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Last active December 22, 2015 23:39
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Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript
/*** OOP in JS ***/
// No Classes in JavaScript, but constructor functions.
var a = 5;
// is equivalent to calling
var a = Number(5); // JavaScript abstracts it.
// Number is a Constructor Function
// A Class. First letter caps only for symantics
function Vehicle(type, make) () {
this.type = type;
this.make = make;
var car = new Vehicle('four-wheeler', 'Honda');
// The prototype of Vehicle function is copied to car, in car's context
// Hence prototypal inheritance
var car2 = new Vehicle('two-wheeler', 'TVS');
Vehicle.prototpe.candrive = true;
// "prototype" property is available only to functions
// Modifying them would propogate to all instantiated objects, past, present and in future!
car.candrive; // true; prototypal chain is queried from bottom to top
car2.candrive; // true; "true" comes from the prototype
/*** Level 2 Inheritance:
Child Class inheriting from Parent Class ***/
function Vehicle(){
// allocated properties
} // Static
Vehicle.prototype.methods ...
function SpaceJet(){
Vehicle.apply(this, args); // args = arguments whatsoever
SpaceJet.prototype = new Vehicle();
// prototype is always an object
// here it is going to be copied to all SpaceJets
// Above code inherits properties and methods from Vehicle's prototype.
SpaceJet.prototype.constructor = SpaceJet; // Hardcoding required in JavaScript
// Because only we know its SpaceJet prototype, but for JavaScript,
// ... its just an Object that came from calling Vehicle constructor.
// Overriding
SpaceJet.prototype.candrive = false
// Adding new methods = function() {
// ...
// Objects
var myJet = new SpaceJet("params");
// Custom property only to this object = 'Chrome Jet';;
// Private variables are achieved through IIFE, which are self executing:
var jet = ( function() {
// Private
var wings = 5,
canfly = true;
return {
// Public
getWings: function() {
return wings;
// ...
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