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Shouran MA OChicken

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jiacai2050 / podcast-fetcher.go
Created November 27, 2023 13:55
Download podcasts
package main
import (
fergiemcdowall /
Last active July 19, 2024 08:48
How to use pandoc to generate HTML from GitHub-flavoured markdown

Here is a little recipe for generating html from github-flavoured markdown. CSS extracted and modified from on 22-05-2019. At some point this CSS will probably have to be updated, but for now it works.

  1. Install pandoc 2.x or higher

  2. Save github-markdown.css (below) to ´~/.pandoc/github-markdown.css´

  3. To convert a file called (change as appropriate) run ´pandoc --standalone -c ~/.pandoc/github-markdown.css -f gfm -t html´

bignall /
Last active July 12, 2023 12:22 — forked from bguiz/
Ensures that you don't lose your konsole sessions when you crash/ reboot Linux


  • Save the two files below. I put them in '~/.scripts'
  • Modify the configuration in to your liking
  • Modify the location of in if you chose to put it somewhere besides ~/.scripts
  • Create the directory ~/.konsole (or other location you chose for the save file)
  • Create a symlink to in '~/.config/autostart-scripts
  • or open System Settings > Startup and Shutdown and add a script to the Script Files (it does the same thing as creating the symlink)
  • You might want to add a menu entry as well in case KDE autostart doesn't work for some reason
PurpleBooth /
Last active September 22, 2024 04:13
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


hectorcorrea / webserver.js
Last active June 29, 2024 12:51
web server in node.js
// A very basic web server in node.js
// Stolen from: Node.js for Front-End Developers by Garann Means (p. 9-10)
var port = 8000;
var serverUrl = "";
var http = require("http");
var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");
var checkMimeType = true;
jxson /
Created February 10, 2012 00:18 template


At the top of the file there should be a short introduction and/ or overview that explains what the project is. This description should match descriptions added for package managers (Gemspec, package.json, etc.)

Code Example

Show what the library does as concisely as possible, developers should be able to figure out how your project solves their problem by looking at the code example. Make sure the API you are showing off is obvious, and that your code is short and concise.
