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Create Clients With No Associated Site Report
#Get Domain Controllers for current domain
$DCs = Get-ADGroupMember "Domain Controllers"
#Initiate the clients array
$Clients = @()
Foreach ($DC in $DCs) {
#Define the netlogon.log path
$NetLogonFilePath = "\\" + $DC.Name + "\C$\Windows\debug\netlogon.log"
#Reading the content of the netlogon.log file
try {$NetLogonFile = Get-Content -Path $NetLogonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop}
catch {"Error reading $NetLogonFilePath"}
foreach ($Line in $NetLogonFile) {
#Splitting the line to isolate each variable
$ClientData = $Line.split(' ')
#Creating the client object
$ClientObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $ClientObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hostname' -Value $ClientData[5]
Add-Member -InputObject $ClientObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'IP' -Value $ClientData[6]
Add-Member -InputObject $ClientObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DomainController' -Value $DC.Name
Add-Member -InputObject $ClientObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Date' -Value $ClientData[0]
$Clients += $ClientObject
$UniqueClients = $Clients | Sort-Object -Property IP -Unique
$UniqueClients | Out-GridView -Title "Clients which are not mapped to any AD sites ($($UniqueClients.Count) in total)"
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