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Created April 30, 2023 08:32
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custom thoth decoder
module Command.Serialization
open Command
open System
open Akkling
open Akkling.Persistence
open Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe
open Akka
open Akka.Cluster.Sharding
open Akkling.Cluster.Sharding
open Akka.Actor
open Akka.Serialization
open System.IO
//open Newtonsoft.Json
open System.Text
open NodaTime.Serialization.SystemTextJson
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
open NodaTime
open Thoth.Json.Net
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open Common
open Command.Domain
open Serilog
module DefaultEncode =
let instant (instant : Instant) =
Encode.datetime (instant.ToDateTimeUtc() )
module DefeaultDecode =
let instant : Decoder<Instant> = Decode.datetimeUtc |>
let extraThoth =
|> Extra.withInt64
|> Extra.withCustom (DefaultEncode.instant) DefeaultDecode.instant
module Decode =
let defaultEventDecode = Decode.Auto.generateDecoder<User.Event>(extra = extraThoth)
let eventDetails : Decoder<User.Event> =
fun path value ->
let decoder =
if Decode.Helpers.isString value then
let svalue : string = unbox(value.ToObject(typeof<string>))
if svalue = "LoginSucceeded" then
Decode.succeed (User.Event.LoginSucceeded ("", Some 0))
elif Decode.Helpers.isArray value then
Decode.index 0 (Decode.string)
|> Decode.andThen (fun tag ->
match tag with
| "LoginSucceeded" ->
let meta = Decode.index 1 (Decode.string) (fun meta -> User.Event.LoginSucceeded (meta, Some 0)) meta
| _ ->
decoder path value
let eventEncode = Encode.Auto.generateEncoder<User.Event>(extra = extraThoth)
let extraThoth2 =
|> Extra.withCustom (eventEncode) Decode.eventDetails
let userMessageEncode = Encode.Auto.generateEncoder<Common.Event<User.Event> >(extra = extraThoth2)
let userMessageDecode = Decode.Auto.generateDecoder<Common.Event<User.Event> >(extra = extraThoth2)
let calcMessageEncode = Encode.Auto.generateEncoder<Common.Event<Calculation.Event> >(extra = extraThoth)
let calcMessageDecode = Decode.Auto.generateDecoder<Common.Event<Calculation.Event> >(extra = extraThoth)
type ThothSerializer(system: ExtendedActorSystem) =
inherit SerializerWithStringManifest(system)
override __.Identifier = 1712
override __.ToBinary(o) =
match o with
| :? Common.Event<User.Event> as mesg ->
userMessageEncode mesg
|> Encode.toString 4
|> Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes
| :? Common.Event<Calculation.Event> as mesg ->
calcMessageEncode mesg
|> Encode.toString 4
|> Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes
| e ->
failwithf "shouldn't happen %A" e
override this.Manifest(o: obj): string =
match o with
| :? Common.Event<User.Event> -> "UserMessage"
| :? Common.Event<Calculation.Event> -> "CalculationMessage"
| _ -> o.GetType().FullName
override this.FromBinary(bytes: byte[], manifest: string): obj =
match manifest with
| "UserMessage" ->
|> Decode.fromString userMessageDecode
|> function
| Ok res -> res
| Error er ->
Log.Fatal("Error deserializing {@Error}", er)
raise(new SerializationException(er))
| "CalculationMessage" ->
|> Decode.fromString calcMessageDecode
|> function
| Ok res -> res
| Error er ->
Log.Fatal("Error deserializing {@Error}", er)
raise(new SerializationException(er))
| _ -> raise(new SerializationException())
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