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Last active March 9, 2021 16:52
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Javascript: Threadsafe WASM-safe fetch() and Response alternative
class Response_sync extends Response {
constructor(...args) {
this.#zzz = args[0];
text() { // WASM-safe Response.textd()
return this.#zzz;
json() { // WASM-safe Response.json()
return JSON.parse(this.#zzz);
Response = Response_sync;
function fetch(resource_, init_={method: 'GET', headers: new Headers()}) {
// Firstly: make sure GIGO doesn't happen (Garbage in, garbage out.)
let resource;
let init;
if (typeof(resource_)==Request) {
resource = resource_.url;
init = {
method: resource_.method ?? 'GET',
headers: resource_.headers ?? new Headers(),
body: resource_.body ?? undefined,
mode: resource_.mode,
credentials: resource_.credentials,
redirect: resource_.redirect,
referrer: resource_.referrer,
referrerPolicy: resource_.referrerPolicy,
integrity: resource_.integrity,
keepalive: resource_.keepalive,
signal: resource_.signal
} else {
resource = resource_;
init = init_;
init.method ??= 'GET';
init.headers ??= new Headers();
init.body ??= undefined;
resource ??= '/';
var back = null;
let xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Prepare the XML request., resource, false); // Use the method, url, and make it synchronous (for WASM use.)
for (let pair of init.headers.entries()) { xml.setRequestHeader(...pair); } // Set the headers.
//xml.responseType = ''; // Give us back TEXT.
xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xml.readyState!=4) return; // If we haven't downloaded everything yet, just don't do anything.
headers = new Headers(); // hell begins
for (let part of xml.getAllResponseHeaders().split('\r\n')) { // for each header
part ??= ''; // if null or undefined
if (part=='') continue; // or empty, return
part = part.split(': '); // otherwise, parse from "key: value" into ["key", "value"]
headers.append(...part); // and add it.
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = resource;
// Ok, we're done!
back = new Response(
xml.response, // Well, the... response.
'status': xml.status, // Get the status from the XML request. (Ex. 200)
'statusText': xml.statusText, // Get the status text from the XML request. (Ex. "OK")
'headers': headers // Good thing we set that up!
Object.defineProperties(back, {'type': {'value': 'basic'}, 'url': {'value': a.protocol+'//'}});
return back;
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Oderjunkie commented Mar 9, 2021

its WASM not NASM me dumb
i added sync response so its not horrible

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