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A demo of using Apple's EndpointSecurity framework - tested on macOS Monterey 12.2.1 (21D62)
// main.m
// EndpointSecurityDemo
// Created by Omar Ikram on 17/06/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 1 (19A471t)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 15/08/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 5 (19A526h)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 01/12/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A583)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 31/01/2021 - macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 07/05/2021 - macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 (20E241)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 04/07/2021 - macOS Monterey 12 Beta 2 (21A5268h)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 08/01/2022 - macOS Monterey 12.1 (21C52)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 15/02/2022 - macOS Monterey 12.2.1 (21D62)
A demo of using Apple's EndpointSecurity framework - tested on macOS Monterey 12.2.1 (21D62).
Minimum supported version: macOS Catalina 10.15
This demo is an update of previous demos, which has been updated to support the latest API changes
Apple has made for macOS Monterey 12.
The demo has also been expanded significantly to include more detail and cover more of the API.
The code, hopefully, should be self explanatory. Important details are marked by a comment
starting with "Note:".
This code is provided as is and is only intended to be used for illustration purposes. This code is
not production-ready and is not meant to be used in a production environment. Use it at your own risk!
1. Build with Xcode 13 (tested with Version 13.2.1 (13C100)), having the macOS deployment target set
to 10.15 (or later) and the Hardened Runtime capability enabled.
2. Link with libraries:
- libEndpointSecurity.tbd (Endpoint Security functions)
- libbsm.tbd (Audit Token functions)
- UniformTypeIdentifiers.framework (UTI functions, which is not available on macOS Catalina 10.15
, so it needs to be optinally linked - e.g. with the '-weak_framework' linker option)
3. Codesign with entitlement ''.
If your Apple Developer account has been granted the entitlement from Apple, then the program needs
to be compiled as an App (i.e. Application Bundle). This will allow you to assign a Provisioning
Profile to the program, which you need to have associated the entitlement to it.
If you have not been granted the entitlement. You can still build the program (as an App or Command
Line Tool), but it will only be able to run on a machine which has SIP disabled (best to use a VM).
1. Test environment should be a macOS 10.15+ machine.
2. Run the demo binary in a terminal as root (e.g. with sudo).
i) Running with no arguments will display a simple usage message.
ii) Running with the 'serial' argument will run the demo using
the example serial event message handler.
iii) Running with the 'asynchronous' argument will run the demo using
the example asynchronous event message handler.
iv) Adding the 'verbose' argument at the end will turn on verbose logging.
3. Terminal will display messages related to subscribed events.
4. The demo will demonstrate processing Endpoint Security event messages
serially or asynchronously (depending on the selected command line argument given).
The demo will also demonstrate using Endpoint Security Auth events to make the
following Auth based decisions:
i) Block the 'top' binary and 'Calculator' app bundle from running.
ii) Block 'vim' binary from reading plain text files.
5. CTL-C to exit.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <EndpointSecurity/EndpointSecurity.h>
#import <bsm/libbsm.h>
#import <signal.h>
#import <mach/mach_time.h>
#import <Kernel/kern/cs_blobs.h>
#import <UniformTypeIdentifiers/UniformTypeIdentifiers.h>
#import <Appkit/AppKit.h>
#import <libproc.h>
#pragma mark Globals
es_client_t *g_client = nil;
NSSet *g_blocked_paths = nil;
NSDateFormatter *g_date_formater = nil;
// Endpoint Security event handler selected at startup from the command line
es_handler_block_t g_handler = nil;
// Used to detect if any events have been dropped by the kernel
uint64_t g_global_seq_num = 0;
NSMutableDictionary *g_seq_nums = nil;
// Set to true if want to cache the results of an auth event response
bool g_cache_auth_results = false;
// Logs can become quite busy, especially when subscribing to ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_OPEN events.
// Only log all event messages when the flag is enabled;
// otherwise only denied Auth event messages will be logged.
bool g_verbose_logging = false;
#pragma mark Helpers - Mach Absolute Time
// This could be running on either Apple Silicon or Intel based CPUs.
// We will need to apply timebase information when converting Mach absolute time to nanoseconds:
// Note: Running x86_64 code running under Rosetta 2 will have timebase information for Intel CPUs.
// This will cause discrepancies when converting Mach absolute time values from Endpoint Security Messages.
// The best option would be to compile your client as a universal binary:
uint64_t MachTimeToNanoseconds(uint64_t machTime) {
uint64_t nanoseconds = 0;
static mach_timebase_info_data_t sTimebase;
if(sTimebase.denom == 0)
nanoseconds = ((machTime * sTimebase.numer) / sTimebase.denom);
return nanoseconds;
uint64_t MachTimeToSeconds(uint64_t machTime) {
return MachTimeToNanoseconds(machTime) / NSEC_PER_SEC;
#pragma mark Helpers - Code Signing
typedef struct {
const NSString* name;
int value;
} CSFlag;
#define CSFLAG(flag) {@#flag, flag}
// Code signing flags defined in cs_blobs.h
const CSFlag g_csFlags[] = {
NSString* codesigning_flags_str(const uint32_t codesigning_flags) {
NSMutableArray *match_flags = [NSMutableArray new];
// Test which code signing flags have been set and add the matched ones to an array
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < (sizeof g_csFlags / sizeof *g_csFlags); i++) {
if((codesigning_flags & g_csFlags[i].value) == g_csFlags[i].value) {
[match_flags addObject:g_csFlags[i].name];
return [match_flags componentsJoinedByString:@","];
#pragma mark Helpers - Endpoint Security
NSString* esstring_to_nsstring(const es_string_token_t es_string_token) {
if( && es_string_token.length > 0) {
// is a pointer to a null-terminated string
return [NSString];
} else {
return @"";
const NSString* event_type_str(const es_event_type_t event_type) {
static const NSString *names[] = {
// The following events are available beginning in macOS 10.15
// The following events are available beginning in macOS 10.15.1
// The following events are available beginning in macOS 10.15.4
// The following events are available beginning in macOS 11.0
// The following events are available beginning in macOS 11.3
// The following events are available beginning in macOS 12.0
if(event_type >= ES_EVENT_TYPE_LAST) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unknown/Unsupported event type: %d", event_type];
return names[event_type];
NSString* events_str(size_t count, const es_event_type_t* events) {
NSMutableArray *arr = [NSMutableArray new];
for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
[arr addObject:event_type_str(events[i])];
return [arr componentsJoinedByString:@", "];
// On macOS Big Sur 11, Apple have deprecated es_copy_message in favour of es_retain_message
es_message_t * copy_message(const es_message_t * msg) {
if(@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
// simulate a copy
return (es_message_t*) msg;
} else {
return es_copy_message(msg);
// On macOS Big Sur 11, Apple have deprecated es_free_message in favour of es_release_message
void free_message(es_message_t * _Nonnull msg) {
if(@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
} else {
#pragma mark Helpers - Misc
NSString* fdtype_str(const uint32_t fdtype) {
switch(fdtype) {
case PROX_FDTYPE_ATALK: return @"ATALK";
case PROX_FDTYPE_VNODE: return @"VNODE";
case PROX_FDTYPE_PSHM: return @"PSHM";
case PROX_FDTYPE_PSEM: return @"PSEM";
case PROX_FDTYPE_PIPE: return @"PIPE";
default: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unknown/Unsupported fdtype: %d",
void init_date_formater(void) {
// Display dates in RFC 3339 date and time format:
g_date_formater = [NSDateFormatter new];
g_date_formater.locale = [NSLocale localeWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US_POSIX"];
g_date_formater.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ";
g_date_formater.timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0];
NSString* formatted_date_str(__darwin_time_t secs_since_1970) {
NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:secs_since_1970];
return [g_date_formater stringFromDate:date];
bool is_system_file(const NSString* path) {
// For the purpose of this demo. A system file is a file that is under these directories:
for(NSString* prefix in @[@"/System/", @"/usr/share/"]) {
if([path hasPrefix:prefix]) {
return true;
return false;
bool is_plain_text_file(const NSString* path) {
if(@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
UTType* utt = [UTType typeWithFilenameExtension:[path pathExtension]];
return [utt conformsToType:UTTypePlainText];
} else {
return [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]
filenameExtension:[path pathExtension]
char* filetype_str(const mode_t st_mode) {
switch(((st_mode) & S_IFMT)) {
case S_IFBLK: return "BLK";
case S_IFCHR: return "CHR";
case S_IFDIR: return "DIR";
case S_IFIFO: return "FIFO";
case S_IFREG: return "REG";
case S_IFLNK: return "LINK";
case S_IFSOCK: return "SOCK";
default: return "";
#pragma mark - Logging
#define BOOL_VALUE(x) x ? "Yes" : "No"
int g_log_indent = 0;
#define LOG_INDENT_INC() {g_log_indent += 2;}
#define LOG_INDENT_DEC() {g_log_indent -= 2;}
#define LOG_IMPORTANT_INFO(fmt, ...) NSLog(@"*** " @#fmt @" ***", ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOG_INFO(fmt, ...) NSLog(@"%*s" @#fmt, g_log_indent, "", ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOG_ERROR(fmt, ...) NSLog(@"ERROR: " @#fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
if(g_verbose_logging) { \
log_event_message(msg); \
} \
if(!g_verbose_logging) { \
log_event_message(msg); \
} \
void log_audit_token(const NSString* header, const audit_token_t audit_token) {
LOG_INFO("%@:", header);
LOG_INFO("pid: %d", audit_token_to_pid(audit_token));
LOG_INFO("ruid: %d", audit_token_to_ruid(audit_token));
LOG_INFO("euid: %d", audit_token_to_euid(audit_token));
LOG_INFO("rgid: %d", audit_token_to_rgid(audit_token));
LOG_INFO("egid: %d", audit_token_to_egid(audit_token));
bool log_muted_paths_events(void) {
es_muted_paths_t *muted_paths = NULL;
es_return_t result = es_muted_paths_events(g_client, &muted_paths);
if(ES_RETURN_SUCCESS != result) {
LOG_ERROR("es_muted_paths_events: ES_RETURN_ERROR");
return false;
if(NULL == muted_paths) {
// There are no muted paths
return true;
for(size_t i = 0; i < muted_paths->count; i++) {
es_muted_path_t muted_path = muted_paths->paths[i];
LOG_INFO("muted_path[%ld]: %@", i, esstring_to_nsstring(muted_path.path));
if(g_verbose_logging) {
LOG_INFO("type: %s", (muted_path.type == ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_PREFIX) ? "Prefix" : "Literal");
LOG_INFO("event_count: %ld", muted_path.event_count);
LOG_INFO("events: %@", events_str(muted_path.event_count,;
return true;
bool log_subscribed_events(void) {
// Log the subscribed events
size_t count = 0;
es_event_type_t *events = NULL;
es_return_t result = es_subscriptions(g_client, &count, &events);
if(ES_RETURN_SUCCESS != result) {
LOG_ERROR("es_subscriptions: ES_RETURN_ERROR");
return false;
LOG_IMPORTANT_INFO("Subscribed Events: %@", events_str(count, events));
return true;
void log_file(const NSString* header, const es_file_t* file) {
if(!file) {
LOG_INFO("%@: (null)", header);
LOG_INFO("%@:", header);
LOG_INFO("path: %@", esstring_to_nsstring(file->path));
LOG_INFO("path_truncated: %s", BOOL_VALUE(file->path_truncated));
LOG_INFO("stat.st_dev: %d", file->stat.st_dev);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_ino: %llu", file->stat.st_ino);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_mode: %u (%s)", file->stat.st_mode, filetype_str(file->stat.st_mode));
LOG_INFO("stat.st_nlink: %u", file->stat.st_nlink);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_uid: %u", file->stat.st_uid);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_gid: %u", file->stat.st_gid);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_atime: %@", formatted_date_str(file->stat.st_atime));
LOG_INFO("stat.st_mtime: %@", formatted_date_str(file->stat.st_mtime));
LOG_INFO("stat.st_ctime: %@", formatted_date_str(file->stat.st_ctime));
LOG_INFO("stat.st_birthtime: %@", formatted_date_str(file->stat.st_birthtime));
LOG_INFO("stat.st_size: %lld", file->stat.st_size);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_blocks: %lld", file->stat.st_blocks);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_blksize: %d", file->stat.st_blksize);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_flags: %u", file->stat.st_flags);
LOG_INFO("stat.st_gen: %u", file->stat.st_gen);
void log_proc(uint32_t msg_version, const NSString* header, const es_process_t* proc) {
if(!proc) {
LOG_INFO("%@: (null)", header);
LOG_INFO("%@:", header);
log_audit_token(@"proc.audit_token", proc->audit_token);
LOG_INFO("proc.ppid: %d", proc->ppid);
LOG_INFO("proc.original_ppid: %d", proc->original_ppid);
if(msg_version >= 4) {
log_audit_token(@"proc.responsible_audit_token", proc->responsible_audit_token);
log_audit_token(@"proc.parent_audit_token", proc->parent_audit_token);
LOG_INFO("proc.group_id: %d", proc->group_id);
LOG_INFO("proc.session_id: %d", proc->session_id);
LOG_INFO("proc.is_platform_binary: %s", BOOL_VALUE(proc->is_platform_binary));
LOG_INFO("proc.is_es_client: %s", BOOL_VALUE(proc->is_es_client));
LOG_INFO("proc.signing_id: %@", esstring_to_nsstring(proc->signing_id));
LOG_INFO("proc.team_id: %@", esstring_to_nsstring(proc->team_id));
if(msg_version >= 3) {
LOG_INFO("proc.start_time: %@", formatted_date_str(proc->start_time.tv_sec));
LOG_INFO("proc.codesigning_flags: %x (%@)",
proc->codesigning_flags, codesigning_flags_str(proc->codesigning_flags));
// proc.cdhash
NSMutableString *hash = [NSMutableString string];
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < CS_CDHASH_LEN; i++) {
[hash appendFormat:@"%02x", proc->cdhash[i]];
LOG_INFO("proc.cdhash: %@", hash);
log_file(@"proc.executable", proc->executable);
if(msg_version >= 2 && proc->tty) {
log_file(@"proc.tty", proc->tty);
void log_command_line_arguments(const es_event_exec_t* exec) {
uint32_t arg_count = es_exec_arg_count(exec);
LOG_INFO("event.exec.arg_count: %u", arg_count);
// Extract each argument and log it out
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
es_string_token_t arg = es_exec_arg(exec, i);
LOG_INFO("arg[%d]: %@", i, esstring_to_nsstring(arg));
void log_environment_variable(const es_event_exec_t* exec) {
uint32_t env_count = es_exec_env_count(exec);
LOG_INFO("event.exec.env_count: %u", env_count);
// Extract each env and log it out
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < env_count; i++) {
es_string_token_t arg = es_exec_env(exec, i);
LOG_INFO("env[%d]: %@", i, esstring_to_nsstring(arg));
void log_file_descriptors(const es_event_exec_t* exec) {
if(@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
uint32_t fd_count = es_exec_fd_count(exec);
LOG_INFO("event.exec.fd_count: %u", fd_count);
// Extract each fd and log it out
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < fd_count; i++) {
// Pointer must not outlive event
const es_fd_t *arg = es_exec_fd(exec, i);
LOG_INFO("fd[%d].fd: %d", i, arg->fd);
LOG_INFO("fd[%d].fdtype: %@", i, fdtype_str(arg->fdtype));
if(PROX_FDTYPE_PIPE == arg->fdtype) {
LOG_INFO("fd[%d].fd: %llu", i, arg->pipe.pipe_id);
void log_event_exec(uint32_t msg_version, const es_event_exec_t* exec) {
log_proc(msg_version, @"", exec->target);
if(msg_version >= 2 && exec->script) {
log_file(@"event.exec.script", exec->script);
if(msg_version >= 3) {
log_file(@"event.exec.cwd", exec->cwd);
if(msg_version >= 4) {
LOG_INFO("event.exec.last_fd: %d", exec->last_fd);
void log_event_open(const es_event_open_t* open) {
NSMutableArray *match_flags = [NSMutableArray new];
if((open->fflag & FREAD) == FREAD) {
[match_flags addObject:@"FREAD"];
if((open->fflag & FWRITE) == FWRITE) {
[match_flags addObject:@"FWRITE"];
LOG_INFO(" %d (%@)",
open->fflag, [match_flags componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
log_file(@"", open->file);
// Logs the top level datatype sent by Endpoint Security subsystem to its clients
void log_event_message(const es_message_t *msg) {
LOG_INFO("event_type: %@ (%d)", event_type_str(msg->event_type), msg->event_type);
// Note: Apple have designed the Endpoint Security structures to support additional fields
// in the future. Always check the version of the message before using a field, in the message
// or sub-structure, which has been added to a later version of Endpoint Security.
// Only new fields are added. Existing fields should be available in future revisions.
uint32_t version = msg->version;
LOG_INFO("version: %u", version);
LOG_INFO("time: %@", formatted_date_str(msg->time.tv_sec));
LOG_INFO("mach_time: %lld", msg->mach_time);
// Note: It's very important that an auth event is processed within the deadline:
// From an Apple Security Engineer:
// "You must respond by the deadline.
// It is not configurable.
// It won't get longer, but it will get shorter."
LOG_INFO("deadline: %llu", msg->deadline);
uint64_t deadlineInterval = msg->deadline;
if(deadlineInterval > 0) {
deadlineInterval -= msg->mach_time;
LOG_INFO("deadline interval: %llu (%llu seconds)",
deadlineInterval, MachTimeToSeconds(deadlineInterval));
// Note: You can use the seq_num field to detect if the kernel had to drop any event messages,
// for an event type, to the client.
if(version >= 2) {
LOG_INFO("seq_num: %lld", msg->seq_num);
// Note: You can use the global_seq_num field to detect if the kernel had to drop any event
// messages to the client.
if(version >= 4) {
LOG_INFO("global_seq_num: %lld", msg->global_seq_num);
if(version >= 4 && msg->thread) {
LOG_INFO("thread_id: %lld", msg->thread->thread_id);
LOG_INFO("action_type: %s", (msg->action_type == ES_ACTION_TYPE_AUTH) ? "Auth" : "Notify");
log_proc(version, @"process", msg->process);
// Event specific logging
switch(msg->event_type) {
log_event_exec(version, &msg->event.exec);
log_proc(version, @"event.fork.child", msg->event.fork.child);
default: {
// Not interested
// Demonstrates detecting dropped event messages from the kernel, by either
// using the using the seq_num or global_seq_num fields in an event message
void detect_and_log_dropped_events(const es_message_t *msg) {
uint32_t version = msg->version;
// Note: You can use the seq_num field to detect if the kernel had to
// drop any event messages, for an event type, to the client.
if(version >= 2) {
uint64_t seq_num = msg->seq_num;
const NSString *type = event_type_str(msg->event_type);
NSNumber *last_seq_num = [g_seq_nums objectForKey:type];
if(last_seq_num != nil) {
uint64_t expected_seq_num = [last_seq_num unsignedLongLongValue] + 1;
if(seq_num > expected_seq_num) {
LOG_ERROR("EVENTS DROPPED! seq_num is ahead by: %llu",
(seq_num - expected_seq_num));
[g_seq_nums setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:seq_num] forKey:type];
// Note: You can use the global_seq_num field to detect if the kernel had to
// drop any event messages to the client.
if(version >= 4) {
uint64_t global_seq_num = msg->global_seq_num;
if(global_seq_num > ++g_global_seq_num) {
LOG_ERROR("EVENTS DROPPED! global_seq_num is ahead by: %llu",
(global_seq_num - g_global_seq_num));
g_global_seq_num = global_seq_num;
#pragma mark - Endpoint Secuirty Demo
// Clean-up before exiting
void sig_handler(int sig) {
if(g_client) {
void print_usage(const char *name) {
printf("Usage: %s (serial | asynchronous) (verbose)\n", name);
printf("\tserial\t\tUse serial message handler\n");
printf("\tasynchronous\tUse asynchronous message handler\n");
printf("\tverbose\t\tTurns on verbose logging\n");
// An example handler to make auth (allow or block) decisions.
es_auth_result_t auth_event_handler(const es_message_t *msg) {
// NOTE: You should ignore events from other ES Clients;
// otherwise you may trigger more events causing a potentially infinite cycle.
if(msg->process->is_es_client) {
// Ignore events from root processes
if(0 == audit_token_to_ruid(msg->process->audit_token)) {
// Block exec if path of process is in our blocked paths list
if(ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_EXEC == msg->event_type) {
NSString *path = esstring_to_nsstring(msg->>executable->path);
if(![g_blocked_paths containsObject:path]) {
// Process is in our blocked list
// Block vim from accessing plain text files
if(ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_OPEN == msg->event_type) {
NSString *processPath = esstring_to_nsstring(msg->process->executable->path);
if(![processPath isEqualToString:@"/usr/bin/vim"]) {
// Not vim
NSString *filePath = esstring_to_nsstring(msg->>path);
if(is_system_file(filePath)) {
// Ignore System files
if(!is_plain_text_file(filePath)) {
// Not a text file
// Process is vim trying to access a text file
// All good
// Sends a response back to Endpoint Security for an auth event
// Note: You must always send a response back before the deadline expires.
void respond_to_auth_event(es_client_t *clt, const es_message_t *msg, es_auth_result_t result) {
// Only log ES_AUTH_RESULT_DENY results when verbose logging is disabled
if(ES_AUTH_RESULT_DENY == result) {
// Note: You use es_respond_auth_result() to respond to auth events,
// except for ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_OPEN events, which require a response
// using es_respond_flags_result() instead.
if(ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_OPEN == msg->event_type) {
uint32_t authorized_flags = 0;
if(ES_AUTH_RESULT_ALLOW == result) {
authorized_flags = msg->;
es_respond_result_t res =
es_respond_flags_result(clt, msg, authorized_flags, g_cache_auth_results);
LOG_ERROR("es_respond_flags_result: %d", res);
} else {
es_respond_result_t res =
es_respond_auth_result(clt, msg, result, g_cache_auth_results);
LOG_ERROR("es_respond_auth_result: %d", res);
// Example of an event message handler to process event messages serially from Endpoint Security.
es_handler_block_t serial_message_handler = ^(es_client_t *clt, const es_message_t *msg) {
// Endpoint Security, by default, calls a event message handler serially for each message.
// NOTE: It is important to process events in a timely manner.
// The kernel will start to drop events for the client if they are not responded to in time.
// Auth events require a response sent back before the deadline expires
if(ES_ACTION_TYPE_AUTH == msg->action_type) {
respond_to_auth_event(clt, msg, auth_event_handler(msg));
// Example of an event message handler to process event messages asynchronously from Endpoint Security
es_handler_block_t asynchronous_message_handler = ^(es_client_t *clt, const es_message_t *msg) {
// Endpoint Security, by default, calls a event message handler serially for each message.
// We copy/retain the message so that we can process and respond to auth events asynchronously.
// NOTE: It is important to process events in a timely manner.
// The kernel will start to drop events for the client if they are not responded to in time.
// Copy/Retain the event message so that we process the event asynchronously
es_message_t *copied_msg = copy_message(msg);
if(!copied_msg) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to copy message");
// Demonstrates handling events out of order, by processing 'ES_ACTION_TYPE_AUTH' events on
// a separate thread. Sleep for 20s for 'ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_EXEC' events if the result
if(ES_ACTION_TYPE_AUTH == copied_msg->action_type) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^(void){
es_auth_result_t result = auth_event_handler(copied_msg);
if(ES_AUTH_RESULT_DENY == result &&
ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_EXEC == copied_msg->event_type) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:20.0];
// Auth events require a response sent back before the deadline expires
respond_to_auth_event(clt, copied_msg, result);
// Free/release the message
es_handler_block_t get_message_handler_from_commandline_args(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
if(argc < 2) {
// No command line argument was given
return nil;
// check if verbose logging argument was given
if(argc > 2) {
NSString *verbose = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[2]] lowercaseString];
g_verbose_logging = [verbose isEqualToString:@"verbose"];
// Try and find an event message handler that matches the first command line argument
NSString *arg = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[1]] lowercaseString];
NSDictionary *handlers = @{
@"serial" : serial_message_handler,
@"asynchronous" : asynchronous_message_handler
return [handlers objectForKey:arg];
// On macOS Monterey 12, Apple have deprecated es_mute_path_literal in favour of es_mute_path
bool mute_path(const char* path)
es_return_t result = ES_RETURN_ERROR;
if(@available(macOS 12.0, *)) {
result = es_mute_path(g_client, path, ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_LITERAL);
} else {
result = es_mute_path_literal(g_client, path);
if(ES_RETURN_SUCCESS != result) {
return false;
return true;
// Note: This function shows the boilerplate code required to setup a connection to Endpoint Security
// and subscribe to events.
bool setup_endpoint_security(void) {
// Create a new client with an associated event message handler.
// Requires '' entitlement.
es_new_client_result_t res = es_new_client(&g_client, g_handler);
switch(res) {
LOG_ERROR("Application requires '' entitlement");
LOG_ERROR("Application lacks Transparency, Consent, and Control (TCC) approval "
"from the user. This can be resolved by granting 'Full Disk Access' from "
"the 'Security & Privacy' tab of System Preferences.");
LOG_ERROR("Application needs to be run as root");
LOG_ERROR("es_new_client: %d", res);
return false;
// Explicitly clear the cache of previous cached results from this demo or other ES Clients
es_clear_cache_result_t resCache = es_clear_cache(g_client);
LOG_ERROR("es_clear_cache: %d", resCache);
return false;
// Subscribe to the events we're interested in
es_event_type_t events[] = {
es_return_t subscribed = es_subscribe(g_client, events, sizeof events / sizeof *events);
if(ES_RETURN_ERROR == subscribed) {
LOG_ERROR("es_subscribe: ES_RETURN_ERROR");
return false;
// All good
return log_subscribed_events();
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
signal(SIGINT, &sig_handler);
@autoreleasepool {
// Init global vars
g_handler = get_message_handler_from_commandline_args(argc, argv);
if(!g_handler) {
return 1;
g_seq_nums = [NSMutableDictionary new];
// List of paths to be blocked.
// For this demo we will block the top binary and Calculator app bundle.
g_blocked_paths = [NSSet setWithObjects:
if(!setup_endpoint_security()) {
return 1;
// Note: Endpoint Security have a set of es_mute* functions to suppress events for a process.
// Uncomment the 'mute_path' line below to stop receiving events from the 'vim' binary.
// This program will then stop receiving 'ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_OPEN' events for vim and will no
// longer be able to block vim from opening plain text files.
// mute_path("/usr/bin/vim");
if(@available(macOS 12.0, *)) {
// Note: Endpoint Security for performance reasons will automatically mute a set of paths
// on creation of new clients ('es_new_client').
// macOS Monterey 12 now has the 'es_muted_paths_events' function, which can be used to
// inspect the muted paths. It is possible to unmute these paths (e.g. by using
// 'es_release_muted_paths'), but Apple advises against this.
} else {
// ES on macOS Monterey 12 implicitly mutes events from cfprefsd. We need to explicitly do
// this on older versions of macOS to prevent deadlocks in this program. This is because
// UTType and NSDate objects, used in parts of this program, may implicitly
// make NSUserDefaults calls which will generate ES events for cfprefsd.
// Start handling events from Endpoint Security
return 0;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
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@Motti-Shneor apologies for the delay. Here are my answers to your questions:

  1. Yes, you don't need a System Extension to use Endpoint Security with SIP enabled. Your application needs to run as root, have the '' entitlement and be signed with a developer account that has been granted the right from Apple:

Your application has to be structured as an Application Bundle, because it will require a Provisioning Profile (embedded.provisionprofile) to allow the '' entitlement.

You will also need to give your application 'Full Disk Access' from the 'Security & Privacy' System Preferences pane, because of Transparency, Consent & Control (TCC) restrictions.

I would also recommend building your application with Hardened Runtime enabled and have the application notarized. This is required when building a System Extension.

  1. Disabling SIP will disable Endpoint Security's validation checks when creating a new client to the Endpoint Security subsystem. You will also need to disable AMFI when developing a System Extension with a developer account that has not been granted the required entitlements. Just use caution when doing so, because of the inherited risk from disabling these system protections (i.e. do so at your own risk!).

  2. Endpoint Security framework's header files are the best source for up-to-date information on the API. The comments should provide enough detail to explain workings of the API.

I'm also planning on writing a blog post explaining the nuances of the API from my experience of using it for a year. Hopefully that may be of use.


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Thanks! very good answers, even if I still need some details.

In the mean time (before your answers) I made some progress. Following strange example I saw in Objective-See I built a hybrid UI application, whose executable also works as a command-line-tool if launched with specific arguments. When run (as root with Full-Disk-Access) it actively accepts and parses ES notifications, and even handles few Auth events.

I was also granted the right from Apple (Yay! took 4 months!).

However, to this moment I only managed to create a development provisioning-profile for that works for me. I can't do the "DeveloperID" signing that I can Notarize and deploy. So sadly - I can only test things on my Mac (SIP enabled and all) for now. I do not know what is "embedded.provisionprofile" and where to set it. When I try to create a DeveloperID profile in Apple dev account site - it claims I don't need to, because I already HAVE a developerID profile... however, when I try to use my existing profile - Xcode yells at me and refuses to take it. Please let me know when you have posted your blog - It can be of great help.

My question about documentation was mostly about the MEANING of those events (especially the Auth events) and how to "map" user actions I want to Allow/Deny to events I subscribe to. Example: when user drags a set of selected documents from one location in the file-system to another, I'd like to allow/deny the action based on the contents/attributes of those selected objects and the destination to which they're dragged. Or, prevent printing of specific files. --- which events I need to catch, and what events compose an action? What kind of actions instigate ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_CLONE? and if more than one event is involved - how do I know WHICH is the one I need to "DENY"? There seems to be no conceptual description of the low-level world of actions and their meaning.

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LuKePicci commented Jan 7, 2021

Hi all,
I'm studying this API too. My final goal would be to call these from .net binaries but I liked to start by testing existing code and demos.
I've got stuck at the signing/entitlement stuff. I see Xcode is trying to find a provisioning profile from my personal DevID team, and gives me errors since personal Teams do not support SystemExtension entitlement.
Having a proper Team seems to require an Apple Dev program enrollment, which I plan to subscribe in future once I get a working prototype. Is it possible to build and run this demo on my development vm before enrolling the dev program?

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@LuKePicci This demo is not a System Extension, but a command line program. The SystemExtension entitlement is only required if your application is hosting a System Extension. For this demo, you just need the "" entitlement to allow your program to use Endpoint Security.

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LuKePicci commented Jan 11, 2021

Thanks for pointing this out, Running test programs from command line is actually what I would like to do, but the sample code for Endpoint Security API from Apple put me in the wrong direction since it's a System Extension too.

However my main concern remains, can I add the "" entitlement to a binary (cli, extension, whatever..) and get it running in my test environment without dev program enrollment? I can't get Xcode (12.3) to "testsign" with entitlements. I've found a workaround here which seems to solve the issue on Xcode 11 for a different runtime feature, I'll try to do something similar for "endpoint-security.client".

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Motti-Shneor commented Jan 19, 2021

@LuKePicci This demo is not a System Extension, but a command line program.
Can you build such thing including the entitlement, without an "App bundle" wrapping? Can a single binary be code-signed and entitled with the "" entitlement ???

I went the "App bundle" way, but introduced some trickery into my main(), so it knows when launched as a "launchd global daemon" and it will work the right way (as a command-line) and will display minimal UI when launched via launch-services (e.g. double-click in Finder).

If it is possible - can you spare a hint on how to do this?

The reason I'm asking again (despite your clear answers before...) is that I'm having rough time persuading my tool (launchd global daemon in an App costume) publish an XPC Service for control and communication with other system components. I just can't make it work - meaning, all looks fine, but clients can't connect... but that's off topic.

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Can you build such thing including the entitlement, without an "App bundle" wrapping? Can a single binary be code-signed and entitled with the "" entitlement ???

As far as I am aware, this is not possible for third-party binaries. As mentioned before, to use Endpoint Security directly in your application, it has to be structured as an Application Bundle, because it will require a Provisioning Profile for the system to allow your app to use the '' entitlement.

If you go the System Extension route. Your application must be an App Bundle in order for it to contain the System Extension - which itself is an App Bundle.

I went the "App bundle" way, but introduced some trickery into my main(), so it knows when launched as a "launchd global daemon" and it will work the right way (as a command-line) and will display minimal UI when launched via launch-services (e.g. double-click in Finder).

That's one valid approach or you could make use of a System Extension too.

If it is possible - can you spare a hint on how to do this?

The reason I'm asking again (despite your clear answers before...) is that I'm having rough time persuading my tool (launchd global daemon in an App costume) publish an XPC Service for control and communication with other system components. I just can't make it work - meaning, all looks fine, but clients can't connect... but that's off topic.

You should be able use XPC with your application. Alternatively, if your use case allows it, you can make use of a System Extension which provides some built-in support for XPC. See the man page for EndpointSecurity has more details, specifically the NSEndpointSecurityMachServiceName section, which explains how to set-up the name for the MachService.

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well... it can't be a real "Application". this is a root-privileged global daemon, doing some kind of monitoring and prevention of suspicious AUTH events. A security tool. I can't use the System-Extension route because... well... the whole product is comprised as a set of global daemons and agents, and the managers wanted them to remain that way... Now I already succeeded in publishing an XPC Service in a sample global daemon --- this is supported (even if not the main/recommended scenario) but for some reason when I do it for my Endpoint-Security daemon/app hybrid - clients can't reach it. I even opened an official DTS (dev tech support) incident at Apple for this, but I'm contemplating other ways...

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Now that I was able to get the Command Line App working ....

I've the same question as johnsonisjiang. We need to have the SIP enabled.

@prokash, Can you please share the Makefile, build scripts or a project file that you have used to generate the command-line application? Thank you for your help.

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Now that I was able to get the Command Line App working ....
I've the same question as johnsonisjiang. We need to have the SIP enabled.

@prokash, Can you please share the Makefile, build scripts or a project file that you have used to generate the command-line application? Thank you for your help.

A step closer ...

The below command is working to build the binary.

cc -o endpoint-security-demo endpoint-security-demo.m -framework Foundation -lbsm -lEndpointSecurity

Now question is down to, how to apply the entitlements. Below is the error I am getting when I attempt to run the generated binary.

2021-03-13 09:07:38.866 endpoint-security-demo[44301:692826] ERROR: "Application requires '' entitlement"

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i have copied the entire code in xcode as command line tool .i got an error that use of undeclared identifier 'CS_CDHASH_LEN' what does it mean ?

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@deepikarao281199 What you are seeing is typically the result of missing or incorrect header files. Have you tried compiling using command line from the earlier comment? Of course, code signing step has to be added once binary is successfully generated.

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@rcnagireddy I have included each and every line from the above code(copied the code and pasted in my Xcode command line ).I am not clear about compiling the header files that you have mentioned. Actually I am new to apple programming .I just want to know about a simple listing of process events with their id using endpoint security extension in Xcode. I am using big sur and latest version of xcode.

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CS_CDHASH_LEN now needs to be defined. Add this line to the top of your code:
#define CS_CDHASH_LEN 20

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@Omar-Ikram thank you so much it helped .Now i am getting an error stating "failed to open service" and Application requires entitlement .Is it mandatory to include entitlements because i am not using it as a commercial purposes .Its for my self learning

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@deepikarao281199 Yes you need the entitlement. But you should be able to test on a SIP disabled machine (e.g. recommend doing that on a VM).

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On MacOS 11.4, for some reason whenever the code calls formatted_date_str it hangs and eventually the application is killed by the system but I am not sure why.

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yukittc commented Nov 4, 2021

Now that I was able to get the Command Line App working ....

I've the same question as johnsonisjiang. We need to have the SIP enabled.

hi prokash how did you solve the issue, could you share it,thanks

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thank you

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Ajit72 commented May 6, 2022

I have disabled SIP and have the entitlement added in xcode for the program(trying to run as a command line app). I am still getting the error message that i need entitlement.

Any help would be appreciated

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ytfrdfiw commented May 6, 2022

did you have this "Additional Capabilities" tab option

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Ajit72 commented May 6, 2022

Thank you very much for your response. Can you please let me know where to look for the Additional Capabilities tab option - in xcode?

thanks in advance

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Hi @Ajit72,

@ytfrdfiw is referring to Endpoint Security entitlement ( that Apple needs to grant you (via: Once you have that, you can create a provisioning profile that uses the entitlement. However, it cannot be done via Xcode. You need to do that online instead, via your Apple Developer Account, and have Xcode import the provisioning profile to your project.

That aside. You should still be able to compile the program without being granted the entitlement and run it on a SIP disabled VM.

My guess, to the cause of your issue, is that you don't have an entitlements file in your project containing the contents of EndpointSecurityDemo.entitlements; or that your project is not correctly configured to embed the entitlements when building the project.

You can verify that your program contains the entitlement by running:
codesign -d --entitlements :- <path to your EndpointSecurityDemo program>

Hope that is of some help,

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Ajit72 commented May 9, 2022

Thank you very much Omar-Ikram.

I am trying to compile the program and run it on a SIP disabled physical machine(not a VM - does this make a difference?) without being granted the entitlement.

I have added the entitlement file given by you in this page. I guess the project may not be correctly configured. I will check your suggestion and get back.

thank you very much.

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Ajit72 commented May 9, 2022

@Omar-Ikram - getting a code object not signed at all . Is there something missing the project settings?

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Ajit72 commented May 9, 2022

@Omar-Ikram - Looks like we dont have the endpoint security entitlement. I think we are missing something in the project setup.





    [Bool] true

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@Ajit72 I've uploaded a complete Xcode project for this gist. If you're still having trouble getting the gist to work, I would suggest that you checkout the project:

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@Omar-Ikram : I have implemented ES client, it tracks everything from "/" directory. How can I make it observe only one particular user directory?

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@anoopvaidya Apple have introduced a new feature with Endpoint Security in macOS Ventura called Mute Inversion, which should do what you have asked for.

Apple explain Mute Inversion in their WWDC2022 video:

Also the Endpoint Security API header files have a detailed description about the feature for the es_invert_muting function.

 * @brief Invert the mute state of a given mute dimension
 * @param client The es_client_t for which muting will be inverted
 * @param mute_type The type of muting to invert (process, path, or target path).
 * @return es_return_t A value indicating whether or not muting was inverted
 * @discussion Inverting muting can be used to create a client that monitors a specific process(es) or set of directories
 * When muting is inverted it still combines with other types of muting using OR, and inversion happens first.
 * Consider a series of inputs for a system where pid 12 is muted, process muting is inverted, and /bin/bash is also path muted:
 *   (12, /bin/foo)  MATCHING (true, false)  INVERSION (false, false) || false → event is not suppressed
 *   (13, /bin/foo)  MATCHING (false, false) INVERSION (true, false)  || true  → event is suppressed
 *   (12, /bin/bash) MATCHING (true, true)   INVERSION (false, true)  || true  → event is suppressed
 *   Note that because muting is combined using OR even when pid 12 is being selected using inverted process muting,
 *   (12, /bin/bash) is still suppressed because the path is muted
 * The relationship between all three types of muting (proc,path,target-path) and how each can be inverted is complex.
 * The below flow chart explains in detail exactly how muting is applied in the kernel:
 *  ┌──────────────────┐
 *  │      Event       │
 *  └──────────────────┘
 *            │
 *            ▼
 *  ┌──────────────────┐                                           ┌──────────────────┐
 *  │  Is Subscribed?  │────No────────────────────────────────────▶│  Suppress Event  │
 *  └──────────────────┘                                           └──────────────────┘
 *            │                                                              ▲
 *         Yes│                                                              │
 *            ▼                ┌────────────────┐                            │
 *  ┌──────────────────┐       │ Is Proc Muting │                            │
 *  │  Is Proc Muted?  ├─Yes──▶│   Inverted?    ├──No───────────────────────▶│
 *  └─────────┬────────┘       └────────────────┘                            │
 *            │                         │                                    │
 *          No│                        Yes                                   │
 *            ▼                         │                                    │
 *  ┌──────────────────┐                │                                    │
 *  │  Is Proc Muting  │                │                                    │
 *  │    Inverted?     │──Yes───────────)───────────────────────────────────▶│
 *  └─────────┬────────┘                │                                    │
 *            │                         │                                    │
 *          No│◀────────────────────────┘                                    │
 *            ▼                 ┌───────────────┐                            │
 *  ┌──────────────────┐        │Is Path Muting │                            │
 *  │  Is Path Muted?  │──Yes──▶│   Inverted?   ├──No───────────────────────▶│
 *  └─────────┬────────┘        └───────┬───────┘                            │
 *            │                         │                                    │
 *          No│                        Yes                                   │
 *            ▼                         │                                    │
 *  ┌──────────────────┐                │                                    │
 *  │  Is Path Muting  │                │                                    │
 *  │    Inverted?     │──Yes───────────)───────────────────────────────────▶│
 *  └─────────┬────────┘                │                                    │
 *            │                         │                                    │
 *          No│◀────────────────────────┘                                    │
 *            ▼                                                              │
 *  ┌──────────────────┐                                                     │
 *  │  Event Supports  │      ┌───────────────┐      ┌─────────────────┐     │
 *  │   Target Path    │─Yes─▶│Is Target Path ├─Yes─▶│ Are ANY target  ├─No─▶│
 *  │     Muting?      │      │Muting Inverted│      │  paths muted?   │     │
 *  └──────────────────┘      └──────┬────────┘      └───────┬─────────┘     │
 *            │                      │                       │               │
 *          No│                    No│                      Yes              │
 *            │                      ▼                       │               │
 *            │              ┌────────────────┐              │               │
 *            │              │ Are ALL target │              │               │
 *            │              │  paths muted?  ├─Yes──────────)───────────────┘
 *            │              └───────┬────────┘              │
 *            │                      │                       │
 *            │                    No│                       │
 *            │◀─────────────────────┘                       │
 *            │                                              │
 *            │◀─────────────────────────────────────────────┘
 *            │
 *            ▼
 *  ┌──────────────────┐
 *  │  Deliver Event   │
 *  └──────────────────┘
 * @note Mute inversion does NOT clear the default mute set.
 * When a new `es_client_t` is created certain paths are muted by default.
 * This is known as "the default mute set".
 * The default mute set exists to protect ES clients from deadlocks, and to prevent watchdog timeout panics.
 * Creating a new client and calling `es_invert_muting(c, ES_MUTE_INVERSION_TYPE_PATH)` will result in the default mute set being selected rather than muted.
 * In most cases this is unintended.
   * Consider calling `es_unmute_all_paths` before inverting process path muting.
	 * Consider calling `es_unmute_all_target_paths` before inverting target path muting.
 * Make sure the client has no auth subscriptions before doing so.
 * If desired the default mute set can be saved using `es_muted_paths_events` and then restored after inverting again.

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@Omar-Ikram Yes, I have already implemented it with muting
Later I realized that only Events from any executable(.app or similar) was being notified. So, my initial query itself is wrong.

What I need is to observe a folder for any CRUD operations and act upon that. Is this possible using SEXT or I need to use FSEvents?

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