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Created January 10, 2019 14:34
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const { MyVeryUsefulProject } = require('../index');
const { getFooOfId, saveFoo } = require('../infrastructure/inMemory');
describe('Feature: updating bar', () => {
describe('scenario: updating bar with a value not containing a "?"', () => {
describe('given a foo object in database with the id foo1 and a bar value of "initial bar value"', () => {
describe('when updating the bar value to "some new value"', async (done) => {
test('then the foo object with id foo1 should have its bar value set to "some new value"', () => {
const inMemoryDatabase = {
foo1: {
id: foo1,
bar: 'initial bar value',
foobaz: 0
const myVeryUsefulProject = MyVeryUsefulProject({
getFooOfId: getFooOfId(inMemoryDatabase),
saveFoo: saveFoo(inMemoryDatabase),
await myVeryUsefulProject.updateBar({ fooId: 'foo1', bar: 'some new value' });
expect('some new value');
describe('scenario: updating bar with a value containing a "?"', () => {
describe('given a foo object in database with the id foo1 and a bar value of "initial bar value"', () => {
describe('when updating the bar value to "some other value ?"', async (done) => {
test('then the foo object with id foo1 should have its bar value set to "some other value ?" and its foobaz value set to 42', () => {
const inMemoryDatabase = {
foo1: {
id: foo1,
bar: 'initial bar value',
foobaz: 0
const myVeryUsefulProject = MyVeryUsefulProject({
getFooOfId: getFooOfId(inMemoryDatabase),
saveFoo: saveFoo(inMemoryDatabase),
await myVeryUsefulProject.updateBar({ fooId: 'foo1', bar: 'some other value ?' });
expect('some other value ?');
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