5, 35.5], [100.5, 34.5], [101.5, 34.5], [101.5, 33.5], [102.5, 32.5], [103.5, 31.5], [105.5, 29.5], [107.5, 28.5], [108.5, 27.5], [109.5, 27.5], [109.5, 27.5], [110.5, 27.5], [111.5, 27.5], [113.5, 28.5], [113.5, 28.5], [114.5, 28.5], [115.5, 28.5], [118.5, 28.5], [118.5, 28.5], [119.5, 28.5], [123.5, 25.5], [126.5, 21.5], [129.5, 19.5], [129.5, 19.5], [129.5, 18.5], [130.5, 18.5], [129.5, 18.5]]], [{"color": "dark turquoise", "pensize": 3, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-52.5, 157.5], [-43.5, 133.5], [-40.5, 133.5], [-38.5, 133.5], [-36.5, 133.5], [-36.5, 133.5], [-35.5, 133.5], [-34.5, 133.5], [-32.5, 132.5], [-32.5, 132.5], [-30.5, 131.5], [-29.5, 130.5], [-28.5, 130.5], [-28.5, 129.5], [-27.5, 129.5], [-27.5, 129.5], [-26.5, 129.5], [-26.5, 129.5], [-26.5, 130.5], [-25.5, 130.5], [-25.5, 130.5], [-24.5, 131.5], [-23.5, 131.5], [-22.5, 131.5], [-21.5, 132.5], [-21.5, 132.5], [-21.5, 132.5]]], [{"color": "firebrick", "pensize": 3, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[102.5, 164.5], [114.5, 159.5], [116.5, 159.5], [118.5, 158.5], [119.5, 157.5], [119.5, 157.5], [120.5, 156.5], [121.5, 155.5], [122.5, 155.5], [122.5, 155.5], [123.5, 155.5], [123.5, 155.5], [124.5, 155.5], [124.5, 155.5], [125.5, 154.5], [125.5, 154.5], [125.5, 152.5], [125.5, 150.5], [125.5, 148.5], [125.5, 147.5], [125.5, 146.5], [125.5, 146.5], [125.5, 146.5], [125.5, 146.5], [124.5, 146.5], 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[-102.5, 221.5], [-102.5, 221.5], [-102.5, 220.5], [-102.5, 219.5], [-101.5, 218.5], [-101.5, 217.5], [-101.5, 216.5], [-101.5, 215.5], [-101.5, 215.5], [-101.5, 215.5], [-100.5, 213.5], [-100.5, 213.5], [-100.5, 213.5], [-100.5, 212.5], [-99.5, 211.5], [-99.5, 210.5], [-98.5, 210.5], [-98.5, 209.5], [-98.5, 209.5], [-97.5, 209.5], [-97.5, 208.5], [-97.5, 208.5], [-97.5, 208.5], [-97.5, 208.5], [-96.5, 207.5], [-96.5, 206.5], [-95.5, 206.5], [-95.5, 206.5], [-95.5, 206.5], [-95.5, 205.5], [-94.5, 205.5], [-94.5, 205.5], [-93.5, 205.5], [-93.5, 205.5], [-92.5, 205.5], [-92.5, 205.5], [-91.5, 205.5], [-91.5, 205.5], [-90.5, 204.5], [-89.5, 204.5], [-88.5, 204.5], [-87.5, 204.5], [-86.5, 203.5], [-86.5, 203.5], [-84.5, 203.5], [-83.5, 203.5], [-81.5, 203.5], [-79.5, 203.5], [-79.5, 203.5], [-78.5, 203.5], [-78.5, 203.5], [-77.5, 203.5], [-77.5, 203.5], [-76.5, 203.5], [-76.5, 203.5], [-75.5, 203.5], [-75.5, 203.5], [-75.5, 203.5], [-74.5, 203.5], [-74.5, 203.5], [-73.5, 203.5], [-73.5, 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[[{"color": "black", "pensize": 1, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-77.5, 240.5], [-70.5, 234.5], [-69.5, 232.5], [-68.5, 231.5], [-67.5, 229.5], [-67.5, 229.5], [-66.5, 227.5], [-66.5, 225.5], [-66.5, 224.5], [-66.5, 223.5], [-66.5, 221.5], [-66.5, 217.5], [-66.5, 216.5], [-66.5, 214.5], [-66.5, 212.5], [-66.5, 210.5], [-67.5, 208.5], [-67.5, 206.5], [-68.5, 204.5], [-68.5, 203.5], [-69.5, 201.5], [-70.5, 198.5], [-70.5, 197.5], [-70.5, 196.5], [-71.5, 194.5], [-71.5, 192.5], [-72.5, 190.5], [-72.5, 188.5], [-72.5, 185.5], [-73.5, 184.5], [-73.5, 181.5], [-74.5, 178.5], [-74.5, 176.5], [-74.5, 174.5], [-75.5, 171.5], [-75.5, 170.5], [-75.5, 169.5], [-76.5, 167.5], [-76.5, 165.5], [-76.5, 163.5], [-76.5, 162.5], [-76.5, 161.5], [-76.5, 158.5], [-77.5, 156.5], [-77.5, 154.5], [-77.5, 153.5], [-77.5, 151.5], [-76.5, 148.5], [-76.5, 146.5], [-76.5, 145.5], [-75.5, 143.5], [-75.5, 140.5], [-74.5, 138.5], [-74.5, 137.5], [-73.5, 135.5], [-72.5, 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[133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-16.5, 181.5], [-16.5, 181.5], [-15.5, 180.5], [-15.5, 180.5], [-15.5, 179.5], [-15.5, 178.5], [-14.5, 177.5], [-14.5, 177.5], [-13.5, 176.5], [-13.5, 175.5], [-13.5, 175.5], [-13.5, 174.5], [-12.5, 173.5], [-12.5, 173.5], [-11.5, 172.5], [-11.5, 172.5], [-10.5, 171.5], [-10.5, 170.5], [-9.5, 169.5], [-9.5, 169.5], [-7.5, 168.5], [-7.5, 167.5], [-7.5, 167.5], [-6.5, 166.5], [-6.5, 164.5], [-5.5, 164.5], [-4.5, 163.5], [-4.5, 162.5], [-4.5, 161.5], [-3.5, 160.5], [-3.5, 159.5], [-2.5, 158.5], [-2.5, 157.5], [-2.5, 156.5], [-2.5, 156.5], [-2.5, 156.5], [-2.5, 155.5], [-2.5, 155.5], [-1.5, 154.5], [-1.5, 154.5], [-0.5, 153.5], [-0.5, 152.5], [-0.5, 151.5], [0.5, 151.5], [0.5, 151.5], [1.5, 150.5], [1.5, 150.5], [2.5, 150.5], [3.5, 149.5], [3.5, 149.5], [3.5, 149.5], [4.5, 149.5], [4.5, 149.5], [5.5, 149.5], [6.5, 149.5], [7.5, 149.5], [8.5, 149.5], [8.5, 149.5], [9.5, 149.5], [9.5, 150.5], [9.5, 150.5], [10.5, 151.5], [11.5, 152.5], [12.5, 153.5], 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[[{"color": "black", "pensize": 1, "sectors": 8, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[17.5, 117.5]]], [{"color": "black", "pensize": 1, "sectors": 8, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[17.5, 116.5], [17.5, 116.5], [17.5, 116.5], [18.5, 116.5], [18.5, 117.5], [18.5, 117.5], [18.5, 117.5], [19.5, 118.5], [19.5, 119.5], [20.5, 120.5], [21.5, 122.5], [22.5, 124.5], [22.5, 125.5], [23.5, 127.5], [24.5, 127.5], [24.5, 128.5], [24.5, 129.5], [25.5, 131.5], [25.5, 133.5], [25.5, 134.5], [25.5, 134.5], [25.5, 135.5], [25.5, 136.5], [25.5, 136.5], [25.5, 138.5], [25.5, 139.5], [25.5, 141.5], [25.5, 142.5], [25.5, 143.5], [25.5, 145.5], [25.5, 146.5], [25.5, 147.5], [25.5, 149.5], [25.5, 151.5], [25.5, 152.5], [25.5, 153.5], [25.5, 154.5], [25.5, 155.5], [25.5, 157.5], [25.5, 157.5], [26.5, 159.5], [27.5, 161.5], [28.5, 162.5], [28.5, 164.5], [29.5, 165.5], [29.5, 166.5], [30.5, 166.5], [31.5, 168.5], [32.5, 169.5], [34.5, 171.5], [35.5, 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211.5]]], [{"color": "medium slate blue", "pensize": 1, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[343.5, 211.5], [334.5, 219.5], [334.5, 221.5], [334.5, 222.5], [335.5, 224.5], [336.5, 226.5], [337.5, 229.5], [339.5, 231.5], [339.5, 232.5], [341.5, 233.5], [343.5, 233.5], [348.5, 235.5], [348.5, 235.5], [349.5, 235.5], [349.5, 234.5], [349.5, 233.5], [350.5, 231.5], [350.5, 230.5], [351.5, 227.5], [351.5, 226.5], [351.5, 225.5], [351.5, 223.5], [351.5, 223.5], [352.5, 223.5], [353.5, 224.5], [356.5, 226.5], [361.5, 229.5], [364.5, 229.5], [367.5, 229.5], [368.5, 229.5], [370.5, 228.5], [372.5, 227.5], [374.5, 225.5], [374.5, 224.5], [375.5, 221.5], [375.5, 219.5], [374.5, 218.5], [374.5, 216.5], [372.5, 214.5], [368.5, 209.5], [363.5, 207.5], [360.5, 205.5], [358.5, 205.5], [355.5, 205.5], [347.5, 205.5], [344.5, 205.5], [342.5, 206.5], [342.5, 206.5], [341.5, 206.5], [341.5, 206.5], [340.5, 206.5]]], [{"color": "red", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[347.5, 236.5], [347.5, 237.5], [347.5, 240.5], [346.5, 244.5], [346.5, 245.5], [346.5, 246.5], [346.5, 247.5], [346.5, 248.5], [347.5, 249.5], [347.5, 249.5], [348.5, 249.5], [350.5, 250.5], [351.5, 250.5], [353.5, 250.5], [354.5, 250.5], [355.5, 250.5], [356.5, 249.5], [357.5, 248.5], [357.5, 247.5], [357.5, 246.5], [357.5, 243.5], [357.5, 242.5], [357.5, 240.5], [357.5, 238.5], [357.5, 237.5], [357.5, 236.5], [358.5, 237.5], [358.5, 238.5], [363.5, 240.5], [368.5, 243.5], [370.5, 244.5], [371.5, 244.5], [372.5, 244.5], [373.5, 244.5], [374.5, 243.5], [376.5, 243.5], [376.5, 242.5], [377.5, 241.5], [378.5, 240.5], [378.5, 239.5], [378.5, 238.5], [377.5, 236.5], [376.5, 235.5], [374.5, 234.5], [372.5, 233.5], [370.5, 232.5], [367.5, 232.5], [364.5, 232.5], [362.5, 231.5], [360.5, 230.5], [359.5, 228.5], [357.5, 227.5], [356.5, 225.5], [355.5, 224.5], [354.5, 224.5], [354.5, 224.5], [353.5, 223.5], [352.5, 223.5], [351.5, 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"sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[131.5, 9.5], [130.5, 11.5], [129.5, 11.5], [128.5, 10.5], [127.5, 9.5], [127.5, 9.5], [127.5, 8.5]]], [{"color": "cornflower blue", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[83.5, 47.5], [83.5, 46.5], [84.5, 46.5], [85.5, 45.5], [85.5, 45.5], [86.5, 44.5], [86.5, 44.5], [87.5, 44.5], [87.5, 44.5], [87.5, 43.5], [87.5, 43.5], [87.5, 42.5], [86.5, 42.5], [86.5, 42.5], [86.5, 42.5], [85.5, 42.5], [85.5, 41.5]]], [{"color": "medium sea green", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[61.5, 182.5], [59.5, 178.5], [58.5, 176.5], [57.5, 174.5], [56.5, 171.5], [54.5, 168.5], [53.5, 166.5], [53.5, 164.5], [52.5, 163.5], [51.5, 160.5], [50.5, 158.5], [49.5, 155.5], [49.5, 155.5], [49.5, 153.5], [49.5, 152.5], [50.5, 149.5], [50.5, 148.5], [50.5, 147.5], [50.5, 145.5], [50.5, 144.5], [50.5, 143.5], [50.5, 142.5], [50.5, 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-126.5], [-89.5, -126.5], [-90.5, -126.5]]], [{"color": "hot pink", "pensize": 16, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-88.5, 180.5], [-88.5, 178.5], [-88.5, 174.5], [-89.5, 171.5], [-90.5, 169.5], [-90.5, 167.5], [-90.5, 166.5], [-91.5, 164.5], [-91.5, 161.5], [-92.5, 159.5], [-92.5, 158.5], [-92.5, 158.5], [-92.5, 157.5], [-93.5, 156.5], [-93.5, 155.5], [-94.5, 154.5], [-94.5, 152.5], [-95.5, 151.5], [-96.5, 150.5], [-96.5, 149.5], [-97.5, 148.5], [-98.5, 146.5], [-99.5, 145.5], [-99.5, 145.5], [-99.5, 145.5], [-101.5, 144.5], [-102.5, 143.5], [-103.5, 143.5], [-105.5, 144.5], [-109.5, 145.5], [-114.5, 146.5], [-116.5, 147.5], [-118.5, 148.5], [-119.5, 148.5], [-120.5, 148.5], [-121.5, 149.5], [-122.5, 149.5], [-123.5, 149.5], [-124.5, 149.5], [-124.5, 149.5], [-125.5, 149.5], [-126.5, 149.5], [-126.5, 150.5], [-126.5, 151.5], [-126.5, 151.5], [-124.5, 154.5], [-124.5, 154.5], [-124.5, 154.5], [-121.5, 155.5], [-119.5, 156.5], [-118.5, 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[[{"color": "deep sky blue", "pensize": 1, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-71.5, 221.5], [-72.5, 220.5], [-77.5, 214.5], [-78.5, 211.5], [-79.5, 208.5], [-79.5, 205.5], [-79.5, 200.5], [-79.5, 195.5], [-79.5, 194.5], [-78.5, 193.5], [-76.5, 195.5], [-73.5, 196.5], [-70.5, 197.5], [-67.5, 199.5], [-65.5, 200.5], [-62.5, 201.5], [-60.5, 202.5], [-51.5, 204.5], [-47.5, 204.5], [-46.5, 204.5], [-45.5, 204.5], [-45.5, 203.5], [-43.5, 194.5], [-43.5, 186.5], [-43.5, 181.5], [-43.5, 179.5], [-44.5, 175.5], [-44.5, 174.5], [-44.5, 173.5], [-45.5, 170.5], [-45.5, 168.5], [-46.5, 160.5], [-47.5, 158.5], [-47.5, 153.5], [-47.5, 151.5], [-47.5, 149.5], [-47.5, 149.5], [-46.5, 149.5], [-41.5, 149.5], [-37.5, 152.5], [-36.5, 152.5], [-36.5, 152.5], [-34.5, 153.5], [-32.5, 154.5], [-27.5, 157.5], [-19.5, 160.5], [-13.5, 162.5], [-12.5, 162.5], [-9.5, 162.5], [-8.5, 162.5], [-8.5, 162.5], [-7.5, 159.5], [-7.5, 157.5], [-7.5, 156.5], [-7.5, 151.5], [-7.5, 147.5], [-7.5, 142.5], [-7.5, 140.5], [-7.5, 137.5], [-7.5, 135.5], [-7.5, 135.5], [-7.5, 132.5], [-7.5, 130.5], [-7.5, 126.5], [-7.5, 121.5], [-7.5, 118.5], [-7.5, 117.5], [-7.5, 117.5], [-8.5, 114.5], [-8.5, 113.5], [-9.5, 109.5], [-10.5, 107.5], [-10.5, 104.5], [-10.5, 101.5], [-11.5, 97.5], [-11.5, 96.5], [-11.5, 95.5], [-11.5, 95.5], [-11.5, 95.5], [-11.5, 94.5], [-11.5, 93.5], [-11.5, 91.5], [-11.5, 90.5], [-11.5, 89.5], [-11.5, 88.5], [-11.5, 88.5], [-11.5, 87.5], [-11.5, 86.5], [-11.5, 84.5], [-11.5, 83.5], [-10.5, 82.5], [-10.5, 82.5], [-10.5, 81.5], [-10.5, 80.5], [-9.5, 79.5], [-8.5, 77.5], [-5.5, 73.5], [-4.5, 71.5], [-3.5, 69.5], [-2.5, 67.5], [-2.5, 66.5], [1.5, 62.5], [1.5, 61.5], [3.5, 58.5], [4.5, 57.5], [6.5, 55.5], [7.5, 54.5], [8.5, 54.5], [8.5, 54.5], [9.5, 54.5], [11.5, 54.5], [15.5, 55.5], [17.5, 56.5], [20.5, 59.5], [22.5, 61.5], [26.5, 64.5], [27.5, 65.5], [29.5, 66.5], [29.5, 66.5], [30.5, 66.5], [30.5, 66.5], [31.5, 66.5], [32.5, 66.5], [34.5, 65.5], [35.5, 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"medium sea green", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-8.5, 94.5], [-8.5, 92.5], [-8.5, 90.5], [-8.5, 90.5], [-7.5, 89.5], [-7.5, 88.5], [-6.5, 85.5], [-5.5, 84.5], [-5.5, 84.5], [-4.5, 82.5], [-4.5, 82.5], [-2.5, 79.5], [-1.5, 78.5], [-0.5, 77.5], [0.5, 76.5], [1.5, 75.5], [3.5, 72.5], [4.5, 71.5], [4.5, 69.5], [4.5, 68.5], [4.5, 67.5], [4.5, 67.5], [5.5, 66.5], [5.5, 65.5], [6.5, 65.5], [6.5, 64.5], [8.5, 63.5], [9.5, 62.5], [9.5, 61.5], [10.5, 61.5], [11.5, 61.5], [11.5, 61.5], [13.5, 61.5], [14.5, 62.5], [16.5, 64.5], [16.5, 66.5], [18.5, 66.5], [18.5, 67.5], [18.5, 67.5], [18.5, 67.5], [18.5, 68.5], [18.5, 69.5], [19.5, 69.5], [20.5, 70.5], [22.5, 71.5], [23.5, 71.5], [24.5, 71.5], [25.5, 71.5], [25.5, 71.5], [26.5, 71.5], [28.5, 71.5], [28.5, 71.5], [29.5, 71.5], [29.5, 70.5], [30.5, 70.5], [30.5, 70.5], [31.5, 70.5], [32.5, 70.5], [34.5, 70.5], [35.5, 69.5], [36.5, 68.5], [38.5, 67.5], [39.5, 67.5], [39.5, 67.5], [40.5, 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[-15.5, -141.5]]], [{"color": "medium sea green", "pensize": 2, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[90.5, -149.5], [90.5, -149.5], [89.5, -149.5], [89.5, -149.5], [88.5, -149.5], [87.5, -149.5], [87.5, -149.5], [87.5, -149.5], [86.5, -149.5], [85.5, -149.5], [85.5, -149.5], [84.5, -149.5], [83.5, -150.5], [83.5, -150.5], [82.5, -151.5], [82.5, -151.5], [82.5, -152.5], [82.5, -152.5], [82.5, -153.5], [82.5, -153.5], [82.5, -154.5], [82.5, -155.5], [82.5, -156.5], [82.5, -156.5], [82.5, -157.5], [82.5, -157.5], [82.5, -158.5], [83.5, -158.5], [83.5, -158.5], [84.5, -158.5], [85.5, -158.5], [85.5, -158.5], [86.5, -158.5], [86.5, -158.5], [87.5, -158.5], [88.5, -157.5], [88.5, -156.5], [89.5, -156.5], [90.5, -154.5], [91.5, -153.5], [91.5, -152.5], [92.5, -152.5]]], [{"color": "medium sea green", "pensize": 2, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[92.5, -148.5], [92.5, -149.5]]], [{"color": "dark orchid", "pensize": 2, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[281.5, 131.5], [280.5, 130.5], [278.5, 130.5], [276.5, 130.5], [275.5, 130.5], [273.5, 129.5], [272.5, 129.5], [271.5, 128.5], [269.5, 127.5], [268.5, 127.5], [268.5, 126.5], [268.5, 126.5], [267.5, 126.5], [266.5, 125.5], [266.5, 125.5], [265.5, 124.5], [264.5, 123.5], [263.5, 123.5], [263.5, 123.5], [263.5, 123.5], [262.5, 122.5], [261.5, 122.5], [261.5, 122.5], [260.5, 121.5], [259.5, 120.5], [258.5, 120.5], [257.5, 119.5], [256.5, 119.5], [256.5, 119.5], [255.5, 118.5], [255.5, 118.5], [255.5, 117.5], [255.5, 116.5], [254.5, 116.5], [254.5, 115.5], [253.5, 114.5], [252.5, 113.5], [252.5, 113.5], [251.5, 113.5], [251.5, 113.5], [250.5, 113.5], [250.5, 113.5], [249.5, 112.5], [248.5, 111.5], [248.5, 110.5], [248.5, 110.5], [247.5, 109.5], [247.5, 108.5], [245.5, 107.5], [244.5, 105.5], [244.5, 103.5], [243.5, 102.5], [243.5, 99.5], [242.5, 97.5], [242.5, 97.5], [241.5, 97.5], [241.5, 97.5], 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"aquamarine", "pensize": 2, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-19.5, 233.5], [-20.5, 233.5], [-22.5, 233.5], [-23.5, 233.5], [-25.5, 233.5], [-25.5, 233.5], [-27.5, 232.5], [-28.5, 230.5], [-29.5, 230.5], [-29.5, 229.5], [-31.5, 228.5], [-31.5, 227.5], [-32.5, 226.5], [-32.5, 225.5], [-33.5, 222.5], [-33.5, 221.5], [-33.5, 219.5], [-33.5, 218.5], [-33.5, 218.5], [-32.5, 217.5], [-30.5, 215.5], [-29.5, 214.5], [-28.5, 214.5], [-26.5, 214.5], [-25.5, 214.5], [-24.5, 214.5], [-22.5, 213.5], [-20.5, 213.5], [-18.5, 213.5], [-17.5, 211.5], [-16.5, 211.5], [-16.5, 211.5], [-15.5, 211.5], [-15.5, 211.5], [-14.5, 211.5], [-13.5, 211.5], [-13.5, 211.5], [-12.5, 211.5], [-11.5, 211.5], [-10.5, 210.5], [-10.5, 210.5], [-9.5, 210.5]]], [{"color": "aquamarine", "pensize": 2, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-19.5, 233.5], [-20.5, 233.5], [-22.5, 233.5], [-23.5, 233.5], [-25.5, 233.5], [-25.5, 233.5], [-27.5, 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147.5], [-91.5, 147.5], [-90.5, 148.5], [-90.5, 148.5], [-89.5, 148.5], [-89.5, 148.5], [-88.5, 148.5], [-88.5, 148.5], [-86.5, 147.5], [-85.5, 146.5], [-84.5, 146.5], [-84.5, 146.5], [-83.5, 146.5], [-83.5, 146.5], [-82.5, 146.5], [-82.5, 145.5], [-81.5, 145.5], [-81.5, 145.5]]], [{"color": "hot pink", "pensize": 5, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-57.5, 128.5], [-60.5, 127.5], [-60.5, 126.5], [-60.5, 126.5], [-60.5, 125.5], [-60.5, 125.5], [-59.5, 124.5], [-58.5, 123.5], [-57.5, 123.5], [-57.5, 123.5], [-56.5, 124.5], [-56.5, 124.5], [-56.5, 125.5]]], [{"color": "hot pink", "pensize": 5, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[1.5, 41.5], [1.5, 41.5], [1.5, 42.5]]], [{"color": "hot pink", "pensize": 5, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[1.5, 41.5], [1.5, 41.5], [1.5, 42.5]]], [{"color": "crimson", "pensize": 3, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[134.5, 12.5], [134.5, 13.5], [134.5, 13.5], [134.5, 14.5], [134.5, 14.5], [134.5, 15.5], [134.5, 17.5], [134.5, 17.5], [134.5, 18.5], [134.5, 18.5], [134.5, 19.5], [134.5, 20.5], [134.5, 21.5], [134.5, 21.5], [134.5, 22.5], [135.5, 23.5], [136.5, 24.5], [136.5, 25.5]]], [{"color": "crimson", "pensize": 3, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[134.5, 12.5], [134.5, 13.5], [134.5, 13.5], [134.5, 14.5], [134.5, 14.5], [134.5, 15.5], [134.5, 17.5], [134.5, 17.5], [134.5, 18.5], [134.5, 18.5], [134.5, 19.5], [134.5, 20.5], [134.5, 21.5], [134.5, 21.5], [134.5, 22.5], [135.5, 23.5], [136.5, 24.5], [136.5, 25.5]]], [{"color": "dark orchid", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-67.5, -200.5], [-67.5, -200.5], [-68.5, -201.5], [-69.5, -201.5], [-71.5, -204.5], [-71.5, -205.5], [-72.5, -206.5], [-73.5, -209.5], [-74.5, -212.5], [-75.5, -213.5], [-76.5, -214.5], 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-211.5], [-21.5, -211.5], [-20.5, -211.5], [-19.5, -210.5], [-17.5, -210.5], [-16.5, -210.5], [-15.5, -209.5], [-14.5, -209.5], [-12.5, -208.5], [-11.5, -207.5], [-11.5, -207.5]]], [{"color": "deep sky blue", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-99.5, -189.5], [-99.5, -189.5], [-99.5, -188.5], [-98.5, -187.5], [-98.5, -187.5], [-98.5, -186.5], [-98.5, -186.5], [-97.5, -186.5], [-96.5, -185.5], [-96.5, -184.5], [-96.5, -184.5], [-95.5, -183.5], [-95.5, -182.5], [-94.5, -182.5], [-94.5, -181.5], [-94.5, -181.5], [-93.5, -180.5], [-92.5, -179.5], [-92.5, -179.5], [-92.5, -178.5], [-91.5, -178.5], [-91.5, -177.5], [-90.5, -177.5], [-90.5, -176.5], [-89.5, -175.5], [-89.5, -174.5], [-88.5, -174.5], [-86.5, -173.5], [-86.5, -172.5], [-85.5, -172.5], [-85.5, -171.5], [-85.5, -171.5], [-84.5, -170.5], [-83.5, -169.5], [-83.5, -169.5], [-82.5, -169.5], [-82.5, -169.5], [-81.5, -168.5], [-80.5, -167.5], [-80.5, -167.5], [-79.5, -167.5], 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"radius": 266.5}, [[29.5, -54.5], [30.5, -54.5], [31.5, -54.5], [31.5, -54.5], [32.5, -54.5], [32.5, -54.5], [33.5, -53.5], [33.5, -53.5], [34.5, -53.5], [34.5, -52.5], [35.5, -52.5], [36.5, -52.5], [36.5, -52.5], [37.5, -52.5], [37.5, -51.5], [38.5, -51.5], [39.5, -51.5], [39.5, -50.5], [40.5, -49.5], [41.5, -49.5], [41.5, -49.5], [42.5, -49.5], [43.5, -48.5], [45.5, -48.5], [45.5, -48.5], [46.5, -47.5]]], [{"color": "deep sky blue", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[29.5, -54.5], [30.5, -54.5], [31.5, -54.5], [31.5, -54.5], [32.5, -54.5], [32.5, -54.5], [33.5, -53.5], [33.5, -53.5], [34.5, -53.5], [34.5, -52.5], [35.5, -52.5], [36.5, -52.5], [36.5, -52.5], [37.5, -52.5], [37.5, -51.5], [38.5, -51.5], [39.5, -51.5], [39.5, -50.5], [40.5, -49.5], [41.5, -49.5], [41.5, -49.5], [42.5, -49.5], [43.5, -48.5], [45.5, -48.5], [45.5, -48.5], [46.5, -47.5]]], [{"color": "medium sea green", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-28.5, 198.5], [-29.5, 196.5], [-29.5, 196.5], [-30.5, 196.5], [-31.5, 195.5], [-32.5, 195.5], [-33.5, 194.5], [-34.5, 193.5], [-34.5, 193.5], [-34.5, 193.5], [-34.5, 190.5], [-34.5, 189.5], [-34.5, 188.5], [-34.5, 186.5], [-34.5, 186.5], [-34.5, 185.5], [-34.5, 185.5], [-34.5, 185.5], [-33.5, 184.5], [-33.5, 184.5], [-32.5, 183.5], [-31.5, 182.5], [-30.5, 182.5], [-29.5, 182.5], [-29.5, 182.5], [-28.5, 182.5], [-28.5, 182.5], [-27.5, 182.5], [-27.5, 181.5], [-26.5, 181.5], [-26.5, 181.5], [-25.5, 180.5], [-25.5, 180.5], [-24.5, 179.5], [-24.5, 179.5], [-24.5, 179.5], [-23.5, 178.5], [-22.5, 178.5], [-21.5, 177.5], [-21.5, 177.5], [-20.5, 176.5], [-19.5, 176.5], [-19.5, 175.5], [-18.5, 174.5], [-16.5, 171.5], [-16.5, 171.5], [-16.5, 170.5], [-16.5, 170.5], [-16.5, 169.5], [-16.5, 168.5], [-15.5, 168.5], [-15.5, 167.5], [-14.5, 167.5], [-13.5, 166.5], [-13.5, 165.5], [-13.5, 164.5], [-13.5, 164.5], [-12.5, 163.5], [-12.5, 163.5], [-12.5, 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[[{"color": "red", "pensize": 6, "sectors": 32, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[-70.5, 225.5], [-70.5, 225.5], [-71.5, 224.5], [-73.5, 224.5], [-76.5, 222.5], [-79.5, 221.5], [-79.5, 221.5], [-79.5, 220.5], [-80.5, 219.5], [-81.5, 217.5], [-81.5, 215.5], [-82.5, 214.5], [-82.5, 212.5], [-82.5, 211.5], [-82.5, 210.5], [-81.5, 210.5], [-79.5, 208.5], [-77.5, 206.5], [-75.5, 205.5], [-74.5, 204.5], [-73.5, 204.5], [-71.5, 202.5], [-69.5, 202.5], [-68.5, 201.5], [-66.5, 200.5], [-62.5, 199.5], [-56.5, 198.5], [-50.5, 198.5], [-42.5, 197.5], [-39.5, 197.5], [-38.5, 196.5], [-36.5, 195.5], [-35.5, 195.5], [-33.5, 194.5], [-32.5, 193.5], [-31.5, 192.5], [-30.5, 191.5], [-30.5, 190.5], [-29.5, 190.5], [-29.5, 189.5], [-29.5, 188.5], [-28.5, 187.5], [-28.5, 186.5], [-28.5, 186.5], [-27.5, 185.5], [-27.5, 184.5], [-27.5, 183.5], [-27.5, 182.5], [-27.5, 182.5], [-27.5, 181.5], [-28.5, 181.5], [-28.5, 180.5], [-28.5, 179.5], [-29.5, 178.5], [-30.5, 178.5], [-30.5, 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266.5}, [[131.5, 21.5]]], [{"color": "crimson", "pensize": 6, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[145.5, 14.5], [145.5, 14.5], [146.5, 14.5], [146.5, 14.5], [146.5, 14.5], [147.5, 14.5], [147.5, 14.5], [148.5, 14.5], [148.5, 14.5], [148.5, 14.5], [149.5, 14.5], [149.5, 15.5], [150.5, 15.5], [150.5, 15.5], [151.5, 15.5], [152.5, 15.5], [152.5, 16.5], [152.5, 16.5], [153.5, 16.5], [153.5, 16.5], [154.5, 17.5], [155.5, 18.5], [155.5, 18.5], [156.5, 18.5], [156.5, 18.5], [156.5, 18.5], [157.5, 18.5], [157.5, 19.5], [157.5, 19.5], [158.5, 19.5], [159.5, 20.5], [159.5, 20.5], [159.5, 20.5], [159.5, 20.5], [160.5, 20.5], [160.5, 20.5], [161.5, 20.5], [161.5, 20.5]]], [{"color": "sienna", "pensize": 6, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 1, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[292.5, 109.5], [292.5, 109.5], [291.5, 109.5], [291.5, 109.5], [290.5, 109.5], [290.5, 109.5], [289.5, 109.5], [289.5, 109.5], [289.5, 109.5], [288.5, 109.5], [288.5, 109.5], 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"radius": 266.5}, [[90.5, 58.5], [90.5, 58.5], [91.5, 58.5], [91.5, 58.5], [92.5, 58.5], [92.5, 58.5], [93.5, 58.5], [93.5, 58.5], [93.5, 57.5], [93.5, 57.5], [94.5, 57.5], [94.5, 57.5], [95.5, 57.5], [95.5, 57.5], [95.5, 56.5], [95.5, 56.5], [96.5, 56.5], [97.5, 56.5], [97.5, 56.5], [98.5, 56.5], [99.5, 56.5], [99.5, 55.5], [101.5, 55.5], [103.5, 55.5], [103.5, 54.5], [104.5, 54.5], [105.5, 54.5], [105.5, 54.5], [106.5, 53.5], [106.5, 53.5], [107.5, 53.5], [107.5, 52.5], [108.5, 52.5], [108.5, 52.5], [108.5, 51.5], [108.5, 51.5], [109.5, 51.5], [110.5, 51.5], [110.5, 50.5], [110.5, 50.5], [110.5, 50.5], [111.5, 50.5]]], [{"color": "dark orchid", "pensize": 4, "sectors": 16, "mirror": 0, "center": [133.166666667, 0], "radius": 266.5}, [[188.5, 141.5], [188.5, 141.5], [187.5, 141.5], [187.5, 141.5], [187.5, 141.5], [186.5, 141.5], [186.5, 141.5], [186.5, 141.5], [186.5, 140.5], [185.5, 140.5], [185.5, 140.5], [185.5, 139.5], [185.5, 139.5], [185.5, 139.5], [184.5, 138.5], [184.5, 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