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Created August 26, 2022 14:17
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Adding a matrix style authorization to FastEndpoints
public enum AccessLevel : uint
None = 0,
Allowed = 1 << 0,
List = 1 << 1,
Update = 1 << 2,
Create = 1 << 3,
Delete = 1 << 4,
Grant = 1 << 5,
CRUD = ~(-1 << 5),
All = ~(-1 << 6)
public static class AccessLevelParser
public static AccessLevel Parse(string accessTo)
return Enum.Parse<AccessLevel>(accessTo);
// A Factory-Style class to manage AccessTo and AccessLevel to make the string generation consistent.
public record AccessRight : IAccessWriteTo
private readonly HashSet<AccessLevel> ignoreFlags = new() { AccessLevel.None, AccessLevel.CRUD, AccessLevel.All }; // The access levels are not required in the JWT
public AccessRight(AccessTo accessTo, AccessLevel accessLevel = AccessLevel.Allowed, bool deny = false)
AccessTo = accessTo;
AccessLevel = accessLevel;
Deny = deny;
public AccessTo AccessTo { get; init; }
public AccessLevel AccessLevel { get; init; }
public bool Deny { get; init; }
public override int GetHashCode() => ToString()?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
public override string ToString() => $"{AccessTo} {(int)AccessLevel}";
public IEnumerable<string> ToPermissions()
return Enum.GetValues<AccessLevel>()
.Where(a => !ignoreFlags.Contains(a) && AccessLevel.HasFlag(a))
.Select(a => $"{AccessTo} {(int)a}");
public bool Has(AccessTo accessTo, AccessLevel accessLevel) => accessTo == AccessTo && (AccessLevel & accessLevel) == accessLevel;
public static AccessRight Parse(string accessRightString, bool deny = false)
var accessSplit = accessRightString.Split(" ");
if(accessSplit.Length != 2)
throw new ArgumentException($"{accessRightString} is not a valid permission claim");
var accessTo = AccessToParser.Parse(accessSplit[0]);
var accessLevel = (AccessLevel)int.Parse(accessSplit[1]);
return new AccessRight(accessTo, accessLevel, deny);
public static AccessRight Allowed(AccessTo accessTo) => new(accessTo, AccessLevel.Allowed);
public static IAccessWriteTo With(AccessTo accessTo) => new AccessRight(accessTo);
public AccessRight With(AccessLevel accessLevel) => this with { AccessLevel = accessLevel };
public interface IAccessWriteTo
AccessRight With(AccessLevel accessLevel);
// Define what you want access to here and the maximum possible access level required.
public enum AccessTo
[EnumData(maxAccessLevel: AccessLevel.Grant)]
[EnumData(maxAccessLevel: AccessLevel.Grant)]
[EnumData(maxAccessLevel: AccessLevel.Grant)]
[EnumData(maxAccessLevel: AccessLevel.Grant)]
[EnumData(maxAccessLevel: AccessLevel.Allowed)]
[EnumData(maxAccessLevel: AccessLevel.Allowed)]
public static class AccessToParser
public static AccessTo Parse(string accessTo)
return Enum.Parse<AccessTo>(accessTo);
public static AccessTo Parse(Guid accessToId)
return Enum.GetValues<AccessTo>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetEnumGuid() == accessToId);
// This file isn't necessary it just provides some handy Methods in a Endpoint Subclass
public abstract partial class APIEndpoint<TRequest, TResponse, TMapper> : APIEndpoint<TRequest, TResponse>, IHasMapper<TMapper>, IEndpoint where TRequest : notnull, new() where TResponse : notnull where TMapper : notnull, IMapper, new()
/// <summary>
/// the entity mapper for the endpoint
/// <para>HINT: entity mappers are singletons for performance reasons. do not maintain state in the mappers.</para>
/// </summary>
public static TMapper Map { get; } = new();
public abstract partial class APIEndpoint<TRequest, TResponse> : Endpoint<TRequest, TResponse>, IEndpoint where TRequest : notnull, new() where TResponse : notnull
protected void Has(params AccessRight[] permissions) => Policies(permissions.Select(p => p.ToString()).ToArray());
protected void Is(params InRole[] roles) => Roles(roles.Select(r => r.ToString()).ToArray());
public abstract class APIEndpoint<TRequest> : APIEndpoint<TRequest, object>, IEndpoint where TRequest : notnull, new() { };
public abstract class APIEndpointWithoutRequest : APIEndpointWithoutRequest<object> { }
public abstract class APIEndpointWithoutRequest<TResponse> : EndpointWithoutRequest<TResponse> where TResponse : notnull
protected void Has(params AccessRight[] permissions) => Policies(permissions.Select(p => p.ToString()).ToArray());
protected void Is(params InRole[] roles) => Roles(roles.Select(r => r.ToString()).ToArray());
public abstract class APIEndpointWithoutRequest<TResponse, TMapper> : APIEndpointWithoutRequest<TResponse>, IHasMapper<TMapper> where TResponse : notnull where TMapper : notnull, IResponseMapper, new()
/// <summary>
/// the entity mapper for the endpoint
/// <para>HINT: entity mappers are singletons for performance reasons. do not maintain state in the mappers.</para>
/// </summary>
public static TMapper Map { get; } = new();
// A class to contain and serve policies.
static internal class AuthorizationPolicies
// An example duel permission policy
readonly static internal Action<AuthorizationPolicyBuilder> ListLogins = policy => policy.RequireAssertion(context =>
context.User.IsCustomer() && context.User.Has(AccessTo.CustomerLogins, AccessLevel.List) ||
context.User.IsStaff() && context.User.Has(AccessTo.StaffLogins, AccessLevel.List));
/// <summary>
/// All policies need to be defined here to be usable.
/// </summary>
static internal Dictionary<string, Action<AuthorizationPolicyBuilder>> AllPolicies {
get {
var policies = GenerateAuthorizationPolicies();
policies.Add(nameof(ListLogins), ListLogins);
return policies;
/// <summary>
/// Cycles through all AccessTos and AccessLevels and creates policies.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A Dictionary of Policies, Name and Action to perform</returns>
var result = new Dictionary<string, Action<AuthorizationPolicyBuilder>>();
foreach (var accessTo in Enum.GetValues<AccessTo>())
var maxAccessLevel = accessTo.GetMaxAccessLevel();
foreach (var accessLevel in Enum.GetValues<AccessLevel>().Where(a => a != AccessLevel.None && a <= maxAccessLevel))
var accessRight = new AccessRight(accessTo, accessLevel);
policy => policy.RequireAssertion(context =>
context.User.Has(accessTo, accessLevel)));
return result;
public static class ClaimsPrincipalExtensions
private const string permissionsClaimType = "permissions";
/// <summary>
/// Tests the ClaimsPricipal for access to a permission as a certain access level
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user">The ClaimsPricipal</param>
/// <param name="accessTo">The Permission to test access for</param>
/// <param name="accessLevel">The level of access to be tested</param>
/// <param name="errorResponse">If Access is denied this is a ConditionalResponse returnable ErrorResponse</param>
/// <returns>True if the ClaimsPrincipal has the access level to the permission</returns>
public static bool Has(this ClaimsPrincipal user, AccessTo accessTo, AccessLevel accessLevel, [NotNullWhen(false)] out ErrorResponse? errorResponse)
var accessRight = new AccessRight(accessTo, accessLevel);
var allowed = user.FindAll(permissionsClaimType).Any(c => AccessRight.Parse(c.Value).Has(accessTo, accessLevel));
errorResponse = allowed ? null : new ErrorResponse($"{accessLevel} access to {accessTo} is denied", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
return allowed;
/// <summary>
/// Tests the ClaimsPricipal for access to a permission as a certain access level
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user">The ClaimsPricipal</param>
/// <param name="accessTo">The Permission to test access for</param>
/// <param name="accessLevel">Optional. The level of access to be tested (Default: Allowed)</param>
/// <returns>True if the ClaimsPrincipal has the access level to the permission</returns>
public static bool Has(this ClaimsPrincipal user, AccessTo accessTo, AccessLevel accessLevel = AccessLevel.Allowed) => Has(user, accessTo, accessLevel, out _);
/// <summary>
/// Tests the ClaimsPricipal for access to a permission at allowed level (minimum)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user">The ClaimsPricipal</param>
/// <param name="accessTo">The Permission to test access for</param>
/// <param name="errorResponse"></param>
/// <returns>True if the ClaimsPrincipal has allowed level access to the permission</returns>
public static bool Has(this ClaimsPrincipal user, AccessTo accessTo, [NotNullWhen(false)] out ErrorResponse? errorResponse) => Has(user, accessTo, AccessLevel.Allowed, out errorResponse);
public static bool Is(this ClaimsPrincipal user, InRole role) => user.IsInRole(role.ToString());
public static bool IsCustomer(this ClaimsPrincipal user) => user.IsInRole(InRole.Customer.ToString());
public static bool IsStaff(this ClaimsPrincipal user) => user.IsInRole(InRole.MemberOfStaff.ToString());
// Socmething to hold data about the Enum Value
internal class EnumData : Attribute
public AccessLevel MaxAccessLevel;
public EnumData(AccessLevel maxAccessLevel = AccessLevel.Allowed)
MaxAccessLevel = maxAccessLevel;
//Adds some extensions to the AccessTo Enum for get the MaxAccessLevel
public static class EnumExtensions
public static AccessLevel GetMaxAccessLevel(this AccessTo e)
var memInfo = e.GetType().GetMember(e.ToString());
if (memInfo != null && memInfo.Length > 0)
var attrs = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumData), false);
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
return ((EnumData)attrs[0]).MaxAccessLevel;
throw new ArgumentException("Enum " + e.ToString() + " has no EnumData defined!");
public enum InRole
// add this in the right place, this registers the policies
builder.Services.AddAuthorization(options =>
foreach(var policy in AuthorizationPolicies.AllPolicies)
options.AddPolicy(policy.Key, policy.Value);
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