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Last active May 20, 2021 17:00
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  • Save OrDuan/8edd0dd3b0455aa13af1685eb6c6f671 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function encryptOrDecrypt(txt, pass) {
var ord = [];var buf = "";
for (z = 1; z <= 255; z++) {ord[String.fromCharCode(z)] = z}
for (j = z = 0; z < txt.length; z++) {
buf += String.fromCharCode(ord[txt.substr(z, 1)] ^ ord[pass.substr(j, 1)])
j = (j < pass.length) ? j + 1 : 0
return buf
let hiddenMessage = "\u0005\u001d\u000b\b7O7\u0010c!\n\u001d\u001abNED!s^_Xc!\u0001\u001dtb\f\u0002\u001c&UD\\4vXX_p";
let password = "******";
console.log(encryptOrDecrypt(hiddenMessage, password))
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