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Created October 24, 2017 13:42
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let read_line () =
Some (read_line ())
with End_of_file -> None
let read_lines () =
let rec loop acc =
match read_line () with
| None -> List.rev acc
| Some line -> loop (line::acc)
in loop []
let cut_r s =
let stop =
try String.index s '\r' with Not_found ->
try String.index s '\n' with Not_found ->
String.length s
(String.sub s 0 stop) ^ "\n"
let get_pair line =
match String.split_on_char ' ' line with
| [prefix; suffix] -> (prefix, cut_r suffix)
| _ -> failwith "Invalid input"
let unzip pairs =
let p, s = List.fold_left (fun (ltl, rtl) (left, right) -> (left::ltl, right::rtl)) ([], []) pairs in
(List.rev p, List.rev s)
let () =
let lines = read_lines () in
let lines = get_pair lines in
let prefixes, suffixes = unzip lines in
let buf_size = 160000 in
let buf = Buffer.create buf_size in
let show prefix suffix =
if Buffer.length buf > buf_size - 10 then
(Buffer.output_buffer stdout buf; Buffer.clear buf);
Buffer.add_string buf prefix;
Buffer.add_string buf suffix
List.iter (fun p -> List.iter (show p) suffixes) prefixes;
Buffer.output_buffer stdout buf
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