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Working from home

Ahmad O1ahmad

Working from home
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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" nginx: [warn] the \"ssl\" directive is deprecated, use the \"listen ... ssl\" directive instead in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.nginx.conf:10"
" nginx: [warn] conflicting server name \"_\" on, ignored"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
O1ahmad / gist:aabf3099a735df4d9daa2ce3e152dafd
Last active July 1, 2022 21:15
eth2deposit validator deposit data example
"pubkey": "a029ec07a6f0a8d2df3a7c0aeec91a9d105d168ce834f0910393e5c887d6895815c4cd56b78945f2b969eaa10fa68ff3",
"withdrawal_credentials": "005c31dee45ff6e76e920dd91bd90bafc70d81625f66fa9f5f67e7be8846585a",
"amount": 32000000000,
"signature": "85d51002a6c2cc6614a737a1f114e43f54c91de428b3e95500f0e3eaa230993f938c05d42636c7a96e8db0b8094123e30d9b35f4feef980217ba78c7221eb32c3357300b1df31daf2ce3c4b41fd2506c888d19d0c76d27ce624606c28b9ccd3d",
"deposit_message_root": "87ecec2bccf7cc515b49c83b6e91f2f15f594b79f7866106a51cb6da7ac33ef7",
"deposit_data_root": "c27999068541ae3b58927c3dc604ae4003a4c6071d33ec09d884f8ada55d1757",
"fork_version": "00000000",
"eth2_network_name": "mainnet",
O1ahmad / .vimrc
Created April 15, 2022 15:44
custom vim config
" This file is managed by Ansible. Any changes will be overwritten.
" see: vim online help documentation -- for more details
" Disable compatibility with vi {{{
set nocompatible
" }}}
" Load sane defaults {{{
O1ahmad / .tmux.conf
Created April 15, 2022 15:43
custom tmux config
# This file is managed by Ansible. Any changes will be overwritten.
# see: tmux man specification -- for more details
# Add ctrl-A as secondary prefix key
set -g prefix2 C-a
bind C-a send-prefix -2
# Bind current vertical/horizontal split-window keys to values not requiring ^(shift)
O1ahmad /
Created April 11, 2022 18:10
gaia metrics

HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles.

TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary

go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 0.000190125 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 0.000373792 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 0.001051542 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.001343709 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.006210916 go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0.032568293 go_gc_duration_seconds_count 28

HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist.

# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see
### Base Configuration ###
# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see
# NOTE: Any path below can be absolute (e.g. "/var/myawesomeapp/data") or
# relative to the home directory (e.g. "data"). The home directory is
# "$HOME/.tendermint" by default, but could be changed via $TMHOME env variable
# or --home cmd flag.
### Main Base Config Options ###
O1ahmad / .bashrc
Created October 18, 2021 20:53
basic bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
"key": "f145e924b7484d03c0530b4e",
"addrs": []