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Fox herder

Nico MASSART NicolasMassart

Fox herder
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NicolasMassart /
Last active November 8, 2021 16:14
Liens Blockchain FR pour débutants

Liste de liens blockchain en français (principalement)

Cette liste a pour vocation de fournir une vue diversifiée pour des personnes qui veulent decouvrir les technologies de registres décentralisées (blockchain mais pas que).

Cette liste est axée sur la comprehension des problèmes que ces technologies veulent corriger et sur les applications concrètes dans notre monde actuel.

La plupart des articles sont en français mais comme c'est quand même un domaine sans frontieres, il y a forcement certains sujets qui meritent d'être abordés et qui n'ont pas de contenus autres qu'en anglais. C'est comme ça. Ces liens en anglais sont suivi de (EN).

ConsensysOps / ConsenSys CLA 28092020.txt
Last active October 12, 2021 10:10
ConsenSys CLA 28092020
ConsenSys Software Inc. Individual Contributor License Agreement ("Agreement")
Thank you for your interest in ConsenSys ("ConsenSys"). In order to clarify the intellectual
property license granted with Contributions from any person or entity, ConsenSys must have a
Contributor License Agreement ("CLA") on file that has been signed by each Contributor,
indicating agreement to the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a
Contributor as well as the protection of ConsenSys and its users; it does not change your
NicolasMassart / CFP.json
Last active August 10, 2020 22:13
Configurations Spot The Glider (OGN Live) LFAS (voir liens dans le commentaire en bas de page)
{"tasks": [
{"name": "Gliders","wlist": ["DDE64C", "DDA2E6", "DDFA24", "DDB0F5", "DD8F34", "DDF98C", "DD8DED", "DDFA2D", "DDFA73", "DD9BF3"]}
rupertbg /
Created February 7, 2018 07:17
AWS CLI delete policies including all versions (requires jq)
set -euxo pipefail;
policies=$(cat ./policies.txt); # A new-line separated list of policy ARNs
for policy in $policies; do
policiesVersions="$(aws iam list-policy-versions --policy-arn "$policy" | jq -r ".Versions[] | select(.IsDefaultVersion == false) | .VersionId")";
for pv in $policiesVersions; do
aws iam delete-policy-version --policy-arn "$policy" --version-id $pv;
domenic /
Created February 10, 2017 19:28
Redirecting GitHub pages after a repository move

Redirecting GitHub Pages after a repository move

The problem

You have a repository, call it alice/repo. You would like to transfer it to the user bob, so it will become bob/repo.

However, you make heavy use of the GitHub Pages feature, so that people are often accessing GitHub will helpfully redirect all of your repository stuff hosted on after the move, but will not redirect the GitHub Pages hosted on

The solution

rgl /
Last active July 30, 2024 19:03
Wait for an HTTP endpoint to return 200 OK with Bash and curl
bash -c 'while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:9000)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 5; done'
# also check