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Created September 4, 2017 19:01
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A function macro that yields the EXACT same function reference if the arguments and body LOOK the same.
;; Wasn't sure on a name, but this'll do.
(def fn-cache (atom {}))
(defmacro lzfn [& forms]
`(let [fn-hash# (hash '~forms)
fn# (get @fn-cache fn-hash#)]
(if fn#
(let [new-fn# (fn ~@forms)]
(swap! fn-cache assoc fn-hash# new-fn#)
(def a (lzfn [y] (+ y x)))
(def b (lzfn [y] (+ y x)))
(def c (lzfn [y] (* y x)))
(= a b) ;; true
(= b c) ;; false
;; The reason I didn't take this further was this: I intended for this to be used with Reagent et al in event handler bindings.
;; Creating anon functions every render is not a good idea, I hoped this would help.
;; The problem is that the cached fn will carry it's scope with it, which will be super confusing.
;; Still a fun experiment into macros. Maybe it'll help someone some day! :D
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