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Last active December 3, 2019 16:40
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  • Save NicolasBizzozzero/cf2cc14cadf9546f72f780d88eba3ecd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BibTex template listing all main entries along with their required and optional fields.
% Bibliography in the BibTex file format.
% Documentation available here:
% -
% - $ man bibtex
% - BibLaTeX:
% Comments:
% - 'author' fields with multiple authors need to be separated with the 'and' word. The comma character ',' separate the
% first name and the last name. Example: author = {Firstname1, Lastname1 and Firstname2, Lastname2}.
% - In the 'pages' fields, the start page and the last page are usually separated with two dashes.
% Example: pages = {4--18}
% - The right way to use and entry who is part of another entry ('inproceedings' for a 'proceedings', 'inbook' for a
% 'book', etc) entry, is to first define the main entry, then to cross-reference it elsewhere with the 'crossref'
% field.
% - Other field types can be found here:
% - The last field of en antry can be completed with a comma or not.
% - BibLaTeX offers multiple other entries, such as 'dataset', patent', 'online' 'software', and much more.
%% Articles %%
% Articles from a journal or magazine.
% Required fields: author, title, journal, year, volume
% Optional fields: number, pages, month, doi, note, key
author = {Firstname1, Lastname1 and Firstname2, Lastname2},
title = {title},
journal = {journal},
year = {year},
volume = {volume},
number = {},
pages = {},
month = {},
doi = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Books %%
% Books with an explicit publisher.
% Required fields: author/editor, title, publisher, year
% Optional fields: volume/number, series, address, edition, month, note, key, url
author = {Firstname1, Lastname1 and Firstname2, Lastname2},
title = {title},
publisher = {publisher},
year = {year},
volume = {},
series = {},
address = {},
edition = {},
month = {},
note = {},
key = {},
url = {},
%% Booklets %%
% A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution.
% Required fields: title
% Optional fields: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note, key
title = {title},
author = {},
howpublished = {},
address = {},
month = {},
year = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Conferences %%
% The same as inproceedings, included for Scribe compatibility.
% Required fields: title, year
% Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, address, month, publisher, organization, note, key
title = {title},
year = {year},
editor = {},
volume = {},
serie = {},
month = {},
publisher = {},
organization = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Inbooks %%
% A part of a book, usually untitled. May be a chapter (or section, etc.) and/or a range of pages.
% Required fields: author/editor, title, chapter/pages, publisher, year
% Optional fields: volume/number, series, type, address, edition, month, note, key
author = {author},
title = {title},
chapter = {chapter},
publisher = {publisher},
year = {year},
volume = {},
series = {},
address = {},
edition = {},
month = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Incollections %%
% A part of a book having its own title.
% Required fields: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year
% Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note, key
author = {author},
title = {title},
booktitle = {booktitle},
publisher = {publisher},
year = {year},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
type = {},
chapter = {},
pages = {},
address = {},
edition = {},
month = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Inproceedings %%
% An article in a conference proceedings.
% Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
% Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note, key
author = {author},
title = {title},
booktitle = {booktitle},
year = {year},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
pages = {},
address = {},
month = {},
organization = {},
publisher = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Manual %%
% Technical documentation.
% Required fields: title
% Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note, key
title = {title},
author = {},
organization = {},
address = {},
edition = {},
month = {},
year = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Master's Thesis %%
% A Master's thesis.
% Required fields: author, title, school, year
% Optional fields: type, address, month, note, key
author = {author},
title = {title},
school = {school},
year = {year},
type = {},
address = {},
month = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Miscellaneous %%
% For use when nothing else fits.
% Required fields: none
% Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note, key
author = {},
title = {},
howpublished = {},
month = {},
year = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% PhD's Thesis %%
% A Ph.D. thesis.
% Required fields: author, title, school, year
% Optional fields: type, address, month, note, key
author = {author},
title = {title},
school = {school},
year = {year},
type = {},
address = {},
month = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Proceedings %%
% The proceedings of a conference.
% Required fields: title, year
% Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, address, month, publisher, organization, note, key
title = {title},
year = {year},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
address = {},
month = {},
publisher = {},
organization = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Tech Reprorts %%
% A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series.
% Required fields: author, title, institution, year
% Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note, key
author = {author},
title = {title},
institution = {institution},
year = {year},
type = {},
number = {},
address = {},
month = {},
note = {},
key = {},
%% Unpublisheds %%
% A document having an author and title, but not formally published.
% Required fields: author, title, note
% Optional fields: month, year, key
author = {author},
title = {title},
note = {note},
month = {},
year = {},
key = {},
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