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Created October 9, 2014 12:10
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Parse user friendly time duration string in Swift
import UIKit
extension NSDateComponents {
subscript(unit: String) -> Int {
get {
switch unit{
case "month":
return self.month
case "day":
case "hour":
return self.hour
case "minute":
return self.minute
case "second":
return self.second
return 0
set(newValue) {
switch unit{
case "month":
self.month = newValue
case "day": = newValue
case "hour":
self.hour = newValue
case "minute":
self.minute = newValue
case "second":
self.second = newValue
func dateComponentFromNaturalLanguageString(var input: String) -> NSDateComponents {
// Define the time units we can understand
var timeUnits = [
// Unit kind => [Unit aliases...]
"month": ["months", "month", "mon"],
"week": ["weeks", "week", "w"],
"day": ["days", "day", "d"],
"hour": ["hours", "hour", "hrs", "hr", "h"],
"second": ["seconds", "seconds", "secs", "sec", "s"]
// Construct a reverse lookup table to go from unit alias => unit kind
var unitKindTable = Dictionary<String, String>()
for (kind, aliasArray) in timeUnits {
for alias in aliasArray {
unitKindTable[alias] = kind
// Break input into individual tokens
// This works well for English and other western languages only
var tokens = input.componentsSeparatedByString(" ");
var duration = NSDateComponents()
// Process each of the tokens found
for (index, element) in enumerate(tokens) {
// Try to find a unit alias in the list of tokens
var unitKind = unitKindTable[element]
if(unitKind == nil || index == 0){
// Try to parse the token before the unit as a number
var value = tokens[index-1].toInt()
if(value == nil) {
// At this point, we've determine the unit type and the quantity
// NSDateComponent doesn't deal with weeks the way we want.
// Remap a week as 7 days
if(unitKind == "week") {
unitKind = "day"
value! *= 7
// Set the component value through the extension
duration[unitKind!] = value!
return duration
var duration = dateComponentFromNaturalLanguageString("1 week 1 hours")
var targetDate = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().dateByAddingComponents(duration, toDate: NSDate(), options: NSCalendarOptions(0))
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