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Created May 3, 2020 16:41
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use xpinyin database in luatex
\def\xpinyin@@pinyin@struct{\vrule width 0pt depth 0.5ex}
xpinyin = {}
-- create map_token table
xpinyin.map_token = {}
for ascii = 97, 122 do
xpinyin.map_token[string.char(ascii)] = { token.create(ascii, 11) }
xpinyin.map_token[1] = { token.create('=') }
xpinyin.map_token[2] = { token.create('\'') }
xpinyin.map_token[3] = { token.create('v') }
xpinyin.map_token[4] = { token.create('`') }
xpinyin.map_token[5] = { token.create('i') }
xpinyin.map_token[6] = { token.create('"') }
local bgroup = token.create(string.byte('{'), 1)
local egroup = token.create(string.byte('}'), 2)
xpinyin.bgroup = bgroup
xpinyin.egroup = egroup
xpinyin.ruby_token = token.create('ltjruby')
xpinyin.struct_token = token.create('xpinyin@@pinyin@struct')
local token = xpinyin.map_token
token['ā'] = { unpack(token[1]), unpack(token['a'])}
token['á'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token['a'])}
token['ǎ'] = { unpack(token[3]), unpack(token['a'])}
token['à'] = { unpack(token[4]), unpack(token['a'])}
token['ō'] = { unpack(token[1]), unpack(token['o'])}
token['ó'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token['o'])}
token['ǒ'] = { unpack(token[3]), unpack(token['o'])}
token['ò'] = { unpack(token[4]), unpack(token['o'])}
token['ē'] = { unpack(token[1]), unpack(token['e'])}
token['é'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token['e'])}
token['ě'] = { unpack(token[3]), unpack(token['e'])}
token['è'] = { unpack(token[4]), unpack(token['e'])}
token['ū'] = { unpack(token[1]), unpack(token['u'])}
token['ú'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token['u'])}
token['ǔ'] = { unpack(token[3]), unpack(token['u'])}
token['ù'] = { unpack(token[4]), unpack(token['u'])}
token['ḿ'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token['m'])}
token['ń'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token['n'])}
token['ň'] = { unpack(token[3]), unpack(token['n'])}
token['ǹ'] = { unpack(token[4]), unpack(token['n'])}
token['ī'] = { unpack(token[1]), unpack(token[ 5 ])}
token['í'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token[ 5 ])}
token['ǐ'] = { unpack(token[3]), unpack(token[ 5 ])}
token['ì'] = { unpack(token[4]), unpack(token[ 5 ])}
token['ü'] = { bgroup, unpack(token[6]), unpack(token['u']), egroup}
token['ǖ'] = { unpack(token[1]), unpack(token['ü'])}
token['ǘ'] = { unpack(token[2]), unpack(token['ü'])}
token['ǚ'] = { unpack(token[3]), unpack(token['ü'])}
token['ǜ'] = { unpack(token[4]), unpack(token['ü'])}
function xpinyin.toruby (toks)
local depth = 0
local data =
local map_token = xpinyin.map_token
local new_toks = {}
for _, tok in ipairs(toks) do
if tok.cmdname == 'left_brace' then
depth = depth + 1
if tok.cmdname == 'right_brace' then
depth = depth - 1
if tok.cmdname == 'letter' and depth == 0 and[tok.mode] then
table.insert(new_toks, xpinyin.ruby_token)
table.insert(new_toks, xpinyin.bgroup)
table.insert(new_toks, tok)
table.insert(new_toks, xpinyin.egroup)
table.insert(new_toks, xpinyin.bgroup)
table.insert(new_toks, xpinyin.struct_token)
for char in string.utfcharacters([tok.mode]) do
local py_toks = map_token[char]
for i = 1,#py_toks do
table.insert(new_toks, py_toks[i])
table.insert(new_toks, xpinyin.egroup)
table.insert(new_toks, tok)
token.put_next (new_toks)
end = {}
function xpinyin.insert (index, str)[index] = stripped_str
\def\withpinyin#1#2{\ltjruby{#1}{\xpinyin@@pinyin@struct #2}}
\def\setpinyin#1#2{\directlua{[table.unpack(string.utfvalues([[#1]]))] = [[#2]]}}
\def\XPYU#1#2#3{\directlua{[#2] = [[#3]]}}
\def\XPYUM#1#2#3{\directlua{[#2] = [[\getfirst #3\nil]]}}
% Differences with xpinyin.sty
% \pinyin easy input is not provided, copies the
% macros from xpinyin.sty may work, though
% In any grouping xpinyin is disabled
% In case of multiple reading characters, only the first reading is taken
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