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Last active April 21, 2016 08:47
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minoTour systemd startup script and configuration of CentOS 7 system
# log in as root, create log file destination
$ touch /var/log/mT_control.log
$ useradd minion
$ passwd minion
# check out minoTour repo into some dir e.g. /opt
$ cd /opt
$ git clone
# change permissions to system user minion so we can run it as systemd user process
$ chown minion:minion /opt/minoTour/nefario -R
# put the following content into /etc/systemd/system/minoTour-control.service
Description=minoTour control script mT_control
ExecStart=/opt/minoTour/nefario/ > /var/log/mT_control.log 2>&1'
# reload systemd services (do only once)
$ systemctl daemon-reload
# to start, stop restart the service
$ systemctl start minotour-control.service
$ systemctl stop minotour-control.service
$ systemctl restart minotour-control.service
# enable on system boot (do only once)
$ systemctl enable minotour-control.service
# to view log files and get information
$ systemctl status minotour-control.service
$ tail -f /var/log/mT_control.log
journalctl --unit=minotour-control
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