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Forked from Sedose/AAA. MacroDef.scala
Created September 10, 2024 12:32
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ChatGPT generated. Working. Scala macro for entities custom comparison logic + Analogs without Macro

Scala Macro for Custom Entity Comparison

This gist contains a Scala 3 macro that compares two entities field by field, automatically skipping any fields where exactly one of the values is null. The comparison logic is generated at compile time using Scala's quoted API, which ensures no runtime reflection overhead.


  • Compare two entities of any type.
  • Skip fields with null values based on predefined business rules.
  • Avoid runtime reflection by generating code at compile time.


The example compares two Address objects:

@main def main(): Unit = {
  val testCases = List(
    (("USA", null, "New York"), ("USA", "NY", null)),                  // true
    ((null, null, null), (null, null, null)),                          // true
    (("USA", null, null), ("USA", null, null)),                        // true
    (("Germany", "Berlin", "Berlin"), ("Germany", "Berlin", null)),    // true
    (("France", "Paris", "Lyon"), ("France", "Paris", "Lyon")),        // true
    (("Canada", null, "Toronto"), ("Canada", "Ontario", "Toronto")),   // true
    ((null, "California", null), (null, "California", "Los Angeles")), // true
    (("Italy", "Rome", null), ("Italy", null, "Rome")),                // true
    (("Japan", "Tokyo", "Shibuya"), ("Japan", "Kyoto", "Osaka")),      // false
    (("Poland", null, "New York"), ("USA", "NY", null)),               // false

  testCases.foreach { case (a, b) =>
    val addrA = Address(a._1, a._2, a._3)
    val addrB = Address(b._1, b._2, b._3)
    println(compareEntity(addrA, addrB))

case class Address(country: String, state: String, city: String)
import scala.quoted.*
inline def compareEntity[T](a: T, b: T): Boolean =
${compareEntitiesImpl('a, 'b)}
def compareEntitiesImpl[T: Type](a: Expr[T], b: Expr[T])(using Quotes): Expr[Boolean] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val tpe = TypeRepr.of[T]
val fields = tpe.typeSymbol.caseFields
val comparisons = { field =>
val fieldName =
val aField = Select(a.asTerm, field)
val bField = Select(b.asTerm, field)
val aVal = ${aField.asExpr}
val bVal = ${bField.asExpr}
aVal == bVal || aVal == null || bVal == null
comparisons.reduceLeft((acc, next) => '{ $acc && $next })
@main def main(): Unit = {
val testCases = List(
(("USA", null, "New York"), ("USA", "NY", null)), // true
((null, null, null), (null, null, null)), // true
(("USA", null, null), ("USA", null, null)), // true
(("Germany", "Berlin", "Berlin"), ("Germany", "Berlin", null)), // true
(("France", "Paris", "Lyon"), ("France", "Paris", "Lyon")), // true
(("Canada", null, "Toronto"), ("Canada", "Ontario", "Toronto")), // true
((null, "California", null), (null, "California", "Los Angeles")), // true
(("Italy", "Rome", null), ("Italy", null, "Rome")), // true
(("Japan", "Tokyo", "Shibuya"), ("Japan", "Kyoto", "Osaka")), // false
(("Poland", null, "New York"), ("USA", "NY", null)), // false
testCases.foreach { case (a, b) =>
val addrA = Address(a._1, a._2, a._3)
val addrB = Address(b._1, b._2, b._3)
println(compareProduct(addrA, addrB))
def compareProduct[A](a: A, b: A)(using m: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): Boolean = {
a.asInstanceOf[Product][Product].productIterator).forall {
case (aVal, bVal) => aVal == bVal || aVal == null || bVal == null
case class Address(country: String, state: String, city: String)
@main def main(): Unit = {
val testCases = List(
(("USA", null, "New York"), ("USA", "NY", null)), // true
((null, null, null), (null, null, null)), // true
(("USA", null, null), ("USA", null, null)), // true
(("Germany", "Berlin", "Berlin"), ("Germany", "Berlin", null)), // true
(("France", "Paris", "Lyon"), ("France", "Paris", "Lyon")), // true
(("Canada", null, "Toronto"), ("Canada", "Ontario", "Toronto")), // true
((null, "California", null), (null, "California", "Los Angeles")), // true
(("Italy", "Rome", null), ("Italy", null, "Rome")), // true
(("Japan", "Tokyo", "Shibuya"), ("Japan", "Kyoto", "Osaka")), // false
(("Poland", null, "New York"), ("USA", "NY", null)), // false
testCases.foreach { case (a, b) =>
val addrA = Address(a._1, a._2, a._3)
val addrB = Address(b._1, b._2, b._3)
println(compareProduct(addrA, addrB))
def compareProduct(a: Product, b: Product): Boolean = { {
case (aVal, bVal) => aVal == bVal || aVal == null || bVal == null
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