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Last active July 25, 2024 16:38
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WoW Macros

SoD WoW Macros

Equip item if rune not equipped and cast Living Bomb

#showtooltip Living Bomb
/run if not C_Engraving.IsRuneEquipped(48197) then C_Container.PickupContainerItem(0,2); PickupInventoryItem(5) end
/startattack [harm, nodead]
/cast [@mouseover, exists, harm, nodead][harm, nodead] Living Bomb

Vanilla WoW Macros

Initial Setup

/console WeatherDensity 0
/console ffxGlow 0

Toggle Master/Group Loot Macro

/run method, _, _ = GetLootMethod();player = GetUnitName("player");if method == "group" then SetLootMethod("master", player); else SetLootMethod("group", player) end

Toggle Autoloot

/run if GetCVar("autoLootDefault") == "1" then SetCVar("autoLootDefault", "0"); print("Autoloot Off"); else SetCVar("autoLootDefault", "1"); print("Autoloot On"); end

Toggle LUA Errors

/run if GetCVar("scriptErrors") == "1" then SetCVar("scriptErrors", "0"); print("scriptErrors Off"); else SetCVar("scriptErrors", "1"); print("scriptErrors On"); end

Harm Macro

#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/startattack [harm, nodead]
/target [@mouseover, harm, nodead]
/use [@player] Powerful Anti-Venom
/cast [@mouseover, exists, harm, nodead][] Heroic Strike

Help Macro

#showtooltip Rejuvenation
/cast [@mouseover, exists, help, nodead][help, nodead][] Rejuvenation

Tag Macro

#showtooltip Moonfire
/startattack [harm, nodead]
/cleartarget [dead]
/target [@mouseover, harm, nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm]
/assist [help]
/use [@player] Powerful Anti-Venom
/cast [@mouseover, exists, harm, nodead][harm, nodead] Moonfire

Rogue - Apply Poison Macro

/use [mod:alt] Aquadynamic Fish Attractor; [mod:ctrl] Crippling Poison II; [mod:shift] Deadly Poison V; Instant Poison VI
/use [button:1] 16; [button:2] 17

Rogue - Stealth Macro

#showtooltip Stealth
/cast !Stealth
/cast [mod:alt] Stealth

Rogue - Vanish Macro

#showtooltip Vanish
/cancelaura Silverwing Flag
/cast [combat] Vanish;Stealth

Rogue - Pick Pocket Attack Macro

#showtooltip Ambush
/cast [@mouseover, exists, harm, nodead][] Pick Pocket
/cast [@mouseover, exists, harm, nodead][] Ambush

Rogue - 0 Damage Cheap Shot Macro

/equip Huhuran's Stinger
/equip Striker's Mark
/cast Cheap Shot

Rogue - PvP Sap Spam Macro

#showtooltip Sap
/cast [harm, nodead] Pick Pocket
/cast [harm, nodead] Sap

Shoot Macro

/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead, equipped:Crossbow][equipped:Crossbow] Shoot Crossbow
/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead, equipped:Gun][equipped:Gun] Shoot Gun
/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead, equipped:Bow][equipped:Bow] Shoot Bow

Target Mark

/run SetRaidTarget("target", 7)
/run SetRaidTarget("mouseover",7)

LFM Macro with dynamic raid members count

/run count = GetNumGroupMembers();SendChatMessage("LFM AQ20 " .. count .. "/20 | 2SR" , "CHANNEL", nil, 3)
/run count = GetNumGroupMembers();SendChatMessage("LFM AQ20 " .. count .. "/20 | 2SR" , "CHANNEL", nil, 3);SendChatMessage("LFM AQ20 " .. count .. "/20 | 2SR" , "CHANNEL", nil, 4)

Insert Link into Macro

/run MacroFrameText:Insert("")

Unequip Gear Macro

/run local t={1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,16,17,18}; for k,v in pairs(t) do PickupInventoryItem(v); PutItemInBackpack(); end


/click HelpFrameCharacterStuckStuck

Did someone say?

-- /run Item = select(2, GetItemInfo(19018)); SendChatMessage("Did someone say " .. Item .. "?", "CHANNEL", nil, 4)
/run Item = select(2, GetItemInfo(19018)); SendChatMessage("Did someone say " .. Item .. "?", "SAY", nil)
by nurgiel
乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚
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