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Created April 24, 2012 19:25
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F# Implementation of Viterbi
(* Nick Heiner - Info 2950 PS9 *)
(* Viterbi algorithm, as described here:
priorProbs: prior probability of a hidden state occuring
transitions: probability of one hidden state transitioning into another
emissionProbs: probability of a hidden state emitting an observed state
observation: a sequence of observed states
hiddens: a list of all possible hidden states
Returns: probability of most likely path * hidden state list representing the path
let viterbi (priorProbs : 'hidden -> float) (transitions : ('hidden * 'hidden) -> float) (emissionProbs : (('observed * 'hidden) -> float))
(observation : 'observed []) (hiddens : 'hidden list) : float * 'hidden list =
(* Referred to as v_state(time) in the notes *)
(* Probability of the most probable path ending in state at time *)
let rec mostLikelyPathProb (state : 'hidden) (time : int) : float * 'hidden list =
let emission = emissionProbs (observation.[time], state)
match time with
(* If we're at time 0, then just use the emission probability and the prior probability for this state *)
| 0 -> emission * priorProbs state, [state]
(* If we're not at time 0, then recursively look for the most likely path ending at this time *)
| t when t > 0 ->
let prob, path = Seq.maxBy fst (seq { for hiddenState in hiddens ->
(* Recursively look for most likely path at t - 1 *)
let prob, path = mostLikelyPathProb hiddenState (time - 1)
(* Rate each path by how likely it is to transition into the current state *)
transitions (List.head path, state) * prob, path})
emission * prob, state::path
(* If time is < 0, then throw an error *)
| _ -> failwith "time must be >= 0"
(* Look for the most likely path that ends at t_max *)
let prob, revPath = Seq.maxBy fst (seq { for hiddenState in hiddens -> mostLikelyPathProb hiddenState ((Array.length observation) - 1)})
prob, List.rev revPath
(* observable states *)
type signal = Yes | No
(* hidden states *)
type reality = Rain | Dry
let states = [Rain; Dry]
let rec emissionProbs = function
| (Yes, Rain) -> 0.6
| (Yes, Dry) -> 1. - emissionProbs (Yes, Rain)
| (No, Rain) -> 1. - emissionProbs (No, Dry)
| (No, Dry) -> 0.8
(* Probability of a transition between (prev, next) *)
let rec transitions = function
| (Rain, Rain) -> 0.65
| (Rain, Dry) -> 1. - transitions (Rain, Rain)
| (Dry, Rain) -> 0.25
| (Dry, Dry) -> 1. - transitions (Dry, Rain)
let priorProbs (_ : reality) = 0.5
let observed = [| Yes; Yes; No; Yes; No; No; Yes |]
viterbi priorProbs transitions emissionProbs observed states
(* Outputs (0.0011664, [Dry; Dry; Dry; Dry; Dry; Dry; Dry]), which I must admit I'm a bit skeptical about. *)
(* Testing from course notes: *)
type observed = R | B
type hidden = One | Two | Three
let hiddens = [One; Two; Three]
let priors _ = ((float)1/(float)3)
let emissions = function
| (R, One) -> 0.5
| (B, One) -> 0.5
| (R, Two) -> ((float)1/(float)3)
| (B, Two) -> ((float)2/(float)3)
| (R, Three) -> ((float)3/(float)4)
| (B, Three) -> ((float)1/(float)4)
let transitionProbs = function
(* from, to *)
| (One, One) -> 0.3
| (One, Two) -> 0.6
| (One, Three) -> 0.1
| (Two, One) -> 0.5
| (Two, Two) -> 0.2
| (Two, Three) -> 0.3
| (Three, One) -> 0.4
| (Three, Two) -> 0.1
| (Three, Three) -> 0.5
let observations = [| R; B; R |]
viterbi priors transitionProbs emissions observations hiddens
(* Outputs (0.01666666667, [One; Two; One]), which is correct *)
(* testing with example from wikipedia: *)
type wikiHiddens = Healthy | Fever
let wikiHiddenList = [Healthy; Fever]
type wikiObservations = Normal | Cold | Dizzy
let wikiPriors = function
| Healthy -> 0.6
| Fever -> 0.4
let wikiTransitions = function
| (Healthy, Healthy) -> 0.7
| (Healthy, Fever) -> 0.4
| (Fever, Healthy) -> 0.4
| (Fever, Fever) -> 0.6
let wikiEmissions = function
| (Cold, Healthy) -> 0.4
| (Normal, Healthy) -> 0.5
| (Dizzy, Healthy) -> 0.1
| (Cold, Fever) -> 0.3
| (Normal, Fever) -> 0.1
| (Dizzy, Fever) -> 0.6
viterbi wikiPriors wikiTransitions wikiEmissions [| Dizzy; Normal; Cold |] wikiHiddenList
(* Outputs: (0.01344, [Fever; Healthy; Healthy]), which is correct *)
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