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Created September 28, 2021 14:52
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Given a string str consisting of letters only and an integer n, the task is to replace every character of the given string by a character which is n times more than it. If the letter exceeds ‘z’, then start checking from ‘a’ in a cyclic manner. Examples: Input: str = “abc”, n = 2 Output: cde a is moved by 2 times which results in character c b i…
// PHP program to move every character
// n times ahead in a given string
// Function to move string character
function encode($s, $n)
// changed string
$newS = "";
// iterate for every characters
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); ++$i)
// ASCII value
$val = ord($s[$i]);
// store the duplicate
$dup = $n;
// if k-th ahead character exceed 'z'
if($val + $n > 122)
$n -= (122 - $val);
$k = $n % 26;
$newS = $newS.chr(96 + $n);
$newS = $newS.chr($val + $n);
$n = $dup;
// print the new string
echo $newS;
$str = "abc";
$n = 28;
// function call
encode($str, $k);
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