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Display variant inventory quantiy on product page Shopify
/* check inventory of another product in product page */
{% assign qtylist = '' %}
{% assign variant_sku = '' %}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% assign temp = variant.sku %}
{% assign variant_sku = variant.sku | split:'-set-' %}
{% assign topid =variant_sku[0] | plus: 0 %}
{% assign bottomid =variant_sku[1] | plus: 0 %}
{% assign vid = %}
{% assign bottomQty = 0 %}
{% assign topQty = 0 %}
{% assign qtysum = 0 %}
{% assign vstr = '' %}
{% comment %}
{{ variant_sku[0] }}- {{ variant.sku }}<br>
{% endcomment %}
{% for product in collections.tops.products %}
{% for var in product.variants %}
{% assign topsvarID | plus: 0 %}
{% if topsvarID == topid %}
{% assign topQty = var.inventory_quantity | plus: 0 %}
{% break %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for product in collections.bottoms.products %}
{% for var in product.variants %}
{% assign bottomsvarID | plus: 0 %}
{% if bottomsvarID == bottomid %}
{% assign bottomQty = var.inventory_quantity | plus: 0 %}
{% break %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign qtysum = topQty | plus: bottomQty %}
{% if topQty > bottomQty %}
{% assign vstr = vid | append:'-' | append:bottomQty | append:'||' %}
{% else %}
{% assign vstr = vid | append:'-' | append:topQty | append:'||' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign qtylist = qtylist | append:vstr %}
{% assign variant_sku = '' %}
{% comment %}{% endcomment %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign qtylist = qtylist | split:'||'%}
var inv_qty = {};
{% for item in qtylist %}
{% assign spvarid = item | split:'-' %}
inv_qty[{{ spvarid[0] }}] = {{ spvarid[1] }};
{% endfor %}
# add this script in product liquid (Just before addtocart form)
<!-- Code added for Inventory in Pipeline -->
var inv_qty = {};
{% for var in product.variants %}
inv_qty[{{- -}}] = {{ var.inventory_quantity | default: 0 }};
{% endfor %}
{% if current_variant.inventory_management == "shopify" %}
<p class="variant-inventory text-center uppercase" style="margin-top:1em">
{{ current_variant.inventory_quantity }} left in stock
{% endif %}
<!-- end inventory -->
# Add bellow lines to theme.js (just after if variant() line )
/* -- code added for Inventory & SKU -- */
var selectors = {
SKU: '.variant-sku',
variantInventory: '.variant-inventory'
$(selectors.SKU, this.$container).html(variant.sku);
var inventory_level = (inv_qty[ ]);
if (inventory_level == 0){
$(selectors.variantInventory, this.$container).html('Out of stock').show();
else if (inventory_level > 10) {
$(selectors.variantInventory, this.$container).html("In stock").show();
else {
$(selectors.variantInventory, this.$container).html(inventory_level + ' left in stock').show();
/* - end - */
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