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Created April 1, 2022 05:47
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  • Save Ovyerus/7ef384db75fdad6639f567e690e16cd9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ovyerus/7ef384db75fdad6639f567e690e16cd9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
epic powershell prompt
set-psreadlineoption -predictionsource history
$asciiSymbols = $false # If your terminal doesn't display unicode properly
$esc = [char]27
$r = "$esc[0m"
$symbols = @{
pathOpen = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "[" };
pathClose = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "]" };
timeOpen = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "[" };
timeClose = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "]" };
admin = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "#" };
prompt = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { ">" };
gitBranchPrefix = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "*" };
gitUp = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "^" };
gitDown = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "v" };
gitDirty = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "x" };
gitUntracked = "?";
gitUnmerged = if (!$asciiSymbols) { "" } else { "!!" };
$colors = @{
separator = "$esc[34m";
location = "$esc[92m";
time = "$esc[93m";
admin = "$esc[93m";
name = "$esc[95m";
error = "$esc[1;31m";
gitBranch = "$esc[36m";
gitBranchChanges = "$esc[33m";
gitBad = "$esc[91m";
class GitResult {
function Get-Git-Info {
$data = git status --porcelain=v2 --branch
$branchInfo = $data -match "^#"
$unmerged = !!($data -match "^u")
$untracked = !!($data -match "^\?")
$dirty = !!($data -match "^(1|2)")
$detached = $false
$commitId = ([string]($branchInfo -match "branch.oid") -split " ")[-1]
$head = ([string]($branchInfo -match "branch.head") -split " ")[-1]
$upstream = ([string]($branchInfo -match "branch.upstream") -split " ")[-1]
$changes = [string]($branchInfo -match "branch.ab")
if (!$changes) {
$up = 0
$down = 0
} else {
$changes -match "\+([0-9]+) -([0-9]+)$"
$up = $Matches[1]
$down = $Matches[2]
if ($commitId -eq "(initial)") { $commitId = "initial" }
if ($head -eq "(detached)") {
$head = "detached"
$detached = $true;
$result = [GitResult]::new()
$result.CommitId = $commitId
$result.Head = $head
$result.Upstream = $upstream
$result.Detached = $detached
$result.Unmerged = $unmerged
$result.Untracked = $untracked
$result.Dirty = $dirty
$result.Up = $up
$result.Down = $down
function Generate-Git-Path {
$git = Get-Git-Info
$commit = $git.CommitId.Substring(0, 7)
if ($git.Dirty -or $git.Untracked -or $git.Unmerged -or $git.Up) {
$branchColor = $colors.gitBranchChanges
} elseif ($git.Down) {
$branchColor = $colors.gitBad
} else {
$branchColor = $colors.gitBranch
$branchPrefix = if (!$git.Upstream) {
} else { '' }
$res = " $($branchColor)$branchPrefix$($git.Head)"
# if branch not on remote, go red
if ($git.Up -or $git.Down) { $res += " ($commit)" }
$res += $r
if ($git.Up) { $res += " $($git.Up)" }
if ($git.Down) { $res += "$($git.Down)" }
$res += " $($colors.gitBad)"
if ($git.Dirty) { $res += $symbols.gitDirty }
if ($git.Untracked) { $res += $symbols.gitUntracked }
if ($git.Unmerged) { $res += $symbols.gitUnmerged }
function prompt {
$lastCmdFailed = !$?;
# Cause $IsWindows and shit doesn't exist on current Windows Powershell version
$windows = $IsWindows -or $env:OS -eq 'Windows_NT'
if ($windows) {
$admin = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match 'S-1-5-32-544')
$name = $env:UserName
} else {
$admin = (id -u) -eq 0
$name = id -un
$isHome = (Get-Location).Path.StartsWith($HOME)
$time = (Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm')
$path = (Get-Location).Path
if ($isHome) { $path = $path.Replace($HOME, '~') }
$prompt = @(
"$($colors.separator)$($symbols.pathOpen) $($colors.location)$path $($colors.separator)$($symbols.pathClose)"
"$($symbols.timeOpen) $($colors.time)$time $($colors.separator)$($symbols.timeClose)"
if (Test-Path .git) { Generate-Git-Path } else { '' }
if ($admin) { " $($colors.admin)$($symbols.admin)" } else { '' }
) -join ""
"$($$name $(
if ($lastCmdFailed) { $colors.error } else { $colors.separator }
)$($symbols.prompt)$r "
$prompt -join "`n"
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